Festive costume for a boy, tailcoat, tuxedo. Festive costume for a boy, tailcoat, tuxedo Contest of native speech, Russian language

Ekaterina Orlova
The script of the holiday "Children's Day"

Hello, Hello, Hello!

We're glad to welcome you!

How many bright smiles

We see on faces now.

Today holiday brought us together:

Not a fair, not a carnival!

First summer day of the year

Don't let your kids get in trouble.

Today we have a cheerful holiday dedicated to Children's Day. We will sing, play, dance and, of course, wonderful guests will come to us. And start holiday I offer a song about friendship

Big secret for a small company

music From Nikitin, op. Y. Moritz

It's no secret that friends don't grow in the garden,

Do not sell and do not buy friends.

And so I keep wandering along the road

With a magic gramophone in his cart

Under a sad growl,

Under a cheerful moo,

Under a friendly whine

Is born into the world

Big secret for little one

For such a small company,

For such a modest company

Such a huge secret!

It's no secret that friends are honor and courage,

This is loyalty, courage and honor,

And courage and honor is a knight and a sword,

All sword swallowers should never eat them.

It's no secret that friends run away skipping -

They don't want to be chained.

They can not be forced for any gingerbread

From idleness and boredom to go crazy.

It's no secret that friends adore heaven

To be carried away on wings and without,

But they rush to us if they offend us,

They rush to us even from heaven!

Ah, it would only be with someone

Ah, it would only be with someone

Ah, it would only be with someone


The guys from the senior group have prepared for you poetry:

1. Child

I have a friend now

Loyal and faithful.

Without him, I'm like without hands,

If frankly.

2. Child

We are walking in the yard

We play fun

Back to school in September

Let's walk together.

3. Child

To a friend I am any secret

I'll tell you without fear.

I bring him cutlets,

Hiding under the shirt.

Eat my little friend

What else are you up to?

You are still a puppy

And you can make friends.

4. Child

Maybe your neighbor

Ripped my pants

Broke your stool

And tore two books?

5. Child

Maybe he's not happy

What happened? -

So many pranks in a row

It happened to him.

6. Child

You cry, you scream

You tap your feet

And of course you will win

Complain to mom...

Let's forgive him

We won't tell anyone

We don't even get sad

We won't show it.

You live next door

So we need to be friends.

7. Child

How do I start eating candy?

My friends are countless.

And the candy is gone

And there are no friends in sight.

For candy each friend,

So it blows her out of the hands.

Well, why do I need this friendship?

I myself love candy.

8. Child

You can't buy friendship money

You can't just find her

After all, friendship is as valuable as gold

And also not for everyone.

9. Child

She is something that not everyone

For life he will be able to find,

But if you find it, take care

Don't let anyone take it away!

10. Child

And soon you will understand how important

Find that one light

What can listen to you

And give you the right advice!

(Rubbing her hands, with her back to the children, Durilka enters. He speaks in a sarcastic voice.)

fool: Well, one more nasty thing I successfully committed: poured salt into the compote. Let them drink salty compote now! Ha ha ha!

(Turns and sees the hall full of children.)

fool:Yeah! This is where I need to be!

Leading. Where is "here"?

fool:Where where. Yes, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading. Who are you?

fool:I'm an idiot. You can just -Durila. I heard you have some holiday?

Leading. Not some, but holiday for all children who have matured, wised up, become big during the school year. We're here to have some fun.

fool: It's these big little kids! Oh, laugh! (Laughs). So I want to give them a dummy to suck. (Gives the children a pacifier).

Leading. Wait, wait, Durilka, to find out if our guys have really matured, you need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.

fool: Check, huh? Please! (Pulls out the ball). Here is the ball. Whoever does not catch him, he did not grow up, but remained a little shorty.

(Starts randomly, deceiving the children, throwing them a ball.)

Leading. Oh no! Will not work! If you play it, then for real.

fool: How is it for real?

Leading. It means - according to the rules. Look, we'll show you the game "How are you?". If you want, we will teach you.

fool: Well, we'll see who will teach whom. Well, I don't know that kind of game.

The game "How are you?"

(Children show with movements what the text says.

How is it going? - Like this! (put thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

(The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

Fool plays incorrectly, the host asks her to see how to play.)

Leading. Guys, I know who Durilka needs to be introduced to so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh out loud, from the heart. Let's laugh together!

(The children laugh. The fool hides to the side, plugs his ears.

The clown Smeshinkin enters to the cheerful music (possible with soap bubbles.)

Smeshinkin. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really guys?

Smeshinkin. You holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading. Yes, Smeshinkin, we all met today and decided to have some fun.

Smeshinkin. Ah, Fool, are you already here and doing mischief again?

Leading. Can you imagine, Smeshinkin, Durilka claims that our boys and girls have not learned anything and do not know how to do anything.

(Durilka viciously laughs).

Smeshinkin. And I think it's quite the opposite. The guys in the school year did not waste time in vain. For example, do you know, Fool, what to do in the morning?

fool:Of course I know! They are still asking. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.

Smeshinkin. But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

(The clown performs comic exercises to cheerful music)

fool: It’s in the kindergarten that you are such adults, and in the summer you can’t do without me, what will you do without me so pretty, mischievous?

Leading. And how many impressions are waiting for everyone in the summer! Many of you will travel, swim, walk in the woods, sunbathe on the beach, relax in the countryside.

fool: Oh, you! It did not work out of you my assistants. Why am I so unlucky! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me! (Crying).

Smeshinkin. And you still ask! Yes you look at myself: Is it possible to find friends with such a mischievous face, on which there is never a smile?

Leading. But Smeshinkin is right. Only other people are drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Here, listen to what a good, good song our guys will sing to you. Maybe from this song you, Durilka, will light up a spark of warmth and kindness.

It's fun to walk together

sl. M. Matusovsky, music. V. Shainsky,

k / f "And again Aniskin"

It's fun to walk across the open spaces together,

In space, in space!

And of course it's better to sing along,

Better in choir, better in choir!

Sing with us quail-quail

One needle, two needles - there will be a Christmas tree!

Once a plank, two planks - there will be a ladder!

In the skies of dawn, the strip will swell,

Once a birch, two birches - there will be a grove!

One word, two words - there will be a song!

We must choose a happy path.

One raindrop, two raindrops - there will be a rainbow!

Once a plank, two planks - there will be a ladder!

One word, two words - there will be a song!

fool: (claps hands). What a wonderful song! I haven't heard this one yet!

Smeshinkin. Friends, a miracle happened! Fool for the first time told the truth!

fool:How? It can't be! What is it with me! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (whining).

Leading. You will become good, kind and cheerful with us. We will give you a new name. Want?

fool: (embarrassed).Well, I do not know. Can I?

Smeshinkin. You can, you can! And we guys will help you.



As friends should

We split everything in half

And raindrops and snowflakes

And raindrops and snowflakes

Half, half, half-lam-lam.

As friends should

We split everything in half

And chuckles, and tears,

Half, half, half-lam-lam.

And chuckles, and tears,

Half, half, half-lam-lam.

As friends should

We split everything in half

Adventures, sorrows,

Half, half, half-lam-lam.

Adventures, sorrows,

Half, half, half-lam-lam.

As friends should

We split everything in half

We even share the song honestly -

Half, half, half-lam-lam.

We even share the song honestly -

Half, half, half-lam-lam.

Leading. Guys, let's come up with a new good name for Durilka. (Consult with children). Correctly! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you the name Veselushka-Laughter. We think you'll like it.

Smeshinkin. But from now on, you should only do good deeds and always smile. Agree?

fool: And how to do these good deeds? I dont know.

Smeshinkin. Here's one of them to get you started. I picked up different colors along the way. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are some flowers for you, and these for me. Now we will take turns guessing summer riddles for the guys. Deal?

fool:I'll try.

Not a bird, but with wings,

Not a bee, but flies over flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates went up

Beauty all over the world.

The sun ordered: "Stop,

The Seven Colored Bridge is steep."

The cloud hid the light of the sun,

The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path

From grass to blade of grass

jumping spring,

Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass

In a red shirt.

Whoever passes,

Everyone bows down. (Strawberry).

Hat and leg -

That's the whole Yermoshka. (Mushroom).

Sisters are standing in the field:

Dresses are bleached, hats are green. (birches).

Smeshinkin. Well done boys! And you said (addressing Durilka that our children do not know anything. How could the kids solve such difficult riddles!

fool:Now I really see that the guys have grown up and wiser. Do you know why? Because I'm slowly turning into Cheerful Laugh. I want to cheer you all up and invite you to dance

Duckling dance

Sl. Y. Entina

They want to be like walking ducks,

You can shake off the tail and set off on a long journey

And set off on a long journey, shouting "quack-quack."

And the nature is good, and the weather is good,

No, not in vain the soul sings, not in vain, not in vain.

Even a fat hippo, a clumsy hippo

Does not lag behind ducklings, groans "quack-quack"

Need for a moment

return childhood.

We are ducks now

And so fine

Live in the world.

They want to be like funny ducklings,

They want to be like not in vain, not in vain.

Even grandparents, dropping eighty years,

After the ducklings, they shout "quack-quack."

Together the sun, the river, the house are circling in a mischievous dance,

Circling in a mischievous dance is not in vain, not in vain.

Clumsy hippo, can't figure anything out

But diligently sings "quack-quack-quack-quack."

They want to be like dancing ducks,

They want to be like not in vain, not in vain.

Repeat everything after me, all figures to one,

All figures to one, quack-quack-quack-quack.

There is no easier dance in the world, there is no better dance in the world,

His secret is revealed to you not in vain, not in vain.

Look, hippopotamus, clumsy hippopotamus,

Here she dances, she gives! quack-quack-quack-quack.

Smeshinkin. Well, Veselushka-Laughing, did you like our holiday?

fool: Still would! After all, I became completely different!

Leading. And our guys helped you with this.

fool: I want to say a big thank you to them.

Smeshinkin. And it’s time for us with Veselushka-Laughter to our fairy-tale country of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your fervent friendly laughter, we will always be your guests.

Smeshinkin and Durilka: Bye!

Here comes the end of our holiday.

There are many different

significant days,

But above all yours holiday -

Children Protection Day!

Let the weather be bad

It's not about her at all.:

Don't spoil her holiday

Children's Day!

Everyone, at least a little involved,

Congratulations soon:

Because today is your holiday!

Happy Children's Day!

Now take the crayons

And on the pavement draw, write,

What is needed for happiness.

Let in your drawings will:

Happiness, sun, friendship.

Cloud Song

Past the white apple of the moon

Past the red apple of the sunset

Clouds from an unknown land

They rush to us and again run somewhere

Clouds white-maned horses

We will rush into the sky-high distance

Past the fading stars in the sky

A star will fall silently to us

And the chamomile will remain in the palm of your hand

Clouds white-maned horses

Clouds that you rush without looking back

Please don't look down

And clouds will roll us across the sky

Please don't look down

And clouds will roll us across the sky

Some schools have a wonderful, in my opinion, tradition - on the eve of the Last Bell, organize for graduates. Eleventh-graders, saying goodbye to the brightest and most carefree times of their lives, get the opportunity to feel small for a few more hours: they come to school in "children's" dresses and pants, with toys, some even bring pacifiers. Of course, on this day there is no time for lessons. But the holiday program is just what you need.

This is an event I once held with my graduates the day before the last call. We liked. By the way, I acted as the host - the class teacher of the 11th grade, and our guests were first-graders.

Event progress

The song "Smile"

Leading: Dear children! For some reason, it happens that with age, people smile less and less. Problems, worries, deeds appear ... And some, becoming adults, completely forget what a smile is. It's a pity! After all, smiles illuminate and warm this world, make it kinder.

And in order not to forget how to enjoy life, you need at least sometimes, at least mentally, to return to that wonderful time, which is called childhood. After all, we are all from there.

Shall we try? Let's return to a carefree and happy childhood?

Today I am not a teacher or even a class teacher, but a kindergarten teacher. And you, dear eleventh graders, are my dear pupils.

And I invite you to this stage. Dear guests, meet our kids! (11th graders take the stage).

In our hall there are also quite adult children - first-graders. Let's welcome them! (applause to the first-graders sitting in the hall)

So, nursery group assembled. Hello children!

Look how cute kids are.

But I did not accidentally invite them to the stage.

They are all talented and show great promise. And parents probably secretly shed tears of happiness when their son or daughter tells poems or sings songs.

I think now the whole hall will enjoy the performance of our kids.

Graduates take turns reading prepared children's poems:

Leading. Well done young talents. You can take your seats in the hall.

Somehow it doesn't work well. I only take care of the little ones, and our adult guests sit around doing nothing. First graders, are you offended yet?

Our "babies" need to improve their intellectual level. First graders, can you help?

Leading. I think these kids are great. Dear guests, do you agree with me?

And now they prove it once again. Everything ingenious begins with impromptu.

I invite you to the theatre. Everything ingenious begins with impromptu.

So, impromptu theatre.

Eleventh-graders and first-graders are invited to the stage. Each of them receives a piece of paper on which the name of the role is written (“oak”, “butterfly”, “boar”, “princess”, “Nightingale the Robber”, “knight”, “horse”, “moon”). The host reads the text, and the "actors" play their roles:

Leading. Applause to our artists. It turns out that everything ingenious is simple.

Dear children! Although ... what kind of children are you now. Stop closing your eyes to the truth. Dear eleventh graders! Today you smiled, and once again I noted for myself what beautiful bright smiles you have. Smile more. Smile at each other. And, you will see, the problems will be much less! And do not forget that we all come from a beautiful country called childhood.


1 A GOOD TRADITION OF OUR SCHOOL THE DAY OF CHILDHOOD On April 11, an amazing event happened in our school: the students fell into childhood for the whole day! What happened, you ask? Why did serious and responsible graduates turn into mischievous kids? There is only one correct answer to all these questions - DAY OF CHILDHOOD! This holiday has existed in our school for a long time, and has already become one of the favorite events for both students and teachers. The students changed their everyday clothes for colorful shirts, dresses and shorts! The girls showed off in colored skirts, colorful golfs, and surprised everyone with lush bows. But the young men did not lag behind, armed with pacifiers and children's backpacks, they proudly walked around the school! The administration and teachers went to meet the students and officially allowed to run, jump and play pranks at school! In general, the day of childhood went with a bang! Everyone was satisfied, despite the fact that they were a little tired from running around and noise! Kappusheva Albina, 10 B class Everything begins. It all starts with a school bell: Dream, science, friendship, whatever you want! Road to the stars! Secrets of the Ocean! All this will come sooner or later! Everything is ahead, but for now, do you want to go to the planet of CHILDHOOD? that our children came up with. Hold hands tight everyone! Close your eyes and move forward! Friends, can you imagine, today we have a miracle, After all, we have gathered for the holiday of CHILDHOOD. Surprises are waiting for you everywhere, The magic lights are already lit! A magical country will open the doors, It's time for our friends to start the holiday, Perhaps someone will be surprised, will not believe - You will be greeted with a joke

2 Our dear teachers! On this holiday - "Childhood Day" Forget all your worries And look at the world more cheerfully. You are always a source of light for us, And the guys, as if by agreement, bring you excellent "answers". And for them, the radiance of your eyes The best reward for diligence, Better than any of the praises. And they have one desire: If only to bring joy to you. For the sake of your sincere smile And the student, and each student, Instantly correct all their mistakes And in the future they will not be repeated. You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone, The one that will never go out. May your wishes come true, May trouble not visit your house!

3 Who will make a mistake, who will guess, Different children fall out to everyone. Often the simple seems complex: White is black, black is white. Physics is a very difficult thing, Chemistry too, also a science! After all, the Russian language is not very simple, Unpredictable mental growth. So our grandchildren are growing up, Different fates fall to them. Often the simple seems complex: White is black, black is white. Algebra is also a difficult thing Well, history is also a science The English language is very difficult, Mental growth is unpredictable. Advice from high school students More recently, we were small And let's say a secret, they beat us on the ass, But now we have matured, The school opened the doors for us. Sloppy moves are prohibited. There are desks, but not a bed, and you can’t lie on them. Get up every time the teacher enters the classroom. If you want to answer, do not make noise, But just raise your hand. We are now big, And we went to kindergarten! We made of clay Both horses and rabbits! Today I got up early And said to the alarm clock: Well done for not overslept! Called to school on time! I have a holiday today - I will study well And I dream of excelling in my studies And becoming a doctor as a mother. We love to study very much. We promise not to be lazy, to study all subjects. We will try to "five"

4 "Childhood Day" is a very important event for every high school student. It helps us remember all those unforgettable days that we spent within the walls of this school. Hello, dear students and teachers of the 27th school! On this significant day, the day of childhood, I want to say a few words about the school. We go to school as small children and finish it as adults. Each of us in this period of life is formed as a person and it is very important what kind of person he will be later. For each of us, along with the word "school" many feelings are associated. For some, this is the first love, for someone the first rise, the first fall The school prepares us to enter adulthood. After all, life is actually more complicated than mathematics and physics. Teachers carry a very heavy burden: they not only teach their subject, they try to teach children how to deal with difficulties, how not to lose heart in a difficult moment, how to do less stupid things, for which you usually have to pay heavily later. For all this support, I want to say: “Thank you! Thank you dear teachers for what you do for us!” Daria Litvinenko, Grade 10 B Greetings to all students and teachers The purpose of the Childhood holiday is to return to childhood, to have fun in the classroom, because we, high school students, have very little left to study together. This holiday reminds children and teachers who they were, how many common memories bind them, what path they went through together. All teachers on this day also seem to be returning to the past with their children. Personally, we really liked today. We had a lot of fun with all our classmates. The teachers treated us understandingly and also laughed and joked with us. We have learned a lot today. We realized that we grew up very quickly. We realized that childhood can not be returned, unfortunately. We realized that we are entering a new stage in life and, to be honest, it’s a little scary to grow up, it’s scary to imagine what awaits us in the future. And the graduates realized that they didn’t want to leave the school, because everything is so dear here: Both the teachers and the favorite class, and the school itself There are insanely many memories, because the school is the first step in life, which teaches a lot, shapes a person as a person Of course, in the school had a lot of tears, quarrels, misunderstandings, but there were also a lot of good, instructive, funny, interesting things. We want to wish all the children not to rush to grow up, because childhood cannot be returned. Teachers wish their students only good, and if they, sometimes they swear at children, then only out of good intentions. And to my beloved teachers, who spent a lot of their nerves on us, I wish you health, understanding, so that everything is fine and friendly at home, so that they are less upset, so that they are understood and respected! In general, teachers are great people! They are so smart, because only the kindest and smartest people can mess with children so much and spend so much time on them! Tokarenko Julia and Zalyubovskaya Anastasia, 10 B class. We wish all teachers health, patience, as well as exemplary students (like me), and students to love their school and respect teachers. SOMETHING is happening at school today: we have a Children's Day. We go around the school, sing songs and just relax)) I would like to express special gratitude to our class teachers for supporting us and having fun with us. I wish the graduates to pass their exams with success!!! Mikhno Anastasia, 10 B class

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Children's Day at 11A.

1 leader. Everyone, good afternoon everyone!

2 leader. Everyone, all radiant smiles and good mood!

1 leader. Here today my friends

We have not gathered in vain.

We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

Girls and guys!

2 leader. There are various holidays throughout the year.

And today is your holiday

Eleventh graders!

Again, as the graduates go for the first time

To your friendly first class.

The bell is ringing louder and louder

Such a trill spreads over the world:

Do you think the nightingale sang?

1 leader. Not! This is a childhood lesson.

The last lesson in graduation begins!

You were all the same babies

When you first came to this class

And, having received notebooks with books,

They sat down at the desks for the first time in their lives.

\\ The bell rings

The bell rings and every time

As if in a terrible dream

First I fly into the classroom

Then it flies to me.

Life has become for me

pitch hell,

We are given an awful lot of homework,

And if there is no home at all.

Where will they ask me?

Mom screamed: “What a disgrace ?!”

Solid triples, where is the diversity?

When I brought "diversity",

She again shouted: "Disgrace!"

Dear guys, dear graduates, we invite you to go back to the past. But since today is an unusual day, the lessons will also be unusual, they will be held for you by students of grade 3 A.


1. Mental account







2. Solve the problem in verse:

We are only from the ship,

Recently from a trip

eleven weeks

Stayed on the water.

And how many days is that? (77 days)

2. Solve the problem-joke: from city A to city B the plane flies 80 minutes, and back 1 hour 20 minutes. Why? (80 min = 1 hour 20 min)

3. A flock of geese flew: one goose in front and two behind; one goose between two and three in a row. How many geese are there? (Three geese)

4. Listen carefully! Question: I got on the bus and counted the passengers. There were 17 of them. The bus started, then stopped. At the first stop, 6 people got on, 2 got off. At the next stop, 4 got on, no one got off. And then, at the bus stop, one citizen came in with a whole bunch of new clothes. How many stops were there? (4 stops)

Turn . Canteen. "Strawberry"


Participants of which team will quickly line up in pairs, having found a partner for themselves?

Tablets must be mixed before distribution!

// 2 boxes

Brother Ivanushka Sister Alyonushka

Pinocchio Malvina

Wolf Little Red Riding Hood

Dwarfs Snow White

Grandfather Baba

Emelya Schuka

Ivan Tsarevich The Frog Princess

Kai Gerda

Kashchei the Immortal Baba Yaga

Mole Thumbelina

Crocodile Gena Shapoklyak

Bear Mashenka

Tin Soldier Ballerina

Prince Cinderella

Romeo Juliet

Ruslan Ludmila

Chippolino Cherry

Elf Thumbelina


An object for beating with hands, feet, head and all parts of the body. Especially often this object is attacked by a person who most often appears at school in a sports uniform. Who is this teacher and what is the subject suffering from him? (Physical education teacher's ball)

Game "Pass the ball"

// On the chair is a black box "Poems by A.L. Barto"

1. Bear

2. Bull.

3. Ball.

4. Bunny.


The game "The smartest graduate"



// Work in pairs, groups.

One of the epithets does not apply to your team. Which?


NMYUE (smart)


CHSUYKEN (boring)



BDEYYOR (good)

SYSPETIIMs (pessimists)

Guys, today we talked about the past, and now let's dream about the future. In my hands you see envelopes on which the words are inscribed: “My dreams are my hopes” 2016 - 2026 Write about your dreams for the next 10 years. This may relate to the future profession, marital status, change of residence and more. Dream! Put your answers in envelopes. We put all the envelopes in our box. See you in 10 years and see what you've got. (write by student)

Poems are read by graduates.

Pupils 3a: To say goodbye to the school,

We baked a delicious cake

So that they can admire

Candles were lit for you.

This is the width

This is the height

How beautiful is this cake.

So he asks in his mouth.

So come on, don't yawn.

Blow out the candles together!

Dear children! Although ... what kind of children are you now. Stop closing your eyes to the truth. Dear eleventh graders! Today you smiled, and once again I noted for myself what beautiful bright smiles you have. Smile more. Smile at each other. And, you will see, the problems will be much less! And do not forget that we all come from a beautiful country called childhood.

// Song "Childhood"

"Divination on the balls":

Coin - material well-being;

Paperclip - meeting with good people, friendship;

Candy - sweet life;

The key is housewarming, change of residence;

Pacifier - the birth of a child, or maybe a brother or sister;

Wheel from a toy car - a journey;

Ring - marriage (marriage);

Bookmark - a memorable event that will change your life;

Balloon - your life will be easy and joyful;

Bay leaf - rest on your “laurels”, genius will open in you;

Clothespin - love, someone will cling to you tightly;

Sharpener - be your boss and “remove chips” from subordinates;

Dotted cube - all your risky ideas will be fulfilled, luck in gambling;

Tinsel - a brilliant idea will dawn on you, you will shine in society.

Now the unique 11th grade will tell us a little about itself. You do it with applause. I will name epithets, and if they correspond to the characteristics of our class, you will clap. So our class is








Worthy of all praise

Wonderful class.

Ten years have gone by like a blink of an eye.

Flew a little life

With the sweet country of childhood

You now have to part.

The hour of parting has been appointed,

In your school country

May has come, which means

Sad for you and me.

You are now called graduates,

What a pity to leave you today!

You have grown up, there is nothing to add here,

Congratulate everyone on graduation!

And I want to wish you so much:

May the path be bright, the road be easy!

May this holiday

Will give warmth and joy of meeting!

// 2 students 3 "A" run out onto the stage

Student 1: Oh! We did. Guys! No need to be sad. We are also graduates. Primary school only. We will take your place and hopefully be a worthy replacement.

Student 2: Don't worry about the teachers. With us, their life will be no less interesting than with you.

Student 1: And your class teacher will not be bored. We take charge of her. And we will not let her offend.

Student 2: Be sure!

//Give flowers to Svetlana Ivanovna.

HOLIDAY - Prankster


The program was compiled by Matskovskaya M.A.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 19" IMRSK

The celebration takes place in the school yard. Sounds a song from the repertoire of Tatyana Ovsienko

"Our Yard" Children of different ages run out to the playground, dance, sing the refrain of the song: It is joyful and fun to get together for us. Boys and girls of our yard. In the evening with guitars we walk in pairs and we want tomorrow to be better than yesterday ...

1 leader. Everyone, good afternoon everyone!

2 leader. Everyone, all radiant smiles and good mood!

1 leader. Here today my friends

We have not gathered in vain.

We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

Girls and guys!

2 leader. May the angel always keep you

From life's losses

And let childhood at least sometimes

The door opens for you!

(first graders come out to cheerful instrumental music)

1. Why does a cat have 4 legs?

2. Why is Vanya's entire portfolio covered in sour cream?

3. Why don't chocolates grow in our garden?

4. Why don't old women play with toys?

5. Does a watermelon have a radius?

6.Where to look for the hypotenuse?

7. And what did the naughty integral play again?

1. At school, for 11 years you have found the answer to all questions.

2. And now you are experts ...

All together: Because the graduates!

3. We wish you good luck in life,

4. Health, success,

5. Love and kindness!

6. We wish that all difficult tasks ...

7. You decided on the go and with a bang!!! (together).


1 leading. You have grown up quickly, but for parents, teachers, you will always remain children.

2 leader. What was your favorite holiday as a child...?

All: birthday!

1 leader. Ten years ago, babies were born in our school: 1a, 1b ...

2 leader. This year they celebrated their eleventh birthday.

(melody sounds " c birthday", they take out 2 cakes with eleven candles)

(song performed by elementary school students "Birthday").

1 leader. Graduates! Refreshed? Will you answer the question of the school yard?

2 leader. What was your favorite lesson in school?

1 leader. Just don't say it's a change...

2 leader. Physical training? Miracles, we have too, this is probably hereditary.

(FLASH MOB "Morning exercises")

1 leader. I will not be mistaken if I name another favorite subject of all children ... 2 leading. Wait, I'll guess ... it seems to me that this is drawing!

1 leader. We announce a COMPETITION of drawings on asphalt!

2 leader. Here they are in front of you boxes with multi-colored crayons.

1 leading. We will decorate all the planets so that they become multi-colored.

Can be big small...

This is how it is sung in a children's song ... (while the song is playing, the graduates draw, at the end a winner is chosen, a prize is awarded).

1 leader. Is it true that graduates know everything?

2 leader. And let's check...


1 leader. The most grated kalach at school is (graduate).

2 leader. What is instantly lost at the request of the teacher put on the table - (diary).

1 leader. The main irritant of all teachers in the lesson, but not your hairstyle, outfit, piercing in your nose or lip, the name of the most hooligan student himself. (mobile phone).

2 leader. A place in the class where you can answer (including for the "rotten market") and get (including from your parents in the neck) - (board).

1 leader. A lesson where you can quite realistically “catch glitches” - (computer science)

2 leader. A documentary pass to freedom, confirming the time of 11 years of imprisonment. - (certificate).

1 leader. Bravo. Graduates!

2 leader. Nothing!

1 leader. Why are you surprised?

2 leader. Fiction! Collective mind!

1 leader. So what. 11 years together. The team…

2 leader. What do they teach you at school? Collective mind. Let it be known, only ants and dolphins possess.

1 leader. I give up, convinced, "nerd". Let's better announce concert numbers.


2. Meet the residents "with medy club » school yard.

1. In the 9th century, Cyril and Mifodiy gave our people Slavic writing.

2 ... before that, the Slavs read and spoke French.

1. In some century there, the Tatar-Mongols imposed tribute on Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko.

2 .... in response, Vladimir overlaid the Tatars.

1.Late at night, a knock was heard at the city gates of Vladimir. "Who's there?" the frightened townspeople asked.

2. "Babay!" Mamai joked.

1. Do you know when the first people appeared?

2. When the monkeys began to work hard.

1. What does the phrase "Sisyphean labor" mean?

2. Useless work, for example, learned a lesson, but you were not asked.

(musical beat)

3. concert number. " YES, I AM LIKE THIS"

4.concert number "GIRL _ HARM"

At the end of the holiday, all students sing and dance " STOP PEOPLE »- flash mob
