Parental advice to newlyweds. Short congratulations on the wedding from parents

Congratulations on the wedding from the groom's parents are not just desirable, but mandatory. Once upon a time there was a whole ceremony when mom and dad blessed and gave parting words to the young. Now they are more often limited to speech at the festive table. The toastmaster, as a rule, gives the floor to the groom's parents first.

How to make a speech?

  • Greeting guests. Start with a greeting, thank the guests for the fact that they all came to share this joyful day. Then contact the newlyweds directly. You can only address the son, but the bride must also be mentioned in the speech, because from now on they are a single whole.
  • Interesting stories. If you have funny stories from your son's life, you can tell them. However, the groom should not be ashamed or embarrassed for his actions. For example, a story about how a child went for a walk, but was frightened by a dog and sat on a tree before his parents arrived - this is funny, but there is no need to cover serious misconduct, and even more so the past relationship of the groom with the girls.
  • Praise for the bride. Even if you have some disagreements, you need to congratulate the chosen one of your son and find a kind word for her. If the relationship is good, express your joy at the arrival of a new family member.
  • A toast to the young. Dad can pronounce it, and, in a paternal way, give last parting words to the young family.

Important! A good speech is short and to the point. Enumeration of virtues and funny cases is, of course, good. However, if the congratulations last a good half hour, then the guests will simply get bored. The ideal option is 3-7 minutes.

Many parents rely on poetry. This is a good move if the verse or song is remade directly for the young. Their names, characteristic features, interesting stories will be heard. It is better to put standard congratulations aside, they are unlikely to please your son and his chosen one, and not everyone can read poetry sincerely and with feeling.

Wishes to the young from the groom's parents with metaphors

If you want to stand out and make an interesting speech, use beautiful quotes and comparisons. Even if you go astray, speak in your own words - they are unlikely to notice the substitution.

Example 1. Dear children! I want to tell you one secret how to make a marriage long and strong. If you have disagreements, take a sheet of paper and write down your partner's shortcomings on the left side, and his virtues on the right. Now tear off the left side of the leaf - and throw it away. And save the right part and reread it from time to time, because it is for these qualities that you fell in love with your soul mate. The bride and groom are young loving people with big hearts. And I sincerely wish them to preserve and increase their virtues and turn a blind eye to minor shortcomings. Believe me, an un-ironed shirt or scattered socks are not worth it. Good luck, children! May your life be cloudless, love always lives in your house, and you and your loved ones will always have good health! Bitter young!

Example 2. Dear son! Once I read you a fairy tale about how a soldier divided a goose and managed not to offend anyone. He gave his head to the master, because it is the man who is the head of the family, and the neck to the lady, because a woman can always turn the situation in her favor. This is how responsibilities are distributed in the family. You, son, protect your wife from sorrows and hardships, so that her eyes shine, and her heart does not know pain and disappointment. You, daughter, lend your fragile shoulder to your spouse in difficult times, and for you he will move mountains! Live in peace and harmony, let your sincere love be the guide in family life. If you need help or advice, dad and I will always be there. May you live happily ever after!

Example 3. Dear our children! It is not for nothing that the family is called a state in miniature, and we wish peace and harmony to always reign in it. The wise ruler was asked how he maintains order in his country, and he replied: “When I am angry, my people are calm, when my people are worried, I am calm, we balance and calm each other.” I wish your family peace and prosperity. Listen to each other, support and inspire. Take care of your love, because it is priceless! And if you are happy, it will be good for us too! We are proud and immensely love you, children! May you live happily ever after!

Example 4. Dear children! It is said that Adam and Eve were the first gardeners in Eden. Paradise was their garden, and in order for it to flourish, it must be looked after. So your married life should become your paradise. Love each other, protect, cherish - then the garden will be green and flourish. And let jealousy and resentment in - and the Garden of Eden will wither. May your union only grow stronger over the years. You, like trees, will intertwine with roots, and become one! May happiness, harmony and prosperity settle in your home, in all matters there will be good luck and prosperity. And over time, cheerful children's voices will ring out. We will be happy to remember our youth and retrain as nannies! Happiness to you and good! Live in peace and harmony. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the groom's parents in your own words

Example 2. Our dear son and daughter! Time flies so fast, and the baby, whom we remember as a baby, has now become a real man - strong, strong, ready to take responsibility for the family on his shoulders. And we are very proud of you, son! Looking at you, we ourselves become younger, and your joy fills our hearts with warmth and light. We are glad that you found each other, because a person can live alone, but he will never be more important and significant than in a family. To be a beloved son, dad, husband - isn't this the best destiny for a man? And now you, son, have the opportunity to be realized in every role. Take care of your spouse, appreciate her love and support, protect her from adversity! May your family become stronger every year, and bitterness is felt only in noble drinks and on a worthy occasion! Bitter young!

Example 3. My beloved children! I never liked the word "marriage", because it is ambiguous. You enter into a union of loving hearts and begin your journey together. It will not always be easy, but as long as you have each other, even bitter will seem sweet. May your family life be long and happy, and every day be like a honeymoon. Good to you, warmth and well-being! Keep your hearth, plant trees, raise children that you will later be as proud of as we are of you! Together you will conquer peaks that are not amenable to a lone traveler! May you live happily ever after!

Example 4. Dear newlyweds! Now you have a common not only surname, but also a life path. Be helpers and support each other, you already have the most valuable thing - mutual love, save it! You, son, become the head of the family, which the children and beloved wife will be proud of. Cherish and pamper your wife, because she is like a rose: with good care, it blooms and becomes prettier before our eyes. You, daughter, become the guardian of the family hearth. Let your house be a full bowl, and the most comfortable place in the world will be the hugs of a loved one. We wish you a long and happy life! We love and are proud of you! Good luck!

See also:

Little children behave naturally, relaxed in any process. Therefore, at wedding celebrations, they become the subject of attention of all those present. Children's congratulatory words are also expected from such little guests. They, like real adults, can deliver a whole speech or a solemn verse. Children's beautiful congratulations on the wedding, or rather, the vast majority of them, are simple, unpretentious, but there are funny options. Children can arrange a real scene with a recitation of congratulations or perform a congratulatory song.

Funny congratulations from children on the wedding

Parents who come to the wedding ceremony with children try to find funny, beautiful and interesting children's congratulations for them. It looks funny: from the lips of little girls and boys dressed up as real brides and grooms, congratulations on the wedding sound very sweet, touching. Not all adults can resist such a scene without crying. After all, children personify love, and when they talk about happiness, real feelings in congratulations on the wedding, it is impossible not to be touched by these creatures.


When kids congratulate their parents on their wedding, you don't have to prepare them ahead of time. If the child is not shy, active, he will be able to express his wishes in the best possible way: it will look cute, touching and, most importantly, sincerely. If in doubt, ask the child to write down in advance everything that he would like to wish on a piece of paper. If necessary, help him, tell him the right words. If a child has talents, then he will be able to compose a poem dedicated to his own parents. Below we give options for children's cool congratulations.

Merged two hearts together
And two hands merged into one
Union let it be indestructible
For the rest of my life.

What could be more beautiful in life -
Her hand in his hand
The fire of love, let it not go out
In your family hearth.

Big road, not a trail
You go hand in hand
And let the walk be easy
And less pebbles on the way!

Mom and dad, I hasten to congratulate you,
And I give the most interesting gift.
You raised me perfectly
And I lived with you very decently.

And on your personal wedding day,
I am not too lazy to write congratulations.
You live together soul to soul,
And you do not have a "dark cloud".

You are an example of a family for each of us,
This holiday is just for you.

I am glad to congratulate you on your wedding,
Now I want to add a little:
So that you are happy together
And, as now, always beautiful!

There is no more beautiful word "forever"
You are in wedding suits.
Here is a piece of paradise
Accept congratulations!

May your union be long
Beloved parents!
It will not be stronger than these bonds,
Happier than the home!

Let the hearts beat in unison
Burning in the heat of love.
And life is beautiful like a dream
Lovers are surrounded!

From nephews to uncle

If the groom's nephews are invited to the wedding, then the parents should think about the children's congratulations in advance. If the children are adults or teenagers, give them the opportunity to prepare on their own: let them come up with what they would like to wish their beloved relative (for example, a beautiful castle, a happy family, etc.). If the child has a sister or brother, then let them read the verse by roles together. But what to do if the kids themselves cannot compose a children's congratulatory poem for the wedding? The wedding rhymes below will come to the rescue.

Glittering gold rings
And your feelings are so tender:
Beautiful love, young people!
May your days be full of happiness!

Congratulations to the newlyweds

We wish them love and happiness

Husband - obey your wife

And love her alone.

And the wife - to give birth to children,

Dear, glorious rascals!

We are waiting for heroes from you

And beautiful daughters!

And we also wish you

To be young forever

Us for a golden wedding

Don't forget to invite!

Remaining faithful to each other

All your life, just pass by,

Not knowing bitter, evil grievances

And a reproachful look.

May the sun always shine on you

And the days will be cloudless.

Never break up

Let the hands of tenderness not forget!

From the godchildren

Godparents will look forward to congratulations on the wedding from their godchildren. Therefore, it is important to prepare the children for this moment. Kids can play a small scene, tell children's congratulatory verses to the godmother and her chosen one. This moment will be very touching, emotional, bright for couples, especially if they do not have children of their own. It is better to rehearse the learned congratulations on the wedding with the child several times, so that when excited, he does not stumble, does not forget the words.

May it never fade

Happy life dawn

May it always be sweet to you

And now you're sad!

Life for you is a wide road,

Hundreds of miles away.

You are now on the threshold of happiness,

A wedding door to enter.

So open that door wide

To be bitter from wine,

To be the best couple in the world for you,

To drink happiness all my life to the bottom!

We wish our newlyweds

So that the path through life is successful.

We wish to live in love and peace,

In a separate private apartment,

To sound from it for the whole

Cheerful sonorous children's laughter!

Any house will become a palace,
Where a good wife reigns!
She is more precious than all riches,
More expensive than pearls and gold!
And I vote with a glass
For the choice of the groom - for the young!

Options for short congratulations from young children

The youngest wedding guests can tell a little nursery rhyme. It will be interesting and cute if a child prepares a hand-made postcard at home with his mother, for example, with an application. Believe me, such a surprise will delight the young. It is better if the child is near the parents during the children's congratulatory speech so that they can give him a hint if he stumbles.

For you young ones the palaces are blue
In all cities they create
So that those golden days were more memorable
When they call you family!

We wish to live in love and in peace,
It looked like it was like a fairy tale!
And that there is enough space in it
Diapers, nipples and strollers!

We wish you to live without boredom
Happy friendly family
Until the day you your grandchildren
Congratulations on your golden wedding!

We want to wish you
smile more often
And into each other every day
fall in love again
Always share equally
Joy, worries
And add some strength
Work storks!

You have a big celebration

Family and friends raise a toast

After all, it is happiness that there are two of you,

Let there be a strong new family!

Let the family be fine

And in the soul it is always gratifying.

Let them always accompany

Love, smile, kindness.

I want to wish you to always be together,
But never get tired of each other!
To smoothly pass the honeymoon
In the honey year, then - in the honey age!

I wish you to live in the city of Love,
On Concord Street
So that the windows overlook the Avenue of Dreams
Leading only in Happiness!

We heartily congratulate you
On the day of this great joy,
With all our hearts we wish you
Be a strong, friendly family!

Funny children's poems happy wedding day

Funny children's congratulations on the wedding ceremony will amuse all guests, newlyweds. It will be a good discharge, an opportunity to throw out emotions. Get the kids ready for the show. They can simply tell a nursery rhyme for a wedding or accompany it with a theatrical stage, dance, or they can even sing. Rehearse congratulations in verse several times so that the baby is confident and calm. Also, explain to your child how to behave.

Congratulations, young people, and I wish you different things:
Silent mother-in-law, safe mother-in-law,
Good father-in-law to sponsor
Well, father-in-law to invest in you too!

Happy wedding day, happy wedding day guys
Let there be money in the house,
Nights so that from now on they do not sleep,
And they gave birth to beautiful children!

Congratulations on your wedding day!
It's time for you to change your priorities:
You loved dates and flowers,
Learn to cook borscht, meatballs...

Newlyweds, congratulations
And I present a wish:
Live together always together
To do this, you need a little
So that the husband gives flowers to his wife,
Got paid on time!

Wedding video greeting in the form of a song from a child

The video below shows a touching congratulation from a child in the form of a song. In such a wonderful way, every kid can congratulate the newlyweds on the wedding by giving them a song.

At the wedding, the role of parents is very important and honorable, because they also took care of creating warmth and comfort for their children, making this day bright and unforgettable. The solemn speech of the parents of the newlyweds is a kind of farewell to a new life. This is a very important stage of the ceremony, and blessing is the key to a happy marriage.

Of course, many parents will prefer to improvise, but if you get lost in front of the camera or a large number of people, it is still worth preparing a speech in advance. Sentences should not be too complex to read and long, otherwise the guests simply will not appreciate and will not understand your brilliant speech. But no one will forbid you to reinforce it with aphorisms, sayings or funny cases from life. You can also use wishes in poetic form, the main thing is to learn them in advance so that at the most crucial moment you do not read from a piece of paper.

Often in the wedding script there is no clear sequence of when and who will say congratulations. The host most often chooses when to give the floor to the newly minted and, as well as and. After that, the newlyweds are congratulated by close relatives - brothers, sisters, grandparents, uncles and aunts. In principle, it is not so important whether your congratulations sound in prose or verse, the main thing is that it must be sincere. Here are some examples of wedding greetings from parents.

Congratulations on the wedding from parents in prose

Dear our children! As time flies, you are already leaving your parental nest and entering into a joint, family life. We wish you to live in love and harmony, not each to live for himself, but for each other. They say that love is not when you look at each other, but when you look in the same direction. So, we wish you not to know sorrows, live together, respect your soul mate and always look in one direction - forward, towards new joys. Well, we will support you and help you in difficult times!

Dear children! We wish you only the best: joy, happiness, love, and we really want your family life to be easy, like fluff, even, like the rim of the ring that you put on each other's hand. We wish you (name of the bride) to become a caring wife, a good friend, help your spouse with advice and a kind word. We wish you (the name of the groom) to become the head of the family, hope and support, so that your wife is behind you, as if behind a stone wall. Advice to you and love!

Dear children! We wish you to live together until the golden wedding and not lose your love! And let there be joys and sorrows, you can overcome them, because you are together! Do not let anyone destroy your family happiness, keep your love, trust each other, appreciate each other, respect each other. And let over time your feelings become only stronger and deeper, and the family hearth burns brighter! We love you! Bitterly!

Dear (names of the newlyweds). On this solemn day, we want to bless you for a long life of love and happiness. We wish your family prosperity, peace and kindness! May your feelings grow stronger every day. Live for your own happiness, and for ours. Let children's laughter ring in your house and there will never be a place for tears!

Our beloved children! From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a happy married life. May your new family nest always keep warmth and comfort! Let storks visit it more often, and your little family will become big and friendly! Live like swans: with swan song, swan fidelity and swan love even after decades!

Dear (names of the newlyweds)! Today a solemn and wonderful day has come in your life - you have become husband and wife. Undoubtedly, this is a very important step. We want to wish that only clear and sunny weather reigned in your house, good luck to you, happiness, let your relationship, your children, your home become your pride. Still, the most important thing in the life of every person is not material wealth, but a strong and loving family. Take care and appreciate your soul mate, become a support for each other and never be separated!

Our dear and beloved children! On this beautiful day, we want to wish you happiness, love and kindness. May hope, love and wisdom be your companions, and your life be full of pleasant surprises and adventures. Happiness to you in your family voyage and may your ship of love never stray from the set course!

Our dear newlyweds! On this day, we want to wish that your family life is always a holiday, and your honeymoon never ends. May your home be filled with joy, smiles, laughter and happy children's voices. Living life is not a field to cross, so take care and support each other in any situation, and we, for our part, promise to help you in all your endeavors!

Dear our children! For every parent, such an event as the bonding of your relationship with sacred marriage bonds is a great joy. We want to wish you kindness, mutual understanding, may love and prosperity never leave your home, and may all your undertakings end in success. Let only kind and reliable people surround you in life! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! We congratulate you on the appearance of a new happy family. We wish you to live in love and happiness for many years, let troubles, quarrels and quarrels bypass you. We wish that you take all further steps in your life together only in step. And if one of you stumbles, the other will certainly support him, because without this a happy married life is unthinkable. Happiness to you!

Well, young people, we worry as much as you. We want to congratulate you on your marriage, you have been going to this important step for a long time and, finally, you gave us such pleasure - to take a walk at your wedding. We wish you boundless happiness, good prosperity, and well-being in the house!

On this beautiful day, our beloved children, you are going to sail together. No wonder people say that with a sweetheart and a hut is paradise, this means that your love will help you overcome all the hardships and hardships on the way. With all our hearts, we want to wish that your union is always based on love, your future is clear and cloudless, and your life is joyful. Appreciate every minute and thank life for bringing you together. Live long and happily! Bitterly!

Dear children! Finding true love is not given to everyone, because it is like a fire that does not burn, but warms the heart, delicious and intoxicating wine, which becomes sweeter and tastier every year, it is a boundless ocean in which you can drown. I want to raise this glass so that your life is cloudless and happiness is boundless! Love each other and live happily!

Dear children! So you have tasted a piece of the wedding loaf. And we really want to keep the warmth that this bread has kept in your hearts. May there always be kind and faithful people in your house, for whom there will always be a treat and a kind word. Let there be no place for sorrows in your life, yes, there will be trials, but you will pass them with honor, because your love keeps you! Live in peace and happiness!

Congratulations from parents on the wedding in verse

Accept congratulations at this hour,

For happiness, friendship and joy,

Let sorrow not touch you

And our old age will be kind and happy!

Let flowers bloom in your house

There will be no place for quarrels and misfortunes,

The family will soon be replenished with children,

And your ship will be bypassed by bad weather!

May your marriage be successful

And the union is inseparable,

Let love inspire you

Honor and glory to the young!

Let feelings inspire you

Children make hearts happy

Pain, sorrows do not know

Your happiness to the end!

Giving their hearts to each other

Having concluded a legal union,

Live in a family circle

Do not let misfortunes into your house.

Let the sun shine brightly in the sky

And let troubles bypass you,

All the same, let the rings sparkle,

Love will not change to sadness.

Our dear children,

We now wish you

So that everything in this world

You split in half!

May you have happiness in your home

And there will be a friendly family,

Let all bad weather bypass you

Well, love always reigns!

What you wanted - let it come true

And the good will only be remembered

Let the love in your heart shine

And only good friends will meet.

We wish happiness and joy

You will live together until old age!

So that your house is filled with children,

And the cherished wish came true! Bitterly!

Congratulations at this hour
We are with the wedding children of you!
You keep your family
Take care of your feelings.

Always follow together
May the Lord keep from evil
From sorrows, from bad weather,
Bringing you only happiness!

Let the idyll in the family
And comfort in your home,
They bring you pleasure
Stimulus in life, inspiration!

Here it is for parents
Difficult responsible moment.
you in a new life construction
We release one.

Build your faithful family.
Even if the years pass
Keep love and trust.
Be on good terms with each other!

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, children!
May your union be very strong,
Let love be the main reward
So that fortunately there are no obstacles in the way!

We wish you family comfort in the house,
So that your souls sing every minute,
And so that you in life every moment
They gave each other a bright mood!

Our dear children!
Daughter, son!
Did you together
Step by step into the life of a family.

We sincerely wish
Much love to you
Be patient.
Lord save you.

Give in to each other
We wish you,
Carry your love
To the golden years

So that for the pearl wedding "Bitter"
We shout out to you!
And another hundred years
Wish to be together.

Young people, congratulations!
Carry through the years
You are mutual attention
Passion and feelings - forever.

Take care of each other
Clear day and dark night
After all, love and loyalty is a miracle,
May your union be strong!

Our dear children!
We congratulate you on your wedding day
And from the bottom of my heart
We bless you
For love and loyalty
To be for two
Always one wish!
You take care of each other
Respect and appreciate
Treasure the first feeling
Live together for a hundred years!

Children, let you have
Peace and prosperity reign in the family!
We want to wish you now
May every day be sweet!

One day Cupid brought you together
So that together you go to the end!
Let them always knock in unison
Your loving hearts!

Dear children,
Today is your holiday!
Guests are all relatives -
All under your whim.

We will wish you
Always live like this.
Let it be, it is difficult
What would be eternal marriage.

To make your eyes shine
Faith and soul
Walked with the kids
Friendly with the whole crowd.

Let the melody of love
Connects you here
Feelings of light souls
You are inspired in life.

We got two children
We wish you happiness
In respect and love
May your house be.

Happy wedding day, dear children,
Let there be a strong family
Let the bad days pass
We wish you to live without need.

Let love not leave the house
There will be no resentment or strife.
We have been dreaming of grandchildren for a long time,
Let their laughter fill the yard.

At the solemn table, guests need to say pleasant and warm words. And everyone wants to express themselves unusually, especially. If poems are not your element, we offer wedding wishes in our own words. A lot of respect is invested in such, warmth in relation to the young couple. Wishes do not have to be memorized thoroughly, remember the basics, and in the process add sincerity, sincerity. If at important events you are worried, stumble, write down your congratulations on the wedding. It is not forbidden to arrange it beautifully and hand it to the newlyweds.

Ideas for original wishes from relatives of the newlyweds

Many people assume that only the poetic form of a wedding wish sounds beautiful and original. But this is far from true! Warm words in prose can be sincere, interesting, if you compose them correctly. It is not necessary to introduce high-sounding words into speech, it is necessary to clearly and simply congratulate the groom, the bride, sincerely rejoice for them. Below we give examples of wishes in our own words for a wedding, among which you will definitely find the ones you like for the newlyweds.

From parents

Wishes from parents to their son or daughter, who had a wedding, are very touching and emotional. Parents on this day release their children from the family nest, allowing them to twist their own. They will always support them, but from now on the children themselves will begin to build their own hearth of ideal happiness and love. Parents may desire the birth of heirs, the maintenance of an eternal fire of warmth in relationships, happiness and mutual care. Below are the wishes in their own words for the wedding from the parents:

  • When two lovers find each other and tie the knot, a new star lights up in the sky. So let your love star burn brightly, illuminating the path of your new family and giving you warmth.
  • In the boundless ocean of our life, the family is a ship, at the helm of which is the wife, and the husband plays the role of a sail. So let's wish the bride to find the right course, and the groom to be hardy. May your caravel sail the waves of a happy family life for many years. And if there is a storm, the deck of your ship will always shine with love and peace.
  • It's a special day for our newlyweds. A new union was formed on the planet, a new star of love lit up in the sky. We wish prosperity, a strong family, so that no domestic strife and difficulties overshadow your days. Joys and hardships you share in half. May your fire of love never go out, turning into an indestructible union of two hearts. Happy new family and new home! Cover each other's backs, take care, try to respect and understand in any situation! We wish you to hear the sonorous children's laughter as soon as possible! Be happy and healthy, our children!
  • Congratulations to the young on a bright, important day in their lives. Another wonderful family was born, which, like a flower, requires love, care and care! You have entered, hand in hand, into a new stage of your life and there is still a lot to go through: the first successes, failures that will make you even more confident and stronger if love, patience and wisdom reign in your family. We wish you happy and long years! We wish you to give birth to sons and daughters, in whose circle, in an atmosphere of warmth, fun, you will celebrate all memorable dates!
  • How nice to look at the young, they shine with happiness! I think everyone present will support me. Everyone rejoices for you, together with you. This is your day, let this sparkle in your eyes and soul remain with you for life. Let the family hearth bring only positive moments, and luck and prosperity accompany life!
  • They say that love flows into friendship and relationships become a habit. So we wish you that the love that pushed you to this important step in life grows stronger day by day, so that the warmth and tenderness that is present in your hearts now will never disappear, so that the attention and patience that you have in relation to each other to a friend, were eternal. Try to reduce troubles and quarrels to a joke. Happiness to you, our dear!
  • Dear newlyweds, you have laid the first brick in the construction of your family. We wish that the built happiness turns out to be reliable, durable, so that no troubles can destroy it, so that no unfavorable winds are afraid of it. May the sun shine brightly on your path!

Cool wishes from brother

The relatives of the bride and groom, brothers and sisters, will also shine with happiness for the couple, as the heroes of the occasion themselves. For them, this is also an important day, exciting, touching. On the eve of the ceremony, the question arises of how to congratulate, what to say, how not to get lost in excitement? It is better to prepare in advance so as not to get into a mess. Sketch on a piece of paper what you would like to say to the young people, what kind of parting words to give. To be sure that the speech is beautiful, pay attention to examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding from your brother.

  • I want to give advice to our main beauty, the bride: do not contradict your husband. Remember that he is always right, and a woman is never wrong!
  • Dear bride and groom! Always love each other, appreciate and respect. Let family life be filled with pleasant surprises, and let troubles never overshadow your path. Your union should not know bitterness, only at a wedding can it sound Bitter!
  • I wish you an easy navigation on the sea of ​​life, where the sun will always shine for you, and a fair wind will make life smooth. May your ship always be filled with love, and waves of well-being wash over its sides every day! Let the wind of unity drive your family in the back! And the flag on the ship is family happiness!
  • I wish young people to learn how to throw firewood in a blazing fire of love in a timely manner! After all, well-being, feelings of union depend on this skill!
  • Let's congratulate the young people together! Let the heart fill only tenderness, love, kindness, and eyes shine with happiness. Let the groom remain a reliable support of the family, no bad weather, troubles will break him. For the young!

Congratulatory words from sister

Wishes in your own words from your sister are always very touching, exciting. In your speech, you can recall the days spent together in your father's house, funny moments that happened. Usually sisters are entrusted with the most secret secrets, they are very valued. Show all your tender feelings during the speech at the wedding. Do not forget to mention how happy you are for the young couple, for the choice made in life. The words spoken are of great importance, because they can not be taken back. If the congratulation is unsuccessful, it will leave an unpleasant aftertaste, and you will reproach yourself.

Therefore, it is very important to prepare thoroughly. Carefully select each word, write down the wish on a piece of paper, into which you can peep if possible. The sister is allowed to prepare a bright and emotional congratulation, unlike other guests. But it is important to know the limit and not cross the fine line so that the congratulation does not look vulgar or like a family scene. Guests should not feel left out. If you can’t decide what to say, look at the proposed options for wishes in your own words for a wedding from your sister.

  • For me, your wedding is a very exciting moment, because you are very close to me. I am overwhelmed with emotions from happiness for you, from an excess of tenderness that I want to splash out on you. Always support each other, develop together, get better every day. Always make compromises, concessions, do not forget about that bright, pure feeling that united you.
  • You are the happiest chosen ones, because you managed to find each other. Let your hearth burn with a bright flame of happiness, love, fidelity!
  • The family is a musical instrument. Disharmony in it is not a rare condition, so turn around in every way to achieve order. I regret that the music of your hearts is never interrupted by notes of falseness, sorrows, disappointments, that there is a cacophony of quarrels and scandals in it. Let the hearts beat in unison!

From the best friend of the bride

There can be two options for congratulations: memorize a poem or rehearse wishes in prose in your own words. The second option is considered more sincere. Be sure to prepare in advance, because no one is immune from not getting confused at the last moment and giving out an incoherent stream of words instead of a beautiful speech. Wishes should come from the heart: it is not forbidden to dilute it with a joke, a funny story, if the bride has a good sense of humor. After all, best friends are connected by many interesting and funny moments.

An interesting way to express your wish will be visualization - a set of photographs, slides that depict your cheerful company. If you wish, make a short film that young people will appreciate. An ideal congratulation can consist of a life story in stages: acquaintance, funny, bright moments, the appearance of a future husband on the horizon, stories that confirm your true friendship. However, you should not delay your ledge, it can tire all guests. The speech should not last more than three minutes.

The ending of the wish should be capacious, strong, carry a semantic load. This is due to the fact that in congratulations the beginning and end are remembered. During the speech, keep yourself confident, because this is a happy day for your best friend and only the closest people are gathered at the celebration, among which there is a place for you. Therefore, away from all worries. For a hint, we give examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding from a witness or best friend.

  • I want to express admiration to the queen of the day, the bride. Look how beautiful she is, how happy, how verbose her eyes are. She's sure to get it all right. May this light always be in her eyes, may tears, the hardships of life never extinguish it, may her heart burn with passion, kindness, her eyes do not stop shining, and her husband always helps her, serves as a support, hope, protection, no matter what happens!
  • As a witness of today's union, I want to testify: you were created for marriage, happiness, love, the birth of healthy children, which I wish you. Be completely happy, only on this day, let it be in words ... bitter!
  • I'm at my best friend's wedding! She is not just a friend to me, she is my sister in spirit. We went through a lot together, and now she is stepping on the high road of life. But you don't have to be afraid. After all, an amazing world awaits you ahead, full of happiness, love, ringing laughter, and baby talk. I wish you a long journey on your family ship. Divide everything in half so that this path is a joy for both!

From the groom's best friend

Friendship is a great value in human life. Therefore, an expensive gift is not as important for a wedding as the presence and attention of good old friends. After all, they are able not only to help in trouble, but also sincerely rejoice for the newlyweds in happy moments, admire your choice. A friend is an honored guest. In your solemn speech, it is not forbidden to remind you that you value friendship, how important the groom and his chosen one are for you, to wish the very best from the bottom of your heart.

Wishes from a friend can also be comical, funny and fun. If interesting moments are associated with the groom, do not forget to mention them in your congratulatory speech. Just do not need to tell all the guests about what the bride or groom will have to blush for. If you don’t know what to wish the newlyweds, use our examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding from a friend.

  • I congratulate you, my friend, and your beautiful chosen one, on your wedding day. I wish you to conquer new peaks, walking hand in hand together, so that you are always lucky, so that only pleasant, light worries fall on your shoulders, so that you do everything together, supporting and encouraging each other. I wish you to learn to appreciate every moment of family life, to forgive each other.
  • My dears, I want to congratulate you on your wedding day! When we were young, we dreamed of beautiful princesses who would share our lives with us. And so, you waited for your love. But your story doesn't end there. At this stage, her new page begins, without adversity, misfortune. Let life be filled with good moments, vivid impressions, children's laughter!
  • Marriage is a novel in two parts: the poetry of the honeymoon and the prose of the rest of life. Poetry is the shortest part, and prose is a lot of pages. Divide the second part of the novel into several small segments, make each of them the poetry of a honeymoon!

How beautiful and short to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding?

In order to beautifully and briefly congratulate the newlyweds on the wedding, it is worth considering the wish for the wedding in advance. If you are well acquainted with the spouses, then remember the case when you realized that these people were meant for each other. If you know little, then pay attention to the appearance and congratulate the metaphor. For example, compare their life together with a dazzling bride's outfit, or wish to always remain as happy as they are now. Try to be sincere and wish for what you yourself would like. Here are some examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding:

  • Congratulations dear newlyweds. May your bright, amazing life become even happier, gentler, warmer, and others never cease to admire your beauty.
  • We wish the groom that his bride loves cars, sports, beer, fishing. And he, in turn, will be passionately interested in shopping, cooking, TV shows. Then your life will be perfect!
  • Gemstones become stunning only in the hands of a master. Fate has connected you, showing the whole world a true masterpiece in which the newlyweds shine brighter than a thousand suns. May your marriage be long lasting!

Video congratulations in your own words from friends

In the video below you will see options for wishes in your own words for the wedding. Here, both touching and sweet words are voiced, as well as cool, funny ones.
