Sizes of children's tights by age. Sizes of children's tights - how to choose and not be mistaken

Clothes for legs are in the wardrobe of any child. They must meet the requirements for outfits for babies: be durable, strong and made of materials that do not cause allergies. But even if tights meet all the needs, wearing them can be uncomfortable. And all because, when viewed in a store, you paid special attention to all the listed criteria, but you failed to find the right size for the product.

How to take measurements from a child to determine the size of tights?

First of all, you need to measure the height of the child. If his age is less than a year, measurements are taken in the prone position, if the baby is already well-standing, he is leaned back against the wall and a mark is made with a pencil. Make sure that the baby's shoulders are straightened, and the head rests close to the vertical surface. In this case, against the wall.

Height is the distance from the heels to the top of the head, this parameter is indicated on the label of tights by a double number. For example, 92-98. The product marking indicates that the product is suitable for a baby whose height varies from 92 to 98 cm. It should be noted that a plump child will feel comfortable in such a thing if it is not higher than 92 cm.

Tights are designed for both girls and boys. This thing is worn under pants or jeans, it goes well with skirts and dresses, the main thing is to choose the color and size. Please note that too long tights will be gathered on the legs with an "accordion". The situation is no better with too small a thing: the heel will always be in the middle of the foot and cause inconvenience while wearing.

Size chart of children's tights

The hosiery is chosen exactly at the right time. If you know the height of the baby, it will not be difficult for you to determine the size of the tights. You just need to look at the values ​​\u200b\u200bin the table in order to buy a new thing without trying it on.

Let's say you measured the height of a child according to all the rules described above. It turned out to be 102 cm, which means that you need to look for size 98-104 on the tag.

Age Growth Pantyhose size
3-6 months 62-68 62-68
6-12 68-74 68-74
1-1,5 74-80 74-80
1,5-2 80-86 80-86
2-2,5 86-92 86-92
2,5-3 92-98 92-98
3-4 98-104 98-104
4-5 104-110 104-110
5-6 110-116 110-116
6-7 116-122 116-122
7-8 122-128 122-128
8-9 128-134 128-134
9-10 134-140 134-140
10-11 140-146 140-146
11-12 146-152 146-152

A kid who attends kindergarten should be able to cope with clothes himself: take off and put it on without outside help. In order not to complicate his work, buy tights made of material with a small amount of synthetics. In this case, they will tightly fit the legs, and at the same time, easy to dress. Products made from 100% cotton quickly stretch and lose their shape, it is not recommended to buy them.

How to choose?

There are a number of requirements for tights that must be met. Manufacturers who value their reputation produce products for children from natural materials with the addition of a small percentage of lycra or elastane. This mix allows you to make tights that will warm well in cold weather, fit snugly and wear for a long time.

The state of the seams also indicates the degree of quality. They should be subtle and not cause discomfort when worn. Too rough and poorly processed seams can cut into the body and press, that is, be a source of discomfort.

Toddlers who have just started taking their first independent steps need special tights. It is important to consider that the slippery floor is the cause of injuries not only for children, but also for adults. Choose a product with non-slip soles for your baby, and he will feel much more confident when walking on laminate, linoleum or smooth parquet.

Children wear tights during the cold season, this period lasts for several months. That is why it is so important to choose hosiery for your child in size and made of quality materials.

It is very important to select children's clothing in size. An incorrectly selected size of tights can cause discomfort while walking, squeezing blood vessels, and so on. Size chart of children's tights Helps you determine exactly what is right for your baby.

The size of tights is determined by the age and height of the child. To determine height, it is necessary to take measurements from the heel to the top of the head in a standing position. If your child is less than 1 year old, all measurements are taken lying down. At the same time, it is necessary to straighten your shoulders and measure the growth several times to obtain the maximum accurate value.

Table sizes of children's tights by age and height

Height (cm)Child weight (kg)AgePantyhose size
62-68 7-9 3 -6 months62-68
68-74 9-11 6-12 months68-74
74-80 9-11 1.5-2 years74-80
80-86 11-14,5 1.5-2 years80-86
86-92 11-14,5 2-2.5 years86-92
92-98 15-18 2.5-3 years92-98
98-104 15-18 3-4 years98-104
104-110 19-25 4-5 years104-110
110-116 19-25 5-6 years110-116
116-122 25-32 6-7 years old116-122
122-128 25-32 8-9 years old122-128
128-134 31-35 8-9 years old128-134
134-140 35-38 10-11 years old134-140
140-146 35-38 10-11 years old140-146
146-152 35-38 11-12 years old146-152

Using this table, you will be able to determine the most optimal size of tights for a child. Pay attention to indicators of height, weight and age. If the child is overweight, then it is better to choose tights 1-2 sizes larger.

How to determine the size of children's tights

The most popular way to determine the size of tights is to measure the height of the baby. Having measured growth, it is necessary to compare the obtained value with the results of the table. For example, for a child with a height of 68 cm and a weight of 8 kg, you need to buy tights in sizes 62-68.

When buying, it is very important to consider other parameters of the child. If the legs and hips are full, then it is necessary to select tights one size larger. Do you want to choose children's socks along with tights? Then go to .

Manufacturers use different dimensional grids, the most common you can find on our website. This dimensional grid is most often found in stores in the CIS countries.

Features of the choice of children's tights

Children's tights- this is clothing that fits snugly to the body of the child. Their choice must be treated very responsibly. Pay attention to the material, seams and manufacturer of tights. All these parameters directly affect the comfort of the baby when walking in them.

When choosing tights, give preference to natural materials (cotton, linen, wool), which contain a small amount of elastane, lycra and other additives. Such tights will be worn for a long time, will not roll, tear. If there is elastane in tights, then they stretch well and have high strength.

When choosing clothes, always pay attention to the seams. When choosing children's tights, this is a very important point, poor-quality seams can greatly exhaust the child. The seams will constantly cling to objects, rub the skin, and cause discomfort.

Size of children's tights is very important when choosing them, but do not neglect other important aspects.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

In today's our article we will talk about how to choose tights for children. After all, this is a thing that should be in the wardrobe of every kid.

Production material

When buying tights for children, consider the following: the more natural threads in their composition, the more beneficial they are for the body and more pleasant to the touch. But, their wear time is shorter. They will quickly lose their shape, color, rub and tear than synthetic ones. A small percentage of chemical fibers in their composition allows to solve this problem.

Do not forget that woolen tights are recommended for wearing in the cold season, but you should not wear them in the summer and in a warm room.

A very important factor when choosing tights is the size. Children's tights should in no case be tight so as not to squeeze the baby's legs.

This creates discomfort and impedes blood circulation. The feet inside the tights should be relaxed so that the baby can freely move his fingers.

How to choose tights for children of the right size?

To do this, use the table:

What else should you pay attention to when buying children's tights?

1. Do not buy pantyhose for growth, they will slip, causing inconvenience to the child. The ideal option is tights, bought strictly by size. No more and no less.

2. Choose the right colors: tights for girls should not be dark, gloomy and in typewriters, and for boys - floral, pink.

3. Once again about the quality of the material. As mentioned earlier, it is best when tights are made from natural cotton. This type of clothing is constantly in contact with children's skin. But only natural materials allow the skin to breathe and do not cause. But, the composition of tights must necessarily contain elastane, it maintains their shape when washed, worn, thanks to it, the tights do not stretch and do not stretch on their knees.

4. You need to choose tights according to the season. Woolen and terry are suitable for winter, and microfiber or cotton tights are suitable for summer.

5. The elastic on the belt should not be tight so as not to squeeze the child's stomach. However, the free one will not work either, because the tights will fall off.

6. Buy tights with a margin (several pairs) so that you can change and wash more often.

7. Choose tights for children in beautiful colors, this will positively affect their color perception. Give preference to tights with a variety of patterns, ornaments,.

How to wash children's tights?

Add some boric acid to the water and wash them off with ease. Also, before washing in the machine, you can wash the tights with baby soap.

Children's socks and tights have a different size grid. The size of socks is determined by the length of the foot, and the size of children's tights is determined by height. For your convenience, we have placed size tables that help you correctly determine the size of the first socks or tights for your child or choose a thing as a gift.

How to determine the size of children's socks

The size of socks, golf is determined by the length of the child's foot in centimeters. There are dimensional grids after 1 cm and after 2 cm for even values, like most Russian manufacturers. How to determine size? Measure the length of the child's foot and round up to the nearest whole value in centimeters. For example, for a foot length of 10.3, socks 11 or 12 are suitable.

Baby socks size chart

Children's socks size chart

How to determine the size of children's tights

The size of tights, leggings corresponds to the height of the child in centimeters and is designed for a standard foot length. The size range is the same as for clothes, only two heights are always indicated at once, for example, 74-80. This means that children's tights in size 74-80 will fit a little man with a height of 69-80 cm. If the legs and buttocks are plump, then tights in size 74-80 will fit a baby with a height of 63-74 cm.

Different manufacturers have different sizes. Some sew children's tights in sizes 62-68, 74-80, 86-92, 98-104, 110-116, 122-128, 134-140. Other manufacturers sew children's tights in sizes 56-62, 68-74, 80-86, 92-98, 104-110, 116-122, 128-134. According to Russian GOST, the sizes of children's tights must correspond to a certain foot length. We have provided these data in the table below. And for the convenience of determining the size of tights, the table indicates the approximate age of the child.

Experienced parents know how difficult it can be to choose children's clothes without trying them on. Some manufacturers indicate the height of the child on the tag, others indicate the age. In the second case, the choice is more difficult - all children grow differently, and someone wears the same size at the age of three, while someone grows up to it only by the age of five. Another nuance is the build of the child: chubby children usually have to buy clothes one size larger than "thin" children of the same height.

In order not to miss the choice when buying clothes without trying on (after all, shopping is just torture for most kids), it is enough to take measurements from the child and grab a centimeter to the store. So you definitely won't go wrong. The main thing is to take measurements correctly:

  • When measuring height, the child must stand on a flat surface, and always without shoes. The growth of babies up to 1.5-2 years is best measured in the prone position. To do this, lay the child in such a way that he rests his head on a smooth, hard surface (say, the head of the bed), and straighten his legs. Mark where the baby's heels are, and then measure the distance from the headboard to this mark.
  • The circumference of the chest is measured at its most protruding points.
  • The circumference of the hips is determined by stretching a centimeter through the most protruding points of the hips and buttocks. Be careful not to stretch the tape too much!
  • When measuring the waist, make sure that the child stands in a natural position, without sticking out or tucking in the stomach.
  • The length of the trousers is measured by placing a centimeter on the side along the leg - look at the distance from the pelvic bone to the feet.
  • Sleeve length is measured from the shoulder to the end of the thumb. A small margin of length is needed so that the sleeves do not ride up high when the child raises his arms.

Often, for reasons of economy, parents deliberately buy clothes 1-2 sizes larger for their children - “so that it lasts longer”. Especially great is the temptation to save on expensive outerwear. However, here you should definitely think about the convenience of the baby - how comfortable he is in a huge winter overalls, in which he looks like an astronaut and can hardly move, or in sliders with dangling trousers. Clothing should be chosen according to size - so that it does not prevent the crumbs from actively moving and does not cause discomfort. Not to mention purely aesthetic moments.

Children's clothing size chart

Age Growth Breast Waist Hips The size
0-1 month 45-50 41-43 41-43 41-43 50
1-3 months 51-56 43-45 43-45 43-45 56
3-6 months 57-62 45-47 45-47 45-47 62
6-9 months 63-68 47-49 46-48 47-49 68
9-12 months 69-74 49-51 47-49 49-51 74
12 months 75-80 51-53 48-50 51-53 80
1.5 years 81-86 52-54 49-51 52-54 86
2 years 87-92 53-55 50-52 53-56 92
3 years 93-98 54-56 51-53 55-58 98
4 years 99-104 55-57 52-54 57-60 104
5 years 105-110 56-58 53-55 59-62 110
6 years 111-116 57-59 54-56 61-64 116
7 years 117-122 58-62 55-58 63-67 122
8 years 123-128 61-65 57-59 66-70 128
9-10 years old 129-134 64-68 58-61 69-73 134
10-11 years old 135-140 67-71 60-62 72-76 140
11-12 years old 141-146 70-74 61-64 75-80 146

How to determine the size of children's hats

There should be at least three hats in a child’s wardrobe:

  • warm winter hat
  • thin cotton hat for the off-season,
  • panama or cap for the summer.

Newborn babies also need caps, at least two: thin knitted and flannel. Even if you, like many modern parents, think that a child does not need a cap at home, he will still be needed in the summer for walking - to cover his head from the sun, and in winter as a hat.

The size of hats, which is indicated on the tags, is usually equal to the circumference of the head in centimeters. Some manufacturers prefer to indicate the age - here, without trying on, you can easily “miss” with the size, since the volume of the head is different even for newly born babies, and for older children, it is even more difficult to establish some kind of standard. In this case, there is only one way out - we arm ourselves with a centimeter.

The circumference of the head is measured so that the centimeter tape passes in front - above the eyebrows, and behind - along the most convex point of the back of the head. Below in the table you will find the ratio of the volume of the head and the age of the child, which is followed by most manufacturers.

Sizes of children's hats

Age Cap size
0-3 months 35
3 months 40
6 months 44
9 months 46
12 months 47
1.5 years 48
2 years 49
3 years 50
4 years 51
5 years 52
6 years 53
7 years 54
8 years 55
9 years 56
10 years 56
11 years 57
12 years 58

How to determine the size of children's tights

The size of tights usually corresponds to the height of the child. The tag often indicates the range between two clothing sizes (74-80, 110-116). What border to look at, parents determine empirically.

  • For chubby children, pantyhose are usually taken a size larger - due to the “leaving” in width, the length of the tights becomes smaller.
  • An important point to take into account is the elasticity of the fabric. Narrow, poorly stretching tights for a child, especially a baby, will be difficult to put on on their own.
  • Keep in mind that cotton tights usually shrink after washing, so you should not take the size “butt”.

Sometimes manufacturers on the tag indicate not height, but age. In this case, the following table will help you determine the right size:

Age Growth Pantyhose size
3-6 months 62-68 62-68
6-12 months 68-74 68-74
1-1.5 years 74-80 74-80
1.5-2 years 80-86 80-86
2-2.5 years 86-92 86-92
2.5-3 years 92-98 92-98
3-4 years 98-104 98-104
4-5 years 104-110 104-110
5-6 years 110-116 110-116
6-7 years old 116-122 116-122
7-8 years old 122-128 122-128
8-9 years old 128-134 128-134
9-10 years old 134-140 134-140
10-11 years old 140-146 140-146
11-12 years old 146-152 146-152

How to determine the size of children's socks

When choosing socks, they are guided by the size of the foot in centimeters. The easiest way to determine it is to put the child on a piece of paper, circle his leg with a pencil and measure the length of the trace drawn.

An important point: measurements are always carried out in a standing position! They don’t do this on weight - the result will be unreliable, because when the child gets up, his foot will stretch slightly.

On the tag, along with the indication of the size of the socks, as a rule, there are also numbers, and almost always this is a range between two or three sizes. It is understandable - the elastic sock stretches, but how much - depends on its composition. In addition, many materials tend to shrink after washing. Therefore, if the child's foot size falls under the "upper limit" of the specified range, it is better to take a larger size.

  • When choosing between two adjacent sizes, choose the larger one.
  • Pay attention to the width of the socks - they should neither hang on the leg nor squeeze the foot. In the range of stores within the same size, you can find models that are clearly designed for a wide leg, and quite narrow.
  • If the socks seem to be too narrow, be sure to check how well they stretch. If not too much - it is better to look for another model.
  • Pay attention to the elastic band, especially if the child's leg is full - whether it will dig into the shin or ankle. At the same time, the elastic should be tight enough to prevent the sock from slipping off the leg.
Foot length (cm) Sock size
9,5 10
10,5 10
11 12
11,6 12
12,3 12
13 14
13,7 14
14,3 14
14,9 16
15,5 16
16,2 16
16,8 18
17,4 18
18,1 18
18,7 20
19,4 20
20,1 20
20,7 22
21,4 22
22,1 22
22,7 24

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