How to understand how a man feels about you. A man's sincere feelings: how to understand

Men try not to show their feelings. Well, women only have to guess whether she loves him or not. So, he looked at you in a special way, smiled differently, or did something... But how can you understand whether it’s just a game or the appearance of feelings?

How to understand that a man is in love? How to determine that this is not flirting, not infatuation, but real. So, let's look at these difficult issues.

And attention

A man in love will look for meetings with you, constantly call your phone and write messages on social media. networks or ICQ. Experiencing a feeling of falling in love, he needs constant communication and spiritual rapprochement with the object of sympathy. A man in love will be interested in everything: your well-being, mood or how you spent the evening. He is interested in everything that happens in your life, plans and goals.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

How to understand the seriousness of a man's intentions by his eyes? As you know, they reflect our feelings, everything is read in them. Just look into his eyes and you will see the answer to your question. Eyes cannot lie and hide. A man in love constantly looks for the object of his adoration, secretly catches every smile and watches gestures. Of course, there are men, just like women, who can control their emotions, and even with the strongest feelings, the look of such people remains cold and meaningless. But this is quite a rare occurrence.

Your request will help him understand

If you don’t know how to tell if a guy likes you, then ask him to perform (within reason) some action - help, serve, bring, etc. A man in love will be happy to help and fulfill any request or whim.

Striving to be a friend

Without showing his feelings, a man in love strives for your friendship. He seeks your company, he listens to your opinions. A man can leave everything and come to the rescue in difficult times or solve a difficult issue. However, he will not forgive anything in return. For a person in love, communication and spiritual intimacy are important.

Stories about life

You are still asking the question: “How can you tell that a man is in love?” Just remember what you talked about. A man in love can talk with enthusiasm about his childhood, family, incidents from his life, or past memories. Maybe you start talking about children and family? By the way, this is one of the taboo topics of inveterate machos.

Random encounters

Surely you have already met him by chance several times in a store or public transport. But, believe me, this does not happen by chance! A man in love tries to keep abreast of all events concerning the life of his beloved woman. Can you imagine what it costs to stand under the windows of your house for several hours to pretend to have such a “random” meeting?

Change yourself

How to understand that a man is in love? Simple enough! A man in love will notice even a slight change in your image and will definitely give you a pleasant compliment.

His life

A man in love will gladly let his beloved woman into his life. He is not afraid to introduce you to friends and colleagues. A man will not be afraid that you will inadvertently limit his personal space. He can even change the furnishings or interior of the apartment to suit your taste.

Or maybe it's just a hobby?

Let's look at a few examples that characterize his emotions simply as a game of feelings for which there is no continuation.

  1. A man regularly criticizes your appearance and gives advice about your appearance.
  2. Remembers only the first digits of your phone number.
  3. After the date, he sends him home in a taxi and wishes him good night.
  4. He constantly talks about the disadvantages of the family life of married friends and complains about their unhappy fate.
  5. He is in no hurry to introduce you to his friends, although he spends the entire weekend only with them.

How to understand that a man is in love? Just watch him and the conclusion will be obvious. Listen to your heart, rely on your intuition and feel the true attitude towards you. Trust yourself and be happy!

Understanding a girl's feelings is a difficult matter, and it is made even more difficult by the fact that her feelings can change and may be inconsistent. There are many indicators of feelings that show up in her eyes, facial expressions, tone of voice and physical behavior, but to understand what they mean, you need to understand the context. For example, the initial expressions a girl displays when she meets a guy are unlikely to be real indicators of what kind of romantic feelings she has for him. Instead, pay attention to nonverbal cues over time to determine her romantic interest. The best way to find out how she feels about you is to observe the patterns that develop over time and ask her directly how she feels about you.


Part 1

Eyes and gaze

    Pay attention to her gaze. There are a few things that can tell you how she feels about you romantically. If her eyes seem to constantly be drawn to your face, and especially your eyes, even during a conversation or when you are not talking, then this may indicate she is romantically interested. As a rule, if a girl is interested in a guy sexually, her gaze will shift to those parts of his body that she finds attractive. If a girl is interested in a guy romantically, her gaze will be more focused on his face and eyes.

    • But be careful, the way she shifts her gaze may be a sign that she is an extrovert. Extroverts tend to be more stimulated by social interactions and make eye contact more often than introverts.
  1. Pay attention to the size of her pupils. Constricted pupils are another sign of interest or desire. If you notice that the black pupils of her eyes become smaller when she looks at you, this could indicate that she is interested in you romantically or sexually. A man's eyes widen when he looks at what he wants.

    • This is especially easy to notice if a person has blue eyes, due to the contrast between the black pupil and the light iris.
    • Be careful, a person's pupils may also constrict in response to increased light brightness, so pay attention to the light changes if you notice her pupils constricting.
  2. Count how many times per minute she blinks. If she blinks more than 6-10 times per minute while talking to you, this may indicate that she has feelings for you. People who look at something they like tend to blink more often than usual. Wear a watch with a second hand that you can glance at while you count. Do this while talking to her.

  3. Don't rush into assumptions. If you like her, your liking may harm your ability to read her signals correctly. Waiting for signals of interest from her will make your perception less reliable, so take your time and don't jump to conclusions. To assess her feelings for you, analyze an entire evening or even several dates. When you observe her, try to be objective and look at the situation as an outsider would look at it.

    • Look at how she acts around other people to see if your assumptions are too presumptuous. For example, if she frequently makes eye contact with other people or frequently groups her gestures, she simply may be an extrovert, and you need to take this fact into account when interpreting her body language.
  4. Pay attention to signs that indicate she is not interested in you. Just as there is body language that indicates interest, there is also body language that indicates disinterest and anxiety. For example, if she often raises her eyebrows, she may feel uncomfortable. And this may mean that she does not want sympathy from you. Additionally, crossed legs and arms may mean she is trying to remain closed to you. This could mean that she is anxious or resistant to your feelings.

    • You can ask if she is worried about something. If she says there is something going on in her life that is making her anxious, her body language may not be a reaction to you.
    • Also, her feelings for you could be a reason for her anxiety if she likes you but doesn't know how you feel about her. This anxiety may show in her body language. If you notice mixed signals - first interest and then disinterest - you might want to talk to her about her feelings.

    Part 3

    Communication with a girl
    1. Invite her to do something that will focus your attention on her. You can go to dinner or just to a cafe for a cup of coffee and talk. You should have enough time so that you can calmly sit opposite each other and talk about everything in the world. The best way to understand a person's feelings is to talk to them so that you can look at them and actively listen.

      • Men usually feel more closeness in these activities when the person is close to them, side by side. For example, when watching football or drinking. But when you sit side by side with a person, it is more difficult for you to read their feelings because in this position you are not looking at their face and cannot actively listen.
    2. Actively listen to what she tells you. Sit face to face, and when she speaks, lean forward a little, closer to her, and maintain eye contact. This will allow you to understand her feelings as you will have access to all the signals she is sending through her voice inflections, facial expressions and body language. The more information you get, the easier it will be for you to understand how she feels. Use your body language and these conversational techniques to improve your listening skills. :

      • Use your body position to show her that you are listening. This will encourage her to talk more, and the more she talks, the better you will be able to understand her. Nod your head to show agreement or encourage her to continue talking.
      • Give her the right distance. This will also encourage her to communicate with you because if you give her the right distance, she will be more comfortable talking to you. If you stand too close, you may seem too interested, and if you stand too far away, you may seem aloof. Give her the space she needs in the conversation, but position yourself so that you can see and hear her well.
      • Restate the main idea of ​​what she is saying. This way you will know that you understand her feelings correctly. And she will be able to correct you if you have the wrong idea about what is happening to her. If she's talking about a bad day, for example, you could say, “So what you're saying is that you couldn't understand why your sister was misbehaving until she saw what was happening to her at school.”
      • Empathize with her feelings. If you begin to develop this muscle in your communication with her, you will become an expert at recognizing her feelings. Empathy means that you understand the feelings she is experiencing, even if you don't share those feelings. For example, you could combine restating her main idea with empathy by saying, “You were probably just itching to get out of the house after sitting at your desk all day.”
    3. Ask her how she feels about you or the current situation. This will show her that you care about her feelings. Often the best way to find out how a person is feeling is to ask them directly. This will take the guesswork out of your communication and prevent you from overthinking the situation. Most of all, you should listen to what a person is saying, even if you think it contradicts what their body language is saying.

      • Find a place where you will not be distracted by other people or activities. This doesn't have to be a long conversation. Find a table in the corner or a couple of chairs where you can sit for a couple of minutes and talk about how she feels.
      • Ask if she would mind talking to you for a minute. You don't want the situation to put too much pressure on her, so tell her it won't be long. It doesn't take you long to ask about her feelings. Say, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
      • Think about what exactly you want to know before you start talking to her. Form a question in your mind before you ask it. If your question seems unclear or ambiguous, she may not understand how to answer it and therefore may give an answer that is not helpful to you. First, think about how you feel, for example: “I am beginning to develop romantic feelings for you.” And then think about what you want to know: “I want to know how you feel about me romantically.” Be sure to be specific. For example, the question “Do you have any romantic feelings for me?” would be better than asking “Do you like me?” because the word “like” can mean different things to different people and is too vague. She may be afraid of hurting your feelings and may not want to directly tell you how she feels unless you ask her directly.
      • Ask directly about her feelings and tell her about yours. For example, you could say, “I really enjoy spending time with you and am starting to develop romantic feelings for you. Do you feel something romantically for me?”
      • Respect her feelings and don't be sad about them. Admit that you were brave enough to ask, and if you respect her feelings, you can only be proud of your actions. Remember that your dignity, self-respect and personality do not depend on her feelings for you, even if you care about her very much.

How to understand a man's feelings.

How to understand a man's feelings - millions of women think about this dilemma every day. Not every man confesses his love, and besides, the concept of “love” for many can be quite different.

This may include sympathy and physical desire directed towards a particular woman. Often a man says that he loves him, but only in order to lure a woman for a one-time meeting.

Often in this case, a man loses interest in a woman after conquering her. On the contrary, she gets used to his attention during courtship. And then suddenly she’s left alone. For many, this becomes stressful, because most often a woman gives in to a man, believing his promises. And he generously pours out vows just to achieve his goal.

It also happens the other way around. Rarely in our time does strong mutual love happen. This is too high energy, and the world is too material. Its vibrations do not correspond to the energies of a strong feeling, so most often such love is unrequited. And yet, how to understand a man’s feelings?

This is best done at the level of intuition, but this is also more difficult, since not everyone has it well developed. And yet, if you are a woman and want to understand how a man feels about you if you yourself have fallen in love?

It is not always convenient to ask about this directly and it is not always possible to get an honest answer. Sometimes a feeling is an illusion. Think about how you yourself feel about him and whether you need it. Sometimes a woman is not ready for reciprocity, not ready for a reciprocal, but stronger feeling on the part of a man, and then nothing good will happen.

The feeling of love is an instinctive mechanism for choosing a mate, but it contains strong energy that should motivate the individual to create long-term relationships (family) and have children. Nowadays, more and more marriages are arranged and this can really be called a marriage, but not a family.

People have forgotten how to love. And based on this, in order to not only understand, but also accept a man’s feelings, a woman must be ready for this.

A woman consumer will never be able to truly love and will not be able to reciprocate either. For such a woman, the main thing is the man’s well-being and appearance, and her feelings will be based on this, sometimes, by the way, very similar to love. But if a man becomes a beggar and external attractiveness disappears, then love, or rather what seemed like love, disappeared, because it was just passion.

The same is true in the opposite direction, most men love, that is, they experience desire, attraction and passion for an object of the opposite sex based on the external attractiveness of a woman, sometimes including some other points.

But if a real feeling arises, then it ceases to depend on external factors. Therefore, we can conditionally divide people’s feelings into falling in love, which is closer to infatuation and passion, and love, which does not depend on the external plan and is difficult to analyze by consciousness. So how can you understand a man’s feelings, how much he is in love or in love?

In the first case, everything is simpler, usually such a man behaves accordingly - he tries to court, invites you on a date, and may confess his sympathy. It is more difficult if he is shy, then it is difficult to understand here, the more he is in love, the more he will be squeezed out of fear of being misunderstood or rejected.

Well, if a man falls in love, then, as a rule, it is difficult to understand at first. In this case, a man, as a rule, does not experience a strong sexual attraction to the woman he loves; other, more sublime feelings are activated, and his energy is spent on the possibility of creating a family, on unity in the future. Oxytocin displaces testosterone for a while. And then, as a rule, the man himself admits his feelings, and it’s good if he doesn’t get rejected, because the physiology of love for a woman is a little different.

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Watch the man's nonverbal reactions - his gestures, postures and facial expressions. For example, if you are in a group of people and a man regularly turns to you, even if he is addressing someone, this may indicate that he is especially attracted to you.

Also watch the man's behavior when he passes by you. If every time he passes by, he glances at you for a second and straightens up, this also indicates that he is showing increased attention to you.

He may straighten his clothes in your presence, raise his hands to his face, show excitement and embarrassment, smile or look away while looking at you.

In addition, it is important for you to learn to listen to your own feelings m - take a closer look at yourself, understand exactly how you react to the people you like, and how you behave in order to become attractive to them. Look for the same reactions in the young man you like. Even minor signs of attention can clearly indicate his interest in you.

If you are, he will look for any opportunity to get close to you and will randomly run into you from time to time. He can also start a conversation with you on an interesting and unusual topic, avoiding rude intonations in his voice and will try to pronounce “we” instead of “I” or “you”.

If you have been communicating for a long time, but you are still not sure about him feelings x, pay attention to how he prioritizes. If a man sacrifices friendly parties for the sake of meeting you and gladly comes to help you with household chores, and also shows a sincere interest in the things that are important to you and in which you live, this indicates a genuine interest in your person.

Of course, a woman loves with her ears, but words are sometimes the most uninformative means of assessing his feelings. Interrogations “Do you love me?” are not always appropriate and, moreover, very annoying to men. There are more reliable and subtle ways to understand his attitude towards you.


Much of what a person does not dare to say is revealed by his body. The ability to read non-verbal signals will help his real feelings to you. The main thing in observation is to know what to look for.

The first thing you should note is the one on which it rests on you. An area with a radius of a meter and a half around a person is his personal space. It is open to family and friends. The intimate area is located sixty centimeters from the body. Only the closest ones are allowed there - long-time friends, relatives and loved ones. If you stand closer than half a meter from each other, you can say with confidence that he cares about you.

Now evaluate his posture and body position relative to you. Crossed limbs or a head slightly turned away from you will indicate his reluctance to communicate. But don't rush to conclusions based on one time. Poor health or problems at work are also not conducive to communication. If the man leaned his body forward, as if looking into your face, he unambiguously expressed his - he is clearly intrigued!

When a woman begins a relationship, she hopes to acquire a permanent life partner. A man, as a rule, divides women into prospective wives and mistresses. How to find out how a man really treats a woman? After all, he can use the same methods of courtship and it is difficult to determine the attitude of a man towards a woman, but we will still try.

How to find out how a man treats a woman

1 way

Sometimes a woman’s actions cannot be predicted, but men turn out to be very predictable. But men, no less often than women, use various tricks to hide their real feelings.

However, many representatives of the fair sex want to know exactly how a man treats them after just a few dates. How to understand whether the relationship between you is serious or not? You will have to watch your man very carefully.

Method 2

When a man is in love, his emotions manifest themselves violently. You can find out how a man treats a woman by his reaction. When he talks about his girlfriend or mentions her during a conversation, he immediately changes - his eyes light up, the man becomes more nervous and emotional.

When a woman evokes only friendly feelings in a man, the man is calm and even a little indifferent. When talking about his mistress, the man looks pleased, looking forward to a new meeting, but these emotions only speak of sexual arousal.

3 way

How is sexual attraction expressed? If a man treats a woman as a friend and nothing more, then they have no sexual attraction. When a man perceives his partner only as a mistress, he will speak directly and openly about this, since his goal is only an intimate relationship. Couples who love, who are interested in a long-term relationship with serious intentions, who dream of marriage and having children, will talk about sex with interest, but with hints and leading questions.

4 way

The man stops communicating with other women. If a man has an increased interest in his chosen one, he will reduce the number of contacts with other girls to a minimum. Even female friends begin to notice the lack of communication with him, as he spends all his free time on his beloved.

5 way

You can determine a man’s attitude towards a woman by seeing how a man treats his promises. If a man does not call back, may be late for a meeting or cancel it altogether, this happens only in one case - he has no interest in a long-term relationship or is completely indifferent.

A suitor who experiences strong passion will show persistence and initiative, and who has very serious intentions will be gentle, self-confident and adamant. When planning a date, an ardent admirer will adapt to his girlfriend and her schedule, thereby showing flexibility and taking into account her wishes.

6 way

Meeting friends and relatives. At the beginning of a relationship, a man hides his girlfriend from close people in every possible way, since he himself is not yet sure of his feelings. A man will not introduce his mistress to his parents, but he can invite her to a group of friends to show off.

You can find out how a man treats a woman by the fact that the man will not hide the girl he wants to see in place of his wife from friends and acquaintances, brothers and sisters, and, in the end, will introduce her to her parents - he has certain and persistent feelings.

7 way

The final destination of a relationship between lovers is marriage. If a man is serious about you, then he will definitely introduce you to people close to him - relatives and friends. In addition, the seriousness of his intentions is revealed by the endlessly cutting off of your man’s phone calls and messages.

8 way

The intensity of communication with you tells how a man treats a woman. When a man doesn’t try to meet with you often, doesn’t cut off your phone number, and certainly doesn’t introduce you to anyone, you should seriously think about it. Perhaps you are just a passing hobby for your gentleman.

If a guy often cancels your dates, while making up excuses along the way, then he is unlikely to take you seriously. Any man can always put aside his affairs, because the girl he loves always comes first for him.

9 way

Another sign that your relationship is not serious is your man’s increased attention to other women. You can find out how a man treats a woman by his reaction to other women. If a man without hesitation looks at and discusses other representatives of the opposite sex in front of you, then you should not expect anything good from such a relationship.

10 way

Another sign that you are just a hobby is the lack of even the slightest interest in your affairs and problems. When a man treats a woman only as a temporary girlfriend, he will not want to listen to your problems, because he just wants sex from you. You shouldn’t simply waste your care and tenderness on a man who won’t repay you in kind.

11 way

You should not waste your last energy on a relationship that is doomed to break. When a man no longer calls you as often as before, he is busy all the time, he is interested in other girls - then it is unlikely that your relationship will last long. Breaking up is always difficult, but try to find the strength in yourself to survive this period and be ready for a completely new relationship.

12 way

Of course, the easiest way to find out how a man treats a woman is to ask him directly. But, alas, you can’t always count on a sincere answer. Because in order to hide his hostility, a person can easily lie to you for his own benefit. By the way, if, when answering, the person you are interested in answers vaguely and does not look you in the eye, most likely he is lying.

13 way

You can create some kind of extreme situation, in other words, pretend that you are in trouble; as a rule, it is at such moments that absolutely any person shows his true colors.

14 way

Extreme way. Lend the object of interest a small amount of money - if he takes a very long time to return it, coming up with various “excuses” and justifications, then you can draw conclusions about how a man treats a woman.

15 way

Ask your girlfriend or boyfriend to talk to the person you are interested in, so that he unobtrusively, casually asks what he thinks about you. But this option is not very good, since your friend may misunderstand what the respondent says.

16 way

Try to pay as little attention as possible or simply ignore the person in the company. Based on their response, you can easily understand how a man really treats a woman.

17 way

Make up some interesting story and tell it to the person you are interested in as your biggest secret. Well, then it’s clear to everyone. If in a week the whole circle of his and your acquaintances finds out about your “secret,” then the person who is interested in you clearly dislikes you.

18 way

According to research, we only need a couple of seconds to evaluate a person when we meet. And as practice shows, this opinion is the most correct; what follows is just an attempt to approach it from a rational and social point of view. And this assessment, created later, is often incorrect, since it consists of experience drawn from various subjective sources.

19 way

Well, in the end, most often finding out how a man treats a woman is as easy as shelling pears: if you haven’t done anything bad or good to a person, he will be indifferent; if you managed to arrange some nasty thing, then it’s extremely bad, and if you helped they did good - warmly and benevolently. Of course, there are exceptions in life when someone responds to good with evil, but few people classify such instances as people.

20 way

The future of any relationship depends, first of all, on the sympathy of future partners. When meeting in person, observe the behavior of your companion. You can find out how a man treats a woman like this: if a man is ready to listen to you for hours, does not take his admiring gaze off you and is constantly looking for meetings with you, then he certainly likes you.
