The procedure of darsonvalization of the face in the salon and at home. Indications for use

Modern cosmetology offers a lot of methods for facial care. One of them is darsonvalization of the skin. This powerful remedy is perfect for problematic and aging skin.

The device "Darsonval" dries up rashes, relieves inflammation, smoothes wrinkles, improves elasticity and enhances blood circulation.

The action of the apparatus consists in exposing the skin of the face to alternating currents in combination with high frequency and low voltage. The popularity of this cosmetic procedure is steadily growing.

During massage with the help of the Darsonval apparatus, metabolic processes in the tissues improve, changes occur at the physico-chemical level, and blood circulation improves. Spark point discharges act not only in the gap between the nozzle and the skin, but also deep in the tissues. Our cells are filled with fluid, which is an electrolyte and provides an electrical discharge with ultrasonic vibrations, due to which the ducts are drained.

With the help of darsonvalization, facial muscles are trained and strengthened. Due to this, the oval of the face is significantly tightened. A periodic course of such a massage helps to restore the water balance in the cells of the skin, increases its elasticity and perfectly fights age-related changes.

Using a glass electrode with a sealed inert gas, you need to easily massage the problem area for 3-4 minutes. This massage relieves swelling and vasospasm, prevents stagnation of blood in the veins.

In the darsonvalization mode, ozone and nitrogen oxides are released in the form of point spark discharges, which have a strong bactericidal property. Such discharges disinfect problem areas of the skin, increase local immunity.

Darsonvalization of the face can be easily done at home. But you can not get involved in this procedure. The course of treatment and prevention should be no more than 10-15 sessions. Then two or three months off. Procedures must not be interrupted, because only after the third time all the resources of the body are used.

Darsonvalization of the face, video

Indications for darsonvalization of the face:

With acne
- scars and scars
- signs of decay
- increased fat content
- mimic and age wrinkles
- puffiness


Malignant and benign neoplasms
- bleeding disorders
- diseases of the cardiovascular system
- pulmonary tuberculosis
- purulent processes
- rosacea
- pregnancy
- the presence of a pacemaker
- violation of skin sensitivity

Exposure to variable frequency current often causes unwanted hair growth, so cosmetic procedures on the face are best done every other day and no more than 5 minutes.

For every woman, the beauty of her appearance is of great importance. The modern cosmetic industry can offer many methods to keep the skin of the fair sex in perfect condition.

For these purposes, the Darsonval physiotherapy apparatus was released, which affects all parts of the human body. At the same time, not only beauty is maintained, it also has an effect on the health of a woman.

What is Darsonval?

Darsonvalization is a method of physiotherapeutic treatment that affects the body with alternating impulse shocks of high frequency and voltage. This method has been used in medicine for more than a century and was first invented by the French physiologist Jacques Arsene D'Arsonval.

Currently, this device is used in many areas of medicine:

  • In cosmetology.
  • in dermatology.
  • In dentistry.
  • in neuropathology.
  • In surgery, etc.

Many women, having undergone the darsonvalization procedure, can only say good things about this method. It is considered relatively inexpensive and accessible to everyone. And now it is on sale and everyone can buy Darsonval for home use.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of this device is based on high frequencies of the current of a weak pulse. When Darsonval is exposed to the skin and hair, it has the following effect:

  • Enhances microcirculation of lymphoid tissue.
  • It has a drying and antiseptic effect.
  • Improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • The effect after using the Darsonval apparatus remains long-lasting, the hair looks healthy and neat.

The main advantage of this device is its functionality. Darsonval includes several actions:

  • Heals hair.
  • Combats problematic skin.
  • Eliminates purulent acne and acne.
  • Treats skin inflammation.
  • It is used in preventive measures for skin problems.

With regular use of this device, a person can forget what loose skin, enlarged pores, reduced turgor are. This slows down premature aging. The skin at the same time absorbs moisture and other beneficial substances much faster.

This device has various nozzles in order to be able to choose the right one for each type of skin.

The Darsonval device is actively used to treat not only hair and problem skin, but also to effectively eliminate cellulite. In addition, there are a number of violations that this device can successfully cope with:

  • Neuralgia.
  • Varicose disease.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Ulcerative lesions.
  • Long non-healing wounds.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for darsonvalization

This method is indicated as a prophylaxis for the care of aging skin of the face and body, as a rejuvenating and tonic effect. It has an effect on aging skin, to smooth wrinkles, both age-related and mimic, with a strong release of sebum.

The same darsonvalization procedure is used for skin disorders:

  1. with the appearance of boils;
  2. with seborrheic skin lesions;
  3. with dermatitis;
  4. with acne rashes;
  5. with metabolic disorders that lead to skin problems.

Treatment with the Darsonval apparatus is used for scars, papillomas, stretch marks, soreness and thickening of the skin.

Contraindications for the procedure

  • Personal intolerance to procedures associated with the use of current.
  • The presence of cancer.
  • Low coagulability of blood cells.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • The presence of open bleeding wounds.
  • The presence of purulent wounds.
  • Pregnancy.
  • The use of a pacemaker.
  • Couperose.
  • Problems with cardiovascular activity.
  • Too sensitive skin.
  • Abundant growth of hair on the body and face (hirsutism).

The effect of Darsonval on the skin

Using this device, there is an outflow of venous blood and lymphoid tissue. In skin cells, due to the Darsonval apparatus, metabolic processes are improved.

As mentioned above, darsonvalization is a physiotherapeutic procedure in which high-frequency alternating currents act on the skin. They improve lymph microcirculation and blood circulation. In addition, the device has a healing effect in case of various injuries.

Using Darsonval to fight acne, you will improve the structure of the skin and forget about the problem of acne for many years. The device has a number of advantages in this regard:

  • The skin is self-cleansing, which produces a healing effect.
  • Stimulates local immunity.
  • There is a rapid healing and regeneration of the skin.
  • Ozone penetrates the skin, which has a bactericidal effect, and this, in turn, prevents the appearance of new acne.

Thus, there is a versatile treatment of problem skin, which enhances the effectiveness of this method.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Darsonval apparatus


The Darsonval device is able to improve the condition of not only the skin and hair, the current entering the tissues can improve their work, as well as the work of internal organs. At the same time, even combing the hair on the head with this device, you can achieve an improvement in overall well-being.

The main positive effects of this device can also be attributed to:

  • Improves the penetration of air into the cells.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes in the epidermis.
  • The skin becomes clearer and the woman more beautiful.
  • The body becomes smooth.
  • Hair becomes healthy.
  • The body is rejuvenated and renewed.


The disadvantages of Darsonval include only contraindications for certain diseases. For example, with such as skin pathologies, wearing a pacemaker, pregnancy, the presence of blood clots, with tuberculosis and epileptic seizures. Also, the device is strictly prohibited in the presence of any tumors, both malignant and benign.

Main methods of influence

The device is widely used in the treatment of rhinitis. As well as during application to the skin with a cold, Darsonval improves blood circulation, which contributes to a quick recovery. Already after the first procedure, it happens that the result is noticeable. At the same time, the device does not have any side effects on the body.

Other methods of exposure to human skin include:

  • increases the strength of the venous walls;
  • eliminates vascular spasm;
  • does not allow tissue swelling;
  • metabolism occurs in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • supplies the subcutaneous cells with oxygen, which improves the nutrition of the epidermis;
  • is the safest device used at home;
  • increases skin turgor, achieves its elasticity and healthy color;
  • significantly reduces existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones;
  • regulates the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • even if before the use of Darsonval a person had sparse hair, then with regular use of it, the hair becomes strong, elastic, their structure changes;
  • eliminates the formed cellulite;
  • applying simultaneously with the apparatus of cosmetics, Darsonval improves their penetration deep into the subcutaneous layers.

Carrying out the darsonvalization procedure in the salon - step by step instructions

  • Methods of using Darsonval are of two types - contact and non-contact. In the first case, the device is applied by directly touching the skin, in the second case, the action is at a distance.
  • Also, it is possible to select the desired mode. So with a low mode, acting on the skin, Darsonval gives the face smoothness and freshness. Cells are renewed, and everything happens without any side effects. The "Spark Discharge" mode is used for skin lesions, purulent formations, acne and pimples. This mode has the effect of cauterization.
  • All movements are performed in a massage way from the top of the head to the chin. At the same time, the actions are performed evenly, the only thing that is given a little more time for massage in problem areas. After the procedure is completed, a restorative cream is applied.
  • With single procedures, the effect of the method may not occur, which means that it is necessary to carry out the darsonvalization procedure systematically. In the salon, the minimum number of visits will be 15 procedures.
  • Do not forget that in this case you will have to choose not only a device, but also a competent specialist.

Technique for using Darsonval at home

It is quite possible to use this multifunctional device at home. Here are step-by-step recommendations for using the device at home:

  • The first thing to do is to completely cleanse the skin and wash off all cosmetics. It is possible to use a scrub. Then the skin is thoroughly dried.
  • A “silent discharge” method is used, with the electrode touching the skin. If the glass attachment is applied tightly, use powder. The application of the device is carried out along the massage lines of the face, excluding the area under the eyes. This procedure takes up to 5 minutes.
  • "Spark discharge" involves the use of the device under a higher voltage. A distance of approximately 3-4 mm is left between the skin and the apparatus. At the same time, crackling and slight tingling of the skin are heard. This procedure lasts a short time so as not to harm the skin. It is 2 minutes.
  • The next step is the point application of the device, which is also retracted from the skin at a distance of 2 mm. Thus, acne is dried. The application time of the device is 2 minutes.
  • When the procedures are over, the skin is left alone for 5-10 minutes. After that, we clean the skin of the face from powder or powder and apply a nourishing agent.
  • The skin of the face after darsonvalization absorbs all nutrients well. Therefore, it is advisable to apply a mask on the face immediately after the procedure. It can be any nourishing mask, for example, from white clay or a cream with the addition of essential oils.

The Darsonval device can be used every other day or every day, the course of treatment is 20-35 procedures. You can repeat the next time therapy in 3-4 months.

  • When purchasing a device on your own, focus not on the price, but on the passage of the device to state standards, the availability of all documents translated into Russian. It is better if the manufacturer of the device is widely known.
  • Before using Darsonval, remove all metal from the body and hair.
  • During the procedure, do not allow being near other equipment.
  • Before the session, make sure that the nozzle is clean and carefully processed in alcohol.
  • When applying Darsonval, do a head massage at the same time, so the effect will be better.
  • After using the device, apply a nourishing mask based on burdock or olive oil, or vitamin A on the head.

Darsonval devices for the face

The device contains glass nozzles that are filled with gases that conduct electric current. Tension is a change in force.

When purchasing Darsonval, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Check the list for all accessories.
  2. The device must be perfectly clean, without moisture and dirt, otherwise a short circuit may occur.
  3. There should be no cracks in the electrodes, the current passes through the electrodes that are inside the device. To check the operability of the device, carefully inspect the electrodes, only then insert them into the device, turn on the device at the lowest power. Bring the working Darsonval to your hand, if there is a characteristic crack, then the device is working as it should.

Having opened the passport of the device, read the information in it, it should contain the following data:

  • Instructions for use, translated into Russian.
  • Characteristics of technical content.
  • Usage methods.
  • Precautionary actions.
  • Manufacturer's contacts.
  • Warranty card (about 3 years).


The cost of Darsonval depends on the type of device and the brand of the manufacturer and varies within 3 thousand rubles.

Darsonval for face and hair: reviews

Tatiana 30 years old. After giving birth, my skin on my face deteriorated badly, it got to the point that pustules appeared, bringing pain. She was very embarrassed about her condition.

My cosmetologist suggested taking a course of darsenvalization, assuring me of the absolute effectiveness of this method. I agreed to several procedures, but there was no effect, only after completing the full course of treatment, which amounted to 15 procedures every other day, a significant result became noticeable.

I even liked the procedure itself, initially the master cleansed my face with cosmetic devices. After that, the glass-tipped apparatus was applied to the face and directly to the pimples. At the same time, I felt only a slight tingling sensation. Already after 5 sessions, my rashes began to decrease.

Oksana 27 years old. I also want to declare for those who are waiting for a quick result. The effect will be noticeable after several procedures. In fact, if you are waiting for the desired result, I advise you to complete the full course of treatment, as I did and am very pleased with my appearance.

Diana 34 years old. My first experience with Darsonval was not pleasant, I dried out my scalp a lot. But it happened rather out of ignorance. What is the fault of the apparatus, since, having a dry skin structure, I set the power of the apparatus to the highest rate. As a result, wanting to achieve a quick result, I earned additional problems. Therefore, my advice is to read the instructions carefully before using this tool.

Victoria 28 years old. I have been wanting to buy my own machine for a long time. Listening to the recommendations of the cosmetologist about the good effect on the skin, that it is first of all cleared of various defects. After acquiring Darsonval, she began to carry out home procedures, and now 10 darsonvalization sessions have already passed. At work, they immediately noticed my miraculous transformation. Everyone was interested in the question of what I did with my face.

In addition to the treatment of various pimples, I use this device to eliminate the common cold and very effectively. Never regretted buying this machine.

Thus, summing up what has been said, it is worth noting that this drug has many positive qualities. Using the device for treatment of any spectrum, the patient notices significant improvements in emotional, immunological and physiological terms. At the same time, blood circulation is normalized, which is especially important for various health disorders. Exchange processes are restored. And this has a beneficial effect on a person’s working capacity, his nightly sleep, and hence his appearance.

Despite the vast number of fashionable effective cosmetic procedures, the Darsonval device has been enjoying increased popularity in the field of cosmetology and complex dermatology for decades. His technique is absolutely painless, and the effect is stunning.

How current affects the skin

This is an easy-to-use compact beauty device that helps to solve a lot of external problems, such as the appearance of wrinkles, alopecia on the head, unhealthy skin color, numerous blackheads and pimples. Several types of current act on the patient during the darsonvalization procedure:

The currents of the device are aimed exclusively at a positive therapeutic effect - irritating or cauterizing. Low-frequency currents affect the superficial and deeper epidermis. They strengthen the vascular walls, dissolve small adhesions in the capillaries, improve the overall blood supply to the cells.

As a result of exposure to Darsonval, the skin and pores begin to regenerate themselves. A layer of ozone appears on their surface, which has antiseptic properties, heals the skin, which acquires an even color.

Dermatological problems treated by Darsonval:

  1. the formation of wrinkles;
  2. flabby, atonic, withered skin;
  3. postoperative sutures or scars;
  4. vascular pathologies;
  5. sweating of the skin (palms, legs, face area);
  6. oily skin;
  7. warts;
  8. enlarged and significantly pores;
  9. the presence of stretch marks (stretch marks) after pregnancy or significant weight loss;
  10. noticeable loss of cilia and hair;
  11. old cellulite.


Physiotherapy procedures with Darsonval may be contraindicated:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • intolerance to current waves;
  • neoplasms;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dilated vessels;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pathology of the epidermis;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic rosacea;
  • oncology.

A dermatologist or a highly professional cosmetologist will accurately determine whether it is possible to undergo Darsonval sessions or whether it is safer to refuse them.

The positive effect of Darsonval

The currents of the device stimulate lymph circulation and blood circulation, remove all kinds of heavy toxins and harmful toxins, increase venous tone, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and arteries, relieve intercellular and muscle spasms, activate cellular recovery, biochemical reactions.

Under the influence of the apparatus, the cells are faster supplied with oxygen and useful substances. It has a bacteriostatic and good anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, anesthetizes the outer epidermis.

Darsonval is also suitable for salon use in the field of professional cosmetology, and is also convenient for home procedures. They are saved in the presence of youthful acne and acne, increased fat content and inflammation on the skin. For the treatment and rapid healing of significant external skin irritations, it is effective to use

How to carry out the procedure

Previously, the skin at the sites of exposure to the Darsonval apparatus must be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetic residues and external contaminants. Jewelry in the head and neck must be removed.

Then you need to choose the appropriate nozzle with an electrode that may not touch human skin. There is usually no pain in the affected area, only warmth or a slight tingling sensation.

The duration of physiotherapeutic darsonvalization is usually 5-10 minutes. The duration of the session is increased if necessary. They are carried out daily. You can also do daily intervals.

The course is best developed by cosmetologists, who usually prescribe 10 standard procedures on average. As a result, the skin should improve.

Result after currents

Usually, after the Darsonval course, significant success can be achieved:

  • elimination of inflammation and swelling;
  • rejuvenation of the skin of the face, hands, decollete, neck;
  • increase in elasticity, as well as elasticity of the skin;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • elimination of small vascular pathologies;
  • improvement of skin color;
  • correction of the oval of the face;
  • elimination of manifestations of cellulite.

Home use of the device

On sale there are devices with current exposure, which are easy to use at home. It's just that Darsonval for individual use is usually weaker in power. But it is quite enough to bring the skin in order, improve their elasticity and overcome minor inflammation.

How to use Darsonval at home is indicated in the instructions. It indicates the purpose of each nozzle, the time and methods of their operation. The main advantage of such care at home is that the nozzles and the device itself belong to the same owner.

There is no need to thoroughly disinfect them. The course of home use of Darsonval is the same as in the salon.

The device provides non-contact or contact work on a certain area of ​​the body. Both therapeutic procedures have a pronounced bactericidal effect. With the contact effect, the nozzle with the electrode moves along the skin, forming a “quiet move”.

During non-contact operation, the electrode is driven at a distance of 1-8 mm from the body. The "spark charge" begins to act. At the same time, light tingling shocks are felt. This is how hematomas, wounds, burns, pigmentation are treated.

The main types of apparatus Darsonval:

Types of skin problems and selection of nozzles


To enhance the result from Darsonval, the skin is nourished in advance with special talc or a protective cream. The affected area is pre-cleaned and dried.

To correct small wrinkles, a mushroom nozzle is suitable, which is made in circular movements without pressure from the eyes, from the nose to both ears, from the forehead up, along the neck from the bottom up.

It is better not to touch the delicate skin around the eyelids. The current should first choose the weakest. They act on the face for 5-15 minutes for 20 days.

lifting effect.

The electrode is moved over the face without touching it by 5 mm. Skin cells begin to activate, and after a couple of days the result will be noticeable - the face will delight with a radiant and fresh look.

Acne and inflamed pimples.

It is better to carry out Darsonval with such skin pathologies in a beauty salon. The doctor will prepare the face and pores by cleaning it of cosmetics and impurities. The inflamed zones are first cauterized with a sharp nozzle at a distance with a powerful current.

If the face is inflamed significantly, use only point accurate remote exposure by the device, using high voltage current and short courses - 12-15 seconds each.

Then contact treatment is allowed if the main inflammations have dried up. A mushroom head is suitable to help prevent acne recurrence and scarring.

Treatment at a distance of 4-5 mm of the affected skin with a fungal nozzle is also effective. It creates an ozone layer that prevents the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria.

How to care for the skin after Darsonval procedures

After exposure to low-frequency currents, it is important to apply a good nourishing cream or mask to the face or other areas. The very procedure for applying currents is simple and effective, but it is necessary to fix its result.

Under the influence of Darsonval, the skin becomes refreshed, rejuvenated, and this should be maintained.

For the beauty and health of the skin, everyday cosmetic care is not enough. More serious, medical procedures are often required. There are a lot of them: some are popular, others not so much. Such an apparatus as darsonval for the face has gained wide popularity. Let's take a closer look at what kind of device it is, how it is useful and whether you need it.

Darsonval is a physiotherapeutic apparatus that affects the human body with weak alternating current impulses. The device received its name in honor of the scientist Arsene D'Arsonval, who developed this method of physiotherapy treatment.

Darsonval is used in various branches of medicine and cosmetology. The impact of the device improves the circulation of blood, lymph and oxygen, relieves inflammation, muscle spasms, fights microorganisms, expands the lumen of blood vessels, eliminates venous stasis, reduces sweat and sebum secretion, increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels.

There are two methods of darsonvalization:

  • General. Used for medical purposes. The entire body of the patient is immediately exposed to current, placing it in a special chamber. The method is used for sleep disorders, metabolic failures, the initial stages of hypertension, neurasthenia.
  • Local. The skin is treated with a small hand-held device. The method is used both in medicine and in cosmetology. In medicine, for the treatment of many diseases: dermatological, respiratory, neurological, veins and arteries, muscles, joints, tendons, oral cavity. In cosmetology - to achieve an aesthetic effect, get rid of wrinkles, acne, scars, skin lifting, narrowing pores, eliminating cellulite, solving hair problems.

Local darsonvalization, in turn, can be contact and remote (non-contact). The principle of operation of the methods is the same, however, there is a difference in the distance between the electrode and the skin and the strength of the discharge:

  • With contact darsonvalization, the nozzle of the apparatus is carefully moved over the skin, without tearing it away from the face throughout the procedure. The therapeutic effect is carried out by a quiet discharge of current. There is a kind of gentle facial massage. Current pulses, penetrating the skin, “start” its regeneration. Therefore, the contact method of darsonvalization is used to eliminate and prevent wrinkles, facelift, improve color and improve skin tone. Contact darsonvalization has a more gentle effect on the skin than remote. During it, you will experience almost no discomfort.
  • The remote method implies the formation of a stronger discharge. The electrodes are driven at a distance of 0.5-2 cm from the face. The larger the air gap between the face and the electrode, the stronger the discharge - this is important if you need to burn or dry acne and boils. With the remote method, nitrogen oxides and ozone, which are harmful to bacteria, are also formed. Therefore, the non-contact method is used to combat acne and prevent this problem, heal wounds, smooth scars, and disinfect the skin. The method is more aggressive, during the procedure you can notice a noticeable tingling of the skin.

It is allowed to combine these two methods. By moving the electrodes over the skin, in problem areas they are taken a short distance from the face. This makes sense when there are separate clusters of acne that need to be dried.

Why is darsonvalization of the face needed?

Darsonval can be used for people of different ages (including teenagers) and solves many skin problems:

  • eliminates pigmentation of any kind;
  • helps fight acne;
  • promotes the speedy healing of wounds and scratches;
  • smoothes small wrinkles, scars;
  • improves skin tone, eliminates sagging;
  • relieves irritation;
  • narrows pores;
  • improves complexion;
  • eliminates oily skin, reduces sebum secretion.

Darsonval is also used for prophylactic purposes, to prevent

  • wrinkles and other age-related changes;
  • acne.

The device can do a wonderful facial massage, tightening the skin and making it more beautiful.

Darsonval is used both in beauty parlors and at home. Cosmetologists usually use the device after other procedures, as the final step. However, a separate treatment is also offered. At home, darsonvalization is usually an independent procedure. It involves fighting wrinkles, acne or preventing their appearance, as well as improving the overall appearance and condition of the skin.

The device is suitable for all skin types, from dry to oily. As for the sensitive, you need to consult a specialist. Some people with sensitive skin can use the device at low power, while others are contraindicated.

Darsonval contraindications

Like other medical devices, darsonval is not shown to everyone. There is an impressive list of contraindications, and it must be taken as seriously as possible. The fact is that darsonval is able to aggravate existing diseases. It is especially dangerous for people with tumors. Under the influence of the device, benign neoplasms can degenerate into malignant ones, and malignant ones can grow.

Darsonval cannot be used if available

  • bleeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • cancerous and benign neoplasms;
  • complex mental illness;
  • any form of tuberculosis;
  • pacemaker;
  • severe stages of hypertension;
  • rosacea;
  • hypertrichosis and hirsutism (excessive growth of facial hair);
  • high temperature;
  • heart and blood diseases;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin of the face;
  • fever;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • hormonal disorders.

In addition, darsonval is contraindicated

  1. pregnant women;
  2. children under 6 years old;
  3. with individual intolerance to current discharges.

Even if you consider yourself completely healthy, be sure to visit a doctor before the darsonvalization procedure and, if necessary, undergo examinations. Otherwise, you run the risk of hurting yourself a lot!

Darsonval at home

You can purchase the device and use it yourself. However, darsonval is safe only with proper and skillful use. Otherwise, you risk earning:

  • skin pigmentation;
  • burns.

In addition, incorrect use of the device is fraught not with the elimination, but with the aggravation of existing skin imperfections. Do not forget that darsonval can not be used on wet or treated with combustible substances (for example, alcohol) skin. You will also have to refuse from “communication” with the device in a room with humid air. After all, we are talking about electric current! The device is not compatible with skin preparations containing antibiotics (eg Zinerite). If you are forced to use such funds, refrain from darsonvalization until the end of the course of treatment.

During the procedure, do not touch metal objects. When you use the machine, no one should touch you. This can create additional electrical discharges.

Darsonval nozzles

The device is sold complete with nozzles. Their number can vary from 3 to 5. Most often, the set includes 4 nozzles:

  • petal;
  • drop-shaped;
  • comb;
  • mushroom.

A comb is not used when using the device for the face - it is needed for the scalp. The mushroom head is suitable for both face and body. Petal and drop are widely applied to the face. Petal and fungus are used for its entire surface, with different purposes, for

  • massage;
  • lifting effect;
  • smoothing wrinkles and scars;
  • fight acne and pigmentation.

A drop is needed for a point effect on individual pimples, spots, scratches. It is also suitable for the treatment of herpes.

Read the instructions carefully before using the device. It describes in detail the order of necessary actions to achieve a particular effect. By following the instructions, you will not harm yourself.

  • Before first use, the external surfaces of the device (in contact with the face) must be disinfected with alcohol. Also, disinfection of the electrodes should be carried out every time after using the device.
  • The skin needs to be cleansed. Wash your face thoroughly and dry your face with a soft towel. Then let the skin dry completely. This will take about 30 minutes. The skin during the procedure must be absolutely dry!
  • For a better glide of the electrodes, the face can be powdered a little with cosmetic talc. Next, treat the face with the device. You can use the contact method (when the electrodes are driven directly over the skin) or the remote method (the device is located at a distance of 0.5-2 cm from the face). The impact of current is carried out only along the massage lines! Depending on the problem being solved, the average procedure lasts from 8 to 10 minutes.
  • After finishing the treatment, wash your face again and dry your face. Apply moisturizer after 15 minutes.

How often is it necessary and possible to carry out darsonvalization of the face

To achieve a noticeable result, a course of 10-15 procedures is required. The frequency of treatments depends on the specific problem that you want to solve with the device. Someone needs to carry out the procedure daily, others every other day, the third less often. You can also learn about the frequency of treatments you personally need from the instructions for the device. But more than one procedure per day is not recommended.

Having decided to buy darsonval, seek advice from a beautician. After all, an individual approach is needed, and the specialist knows better. The cosmetologist, based on the problems of your skin, will advise a specific model. It will also tell you how long one procedure should last, what is the optimal length of the course and which nozzles are best for you.

How much does darsonval cost and where can I buy it?

The cost of the device ranges from 1500 to 5000 rubles, depending on the model of the device and the city in which you buy it. In the salon, one facial procedure will cost you 200-400 rubles. However, after one treatment, you are unlikely to feel the result. A course is needed, and this is 10-15, in some cases even up to 30 procedures. In addition, everything is not limited to one course. Therefore, to purchase a device for personal use, of course, is cheaper.

If you are afraid to master darsonval on your own, you can do this. First, be like the procedures in the salon, see how the processing takes place. Do not hesitate to ask the master questions that interest you. And then get a device for home use.

You can buy darsonval in specialized stores that offer products for health and cosmetic procedures. The devices are also sold in pharmacies.

The first thing you need to know when buying a darsonval is that the devices differ from each other in the following parameters:

  • AC frequency;
  • current strength;
  • voltage.

The voltage in different models varies from 2 to 15 kV. It depends on the list of possible procedures:

  • Devices with low voltage (2-7 kV) are used to massage the area around the eyes, to prevent or eliminate wrinkles in these areas.
  • The device with medium voltage (7-12 kV) is used for the skin of the face and head to normalize metabolic processes, massage, lifting, narrowing pores, reducing sebum secretion. It can also be used to prevent and eliminate wrinkles and acne, fight scars and pigmentation of the skin of the face.
  • Darsonval with high voltage (12-15 kV) is used to treat severe acne on the face or body, to combat varicose veins and osteochondrosis.

The frequency value should be between 100 and 125 kHz (the best option is 110). If the frequency is below 100, then the device will be absolutely useless - its use will not work. The current strength should be 0.02 mA (for safe use).

The wider the range of problems that you need to solve (especially if you buy a device for use not only for the face), the more powerful darsonval should be. If you plan to use it for different purposes, it makes sense to take a device with high voltage. In this case, look for a darsonval with power control. If you need a low or medium frequency, you can easily set the required value.

Darsonvals are divided into compact (manual, electrodes are inserted directly into them) and stationary (case + electrodes connected to it). For home use, it is better to choose the first option, the latter are used by professionals.

Today, darsonvals are produced by many manufacturers. To narrow down your search, we provide a list of the most popular brands among consumers.

  • Carat. Produces powerful home appliances of a professional level. One of the market leaders. The most popular model is Karat DE-212 (suitable for treating the face, body and scalp).
  • Gezatone. Another leader - produces devices of high quality and good power. The Gezatone Family Doctor model is the most popular among buyers. It can be used for treatment and cosmetic procedures for the face, body, hair. Also, the model provides the function of infrared heating (additionally affects inflammation).
  • Ultratech. It produces less powerful, but still well-performing devices. Consumer reviews are mostly positive. A popular model is Ultratek SD-99 (due to the number of nozzles - there are as many as 5 of them).
  • Crown. The device is available in only one version. It loses power to devices from other manufacturers, but it has a low price. For many household use (treatment of the skin of the face and head), it is quite enough.

Before purchasing a device, clearly define for yourself what you need it for. Without this, it is difficult to choose the right model.

Many have heard about the Darsonvalization method for the face from wrinkles, the procedure has an interesting history of origin. The French physiologist Jacques Arsene d'Arsonval in 1891 found out that high-frequency currents have unusual abilities, on the basis of which he later developed electrotherapy. The technique was called darsonvalization, it began to be actively used for skin rejuvenation.

What is darsonvalization

The term darsonvalization refers to the treatment of the skin with a pulsed low-frequency current. Physiotherapeutic procedure is possible only with the use of the device "Darsonval". Salons offer two types of darsonvalization: general and local (local) processing.

The types of current discharges used are as follows:

  • contact (quiet) - the electrode in contact with the surface of the face performs circular movements. Helps to improve the condition of sagging skin;
  • non-contact (spark) - touching the nozzle with a person's face is not provided, it is kept at a distance of 3-4 cm.

The impact on the body occurs through the nerve endings located on the surface of the skin layer. Entering the surface, the current passes through the layers, heading to the desired cells and tissues. This procedure is aimed at rejuvenation, by improving the structure of cells, smoothing wrinkles.

Indications for use

The main purpose of the physiotherapy procedure is to improve the condition of the skin, the indications for use are as follows:

  • the appearance of acne, pimple;
  • dermatitis;
  • the formation of "crow's feet";
  • oily problem skin;
  • puffiness.

The technique is highly effective for improving blood microcirculation, the work of the sebaceous glands. Allows you to slow down the aging process, age-related changes, temporarily blocks the formation of wrinkles, sagging.

Important! Indications for the use of darsonvalization can only be determined by a cosmetologist!

How does this technique help with wrinkles?

Under the influence of low-frequency electrical impulses, blood circulation in the microvessels of the skin of the face is activated. The vascular spasm passes, the capillaries expand, oxygen enrichment occurs, the skin becomes toned, elasticity and firmness increase, inflammation disappears, sweating decreases. The tissues receive better nutrition due to the improvement of the metabolic functions, the result of the physiotherapy is a noticeable rejuvenation.

Carrying out the procedure in a beauty salon

The physiotherapy procedure is best performed in specialized beauty salons. Only under the supervision of an experienced specialist can you quickly and safely achieve the highest results. The special education of a cosmetologist allows you to correctly assess the condition of the skin, take into account possible contraindications, achieve high efficiency by varying the possible ways of treating problem areas.

The beginning of the procedure is always the same - the client is laid or seated on the couch, using a tonic (lotion), the beautician cleans the skin surface, removing dirt and fat. Problematic oily skin is additionally sprinkled with talcum powder, achieving complete dryness.

Determining the type of procedure, the beautician directs the electrodes in the direction of the massage lines:

  • from the center of the forehead to the edges;
  • from the center of the nose to the wings;
  • from chin to cheeks, cheekbones;
  • at the temples;
  • cheekbones.

The lips themselves, the corners of the mouth are not customary to process. Problem areas (scars, scars) are treated a little longer than smooth surfaces. On average, the first sessions take from 2 to 3 minutes in duration, gradually increasing their duration to 5 or even 10 minutes (if necessary). Permissible course of treatment is from 10 to 20 procedures.

After finishing the treatment, the beautician applies a cream (ointment) to the client's face, which has a moisturizing, soothing effect. Thanks to the cream, further redness, irritation, and the appearance of spots are excluded. Often, experts advise using medicinal ointments after sessions.

How to use at home

By purchasing the device "Darsonval" sessions can be performed at home, on their own. However, first you need to carefully study the principle of its operation, to understand which nozzles are intended for which procedures. To date, there are many models of the Darsonval apparatus on sale that can be used at home, for example:

  • Spark ST-117;
  • DE-212 Carat;
  • Gezatone Biolift 4 BT201S;
  • Ultratek;
  • Gezatone Family Doctor;
  • Crown;
  • ELAD Medteco +.

The cost of devices varies from 1,600 rubles to 3,000 rubles. Each of them differs in the number of nozzles, functions. For the treatment of the skin of the face, a "mushroom" nozzle (small) is intended.

Spot treatment of small areas is possible with a “cavitary” (stick) nozzle or a “droplet” (ball). "Petal" is used to process a small surface. Treatment of warts is performed with a special "wart" nozzle. For the skin of the eyelids, "eye" is suitable.

Having studied the functions of the device, selecting the desired nozzle, processing begins. First, cleanse the skin of the face using a soap solution, lotions or other cosmetics. The nozzle is directed to the chin and slowly moving towards the temples, each one in turn. After that, they place it in the middle of the forehead and again go to the temples. They also slowly process the lines from the nose to the ears, each time going strictly from bottom to top.

By reducing the power almost to the very minimum, the surface of the eyelids is treated. They are directed from the corners of the eyes of the upper eyelids to the outer zones. The lower eyelids, on the contrary, are treated from the outer corners towards the nose.

Hand movements should be confident, easy, accurate, in no case should you put pressure on the nozzle. After finishing the treatment, the face is immediately smeared with a cream or therapeutic ointment, anti-wrinkle serum. The device itself, or rather the nozzle after each session, is wiped with alcohol, disinfectants.

Note! The device, nozzles, face must be completely dry before the procedure!

How often is the procedure done, cost

Given the condition of the skin of the face, the problems that need to be eliminated, a specialist cosmetologist can prescribe from 10 to 20 darsonvalization sessions, with one day break. Each session can take from 2 to 10 minutes - no more (we are talking about direct treatments with electrical impulses). The time interval increases only gradually with each session incrementally.

Beauticians always determine the frequency of sessions and the course of treatment individually, taking into account the necessary effectiveness and possible pathologies of the client. It is allowed to repeat the course of treatment only three months after the previous procedures, more frequent treatments will only harm the skin of the face, although noticeable improvements will be visible at first.

The cost of such procedures in specialized salons depends on many criteria: the status of the institution itself, the qualifications of employees, the goals of the prescribed procedures. Based on this, darsonvalization of the skin of the face can be performed starting from 100 rubles to 4,000 rubles.

Skin care after darsonvalization

Beauticians strongly recommend that after performing darsonvalization procedures, each time on the skin of the face, apply special moisturizing creams that additionally nourish and rejuvenate the skin. It is permissible to use special therapeutic ointments, creams, application. You can buy care products, or you can use home-made formulations using kefir, sour cream, eggs, melon peel, cucumbers.

Also, every day after the course of physiotherapy, it is recommended to apply special face creams in the morning and at night, most often they use “ordinary” cosmetics that a woman is used to. For men, the use of restorative, nourishing formulations is advised, depending on the type of skin.

Contraindications, side effects

The physiotherapeutic procedure of darsonvalization, in principle, like any method of electrotherapy, has a lot of contraindications. That is why experts strongly recommend that before doing such procedures, in the salon - do not cheat, but honestly tell the beautician about the problems. In addition, if the sessions are planned to be carried out independently at home, you must first undergo a consultation. Otherwise, you can seriously harm yourself!

The main contraindications to darsonvalization of facial skin are as follows:

  • high sensitivity to the effects of electrical impulses;
  • individual intolerance to the method;
  • pathology;
  • nervous diseases;
  • any form of neoplasm;
  • low blood clotting;
  • pregnancy;
  • a lot of facial hair.

In addition, procedures are not prescribed for clients who have some chronic pathologies, due to which a person will soon need surgical intervention (operation).

Side effects most often lie in the fact that the condition of the skin with improperly performed procedures can simply be aggravated. Cells under the influence of electrical impulses can be "reborn". Benign neoplasms can easily become malignant. For example, an ordinary mole, papilloma can develop into an oncological formation.

Hair in the lip area can also grow faster, become darker, more rigid, which is not at all desirable for women. Inexperience in using the device often leads to burns, redness, exacerbation of skin diseases and deterioration of the general skin condition.

Considering all the nuances of the physiological procedure, we can say with confidence that the technique is highly effective, but only if it is performed correctly and in the absence of contraindications. Therefore, it is desirable to perform at least the first courses of treatment in professional beauty salons.
