Love for a Billion: The Women Roman Abramovich Left. Rum women

Their beautiful life of Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova is followed by the whole world, and despite frequent rumors of separation, they are still together. Today "Lady Mail.Ru" recalls the love story of a famous couple.

Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova have been together for at least 8 years

Stewardess named Irina

Before the affair with Dasha Zhukova, oligarch Roman Abramovich was married twice. Once, while still very young, he proposed to a girl named Olga, whom he soon divorced, and a few years later he met a woman who became his life partner for a long time. At the time when he met the stewardess Irina on the plane, Abramovich was still a novice businessman and billions were still far away. A chance acquaintance turned into a stormy romance, and soon the lovers got married.

The second marriage of Roman Abramovich seemed really strong - the wife supported the entrepreneur in all endeavors and was with him at that difficult moment when he was moving towards the top of his career. Over 16 years of relationship, the couple had five children - could anyone believe that they would ever part?

Abramovich lived with his previous wife Irina for 16 years.

But life is sometimes more amazing than any book or film - Abramovich's path to untold wealth was thorny, which negatively affected relations with his wife. In an interview, Irina Abramovich said: “My life with Roman is not at all the fairy tale that the newspapers tell about. For my safety and, most importantly, the safety of our children, he hired a whole staff of employees from the security agency. We changed cell phone numbers once a week so no one could track my whereabouts. On the other hand, he and I understood that you can’t hide children somewhere and not show them life - it won’t work that way. So we went to theaters and museums with a crowd of guards. My husband was calm about this, but every year it became harder for me.

As a result, the marriage, in which Roman and Irina could not even afford a relaxing holiday with children, cracked. True, this happened when all the difficulties, it would seem, were already behind - in 2007, the whole world knew the name of Abramovich for a long time - and the dangers of the "dashing 90s" had passed, but it was at that moment that the couple began to think about divorce.

Roman Abramovich himself has never given an interview about his personal life, so one can only guess about the true reasons for his separation from Irina. Nevertheless, rumors persistently say that the divorce occurred due to the fact that the businessman met a new love - clever and beautiful Daria Zhukova, who is also 15 years younger than Roman.

After the divorce, Abramovich provided all his children with a comfortable existence

Love and football

Roman Abramovich and his future lover Dasha Zhukova met in 2005 at a football match in Barcelona. The girl, who can be safely attributed to the representatives of the "golden youth", periodically went to the stadium in the company of her father, businessman Alexander Zhukov - it was he who introduced his daughter to the billionaire. According to the "official version", Roman and Daria liked each other during a pleasant conversation at a party dedicated to the victory of the English club Chelsea, owned by Abramovich, over the Spanish Barcelona. By the way, at that time, not only the businessman was married, but Dasha herself was not free - she met with tennis player Marat Safin.

However, after meeting Abramovich, Zhukova somehow became especially interested in football, and not tennis ... In any case, at Chelsea matches in the company of a businessman, they began to notice her regularly - then in the Western media rumors spread that the Russian billionaire intends to leave his wife for a young passion.

Roman met Daria at a football match...

It is worth noting that the press in Russia did not believe in this novel until the last. It seemed that a long-term marriage and five children were a reliable protection against parting. But then Roman Abramovich nevertheless decided - he officially filed for a divorce, pledging to support his family in full prosperity and abundance, and began to openly meet with Dasha Zhukova.

Life on a yacht

The stormy romance between Abramovich and Zhukova developed under the guns of cameras, but the couple made it a rule never to talk about their relationship with journalists. The lovers lead a measured life, spending most of their time not on land, but at sea - on the oligarch's luxury yacht called Eclipse.

Rumors about the upcoming wedding of Daria and Roman at the beginning of their relationship appeared almost every week, but they were in no hurry to arrange a ceremony. Then in 2009 Zhukova gave her beloved son Aaron, and 4 years later - daughter Leah. And the wedding still hasn't taken place! Some skeptics tend to believe that the celebration was planned more than once, but the bride and groom could not reach a consensus in drawing up a marriage contract.

Not so long ago, a couple, accustomed to hiding all information about themselves, once again found themselves under the gun of tabloids talking about problems in their relationship. While the Russian media wrote that Abramovich left his beloved for the ballerina Diana Vishneva, Western tabloids only added fuel to the fire, suspecting Zhukova of an affair not with anyone, but with Leonardo DiCaprio himself!

Abramovich's official representative even had to make the rarest exception to the rule and comment on the businessman's personal life - they say that there was and is no romance with the ballerina. And then the lovers themselves appeared together on a yacht off the coast of St. Barth, proving once again that everything is fine with them!

Yes, they broke up. The couple did not say a single bad word about each other - on the contrary, they released an official press release: about maintaining a good relationship, planning to raise their daughter and son together and continue to run a joint business. Civilized modern divorce.

Their story began in 2005: Dasha Zhukova was introduced to Roman Abramovich by her dad at a party in Barcelona. Dasha - a girl from a wonderful family, a true representative of golden youth, a brilliant education, a stormy social life and a two-year romance with tennis player Marat Safin - everyone was already waiting for a beautiful wedding. The age difference with the billionaire owner of Chelsea is 14 years, he is passionate about business and football. Everything happened rapidly - and two years later, for the sake of Dasha, Roman had already divorced his second wife, Irina, with whom he had lived for 17 years by that time and raised five children. Irina, by the way, was sure for almost a year that these were just rumors. The new couple is happy and appears everywhere together, but Roman is in no hurry to propose.

They say that the couple nevertheless registered their relationship - and rather quickly, a year after the start of the novel, but did not advertise the wedding. Journalists were sure that Abramovich was simply farsightedly not ready to tie himself up with a third marriage: during the last divorce, he already had to give almost half of his fortune to his ex-wife. However, skeptics are sure that the marriage was not official - just for financial reasons.

Abramovich and Zhukova look absolutely happy for a long time: they appear everywhere together, do not hide from the paparazzi, but also do not discuss their relationship with the press. An ordinary family - work, trips, yacht trips, meetings with friends and noisy parties. Dasha clearly did not belong to those women who are in a hurry to devote themselves to home and family, she had many of her own interests and her own projects - including her own clothing brand, boutiques in several capitals of the world. Dasha had long dreamed of her own contemporary art gallery, and Roman fulfilled this dream: together they opened a cultural center in St. Petersburg and the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow (Roman personally bought some exhibits for him at auctions). In 2009, the couple had a son, Aaron, and four years later, a daughter, Leah.

Rumors that Dasha and Roman broke up had already appeared before - but the couple did not consider it necessary to comment on them somehow. After the birth of their daughter, they did not seem to have experienced a period of cooling: Roman was suspected of having a relationship with the ballerina Diana Vishneva, whose project he supported, and photographers captured Dasha hugging Leonardo DiCaprio, and later with Vito Schnabel, Heidi Klum's lover. But then Dasha and Roman again began to appear everywhere together - which means, the fans decided, they are doing well again.

Unfortunately, the family peace did not last long. There was information that the couple had not lived together since the winter, but did not want to injure the children by parting, and Roman had a new lover - a bright brunette Nadezhda Obolentseva, who had recently parted with her husband for him. “After 10 years of living together, we made the difficult decision to leave, but we remain close friends, parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that we started and developed together.

We ask everyone to respect our privacy during this difficult period,” Dasha and Roman wrote. Whether the breakup will be truly peaceful, or tearing the hearts of all participants, like Angelina and Brad, who knows.

Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova

On December 5, 2009, in the elite clinic Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, where Madonna, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian and other stars once gave birth, the first child was born for Daria Zhukova and the sixth for Roman Abramovich. The Mirror wrote that the businessman was present at the birth of his wife, but he himself did not comment on this information. The newborn boy was named Aaron Alexander - both in honor of the biblical Aaron, brother and closest associate of the prophet Moses, and in honor of his grandfather - Daria's father, businessman Alexander Zhukov.

When Aaron was born, one of Daria's friends started calling her Mama D, so Zhukova called her private Instagram account @mamasinthebuilding and dedicated it, among other things, to her children. Speaking of "children", we also mean the second common child of Daria and Roman - daughter Leya, who was born on April 8, 2013.

The girl was named Leya Abramovich. Mother and daughter are doing well. The birth took place in New York at the Roosevelt Hospital, a source close to Abramovich said.

Daria Zhukova with her daughter LeahDaria Zhukova with her daughter LeahDaria Zhukova with her son AaronDaria Zhukova with her daughter Leah
Daria Zhukova with her son Aaron
Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova with their daughter Leah

Let neither Aaron nor Leia pose with their mother from the covers of magazines, but Zhukova herself rarely talks about children in the press. For example, in an interview with Tatler, she shared her unconventional parenting methods:

All parents from our school were sent a letter that at seven in the evening the children should be in bed. It seemed insane to me. But I tried to follow this rule, and... You know what? They really sleep better.

She also said that she tries to introduce children to art and bring them out into the world, not being afraid that someone will photograph them:

Why do I take them with me? I think it's important that they understand what parents do. I guess I could say, "Please don't take pictures of my kids," but when everyone has social media, what's the point? Children are like children, let them all run together.

It is thanks to Daria's friends photographing Aaron and Leia, as well as rare photo shoots from the paparazzi, that we can compile a lookbook of their images. And these images, despite the high status of their parents, do not shine with gold and are not full of luxury brands. Daria's expression "children are like children" also applies to the wardrobe of the Abramovich Jr.: no doubt, they dress stylishly, and each of their sets looks harmonious, but here one can trace, rather, the desire for simplicity and comfort, rather than a demonstration of luxury.

Roman Abramovich with his son AaronAaron Abramovich Leya Abramovich
Aaron Abramovich
Leya Abramovich Aaron Abramovich
Aaron Abramovich

This position is close to the father of the family, Roman Abramovich: he always dresses unpretentiously and restrainedly, moreover, there are a lot of things in his wardrobe - exactly the same as his son. This includes identical t-shirts with a picture of a seagull - part of the souvenirs of New Holland in St. Petersburg, and blue safari shorts with patch pockets, and, again, the blue uniform of the Chelsea football club.

If Aaron's style is similar to the style of his dad Roman, then Leah's outfits often echo the clothes of her mother Daria. For example, both love to wear minimalist sundresses, do not refuse classic jeans and adore sailor suits. At the opening of last year's exhibition "The Snail's Track" by Viktor Pivovarov at the Garage Museum, Daria and Leya demonstrated the unity of style at all: both chose skirts with prints and complemented them with black turtlenecks.

We visit museums and exhibitions, but I don't have any special system. Children should grow up happy. This is the main thing

She said in an interview with Daria, who, together with Roman Abramovich, will continue to make her children happy - even if not in the status of a couple.

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Daria Zhukova with her son Aaron
Leya Abramovich
Aaron Abramovich

“After 10 years of living together, we made the difficult decision to leave, but we remain close friends, parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that we started and developed together,” Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova told Page Six magazine. More

Yes, their story was like a fairy tale, but certainly not about Cinderella. Daria at the time of her acquaintance with the oligarch already had a considerable fortune, inherited from her father, businessman Alexander Zhukov. The girl lived in London, studied at the Medical University and passionately loved art. She was the ideal representative of the golden youth - beautiful, rich and successful. And, as expected in such cases, she actively attended social events, where outsiders were often forbidden to enter.

In February 2005, at one of the parties arranged in honor of the victory of the English club Chelsea, owned by Abramovich, Zhukova met her future husband. At that time, Dasha was 24 years old, Roman - 39 years old. And, despite the difference in age, sympathy arose between them. However, for a long time the relationship was just friendly. And they both had a reason...

Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova

Photo by Getty Images

At the time of his acquaintance with Zhukova, Abramovich was married for the second time and raised five children. However, he had to part with his wife. As soon as Irina saw photos of her husband with Daria, she demanded a divorce. But the woman did not remain offended. After signing the necessary documents, she received from her ex-husband 3 million pounds, a villa, two apartments in London and a castle in France, as well as the opportunity to use their yacht and plane.

Roman did not skimp on gifts to Daria, with whom he no longer hid the relationship after the divorce. So, it was he who supported Zhukova's creative impulses and became one of the sponsors of her art projects - the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the cultural center on New Holland Island in St. Petersburg. In addition, Abramovich often attended the opening of exhibitions of his new girlfriend, and she, in turn, practically did not miss the matches of his football club.

Roman Abramovich with his ex-wife Irina.

Photo by Getty Images

From the outside, it seemed that Roman and Daria were the perfect couple. And despite the fact that we did not see their wedding photos, in one of the interviews, Zhukova said that she and Abramovich were officially married. Also in 2009, the good news appeared in the press that the couple had a son, Aaron Alexander. Four years later, it became known about the birth of their daughter Leah. At the same time, pictures of the father of the family with children began to appear on Daria’s Instagram with enviable regularity: either on a walk, or at an exhibition, or at a football match ...

However, over time, family photos on Daria's social network became less and less. Basically, she posted personal pictures or shots in the company of her best friend, socialite party-goer Derek Blasberg. Moreover, the young man once came to Moscow with her for one of the Garage events. This, of course, fueled a lot of rumors that Zhukova and Abramovich were no longer together. In addition, many novels were attributed to Daria: with businessman Joshua Kushner, one of America's most attractive suitors, with New York exhibition curator Vito Schnabel, and even with actor Leonardo DiCaprio!

The daughter of Roman and Daria is Leia.

Photo by @dasha_zhukova_fp

“We intend to raise our children together and continue our work as co-founders of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the New Holland Island Cultural Center in St. Petersburg,” Abramovich and Zhukova explained in a statement. “We ask everyone to respect our privacy during this difficult period.”

Published on 08/08/17 09:16

The media are wondering which of the secular ladies the billionaire Roman Abramovich had an affair with, and to whom his wife Daria Zhukova left.

Posted by NewsStock (@news__stock) Aug 7, 2017 at 4:46 pm PDT

The portal recalls that the relationship between Abramovich and Vishneva was discussed with might and main in a social gathering after they met at a private dinner, after which the billionaire sponsored one of the ballerina's projects.

In the photo: Roman Abramovich and Diana Vishneva

Social media users also believe that socialite Zhukova could have an affair with journalist Derek Blasberg. According to the media, earlier the girl repeatedly came with Blasberg to fashion parties, and in December last year, a photo appeared on Instagram of New York journalist Derek Blasberg, in which he was depicted in red pajamas with polka dots and golfs. Next to him is Daria Zhukova in a red top, black skirt and striped stockings.
