How to make pigtails small for yourself. How to braid a beautiful braid for yourself

It's good when the avant-garde in the fashion of hairstyles plays into the hands of the appearance of any girl. This is how you can characterize the current approach to giving your image originality and style with the help of afro braids - hairstyles that leave no one indifferent.

What are the benefits of afro braids?

African braids, which have recently become popular in Russia, have long history. It is believed that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweaving them is a figment of the imagination of the ancient Egyptians. By cutting their hair completely to escape the heat, they wanted to look attractive.

Therefore, they had wigs consisting of braids of equal length, perfectly braided, decorated with small accessories.

Such hairstyles were worn by high-ranking persons close to the royal chambers.

Today weaving afro-braids is a tribute to fashion. Hairline, so generously braided in 100-250 braids, does not look poor. An illusion of hair density, length and full health is created.

What kinds exist?

Today there is more than one way to create such a hairstyle. Knowing how to weave African braids at home, you can try create an original youth hairstyle , which will enrich your image with natural enthusiasm, eccentricity.

True, it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform it professionally without getting to know some secrets. One of them is kanekalon - modern material to give the braids volume.

African braids with straight ends

The most common to understand and execute today, but long version weaving - classical. Pigtail weaves in the usual way, from its base to its end point.

Its thickness depends on the selected number of parts. Performance time ranges from 4 to 6 hours. The tip of such braids is even and thin. In order not to bring it to complete thinning, you can finish weaving African braids 5 centimeters before the end.

Important: if such pigtails are not reinforced with any woven fibers, their ends will be thin and unattractive.

Pony Tail

Many are impressed pigtails ending in long strands of hair. It's a ponytail. The uniformity of the length, width and density of the elements must be guaranteed. Fluffy locks can be straight, curled or completely curly.

Such braids can be interestingly laid by fixing them on the crown or on the sides. The protruding tips will give lightness and carelessness.

Some are embarrassed by the lack of splendor with braided braids on the head. Facial features are sharpened, protruding elements become more noticeable.

Therefore, the preferred option is corrugation - curled braids, which resemble the wet perm known for a long time. To create this option, you must have a special corrugated kanekalon.

Senegalese braids

A special variant of the braid, characterized by weaving two strands. From their very base, the tightness of the components of the pigtail is ensured.

The original is the execution of Senegalese elements from two strands of different colors. In this case, you can use two shades of the same color, or you can use completely opposite options.

French Patterned Braid

To do pigtails tight to the head using French weaving techniques. "French" braids (in other words, spikelets) came into fashion a long time ago, representing a weaving passing along the top of the hair part of the head, from the forehead to the beginning of the neck. Gradually weaved strands of hair allow you to make the whole head neat, without tightening the hair too much, without drastically changing the direction of their growth.

Today, this method of "French" weaving has found application in numerous pigtails along strictly separated lines. Often in such hairstyles, African braids with threads are performed - an option with stronger characteristics.

Variety - French braids.

How to make African braids without using artificial strands? This offers a variant of Thai braids. The condition is the presence of native thick, long and healthy hair. To make the hairstyle relevant, it is necessary to ensure their uniform length, process special composition providing smoothness and uniform volume.

The method of fixing the tip gives a special charm to this option. It is made of a bright elastic band, thread or other small fixing hairpin.

The advantage of hairstyles with African braids, made in the form large curls, are obvious. With their help, a hairstyle for special occasions looks stylish.

There are two main implementation options:

  1. artificial, fully braided pigtails curled into curls (kanekalon in this case is processed with a special composition, which makes it possible to ensure the duration of the so-called socks);
  2. curls performed on free end strands.

Exist for less time created views African braids, for example, zizi. The length of one's own hair should not exceed 20 cm; ready-made braids woven in do not need to be supplemented. Their performance in a curled form looks stylish. Spirals and corrugations are possible, soft curls and small curls.

A similar option is Katherine Twist - a thin pigtail intended for weaving, curled in the form of a large curl.


African-American braids, called dreadlocks, attract particular attention.

Their modern version has its origin among representatives of the Negroid race. It was they who, not giving their hair proper care, involuntarily "created" new hairstyle- dreadlocks. By nature, having a stable curly, they tangled and formed unkempt tangles, giving the foundation

Subsequent hair growth lengthened such "braids" and formed the appropriate style.

Today, a similar hairstyle is created using kanekalon. This option is called safe.

Who suits

Know , how to weave afro braids is useful for any girl who feels active and cheerful.

Care should be taken by those whose hair is thin and weak, recently exposed to perm, coloring.

It is undesirable to choose hairstyles from Afro-braids when going to rest by the sea, because from constant stay in water, especially salty, its “sock” is limited by time.

How long can you weave

It is necessary to use braids in a hairstyle, especially with artificial fibers, carefully and competently.

It is impossible, for example, to use options with curled strands if the hair length exceeds 10 cm.

In this case, entanglement is inevitable.

There is also an opposite restriction: on too short hair ah, the fastening of artificial strands will be unreliable. However, much depends on the technique of weaving.

Hairstyle can only be created on a short time and limit the choice of braids.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a hairstyle with braids is its visual effect. Wherein provided volumetric forms hair, their uniform healthy appearance, original design.

However, there are negative aspects to this. So:

  • sanitation is difficult. Many do not understand how to wash their hair at all;
  • more time for drying after washing is required;
  • intense load on the hair roots leads to their reduced nutrition, weakening of physiological properties;
  • the relaxation of all vital functions expected in a dream is not observed due to uncomfortable forced postures and the fear of unraveling the braids ahead of time.

Weaving at home

The modern hairdressing industry allows you to braid Afro-braids at home. However, it must be taken into account that it will not be possible to braid Afro-braids by yourself, you will need an assistant.

Attention: If your hair is not completely healthy or you have recently dyed it, wait at least two weeks.

The main stages of combing are:

  • Separation of the scalp into separate squares.
  • Having chosen the usual three-strand option, we divide each segment into three strands and begin to weave.
  • At the base, with the help of an adhesive, we fasten the kanekalon.

Further weaving is made taking into account the selected option. If these are French "spikelets", the weaving of hair is done gradually. At the same time, the strands of kanekalon pass through the entire braid unchanged.

When choosing a ponytail type option, weaving should be stopped much earlier, securing it with an elastic band at the beginning of a free tassel.

This video shows how to weave African braids for short hair:


Starting work, you should prepare:

  • plastic comb with sparse soft teeth;
  • strands of kanekalon of the selected length and color;
  • elements for fastening braids ( adhesive composition, small rubber bands, other devices).


The trick is to use kanekalona - synthetic threads similar in properties to human hair.

This organic similarity is ensured by the inclusion in them of certain substances from seaweed. However, such material is expensive and is not the only option.

There are also completely artificial strands. Despite their outward resemblance to natural hair, a long period of wear leads to changes in its structure, and, therefore, to disheveling, knocking out individual hairs.

Weaving technique

Differences in weaving technique various kinds afro braids are small, but they exist. So, weaving from three strands, you can:

  1. weave the side parts inward through the top;
  2. side parts, slightly turning inside out, weave in from below.

Afro braid care

Knowing how much you can wear your hair with African braids, do not neglect the rules of hair care.

Hair is washed at least once a week. To do this, a shampoo is diluted in a container with warm water that matches the existing type of hair. Each braid is carefully washed, starting from its base. The detergent should be washed in several steps so that its residues do not begin to destroy the structure of the hair inside the braid.

After that - a thorough rinsing and drying.

Hairstyles with afro braids

Free-flowing braids are far from the only way to wear them. They look original and stylish if:

  • lift them to the crown and tie them in a high ponytail;
  • partially twist into a pretty bun, pinned with a bright hairpin or tied with a bow;
  • twist with a kind of snail at the crown or side at the back of the head.

You can weave into a massive braid or come up with a more complex version, as in the photo:

How to unweave

No matter how much pleasure a girl experiences from wearing an “ancient hairstyle Egyptian queens”, it’s time to unwind it. Sometimes it is not easy, especially when the wearing time exceeded 2 months.

If there are only artificial fibers at the end of the braid, before unplaiting, they can be easily cut with scissors, as in this video:

From the place where your strands are woven, you should be careful. It is advisable to use a sharp, smooth object for unweaving, which easily enters between the woven strands and frees them from each other.

Such actions are performed, starting from the bottom up, gradually weaving artificial strands and gently straightening native hair.

After the work is completed, wash your own hair in a gentle mode (warm water, soft detergent, herbal rinse). It is useful to improve hairline cosmetics containing nutrients, vitamins, restoring the structure of the components.

  1. The spit keeps beautiful and beautiful for a long time. neat look. Weaving is not afraid of wind or humidity, does not wrinkle under a hat and is less electrified than loose ones.
  2. Beautiful braids are appropriate everywhere. On the beach, in the office or at a wedding, they will look equally good.
  3. Even if you master only one weave, you can create an infinite number of variations based on it. For example, braid two or three braids instead of one. Or decorate your hair with accessories. Ribbons, scarves can be woven into braids, decorative hairpins or hairpins can be added. Fresh flowers will look good in your hair in summer.

How to weave braids

  1. It's better to start with simple options. Do not rush to weave a complex braid from your hair right away, practice on ribbons or floss threads. Having mastered the principle, you can experiment with the location, number and complexity of braids.
  2. If you are braiding yourself, do not use a mirror, trust your feelings. It is quite difficult to navigate the mirror, it is very confusing in the process.
  3. To make it easier to work with hair, they need to be washed, dried and combed well. Mousse or styling gel will also come in handy: thanks to it, the hair will become obedient.
  4. When weaving braids, it is better to use wooden combs. Wood electrifies hair less than plastic, which means it will be easier for you to work with strands.
  5. Alternating strands according to the scheme, pull them evenly. With practice, you will master any weaving.

6 options for weaving braids

Two strand braid

A two-strand braid is a twisted, two-wire ponytail that will suit your hair. middle length. Weaving can be used for a French braid. A ribbon woven into a bundle will look beautiful.

  1. Divide your hair into two sections.
  2. Tie a ribbon to one of them.
  3. Twist each strand into a tourniquet clockwise.
  4. Twist the strands counterclockwise. The difference in directions will not allow the braid to fall apart.
  5. Secure the ends of your hair with a ribbon.

Fish tail

This braid captivates with its spectacularity, although it is woven quite simply. Suitable for shoulder length, but looks especially good on long ones.

A simple option is weaving from the back of the head.

  1. Divide your hair into two parts.
  2. Separate a thin strand from the left half from the side of the ear and throw it over the top to the right side.
  3. Then separate thin strand near the right ear and flip to the left.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you reach the ends of your hair. Secure the braid with an elastic band or ribbon.

If you want to complicate the weaving, make a French braid that turns into fish tail.

french braid

French braid goes well with a strict office suit. Weaved on the basis of a braid of three strands. Suitable for long hair and medium length hair.

  1. Divide your hair into three sections.
  2. Throw the far right to the center.
  3. Then send the extreme left there.
  4. Continue until you run out of hair.

For a change, you can weave a French braid only to the middle of the back of the head. Collect the remaining strands in a bun or, securing with an elastic band, leave in the form of a tail.


At the heart of the same braid of three parts. Unusual hairstyle give released strands. This braid is suitable even for chin-length hair. It weaves horizontally from the temple. You can collect hair in this way only on one side. Or you can make a symmetrical weave and wear it instead of a headband: styling collects hair and prevents it from getting into your eyes.

  1. Separate a strand of hair from the temple and divide it into three parts.
  2. The beginning is the same as in a regular three-strand braid. Throw the top strand to the center, then do the same with the bottom.
  3. Once again, send the top and then the bottom strands to the center.
  4. Add a strand of hair to the top.
  5. You don't need to add anything to the bottom. Instead, under the existing lower strand, collect another, separating it from the free ones. Release the old one. Move the new one to the center.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you reach the middle of the head. Temporarily fix the braid.
  7. Make a symmetrical weave on the other side.
  8. Connect the ends of both braids together and secure with an elastic band or ribbon.

Four strand braid

The complexity of weaving will allow you to apply this option without embarrassment not only to a female hairstyle, but also to a long beard.

First, try weaving a straight braid. When you master weaving, you can make braids from the back of the head or rim using this technique. In order not to get confused, remember that only the outer strands need to be moved.

  1. Divide your hair into four sections. Take two strands in your right and two in your left hand.
  2. Stretch the leftmost strand (we will consider it the first one) over the second and under the third. Now in your left hand you will have the second and third strands. The first and fourth will be in the right hand.
  3. Place the rightmost strand (fourth) under the first.
  4. Again, take the leftmost strand (second). Swipe it over the next (third) and under the fourth. In your left hand you will have the third and fourth strands. The first and second will be in the right hand.
  5. Stretch the rightmost strand under the next one.
  6. Place the leftmost one under the next one and over the next one, transfer it to the other hand.
  7. Bring the far right one under the neighboring one, which we just moved.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you reach the end of the strands.
  9. Secure the weave with a ribbon or elastic band.

Five strand braid

Weaving is reminiscent of Irish knitted patterns arana. This option will require training, but braids from many strands look very unusual and bright.

Practice braiding a five-strand braid based on a high or low tail. The tail will hold the hair, and it will be more convenient to work. When you master this method, move on to a hairstyle without a tail or make a French braid with such a weave.

  1. Divide your hair into five equal sections.
  2. Take three middle strands. First, throw the left to the center, then the right - just like in a braid of three strands. Then take the extreme strands from three medium, lift them above the weave and temporarily secure with a clip.
  3. You will have middle strand and two side, which we have not yet touched. Of these three strands, throw the leftmost strand to the center. Then send the far right there.
  4. Fix the middle one with another clamp. This will keep the weave from falling apart.
  5. Release the strands that you lifted. Place them along the edges of the weave.
  6. Take the strands that you just worked with: now these are the second and fourth parts in the weave. Lift and secure them over the hair.
  7. Of the remaining three parts, first move the leftmost to the center, then the rightmost.
  8. Fix the middle strand with a clip.
  9. Lower the raised strands, placing them along the edges of the weave.
  10. Lift and fix the second and fourth strands.
  11. Repeat steps 7-10 until the end of the weave.

African braids hit summer for several years in a row. Bright, bold, charming hairstyles with afro braids are good for both small and already grown-up girls.

Bright motifs of afro braids with threads

Weaving with threads is the easiest and affordable way. If desired and skill, such a hairstyle can be done at home, although the process itself will take quite a lot of time. Since it takes about 6-8 hours for a professional, and an amateur, or even a beginner, will have to spend half a day on this masterpiece.

What will be needed?

For African braids with threads, we need a comb, acrylic yarn of the desired colors and, of course, patience. By the way, weaving on yourself is quite inconvenient, especially occipital part, so it would not hurt to stock up on an assistant. It is possible that the braider would start weaving braids, and the owner of the future Afro braids would help braiding the ends. Thus, in four hands, the weaving process is significantly accelerated.

We take threads preferably 100% acrylic, they do not shrink and do not fade as natural ones. We divide the yarn into strands. Each strand has three strands folded in half. The length of each such strand should be 20-25 cm longer than the length of your own hair.

Select part of the hair for the first pigtail. The thinner the braids are, the better they will hold. We take the first strand of threads and form a weak knot in the place where they are folded.

We divide the part of the hair separated for the braid into three strands and put a knot on the first of them, tighten it more tightly. We divide the threads into two for each hair strand and weave a pigtail in the usual way: first the left strand under the middle one, then the right one, and then the left one again and so on until the very tip.

Extra length Threads can be removed by cutting with scissors.

African braids with threads option number 2

Afro braids with threads can also be done with pickup. It turns out pretty interesting hairstyle from many tiny dragons. The main secret of such weaving is that the thinner the interlaced strands and pickups, the more beautiful the result.

Someone can say that pigtails with threads are last century, this time kanekalon braids are in fashion, it is much safer, etc. and so on. But this statement is quite controversial and not fair. After all, pigtails with threads have a number of advantages. They are more accessible and simple, it is much easier to weave with a thread than to work with the same kanekalon. Pigtails with threads are more durable and fall apart less, thereby great option beach hairstyle. You should not wear them for 3 months, a few weeks of walking with them is enough. And you will enjoy the convenience of afro braids and there will be no harm to your hair. And in the end, it is worth noting that braids intertwined with threads have their own unique and inimitable charm. No other material for weaving can replace them. And this is a fact.

In this article, you will learn the basic braiding techniques with step-by-step photos.

After reading it, you will be able to independently create both everyday simple and the most sophisticated and extraordinary designer hairstyles.

Braid weaving step by step photo: varieties

The braid is not only one of the most feminine, but also practical hairstyles. With braided hair, you can safely walk throughout the day without fear that they will become disheveled. Moreover, such a hairstyle is quite versatile and looks natural and harmonious both in a business setting and at a youth party.

There are several main types of braid weaving:

  • classical Russian;
  • European: Swiss, Greek, English, Dutch and famous French weaving;
  • eastern: harnesses ( side braids), ropes, threads, braids, zizi, curls, rasts, etc.; the last three types can be used for short hair;
  • design: " french waterfall”, braids from knots, Lino Russo, “basket”, “dragon”, “fishtail”, “eight”, etc.

The best way to master any of the techniques is to watch video tutorials on this topic or study photos of step-by-step braiding. Moreover, for any of these weaves, you can use not only your own hair, but also overhead strands or hairpieces. Their color can either be combined with your own hair color or contrast with it: the main thing is not to use more than three colors at the same time.

Advice! IN Lately the so-called careless styling, which can be used for any type of weaving. But even in this case, the strands should be pulled together evenly and not get out of general style. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look just sloppy.

Classic braids

The traditional Russian braid has long been a frequent guest on many famous catwalks: the Valentino fashion house, theatrical shows of Victor & Rolf, Emerson, etc. Today it is presented in various variations: from weaving at the back of the head, sides or crown to creating the most intricate hairstyles from two or more braids. However, to master even such complex types of braid weaving with the help of step by step photos not difficult.

The traditional Russian braid consists of three equal strands, which are intertwined with each other alternately. It can be not only smooth, but also voluminous, slightly disheveled, multi-colored, asymmetrical or used in combination with other types of hairstyles. In this case, the hair can be divided into a straight or oblique asymmetrical parting or not have a parting at all. The density of weaving and the number of strands used may also vary.

One of the varieties of the Russian braid is the weaving "spikelet": a technique that allows you to achieve volume and splendor of the hairstyle. In this case, only two strands are used with the sequential addition of new ones. The order in which they are added may vary. However, in order for the hairstyle to look neat, the density of each new added strand should be the same.

Advice! Perfectly smooth braids look too strict, so it’s worth letting individual strands break out a little.

Straight from Europe

Designers distinguish several options for weaving that came to us from Europe:

  • Swiss braid: it is woven according to the Russian principle, but before that, each of the strands is twisted into a tight bundle, due to which the hairstyle looks more voluminous; this kind of weaving goes perfectly with any style and looks great with jeans or open summer dress, and with a business or cocktail suit; step weaving such braids for medium hair or hair of maximum length can be seen below;
  • french weave: unlike the "spikelet", the strands are not woven one on top of the other, but are stacked inside; the braid begins with a small bundle, divided into 3 main strands, with the gradual addition of additional 2-3 cm after so that all the hair is collected at the end of the weave; strands can be taken from one or both sides; weaving can be direct (towards oneself) or reverse (away from oneself); start from the crown or run all over the head in the form of a wreath;

  • English: its only difference from the Russian version is that weaving begins with a “horse” tail, fixed at the back of the head or closer to the crown; similar weaving of braids on long hair shown in the step-by-step photo;
  • Dutch: braid "inside out"; weaved strands do not hide inside the hair, but rise above them;
  • Greek: combination smooth hair and a braid that resembles a rim that runs all over the head; at the same time, three small strands are taken closer to the parting, the rest of the hair is stabbed for a while; gradually small strands are added in a circle, with the help of which such a rim-braid is firmly held on the head; there can be two braids, in which case they start on both sides of the parting, and then are chopped off at the back of the head into one.

Advice! Stylists advise before weaving to make a small pile at the roots. It will make the hair more lush, and the hairstyle more feminine. This technique is especially relevant when creating evening hairstyles.

Oriental tales

A distinctive feature of such hairstyles is intricate shapes and the presence of large, eye-catching jewelry:

  • bundles (Singhala braids or screw braids): hair is divided into two equal strands, each of which is twisted in one direction; then both strands are crossed and twisted already in opposite direction; harnesses can be used in combination with loose strands, tail, side braids, etc .;

  • rope braids: a side parting is made on the hair, and weaving (twisting two small strands) begins on the side where more hair; when passing such a braid around the head, new small strands are added; at the level of the back of the head, it intertwines with the main mass of hair in the direction opposite to the main weave;
  • afro braids (braids): many small braids weaving from the back of the head to the temples; they can be loosened freely, create one or more thick braids from them, make a tail out of them, twist them into a shell, etc .;

  • zizi: a kind of braids, ultra-thin braids from artificial hair, created using machine weaving; weave into each a separate strand own hair;
  • curly: the method is similar to zizi, but the curls are twisted into a tight spiral; can be used for extensions.

With the help of step-by-step photos for beginners, weaving braids can be mastered quickly enough. The main thing is patience and utmost care.

Advice! Unweaving small braids is quite problematic. To facilitate this procedure, before creating a hairstyle, the hair should be thoroughly washed not with an ordinary, but with a cleansing shampoo, and then any quality balm should be applied to them.

Modern design techniques used in weaving

IN last years hairstyles from braids received the most unexpected performance. However, according to any design techniques, they are, in fact, improved ethnic variants of the Russian, European and Eastern variants:

  • "French waterfall": resembles the usual one or two braids, starting at the temples and ending at the back of the head; however, each lower strand is released into "free swimming" and falls freely on the back. The hairstyle can have all sorts of variations: be asymmetrical, pass through any part of the head, sag, etc. It can be used even on short hair;

  • braid of knots: two strands are interconnected using a series of knots; at the same time, it can be woven as part of the hair (one or two small knots are used as a kind of decoration), and their entire volume;
  • Lino Russo: combination of knots and spikelet technique. After each knot, new hairs are added to the already selected strands; for such a hairstyle, the hair should be cut evenly and be the same along the entire length;
  • "Snake": the usual French braid is not located along one line, but twists along the entire surface of the head; may have 2-3 or more reversals;
  • "basket": part of the hair at the crown is collected in a high tail, then a regular French braid is woven from the temple with alternate addition of strands from the tail and free hair;
  • weaving "cornrow": classic afro braids are located all over the head in the form geometric pattern resembling rows of corn (from the English corn - corn and row - row); to obtain such a pattern, each miniature braid is woven in the manner of a classic French braid.

Advice!To facilitate weaving when creating hairstyles from braids, you can use any styling products: foam, varnish or gel.

Braiding for short hair

Thanks to improved weaving methods and the availability of modern means of fixation, you can decorate yourself with braids even if you have short hair:

  • "Rim": two pigtails are braided at the temples, and then fastened with hairpins at the back of the head;
  • parting from pigtails: plexus of side strands located on one or two sides of the face;
  • bangs with a double oblique: top part the face is framed by two small pigtails;
  • a pigtail around the head: it can be located in any part of it, pass through the entire head, or is located to the left, to the right of the face, or braided only at the back of the head;
  • « french bangs»: long bangs can be removed to the side in the form of a French braid; as in the case short haircut the hairs will invariably stick out on the sides, you should beat and tousle the rest of the mass of hair so that it looks as organic as possible;
  • a combination of punk style and French braid: part of the curls are combed in the form of a mohawk; side strands are braided.

“Spikelet”, “dragon”, “French braid”, “fish tail” - all these names are classical women's hairstyle, characterized by beauty, convenience and ease of weaving. This is one of the ways to braid a braid suitable for women of any age. And if you learn the basic version of the spikelet, then, starting from this, you can vary the hairstyle in various ways.

The French braid is not a new invention. It appeared - as we understood from the name - in France, and later it went out of fashion, then returned. But there is perhaps good reason consider this type of hairstyle a classic, because it is beautiful, elegant, and comfortable ... Such hairstyles should not disappear from use: simplicity and beauty are eternal!

But 10 years ago, the approach and view of the spikelet was different. Then it was believed that the hero of our story is suitable only for solemn events, for an elegant and spectacular exit. A cool and playful fishtail was a serious, strict hairstyle.

Now there is no such limited approach. Spikelet is suitable for almost any occasion: a friendly meeting, a party, a business trip, a walk ... whatever you want. The only criterion is the correct weaving. This is where the main lessons really need to be learned.

Basic spikelet weaving technique

So there are quite a few simple circuit, which will make it easy to braid the spikelet with your own hands. We will analyze different variants, but the main type of braid that we will be based on is the following:

Follow each item from the step-by-step instructions. We will explain step by step so that you can properly style your hair, as in the pictures.

  1. Wet your hair a little - just a little bit. This will make them more obedient and allow you to lay neater. If there is mousse, then you can use it. The main thing is that the hair becomes more obedient and does not unravel. Collect a strand of hair at the crown, as shown in Figure 3. Tie with an elastic band, since during weaving both hands will be busy with us, and there will be three strands.
    Figure 3. The elastic band holds the first strand of hair.
  2. Leaving the fixed strand in the center, collect two more on either side of it.
  3. Move the right strand to left side, and move the central one to the right so that it lies under the right strand of hair.
  4. Lay the left strand also to the right, but it should fit over the right, as shown in the figure.
  5. Now draw over the left strand, which is in this moment located with right side, our central strand, but be sure to weave an additional one together with it, having previously gathered it into one bundle. Should already be forming on the head bulk knot the base of the spikelet.
  6. Continue in the same pattern on both sides until you reach the neck area.
  7. Having reached the neck area, make a continuation in the form regular braid. Thus, the tail of the spikelet will be completed.

Well, the spikelet is ready. The elastic band holding the central strand is either carefully cut and removed, or hidden under the hair. Apply a little varnish and straighten it a little so that the dragon takes on a voluminous look.

This step-by-step instruction- only the base, the simplest foundation on which many other types of spikelet are based. Now, having knowledge of this base, you can change the look of your hairstyle according to your fantasies.

Side French braid

It will look beautiful and neat, for example, a spikelet braided on its side. It is both stylish and youthful, and looks good on the head of adult women. In principle, the scheme is the same as we said, only when adding side strands, it is necessary to twist it like a tourniquet.

Step by step:

  1. Comb your hair back;
  2. On the left or right side, collect a larger strand and make three small strands out of it;
  3. Start making a regular spikelet, as in the first steps of our instructions - before we began to weave additional strands;
    Weave an additional small strand into the pigtail from the side that was chosen in the first paragraph of this instruction;
  4. Add the next strand on the other side of the head;
  5. In turn, add strands on both sides, while not forgetting to tighten the pigtail so that the hair does not unravel and the spikelet does not lose its shape;
  6. In the final part, everything is the same as in the usual spikelet. At the base of the neck, braid a regular braid. Secure the braid links with hairpins and gently straighten each one to make the hairstyle more voluminous.

In Figure 10, you can see a step-by-step illustration of the spikelet on its side in order to follow the execution of all instructions correctly.

Figure 10. Pigtail on the side

French braid inside out

This type of pigtail is not much different from the classic spikelet in the way it is woven. It looks very solid, the links are pronounced and puffy. Undoubtedly, such a hairstyle will look very elegant.

  1. On the left or right side of the hair caesura, select a larger strand and divide it into three equal strands.
  2. Move the right strand under the center strand. And move the last one up and to the right as in Figure 12.
    Figure 12. First link
  3. Then pass the strand on the left under the right and it goes into the central part of the pigtail.
  4. Start picking up strands from both sides of the pigtail, as has been shown many times.
  5. Connect the extra strand to the central one, which is now to the right of the pigtail.
  6. Draw two strands connected together under the central one.
  7. Do exactly the same with the left side.
  8. Continue weaving the links of the spikelet until you run out of additional strands. Then weave a regular braid, finishing with a ponytail. Straighten out for volume.

Actually, now you know how to weave several types of French braids. Be imaginative, you can use perfectly different ways in order to make the spikelet look more spectacular, more beautiful. Adjust the tightness of the braids so that they do not fall off and do not deteriorate, and on the other hand, they are not tightened too much. Change the central braid to shift the location of the entire braid. Experiment with color and use hairspray.

You can braid a spikelet around your head or do it in french style. Here's what the last one looks like:

The same hairstyle can be made double. By the way, a great solution for your daughter.

The spike weaving technique basically follows the same laws, as you can see. Surprisingly, this is a truly versatile hairstyle, while it always looks beautiful and neat. The little dragon does not allow the hair to fall on the face, which is very convenient and practical.

Braiding pigtails, try to capture the strands on each side in the same amount, evenly. How much hair you capture will determine the shape, which means the beauty of your hairstyle. In addition, it must be said that french braid weaves, as a rule, for straight hair, so if you have curls, you will have to thoroughly stroke them with an iron, align them so that appearance the spikelet has not deteriorated.

You can decorate the pigtail in different ways: with rhinestones, a bow, a rim, various hairpins. In this, perhaps, the matter is limited only by your taste.

If you want, then make two spikelets on the sides. It is not necessary to braid it tightly and collected. Lower the hairs, straighten the hairstyle so that it looks like you have been wearing it for more than a day. Look at Figure 21 and see for yourself:

Figure 21. Add simplicity

You see - there is no need to create a strict hairstyle. Improvise.

It does not hurt to release a few strands from the braid. Lower them so that they fall casually on both sides of the head.
If you made two spikelets, is there really a need to bring them into a mirror-symmetrical form? For what? After all, the hairstyle will look interesting if they are absolutely asymmetrical. Let go of the reins and cast off the blinkers! - let your imagination run wild. Believe me, this advice is no less important than the step-by-step instructions!

Make the spike “upside down”, i.e., so that the weaving goes from bottom to top. Only in this case, you should not make the tail in the form of an ordinary braid, but simply braid the remaining hair, tie it so that it looks beautiful.

In fact, the French braid is a hairstyle that MUST be free from restrictions. Monotony is contrary to the very meaning female beauty, after all the main objective- nice to be surprised. Take a look at figures 22 and 23.
