Orthodoxy presentation on the theme of Easter joy. Presentation on the theme "Easter joy"

Svetlana Efremova
Presentation for the Orthodox holiday "Bright Easter" (1st junior group)

presenter: Hello, good fellows! Hello red girls! Spring has come - to us holiday brought. Congratulations on holiday, co Light Christ's Resurrection! FROM Easter! On the Easter cakes are baked, paint eggs. But this holiday rich not only in delicious treats - it is rich in customs and rituals.

Here the winter is over

Again Easter has come to us.

Snowdrops pop out

Lilac will bloom

hello ray of sunshine

And easter day!

Drops drip loudly

In front of our window.

The birds sang merrily

Visit Easter has come to us.

Song "Drops drip loudly!"

Drops drip loudly

Near our window

The birds sang merrily

Easter, Easter has come to us!

We found a snowdrop yesterday

On the thawed patches of the forest,

Delicate blue flower

Smells like sunshine and spring.

presenter: On this day, everyone goes to church, bring flowers, light candles and rejoice holiday.

The hostess enters the hall with a candle in her hands.


Hello good people! Congratulations on holiday! Easter is the most important holiday of the church year when people are freed from all evil. it festival of hope for the future, joy, the victory of Good over Evil. Everyone celebrates Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature. During Easter weeks in Russia bells sounded. Anyone could climb the bell tower and strike the bell.

Children recite poems to the sound of bells.


That's Easter has come to us

Holiday sweet for me

Brought a lot of joy

And took away all the sorrows


Easter holiday - bright, clean,

The day Christ was resurrected...

Joy in the radiant sun

Smiling from heaven.

3- Child.

Wonderful day, the soul shines

And the heart of God glorifies.

The spring forest rings in the distance,

And the song sounds: "Christ is risen!

All children: Truly risen!


On the Easter was allowed for everyone(men, guys, boys) to ring the bells, so the uninterrupted ringing of bells sounded, supporting the joyful, festive mood.

Let our bells ring today, let the songs sound, let everyone have fun!

Listening to the ringing of bells


We Spring - Red

Holiday brought.

Right from the morning

The kids are having fun.

Spring came easter,

Nature is all awake.

The harsh winter is gone

And the sun smiled!

Over meadows and fields

The sun is shining above us.

long-awaited spring

Us a day Easter brought!

Dance: "The spring has come!"


I've been to the fair

Yes, I bought hotels

Here is their whole basket,

Not magical, golden,

And beautiful, painted!

We will treat guests to glory,

Kids for fun!

Guys, what's in my basket? (children's answers)

And what color are they? (children's answers)

True, but the colors also had their symbolism.

Red is the color of joy and life.

Yellow is dedicated to the sun.

Green - symbolizes spring.

Brown is the fertility of the earth.

Games: "Collect the Egg", "Egg rolling".


Brighter you, rays, shine

And warm up the earth.

Green stems,

Bloom all the flowers.

Get up in the round dance,

Sing a song together.

Song - dance: "Let's go to the garden by raspberry..."


Earth and sun

Fields and forest -

Everyone praises God:

Children together: Christ is risen!


In the smile of blue

living skies

All the same joy:

Children together: Christ is risen!

The enmity is gone

And the fear is gone.

No more malice

Children together: Christ is risen!


On the holiday fun started entertainment: and young, and old rode on carousels, danced round dances, played folk games on the street. Let's play too.

Round dance game "Roll, egg".

Children stand in a large spacious circle. The driver gives one wooden egg to any child in the circle, the second egg to the child in the opposite part.

With the words of the counting song, the children begin to pass the eggs in a circle in any direction.

Children sing:

"Roll, roll, testicle,

According to our circle.

Find, find, testicle,

For myself, my friend."

With the last word, the transfer of eggs in a circle ends. Those who have eggs left in their hands go to the center of the circle, give the testicles to the incoming one, he He speaks:

"In a circle, come out

And dance for us together."


Guys, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers)

Well, then guess what fairy tale is told in this riddle?

Grandfather and grandmother are crying with tears of fuel -

Why are we suddenly so unfortunate?

There was a golden egg on the shelf.

Yes, only here is a mouse - such a punishment -

broke it. And I'm not happy myself.

But calmed everyone (Hen Ryaba)


That's right guys.

Chicken - beauty lived with me,

Oh what a smart chicken

She sewed me caftans, sewed boots,

Sweet, ruddy baked pies for me.

And when manage, sit at the gate,

Tell a story and sing a song. (chicken exits)


Where did Ryaba the hen live? (Grandfather and grandmother)


Here they lived - there were a grandfather and a woman, they lived, they did not grieve (children take turns standing and bowing) and they had a hen Ryaba. Grandfather and woman lived together, ate porridge, drank tea (grandfather and woman drink tea at the table). Somehow the grandfather and the woman were sitting at the table, and the chicken in the nest was like will scream: Ko - ko - ko. (chicken screaming)


Oh, guys, who is that screaming there? (Hen Ryaba).


Go see what happened (Grandfather went to the chicken, bent down, took the egg)


The chicken laid an egg, not a simple one - a golden one.

Grandfather beat-beat-did not break

Baba beat - beat - did not break (they beat the egg in turn, the woman puts it on the edge of the table)

(Mouse runs out)


The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. (The mouse runs, touches the egg, it falls)

Grandfather is crying, Baba is crying (crying, wiping tears)

And the chicken cackles to them:

Do not cry grandfather, ko - ko - ko,

Don't cry, woman, ko-ko-ko.

I'll lay you another testicle

Not golden, but simple. (a child - a chicken feels sorry for his grandfather and grandmother)


Here's how the grandfather and the woman were sitting at the table, and the hen in the nest how to scream "Ko-ko-ko!"

Guys, is our chicken screaming something? Go grandma, go and see what happened there? (Baba went to the chicken, bent down, took the egg, and there was a surprise - chocolate eggs)


Guys, for such a treat, we need to praise our chicken, we need to amuse the chicken. Let's invite her to dance with us!

Guys Easter is also called Bright Day. And people turned to the sun with words:

sun, bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunshine, show

Dress up red!

Dance with rays


Have fun from the heart

And got a little tired.


Easter! In golden pipes

Angels trumpet from heaven.

Be happy folks!

Rejoice! Christ is risen!



Here comes the end of our holiday, but easter May joy last all year. And I wish you health, happiness, joy, peace. I wish you often please your parents with good deeds and do not forget to congratulate them on holiday of their parents, relatives and friends! Christ is Risen, children!

The children leave the room to the sound of bells.

EASTER brings us joy

The work was done by a student of the 8th grade of the Krasnovoskhodskaya secondary school Hayvanova Guzel

Easter is a beloved holiday in Russia, established in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The word Passover in Hebrew means "coming deliverance."

Easter is a moving holiday. Celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon after March 21st.

Easter holiday more

2 - x thousand years.

Holy Christ's Resurrection - the most important and joyful holiday for all Christianity, it is also called the "Feast of Holidays" and "the celebration of celebrations."

Crucified on the cross, suffering, God the man died for us, atoning for the sins of people.

They prepare for the holiday in advance with a seven-week fast - a time of repentance and spiritual purification. In these seven weeks before Easter, Orthodox Christians fast.

On fasting days, Christians try to have less fun and devote more time to prayer and good deeds.

Great Lent ends with Passion Week, during which the church remembers the events of the last days of Christ's earthly life.

On Maundy Thursday, which is called “clean” in folk traditions, every Orthodox person strives to be spiritually cleansed, to receive communion, to receive the Sacrament. On the same day, eggs were dyed for the Easter table.

On Maundy Thursday, they baked Easter cakes - symbolizing how Christ ate bread with the disciples so that they would believe in his resurrection. Easter cake can be stored for 40 days.

Good Friday

the day of the suffering of Jesus Christ; His burial


Holy Saturday - a day of sorrow and expectation of the Resurrection of Christ.

How is Easter celebrated?

The celebration of Easter begins with participation in the Easter Divine Service. It is quite special, different from ordinary church services, very “light” and joyful. In churches, the Easter service begins exactly at midnight. At this time, the jubilant ringing of bells is heard and everyone joyfully sings the Troparion of Pascha.


Easter is a day of plentiful food. On Easter - a feast by the mountain! Forty-nine days are prepared for Easter, and forty days are celebrated.

Where did the custom of giving red-dyed eggs come from?

During the time of Roman rule, people who came to the emperor were required to bring gifts with them. The rich carried gold, the poor - what was in the house. Mary Magdalene decided to bring the news of the resurrection of Christ to the emperor Tiberius. She could only bring a white egg as a gift, but she was let in. "Christ is risen!" she exclaimed, handing her gift to the emperor. Tiberius contemptuously replied that he would believe in such a heresy only when this white testicle turned red. O miracle! Right in the hand of the emperor, the egg turned bright scarlet, and he exclaimed in shock: "Truly risen!"

What does the red dyed egg symbolize?

The red-painted egg symbolizes the rebirth of man into eternal life - at the cost of the blood of Jesus Christ.

The red color is the color of the martyr's blood of Christ, with which He saved everyone from eternal perdition.

The Easter egg is a symbol of the new eternal life that Christ gives us with His Resurrection.

Usually the eggs were dyed red - a symbol of the blood of the Lord. Now the eggs are painted in any bright color.

Eggs dyed in one color were called krashenki, on which there are various drawings - pysanky

If the egg was painted with droplets, tears, grains - these are specks.

Eggs painted with rings - barrels.

Easter games

They spun the eggs on the surface of the table or on the bench - whose egg will spin longer.

They hit the eggs against each other with the ends - whose strongest.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Easter brings joy to us Completed by: Falkovich Artyom, a student of the 6th grade of GBOU secondary school No. 28, Syzran

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The Resurrection of Christ The Resurrection of Christ (Easter) is the most important Christian holiday, on which both the Charter of the church service depends (from this day the countdown of the “pillars” of osmosis begins), and the end of the longest and strictest (Great) fast, breaking the fast. Even for people who are far from religion, Easter is associated with a solemn night service, procession and Easter cakes, painted eggs and bell ringing.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Easter Easter is a movable holiday, it takes place every year at different times. Other movable holidays also depend on the time of Easter: Palm Sunday, Ascension, Pentecost and others. The celebration of Easter is the longest: for 40 days, believers greet each other with the words "Christ is Risen!" - "Truly risen!". The day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ among the Old Believers is a time of special celebration and spiritual joy, when believers gather for services to glorify the risen Christ, and the entire Easter week is celebrated "as one day." The church service throughout the week almost completely repeats the nightly Easter service.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Christian holiday The Christian holiday of Easter is a solemn remembrance of the Resurrection of the Lord on the third day after His suffering and death. The very moment of the Resurrection is not described in the Gospels, because no one saw how it happened. The descent from the Cross and the burial of the Lord took place on Friday evening. Since Saturday was a day of rest for the Jews, the women who accompanied the Lord and the disciples from Galilee, who were witnesses of His suffering and death, came to the Holy Sepulcher only a day later, at the dawn of that day, which we now call Sunday. They carried incense, which, according to the custom of that time, was poured over the body of a dead person.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Communities of the first Christians The communities of the first Christians celebrated Easter at different times. Some together with the Jews, as Blessed Jerome writes, others on the first Sunday after the Jews, since Christ was crucified on the day of Pesach and rose again the next morning after Saturday. Gradually, the difference in the Easter traditions of the local Churches became more and more noticeable, the so-called "Easter dispute" arose between the Eastern and Western Christian communities, and the unity of the Church was threatened.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Traditions of celebrating Easter On Easter it is customary to celebrate Christ - to congratulate each other on the great holiday and exchange colored eggs, as a symbol of life, kissing each other three times. An egg dyed red with onion skins used to be called krashenka, a painted one - pysanka, and wooden Easter eggs - eggs. The red egg marks for people the rebirth by the blood of Christ.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Happy Easter Holiday Happy Easter Holiday - the most favorite holiday since childhood, it is always joyful, especially warm and solemn! It brings especially much joy to children, and every believer tries to serve an Easter egg, Easter cake or sweets, first of all, to a child.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

How to calculate the date of Easter? To calculate Easter, you need to know not only the solar (equinox), but also the lunar calendar (full moon). Since the best experts on the lunar and solar calendar lived at that time in Egypt, the honor of calculating the Orthodox Paschalia was given to the Bishop of Alexandria. He was to inform all the local Churches annually about the day of Pascha. Over time, Paschalia was created for 532 years. It is based on the periodicity of the Julian calendar, in which the calendar indicators for calculating Easter - the circle of the Sun (28 years) and the circle of the Moon (19 years) - repeat after 532 years. This period is called the "great indiction". The beginning of the first "great indiction" coincides with the beginning of the era "from the creation of the world." The current, 15th great indiction, began in 1941.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Easter celebrations in various countries In most European countries, Holy Week and the week after Easter are school and student holidays. Many European countries, as well as Australia, celebrate Easter and Easter Monday as public holidays. In Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Latvia, Portugal, Croatia and most Latin American countries, Good Friday is also a public holiday. The entire Easter Triduum is a public holiday in Spain. States in which Easter is several days off (in most - 4 days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday)

"Easter Joy"

Target: to show the special significance of the main Orthodox holiday of the bright Resurrection of Christ - Easter and Easter joy.


1. To acquaint with the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, with the traditions of celebrating Easter, to give an idea of ​​Great Lent, Passion and Bright Weeks.

2. Enrich, activate cultural vocabulary.

3. To expand the understanding of Orthodox culture and the shrines of the world.

4. To form children's interest in Orthodox culture.

slide 1

The topic of our conversation is called "Easter Joy".

slide 2

Easter - this is a favorite holiday in Russia, established in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.The word Easter - translated from Hebrew, means "coming, deliverance." Easter is a moving holiday. That is, it does not have a specific date, so the day and month it falls on changes every year. Celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon after March 21st.

What date will we celebrate Easter this year? (children's answers).

slide 3

The Easter holiday is more than 2 thousand years old. The Bright Resurrection of Christ is the most important and joyful holiday for all Christianity, it is also called the "Feast of Holidays" and "the triumph of celebrations." Crucified on the cross, suffering, God-man died for us, atoning for the sins of people.

slide 4

What do you know about preparing for the holiday?(children's answers)

They prepare for the holiday in advance with a seven-week fast - a time of repentance and spiritual purification. In these seven weeks before Easter, Orthodox Christians fast: they do not eat meat, eggs, or milk. On fasting days, Christians try to have less fun and devote more time to prayer and good deeds.

Great Lent ends with Passion Week, during which the Church remembers the events of the last days of Christ's earthly life, his physical and spiritual suffering.

slide 5

On Maundy Thursday, which is called "pure" in folk traditions, every Orthodox person seeks to cleanse himself spiritually, take communion, and receive the Sacrament. On the same day, eggs were dyed for the Easter table.

Easter cakes were baked on Maundy Thursday - symbolizing how Christ ate bread with the disciples so that they would believe in his resurrection. Easter cake can be stored for 40 days.

slide 6

Good Friday - the day of the suffering of Jesus Christ; burial of his body.
Great Saturday is the day of sorrow and expectation of the Resurrection of Christ.

Slide 7

Mom and dad to me once
They talked about Christ.
About His terrible sufferings,
How He died on the cross.
He died, so it was necessary,
To give us life.
Without saying a word to the enemies,
Continue to love them.
But three days passed, and soon
He himself rose from the tomb.
And salvation forever
He gave to all living.
Maybe this news today
You will find it funny.
Someone will say - this is a fairy tale.
Someone will say - the sound is empty.
Well, if anyone believes
For example, as I believe

That Jesus promises
A place in the sky forever.

Slide 8

And, finally, the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Children read poems about Easter

Easter holiday - bright, clean,
The day Christ was resurrected...
Joy in the radiant sun
Smiling from heaven.

Words fly into the expanse of heaven:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

And the people of the whole earth are glad,

That the forces of darkness could not

Fill up the world

And Christ is waiting for the wedding feast

To the heavenly city of all parishioners

Their churches from different countries.

Sunday is a big day

On this day Christ is risen

And for the morning service

Blessings are invited.

Leaving all your affairs

Dads, moms go to church

And with you kids

They lead by the hand.

Here you are all Sunday

Only dedicate to God

Go to the temple, visit your friends,

Everyone, shine like the sun!

Slide 9

Guys, how is Easter celebrated?(children's answers)

Easter celebrationbegins with participation in the Easter service. It is quite special, different from ordinary church services, very “light” and joyful. In churches, the Easter service begins exactly at midnight, but it is better to come to the church in advance so as not to be outside its threshold - most churches are overcrowded on Easter night.At this time, the jubilant ringing of bells is heard and everyone joyfully sings the Troparion of Pascha. (audio recording of "Troparion of Easter" sounds).

Slide 10

After the end of the service, the believers "Christen" greet each other with a kiss and the words: "Christ is Risen!", Receiving the answer "Truly Risen!" and give each other red Easter eggs, which are illuminated in the church.

slide 11

Easter is a day of plentiful food. On Easter - a feast by the mountain! Forty-nine days are being prepared for Easter, and they are celebrating forty days and people greet each other joyfully “Christ is Risen!” and hear in response “Truly Risen!”.

slide 12

During the Easter week in all churches, as a rule, anyone who wants to ring the bells is allowed. (audio recording "bell ringing")

Orthodox do not go to cemeteries on Easter day, because the feast of life is for the living.

Easter cakes (sweet bread) are baked for the festive table, Easter cakes are made from cottage cheese, eggs are painted.

slide 13

Children read poems about Easter(the task is to convey the festive spring mood, the audio recording “Easter ringing” sounds against the background of the bell ringing, children read poetry).

We will go to the temple today

Because the holiday is there.

Everyone sings: "Christ is risen!"

And the cross of God shines.

Easter, dear holiday,

I came to your house and to mine,

Tears of joy from the eyes -

After all, Christ is risen for us!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green
Christ is truly risen!
Spring has come - it's time for miracles,
The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!
There are no words brighter in the world -
"Truly, Christ is risen!"

Slide 14

Where did the custom of giving red-dyed eggs come from?

During the time of Roman rule, people who came to the emperor were required to bring gifts with them. The rich carried gold, the poor - what was in the house. Mary Magdalene decided to bring the news of the resurrection of Christ to the emperor Tiberius. She could only bring a white egg as a gift, but she was let in. "Christ is risen!" she exclaimed, handing her gift to the emperor. Tiberius contemptuously replied that he would believe in such a heresy only when this white testicle turned red. O miracle! Right in the hand of the emperor, the egg turned bright scarlet, and he exclaimed in shock: "Truly risen!"

slide 15

What does the red dyed egg symbolize?(children's answers)

The red-painted egg symbolizes the rebirth of man into eternal life - at the cost of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Red color - the color of the martyr's blood of Christ, with which He saved everyone from eternal death.

Easter egg is a symbol of the new eternal life that Christ gives us by His Resurrection.

Slide 16 - 18

Usually the eggs were dyed red - a symbol of the blood of the Lord. Now the eggs are painted in any bright color.

Eggs dyed the same color were called eggs. On which various drawings are Easter eggs.

If the egg was painted with droplets, tears, dots, grains - these are specks.

Eggs painted with rings - barrels. There were also drapanki, little ones.

In the old days, the “Easter egg” received first was especially respected among the people: it had the ability to reveal evil spirits, it did not deteriorate until the next year.

Slide 19

And what a holiday without games!

Children especially liked to play at Easter. What Easter games do you know?

(children's answers)

"Egg rolling" . We spin the eggs on the surface of the table, the winner is the one whose egg will spin longer.

Slide 20

"Egg rolling ". We roll eggs from the laid inclined board - whose egg rolls further, he wins.

slide 21

"Eggs banged against each other"We check whose egg is stronger by hitting each other.

slide 22

And the children loved to look for hidden eggs in the garden or in the apartment.

slide 23

I came up with an interesting quiz for you, let's answer these questions.

1. On what occasion do Christians celebrate Easter?

With the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

2. What is the response to the traditional "Christ is Risen"?

Truly Risen

2. Is it a symbol of Orthodox Easter?

Painted egg.

3. Is it allowed for everyone to do this on the Easter holiday?

Ring the bells.

4. What word is similar in sound to the word “resurrected”?


5. What is the name of the last week of Great Lent before Easter?


6. What are the names of flour products that are baked for Easter?

Easter cakes

7. What is the traditional color for Easter eggs?


8. How many days does the Easter holiday last, according to church canons?

40 days

9. Which fruit husk is used to color Easter eggs?


10. Why should the Easter egg be dyed red?

The color of the martyr's blood of Christ.


1. What holiday are we talking about today?

2. What did you learn about this holiday?

3. What did this conversation leave in your mind?

Dear children and guests, I wish that joy and a bright mood remain in your souls! And may the holidays dedicated to His Birth, Life and Resurrection in the twenty-first century from the Nativity of Christ acquire traditions in every family and become favorite holidays! Happy Easter to your family, friends and relatives with the words Christ is Risen! (children's Easter song sounds)

The Easter night service is permeated with optimism. Each reading and hymn echoes the words of St. John Chrysostom's catechumenical sermon, which is already read when morning wakes up outside the windows of Orthodox churches: “Death! Where is your pity? Hell! Where is your victory?

The joyful song "Christ is Risen ..." is repeated many times in church services throughout the forty days of the celebration of Easter. The news of the resurrection of the Savior is proclaimed to all peoples in all corners of the earth, and in Orthodox churches one can hear the singing of the Easter troparion in different languages.

The eve of the strictest last week of Lent - Passion, when spring renewal is already felt in the air - falls on Palm Sunday, the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. In Orthodox churches, during the liturgy, willow twigs are consecrated - a reminder of the palm branches that paved the way of the Savior to the capital of Judea.

Eggs dyed in any way are called "krashenki", and painted with patterns - "pysanky". Pysanky" in the old days were often real masterpieces of folk art. An artistic tradition has developed, collections of sugar, chocolate, wooden, glass, silver and even gold eggs with precious stones have appeared. Eggs must be painted on Clean Thursday, as well as cooking " Thursday" salt, which will then be used for salting dishes that are being prepared for Easter.

The custom of exchanging a red egg for Easter, saying "Christ is Risen!", is very old. Christ gave us life, and the egg is the sign of life. We know that a living being comes out of an egg. All Christians greet each other with a red egg as a sign of eternal life.

"May your life be round like an egg" (i.e. without a hitch).

On holidays, misery comes for housewives - it is necessary to bake Easter cakes, cook Easter from cottage cheese, butter and sour cream for the whole family. And also a "ceremonial" Easter for guests. Yes, and the "sacred" Easter and Easter cake must be prepared in such a size that each household has enough of a piece for every day throughout the Bright Week, i.e. Easter week.

Christ conquered death. The tragedy of death is followed by the triumph of life. The tragedy of death is followed by the triumph of life. After His resurrection, the Lord greeted everyone with the word: “Rejoice!”. Death is no more. This joy the apostles proclaimed to the world. They called this joy "the gospel" - the good news of the resurrection of Christ. The same joy overwhelms a person’s heart when he hears: “Christ is Risen!”, and it also echoes in him with the main words of his life: “Truly, Christ is Risen!” The same joy overwhelms a person’s heart when he hears: “Christ is Risen!”, and it also echoes in him with the main words of his life: “Truly, Christ is Risen!”

I am convinced that if people heard a truly Holy, Pascha, Resurrection, Pentecost, Dormition, there would be no need for theology. I am convinced that if people heard a truly Holy, Pascha, Resurrection, Pentecost, Dormition, there would be no need for theology. It's all here. It's all here. Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann
