We almost got divorced. What to do after a breakup

There are no statistics on how many of them are couples who almost broke the bonds of marriage, but remained together. It seems like there are quite a few of them. That's how it goes.

“Children keep me married”

Anna, 29 years old:
“We separated unofficially several times. That incident was the most serious: we didn’t live together for six months. I could not come to terms with my husband’s numerous shortcomings: he got involved with bad company, probably used drugs, but denied it and refused treatment. He often disappeared for several days, then appeared, and... everything started again. Naturally, he did not work - with such a lifestyle there was no time to work. We went to file for divorce, and the line at the registry office was about three hours long.
I ask in surprise: “Is everyone really going to the office where the “divorce” sign hangs?” People actively nod their heads. But I have to go to work, I can’t wait. I tell my husband: “You sit, if you want, I’ll come over later,” and he: “Then I’m leaving this city altogether, I have nothing to do here” - he’s from another region.
The scene is like in a movie: a couple is standing at the main entrance to the registry office, arguing, the husband, in a fit of anger, throws the ring with force on the asphalt. I, too, am a proud bird, I turn around and leave. I walk for about ten minutes alone and think that I can live alone. Suddenly a stomp: it’s catching up with me. He said words that I had never heard from him: how much he loves me, what he understood during this time, and how bad he feels without me. Again he began to look after me, to make me fall in love with him again.

And yet, it was not kind words that kept me from getting a divorce, but a child. That's who really holds it together, and now there are two more of them! Before I became pregnant with my second, I also seriously thought about divorce, and then - such a surprise! Yes, children are what keeps me in my marriage.

But the years together changed my husband very dramatically: he became an exemplary family man, and now there are no bright spots for divorce. Another question: is this the man with whom I really feel good.”

“If I got divorced, I would feel like I failed the project”

Andrey, 28:
“Three years ago I got married. And two months later he almost filed for divorce. We began to disagree for two reasons: firstly, my wife wanted fun evenings in clubs, and I was already fed up with it. Before the wedding, she dreamed of a quiet, comfortable atmosphere, coziness, home-cooked food, but Lena did not see herself in the role of a housewife.
Secondly, my wife expected more from me financially. Before the wedding, I actively courted: not only gave flowers and sweets, but took her to the sea, bought expensive things. The celebration itself looked like a ceremony for very wealthy people. In fact, I consider myself to be in the middle class and cannot boast of high incomes yet - that’s in the plans. And I managed to organize a gorgeous wedding because one of my good friends owns a small company that organizes such celebrations. I once developed a series of commercials for him, and he decided to show his gratitude - he arranged everything at cost (it took several months to collect this amount).
That day Lena felt like a princess, and in the evening I took her to a studio on the outskirts of the city, where she has to manage a household and live within her means. Soon scandals began.
Why didn't they get divorced? It's simple: I felt sorry for the money I invested. Anyone who says that they do not play a role in a relationship is lying. In terms of my income level, I really spent a lot on my wife: from the courtship stage to the wedding, and even after that my expenses were redistributed. A new article has appeared: Lena.

If I got divorced, I would feel like a person who failed in a big promising business.

Therefore, I discovered a new character in myself: compromising and nurturing. I never thought that I would be explaining to a young beautiful girl the value of marriage and teaching her patience. I’ve talked to girls about other topics before. But I had to learn a different role, and it gave results: Lena heard me. We're doing well now."

“The cat is dearer to you than your husband”

Galina, 38:
“Our cat recently died - over ten years of his life he became a member of the family. After some time, I expressed my desire to get a new pet, but my husband was against it.
I timidly hinted at my nostalgia for my pet, spent hours on forums dedicated to shaggy four-legged animals... My husband’s reaction was unexpected: he didn’t become pitiful, but... jealous! Seriously, accusations were made: “Your cat is more valuable than your husband,” “He will come to this house in my place.”
This confrontation lasted two months, and then I couldn’t stand it: I decided to take a new animal without my husband’s consent. Seeing a small eared creature looking in fear at a two-meter figure, the husband silently packed his things and left the house. His phone was silent for a day. Then it turned out that he was in the country, two hours away from the city.
I made several fruitless attempts to negotiate with my husband about returning, and then all the feminine forces of our family were involved. He was alternately called by his daughter, daughter-in-law and, finally, his mother - who agreed with his opinion, but was also confident that family is the only real value in a person’s life. Having given her over-aged son a serious beating, she convinced him to return to his family.
The husband appeared in a very aggressive mood: he said that we would live in different rooms and in general he was thinking about the advisability of our marriage.

An accident helped change the situation. The kitten sat under the chair all night, shaking with fear. But early in the morning instinct drove him to the kitchen. My husband was just getting ready for work. The need of the young tailed organism for food turned out to be more important than caution: the animal tried to snatch a piece of sausage from the terrible hands of the frowning subject. Victory, naturally, remained with the strongest, but at that moment the husband smiled, and the issue of the cat staying in the house, and at the same time about our union, was resolved positively.”

Katya Semenova became the heroine of the “My Hero” program. In the program, the 80s star recalled her difficult childhood and also explained why her marriage broke up. The singer lost her parents early and lived with her sister. At the age of 11, she went to work as a cleaner to earn money for the doll she liked.

Semenova recalls that when her mother died, the teacher told her classmates about it so that they would feel sorry for her. Katya didn't do well at school because she didn't like it. She even got a C in singing.

It was psychologically difficult for her loved ones, as they were constantly short of money. “When my mother died, my sister was 25 years old. Without thinking at all, she could come home from three jobs and tell me: “Let’s have a drink.” And I’ve been drinking since I was 11,” shares the artist.

After school, Semenova went to work in a cafe. Later she was hired into a medical facility. There she fell ill with tuberculosis. “I spent more than a year in the hospital,” the singer recalls.

After a serious illness, Katya was hired only at a veterinary hospital. Later she learned that one publication was holding a music competition. She decided to try her hand because she simply loved to sing.

Semyonova recalls that luck smiled on her. For some time she worked in a girls' team, but she was often criticized for her appearance.

The 80s star had to work hard. Sometimes she had four concerts a day. “It was work that I used to earn money,” shares Katya. At the age of 22 she got married, and some time later her son was born. Management discouraged her from having a child so early, but she did not decide to have an abortion. Semenova admits that she did not work for nine months and fed Vanya.

After some time, the singer decided to divorce her husband.

“It was very difficult. I left my husband for certain reasons. This doesn’t apply to the fact that I fell in love with another person,” says Katya about breaking up with the father of her child.

On the first day, Semenova did not take her son because she decided to think it over, and then she did not find the strength to return to that apartment. She lived with the costume designer Nadya. But she was never allowed to take Vanya.

Mikhail Tserishenko became the star’s new hobby. The couple started dating and later got married. The couple have been married for almost 25 years. However, on January 9, 2018, they were divorced. For a long time the man had another.

“For me, divorce is not a disaster. There is treason, there is betrayal. He betrayed me. I gave myself a year after her call. She said that they haven’t known how to get rid of me for a long time,” shares Semenova.

According to his rival, Mikhail was afraid that Katya would not give him the dacha. After the news of his betrayal, the singer was able to live with him for another year.

“I immediately kicked him out and filed for divorce. But then he started saying that he couldn’t live with me. He almost died. For some reason I thought that the life of my loved one was still more important. I allowed him to return home,” recalls Semenova.

According to the artist, her rival played a big role in this situation. She needed more funds. Semenova decided not to divide her acquired property and gave a lot to her ex-husband.

“He paid her money. She wanted more. I wrote everything down to him. And a car, and a motorcycle, and a dacha,” the star admitted.

Katya calls Mikhail an envious person. In her opinion, it was precisely because of this character trait that he was never able to make friends in Moscow.

All of Semenova’s friends turned away from her when she forgave her husband. The artist is surprised how her friends could betray her. Now the star plans to focus on her career, and she doesn’t even think about meeting a new man. “Never will a hungry person appear in my house. This is my home,” says Katya.

Every bride in love dreams that the happy story after the wedding will continue until her very last breath. But life is a complicated thing. According to statistics, only 1/2 of all marriages are viable. How to understand that you are in the other half? How to decide to divorce your husband if it has already become clear that it is inevitable? We tried to get answers to these questions from psychologists.

Beginning of the End

Even if there are no children in the family, and the family experience is still very short, the decision to divorce is rarely made rashly. When this happens, many couples, independently or with the help of a psychologist, manage to resolve the conflict or overcome the difficulties that have arisen, preserving the family home.

The main thing is not to miss the moment, not to take the position of an ostrich and not to pretend that everything is in order. The sooner the parties admit that problems exist in their relationship, the higher the likelihood of saving the marriage.

Alarm bells

No one has ever been able to go through a divorce painlessly. On the classic stress scale, it ranks second only to the death of a spouse. So accept that it will be difficult. And we will have to deal with this.

Another thing is that separation is an extreme measure. And it may not be reached if you notice the first alarm bells in time. But how do you know when it’s time to divorce your husband?

You need to pay close attention to your relationships if:

  • it turned out that your views on vital issues or value systems are incompatible;
  • you have stopped communicating, or all conversations revolve only around children and everyday problems;
  • you prefer to share your bad and good personal experiences not with your spouse;
  • it has become difficult for you to ask your partner for something or respond to his requests;
  • you discovered that the appearance of your significant other is not interesting to you;
  • you began to spend more and more time away from home or moving away from each other;
  • the desire to appear with your spouse in public places or with friends has disappeared;
  • small and large quarrels break out more and more often and proceed more and more aggressively;
  • your list of complaints against your partner and the number of reasons to be dissatisfied with him have suddenly increased greatly;
  • Even your children began to tell you that you constantly quarrel and make scandals;
  • you have stopped planning a future together, and are fixated only on the present or past;
  • disagreements over the family budget have become more frequent, or the principles of its distribution have changed radically;
  • the thought of divorce has already crossed your mind more than once and was even voiced several times in a fit of anger by you or your partner.

At this stage, everything can still be corrected. Of course, only in the case when not all of the above signs of a significant deterioration in relations are present at once. And it’s better if you do this with the help of a qualified psychologist.

After all, when mutual understanding has already been lost, it is difficult for partners to objectively evaluate their actions and actions from the outside. But if you do everything right, then after overcoming all the difficulties you will take care of and love each other even more.

Stop signal

But there are situations when psychologists unanimously advise not to even think about whether it’s worth getting a divorce at all, but to urgently flee, taking your children with you. These are those cases in which the husband begins to pose a real threat to the physical or mental health of his wife and other family members.

If you are not sure about the correctness of the decision to divorce, be sure to consult a psychologist. Moreover, now there are many ways to do it for free and get professional advice and support.

There is no need to discuss your situation on forums - everyone has their own experience. And your mistake can cost you and your children very dearly.

Unpleasant conversation

An interesting fact is that most men do not think about how to tell their wife about divorce. When they make this decision, they usually already have a ready-made plan in their heads for what and how will happen next: who will get the apartment, who will the children stay with, etc. and so on. When everything is determined, for them (even if it has not yet been legally confirmed) it is already a fait accompli. That’s why they most often report it categorically and categorically.

Women are different by nature. They have a genetically embedded desire to be a homemaker. That's why she always gives one more chance, and then another. She will analyze and doubt for a long time. She is afraid of making mistakes and tries not to destroy the peace and peace of mind of her own children. Therefore, for them, the question of how to tell their husband about divorce is as difficult as making the decision itself.

But difficult conversations cannot be avoided. The following advice from psychologists will help you mentally prepare for it and build a dialogue correctly:

  • If the final decision has been made, there is no need to delay. Sooner or later you will still have to talk, especially since the spouse also feels the understatement and will only get angry and worried even more;
  • The moment for conversation must be chosen correctly. Moreover, if the husband is a drinker. In a state of intoxication or a hangover, he is unlikely to understand your position and take it seriously. You should not start a conversation late at night, immediately after a quarrel, or when you are in a hurry;
  • pay attention to your mental state. Yes, starting a conversation about divorce is difficult. But you must be able to conduct it as delicately and calmly as possible. Then it will be easier to clarify all the important issues and, perhaps, not bring the case to court;
  • Make every effort to maintain normal relations. Do not reproach your partner for his mistakes, do not make accusations. Try to talk only about your feelings: why you decided that there is no chance of restoring the relationship, what exactly you refuse to tolerate and accept;
  • Let your spouse know that your intention is firm and will be supported by further actions. But if deep down you give up hope for reconciliation, tell him about it. Who knows, maybe he will hear you, understand the seriousness of the situation and try to change it;
  • Discuss together how you will communicate the impending divorce to your child. You should not hide this fact from children, especially if there is a teenager in the family who understands a lot and will not forgive you for lying;
  • If you are forced to live together during and after divorce proceedings, try to keep future communications mutually civil. Remember that now you are just roommates and you must behave within the generally accepted limits of decency.

When the husband is a tyrant

The most difficult situation is when a woman runs away from her husband because he behaves like a real tyrant: he threatens, mocks, suppresses, and keeps her and her children in constant fear. You need to leave such a person in any case. And the sooner the better. This union can lead to a real tragedy, the victim of which will be the woman herself or her loved ones.

But what psychologists strongly do not recommend doing is entering into any negotiations with such a person. If your spouse is uncontrollably aggressive, and you know that upon receiving the news of the divorce, he will begin to insult you, destroy your apartment or cause physical harm - do not even try to tell him about it in person. Here's what to do:

Important! Be prepared for the fact that in court he may pretend to be peaceful and surprised by such an unfair attitude towards him on your part. Try to invite witnesses who can confirm the facts of abuse of you or children.

He will certainly give you hope that he will improve. But remember that such people do not change without the help of a psychotherapist - this is a mental disorder that needs to be treated.

What's next

But in order to find the long-awaited freedom, talking alone is not enough. Even if you do not actually live together, but your passport has a marriage stamp, you officially continue to be considered spouses, with all the ensuing legal consequences. Therefore, if you are determined not to try to improve the relationship anymore, it is in your best interest to get a divorce as soon as possible.

In the absence of children and property claims against each other, everything is very simple. You come to the registry office together (remembering to take your passport and marriage certificate) and fill out the application form. It indicates (formally) the reason for the divorce and the surnames that the former spouses will bear after it. By placing your signatures, you confirm your intention to divorce and renounce any claims.

All you have to do is wait a little and get a divorce certificate. This may take from several days to several weeks. Moreover, the two of you no longer need to come for him. From the moment the application is submitted, if neither party tries to withdraw it, everyone is on their own.

But if the spouses have joint minor children, property claims, or one of them categorically disagrees with the divorce, everything becomes much more complicated. In such cases, only a judge can make a decision on divorce. To do this, one of the spouses must submit an application to the district court at the place of registration and, if necessary, attach the relevant documents, a list of which he will receive from the secretariat.

The divorce proceedings can drag on for several weeks or even months, depending on the complexity of the case. This is a troublesome and expensive matter - legal costs are usually paid by the party responsible for the destruction of the family as a penalty for their own insolvency. Therefore, most prefer to reach an amicable agreement and disperse peacefully.

The division of property, as well as the case of collecting alimony for minor children and custody of them, proceeds independently of the divorce process itself. A mother can receive child support even while in a registered marriage if the husband does not properly fulfill his financial obligations to them. And the division of property is sometimes completed only a few years after the divorce, when all agreements have been reached.

You can get a divorce through the court even in the absence of the other party, if she lives in another country or city or simply does not want to appear in court. She will be invited to each meeting by official letter, and after several absences, the judge will usually make a decision declaring the marriage invalid. And as legal confirmation of this, he issues a divorce certificate to the party present.

Larisa Guzeeva has been the host of the “Let's Get Married!” program for several years now, in the studio of which she, together with her colleagues Roza Syabitova and Vasilisa Volodina, helps the heroes find a partner. The celebrity regularly talks about family life, the relationship between a man and a woman, and gives advice that appeals to millions of fans throughout Russia.

However, recently in the studio of the “Smak” program, where Larisa arrived with her husband Igor Bukharin, previously unknown details of the actress’s married life became clear. She publicly said that she suspected her husband of cheating and almost divorced him. According to Guzeeva, she noticed a “person” unfamiliar to her on Igor’s list of friends on a social network. When asked how her husband knew this girl, she could not get an intelligible answer. This is what became the reason for suspicion on the part of the presenter and further scandal in the family.

Larisa admitted that this conflict almost ended in divorce. Despite the fact that the couple have been married for more than 19 years, the state of love and physical attraction to each other in their relationship still persists. “I have a physical need for Igor. I want to watch a movie with him together, in an embrace, with four eyes, I’m interested in exchanging opinions, discussing something, and well... I, of course, love him. With all his other advantages, he is a very educated person, an erudite,” Larisa said in an early interview.

/ Photo: screenshot Channel One

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Soul binding 26.08.2017

Dear readers, I would really like to wish all of us great love in life! Love such that there is one and for life. But situations are different, not everyone manages to live life with one person. Sometimes everything has already been tried to change the relationship, but something doesn’t work out. And if this happens, then you should not blame yourself or others that everything turned out this way. Sometimes it really is better to break up than to continue torturing each other or pretending that everything is fine. The main thing is to do this humanly, with a kind attitude towards each other, especially if there are children in the family. And we’ll talk about how to break up with your husband today in the section. It is hosted by Elena Khutornaya, writer, blogger, author of intuitive maps. I give the floor to Lena.

In the last article we talked about. But it often happens that, on the contrary, thoughts begin to appear that you need to separate from your husband. And these thoughts in most cases cannot but frighten and upset, because a family, no matter what it is, is a family, and it is not easy to decide to destroy it. However, if we continue to return to this topic over and over again, then we at least need to understand ourselves and understand where such impulses come from.

Why do you want to leave your husband?

The main reason for breakups is due to the fact that the existing relationship no longer gives us what we need. However, the importance of these needs can be both the lowest, for example, when we don’t like the fact that we are not given flowers on holidays, or the highest and most critical, which characterizes situations that threaten our safety and even life.

It is important to be aware of how urgent our needs are. Take the same situation with flowers - if it’s just them, then, of course, this is not a reason to take it to extremes, and you can solve this issue in different ways, including compensating for the lack of flowers with something else. But it may well be that flowers are not flowers at all, but the personification of the fact that the husband does not pay due attention, does not care, does not think about doing something nice, and simply does not love, in the end.

Don’t forget that a lot depends on us here too; we shouldn’t shift all the blame for what’s happening onto our partner. We, too, often do not do what is expected of us, so if we really want to change something, then...

The problem cannot always be solved by breaking up

In addition, no relationship in principle can be ideal. Even in our most beloved people there are traits that will cause us dissatisfaction, and we will always be missing something, so we will always have to choose between what we could have and what we have.

Very often, women in relationships suffer from a lack of warmth, attention, and sensitivity on the part of their husbands, but this, as a rule, is compensated by the stability and reliability of the relationship. And vice versa - it can be fun with a husband, good in bed, he can sensitively capture moods, be able to sympathize, but at the same time you absolutely cannot rely on him as a provider and protector.

Therefore, even if we have already quite specifically targeted the breakup, we need to understand that in most cases we cannot solve the problem by simply walking away from it. By trying to avoid some difficulties, we run the risk of encountering them again in other ways. We will also be missing something, the men next to us will again be either too boring or too frivolous. And to prevent this from happening, you need to move away not from something, but towards something.

We are not talking about starting to look for a new candidate for husband while still in a relationship. But you need to know not only what you want to get away from, but also have a fairly clear idea of ​​what you want to come to instead. If you cannot answer this question, then most likely you are not ready to leave, because even if you break up, the past will hold you back, preventing you from living a full life.

How to break up with your husband if the desire to leave is excessive

If you are seething with dissatisfaction and hostility towards those around you, you need to at least try to reduce the degree of these emotions. More often than not, the more you want to leave while feeling this way, the more the relationship holds on to you. And it doesn’t matter how this manifests itself: you cannot find a job that would provide you with financial independence, or your children are not provided with kindergarten, or your or your partner’s illnesses interfere.

The whole point is that with the power of your emotions you tie yourself to this relationship, and do not allow yourself to forgive or let go of them. And what you really need to work on here is forgiveness and acceptance. Look at your husband with different eyes - he is not a monster, not a monster, he is a person like everyone else. Surely those around him appreciate his positive qualities and consider him a good friend and specialist.

And you don't have to hate him yourself to leave. He just turned out to be different, not what you need to make you feel happy. But at the same time, nothing prevents you from treating him completely neutrally. And the faster you can tune in this way, the faster and easier it will be to get out of this relationship.

How to break up if you lack determination

The other extreme is that the relationship is definitely not satisfactory, but there is not enough determination to break it off. Then you should think - do you really want to leave? What gives rise to this thought anyway? Maybe she is not yours at all, but, for example, caring relatives or friends? Or, perhaps, for some reason you yourself think that this is an inappropriate, wrong relationship for you? From the series - this is not possible, it is unacceptable, unacceptable, or maybe you believe that you deserve much better.

If this is so, then the main thing is not to confuse what is more important to you - what is good for you, or what others consider suitable for you.

If the intention is yours and quite definite, then very often fear of the future prevents it from being realized. It is quite normal and natural to experience it; there are no guarantees that everything will turn out exactly the way we imagine it. But our own attitude towards the best will always help ensure that life really has the most suitable options for us.

So let there be fear, and we just need to pay less attention to it. Do what you have to do, don’t try to take in everything at once, but act gradually, step by step. Think about what it takes to get out of the relationship, make a plan and start implementing it.

If there are children

Making a decision to end a relationship can be even more difficult if there are children in the family. Some will say that everything needs to be sacrificed for their happiness. But the fact is that if the parents are unhappy, then the children cannot be happy either. And the older children get, the more obvious it is to them what is happening and the more categorically they can judge parents who are trying to save a family in which no one is happy.

Therefore, if you understand that you cannot be happy in a relationship with your husband and this conclusion was not made under the influence of emotions, but is completely thought out and conscious, then you should not stay in the family for the sake of the children. There is no point in making ourselves sick, which are inevitable when we don’t get what we really need, when we can’t love and when people don’t love us. Change your life, look for your happiness, and then it will be good for the children too.

But I repeat once again - we must leave not in spite of, but towards something better. If you leave your husband just to prove something to him, then you will ruin the life of not only yourself, but also your children.

Opinions of others

There will be many advisors around you - mother, girlfriends, friends, relatives. And something in their words may be useful to you. However, you should always remember that no one can tell you how to live your life so that you feel good.

All people, when giving advice, talk about themselves. They can only speak about what they themselves have experienced and understood. But what does this have to do with you?

Of course, it can be difficult to go against the opinions of others, and this only intensifies our fears, but very often we cannot find ourselves until we make this choice. You can be a good girl for the rest of your life and try to behave correctly, not enter into confrontations with loved ones and do what is expected of you, but this will only mean that we will not live our own life.

If this option is not for you and you want to live your life, find your own happiness, listen to yourself. And believe me, no matter what others say, no matter how different their vision is from yours, for you it will always be your desires and aspirations that will be more correct.

How to talk to your husband about breaking up

You need to talk to your husband calmly but decisively. And to do this, you yourself need to be configured this way. Feel that you have made a final decision and intend to implement it.

You should not insult and humiliate him, trying to express everything that has accumulated in your soul over the years. He’s not bad - he’s just not on your way. So just tell him exactly why you can't stay with him. Share your feelings. Surprisingly, this is the very moment when they are truly able to hear and understand us to the greatest extent.

But don’t put too much faith in pleas and promises. Everything may sound so beautiful and promising, but these are also just emotions, fear of losing, even if there is nothing much to lose. It’s worth giving in and leaving everything as it is, and life will also very soon become the same as it was before.

When you leave, you should sympathize with your husband, but you shouldn’t feel sorry for him. He is a grown man, and if he wants, everything will get better in his life very soon. There are enough women in the world looking for their happiness, and they will probably be able to give him what you could not give. Are you afraid of this? This means that they themselves are probably not yet ready to let him go, and this is a question for you.

What to do after a breakup

Give yourself time - this is the first thing. Even if you go to a breakup for a very long time and it goes relatively smoothly, without scandals or unpleasant incidents, recovering from it can be quite difficult. Life is changing, and it's scary. But on the other hand there are also good sides - concentrate on them.

Don't think that you will never want a new relationship. Time will pass, the taste for life will awaken again, you will want love, feelings, warmth and a man to be near. And then all this will happen. For now, just live. Enjoy life, enjoy your newfound freedom, do what you couldn’t do while in a relationship. And rest assured, everything will be fine if you yourself strive for this.

With warmth,
Khutornaya Elena

I thank Lena for this conversation. We always want to hope that we won’t have to part with loved ones, but life is different for everyone. And it can be so difficult when you find yourself in such a situation, there are so many questions, doubts, mental confusion at once... Let all the thoughts in the article help those who need it at the moment to understand themselves at least a little. The main thing is not to despair! You can always find a way out and get your life back on track.

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