Hand massage for a child for the development of fine motor skills. Indications for finger massage

Finger massage for speech development - an easy way to grow an intellectual

The first Russian Nobel laureate, Ivan Pavlov, said very true words about the importance of developing hand motor skills: “Hands teach the head, then a wiser head teaches hands, and skillful hands again contribute to the development of the brain.” This means that if you want to raise a smart child, then you definitely need to develop the movements of his hands, or in other words, fine motor skills. You can do this literally from the first days of life.

You can read more about the relationship between fine motor skills and speech.

Until about three months old, the baby's hand is clenched into a fist. Depending on the muscle tone, it can be very strong or weak. What the massage therapist should do, including how to massage the fingers in children with hyper- or hypotension, is decided by the neurologist. If the muscle tone is normal, then the parents themselves may well massage the fingers.

What happens as a result of massaging a child's fingers? How to carry out such a massage?

Aged up to three months It is advisable to carry out massage after consultation with a neurologist and masseur. If the child does not have neurological problems, then the massage of the fingers of the baby comes down to stroking, rubbing and lightly kneading each finger with the hands of the parents or the massage therapist.

Beginning from the age of three months for the baby, various objects with small protrusions are also used for massage, which can be rolled in the handles and rolled along the inner and outer surfaces of the palms. These can be balls, pencils, cones, walnuts, etc.

Baby finger massage technique after a year could be like this:

  • ask the baby to hook the fingers of the same name on both hands to each other (show how to do this), let the baby hold his finger tightly with his finger, and you will disconnect his hands;
  • with the help of the baby's hands, massage each finger from the base to the tip on both hands, pressing with equal force on both sides of the finger;
  • alternately pinch your fingers between the middle and index fingers of the other hand and “pull” them, twisting them a little.

A distinctive feature of such a massage is that the child conducts it independently, only under the guidance and with a little help from an adult.

massage games

No matter how useful and necessary for activating the speech centers in the baby's brain is the finger massage technique, it will not be able to contribute to the development of the child's speech if they do not talk to him. A significant effect can be obtained by accompanying the massage of the baby's fingers with comments. It is even better to tell poems at this time and include an element of the game.

We invite you to spend some exciting game activities with your baby using various massage techniques that are directly aimed at developing speech.

white dog

Make massage movements, saying the following words:

The white dog came running

(Child's name) bit his finger.

Oh, it's ticklish! Oh, it doesn't hurt!

This is how he played it.

Then you can take a toy soft dog, and let him bite and tickle all parts of the child. Instead of the word "finger" in the text of the poem, we simply substitute the words "nose", "ear", "leg", "back". Thus, you will have a massage, and learn or repeat parts of the body, and have great fun.

It's snowing

Finger massage in children, as already mentioned, can be performed not only with hands, but also with the help of various objects. A variety of tactile sensations also contributes to the development of intelligence. We offer an exciting massage game with crumpled paper.

You will need paper with a different texture - it can be napkins, copier sheets, newspapers, glossy pages from magazines. Make paper snowballs - roll sheets of various textures into balls. Let them be different sizes. We put all the balls in a bag tightly enough so that the baby, running pens there, feels the touch of the paper well. You can put ping pong balls in the same bag. Under the poem, the child climbs into the bag with his hands and arranges a “snowfall” in the apartment.

(Child's name) smiles

Happy to play

Climbs handles into the bag,

And then it snows!

Of course, after such a game, cleaning will be required. The kid will be happy to take part in it if you perform a “magic ritual” and say that now you will transfer strength and dexterity to his hands, give the baby a finger massage and start a fun cleaning together.


Finger massage for the development of speech can easily be done in water - in the bath while bathing or in a special container with water. Let the child depict swimming fish with his palms, and you will catch, massage and release them with the words:

Fish swim in the pond

Let me find one.

Caught a beautiful

"Swim, swim, honey."

Even the usual massage of children's fingers without speech accompaniment can be beneficial, especially if the child is often and a lot talked in other situations. Massage with comments, poems, games will be much more useful. This is clearly shown in the table.

So, you can massage your fingers in between times, viewing the news on social networks or in line at the clinic. There will undoubtedly be some benefit in this, but if you want to get the best result, you will have to put in more effort. And it is not difficult at all, and, moreover, it is pleasant - after all, the most "labor-intensive" method of massage, in addition to maximum benefits, also brings great pleasure from your game with your child.

Use the proposed games in order to make such an important and necessary activity as a finger massage fun. Most likely, you will like it, and you will easily come up with new activities to develop your child's speech and intelligence in a fun and relaxed way.

You can find other ideas for educational games in.

Alena Volkova, your consultant on the development of children's speech.

Speech pathologist, teacher, twice mother, author of the system "Through the development of speech - to the harmonious development of the child", author and head of the project "Speech of the child" and the online club of speech development "Boltai-ka", editor-in-chief of the magazine "Speech of the child", author of articles, webinars, trainings, books and collections on the development of children's speech.

The appearance in the family of a small copy of mom or dad causes joy and tenderness. First, you look at his every fold and dash, and then you look forward to when he says the first word. As long as the baby only gurgles, there is no reason to worry. Growing up, the baby begins to master speech skills, but the development of the child is always individual. It may happen that your treasure will encounter certain difficulties in mastering speech. Apparent delay or various defects require timely correction. For the last ten years, in speech therapy, they have resorted to massage of the child's tongue - this massage is aimed at eliminating various articulation disorders and speech defects in children.

Speech therapy massage is a very effective procedure that is aimed at developing problematic areas of the tongue and improving articulation

In what cases is it applied?

Massage is an ancient method of treating various ailments. By studying the human body, doctors from many countries found special points, by pressing which many diseases could be cured. The speech therapy version of massage for children works on the same principle. Certain points of the tongue, lips, ear lobes, cheeks and hands are subjected to manual influence. Such a massage is prescribed for children when they are diagnosed with the following congenital or acquired abnormalities:

  • partial loss or slight impairment of voice;
  • various speech defects;
  • hypertonicity of the facial muscles (more in the article:);
  • uncontrolled salivation;
  • dysarthria (limited mobility of the lips, tongue, palate);
  • problems in the development of articulatory muscles;
  • (all types);
  • strong tension of the facial muscles, causing pathology of pronunciation.

Speech defects in a child require correction, otherwise in the future they will become a serious problem, an obstacle to many activities. Massage is one of the most effective ways to correct articulation.

What problems does massage correct?

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Speech therapy massage is represented by several types: probe massage by Novikova, massage according to Dyakova, Prikhodko, Krause. Using various techniques and techniques, they all perform the following tasks:

  • normalize the tone and motility of the articulatory apparatus;
  • increase the duration and force of exhalation;
  • develop fine motor skills and hand manipulation;
  • develop the rhythm of limb movement and breathing;
  • develop visual differentiated movements;
  • stimulate kinetic movements;
  • improve emotional reactions;
  • contribute to the development of manipulation of hands with objects;
  • reduce the severity of stuttering (more in the article:);
  • reduce manifestation.

Of course, the greatest effect is achieved when speech therapy massage is carried out by a trained specialist. If you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, you can learn some of the techniques of speech therapy massage on your own.

We have prepared for you a description of simple exercises that you can perform at home.

Hand massage techniques

Scientific evidence of the connection between fine motor skills and speech skills was obtained by physicians as early as the 14th century. The studies undertaken have shown that fine motor skills of the fingers are in direct connection with the functions of the brain. Scientists have also identified areas of responsibility for each finger of the hands:

  • large is associated with the brain;
  • index is responsible for the stomach;
  • medium affects the spine and intestines;
  • nameless helps the liver;
  • the little finger works on the heart.

We will begin our training with finger exercises, especially since speech therapy finger massage is safe and beneficial for everyone, it can also be done on a newborn baby (see also:). It simultaneously contributes to the development of fine motor skills in children. Before you start massaging the baby's hands, let's take care of the hygiene of our own hands - be sure to disinfect them with alcohol or use sterilium, grease your palms with baby oil. Let's start massaging the brushes:

  1. We work out the little finger from the nail to the base, kneading each joint well. We do the exercise on both handles.
  2. We press the pads of all fingers 3-10 times. First, we make light pressure, then we increase the pressure and increase the number of pressures.
  3. An exercise similar to a white-sided magpie. We massage the baby's palm with the index finger, making circular movements.
  4. We use the same circular movements, but we lead the index finger from the edge to the center of the child's palm. We repeat the reception several times.
  5. For this exercise, you need to take a ring massager. We put it on alternately on each finger, starting with the little finger.
  6. We take a rubber ball with spikes or a special wooden massager. We lead the baby's palm from the wrist to the fingers.

Acupressure and circular massage of the tongue works on the development of the articulatory apparatus. How much your child needs it, it is better to find out from a specialist, consultation is also important for proper exercise. It is useful to watch the video at the end of the article.

At home, tongue exercises can be done with an electric toothbrush or with a set of Kampol children's toothbrushes (more in the article:). They will almost completely replace special speech therapy tools.

When massaging the tongue, circular and point movements alternate, each technique is repeated 3-10 times. Exercise examples:

  • Pointwise massage the tongue, leading the brush from the base along the left edge, the tip of the tongue and along the right edge. We write the English letter U.
  • We repeat the exercise. We make circular movements.
  • We draw a toothbrush in a zigzag pattern, from the base to the tip, alternating circles and dots.
  • We massage the edge on the left side, first dotted, then in circles. Repeat the exercise on the right side.
  • We display the bird (V), starting from the bridle and ending at the tip (we recommend reading:). We “draw” the tails of the bird, first on the left side, then on the right. We alternate massage techniques.
  • We lead two parallel lines - the left edge, then the right edge. We alternate movements, starting with point ones.

It is advisable for parents to master the massage technique from a speech therapist, and only then conduct sessions on their own. Such reinsurance is needed so as not to harm the delicate articulatory apparatus

Lip massage

Children have different attitudes towards strange manipulations on the face - especially at the beginning of your classes, misunderstandings can arise. Try to calm the child, explain the benefits of massage. Do these exercises:

  1. Place the tips of your index fingers on the wings of your nose. Stroke with pressure, guiding your fingers along the nasolabial folds. Repeat the movements 8-10 times.
  2. Place your index fingers on the notch of the upper lip and spread them to the corners of the lips. The movement should be rubbing.
  3. Do the same manipulation with the lower lip. Repeat both exercises 8-10 times.
  4. Pinch your upper and lower lip alternately using your thumb and forefinger. Move your fingers from one corner to the other. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times.
  5. We tap with the index finger above the upper and below the lower lip, making a circle in a clockwise direction. Exercises are performed in an active rhythm with an increase in the strength of movements.
  6. Place your index fingers at the tips of your lips, first gather the upper lip, then the lower lip into an accordion. We repeat 8-10 times.

The completion of speech therapy massage is work with the ear lobes. 50 circular movements are performed - first in the left direction, then in the right direction. Between the thumb and forefinger, at their base, is a "speech point". We massage it in circular motions in the same way as the earlobe. After completing the speech therapy massage, praise the child for his patience, encourage him with a fun game or an interesting fairy tale. It is important that your manipulations bring pleasure to the baby, and not scare him.

As responsible parents, you must understand that mental health should be given as much attention as physical health. The ability to speak correctly and beautifully, to correctly express thoughts directly depends on how much you are ready to invest in your child.

In order to prevent speech therapy problems, as well as to eliminate them, you can master hand massage for children to develop speech, which will become your baby's favorite pastime.

There are many ways to develop speech. Few people trust massage, as they consider it more fun than therapeutic. And in vain. Scientists have long proven that stimulating certain points on a child's palms can work wonders. The sooner you start working on the development of hand motor skills, the sooner the baby will speak and learn to think.

There is an opinion that a seven-month-old peanut should be able to show at least one finger from the cam (most often it is the index or thumb). In this case, he should not have problems with speech. Light stroking of the hands must be carried out from birth.

What is it for:

  • the mood of the newborn noticeably improves after tactile contact with relatives;
  • he calms down and relaxes;
  • there is an improvement in blood circulation;
  • the skin becomes softer.

The baby begins to “feel” his fingers and learns to control them.

How effective is it?

Even primitive people used their hands to communicate. With the advent of speech, gestures help to add clarity to what is being said. Psychoneurologists say that a strong connection between pronunciation and gestures has been preserved in the cerebral cortex. Improvements in pronunciation after exposure to the hands were noticed as early as the 19th century.

Children with developed hand motor skills have a large vocabulary, strong memory and pronounce sounds more clearly even during their formative years.

It is enough to devote 15 minutes a day to see the result.

Execution technique

Talk to your pediatrician. He will recommend suitable exercises. Regular massage can be carried out starting from three months. In the absence of problems with neuralgia, the procedure will be reduced to light stroking, kneading the fingers, rubbing and pinching them.

Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap or disinfect with alcohol. Take a few drops of baby oil and rub them into your palms. Firstly, it will soften them before contact with the baby's skin, and secondly, it will warm them a little. Hands must be warm.

Closer to six months, you can add small items: balls, rubber rings, pencils, a terry towel.

Techniques that are optimal for manipulating hands:

  • stroking fingers from top to bottom;
  • rubbing in a spiral;
  • rotation of the brush clockwise and against it;
  • pressing on the pads;
  • alternating finger flexion.

Be sure to finish the procedure with a pleasant stroking of the palms.

Passive massage techniques

Massaging movements should be performed by an adult.

How to do passive exercises and what techniques are suitable?

  1. Snail - kneading the palm in a spiral from the edges to the center.
  2. Blizzards - zigzag movements on the palms and fingers.
  3. Spider - "sawing" the palm from top to bottom and diagonally.
  4. Magpie-crow - tapping on the palm and bending the fingers.

Techniques of active influence

Having mastered passive games, involve the child in the actions.

Suitable exercises are:

  1. Garden - one hand stretches out the fingers of the opposite hand, as if it wants to harvest.
  2. Balls - roll a round object with the help of palms. You can take pimply rubber and plastic balls.
  3. Iron - one hand strokes the palm of the other.
  4. Helicopter - use a pencil to imitate the movement of a propeller on your hand.
  5. Catch-ups - ask your fingers to run around your palm.

It's great if you use rhyming lines or short poems when doing the exercises. As a last resort, emotionally describe each action. The little one is sure to love it. Such techniques are suitable for violation of diction and pronunciation of any complexity.

Interesting options for finger gymnastics

It is difficult for an older baby to sit still during even short-term manipulations. Perform actions in the form of an exciting game.

What can be used?

  1. Fairy tale with hands. Imagine that each finger is the hero of your favorite fairy tale. Let the character tell his words. Fingers can also stomp remarkably on a flat surface. You can play shadow theater with your palms. Experiment, these games do not require special skills.
  2. We take paper. Crafts from paper balls will interest any little genius. You can use them as parts of a snowman or even toss them from hand to hand. Ask your fidget to hit a paper ball into a plastic cup or bucket. This game is useful for the development of coordination and stimulates speech.
  3. Useful cereal. Pour any cereal on a large tray. Most often they take buckwheat or semolina, but you can choose any of your choice. Use your fingers to draw on the croup so that the baby feels like a real artist.

Any manipulations should take place in a good mood for all family members. Do not take it as a complex medical procedure and you will definitely succeed. And your baby will soon please you with smart statements.

Hand massage for the development of child's speech video


In Russia, it has long been customary to teach a child to play with his fingers from an early age. These were such games as “Ladushki”, “Forty-white-sided”, etc. After washing the baby’s hands, they wiped them with a towel, as if massaging each finger individually.

It has been proven that fine work with fingers contributes to the development of speech in children. Therefore, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child from a very early age. But just doing the exercises will be boring for the baby - you need to turn them into interesting and useful games.

Recently, on the packaging of children's games you can see the inscription: "For the development of fine motor skills of hands." Many parents have heard about this concept, but not everyone knows how to develop fine motor skills and why it needs to be done.

Now it is already known that at the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how your baby develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities. From how deftly a child learns to control his fingers at a very early age, his further development depends.

Under the term fine motor skills refers to the coordinated movements of the small muscles of the fingers and hands. They are important not only for performing various daily activities, but also for stimulating the development of the child's brain.

Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary of your baby develop.

Periods of development of the child in preschool age

The famous Italian educator Maria Montessori identified three periods in the development of children:

Development of children's speech (from 0 to 6 years). At this time, two important events take place. From 1 year to 2.5 years, the child's vocabulary is rapidly expanding. At 4-4.5 years old, he masters writing (but only under the condition of developed fine motor skills);

Perception of small objects (from 1.5 to 5.5 years). At this age, the child likes to play with buttons, beads, sticks, etc. With the help of such objects, the motor skills of the child's hands can be developed. Just make sure that the baby does not take them in his mouth;

Formation of the simplest self-service skills (from 1 year to 4 years). At this age, the child is taught to independently dress, eat and perform hygiene procedures.

1. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills are carried out in a complex, starting from the first months of a child's life.

2. In the set of exercises, try to include tasks for squeezing, relaxing and stretching the baby's hands.

3. Start or end with a hand massage session.

4. Carry out work on the development of fine motor skills regularly, in accordance with the age and taking into account the level of physical development of the baby.

5. First, the adult performs all movements with the hands of the baby, and as he masters, the child begins to do them on his own.

6. Carefully monitor that the exercises are performed correctly by the child. If the baby finds it difficult to complete any task, immediately help him: fix the desired position of the fingers, etc.

7. Alternate new and old games and exercises. After your child has mastered simple motor skills, move on to mastering more complex ones.

8. Perform certain movements while listening to (and then pronouncing the child) a poem.

9. Encourage the child's creative activity, let him come up with some exercises.

10. Conduct classes emotionally, actively, praise the baby for success, but do not forget to monitor his mood and physical condition.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children from 0 to 2 years

1. "Forty-white-sided"

First, the adult runs his finger along the child’s palm and says: “Magpie cooks porridge.” Then the baby himself begins to drive his finger along the palm. We complicate the game: on the phrase “I gave this,” the adult alternately bends the child’s fingers to the palm, except for the little finger: “But I didn’t give it.” Slightly shaking it, we say with a playful reproach: “You didn’t carry water ...”, etc.

white-sided magpie
cooked porridge,
She fed the kids.
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
But she didn't give it:
"You didn't carry water,
Didn't cut wood
Didn't cook porridge
You have nothing."

2. "Pancakes"

Take the baby's hands in your hands and clap your hands. Show your child the movements and ask them to repeat them.

Sweets, sweets,
Sound crackers.
Clapped their hands
They clapped a little.

3. "Okay"

Read the nursery rhyme and at the same time accompany the words with gestures

Sweeties, sweeties!

(Show the baby your palms.)

Where were you?
By Grandma.
What did they eat?
What did they drink?

(Clap your hands.)

Butter bowl,
Brazhka sweetie,
Grandma is good.
Drink, eat!
Shu - fly!
They sat on the head.

(Raise your hands up, turning your palms to the right and left, then lower them with a “house” on your head.)

4. "House"

This is a house.

(Put both palms together.)

This is the roof.

(Join your palms and interlace your fingers.)

And the pipe is even higher.

(Raise all fingers up without disengaging them.)

5. "Hide and Seek"

Fingers play hide-and-seek,

(Raising your palm, spread all your fingers.)


(Put your fingers together and make a fist.)

6. Bunnies

Place all fingers of one hand on the table.

The bunnies went out into the meadow,
We got into a small circle.
One bunny, two bunnies, three bunnies,
Four bunnies, five...

(Count the bunny.)

Let's kick our toes.

(Tap all fingers on the table together or apart.)

They knocked, they knocked
And tired.
Sat down to rest.

(Bend your fingers into a fist.)

7. "Hello, finger"

Alternately touch the index, middle, ring fingers and little finger to the thumb.

Hello dear finger
Here we met with you.

8. "Strong fingers"

Bend your fingers and invite your baby to do the same. Then take it by the fingers and pull them each in your direction.

Massage of the palms and fingers for children from 0 to 2 years

Finger massage is very useful for a small child. The fingers are closely connected with the brain and internal organs: the little finger with the heart, the ring finger with the liver, the middle finger with the intestines and spine, the index finger with the stomach, and the big finger with the brain.

1. Take the baby's palm and carefully massage each finger, starting with the little finger. Perform massage movements from the nail phalanx to the palm, paying attention to each joint.

2. Massage the baby's fingertips, making light pressure on them.

3. Massage the baby's palms with circular movements of the index finger.

4. Take the child's hand in your hand and lightly press the thumb to make circular motions in the center of the palm.

5. Massage your fingers with the circular spiral massager. Put the massager on the baby's finger and massage the fingers up and down in the same sequence (starting with the little finger).

6. Take two massage brushes and run them over the palms of the child. His hands are on his knees, palms up.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children from 2 years

1. "Fisherman"

Pour water into a bowl and throw a few small items there: pieces of cork, twigs, large beads, etc. Invite the baby to use a small sieve tied to a stick to catch all these items in turn and put them on a plate standing on a tray on the right from a bowl. The "fishing rod" the baby should hold with one hand.

2. "Track"

Make a path on the table 3-5 cm wide, bounded on both sides by strips of paper. Invite the baby to sprinkle it with semolina or millet. Groats should be taken with three fingers and try not to spill over the edges of the track.

3. "Magic spoon"

Put two cups on a tray: on the left - a cup with cereals, and on the right - an empty one. By moving the child's hand, show him how to take the cereal with a spoon. Gently bring the spoon to the empty cup and tilt it over it. Task: pour all the cereal from the left cup into the right one.

4. "Sweet tea"

Your baby can already put sugar in his tea on his own. Now teach him to stir the sugar in the mug.

5. Salute

The child takes small pieces of colored paper and tries to tear them as small as possible. He puts the torn pieces on a saucer. Then you need to take all the pieces in the palm of your hand and throw them up.

6. "Make a ball"

Give the child a sheet of paper. His task: to crumple the sheet so that a tight lump is obtained.

7. "Spyglass"

The child takes a sheet of A4 paper and folds it with both hands into a tube, after which he brings the tube to the eye and examines the surrounding objects into it.

8. "Collect sticks"

Scatter the counting sticks in front of the child. The kid must collect them all one by one back into the box.

Massage of the palms and fingers with a prickly massage ball

1. The ball is between the palms of the child, the fingers are pressed to each other. Make massage movements by rolling the ball back and forth.

2. The ball is between the palms of the child, the fingers are pressed to each other. Make circular motions by rolling the ball over your palms.

3. Holding the ball with your fingertips, rotate forward (as if you were screwing on a lid).

4. Holding the ball with the pads of your fingers, press them firmly on the ball (4-6 times).

5. Holding the ball with your fingertips, rotate back (as if opening a lid).

6. Throw the ball with both hands to a height of 20-30 cm and catch it.

7. Hold the ball between the palms, the fingers are clasped in a “lock”, the elbows are directed to the sides. Press your palms on the ball (4-6 times).

8. Shift the ball from one hand to the other, gradually increasing the pace.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children 3 years old

1. "Labyrinth"

Draw a maze on a piece of paper. Let the baby pass over it with a pencil or just a finger. To make it more interesting for the child to complete the task, you can come up with a little fairy tale: tell where this labyrinth leads, to whom, who should go through it.

2. "Beads"

It develops the baby’s hand well by stringing buttons, beads, pasta, dryers, etc. on a fishing line or thread. Start with items that have a wider hole - so at first it will be easier for the baby to master this task.

3. "Walk the path"

Draw a simple path on a sheet in a large cell. Ask your child to circle it with a finger, a colored pencil. If the child copes with this task, draw a more difficult path.

4. "Figures"

From the age of 3, children can already be taught to cut geometric shapes with scissors and stick them on a sheet of paper. It is important that the scissors have rounded ends, that is, they are safe.

5. "Surprise"

Wrap the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. Ask your child to unfold all the candy wrappers and fold them neatly.

6. "Pegs on a basket"

Place a basket of clothespins on the table. Take the clothespin with three fingers and attach it to the edge of the basket. Have your child do the same. After the baby has mastered this, invite him to attach all the clothespins.

7. "Colorful clothespins"

On the table is a basket with colorful clothespins. Ask the child to attach a white, red, blue, green ... color clothespin to the edge of the basket with three fingers.

8. "Treat"

Invite your child to mold treats for toys from plasticine (drying, bagels, gingerbread, cookies, sweets) and decorate them with cereals, beads, etc. Cut out plates from thick cardboard and ask the child to arrange the prepared treats beautifully on them.

finger games

A very important part of the development of fine motor skills are finger games that activate the child's brain, contribute to the development of speech and help prepare the hand for writing.

During these games, children develop dexterity, the ability to control their actions and concentrate on one type of activity.

By the age of 5, children are already learning to perform tasks that require sufficient accuracy and coordination of hand movements.

All the exercises suggested here should be performed at a slow pace, 3 to 5 times, first with one and then with the other hand. Make sure they are done correctly. Do the exercises for a few minutes, 2-3 times a day.

1. "Kitten"

Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.

You, kitten, are not food!
You better look for your mom.

2. "Squirrel"

Unbend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb. First do the exercise with your right hand, and then with your left.

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts
Sparrow, titmouse,
Bear fat-fifth,
Mustachioed hare.

3. "Tsap-scratch"

The child puts his hand on top of yours. You read a poem, and the baby listens attentively to you. At the words “tac-scratch”, he must pull back the handle so that his fingers do not fall into your “trap”. Then the other hand comes into play. After a while, you can switch roles.

On the palm, on the path
Little cat walks
In small paws
Hid the scratches.
If you suddenly want
Sharpens claws.

4. "Funny fingers"

Clench your fingers into a fist. Unbend them one by one, starting with the big one. Then turn the brush to the right and left 5 times.

Thumb - danced,
Index - jumped,
Middle finger - squatted
Nameless - everything was spinning,
And the little finger was having fun.

5. "Fan"

Keep your palms in front of you, fingers pressed ("fan closed"). Spread widely, and then press your fingers together (“open and close the fan”). Wave your brushes towards you and away from you (“fanning”) 6-8 times.

6. "Peacock"

Attach all fingers of the left hand to the thumb. Place the palm of your right hand with open fingers on the back of your left hand ("peacock's tail"). Connect and spread your fingers ("peacock opens and closes the tail").

At the cheerful peacock
Fruit basket full.
A peacock is waiting for friends to visit,
For now, there is only one peacock.

7. "Butterfly"

Clench your fingers into a fist. Alternately straighten the little finger, ring and middle fingers, and connect the thumb and forefinger into a ring. With straightened fingers, make quick movements (“the butterfly flaps its wings”) - first with one, then with the other hand.

8. “Stand up for exercises!«

Bend your fingers to the palm one by one, starting with the little finger. Then with your thumb touch all the others, as if raising them to charge. After that, do exercises - squeeze and unclench the fist 5 times.

Fifth finger - fast asleep.
The fourth finger - only dozed off.
The third finger - fell asleep.
The second finger - all yawned.
The first finger stood up cheerfully,
Picked up everyone.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children 3-4 years old

1. "Cones on a plate"

Invite your child to roll pine, spruce, and cedar cones on a plate. First let him roll one bump, then two, three, etc.

2. Circle the object

You can circle everything that comes to hand: the bottom of a glass, an inverted saucer, your own palm, a spoon, etc.

3. "Magic pattern"

Poke holes in thick cardboard with an awl or nail - they should be arranged in a certain order and represent a geometric figure, pattern or pattern. Let the kid independently embroider a pattern with a thick needle with a bright thread.

4. "Sew on a button"

Show your child how to sew on a button. After that, let the baby do the same under your supervision.

5. "Colorful snowflakes"

Show your child how to make paper snowflakes. Once your child is able to cut out the snowflake, ask him to color it. Let the child cut out a few more snowflakes and color them as well.

6. "Lace up your shoe"

Show your child how to lace up a boot in different ways. First, lace up the boot with it. Once your toddler has mastered the lacing technique, ask him to lace up the boot himself.

7. "Magic pipette"

Invite your child to play wizard. On a piece of paper, paint a few multi-colored spots with paints. Show your child how to use the dropper to drop only one drop. After that, let him drop a drop of water on each colored spot. Then watch with your child how the spot will grow and turn into a pattern.

8. "Little Apothecary"

Tell your child about the work of a pharmacist. Then show him how to use tweezers to lay out and shift the beads from place to place. In the game, you can use beads of different sizes.

Massage of palms and fingers with natural materials

For children 4 years old, you can offer a massage using pine, spruce, cedar cones, walnuts, hazelnuts.

1. "Twist the bump"

Take a pinecone and put it between your baby's palms. Ask the child to spin the bump (like a wheel) in different directions for about 2-3 minutes.

2. "Roll the bump"

First, the exercise is performed with one spruce cone, then with two. Rotate the bumps between your palms for 1-3 minutes.

3. "Catch a bump"

Take any bump. Ask the child to throw it up with both hands, and then catch it with both hands as well. After the baby has mastered this exercise, you can complicate it: toss and catch the bump with one hand; throw a bump with your right hand, and catch it with your left - and vice versa. The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes.

4. "Walnut"

Roll the nut on the palm of your right hand, then on the back of your left hand. The duration of the exercise is approximately 3 minutes.

5. "Sprinkle nuts"

Pour a handful of hazelnuts from one hand to the other. The duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes.

6. "Nuts on a tray"

Place a handful of hazelnuts on a tray. Roll the nuts with the palms of your hands and the backs of your hands. The duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes.

7. "Grains"

Here you can use a variety of cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc. And the exercises can also be very different: squeeze the grains in a fist, pour them from one hand to another, mix in a deep bowl, etc. The duration of each exercise is 3 minutes.

8. "Affectionate feather"

Draw the pen across the surface of the palms and the back of the child's hands. The duration of the exercise is 3 minutes.

Working with plasticine

Here you will need several copies of the figures in this section. This will allow your baby to acquire the skill of accurately working with plasticine. You can arrange an exhibition of his best works.

Along with constant care for the somatic health of the baby, the intellectual development of the child requires no less effort from the parents. Intelligence is not only the accumulation of a sum of knowledge, but, first of all, the ability to apply this knowledge in practice.

The level of intelligence directly depends on the degree of development of logical thinking. The latter can be learned. And the sooner you and your child begin to study in this direction, the more hope that your child will not have problems in schooling.

The development of intelligence is directly dependent on the ability to talk and communicate. Speech and thinking are two sides of the same process, or rather, a kind of vicious circle. By developing a child's speech, you develop his thinking, and vice versa.

There are many different ways, methods and techniques for the development of speech and thinking. Among them, which, perhaps, not everyone knows, is massage. There are complexes of massage exercises for children of preschool and school age that affect both the development of a child's speech and the development of his thinking.

By massaging a certain microcircuit of the body (ear, hand), we make all body systems work clearly and harmoniously. It is the coordinated work of all systems that paves the way for a better development of memory, intelligence, improves the emotional background, which also contributes to a more complete perception of information and the ability to logically transform it.

Massage can be applied from a very early age. It is better not to guess on coffee grounds - whether your child will grow up to be an intellectual or not, but purposefully contribute to this by helping the baby learn the basics of massage himself. While the child is small, his mother gives him such a massage, playing and saying. As the baby grows older, you can gradually teach him to perform these exercises on his own. If the massage is done regularly (every day), the child gets used to this ritual, performs it without being burdened, as a matter of course - like, for example, daily washing or brushing your teeth. This procedure is not tiring, it takes no more than 10 minutes. Time spent today will help your son or daughter in the future.

Auricular massage for children

This massage helps various body systems work and develop better, normalizes the state of the nervous system, enhances concentration, improves intellectual abilities, etc.

The auricle is the auricle. Treatment by influencing the auricle has been known since ancient times. In Europe, auriculotherapy began to be used only in the 20th century. The ease of performing this massage, the absence of contraindications made it possible to widely introduce this massage method into children's practice. This massage can be used daily and throughout life.

According to Eastern healers, the auricle is the control panel for the whole body. Some scientists imagine the auricle as an embryo (human embryo) in an inverted form: the earlobe corresponds to the head, and as you move up (to the top of the ear), there are zones representing the trunk, organs of the trunk and limbs.

By influencing the 170 points of the auricle known today, it is possible to activate the work of all organs and systems of the body without exception. These points form 18 zones. Each zone "controls" a certain system of the human body. Thus, zones have been identified to increase the power of concentration and improve memory.

The simplest version of a targeted influence on the areas of attention and memory is given below.

  • antitragus;
  • triangular fossa;
  • the zone of transition of the stem of the curl into its ascending part;
  • funnel, the deepest part of the shell.

Auricula massage can be done several times a day, but not more often than after 5 hours. It is not recommended to do it before bed. It is useful to rub the ears immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed. Of course, this is a useful, albeit somewhat rude way to “wake up” the entire body.

It is advisable to start auricular massage from the region of the lobe and curl, moving towards the top of the auricle and then - the legs of the curl, repeating the technique 2-3 times. Then the antihelix is ​​massaged 2-3 times: first along the upper, then along its lower leg. Next, with the index finger 2-3 times, stroking along the edge of the border of the antihelix and the shell in the direction from the antihelix to the inner side of the curl.
After massaging the auricle itself, it is necessary to massage the tragus and the area adjacent to it well. (It is believed that daily massage of the tragus improves the body's immune system.) Then stroking the skin in front of the tragus from top to bottom 2-3 times. The duration of auricular massage is determined by the appearance of redness of the auricle and a feeling of warmth in it. On average it is 3-5 minutes.

Massage of the auricles should be done with the same hands: the left ear - with the left hand, the right ear - with the right hand. It is most convenient to perform a massage by placing the child on a low chair, with his back to you, or laying him on his stomach. The crossed arms of the child in this position remain under the head. Massage should be done gently, but sensitively, without stopping, because interrupting the massage even for 30 seconds cancels the entire previous effect. It is advisable to stick to one rhythm during massage (slow or fast). As a rule, the choice of rhythm occurs instinctively.

The effect of ear massage is enhanced if you add to it massage and hand exercises.

The hands are another "screen" of the state of human systems and organs.

Did you know that your baby's fingers, still so awkward and inept, help him learn to think? It has long been proven that the faster and more accurately the child performs finger movements, the better their coordination, the faster his speech develops, and consequently, thinking.

It is believed that if a child at the age of 7 months can pull at least one index finger out of his fist, then he is not expected to have speech disorders, difficulties in the development of thinking.

To make the child's fingers work better, you need to skillfully massage them. Such a massage can be started at the age when the child is still lying (4-5 months).

Massage techniques on the hands are performed with the surface of the first, second and third fingers or only with the pads of the thumbs.

First, it is stroked, and then the back of the hand is rubbed and kneaded with effort, then the palm. The movements go in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist, as if you were putting on a glove. The palm must be rubbed and kneaded more intensively, with great effort, than the back surface of the hand. Do not be lazy and rub the very middle of your palm. There is the so-called "Point of Labor", or "Palace of Labor". It is not difficult to find it: hold the child's hand in a fist, and the ring finger will indicate the location of this point.

Next, you need to rub well the line (border) of the transition from the back of the hand to the palm from the side of the thumb. And only then we massage our fingers. This must be done with particular care. Each finger is massaged from tip to base from all sides. First you need to stretch the nail phalanx, holding the nail on both sides. Then we rub the finger to the very base. It is most convenient to do this, as if screwing in a massaged finger. After intensive rubbing, the massage ends with stroking the finger, stretching it.

Particular attention should be paid to the massage of the thumb and the protruding parts of the palm at the base of this finger. The hands are massaged in turn: first the right palm, and then the left, first the little finger on the right hand, and then on the left, the ring finger on the right - on the left, etc.

The general massage of the hand ends with rubbing the wrists, which improves the lymph flow. It is believed that the improvement of lymph flow helps to increase immunity.

Hands can be massaged many times during the day!

The work of the small muscles of the hands is good for self-diagnosis. The finer, more differentiated the work of these muscles, the better will be the development of mental activity, speech.

Pay attention to the leading hand of the child. In people with a dominant (leading) left hemisphere, the right hand works better (they are the majority), with a dominant right hemisphere, the left. Now there are more of these children. There are children who work equally well with both their right and left hands - these are the so-called ambidexters. Without going into details of existing theories, we remind parents that there is no need to force the child to work only with his right hand. This is fraught with rather serious consequences: negative manifestations of the child's psyche may come to light.

Close your hand tightly into a fist. Stronger! Unclench sharply. Clasp your hands palm to palm. Elbows at shoulder height, fingers and palms of both hands touching. Use your thumbs to spread your arms and at the same time lift your elbows. Shake your arms and repeat the exercise. Moving the thumb towards and away from you is a very good and useful exercise.

Now try to interlock your fingers slightly and use your thumbs to make a windmill.

Lean your hands on the wall. Press harder - relax your hands. Stretch your arms forward. Raise your hands up, let them fall freely down. Finally, with one hand, support the other in the wrist and shake it vigorously. This exercise improves blood circulation. The skin becomes warm, the joints are elastic, the fingers are flexible.

You can conduct a kind of "classes" almost hourly, in the process of everyday activities.

Your little one is learning how to fasten buttons. Do not rush him and do not rush to button his coat yourself. It is better to invite him to try to fasten even smaller buttons.

The lacing of boots is very useful for developing coordination of hand movements. If there are no shoes, then a hole punch can make holes on thick paper, cardboard and show the baby how the lace is threaded there. Then he will be able to make drawings, ornaments through the holes, after completing the pattern, tie a bow. These activities develop visual memory, teach to concentrate.

Give your child thin counting sticks. They need to be held in the fingers, to be able to lay out one or another combination, an unpretentious pattern that can become more complicated over time. Older children can be offered to lay out a “well” from sticks. First, the dimensions of the well will be arbitrary, and then given. If the child can perform such an exercise, invite him to build the same well under the following condition: sticks can only be taken with the same fingers of both

hands: first build a well with the little fingers, then only the ring, middle, index and, finally, thumbs.

These tasks are difficult, but doable with the acquisition of a certain skill. If at the same time adults diligently perform this task, introducing a competitive element into the game, the child will form only positive emotions, he will be drawn not only to the games, but also to the parent himself, will demand to play with him again and again and will develop at the same time. .

So that the child does not get bored, but at the same time develops, buy him a mosaic, plasticine, often offer paints with brushes, pencils and coloring books, or just a sheet of paper and scissors. Any games with fingers, the image of figurines with fingers are also good.

It would be nice to teach a child to play an imaginary piano. In this case, the brush should be kept rounded, fingers slightly bent. Hit strongly, confidently on a hard surface, such as a table, only with the fingertips, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger. When the thumb descends to the surface, all the others are raised. The thumb comes off the surface only when the next finger hits the table firmly, and so on.

Your imagination will tell you many other exercises, because adults love to play no less than children.

We draw your attention to the fact that during these games-activities your child receives certain knowledge, and primarily speech, from the very moment when the first communication between parents and their child takes place. Don't wait for the child to speak. Talk to him as much as possible from the first days of his life. Silently reacting to your speech, he, nevertheless, accumulates a passive stock of knowledge, which he will simply need in more conscious periods of his development.
