How to make vytynanki from paper. Vytynanki - a do-it-yourself carved miracle

Vytynanka (from Ukrainian "vytynaty" - cut) is an arts and crafts based on cutting openwork patterns and small pictures from paper. The simplest vytynankas are snowflakes cut out of paper.

Term « vytynanka« appeared at the beginning of the 20th century from the word "tynaty" - to cut. A symmetrical thread is implied. The paper folds in half or more (this is already called a line). And the word "vytynannya" - cutting, means an asymmetric thread.

In the 30s, very similar to the Petrikov painting, vytynankas appeared. They differ from Western Ukrainian vytynankas by repeating elements. They depicted mainly flowerpots, the tree of life, flowers, birds. The favorite theme was the wedding. Masters cut 10–20 identical elements at once from different colored paper, and then arranged them on a sheet, often white.

What do you need to work in the Vytynanka technique?

For work we need:

  • sample;
  • stationery knife;
  • white paper A-4;
  • colored cardboard;
  • cutting mat (self-healing mat) or piece of plywood
  • PVA glue.

The choice of the "vytynanka" template

First of all, we choose the template pattern that you like best (there is a very large selection on the Internet). For starters, it is better to take a simpler template. The template needs to be printed on a printer. The template can also be taken from the coloring book.

How to cut a "vytynanka" pattern?

Then carefully start cutting along the contours. Don't forget to place a cutting mat or plywood under it. When cutting straight lines, you can use a ruler, so it will be smoother and more beautiful. When cutting, hold the sheet of paper with your hand so as not to accidentally tear the drawing. You need to cut carefully and slowly so as not to cut off the desired part. If this happened by accident, do not worry, the cut off part can be glued with glue.

For the Christmas tree, everything is the same, only it is advisable to take landscape paper thicker.

The design of the "vytynanka"

After the picture is cut out, select the background. The background can be any colored cardboard. Next, glue your so-called application.

The last step is to frame the craft. You can buy a ready-made photo frame with glass, or you can, for example, from buttons.

Everything! Your work is ready!!!

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P O P U L I R N O E:

    A variety of crafts from buttons

    The possibilities of crafts from buttons are endless. Desire and imagination (and of course, the buttons themselves 🙂 - this is the most necessary thing for crafts from buttons with your own hands! Materials for making crafts, as well as a detailed description of the work, we previously considered in the options below for crafts from buttons.

Vytynanka came from Ukrainian arts and crafts. “Vytynaty” means “to cut out”. In the role of decoration for the New Year, thin paper figures are becoming increasingly popular. They are traditionally made from white sheets, but variations are possible.

During its existence, the technique for making this decor has been improved, so several types of vytynanka have appeared:

  • flat figure for mounting on a flat surface;
  • a figure with bent edges, which give light volume;
  • combined three-dimensional figure of several paper parts;
  • composition - a picture or drawing of several figures.

Compared to the usual vytynanka, it has a number of aesthetic advantages:

  1. You can create characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons, whole paintings, cities, fairy tales - any image you want.
  2. It is possible to make volumetric figures.
  3. Vytynanka can be attached to a window, furniture, wall, placed on, hung on a thread.
  4. Carving shapes with adults can be fun for kids.

However, the vytynanka is not so quick and easy to make. The composition may consist of thin lines, the cutting of which requires perseverance, care and accuracy.

Advice. The beauty of the vytynanka does not depend on your artistic abilities. The figure for cutting does not have to be drawn by hand - the finished template can be downloaded and printed. Therefore, the scope for imagination is not limited.

How to cut a bulge

Ideally, the vytynanka is faster and more convenient to cut with the help of special accessories, although you can get by with improvised means. This list contains the tools and materials needed for the process, including their budget counterpart:

  • mock knife or its clerical version;
  • a special cutting mat or a simple plywood board;
  • nail scissors;
  • paper;
  • threads, adhesive tape, soap solution - to fix the finished figure on the surface.

Attention! As a rule, glue is not used in the manufacture of the vytynanka. Even complex volumetric figures are fastened together only due to slots and grooves or with the help of threads.

The production of a vytynanka takes place in 5 stages:

  1. Training. If you are using a knife to cut, then place the printed or drawn template on your work surface. Place a clean sheet of paper under the bottom and fix the resulting “sandwich” on the surface - for example, with tape.
  2. Cutting small parts. Remove excess pieces of paper from the surface immediately to control the quality of the process.
  3. Cutting large elements in the inside of the sheet.
  4. Cutting along the contour of the figure. Vytynanka is ready!
  5. Drawing up a composition and fixing the vytynanka in the room.

Advice. If you need several identical patterns, place more blank sheets under the template.

How to decorate a house with a vytynanka

Flat paper figures can be attached to window glass, walls, furniture, postcards - any more or less even surface in your home. Today it is fashionable to place on glass entire landscapes of paper towns with fancy roofs and chimneys, images of snow-covered villages or forest drifts, with Santa Claus, sleighs, deer, fir branches, Christmas stars, angels and other holiday attributes. At night, this composition looks magical. With the help of a thread, voluminous and flat protrusions are attached to a Christmas tree, hung under lamps, on shelves, in window openings.

You can even make a suspended mobile from vytynanok. For example, from angels with different musical instruments in their hands. Vytynanka in the form of a ball, with a pattern pasted on colored cardboard, will decorate your Christmas tree.

A postcard is made using a similar technique. You can also make a voluminous candle holder for a small candle. The light from the fire will bizarrely and beautifully break through the slots. True, in this case, make sure that the fire is as far away from the paper as possible.

Among other figures, do not forget about the symbol of 2017 according to the Eastern calendar,. If your vytynanka with this animal involves the use of colored cardboard or paper, choose red or orange to appease the symbol of the coming year.

Paper decorations for windows: video

The art of carving in our country is almost not explored. Vytynanka is the oldest type of Slavic culture. It originated in ancient times. The nomadic tribes of the Scythians decorated their saddles and clothes with a special ornament: a pattern was cut out of the skin, superimposed on another piece of skin and cauterized with a hot flat stone. It turned out an ornament, which can be called the prototype of the vytynanka.
The art of the vytynanka was born among the people. People began to decorate their rooms in the room with herbs, towels and vytynankas. We tried to fill our home with joy. They festively decorated their hut or room twice - at Christmas and Easter. It was customary to cut out vytynanki and decorate them with a room or windows of a house. At Christmas or Easter, angels were cut out and glued to windows or home iconostasis. By vytynanki it was possible to determine who was getting married and who had a child - everything was reflected in the festive decorations on the windows.

Many of you have decorated your windows with paper-cut snowflakes on New Year's or Christmas. This is a fairly simple activity, and not everyone knows that paper cutting is one of the types of arts and crafts, has deep traditions and a thousand-year history.

Lately, I've been getting into paper cutting. I made my first vytynanka in the first grade! Cut out symmetrical patterns with scissors. Last year, I again took up the study of this technique, worked on paintings every day.

And the more I carved, the more questions I had.

Having completed several works in this technique, I suggested that the vytynanka is a simple task that children, especially boys, really like, but the materials and tools for work are not available in our city.

Then I decided to set a goal for myself: Find out what vytynanka means, and how to make the art of paper cutting accessible to Verkhoturye schoolchildren!

To achieve my goal, I set the following tasks:

The art of carving openwork patterns from white, black or colored paper has existed since the time when paper was invented in China.
Jianzhi is one of the Chinese traditional folk arts and crafts, which was recently classified as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO.

Paper clippings of the peoples of China, Japan, Vietnam, Mexico, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania and other countries are well known. Each of them has its own artistic features of paper cutting. In Belarus and Poland, such clippings are known under the same name - vytsinanki. In Poland, a variety of vytsinanki are the so-called vykleyanki - multi-colored decorative compositions from parts cut out of paper, pasted on top of each other or next to each other. Some similarities with the Belarusian and Polish vytsinanka are Jewish paper clippings, especially those that decorated the windows of houses on holidays. The shape of the vytsinanka was square, rectangular, round - in the form of a star or a snowflake. Often there were the same motifs: images of birds, riders, various floral patterns.

A characteristic feature of folk paper clippings is their symmetrical construction. Mirror symmetry (for example, in images of the tree of life) gives a sense of balance and peace. Very often, symmetrical patterns, rhythmically repeating, become elements of the ornament. This is achieved either by folding paper several times, or by sticking images next to each other. Plot vytsinanki cut out freely, by hand, without folding the paper. These are usually images of a village wedding, field work and other scenes from the life of peasants. In Belarus, vytsinanki began to be cut out from the 16th century, when the first paper mill (papernya) appeared. According to the established custom, every year before Easter, peasant women decorated their homes with them. The old ones were removed and replaced with new ones. In some places they were updated for Christmas.

But by the beginning of the 20th century, under the influence of urban fashion, the vytsinanka disappeared from peasant life, remaining only in some areas.

In Russia, carving silhouettes was a hobby among the nobility.
Many artists were interested in paper cutting: Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Hans Christian Andersen, Ilya Repin, Henri Matisse, creating multi-color compositions - “decoupages”.

The illustrations of the artist Ilyin to the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, made in this technique, are also well known.

Hina Aoyama, who lives in France, takes a very interesting path - yes, she cuts out of plain paper, but how! The girl is distinguished by unimaginable talent and, most importantly, patience. Just look what she has to do. Using scissors, she cuts out texts or drawings from paper, sticks them to fabric or glass, and such beauty is obtained. And all this is done with your own hands and scissors! It is impossible to believe how much time and nerves it costs her, however, she seems to love this business. Many may think that every kindergartner can cut out of paper. However, only a few become famous thanks to their talent and hard work. I suppose this activity is many times more difficult than working with a computer or a camera that does everything for you, because one extra movement and the work will go down the drain. And this, as we understand, is extremely insulting ...

Working on this project, I did not want to look incompetent. I decided to look into the issue that worries me:

Why in one source is the art of vytynanka, and in another vytynanka?
Of course, everything that is cut out can be called a vytynanka, because. the term comes from the East Slavic "vitinati" - to cut. It is also used in the Belarusian language (with some variations, for example, "vitsynanka"). Researchers and artists of folk art are increasingly talking about the need to distinguish between the concepts of "silhouette", "vytynanka" and "paper graphics". This issue was raised at the meeting of the Vytynankars in 2008 in Mogilev. Found brief formulations of these concepts.
Vytynanka - these are ornamental and plot-decorative cut-out paintings, characteristic mainly of Eastern Europe (Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia). The Jewish national cutting is also known - raisele. The amount of the slotted field in the vytynanka is 50 percent or more. Vytynanki necessarily carry clear national features, are characterized by a variety of stylization and richness of the color palette ...
They are created, firstly, by folk craftsmen working in traditional cutting centers (in Ukraine, for example, the villages of Petrikovka and Tsarichanka, Dnepropetrovsk region), and secondly, by amateur artists whose works are related to folk cuttings.

Paper graphics are cut-out paper paintings, the authors of which do not rely on folk traditions. The characteristic features of such works are "the expansion of the subject, illustrativeness, the reduction of the role of symbolism, the complexity of the composition, the use of new materials and techniques" (A.A. Petrichenko European clippings in the collection of A.M. Petrichenko: diversity of species. In the book: Problems of study , preservation and use of the art of cutting, Domodedovo, Moscow region, 2006. Proceedings of the symposium). Many professional artists work in the technique of paper graphics.

Silhouette cutting is a cutting technique in which objects of an asymmetric structure are cut out by eye, with curvilinear contours (fish, birds, animals, etc.), with complex outlines of figures and smooth transitions from one part to another. Silhouettes are easily recognizable and expressive, they should be without small details and as if in motion.
Cutting out an image from paper or other materials by eye is carried out by a continuous movement of scissors along a mentally created silhouette of an object, in a continuous line. Therefore, this technique was called silhouette cutting.
This art has an ancient history. While still in primitive society, man drew attention to the shadows that appeared and moved in the light of a fire, on a moonlit night or on a hot, sunny afternoon. It is not for nothing that the cave paintings of primitive people are so reminiscent of shadows - their silhouettes.
A silhouette is a portrait, genre images, landscapes, which are more typical for Western Europe and originally appeared as pictures-stories on religious and everyday topics. As a rule, the silhouette is black on white. It is characterized by one-scale and the image of the figures in profile. The number of slotted (openwork) details is almost absent. The silhouette reflects the artist's individual style, and not his nationality. In Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and Denmark, there are silhouette schools and silhouette museums today, in which a lot of popularization work is carried out among the population. Artists create masterpieces out of paper. In addition to manual cutting, there is a laser that allows you to cut the thinnest lines and create miniatures. The Russian school of the silhouette (18-20 centuries) is known, but this is a separate issue.
The confusion of concepts and terms among those who cut from paper is very common. Your work will be just as popular with people, no matter what you call it. It's just that the term "vytynanka" has taken root, has become so familiar that it has absorbed everything that is not a vytynanka.

In order to find out the interest in the art of the vytynanka at our school, I organized a video survey among classmates. As a result, the following points were revealed to me: as we see, some have heard about the vytynanka, and those who haven’t heard, they saw, because I showed my work, many would like to do carving, but they are stopped by the lack of materials and tools in Verkhoturye ! The guys said that it would be nice to do this at a circle or in a lesson: Someone has a little brother at home (you can’t work with a sharp instrument), someone doesn’t have enough adult support, and someone doesn’t have free time at all!
An online survey on our class site showed that people are knowledgeable about carving tools.
But today I will share some of the discoveries that I made in the course of my work.

“Catch” the shadow, hold your breath, instantly draw a contour, then transfer it to paper, cut it out, stick it on the background, pick up a frame, hang it on the wall! How much pleasure and joy the process itself brings! - this is how the masters of paper cutting convey their feelings.
Let's learn to cut!

I used a clerical knife for a very short time, then they bought me a mock-up knife, I was very happy, but not for very long. Since there are 3 replacement blades in the set, and they are all dull.

In search of answers to my questions, I came across a post where it was said that you can cut on paper with wood cutters. My dad and I immediately found such a set in our hardware store! And, oh miracle! I've been using one of the blades in this set for the last month, they're probably stronger because they're made for wood. And one more important fact, the price of a breadboard knife is 315 rubles, and the price of wood cutters is 87 rubles, at a sale in another city I bought the same set for 50 rubles. But I want to say that the handle of a breadboard knife is more convenient, so I use a hybrid handle from one set, blades from another

To learn how to sharpen the blades, I turned to Roman Miroslavovich for advice, he advised sharpening the blades on a whetstone (bar), but before that, be sure to wet it with water. Instead of a self-healing mat, use a lime board, the most ideal option is to make the blades yourself, from jointer steel. If the blades are hardened, then it can be sharpened indefinitely.

Many masters use ordinary nail scissors, even with curved edges. Some are cut with a scalpel or razor. There are punches, they squeeze circles. So the choice of tool depends on the pattern and on your skill.
Mikhail Despotashvili, a craftsman of vytynanok, cuts his works with a clerical knife on glass (you can also try this option).

As for paper, I tried several types, so far I think this one is ideal.

I started my work on ready-made schemes and templates.

Until a certain time, this suited me, but the moment came when I wanted to create my own template, corresponded with craftswomen and craftsmen from the Land of Masters website, and found out that you can process photos in the Paint.Net program.

After several unsuccessful attempts, I got something. Rate it!

I didn't want to stop there. And I began to make templates for paintings on a topic that interests me.

L.I.Z.A., my internet girlfriend, gave me such a great idea. Color the finished vytynankas in gold, just when I got bored with black and white colors.

It would seem that the material is not serious for the master - paper, fragile, unfounded. But it is worth taking an ordinary sheet in skillful hands, folding it in half, cutting it out along invisible contours, unfolding it and getting ... a miracle. Transformation is always a miracle. Something that makes you throw up your hands in admiration, gasp with delight.
And now, this art has evolved and turned into a technique for creating stunning carvings. Light strokes, flexible silhouettes... Elegant art!
I return to the topic of my project and I want to say that not only we, children, mix concepts, and the terms are very common among those who cut paper. It's just that the term "vytynanka" has taken root, has become so familiar that it has absorbed everything that is not a vytynanka.
The main thing is that people like the work!

I have already sold my works at the Christmas Fair, several paintings are exhibited in the online store, I have made several gifts and orders.

The workshop is intended for children aged 8 and over.

Purpose: making gifts.

Target: development of creative abilities.


1. Contribute to the formation of an idea of ​​a new kind of arts and crafts - cutting - vytynanka. Introduce students to the technique.

2. Develop imagination, thinking, creative abilities of each child; skills and abilities of working with paper, eye, fine motor skills of hands.

3. Cultivate accuracy, work culture.

Vytynanki is the art of paper cutting. This type of fine art has been around for a long time. Presumably in the 7th century in China. Although they say that there was something similar in the Trypillia culture. If we talk about the roots of the art of paper cutting, then it must be said that it originated in the 9th century in China, simultaneously with the invention and distribution of paper.

For work we need:

colored cardboard;

PVA glue;


ordinary scissors;

stationery scalpel;


flower stencil (photo 2.).

cutting mat.

Step by step crafts:

1. First you need to select a template picture. It must be remembered that when choosing a template pattern, you need to pay attention to the lines. It is necessary that they are not all connected as in a conventional drawing, but, as it were, consisted of separate elements. You can use special templates for vytynanka, which can be found on the Internet. The template can be printed on a printer, drawn on your own, or translated using a carbon paper, for example, from your favorite coloring book.

Recommendations: when the weaker students have decided on the template, you can paint over the areas that need to be cut out in the drawing with a simple pencil, so that it is easier to understand which parts of the drawing need to be cut out.

2. After you have decided and applied the template to the paper, we begin to cut out our drawing. Don't forget to place a cutting mat under it.

Let's start cutting out the picture from the bottom, cutting out all the details one by one.

3. When cutting straight lines, you can use a ruler.

4. When all the details inside the template are cut out, you need to cut the template along the contour.

5. So, our vytynanka is ready (photo 9.), We begin to select the background for the vytynanka.

6. We glue our vytynanka on colored cardboard (apply glue to the side from which we cut it out). As a basis, you can choose any color that you like.

7. In order for our gift to look original, we put it in a photo frame.

Vytynanki- a very exciting activity, beautiful, unusual and amazing!
