How to remove difficult stains from clothes? What can you do to remove stains from clothes?

The situation happens when something necessary and suitable is found among long-forgotten things.
The question arises: why is she not in the “main team”? And only after examining the find more closely, you realize that an annoying stain that was not washed off once ruined everything. It’s a pity to throw it away, and it was impossible to get rid of the pollution. But you can try to remove even an old stain; it is only important to know what exactly it is from.

Stains of different origins require different removal methods.

And then, when you use the right remedy, you can fix everything. We will try to describe below how to remove old stains from clothes, and most importantly, how to use them.

Wine stain

Putting things damaged by stains in the closet is a common thing. You don’t want to lose your white blouse or blouse, nor do you want to bother with the stain. What kind of contaminants most often cannot be dealt with immediately:

  • fat;
  • blood;
  • from paint;
  • ink;
  • from sweat.

Their difficult-to-decipher status is mostly a myth. You just need to put in some effort!

Grease stain on a shirt

There are, of course, many branded chemicals that can be used to get rid of troubles, but they are not cheap, and they give the exact opposite result. Therefore, it is better to use folk remedies that are not so radical and expensive. For example, you can grate raw potatoes, apply it to the stain for a while, and then wipe the area with gasoline if traces of grease still remain.

You can remove a greasy stain using raw potatoes.

For another remedy, you will need grated soap, turpentine and ammonia, taken in equal proportions. Mix the products and apply to the stain. After 15 minutes, the problem of how to remove old greasy stains from clothes will cease to interest you because the latter have disappeared without a trace. If the stains still “resist”, we will use the most labor-intensive method. Let's prepare gasoline or turpentine for it (but only purified). We wet the stain with plain water, place a napkin soaked in turpentine under the stain, and begin to wipe the stain itself with gasoline. If the cloth gets dirty quickly, replace it with a clean one. Finally, rinse the stain with water and dry the item.

For another product you will need grated soap, turpentine and ammonia

Blood stains

When blood gets on your clothes, the last thing you think about is removing it, because blood is always a consequence of an extreme situation. But you can get rid of blood very well after some time. First, let's try using just water and salt (1 tablespoon per liter).

Blood stains

On a note! It is very important not to change the proportions here, that is, more salt can ruin everything.

Dissolve the salt in water, apply the mixture to the stain, and leave the item to soak overnight. In the morning we just wash as usual. You can also use a purchased product, which does a good job, but it is not always possible to purchase it.

You can get rid of blood stains using a saline solution.

If salt and other attempts do not lead to results, we can use a radical method using hydrogen peroxide. But be prepared for the fact that after applying peroxide, the stain may become an equally unpleasant... hole. That is, this method is quite risky! Still want to figure out how to remove old blood stains from clothes using peroxide? Then let's get started. Simply rub the product into the stain with a cotton swab until it disappears completely. This method will definitely work, but it may end in tissue destruction. It is important to prepare for this in advance and not to rub the item, i.e. do not miss the moment of hole formation.

Hydrogen peroxide - a radical remedy for blood stains

Paint and ink

Many people believe that paint and ink cannot be removed in principle, and... they throw it away or put the item in the closet until better times. However, these stains are best removed when they are still fresh. If some time has passed, you should not give up. There are also folk remedies for these spots. To remove stubborn, old paint, prepare:

  • knife or razor;
  • petrol;
  • turpentine;
  • alcohol;
  • oil;
  • cotton wool;
  • soda

Soda solution is one of the remedies for paint stains

All funds will not be needed immediately. It’s just that if one solvent doesn’t work, we’ll test the others one by one. First, scrape off the top layer of paint with a knife, doing it carefully, avoiding holes. Next, we begin to rub in the solvent on a cotton swab, which needs to be changed as it gets dirty. When the stain disappears, the area should be treated with a soda solution. At the end, you need to wash the item (separately from the others) and hang it for airing to get rid of the smell of the product.

Bleach for removing stains

If you are wondering how to remove old ink stains from clothes, you can use a branded stain remover or take the item to dry cleaning. Fans of folk remedies should prepare... simple bleach and a cotton swab. We moisten the cotton wool with the product (but not too much, just lightly) and begin to rub it into the stain, often changing tampons. At the end, when there is no trace of ink left, we wash the item as usual.

Old stains and white clothes

It is impossible to imagine a more unfortunate combination. But effective methods of struggle exist here too.

Important! However, there is no need to immediately grab a solvent or bleach: the whole difficulty lies in the visibility of the stain on the white surface.

Ordinary alcohol will help get rid of lipstick

Therefore, you should correctly determine its nature and act extremely carefully. Ordinary alcohol will help get rid of lipstick. If the stain is from cologne or perfume, you can use acetone. Fat can be easily removed with dry potato flour.

Acetone will remove perfume stains

First, place a paper towel under the stain, heat the flour, sprinkle it on the stain and leave the product alone for 20 minutes. Then shake off the flour. If the stain remains, repeat the procedure. Finally, we simply wash the item with a regular detergent.

Fat can be easily removed with dry potato flour.

How to remove an old stain from white clothes if it is... tar? Use a knife or other sharp object to remove the top layer. Next, heat the milk and lower part of the item with the stain into it for 60 minutes. Then we take it out and wash it in cold water with regular powder. If there is old dirt of unknown origin on the item, you can try to get rid of it with acetone.

To remove tar you will need milk

Traces of sweat

The physiology of the human body suggests that the armpits, as well as the back of many white clothes, “suffer” from traces of yellow. Many people immediately rush to remove them using factory-made stain removers. But the result is not always the one expected. Therefore, things with yellowed armpits are often sent to the closet. Getting rid of them over time, of course, is much more difficult. But this is possible if you use some of the products available in every home medicine cabinet, just around the house.

Sweat stains on clothes are quite difficult to get rid of.

So, to remove old yellow stains from white clothes, prepare.

To remove a stain from clothing, you first need to determine its origin, and then take decisive action.

Grease stains remove this way: sprinkle a fresh stain with tooth powder or crushed chalk, talcum powder or clay on both sides. Then cover with paper, put under a press and leave for a day. After this, brush off the powder. This method is suitable for light-colored fabrics. If the fabric is dark, sprinkle powder only on the back side, as light marks may remain on the front side.

Gasoline, turpentine and acetone are also used to remove grease stains. The stain is wiped from the center to the edges with a cloth soaked in gasoline, then either washed or applied with cotton pads moistened with water.

You can apply the pulp of black bread to a fresh greasy stain, which absorbs grease well.

WITH cotton and linen fabrics the stain can be removed by wiping it with a mixture of ammonia and water (1 teaspoon of alcohol per 1 glass of water).

For removing traces of grime Woolen and silk fabrics are wiped with a woolen cloth soaked in gasoline, acetone or ammonia.

Chocolate stain remove by washing the item in salt water (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water).

Cope with tea stain A solution of glycerin with ammonia in a ratio of 4:1 or a soap solution (for a fresh stain) will help.

Red wine or berry stain You should immediately sprinkle it with salt, and then stretch the cloth over the pan and pour boiling water over it. A mixture of glycerin and egg yolk in a 1:1 ratio will also help to cope with such a stain.

White fabric can be soaked or boiled in milk and then washed.

Items with blood stains soak in cold water and wash with laundry soap. Fabric with an old stain is soaked in salt water (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water), and then washed with warm water and washing powder or soap. Blood stains from wool are removed with an aspirin solution (1 tablet per glass of water).

Deodorant stains remove with a solution of 2 aspirin tablets per 100 ml of hot water. The solution is applied to the stain and left for 3 hours, then washed.

For removing fruit or juice stains take 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and stir it in half a glass of water. The stain is wiped with the resulting solution, then rinsed with water.

For cleansing from stuck chewing gum You need to put the soiled item in the freezer for half an hour, then remove the chewing gum and clean off the residue with a brush.

Thing with ice cream stain Before washing, rinse in a solution of borax and water in a 1:1 ratio.

Delete fresh grass stain Cologne will help. For old stains, use a mixture of cologne and ammonia in a ratio of 3:1. If you don’t have cologne, you can wet the stain with a salt solution (1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water) and then wash it.

Things, dirty, before washing, soak for several hours in washing powder dissolved in cold water. Then the clothes are dried and the gouache is removed with a brush. After this, the product is washed as usual.

Lipstick stains wipe with a cotton swab dipped in ammonia or medical alcohol.

In the life of every person, various situations arise every day, some of them are pleasant, while others, on the contrary, have a negative connotation. At the same time, unexpectedly soiled clothes are just one of the rather unpleasant moments.

How to save your favorite sweater or jeans? How to quickly remove various types of dirt on clothes? We remove any stains at home quickly and irrevocably!

Remove from clothes

To ensure that removing stains always takes a minimum of time, you first need to learn how to determine their “nature” correctly. After all, contamination, which, for example, is left by alcoholic drinks, grass or blood, requires a different approach.

Secondly, if possible, you should always scrub off stains while they are fresh, since the likelihood of completely getting rid of old stains is not so great.

Information. Most often, you can remove fresh stains on clothes using baking soda and laundry soap.

Don’t want to turn to a specialized online forum for help every time you encounter another stain? Use traditional cleaning methods.

Salt and hydrogen peroxide vs.

Removing red wine stains is a rather difficult task, but if you get down to it right away, there will be no trace of unpleasant splashes left.

So, after wine gets on clothes or shoes, it must immediately be well covered with salt.

After this, after about 30 minutes, the contamination is washed off with soap in warm, even slightly hot water.

If this method of removing wine stains from clothes is not successful, use the second method. And to do this, dilute 1 tsp in 150 ml of warm water. hydrogen peroxide.

Soak a cloth in this solution and wait 10 minutes. After this, wash the product in warm water, using soap if necessary.

Removing lipstick marks from clothes, in particular from blouses and shirts, usually takes a lot of time. Alcohol will help make the task easier.
Soak a cotton pad in pure alcohol and wipe away any traces of dirt. Then wash the item of clothing in warm water, rubbing the fabric well with soap.

If the material cannot be treated with alcohol, you can use the second method. So, to remove lipstick from clothes, generously sprinkle the stain with regular baby talcum powder.
After this, lay the material on both sides with cloth napkins, and warm the dirty area well with an iron.

Onion juice and potato flour vs.

Very often, modern people have a question: how can you remove a greasy stain from suede shoes or clothes.

And here onion juice comes to the aid of the “victims”:

  1. Take a large onion, peel it and squeeze out the juice;
  2. Dampen a soft cloth in it and wipe the dirty area well;
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes and clean the stain using a special brush and soapy water.

Important! In order not to “stretch” the greasy stain on the suede even more, start scrubbing it from the edges, gradually moving towards the center of the stain.

For another method that will help remove a greasy stain from clothes, you will need to prepare a frying pan, potato flour and a piece of white cotton cloth:
  1. Heat the flour well over the fire and sprinkle it generously over the dirt;
  2. On the wrong side of the product, apply a piece of white fabric to the stain;
  3. Wait at least 30 minutes;
  4. Remove the flour and evaluate the result.

What can you remove or get rid of?

How to quickly get rid of grass, iodine and coffee stains on clothes? Easily!

Vinegar, alcohol or glycerin vs.

It is almost impossible to imagine a modern person without a good daily “dose” of coffee. It is for this reason that the problem of removing coffee stains from clothes, shoes or accessories is extremely relevant.

Take regular 9% table vinegar and alcohol and mix everything in equal parts.

Dampen a soft cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the stained area well with it.

Are you afraid that the fabric will not withstand such aggressive influence?

Then buy glycerin, heat it in a water bath, apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the coffee stain well.

Let the product sit quietly for 15-20 minutes, then wash it.

Attention! Always test any home remedies on the back of the item, preferably on the seam. Otherwise, you can finally get rid of your favorite thing along with the stain.

Baking soda or egg with glycerin against grass stains.

It is impossible to learn how to remove any stains in a few days, but you can clean your clothes of grass stains in literally an hour. And to start, take 1 tbsp. soda and add enough water to it so that the bulk product becomes mushy. Apply the resulting paste to the grass marks and wait 20 minutes. Rinse off the baking soda in warm water and thoroughly remove stains with laundry soap.

If soda does not fully cope with its task, then use a stronger product. And for it, mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. warm glycerin. Apply the product to the stain and leave the item alone for about 1 hour. After this, wash the product.

How can you remove fairly noticeable iodine stains? If they are fresh, then use warm milk.

And to do this, heat 0.5 liters of dairy product to immerse the soiled clothes in it.

Wait 15-20 minutes and wash the stain with laundry soap.

In the same case, if iodine stains are old, acetone will help get rid of them on clothes. Soak a cotton pad in it and, using physical effort, wipe the stained area.

Wash or clean

You can remove any dirt from things at home without resorting to dry cleaning. True, it will take a little effort. How can I remove rust, blood or grime?

Wine vinegar or soda against rust.

Cleaning rust rarely ends successfully, but if you mix 1 tsp. wine vinegar with 200 ml of cold water, soak the stain in the solution for 15 minutes and wash the item, the result will exceed all expectations.

You can also combine table vinegar and soda in a ratio of 1:3 to make a paste. It should be applied to the stain and left for 30-40 minutes. After this, the clothes should be washed.

Aspirin or glycerin vs.

How can you remove blood stains from clothes?

Grind 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and dissolve them in 200 ml of warm water.

Soak a clean toothbrush in the resulting solution and brush it thoroughly over the stained area.

Or heat the glycerin in a water bath, soak a cotton pad in it and generously apply the product to the stained area. Wait 15-20 minutes and wash the stain.

Shaving foam or anti-greasy mustard powder.

Everyone knows that cleaning greasy collars or cuffs on clothes is not an easy job. However, if you regularly use small home tricks, such cleaning will become much easier.

So, apply shaving foam to the cuffs, inside of the sleeves or collar, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse with water. To improve the effect, use laundry soap.

If you don’t have foam on hand, and you need to get rid of stains urgently, take mustard powder. Dilute it with warm water to a thick sour cream and apply to dirt. Wait 30-40 minutes and rinse the item well.

Information. Often, cleaning clothes at home is impossible without the use of modern bleaches. Therefore, always use this product when washing.


So how can you remove stains from clothes or shoes? In fact, there is no universal answer to this question, since in different situations it is necessary to use different means. But in order for the products to certainly acquire their original appearance, you just need to not be afraid of experiments!

Useful video

You can watch a useful video here:

In the summer, it is best to wear white clothes, but they are easily soiled and therefore often get dirty.

Therefore, many people have a question: how to remove stains on white so as not to spoil the product?

Before removing stains from white clothes, you need to learn a few important rules:

  1. Don't put off processing your clothes. The faster you clean things from dirt, the better the product you use will work. First, the item can be washed as usual with the addition of stain remover.
  2. Do not use chlorinated bleach as it will cause the fabric to turn yellow. It is best to use peroxide-based products.
  3. Do not soak contaminated items. This will cause the stain to become embedded in the fabric fibers.
  4. Keep dirty items away from warm places. Do not place it in direct sunlight or on a battery. Do not dry food marks with a hairdryer or iron.
  5. As a preliminary cleansing, you can use dishwashing gel. Apply it to the stain and rub lightly.
  6. You can mix hydrogen peroxide with liquid products and apply the resulting solution to the mark. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse off.
  7. Do not use colored or thick products to remove marks from white items. This group includes laundry soap, mustard, kerosene, and turpentine.
  8. If suddenly one method does not help remove the stain, then try another. But you should not use them at the same time, as an unexpected chemical reaction may occur. It is better to repeat the procedure the next day, when the product is dry.

In some situations, to remove stains from white items, you need to dry clean them. This procedure may be required if traces of greasy food appear, delicate fabrics (wool, silk, cashmere) are dirty, old or stubborn stains.

Removing yellowed stains

How to remove stains from white clothes? Yellow marks are often the result of excessive sweating, deodorant reacting with fabric, or grease.

Sometimes clothes turn yellow when washed with too hot water.

First method

Not so easy to wash off. But you can solve the problem with a vinegar solution.

Follow these tips to complete the procedure:

  1. Take a mug of warm water and add three to four tablespoons of vinegar. Place on the stove and warm up slightly. The liquid should not boil!
  2. Place the dirty item in the container with the solution. But be careful and wear gloves, as the liquid may burn your skin.
  3. Keep the product in the solution for 30 minutes. Then wash using liquid powder.

Second method

Don't know how to remove stains from white items? You can make paste from scrap materials at home. To do this, take hydrogen peroxide, salt, baking soda and vinegar in equal proportions.

Mix the ingredients very carefully as a chemical reaction may occur. Apply the finished product to the spot and leave for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the paste will penetrate into the deep layers of the tissue.

After the time has passed, the item should be washed as usual.

Third method

Some housewives remove dirt using salt and vinegar. These components effectively and quickly remove any traces.

Take some vinegar and salt to make the consistency a little thick.

Apply the mixture to the stain and leave for 30-40 minutes. After the time has passed, wash the product.

Fourth method

One of the safe and effective remedies is hydrogen peroxide. The solution can be purchased at a pharmacy at a low price.

To remove, soak a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe the stained area. After two to three minutes, repeat the procedure again.

If you are trying to clean delicate fabric, dilute the peroxide with warm water.

Fifth method

If the yellow mark cannot be washed off, then you can use a soda solution to remove it.

To make it you will need 120 grams of soda and a liter of water. Mix the ingredients.

Apply the resulting paste to the yellowed area. Rub in lightly and leave for 20 minutes.

After the time has passed, wash the item in the machine.

Elimination of sweat marks in the armpits

Spots in the armpit area occur when a person sweats heavily or as a result of a reaction between deodorant and tissue.

You can remove them using the following means.

How to remove a stain from white clothes? If you did not have time to remove a fresh trace of sweat, you can remove it later using a saline solution. This method is suitable for both soaking and regular washing.

The product can be washed by hand or in a machine, selecting the desired mode.

Stain remover or oxygen bleach

How to remove a stain from a white item? In the store you can buy household chemicals that cope well with any contaminants.

If you purchased the product in powder form, you can mix it with washing powder and pour it into the washing machine tray.

If the bleach is in liquid form, apply it directly to the resulting mark. Rub lightly and leave for 15-20 minutes.

To complete the procedure, wash your clothes.

Dishwashing gel

Dishwashing gel can also help remove stains. But choose only a product that contains a minimum of dyes. For such purposes, yellow or clear liquid is more suitable.

Apply to the stain and rub in lightly. And after a few minutes, rinse with warm water.

Removing rust from white

It is very difficult to remove rust from white and colored linen, but you can still preserve the product by using the following methods.

First way

To carry out the manipulations, you will need a slice of lemon or lime, napkins, gauze and an iron.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Place the dirty item on the ironing board.
  2. Place a slice of lemon or lime on the stain. And cover the top with gauze, folded in three or four layers.
  3. Place a napkin under the product. It will absorb traces of rust.
  4. Turn on the iron and wait until it gets hot. Then iron the stained areas with it.
  5. To complete the procedure, wash your clothes as normal.

Second way

Buy a 15 gram pack of citric acid in the store. Pour the contents of the sachet into 100 milliliters of water. Heat slightly, but do not bring to a boil.

Moisten the stains with the resulting solution. Leave for 10 minutes. During this time, citric acid will dissolve the rust.

Be especially careful when removing stains. Try the finished product on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric and see the reaction. If the product has not deteriorated, then you can continue the procedure.

Removing deodorant marks

It is better to remove traces of deodorant immediately after wearing. Wash items made from natural fabrics in cool water. Dry outdoors in the shade. This will avoid the appearance of yellow streaks.

Washing in hot water is quite a risky business. But this will help return the white color to the clothes. This method is most suitable for cotton products.

Before carrying out manipulations, take a look at. It should indicate the maximum temperature for washing.

Preparation of a mixture based on powder, soda and salt:

  1. If you are going to wash shirts or T-shirts in the machine, then choose a temperature setting of 60 degrees. Add a dose of powder to the tray, as well as a spoonful of salt and soda. This product is not suitable for delicate fabrics.
  2. You can cook pasta. To do this, take 50 milliliters of water and 4 tablespoons of soda. Mix thoroughly and then apply the mixture to the stain using a brush. Leave for 40-60 minutes. After the time has passed, wash the product and dry it at room temperature. The procedure can be repeated.

Whatever method is chosen, you first need to conduct a reaction test on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​tissue. It is also more effective to remove stains that are still fresh or have recently appeared.

Of course, the easiest way is to use dry cleaning services. But sometimes it’s faster and sometimes more effective to remove stains at home. In addition, it is quite difficult to take a chair or sofa with soiled upholstery to the dry cleaner.

First of all, you need to know what and how long ago the thing was stained: a fresh stain is much easier to remove.

Before removing contamination, check the effect of the stain remover on the fabric and its coloring. To do this, the product is tested on some inconspicuous place, such as an internal seam, under a belt or inside a pocket. A small area is treated with a swab moistened with the prepared preparation to check whether the color and structure of the tissue changes under its influence. If the stain is not completely removed immediately, you need to repeat its treatment 2-3 times, alternating with washing.

When removing stains from woolen things or things from natural silk Do not use alkalis and alkaline preparations, and from cotton and linen fabrics - acids and preparations containing sulfuric, hydrochloric or nitric acid.

For acetate silk And artificial fabrics Do not use acetic acid or stain removers that dissolve them. At home, you can use a highly concentrated soap solution to clean clothes made from these fabrics. Synthetic fabrics (nylon, nylon, etc.) are afraid of solvents.

To prevent streaks from forming on the fabric during processing, you need to thoroughly clean the items from dust: knock them out or brush them first with a dry and then a damp brush.

Removing stains using solvents it's always better to produce on the back of the fabric, then there will be no difficult to remove stains around the stain. The effect of stains that form around the stain under the influence of the drug can be avoided if the fabric around the stain is moistened with water or sprinkled with chalk. Stains also form from improper rubbing of the stain remover. The stain is removed only from the edges to the center. Rub lightly, using rotational movements, until the stain disappears.

On brightly colored cotton fabrics rain spots are especially noticeable. They are wiped with a cotton swab soaked in vinegar (1 teaspoon per glass of water), then ironed from the wrong side. Water stains are removed from silk fabrics using table salt: the stains are sprayed with salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water) and wiped with a dry soft brush, then ironed from the wrong side.

Water stained smooth velvet You can moisten the underside with water, wipe the stains with diluted ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of water), and then iron it on the underside, holding it suspended so that the pile does not get crushed and grayish stripes do not form. This work will have to be done by two or even three: two hold the velvet, and the third irons it.

Glossy from sitting, spots most often appear on woolen and silk fabrics. Eliminate them with a woolen swab moistened with acetone, ammonia or a mixture of both in equal parts. Excess liquid is removed with blotting paper. You can also clean the fabric with dry fine sand: moisten the stains with warm water, pour sand on them and wipe with a hard cloth. Then iron the entire product through a damp white cloth.

How to remove cologne and perfume stains?

Cologne and perfume stains on dyed fabrics can be removed with warm glycerin or white spirit.

Stains from creams, masks, lipsticks, pastes that contain fatty substances will have to be removed with benzene, white spirit or a mixture of various solvents. If minor stains appear on the fabric, they can be washed off with diluted vinegar and then rinse the area with water.

On white cotton fabrics, stains are removed with ammonia and washed with water.

How to remove scorch marks from an iron?

Iron marks are not always removed by dry cleaning. However, it is possible to save the item: for woolen white and light fabrics, you should use a solution of hydrogen peroxide (2 teaspoons per glass of water) with the addition of a few drops of ammonia. If cotton fabric is damaged by a hot iron, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in half a glass of water, wipe the scorched area and leave for 15-20 minutes, then wipe it with a dry cloth, and if necessary, wash it.

How to remove stains and stains from sweat?

On a white silk lining, sweat stains are removed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 part hydrogen to 10 parts water). Sweat stains on light woolen items are first wiped with a brush soaked in soapy water, then thoroughly washed with water, after which the stains are moistened with diluted oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per glass of water). Stains are removed from colored woolen fabrics with a mixture of white spirit (4 parts) and ammonia (2 parts). Then the product is washed several times with water. From all other types of fabrics, sweat stains are removed with a mixture of table salt or borax and ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of water), then washed with water.

How to remove urine stains?

Urine stains are moistened with a strong solution of table salt and then washed with water. Old stains are removed using citric acid or vinegar essence diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and washed thoroughly. You can also use a mixture of equal parts of a solution of table salt and ammonia.

How to remove stains from fruits and berries?

Stains from fruits and berries are usually very difficult to remove. Therefore, the first condition is to remove stains as soon as possible. If they are fresh, this is done with hot water. Stains from tablecloths, napkins, and shirts are washed with a stream of boiling water: the fabric is stretched over a basin and boiling water is poured from a kettle until the stain disappears. Another way: cover a fresh stain with table salt, leave for 20 minutes, and then wash with soapy water. If possible, before doing this, the tissue should be kept in hot serum for several minutes.

Old fruit stains are wiped with a mixture of citric acid (4 parts) and wine alcohol (10 parts) or an aqueous solution of citric acid (1 teaspoon per glass of water). The fabric with the stain should be immersed in this solution for several minutes, and then rinsed successively with warm and cold water. Finish processing by washing the item with soap.

Berry stains from white items can be removed with hydrogen peroxide, after which the cleaned area must be rinsed with cold water. It is more difficult to remove a stain of this origin from wool and silk fabrics in light, and even more so, dark tones. In these cases, they are removed with a mixture of glycerin and white spirit in equal parts. The stain should be smeared with this mixture using a brush or cotton wool and left for several hours. Then wipe with a cloth and rinse with water.

If the upholstery is stained with fruit or berry juice, mix ammonia and vinegar, apply the solution to the stain and let it dry naturally.

How to remove blood stains?

Blood stains should not be washed off with hot water. Typically, fresh stains are first washed in cold water and then washed in a soapy solution.

From white cotton and linen fabrics, old stains that cannot be removed by washing are removed with ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of water) or borax solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water). If stains remain after this treatment, they should be additionally wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1-2 teaspoons per glass of water), heated to 50-60 degrees. In especially difficult cases, contaminated areas of fabric are treated with bleach and soda (in equal parts). Keep the item in the solution until the stains are removed, then rinse it very thoroughly, adding a little vinegar to the water.

How to remove mold stains?

If mold stains are not old, they are wiped with white spirit or vinegar, and when they dry, rinse with clean water. This must be repeated several times until the stains disappear. Then the stained areas should be wiped with soapy water. Under no circumstances should you wash items before removing stains from them, as rusty-yellow marks may remain. Old stains can be soaked in serum and, after the fabric has dried, wiped with a mixture of salt and ammonia (1 tablespoon each). Then wash the entire item with soapy water.

Moldy colored wool fabric must first be thoroughly dried and then cleaned with a stiff brush. If stains remain, wipe them with white spirit.

From white cotton and linen fabrics, mold stains are first removed by washing in a soapy solution, then they are bleached with hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) or ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of water).

How to remove grass stains?

Fresh stains from grass and other greenery can be removed from cotton, linen and silk fabrics by washing them in hot water with added salt (1 tablespoon per glass of water); If there are traces of stains, the items are washed with soap. If they cannot be washed, the stains are wiped with a solution of table salt in water, and then with white spirit. Old, difficult-to-remove stains from cotton and linen fabrics can only be removed with a hot solution of oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per 0.5 liter of hot water), then the item must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water.

How to remove tea, coffee and cocoa stains?

Fresh tea stains can be removed this way: spread the item over a bowl and pour a thin stream of boiling water from a kettle over the stains. You can use a mixture of 4 parts glycerin with 1 part ammonia. For old stains, use a solution of oxalic acid (2-3 g per 1 glass of water). Moisten the stains with a warm solution, and when they disappear, thoroughly rinse the areas where the stains were removed with water.

Cocoa stains on colored wool or silk fabric are removed as follows: the fabric is pulled tightly onto a deep plate or bowl and the stain is poured with cold water in which a little toilet soap has been diluted. While pouring water over the fabric, you need to lightly wipe the stain with a soft brush. Old stains from the same fabrics are removed as follows: the stains are moistened with heated (up to 35-40 ° C) glycerin and left for 10-15 minutes so that the glycerin is well absorbed. After this, the stains are wiped with a swab soaked in glycerin until the stain disappears. Then you should wash off the glycerin and wash the item.

On white and light cotton linen fabrics, cocoa stains are removed with ammonia (1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water) or a mixture of ammonia (1 part) with glycerin (20 parts) and water (20 parts). After processing, the item must be washed.

Coffee stains on linen or cotton fabric should be removed as soon as possible. The stains are soaped, lightly washed and then the entire item is boiled until the stains disappear.

On woolen and silk fabrics, such stains are cleaned with a cloth moistened with soapy water, to which a little ammonia is added (3-5 teaspoons per 1 liter of water). Then the entire item is washed in the usual way. Old coffee stains should be moistened with the following mixture: 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of water and a few drops of ammonia. The stain is wiped with this mixture, and when it disappears, washed with hot water.

If you spill coffee on your sofa, scrub the stained area with a bar of soap, then wipe it with a damp cloth and let the fabric dry.

Chocolate stains can be removed using a soap solution. And to remove stains from jam or jam, add vinegar to the soap solution. After drying, the fabric should be rinsed with warm water and dried again.

How to remove a rust stain on clothes?

The easiest way to get rid of a rust stain on any type of fabric is to wrap a slice of lemon in gauze, apply it to the stain and run a hot iron over the back of the fabric several times - the stain will disappear.

How to remove wine or beer stains?

Sprinkle red wine stains with salt and leave until it absorbs the wine. When the fabric is dry, shake the salt off the fabric or remove it with a vacuum cleaner. Do the same with greasy stains on fabric. They need to be generously sprinkled with salt, allowed to soak in, remove the remaining salt, then moisten the sponge in alcohol and lightly rub the stained area.

The beer stain should be treated with a bar of soap and the cloth dried. Then prepare a solution of 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and 1 liter of water, apply it to the stain and leave for a while, then finally rinse with clean water and dry.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes?

Chewing gum stuck to fabric is extremely difficult to clean off. Here is one of the simplest ways. Place ice cubes in a plastic bag on the stuck gum. Then scrape off the gum with a blunt object, after which the fabric should be treated with methyl alcohol.

How to remove wax from clothes?

You will have to remove candle wax from fabric in several stages. First, the frozen wax must be broken into fragments and collected. Place a piece of fabric over the remaining stain and iron it with a hot iron. Then treat the stained area with stain remover.

How to remove fly stains?

Fly stains on items to be washed are removed with soapy water or any synthetic detergent. On light linen and woolen fabrics, stains should be moistened with ammonia diluted with water (in equal parts) or hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water) and left for 15-20 minutes, then wiped with a dry cloth, or even better - wash.

How to remove soot and soot stains from clothes?

Soot and soot leave persistent stains of intense black color, which are not always easy to remove when washing. Therefore, before washing, stains from soot and soot should be moistened with turpentine. Stains from items that cannot be washed are removed with a swab soaked in turpentine.
