Behavior of a jealous man. Signs of a man falling in love

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 9 minutes


The issue of male jealousy is relevant for all women. The only difference is that some husbands categorically do not want to be jealous of anyone, while others are jealous even of a beardless salesman who smiled “in a strange way”. The first women believe that since they are not jealous, it means that they do not love as deeply as they should. And they are even actively looking for advice,. The latter do not know where to go from this jealousy, and openly envy the former. What is the reason for male jealousy?

Husband is a pathological jealous man - revelations of jealous wives

How happy are those women who are not familiar with male jealousy! Jealousy is not even a proof of love, as many mistakenly believe. Only in the candy-bouquet period does this feeling look “cute and funny.” When a jealous man becomes the "rightful owner" of his chosen one, the "green monster" from a cute creature turns into a real nightmare for both partners. In most "severe, clinical" cases, it looks like this:

Why is this happening? Why does a man turn life together into hell, not leaving his beloved woman for a minute and not even disdaining hidden cameras and voice recorders?

Causes of male jealousy - find out why the husband is jealous!

According to experts, this "green monster" is a complex psychological complex, which has many sources under it. There are many reasons. From aggressive temperament to genetic factors. So, what are the causes of male jealousy?

What woman does not want to be desired for her chosen one? Some, in order to maintain interest in a man, specifically provoke those to jealousy, forcing them to literally become furious.

Here you need to observe a fine line, so as not to go too far and not provoke a sweetheart into a scandal. How to understand that a man is jealous, and you have achieved your goal?

Asks too many questions

You kindly smiled at a friend from work, and your husband began to fill up with questions? It speaks either a feeling of jealousy or curiosity. The second is unlikely, because the other representative of the same sex as such is of little interest to a man. Ask him directly why there is such an interest. If he is jealous, he will be embarrassed and laugh it off, saying that he seemed familiar to him.

Loses self control

It is difficult for a man to admit his weakness, so he is unlikely to tell you anything intelligible directly, but you can understand the whole gamut of feelings that he experiences from his face. The opponent causes internal tension in him. Lips and fists clench, eyes narrow, spots may appear on the face. A jealous person can talk to you sharply and dryly, even trying to hide surging feelings from you. If you don't want this to happen, don't provoke it.

Tries to destroy the enemy

With an opponent, albeit an imaginary one, he will not stand on ceremony either. If the man you are interested in is in the same company, but has not yet told you that he loves, his jealousy can be seen precisely in the way he talks to the guy who is flirting with you. If a dispute comes up, the jealous person will try to destroy him with arguments. Having expressed words of admiration for someone, get ready for the story that he was just lucky, but he can be even better. This desire - to be better than others for your beloved in everything - can inspire a guy to the most incredible deeds. Often from the outside it looks like a cockfight, especially if two men are fighting for the heart of one woman. You can deliberately prick a jealous guy to see how he reacts.

Controls your life

If a guy is very jealous, then he will try to do everything so that you do not communicate with other members of the stronger sex. Some husbands even demand that their wife stop working, for fear of an office romance. Probably, everything is not so clear with you, since you are trying to find out how to understand that a man is jealous. Nonetheless, if he finds many excuses to keep you from meeting another, be sure that it is jealousy that drives him. If you begin to feel a restriction of freedom, explain that this will certainly affect your relationship not in the best way.

Jealousy is the fear of losing your loved one. It occurs for various reasons: childhood trauma of the psyche, complexes, hereditary temperament or strong dependence on a loved one. A man who is afraid to be alone may begin to suspect the chosen one of infidelity. But he will not clearly show his jealousy, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Thinking and experiencing within himself, a man can become thoughtful, rude and distant. To understand that he has already begun to be jealous, several interesting signs will help.

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Reasons why a man becomes jealous

Jealousy destroys relationships and can even lead to breakups. After all, the foundation of any strong family is trust. Mutual and uncompromising. To understand what has become a stumbling block, it is necessary to assess the situation from the outside.

Often the fault lies not only with the girl, but also with the man himself. And then it turns out that ostentatious jealousy is just a cover. But in general, the reasons for the anxiety, distrust, surveillance and aggressive attacks of a guy in relation to his beloved girl can be different:

  • Showing a sense of ownership. This is the most harmless of all options, which can be regulated by the complete exclusion of provocations. In every possible way to show him how dear he is, and the rest of the guys are indifferent. Always answer his calls and do not stay late at work.
  • Alcohol intoxication. It revives the spirit of rivalry in a man. He begins to invent something that is not really there, and accuses his beloved of flirting with males. The jealous man wants to fight the opponent, demonstrating his superiority to him.
  • The man is insecure. He has complexes for some reason. Jealousy is a manifestation of his fears that one of the guys will be better than him. And take the risk of stealing someone else's girl.
  • He follows the principle: "The best defense is an attack." Because he secretly cheats on the chosen one. By systematically accusing her of infidelity, the malicious traitor feels undercover. She definitely won’t suspect him, since he loves so much and is afraid of losing her.
  • The man has an oriental temperament. Jealousy is in his blood. All his relatives lived in an atmosphere of scandals and suspicions of each other. Therefore, it is advisable to get acquainted with the parents and traditions of the guy's family before the wedding, so that in the future you will not regret the "sultry" marriage.

You can't be happy that your partner is suffering. And even more so to speculate on it. Jealousy is the red light of any relationship. As soon as her light turns green, family life will definitely get better. It is important to find this switch by sorting out the problem at the negotiating table.

Five Ways to Avoid Jealousy

If male jealousy gives a girl a lot of trouble, then it is necessary to quickly eliminate the provocateur factors that drive him crazy. They, like red cloth for a bull, are a signal to excite his psyche:

  1. 1. Flirting with men is an essential character trait of most women. Some flirt unconsciously, instinctively. Others do it intentionally to play on the feelings of their man. And in the end, a jealous husband can even arrange a fight.
  2. 2. Phone lock. “There is no smoke without fire, blocking - hiding something,” he thinks and is jealous.
  3. 3. Rave reviews about the former. Praise of the merits of a colleague or frequent conversations about an old friend annoy the chosen one.
  4. 4. Questionnaire on a dating site. And no excuse that there is communication only with friends will not suit him. Secretly or openly, he will still be jealous.
  5. 5. Constant delays at work. Or gatherings with friends until the morning. And especially if the phone is also turned off. A dead battery in this case is not an argument for a potential jealous person.

Most importantly, respond to the guy's jealousy calmly, turning the conversation into a joke. The excuse has to sound plausible. But excessive emotionality, resentment and mutual accusations will cause even greater suspicions in a man.


If the relationship between partners has been going on for more than 12 months, then by the behavior of the guy you can easily understand whether he is jealous or not. It is necessary to carefully observe his reaction to a particular situation. The feeling of jealousy manifests itself in a man in different ways:

  • He starts asking a lot of questions.
  • He is worried about the change in the appearance of the girl for the better, bright makeup and revealing outfits.
  • The guy suddenly comes to a party or corporate party, where his girlfriend or wife is now, in order to secretly control her.
  • Behaves in a strange way: unreasonably angry, silent or offended.
  • A man will find a reason not to let his woman go to meet classmates or friends, motivating this with worries about her safety.
  • In the presence of other men, the jealous man tries in every possible way to attract the attention of his girlfriend: with jokes, tricks, heroic deeds. And thereby show the rivals their superiority.

This can manifest symptoms of jealousy in men who have been living with their woman for a long time, or their relationship is more than one year old. But in couples that have formed relatively recently, male jealousy has a slightly different look:

  • A man secretly gives his beloved gifts. In front of the rest of the guys, demonstrating that this woman is already taken.
  • He invites the girl to a cafe and often accompanies her home, taking all her free time with himself so that another man does not.
  • He becomes irritable and withdrawn if he sees that his lady is paying attention to other men. Or talks a lot about them.

You can even understand that he is jealous by SMS messages on the Internet. In a personal meeting, a person often controls his experiences, and involuntarily reveals himself at a computer monitor. Such male jealousy looks different:

  • If a girl sent him a photo in which she is in the company of another guy, the man will stop responding to her. Or he will start throwing sharp phrases, clarifying the details of the photo.
  • If a woman informs a guy about a party or other event where he was not invited, he will want to see detailed photos from the evening, evaluating the veracity of the girl's words.

You can determine his jealousy by the irritation that a man has in response to screenshots of correspondence with other guys, or endless stories about them, comparing his merits with someone else's.

Physiological signs

Psychology distributes male jealousy towards a woman into several stages. At the beginning of a relationship, there may be no signs of jealousy at all. Under the influence of an inspired euphoric state, the partner does not think about the threat of betrayal.

He is glad for the very fact of meeting with his beloved and still cannot demand anything from her. This is the period of winning the hand and heart of a girl. It is usually referred to as the candy-bouquet phase of a relationship. When the first passion passes, love moves to a new stage, where the right of ownership comes to the forefront.

Partners claim each other's freedom - by officially declaring their relationship or by marrying. In this phase, the true character of a man is actively manifested. Changes in his behavior and mood occur systematically. And the reason for everything is jealousy.

Jealousy is a fusion of fears and phobias, under the influence of which defense mechanisms are activated in the brain. The subconscious receives SOS signals that the ending of the story is possible sad and something needs to be done:

  • A sharp release of adrenaline at the moment of jealousy causes the pupils to expand to the limit.
  • The cheeks and ears turn red, but may eventually turn unnaturally pale.
  • The heart starts beating faster. There is difficulty breathing.
  • Hands or even the whole body may tremble.
  • A stupor appears when a man seems to be unable to move.
  • The armpits, legs and arms of the guy become wet.
  • The voice also changes, which wheezes or growls due to the fact that everything in the mouth is dry from fright.

There may be one symptom, or all at once. And the brighter the severity of these manifestations, the more dangerous a man becomes. After all, constantly jealous of the past and fanatically afraid of betrayal, he can make irreparable mistakes, ruining the life of not only himself, but also his girlfriend.

Jealousy depending on temperament and type of love

The temperament of a man plays an important role in the manifestation of his jealousy. Knowing for sure which one the guy has, the girl regulates relations, avoiding conflict situations:

  • Melancholy(passive and easily touchy people). Their jealousy may have roots in childhood. They easily believe what they hear about their partner. Non-conflict, but they are very worried inside themselves.
  • Cholerics(irascible, aggressive). They react sharply to any provocation. The result of their jealousy is a scandal and even beatings. It is almost impossible to persuade a choleric person. He does not listen to advice and arguments. It is possible to save an alliance with such a person only on the condition of honesty.
  • Phlegmatic (unemotional people). They endure for a long time, but one day, having completely lost confidence in their partner, they can file for divorce and calmly leave without further ado.
  • Sanguine(happy, carefree). Experiencing a feeling of jealousy for the girl, in response they go to cheat on her.

An important role is played by the type of love that a man experiences in relation to his partner. Knowing him, you can calculate in advance how the scene of jealousy will end: forgiveness or divorce. The types of love experienced by men are of several types:

  • Agape(full trust and lack of requirements) - this type refers to the highest, divine love. The partner will certainly forgive her beloved for all her pranks.
  • Storge(strong, reliable, wise love) - a man will try to find a way to solve the problem amicably, without entering into conflict.
  • Mania(attachment to a partner) - love is built on attention. As soon as it becomes small, trust disappears and jealousy appears. The man may be offended. His mood is constantly changing. Sharp phrases replace the words of forgiveness.
  • pragma(pragmatic love) - a man evaluates relationships like a mathematician formula. He is rarely jealous, and if a problem arises, he begins to look for the cause in himself.
  • Eros(one-time sex) - we are not talking about deep feelings here, and therefore jealousy is completely absent.
  • Ludus(repeated sex without love) - swears love, but in fact does not experience it. Can be jealous for show and easily end relationships for no reason when he needs it.

Often, jealous people find solace in alcohol, raise a hand against their wife and children, or turn a woman into a slave, forbidding her to meet friends and even relatives. To avoid marriage with a jealous tyrant, you need to look at the little things.

After analyzing all the factors (type of love, temperament, physiological signs, reactions in everyday life), even at the initial stage of a relationship, you can understand what the jealousy of a beloved man looks like and make a forecast of what it threatens in the future.

Most often, attention is paid to the behavior of women who experience tender feelings. Men, as a rule, remain aloof. Most likely, this is due to the fact that men are not used to expressing their emotions too violently, which means that it can be extremely difficult to discern them. But the inquisitive mind of girls still requires to know how a man in love behaves, how serious his intentions are, and can something serious come out of this? This is what this article is about.

No matter how hard a man tries to hide his feelings, one way or another, you can always notice some changes in him.

Scattered from Basseinaya Street

When a man realizes his love, it can unsettle him, since such a state is often associated with absent-mindedness, loss of control over the situation. The man feels vulnerable. Being next to his beloved girl, he becomes modest, silent, and sometimes vice versa - overly active and sociable. This is a kind of protection. In the first case, this is a kind of pause taken in order to get together and re-subjugate the situation, and in the second, it is an attempt to disguise one's excitement.

There is not much information

After some time, when too quivering and fussy state passes, the period of "information exchange" begins. The young man strives to tell as much as possible about himself, starting from early childhood to the stories that happened to him just the other day. Thus, the man is trying to provide as many facts about himself as possible so that the girl understands who she is dealing with.

At the same time, the guy begins with rapture to be interested in the girl herself, her life, interests, opinion. He tries to find out everything about her to the smallest detail, to understand her way of thinking, and just to chat on abstract topics. All this helps him create the final image of his beloved.

Gifts and attention - the key to success

A young man in love, even the most gloomy and severe, still becomes romantic. He commits acts, the main and main goal of which is to win the heart of a girl. It can be cute gifts, flower delivery home or to work, especially talented people wake up with a gift for writing poems or songs. Of course, all this will certainly touch the tender girl's heart.

Jealous means love

Often, when a beautiful and sociable person becomes the object of love, a burning feeling of jealousy wakes up in a young man. Literally any other man who was next to her, the lover perceives as the worst enemy, ready at any second to take away his prey from him.

And sometimes this jealousy extends not only to strangers, but also affects close friends, brothers and even fathers. Experiencing a whole whirlpool of feelings, it is sometimes very difficult to weed out the important from the unimportant. At this point, absolutely any male person can be perceived as a danger. But over time, of course, it goes away, you just have to breathe a couple of times and cool down.

It's time for transformations

Experiencing tender feelings for a girl, a man strives in every possible way to correspond to her. He pays more attention to his appearance, begins to be interested in fashion and style, spends a lot of time maintaining his physical shape, watching his hair. That is, he tries in every possible way to look attractive in the eyes of his chosen one.

Do not bypass the material issue. After all, a man is by nature a breadwinner, and trying to attract the attention of a woman, he seeks to demonstrate this in every possible way. It is important to show yourself as self-sufficient and reliable, able to earn money and provide for a family, which means becoming someone with whom you can spend the rest of your life.

Eyes don't lie

A good way to understand what a young man is feeling is to look directly into his eyes. No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and they reflect everything that is going on in it. If, during a conversation on the most boring and simple topics, a man’s gaze wanders over the silhouette of a girl, this is a good sign. Most likely, the man has very warm feelings for this lady, and perhaps even very much in love with her.

weightless touch

Try paying attention to touch. If they become quite frequent, but at the same time very gentle and careful, it means that the guy is not indifferent to you. Usually, we subconsciously strive to touch precisely those who are pleasant to us, and on the contrary, we try to stay away from unpleasant people. But even if a young man does not allow himself to touch a woman, but always leans slightly towards her when talking, again we can conclude that he is in love with his interlocutor.

In secret around the world

There is one more thing. Someone will call it a mistake of a man in love, and someone - a tactical move. We all know very well. That men love to gossip no less than women, which means that the lover will surely tell his close comrades about his feelings. Those, in turn, trying not to betray a friend, but still check your attitude towards him, may begin to make fun of him in your presence or inadvertently ask some leading questions. His comrades will be convinced that they will not reveal the secret of a friend, but we will always understand why they behave this way.

How are you?

A man experiencing tender feelings becomes more attentive to trifles, shows concern. Have you been asked if you had time to have lunch today? Or how was your day? Has something happened and do you need help? Rest assured, these are not idle questions "out of courtesy." The guy really cares, and he cares about you.

Tell me who is your friend

A man calls you and offers to go somewhere in the company of his close friends? Bingo! Do not hesitate, this is a very difficult step for him, because he trusts his friends, their opinion, and having decided to introduce you, he wants to introduce you to the circle of people closest to him. Do not refuse such an opportunity, just remember how important it is for a man. Become a part of what he is so reverent about. Just be nice, outgoing and laid-back.

In fact, to understand whether a man is in love or not is quite simple. No matter how hard a nut he is, warm feelings for the girl will still betray him with his head. You just need to carefully look at the details, then the puzzle will finally turn into a bright and unlike picture.

Signs of a guy's jealousy are very easy to figure out by watching him. But if some points cause you doubts, then this article will help you figure out how right you are.

How do you know if a guy is jealous?

As a rule, in order to find out if a guy is jealous, a girl needs a few minutes. Most men are terrible owners and, at the sight of increased attention to their woman, they begin to get nervous. If you are relaxing with a chosen one, and a strange man is trying to win you over, then the beloved may show various gestures that will show that you are only him, and attempts by outsiders to get into his “territory” can lead to disastrous consequences.

Pay attention to your young man's behavior when everyday situations occur. How does he react when he sees that you are reading new messages that have come to you on your phone or on social networks? How does he behave when you meet a friend on the street whom your loved one does not know?

Be sure to pay attention to whether the guy trusts you - whether he reads your SMS without permission, whether he visits your page in Odnoklassniki when you are not around. Some men are so jealous that they want to control their girlfriend in everything and demand that she give them a username and password from her account so that all her correspondence and virtual communication are under control.

When a man is jealous, he is characterized by the following behavioral reactions:

You must clearly realize that jealousy is not always a manifestation of love, perhaps it is just an exaggerated sense of ownership in your partner. And if you do not want to suffer in the future from his jealousy, which has crossed all the boundaries of what is permitted, then it is important at the very beginning of the relationship to convince your man that you can be trusted and that he has no reason to worry.

What is the jealousy of a man for a woman and vice versa?

What is jealousy? How is jealousy different from possessiveness? And can a man love a woman, but not be jealous of her?

Jealousy - a manifestation of feelings of inferiority and their own complexes. Why is a person jealous? From the fact that he is afraid that his partner will find better, more beautiful, smarter, taller, stronger, more well-read, etc.
Of course, the easiest way is to tie him to a stool, put on a veil and make scandals every 10 minutes on the topic: “Who did you call? what kind of friend (what kind of friend) did you sit in a cafe and what did you talk about? well and further in the text.
And it is much more difficult to learn to love yourself, appreciate yourself, get rid of complexes and not stoop to the above.

Jealousy sometimes is not only the death and destruction of the lover, but often kills love itself, especially when it gives rise to indignation: after all, *jealousy* is so inflated by this brainchild of its own that it repels love and begins to neglect the object, and even completely ceases to consider it its own. object.

NO, Ladies and Gentlemen....JEALY (within moderate limits) first of all Love....nowadays some guys have no male solidarity at all...I can't be sure that if my girlfriend says no to a guy, then they will leave her behind ... I will be jealous ... because this is the manifestation of love (one of the types)

Jealousy of a man, it's still very close to a sense of possessiveness, with a woman it's a little more difficult, rather it's closer to a feeling of not imitating something, well, or how else to say it more precisely, I don't even know .... But anyway, they are a little different these two jealousies... no, there are, of course, common aspects....:)


Jealousy is that feeling of a selfish person who has a great possessive feeling and loves only himself very much, and cannot forgive his woman for anything that she wants to allow herself to at least go out to people or go to a restaurant with a friend, i.e. no freedom. This feeling is fatal for both a woman and a man, and everyone suffers from this Michael

Jealousy is the passion of the wretched, fearful of loss, the fruit of our rotten morals and ownership of what we possess ... A woman rarely forgives men for jealousy and never forgives her absence ... If in one case jealousy proves love, then in another case she proves just the opposite...

First of all, it is a feeling, a very heavy feeling that one person experiences for another. He (a) himself (a) is tormented by this feeling and the path of resonance, provided that people are open to each other on a resonant basis, they also torment others ...
Of course, one can live without a feeling of jealousy, one can live in peace, or better, in Love, in Bliss...
P.S. this feeling is imprinted in the child before the age of 7, usually from the parents, and later it is difficult to get rid of it...


I agree with Maproxa. If spouses or partners love each other, they will trust. But on the other hand, if they truly love each other, they will try not to give the loved one a reason to be jealous of others. For example, what will my beloved think of me if I am absent for unknown reasons all night, and in the morning I come with traces of lipstick on my face, or something like that. If you have decided on your loved one, then it is better to stop flirting with the rest. I am of this opinion

the feeling of jealousy and the feeling of ownership are one and the same. only the names are different
it is very difficult to teach a man not to be jealous, but it is possible, provided that he is in love with no memory.
I was taught at the time. learned to be jealous to such an extent that he could even forgive her for sex with another.
But this is a double-edged sword, this sex with another turned into treason. That is, not sexual betrayal, but spiritual.
Maybe jealousy has some meaning

Is it true that if a guy is jealous, it means he loves you?

Konovodov Alexey

Men are always in doubt.
They are more suspicious.
Do not give a reason for jealousy, tell him that he is the one and only.
Remember that the word heals, and cripples too ...


You can be jealous only out of a sense of ownership, it's true ... You can be jealous because of the fear of losing a loved one ... and because of love for him ... But, first of all, you need to trust him, then jealousy will be small .. .)))

Jealousy is the fear of losing a person. But this fear has one peculiarity. It originates in the person of that when one of the other makes a self and develops a sense of ownership. "This is mine, this is for me." This means you need to hide it, close it from your eyes, cover it with a copper basin, etc.

Why is the man not jealous?

He swears that he loves her. The woman knows that He loves her. But why is he not jealous, even when there is a reason (she winks at another in front of him, does not spend the night at home, etc.)?

Most likely, he simply trusts her, gives her more freedom, the right to choose, because. knows that in any case she will return to him. And I can't believe he doesn't know where she sleeps.

And jealousy is not an indicator of love, it is an indicator of some kind of sense of ownership and limitation of personal space: "You are mine! Stay at home!".


There may be several reasons for this:

1. He is not jealous;

2. He loves indifferently))

3. He has someone, but this does not prevent him from loving her;

4. Even if she gives a reason for jealousy, then he knows that this is only a reason - it will not go further - trust;

5. Yes, it’s even good that he’s not jealous, well, imagine the situation if he is jealous even of a pole .... pipets .. God forbid))))

6. If a woman has a man and he loves her, and as you say that she knows this, then she won’t go further than a reason for jealousy, well, I wouldn’t go))) why do I need someone if I love? - should be happy))

If he is not jealous, then he either trusts his girlfriend, or he just doesn’t give a damn about her, with whom she is and where she is! , so we are arranged!

Or maybe he is free, he has a sense of ownership of this woman. Understands and accepts that no one belongs to anyone, and if people are together, then only by mutual desire. Perhaps there are few such "realized" ones, but suddenly they still exist))

If a man is not jealous, but loves, then this is a manifestation of the most true, true love, when they wish happiness not to themselves, beloved, but to her, beloved, and they want her to be happy first of all. A man understands that a woman cannot do without flirting and that a wink and spending the night outside the house do not mean anything - after all, she is with him anyway. I think a woman who is not jealous should feel great whether they love her or not, because it has long been known that jealousy is not at all a sign of love. And the one who is able to love and not be jealous ... is just a treasure, not a man.

The one who says that love without jealousy does not exist is a fool. He's just never been loved like that.


I think not all men are able to admit their jealousy. My husband is also not jealous. Only when, for example, I do decorative makeup, he unobtrusively raises questions: why did you put on makeup, you look better without makeup; you are so beautiful; I love you even without make-up; you will spoil the skin with this chemistry, and so on), but when I'm at home all day long - not a single comment.


They are very jealous!! If, of course, he loves. Men are owners! They are ready to be jealous not only of girls and women, but also grandchildren-grandmothers! today the grandson of 12 years old said to his grandmother 50: why do you need to get married - you have me! The one to whom you are indifferent is NOT jealous, or is very sure that you will not go anywhere!

Elena Andreevna

He does not care. He just doesn't know how to be jealous. Accepts a woman for who she is. This is a rarity, but far from the worst quality of a man. On the contrary, you can consider yourself lucky that there is such a person.


I think it's not about trust and not that a man is indifferent. Many have situations when it is worth being jealous, but there are a number of men who carefully hide all this in themselves and do not put it on display.


oh, what nonsense, how our men can be jealous!!! you go with light makeup, and then bam and bright decided to try on, immediately the question is for whom, why ... the hair was always straight, the suspicions again twisted that this happened .. .??? and it’s even worse when you devote all your time to him, and when you are going to meet with your friends, a fit of discontent and jealousy begins, how can you share yourself with someone else ... and if you flirt with someone, then this is generally, there are those who unreasonably see treason and lies everywhere, this is already a disease ...


And I'm also not jealous of my ex. I just knew for 200% that he loves only me!

Even if he tried to flirt with a girl in front of me or somehow arouse my jealousy, I understood that this was all on purpose, window dressing and pretense, and that this was all from indifference to me. Therefore, she loved him even more for it and was not a bit jealous!
