How to choose a comb with natural bristles. Hair combs with natural bristles

The health of your hair depends to a certain extent on the correct choice of a tool for combing hair - a brush or comb. The tools help to comb and untangle locks, massage the dermis of the head, remove dust from the surface of the curls and evenly distribute sebum over the entire surface of the head.

And combs made from natural materials - wood or natural bristles - also prevent the formation of static electricity and give your curls a beautiful shine. Let's talk about the latter type in more detail: find out what a hair comb with natural bristles is, how to choose it and how to properly care for such a comb.

Differences between regular brushes and brushes made from natural materials

The main difference between brushes equipped with bristles and brushes with synthetic material is the properties of the material. Natural materials do not injure or tear hairs, and do not cause static electricity.

In addition, the comb, made of natural bristles, is characterized by amazing softness, which allows you to use the tool on hair with increased thinness or brittle strands.

Visually, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish natural material from artificial material, especially since there are high-quality fakes in stores, but you can still do one simple test: take a comb and pull out a few fibers from it.

Light the lint with matches or a lighter, and if you feel an unpleasant odor during the combustion of the material, and the lint itself turns into a small ball, you can safely say that the comb lint is of a synthetic nature.

Tips for choosing the right tool from natural materials

You need to know how to choose the right combs with natural bristles. Then you will buy a truly useful hair care tool. Some ladies mistakenly believe that it is enough to buy the most expensive and branded option and then the comb will be of high quality and will ideally care for their curls. This is not true: it’s high time to remember that the brand does not guarantee quality and that the tool will 100% suit your hair; you need to carefully study the material and other features of the tool.

The combing base can be made of the following materials:

  • Pig bristles. Most often we are talking about the bristles not of a domestic animal, but of a wild boar. This pile is noticeably stiff, but it is easy to tilt, you just need to press the fibers with your fingertip. This comb will be convenient for combing out thin and split ends and hair that is not particularly thick. Owners of short and ultra-short haircuts can use the tool in everyday hair care. This type of massage brush is absolutely not suitable for curly or thick hair - you cannot comb this type of hair with this type of comb. But you can safely buy this particular type of tool if you are going to use it exclusively for applying and distributing aromatic oils over the surface of the strands;
  • Mixed option. Mixed pile means that the manufacturer combined two materials when making the combing base: natural pile and artificial pile. Such a brush will have two main advantages: it will wonderfully remove the effect of static electricity, and also comb strands efficiently. But there are also disadvantages: if you want to massage your head with such a tool, you can scratch the sensitive dermis of the head with artificial fibers, and in addition, the comb will poorly distribute sebum along the length of the strands. This type of tool is suitable for all hair types;
  • Products made with horsehair are amazingly soft. Because of this softness, this material is often reinforced with inserts of a different type of pile. Advantages of the product: using a comfortable massage comb with natural horsehair bristles, you are guaranteed not to damage either the hair structure or the scalp. After combing, curls acquire airiness and a beautiful, pronounced shine, split ends and hair separations do not form, and the static effect disappears. However, for everyday hair care, a horsehair brush is suitable only for owners of thin hair or small children whose hair is soft.

Whalebone is the name of a special type of horny plate, the inner side of which is split into many individual bristles. The tool is quite rigid, combs even the thickest strands well, and perfectly distributes sebum throughout the hair. Suitable for those with voluminous hair and voluminous curls who can cope with combing dense and coarse curls.

Pros and cons of using tools made from natural materials

The advantages of products with natural pile include the following qualities:

  • Natural combs, when combed daily, provide the scalp with a full massage, and therefore there is excellent blood circulation in the dermis of the head, the hair follicles fully receive oxygen and nutrients;
  • Combs made from natural materials perfectly comb out even the most tangled strands without damaging or injuring the hairs. It is because of these qualities that professionals use combs with natural bristles to create backcombing. If you use synthetic combs to create a backcomb, it will not be as lush and will fall off quickly;
  • The use of this type of tool makes the hair softer, more manageable, and returns a pleasant healthy shine to the hair. But the products also have disadvantages. We list the main disadvantages of scallops:
  • They are not suitable for caring for thick and coarse hair, as they cannot comb through strands with the described qualities. If your hair is thick and coarse, natural combs can be used for head massage and aromatherapy treatments;
  • They are more expensive than synthetic analogues.

In addition, the instrument requires regular and specific care.

Instruments made from natural bristles require daily care. How to care for your favorite natural bristle comb?

It is advisable to clean such a comb daily from accumulations of hairs and remove dust from them. You can clean the pile by hand: the hairs are selected, and the dust from the surface of the pile is brushed off with a soft piece of cloth.

Choosing a comb is an important and responsible event, despite its apparent simplicity and banality. A massage brush is considered the most convenient and effective tool for combing hair. In addition to the fact that it effectively detangles your hair, it makes your hair healthier, stronger and smoother.

How to make the right choice?

A soft, hard or combined brush provides a high-quality massage of the scalp, which enhances nutrition of the hair follicles. In addition, the tool carefully and evenly distributes sebum along the entire length of the curls, which guarantees their protection and nutrition. Most often, women prefer plastic brushes - they are cheap, effective and easy to care for. However, we recommend that you choose combs made from natural boar bristles.

Massage combs with natural bristles are, of course, more difficult to care for and maintain. However, this nuance is more than compensated by how effective and useful their regular use is. Since natural combs are most similar in structure to hair, they do not injure it and provide excellent care.

The most popular brushes today are pig or boar hair. This material is available and relatively low in price, so almost all adherents of natural brushes buy it.

However, there are other materials from which such instruments are made.

  • Whalebone. It is considered one of the most expensive materials. It is an excellent alternative for those with porous and curly hair. Carefully cares for capricious strands, smoothes and normalizes their structure, untangles thin curls without damage;
  • Horsehair. A comb with such bristles is ideal for those who have straight and heavy curls. With its help you can give them a natural shine and silkiness, make them more obedient, "crumbly", flexible to styling (including those that involve curling);
  • Mixed pile. These brushes and combs combine artificial and natural bristles. In principle, such a tool is suitable for any type of curls, but it may not be as effective as a comb with purely natural bristles. This option is best used by those who have normal (combined) hair type and structure.

Do not forget that every hairdressing tool must be properly cared for. And of course, combs need to be washed. For example, a boar hair brush should be washed with a cleanser at least once a week. If you are not ready to take such careful care of your combs, it is better to buy a simpler tool. For example, a plastic brush. If you are concerned about increased electrification, simply use an antistatic agent.

Advantages of combs made from natural materials

Trichologists unanimously recommend giving preference to quality tools for everyday care. You will be surprised, but drying, brittleness and general poor hair condition are not caused by chemical or thermal damage. Of course, they have an extremely destructive effect on curls, but if you do not abuse them and promptly restore your curls after negative influences, nothing terrible or catastrophic will happen to them.

The situation is completely different with mechanical damage. You provide them to your hair almost every day, especially if you comb your hair incorrectly or use second-rate tools.

Girls' favorite comb made from natural materials is wooden. It has a lot of valuable properties for hair and scalp. True, it is not easy to care for, since wood is a rather vulnerable raw material. If you leave such a tool in a place of high humidity, it will lose its properties and may even become deformed. A wooden comb can be either a round or flat brush, or a comb.

Using a wooden comb with natural bristles, you provide yourself with:

  1. Acceleration of hair growth. The massage provided to the scalp by these instruments increases blood microcirculation around the bulbs, due to which they awaken and increase their activity. Curls grow not only faster, but also much thicker, which ensures the natural volume of the hairstyle;
  2. Curl care. Sebum, which is secreted by specific glands in the dermis of the head, is designed to nourish your curls along the entire length. But only if you regularly distribute it along the length using a high-quality comb. It is a brush with natural bristles that helps achieve this result faster and better than artificial ones. "opponents". Since natural fat is distributed along the entire length of the curls, it reliably protects them from harmful influences throughout the day. This effect also ensures the elimination of excess oiliness at the roots and dryness at the ends;
  3. Neat hairstyle. It is natural bristles that are designed to separate each hair, unraveling curls after sleep or exposure to unfavorable conditions. At the same time, even if you have very thin hair that is prone to tangling, you don’t have to worry about injury during combing - with natural bristles it is completely eliminated. However, we still recommend that you use special products to make it easier to comb your curls in order to definitely protect them from mechanical damage.

Natural bristles protect the health of your hair

Among other things, a brush made of natural bristles can "discharge" your hair after it has been electrified. If you are one of the girls who regularly encounter this problem, it is better for you to completely stop using metal and plastic tools, since they only intensify and provoke electrification of the hair. If your curls become electrified due to synthetic clothing, we recommend that you additionally use an antistatic spray.

A round comb with natural bristles can be used not only for combing, but also for blow-drying. If you are a fan of smoothness and volume "in one bottle", this instrument will become a real must-have for you. With its help, you can create the perfect voluminous styling without damaging the scales of your curls.

Your hair will not only be beautiful and well-groomed, but also completely healthy. A round comb is the optimal choice for those who value not only the visual effect, but also strive to maintain healthy hair while making it attractive.

Hair combs with natural bristles have significant advantages over their artificial counterparts. Unlike the latter, they actually take care of your hair, and not just provide it with primitive combing.

Most modern hairdressers prefer just such tools, thanks to which their clients remain completely satisfied with the service.

Advantages of hair brushes with natural bristles:

  • They give hair natural shine, softness and elasticity;
  • They do not provoke a chemical effect on your curls (molecules of synthetic materials can react with the chemical composition of care products and cleansers, thereby enhancing the destructive effect of chemistry);
  • They carefully and delicately massage the scalp without scratching or injuring its surface;
  • They have flexible and elastic bristles that do not damage, tangle or injure the hair cortex along the entire length;
  • They can be safely used even on damp and wet curls, without violating their integrity and without separating the scales, like regular combs;
  • They provide suitable prevention of split ends;
  • They are very effective in detangling hair.

Despite the fact that such brushes and combs are quite expensive due to the high cost of the raw materials from which they are made, their price is fully justified by the benefits of use.

Be irresistible!

One of the very first types of combs were those made from natural materials.

At first it was wood, but such products are not suitable for thin hair, as they tear and deform it.

Somewhat later, models began to be made that used natural boar bristles, horsehair, and whalebone.

The main difference between natural bristles and their artificial counterpart is the properties of the materials used. If the first removes static electricity and does not deform even very thin hair, then with the second everything happens exactly the opposite. There are many other differences as well. For example, the softness of natural bristles is much higher than that of its artificial counterpart.

Visually distinguishing natural and artificial bristles from each other can sometimes be quite difficult, especially when it comes to high-quality fakes. And yet there is a way that is guaranteed to help do this. You need to pull out a few fibers and set them on fire. Synthetics will roll into a ball, and during combustion will emit a characteristic unpleasant odor.

The best comb with natural bristles – how to choose?

Now the market is quite full of products in this category. Moreover, there is a significant selection of products of both domestic and foreign production.

Many customers prefer foreign brands. In fact, when buying a comb with natural bristles, you must first of all pay attention to how high-quality the material was used in the production of the product and only then to the brand.

Pig bristles

Most often we are talking about wild boar bristles. It is quite hard to the touch, but at the same time it can be tilted to the side quite easily with the pressure of a finger. This comb is well suited for people with thin, split hair and those with rather sparse hair.

It is very difficult to comb curly strands with it. The situation is also the same in situations where the hair is thick and quite thick. In this case, a comb with natural pork bristles can be used for aromatherapy, but it is unlikely that you will be able to comb the strands properly.

For daily use, this product is ideal for people with short hair.

Important to remember! A comb with natural bristles should be washed thoroughly after each comb. To do this, you need to use a soap solution to which ammonia has been added (pour 2 tablespoons per 1 liter). You can comb out debris and hairs from the bristles using a fine-toothed comb. If you do this less often than once every 2-3 days, then there is a high probability of bacteria developing on the pile.

Mixed bristles

Most often, mixed bristles mean the strengthening of natural material with inserts from an artificial analogue. This move allows you to solve the problem of removing static electricity and high-quality combing of hair.

However, such products lack one of the main advantages of combs made of natural material: when massaging the scalp, they can scratch it. Also, with their help, the distribution of natural secretions of the sebaceous glands along the entire length of the strands is much worse.

Suitable for all hair types.


Horsehair is softer than boar bristles, so combs made with it are most often reinforced with artificial inserts.

This product does a good job of removing static electricity. With regular combing, hair becomes softer and silkier. The big advantage is that even with inserts, when combing your hair, hair damage is minimal. No new split ends appear.

Combs, the working surface of which is made only of horsehair, are well suited for children and people with thin hair. Others can use them for aromatherapy.


In fact, whalebone is not such a thing. In fact, it is a horny plate, the inner side of which is split into many thin bristles. It turns out that whalebone itself is very strong and tough, and it’s not for nothing that it has been used for centuries in the manufacture of corsets.

The combing effect can be compared to using a regular comb. The distribution of the natural secretion of the sebaceous glands along the entire length of the hair is carried out with the same quality as when using products made from natural pork bristles.

Important to remember! Combs with natural bristles distribute the secretion of the sebaceous glands along the entire length of the hair. Therefore, they are not recommended for people with increased secretion, since in this case, after combing, the curls will appear greasy.

Natural bristle hairbrush: pros and cons

We can highlight the following advantages that hair combs with natural bristles have:

  • Each procedure is comparable to a full scalp massage.
  • Natural bristles very carefully and gently comb tangled hair without damaging it.
  • Within a few days, your curls will look shinier and healthier, and will feel softer to the touch.

However, we should not forget that combs with natural bristles also have a number of disadvantages, the most significant being the following:

  • It is extremely difficult to completely detangle thick curls with their help.
  • They need frequent washing and cleaning. In fact, this must be done after each use.
  • Such products are much more expensive than their artificial counterparts.

Hair comb with natural bristles - useful tips

Proper care of your hair is very important, since the perception of a person’s appearance directly depends on it. To create the perfect look, many women use combs with natural bristles. You can buy them in specialized online stores that sell professional tools for the work of hairdressers.

Women are often concerned about the question of whether a comb with natural bristles is suitable for colored hair? The answer is yes. This comb will make your curls softer and shinier. It does not damage the hair structure. Those with curly hair should prefer products in which natural bristles are reinforced with artificial material or combs with whalebone.

Hair comb with natural bristles: reviews from readers

Alla Grishina (Moscow). I have long, thick hair, so I was very responsible when choosing a comb with natural bristles. I chose the Titania Professional Haircare model. It has natural bristles reinforced with nylon threads, so I can comb my hair instead of just stroking it on top.

Nadezhda Sinitsyna (Eagle). After each wash, my thin hair resembled a mop with a huge number of tangles. The hairdresser advised me to buy a Hairway comb with natural bristles. It suited me perfectly. She gently and carefully detangles my curls without damaging their structure.

Anastasia Kopylova (Ekaterinburg). My husband gave me a gift - a comb with natural bristles Mason Pearson. I already had a similar comb, only from a different manufacturer. I really liked the gift for its stylish appearance and good workmanship. During use, I did not notice a significant difference between the expensive and cheaper analogues.

Kira Ivanova (St. Petersburg). A friend gave me a Dewal natural bristle comb for my birthday. Outwardly, it resembles a massage brush, only instead of plastic teeth, it has 9 rows of bristles. I really liked the gift. Within a week my hair became shinier and silkier. Even my boyfriend noticed this.

Irina Karpova (Belgorod). I bought the Florans Collection natural bristle brush because it was very affordable. She almost completely met my expectations. Yes, it does its job well, but due to the short handle, the whole process does not bring any pleasure. So I decided to change it to another model.

Video: a trichologist’s opinion on natural combs

Attitudes towards combs with natural bristles are very different. Some women like them, but others don't. However, only an expert can judge whether they really have a beneficial effect on curls. In this video, a trichologist shares his opinion.

A comb is one of the accessories that no person can do without. To keep your hair healthy, you need to use a hair brush with natural bristles.

Features and varieties

This type of comb is endowed with a number of features, namely:

  • removes dirt;
  • massages the skin;
  • gently detangles hair;
  • effectively massages the scalp;
  • distributes sebum.

There are several types of bristles used to make a natural bristle hair brush.

1. Pig bristles.

The most commonly used bristles are wild boar bristles. It has very high rigidity, although it bends under slight pressure. It is very difficult to comb your hair with it:

  • curly;
  • thick;
  • thick.

This bristle is ideal for damaged and thin hair.

2. Mixed bristles.

A comb made from animal bristles and artificial materials can be used by people with different hair types. Such products can neutralize static electricity and detangle curls. But they are not able to do a massage, because they may well injure the skin.

3. Horse hair.

Hair combs with natural horsehair bristles in their pure form are rarely used due to their softness, so the rods are reinforced with artificial materials. These brushes remove static electricity and do not cause injury to the scalp and hair.

4. Baleen.

This natural material is very durable, which is why this comb is endowed with the properties of a comb. It evenly distributes the natural secretion of the sebaceous glands. This hair brush with natural bristles, which has only positive reviews, does an excellent job with thick and curly hair.


Although such a product is more expensive than a plastic one, it provides high-quality and gentle care for your hair. This brush:

  • non-toxic;
  • elastic (therefore, when combing, the hair does not break or tear);
  • massages, without scratching, the scalp;
  • polishes curls, making them shiny;
  • Does not harm delicate ends.

Even people with sensitive skin rarely experience allergies to a hair brush with natural bristles. Dense thick bristles distribute sebum evenly, while forming a thin protective film that protects curls from various external damage. With this comb you can comb your hair very smoothly into a ponytail or, if desired, create a different hairstyle.


Although reviews of a natural bristle hairbrush are often good, they are not suitable for everyone. It should not be used by anyone who is allergic to animal fur. Such brushes also do not comb through small, strong curls, which can also be tough. Although some people complain that after combing with this brush, their hair begins to become electrified, experts have not found a direct connection between the occurrence of static electricity and a comb with bristles. Apparently, this is an individual feature of the hair.

Rules of care

A hair brush with natural bristles requires more careful care. With irregular and poor-quality cleansing, fungi and microbes multiply quickly and in large quantities. They contribute to the appearance of scalp skin diseases and dandruff.

Only dry hair should be combed with such combs; brushes should be placed away from moisture. Be sure to clean the brush once every three to four days. Using a simple plastic comb with fine teeth, you need to remove dust and stuck hair from it. The bristles need to be washed in soapy water 3-4 times a month. When washing, try to keep water from getting on the wooden parts and the brush pad. Do not use a hair dryer to dry the product. It is dried on a dry cloth, with the bristles down. It should dry naturally. Natural bristles must not be treated with any antibacterial solutions or alcohol. You should not comb your hair with such a comb if there is a large amount of gel or hairspray applied to it. First you need to comb them with a plastic brush or wash off the applied products.

It should be kept in mind that it is recommended to change natural brushes frequently. Even if you take good care of it, you can use this comb for 6 months to a year. After that, you need to write it off and purchase a new one. If you follow all these recommendations, the comb will bring maximum benefits to your hair and will take good care of it.

Natural combs carefully care for hair of any length and thickness. They have many useful properties that their plastic and metal counterparts lack.

Modern combs made from natural materials have a number of advantages:

  • gives curls natural shine and volume;
  • any comb with natural bristles does not have a harmful traumatic effect on the hair and scalp;
  • A massage comb with natural bristles gently cares for your hair without the risk of split ends, and also provides a relaxing massage effect.

Main types and models

Before buying a natural hair brush, you should decide on its functional purpose and type of material.

  • Brush with natural bristles. Improves blood circulation in the scalp due to the massage effect, and also perfectly soothes the upset nervous system. As a result of its use, hair grows faster and thicker. Often this tool is used to create backcombing. Most often, boar bristles are used to make such a comb.
  • Natural wooden combs. Sebum is evenly distributed throughout the hair, thereby protecting it from the negative effects of the environment and slowing down the process of contamination of the roots. Excellent for daily care, promotes hair restoration and treatment. Sandalwood, juniper, ash, beech and other valuable wood species are used for production.
  • Comb with natural bristles. Relieves harmful static tension, accelerates the healing of skin injuries and various damage to the hair structure. Using this comb helps prevent dandruff. Made from horse hair.

In the specialized online store “Professional Line” you can quickly and easily buy a hair brush, as well as other tools for the hairdresser. To do this, just use the convenient “Basket” of our website.
