Scenario for celebrating the Maslenitsa event. This methodological development presents: Russian folk ritual “Maslenitsa”

Purpose of the holiday: Introducing schoolchildren to folk traditions - holidays and rituals.

Holiday preparation:

1. Learning chants, songs, rhymes, proverbs about Maslenitsa.
2. Preparing costumes.
3. Exhibition of drawings based on holiday themes.
4 Multimedia presentation “Folk Orthodox holidays And

Against the background of music (the folk song “Hello, dear Maslenitsa” sounds), two presenters come out in folk costumes.

1. Presenter: Hello, guys! Hello, dear guests! I'll start our meeting with a riddle:
Wonderful Russian holiday
There is on the eve of spring!
This holiday is very tasty,
Every house bakes...
Children: Pancakes! Maslenitsa!
2. Presenter: Of course, pancakes, Maslenitsa. This is one of the oldest ritual holidays our ancestors. What does this holiday mean?
Children: Celebration of seeing off winter and welcoming spring.
Presenter: This is funny, noisy holiday. According to legend, Maslenitsa was considered a harbinger of economic abundance. The richer it is to celebrate, the more fruitful the year will be. There was a belief: if you don’t have fun on Maslenitsa, it means you’ll have to live in adversity for a year. People affectionately called Maslenitsa: Yasochka, Kasatochka, wide, cheese week. The holiday is associated with the cult of the birth of the sun.
Children sing a chant: Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window,
There your children are sitting in the oven,
The cakes are lying around waiting for you.
Presenter: What is the symbol of Maslenitsa?
Children: Damn, burning an effigy, games, fun.
Presenter: What does the pancake symbolize?
Children: Sun!
Presenter: Previously, our ancestors worshiped the sun god “Yaril”. Obviously, the symbol of the sun is a hot round pancake. Pancakes were prepared with various fillings - what kind?
Children: Butter, sour cream, honey, caviar, jam...
Presenter: In the old days, the first pancake was given to poor people to commemorate deceased loved ones. The Maslenitsa holiday is divided into seven days. What have you been up to all these days? And the people used to say this: “eat until you hiccup, sing until you’re hoarse, scream until you’re angry, dance until you drop!” “What sayings do you know about Maslenitsa?
Children: “Not life, but Maslenitsa”, “Maslenitsa is not everything for the cat”, “Maslenitsa is coming, pancakes and honey are coming”, “Without pancakes there is no Maslenitsa.”
Presenter: Every day of Maslenitsa has its own name, name it.
Children: Monday - “Meeting”, people celebrated Maslenitsa.
Well done 1: Maslenitsa show yourself,
Come to our holiday!
Come visit us in the wide yard.
Ride on the mountain and lie in pancakes!
Girl 1: We didn’t spin all week, we were waiting for Maslenitsa,
They invited her to visit, they met her on the mountain,
They sprinkled snow on the mountain, rolled it out on a sled -
Be an ice-cold pea, come, dear Maslenitsa!
2nd girl: Oh, Maslenitsa, Proskovea, come to us as soon as possible!
Oh, Maslenitsa is a torticollis, we welcome you well!
With dumplings, with pancakes, with soft pies,
With cheese, butter, kalach and baked egg!
Presenter: These are the songs the children sang, boys and girls took a straw effigy - Maslenitsa - and walked around the village with it. By the first day of Maslenitsa, public slides, swings, booths for buffoons, and tables with sweet dishes were built. Monday was also called “Children’s Maslenitsa: children made dolls from bast, hung it on the window, or put it on the windowsill and always went from house to house in a crowd and shouted: “Bring Maslenitsa, on Lent!».
Tryntsy - bryntsy, bake pancakes!
Apply more oil, it will taste better!
Tryn-brintsa, serve the pancake! They screamed until the owners brought out old rags for them. The guys collect all sorts of things and take it all to a high place, haul brushwood and light the fire. Such a fire was called an “oil can.” The second day has arrived, what is it called? Children: Tuesday - they call it “Playing”?
. On this day, entertainment began: mummers walked the streets, danced in circles, and performed puppet shows in booths.
2 well done: Have fun honest people, Tuesday is coming.
Tuesday is a fun day for us!
This is the time to have fun!
(music sounds, the guys go out to dance - free dance movements are performed: stomps, winders, pickers, squats in different options).
Presenter: In the morning, girls were invited, well done, to sled down the hills, eat pancakes, ride horses, snow towns were erected. And the children’s favorite thing to do on Maslenitsa is to ride on korozhki - boards filled with water and frozen in the cold. The stubs were replaced by sleds and sleds. For skating, they lined up on the steep bank. Such a reel had a “run” of up to three hundred meters, so that the skating experience would take your breath away. Whole groups of children also rode on sheaves of straw and old calf skins. People used to say: whoever slides down the hill the farthest will have long flax in his house, and the butter will churn well. So the guys tried.
3rd girl: The third day of Maslenitsa - “Gourmand”.
Eh, Wednesday is a delicacy, it has come to everyone’s joy!
Let's gorge ourselves on sweets!
Well done 3: During Shrovetide week, pancakes were flying out of the oven,
The pancakes are blazing hot, all blush, hot!
Presenter: On this day, pancakes were baked in every house and all kinds: wheat, oat, buckwheat, barley, sour and unleavened dough. The people said: “A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t rip your belly open.” Children sing the song "Pancakes".
Presenter: The fourth day of Maslenitsa - “ Wide Thursday" - "take a walk - Thursday."
Barkers: (two guys) Tara - bars, rastabars!
Go out into the courtyards!
Let's start dancing,
Play different games!
Presenter: On this day we walked until the evening, danced, danced in circles, sang ditties. On this day we went out to “fist fists” - fist fights. In a word, in any fight, a Russian fighter should have remembered honor and not lost his head. They met on the river, fought wall to wall, climbed a pole for gifts. The fifth day of Maslenitsa - “mother-in-law's party” - guest day. IN different places Russia spent this day in its own way: either the son-in-law went to his mother-in-law for pancakes, or the mother-in-law went to her son-in-law for pancakes.
My son-in-law called my mother-in-law yesterday
For pancakes and pretzels,
Because they arrived
Mother-in-law of our evening.
The sixth day of Maslenitsa – Saturday – “sister-in-law’s gatherings”. Who is the sister-in-law? (if your dad has a sister, then she is your aunt, and your mom’s sister-in-law), so on this day all the relatives went to visit each other. On this day, children built snow towns with towers and gates on rivers, ponds, or fields, then divided into two groups. One group guarded the town, and the second was supposed to take it by force. The last seventh day of Maslenitsa - “Forgiveness” Sunday - farewell, celebration. On this day in Rus', everyone, young and old, asked each other for forgiveness: “Forgive me, take the blame away from me!” or “Sorry if something went wrong between us.” For their guilt, for their grievances, our ancestors with an open soul asked for forgiveness and prayed to forget the grievances, to make peace among themselves and not to keep evil in their minds. The children bowed at the feet of their parents and asked for forgiveness for all the grief they had caused. Forgiveness consisted of a kiss and a low bow. Guys, let's ask each other for forgiveness. (everyone asks each other for forgiveness).
This day was also called “Merry Maslenitsa”. The whole village walked, celebrated Maslenitsa, welcomed the arrival of spring, and sculpted “Snow Woman” everywhere. What games were played during Maslenitsa week? For example: “Lenok” participants long jump. Whoever jumps further will grow longer flax.
Game “Hold on to the pancake quickly, yes, make sure you don’t get burned!” (children in a circle pass each other a pancake (cardboard) as if it were hot, tossing it up. Whoever it falls leaves the game. The game lasts until one player remains) or they throw a ball around the circle - whoever gets it says the word, associated with Maslenitsa)
4 well done: Mother is coming - spring, open the gates!
March came first, bringing all the guests.
The sun will shine and the stream will flow!
Game “Stream”, “Cat and Mouse”,
Presenter: Well done, guys, they played fun, these are the games they played on Maslenitsa, and on the last day of Maslenitsa they burned an effigy with songs and jokes, why did they burn the effigy?
4 girl: Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out,
So that the birds sing and the grass turns green.
So that all adversity, cold, bad weather,
Winter frosts, failures, tears,
Let them burn and fly away to the sun!
Presenter: After lunch, we gathered in church for Vespers, which opened Great Lent, which lasted 7 weeks. The first Monday after Maslenitsa was called Clean Monday. People were cleansed of sins, washed in a bathhouse, steamed dishes, cleaned full order in the house. The fast began.
So we remembered how Maslenitsa was celebrated in Rus'. Now we will wait for the next holidays that our ancestors have preserved before us!
The holiday script was prepared and conducted by a teacher additional education MBOU Secondary School No. 3 L.V. Mamaeva.

Music club aimed at teaching younger children school age origins folklore, suggesting a consistent transition from educational results first level to the results of the third level, which has an artistic and aesthetic direction, organization of cultural leisure for children outside of lessons and development creativity younger schoolchildren.

Neonila Berdnikova

“Like during Shrovetide, pancakes were flying at the ceiling!”

folklore festival for older children.


Expanding children's knowledge about folk traditions and customs.

Awakening interest in folk traditions.

Fostering a culture of relationships between children on spiritual and moral traditions of his people.

Develop and enrich children's speech, imagination and fantasy;

The phonogram of a Russian folk song sounds, children enter the hall with instruments in their hands (wooden spoons, rattles, tambourines, boxes, etc.).

Mistress. Hello, dear guests!

Have fun and joy!

We've been waiting for you for a long time

We don’t start the holiday without you

Master. We have something for everyone

And a word and a place.

Is it convenient for you, dear guests?

Can everyone see it?

Can everyone hear?

Was there enough room for everyone?

Guests. As is well known, there was enough space for the guests

Isn't it a bit cramped for the owners?

Master. In crowded but not mad.

Children. Where it's more crowded, it's more fun.

Master. People gather

The holiday begins!

Mistress. What holiday is it today?

Does any prankster know?

Children. Maslenitsa!

Master. That's right, Maslenitsa!

Not English, not French,

Maslenitsa is a Russian holiday!

We will sing and dance,

Play Russian games!

Mistress. Become honest people!

A Russian round dance awaits us!

Children perform the Russian folk round dance “We were waiting for Maslenitsa.”

A teacher dressed as Winter enters the hall.

Winter. What is this noise here, what is this commotion?

Who started the chaos?

Come on, get ready quickly

And get out of the hall!

There is no point in singing songs here,

We need to stay home!

Master. That's how the guest appeared!

And why are you angry?

Winter. I'm not a guest, I'm the hostess here!

Everyone calls me Zimushka.

Mistress. Oh, you, Zimushka - Winter!

All the roads are covered!

All roads, all paths -

Don't pass, don't pass!

Master. Enough to turn the river into ice,

Freeze the forest, scare the birds! We say goodbye to Maslenitsa, which means it’s over for you too, Winter! Spring is just around the corner!

Winter. How is this ending? My power! My time!

I'm not going anywhere!

As soon as I blow it out, I’ll notice!

I'll call a blizzard to the kindergarten,

I can drive you all away!

For that matter,

My time has not come!

And for impudence, as punishment,

I'll give you a test!

1 child. Winter is white

She brought us with her:

Frosts are bitter,

The snow is loose,

Stormy winds,

Friendly snowstorms,

Butter can, carol,

Chicken heel day.

Winter. Oh, nasty kids!

Why are you teasing me?

I'll call the frost now,

I'll freeze my cheeks and nose!

Mistress. Don't be angry in vain

Better have fun with us.

We'll dance with you,

Then we retire.

Winter. I don’t even know what to do...

I love to dance in circles.

OK! Hold hands

Spin in a round dance!

Children perform a round dance “A blizzard is blowing along the street.”

Winter. Oh, my soul has thawed!

It hurts the song is good!

I'll tell you goodbye:

Even if I'm leaving for a long time,

Don't forget me

Remember with kind words!

After all, children sometimes

Lots of fun in winter!

Well, I guess it's time for me...

Goodbye, kids!

Zimushka leaves, waving his hand goodbye.

Master. So we spent the Winter!

It's time to have fun with Maslenitsa!

To the cheerful folk melody, buffoons bring in the straw effigy of Maslenitsa.

Mistress. So Maslenitsa has come and started the fun!

We will meet her with songs,

Interesting poems.

Come on, children, don't yawn,

Praise Maslenitsa!

2nd child. Are you my soul, Maslenitsa,

Come to our wide yard

Ride the roller coaster

Roll in pancakes!

3 child. And we were expecting Maslenitsa,

They didn’t eat jelly with milk.

Now Maslenitsa is moving into the yard,

The wide one enters the yard,

All on black horses,

All on painted sleighs!

4 child. Oh yes, Maslenitsa is a torticollis!

We'll see you well!

Cheese, butter and eggs,

Yes, a ruddy roll,

Songs, dances, and fun,

Yes, a good treat!

5 child. Our dear Maslenitsa,

She came to us for a short time.

We thought for seven weeks

It turned out – for seven days!

Master. Guys, what do you know about Maslenitsa?

The children take turns saying:

Maslenitsa occurs at the end of February - beginning of March. On Maslenitsa everyone overeats because Lent begins immediately after Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa heralds that winter is over and spring is on the doorstep. The people of Rus' have always celebrated the Maslenitsa holiday with jokes, games, dances, fist fights and well-fed feasts.

Maslenitsa begins on Monday. This day is called a meeting. On this day, snow slides were arranged and rolled out.

Tuesday is a flirt. From this day on, games and entertainment began.

Wednesday is delicious. On this day they try to eat more sweets.

Thursday is a riot. This day is the most fun.

Friday - mother-in-law evenings (dads go to visit for pancakes to mom's moms, our grandmothers).

Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers. The whole family gathers at the table, drinks, eats and has fun.

Sunday is called the day of forgiveness. On this day, they forgive all insults, forget quarrels, admit their mistakes, and make peace.

Sunday – farewell to Maslenitsa.

Mistress. Well done! You know everything about Maslenitsa!

What games do you Russians play?

6 child. A lot of different games There is,

It is difficult to count them all.

We are not too lazy to play, friends,

We could play all day!

7 child. Frost, frost,

It has grown over the tyn,

The frost does not tell me to stand,

Tells the children to play!

Master. So let's play Burners!

Call for spring with a fun game!

The game "Burners" is played.

Master. If you take the rope together,

Pull forward - backward,

And say to everyone together: Eh!

Perhaps laughter will win!

Game "Tug of War"

A game "Heroic fights"

There are 2 hoops on the floor, this is the so-called “pusher”.

The participants of the game come out in pairs. Task: push the opponent out of the circle (resting your palms on the opponent’s palms; resting your forehead on the opponent’s forehead; resting your back on the opponent’s back; resting your chest on the opponent’s chest; standing on one leg and resting on the opponent’s shoulder).

Master. Come to me

Bring your friends!

Don't pass us by -

Quick carousel

Spinning now!

Who has nothing to do

Ride until the evening!

The game "Carousel" is played.

After the game, the children sit down.

Mistress. Guests, be healthy everyone

My pancakes are ready!

Master. Dear guests! Help yourself to your health!

Children are treated to pancakes.

Mistress. We must say goodbye to Maslenitsa and, according to the ancient Russian custom, burn her effigy at the stake.

Master. Light up, fire, take away Winter.

Light the fire, melt the snow.

They burn an effigy in the street. The children are watching out the window.

All. Goodbye, goodbye, our Maslenitsa!


Folklore holiday

The leading children come out.
1. It is a cheerful and beautiful holiday in Rus',Everyone is waiting for him and loves him - just ask anyone.Wide celebrations, sleigh rides,Ruddy symbol of the sun on the street in pancakes.
2. People welcome spring, say goodbye to winterAnd he burns the effigy - there is such a custom,May the coming year be good and fruitful.And evil and cold melt, cold ice melts.
3. And Maslenitsa gives people its warmth,To make your heart feel comfortable and light.Maslenitsa warms us, she is a welcome guest,And immediately after it will come Lent!
I. Clip.

1. Hello, guests, you are welcome.
We open Maslenitsa wide and let the fun begin!

2. Maslenitsa, be healthy,We'll see you well! With pancakes, with loaves, with dumplings!
3.Maslen week I came to visit. She sat down on a stump, ate some pancakes, I snacked on othersI trotted home.
4. Come visit us for a holidayBoth quiet and prankster.We will have hot tea...
5. There will be a pancake and a roll,There will be games and laughterThere will be a holiday for everyone!
6. Lead streams in round dances,
Have fun, play,
Sing sonorous songs -
Maslenitsa, and welcome Spring!

Teacher: Hello, dear guests! Welcome to our wide yard On Broad Maslenitsa! We always welcome good guests! We welcome them with sweet tea Let's treat you to pancakes!Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the Russian people, the most cheerful and riotous. He was awaited by everyone with great impatience. Maslenitsa was called honest, wide, cheerful, they called it “Boyaryna - Maslenitsa”, “Mistress - Maslenitsa”. They talked to Maslenitsa as if to a living being: she was “ dear guest”, then “woman is a crooked neck”, then “red maiden”, then “Avdotya Ivanovna”.In many places in Russia they made a stuffed animal out of straw, but it did not have a face. It was believed that if there is a face, then there will be a soul. And we walked around the village with her - glorifying Maslenitsa. She was honored as a rare guest. So we have “Mistress – Maslenitsa” (straw doll).
Children presenters:
Our dear Maslenitsa, Avdotya Ivanovna, Annual Maslenitsa. Our dear guest! She doesn't come to us on foot, Everything comes on horseback, Her horses are black, The servants are young.
Oh, Maslenitsa is a torticollis, We'll meet you well Cheese, butter, roll And a baked egg!
Buffoons Attention! Attention! Have a fun party! Maslenitsa! Wide Maslenitsa! Come on, let's all have some fun, Let's spin around in a quick dance! We need to get up in a round dance, Celebrate Maslenitsa!
Get ready for a round dance. People are celebrating today! Let's see off the winter And to welcome the red Spring.
Round dance around Maslenitsa (to the tune of “Tomorrow is Saturday for us”)
And we met Maslena, We visited the hill, We've been, soul, we've been. They lined the mountain with pancakes, They filled the mountain with cheese, They laid it out, soul, they laid it out. They stuffed, soul, they stuffed. They poured oil on the mountain, And we met Maslena, They watered, soul, watered. We met, soul, we met.
Children presenters:
Wide Maslenitsa – Cheese Week!You came dressed up to greet us in Spring.We'll be baking pancakes and having fun all week.To drive the cold winter out of the house!
Teacher: Maslenitsa falls at the end of February - beginning of March and lasts a whole week. Every day has its own name.
Monday - "meeting".
On this day, a stuffed Maslenitsa was made from straw, and an old dress was put on it. women's clothing, they put this scarecrow on a pole and, singing, drove it on a sleigh around the village. Then Maslenitsa was staged on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.
Morning... Monday... the “meeting” comes.

Bright sleds slide down the hills.

All day fun. Evening is coming.

Having ridden to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

Come, come in
For rosy pancakes.
Today is Maslena week - Be happy like us!


Tuesday - PLAY!
From this day began various kinds entertainment: sleigh rides “in the sun” (clockwise) to help the sun drive away winter; settled down folk festivals, performances with Petrushka, ice slides.
The carefree “flirt” is Tuesday’s joy.

Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!

Games and fun, and for them a reward:

Rich and rosy Maslenitsa pancake!

Oh, it's good to ride on the snow slides: The higher the mountain, the higher the rye and wheat, The longer you ride down the mountain, the longer the line.
Game with the Sun.
Progress of the game: in the center of the circle is the Sun (the image of the sun is in the child’s hands). Children say in chorus:Shine, sun, brighter,It will be hotter in summer. And winter is warmer, and spring is nicer. Children walk in a circle, holding hands; on the third line they come closer to the Sun, narrow the circle; on the fourth line they move away and expand the circle.The sun pronounces the word “I’m burning!” and catches the guys, the caught one says “Glory to the high sun in the sky, glory!” and becomes the Sun. Game continues.
And here it is the third day Maslenitsa - DELICIOUS! Wednesday is a gourmet Today we have Gourmand!Treat this time!Lunch is two!Dancing right at the table! Let's treat ourselves to pancakes,Let's eat some pie!We won't leave a crumb,Sitting at the table!
Every family sets the table with delicious food, baking pancakes. Relatives gather. To come visit for pancakes, they stocked up on proverbs and sayings.
Oh, these pancakes for Maslenitsa! Lush, blush, plump, delicious, buttery, with sour cream, with honey, with seasoning. The pancake is round, red and hot, like a hot, generous sun. Many families started baking pancakes on Monday. Each housewife baked them according to her own recipe and kept it secret.
Children sing the song “Oh, pancakes, pancakes” and dramatize it.

What do you eat pancakes with?

And we have pancakes, magical, with proverbs. Come on, continue the proverb!
1. It’s time for business,...... (the audience’s time for fun)
2. The sun paints the earth, ................and man.... labor.
3. Patience and work...................... everything will grind
4. Measure seven times, ................... cut once
5. Don’t have a hundred rubles, ............... but have a hundred friends
Fourth day Maslenitsa Wide Thursday - RAVE A WALK! From this day on, Maslenitsa unfolded in all its breadth. The people indulged in all sorts of fun: taking snow fortress, fist fights, all kinds of brave fun.- Day four Let's sing songs about Maslenitsa together.Take a walk - Thursday will come, bring a joke, a song!
And on Thursday the Razdolny - “take a walk” - comes.Ice fortresses, snow fights...Troikas with bells enter the field,The guys measure their strength like roosters.
Hey girls - laugh out loud!Sing some ditties!Start quicklyTo please your guests!
Come, come in
For rosy pancakes.
Today is Maslen week -
Be happy like us!
I'm ready for the Masdish
Eat 50 pancakes.
I'll eat them with some baked goods,
I'll try to lose weight.
Bake, godfather, pancakes,
Yes, so that they are magnificent.
Today is Maslen week -
You can eat too much.
The Martians have arrived
We were satisfied.
Their plates are not empty
And full of pancakes.
On Monday from a clear dawn
Everybody's going down the hill
They chew all sorts of dishes,
They sing songs loudly.
The boys are resilient in trials,
And in the cooking the girls are lively -
They bake sweet pancakes,
Treats are served.
People are smiling
They lead a round dance together.
It's Maslenitsa,
Good Maslenitsa!
Farewell to all the people
Maslenitsa will be set on fire.
Warm up quickly
May our life be more fun!
Play more fun, accordion,
Maslenitsa, don't be sad!
Come soon, spring
Drive winter away from us!
Teacher: Game "Fight".
Progress of the game: two players are selected, stand on one leg sideways to each other in a drawn circle, hands behind their backs. The players' task is to push the player outside the circle.
Teacher: – Stop laughing and playing! It's time to announce Friday!
Friday has arrived - “evenings at the mother-in-law’s”The mother-in-law invites her son-in-law for pancakes.Eat it with caviar and salmon, maybe a little simpler,We ate it with sour cream, honey, and butter.
Friday - mother-in-law's evenings. Parents go to visit their children. The young housewife is preparing pancakes. Sons-in-law treat their mother-in-law. The mother-in-law was obliged to send everything necessary for baking pancakes in the evening and teach her daughter-in-law some old secret recipe. Well, on FRIDAY - party ,
There is a feast in the streets.
Everyone is ready for a treat...
People are rushing to the tables.
It's hot from hot pancakes,
The copper samovar puffs.
Everyone is cheerful without a gift.
The troika is flying noisily.
Mummered horses are galloping,
Moaning runners, songs, laughter.
Young people dance to the tambourine,
Old people are the happiest.

Game "winders".

A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the tape are held by two participants. They must wind up the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who gets to it first will receive the prize.
- And in Saturday n e trinkets - sister-in-law's get-togethers!Sister-in-law is the husband's sister. So, on this Saturday, young daughters-in-law hosted their relatives, and tried to introduce unmarried sisters-in-law to unmarried guys from their relatives or friends.
Saturday is approaching - "sisters-in-law's treat."

All the relatives meet and dance in a circle.

The holiday continues, general fun,

A nice farewell to Zimushka!

The SATURDAY day is majestic
Gatherings name.
They lead round dances with songs,
They come to visit endlessly.

Game "Meeting"
One participant is selected from each team. He must, using the text of the card, greet his Maslenitsa scarecrow.
Card N°1
Are you my soul, Maslenitsa, quail bones, your paper body, your sugar lips, your sweet speech!
Card No. 2
My Maslenitsa, red beauty, light brown braid, thirty brothers, sister, forty grandmothers, granddaughter, you are my little quail!
Teacher: The day of forgiveness has come Everyone needs to apologize And hear: “God will forgive” He will heal your soul.
Sunday - “FAREWELL DAY” Last day Maslenitsa week called “Forgiveness Sunday.” Relatives and friends did not go to each other to celebrate, but asked forgiveness for intentional and accidental insults and upsets. When meeting (sometimes even with stranger) was supposed to stop and, with three bows, ask for mutual forgiveness. On this day, all insults and insults are forgiven, because it is necessary to meet spring with a clear conscience. We organized a farewell to Maslenitsa. Straw doll honored, invited to return to next year, and then taken outside the outskirts and burned at the stake. And ashes were sprinkled on the ground for a new harvest.

Bright Sunday is coming quickly.

Everyone eases the soul on the “forgiveness day”,

Straw effigy - Zimushka is burned,

Dressed in a sheepskin coat, mittens, belt...

The fair crowns the magnificent festivities.

Goodbye, Maslenitsa! Come again.

In a year we will meet the beauty again.

Let's celebrate again and serve pancakes!

And now I suggest you guys write on a piece of paper what you would like to leave in the past, for example, bad grades, laziness, illness... We will give all your wishes to Maslenitsa and spend them with it. This will give you the opportunity to celebrate this spring in a new way.
Children write what they want to leave in the past. Fold the leaves and throw them into a bag (Maslenitsa). After this, all participants in the performance, together with the audience, stand in a large round dance and walk around Maslenitsa to a song performed by a folk group.
All: Goodbye, Maslenitsa - cheat, You stayed with us for a short time, I only stayed for seven days, And we thought you’d stay for seven years! Goodbye, Maslenitsa, goodbye, Broad!
Leading: So the sun has set, Our Maslena is closed Come visit us again We are always glad to have guests! We invite everyone to pancakes, We treat you to sweet tea! Teacher:
Smells like sun and pancakes -
Let's burn the effigy
Let's see off WINTER!

songs and ditties for Maslenitsa! To spend the days of Maslenitsa having fun and amicably, we offer you poems about Maslenitsa, riddles and songs. Have fun, walk, congratulate each other on Maslenitsa, and on Forgiveness Sunday ask everyone for forgiveness! **PUZZLES** And who is Ivan Gromokov? He sat on a horse and rode into the fire? (Pancake in a frying pan)*** On a bald head, On a bald man, I’ll rip off his baldness and bring it again. What am I doing? (Bake pancakes)*** The shores are covered, fish without bones, water is expensive. (Pancakes.) ***What do they pour into a frying pan and bend it into four? (Damn.) ***A peahen flew in, sat on the lava, and spread its feathers for all sorts of potions. (Spring.)
***She was white and gray-haired, but she came green and young. (Winter and Spring.)*** old grandfather, he is a hundred years old... He paved the entire river, but the young woman came and swept away the entire bridge. (Frost and Spring.)***Draws without hands, bites without teeth. (Frost.)***What grows upside down? (Icicle.) ***White carrots grow deftly in winter. (Icicle.) ***It grew - it grew, It came out of the beard, The sun became, Nothing became. (Icicle.) ***The children sat on the ledge and grew all the time downwards. (Icicle.)***It grows upside down, It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake her - she will cry and die. (Icicle.) ***Cool auntie, White and gray-haired, Carrying the cold in a bag, The cold is shaking the ground. He sweeps up snowdrifts and covers the ground with a carpet. (Winter.) ***Dawn, Red maiden, Releases the grass, Spreads the dew. He rides sideways, with a plow, a harrow, with spring water. (Spring.) ***Crack the ice and you will take silver. If you cut the silver, you will take gold. (Egg.) ***The barrel is rolling, There is not a knot on it. (Egg.) ***Kind, good He looks at people, But he doesn’t tell people to look at themselves. (Sun.)***Small, buttery, edible Wheel. I won’t eat it alone, I’ll share it with all the guys. (Bagel.)***I don’t eat it myself, but I feed people. (Spoon.) ***There is a hole on top, a hole on the bottom, and in the middle - Fire and water. (Samovar.) ***As soon as he starts talking and talking, we need to make tea as soon as possible. (Kettle.)***My outfit is colorful, my cap is sharp, my jokes and laughter amuse everyone. (Parsley.) *** Sisters are hiding in this young woman. Each sister is a prison for the youngest. (Matryoshka doll.) ***You’ll get a drop on your bald spot. You’ll put it in, you’ll steam it, you’ll take it out, you’ll straighten it. (Pancakes are baking)*** The current is iron, spring planting. (Pancake in a frying pan.)***You drop a drop on your bald spot, put it in, steam it, take it out, straighten it. (Pancakes are being baked.)*** The shores are iron, the fish is boneless, the water is expensive. (Frying pan, pancake and butter.)*** The king bird sits on golden eggs. (Frying pan on coals.)*** For my beloved grandmother
I'll bake pancakes.
So blush and delicious
These lush...
*** Oh, you Gourmet Wednesday!
Oil pan!
As has been the case since ancient times -
Let's go to... (mother-in-law for pancakes)!
*** Maslenitsa is a delicious meal!
Let's bake pancakes in the morning.
They include sour cream and jam
And, of course, ... (caviar)!
*** And with caviar and sour cream -
They are all delicious!
Nostrils and blush -
Our suns -... (pancakes)
*** On Maslenitsa Sunday
Old Titus tried everything
Ask everyone for forgiveness
And answer: ... (“God will forgive!”)
Not to ride in the mountains, lie in pancakes

Aksenenko Tatyana Viktorovna
Job title:
Educational institution: GBUDO DDT "Oranienbaum" Petrodvortsovo district
Locality: St. Petersburg
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Scenario of the folklore holiday "Maslenitsa"
Publication date: 02.10.2017
Chapter: additional education

Folklore festival script


(for students 10-16 years old)

Aksenenko Tatyana Viktorovna,

additional education teacher

highest qualification category

State budgetary institution

additional education for children

House children's creativity Petrodvortsovo district of St. Petersburg "Oranienbaum"


a note





which is still celebrated in all cities and villages. It's pagan

celebration of the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Maslenitsa was held 56 days before






was ending



The first three days were considered preparatory, and the next 4 days were considered “wide


was considered





Maslenitsa is the most fun, wild holiday in a year where everyone participated

Old people and children, men and women, boys and girls.





was created according to certain laws, and pancakes, the so-called ritual

food, without which not a single holiday or ritual was held in Rus'. Crap -

a symbol of the sun (yellow, round, hot) and of course a Maslenitsa costume.

Maslenitsa was seen here as the personification of winter, and its destruction

means the passing of winter. Interesting Maslenitsa custom- Apologize

each other (" Forgiveness resurrection"), he gave an opportunity to reconcile

after quarrels, forgive each other big and small grievances, relieve tension,

arising in relationships within a family or between neighbors.


Formation positive motivation to the study of Russian folklore.




the most ancient




calendar of Christian Rus'.

Studying and mastering Maslenitsa folklore: songs, dances, theatrical


Summing up the learning of this material.






teacher's instructions).

Development creative thinking students


Fostering a sense of belonging to the great heritage of the past.





traditional art.

Terms of sale:




be carried out

themed indoors or outdoors. On holiday accepts

participation of different age audiences.

Required details:

Russian folk costumes

scarecrow Maslenitsa

costume for Maslenitsa

tuesok, embroidered towels

arc with bells and ribbons




Presenter first:

Hello, dear guys, small and large! (slide 1)

Presenter 2:

Hello, guests, you are welcome!

Presenter first:

Today we celebrate Maslenitsa, say goodbye to winter, and ring in spring!

Leading third:

Wow, winter-winter, it was a snowy winter

Everyone was on a spree, the weight of the chalk was frozen.

Presenter 2:

Winter is cold, snow is deep

The snow is deep, the crust is high. (slide 2)

Leading third:

It's time to spend the winter!

It's time for the mother song to come.

Presenter first:

Today Maslenitsa invites everyone to visit

That neither the forest nor the grass spreads,

Maslenitsa holiday begins!

The song "Maslena, Maslena, come..." plays (see Appendix 1)

They bring in the effigy of Maslenitsa.

They begin to collect and dress Maslenitsa.

The song “And we celebrated Maslenitsa” plays (see Appendix 2)

Presenter first:

Our dear guest - Maslenitsa,

Avdotya Izotyevna (Ivanovna).

Dunya is white, Dunya is rosy,

The braid is long, three arshins long,

Two hundred and fifty scarlet ribbon

White scarf with polka dots

Slender legs with boots

The warm sun is teasing in the sky,

Hello, our Maslenitsa guest.

Presenter 2:

Are you, my Maslenitsa

Red beauty, light brown braid.

Thirty brothers sister,

Forty grandmothers granddaughter,

Daughter of three mothers!

She came to our board house

Amuse your soul

Have fun with your mind

Enjoy the speech! (slide 4)

Leading third:

Hello, annual Maslenitsa,

Our dear guest!

She arrived on black horses,

On painted sleighs,

And your servants are young

Dear ones brought us gifts

And pancakes and rolls

Their swords are coming through our window! (slide 5)

The song “Broad Maslenitsa, we boast about you” plays (see Appendix 3)

Host of the holiday talks about Maslenitsa (days of the week, customs, etc.,

ending with the fair) (slide 6)

We sing to the whole audience “We’ll buy Maslenka.” (see Appendix 4)

Games. Fun. Riddles in Tuesk.

Presenter first:

We surprised Maslenitsa with both dexterity and ingenuity. Now we need

refresh yourself and treat yourself to pancakes.

Presenter 2:

Haven't you eaten pancakes for a long time?

Did you want some pancakes?

Leading third:

What would Maslenitsa be without hot and rosy pancakes!

Enjoy yourselves, everyone will have fun!

Music plays and pancakes are handed out to everyone.


Maslenitsa week is fun and noisy. But here she comes

end. Nobody wanted to part with Maslenitsa. And then her

started asking:

"Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out,

You cling to the oak tree, to the deck.

Oh, they said - our Maslenka is 7 years old,

And our Maslenka has 7 days."

The song "Maslenitsa - Polyzuha" is played (see Appendix 5)


But no persuasion and requests could delay Maslenitsa, since

it is impossible to stop time. We had to say goodbye to Maslenitsa.

Teaser song "Wednesday and Friday". (see Appendix 6)

Presenter first:

Our Maslenitsa has passed

I went for a ride

Didn't go back!

Presenter 2:

Girls, Maslena is passing,

Lent is coming.

Leading third:

Climb, mother, under the stove,

Pull the rare thing by the tail.

Presenter first:

Shrovetide, deceived us

Presenter 2:

But we don’t take radishes, we pull the cat by the ears!

The song "Maslenitsa - Erzovka" is played (see Appendix 7)

The host of the holiday talks about mocking the scarecrow.

The song “And we celebrated Maslenitsa” plays (see Appendix 8)

Presenter first:

Larks, larks!

Come and visit us!

Bring us a warm Freckle!

Take it away from us

Cold winter!

It's a cold winter for us

I'm bored, my hands and feet are frozen!

Presenter 2:

Sunshine, sunshine

Come out quickly

Be kinder to us

And then the children cry, jump on the pebbles,

They gallop behind the village, arms and legs like wheels!

Leading third:

Come on March, April and May,

Take up the baton

Relay of warm meetings,

Today is a holiday

Light the fire guys

Let's burn Zimushka!

The effigy of Maslenitsa is taken out into the street and burned to the song “Farewell,

our Maslenitsa." (see Appendix 9)


Annex 1

Maslena, Maslena, come quickly

Belgorod region

Maslena, Maslena,

Come quickly.


Come quickly.

Lyoli, Lyoli,

Come quickly.

If only you, Maslena,

It was seven weeks.

Lyoli, Lyoli,

It was seven weeks.

Lyoli, Lyoli,

It was seven weeks.

My darling

Overgrown with thorns.

Lyoli, Lyoli,

Overgrown with thorns.

Lyoli. Lyoli,

Overgrown with thorns.

Viburnum, raspberry


Lyoli, Lyoli.


Lyoli, Lyoli.


And I’m alone at the post,

And she stayed.

Lyoli, Lyoli,

And she stayed

Lyoli, Lyoli,

And she stayed.

I'm a long time ago, a long time ago

Mommy had it.

Lyoli, Lyoli,

Mommy had it.

Lyoli, Lyoli,

Mommy had it.

Appendix 2

“And we celebrated Maslenitsa”

Smolensk region

And we celebrated Maslenitsa,

They encouraged, they lyuli, they encouraged.

We started cheese and butter,

They started, lyuli, laid.

We covered the mountain with pancakes,

They laid it, they laid it, they laid it.

Oil was poured on top,

They watered, poured, watered.

The mountain is steep like cheese,

The mountain is steep, Lyuli, the mountain is steep.

And the snow is falling on the hill,

The snow is falling, the snow is falling, the snow is falling.

And our mothers call us home,

They call you home, Lyuli, they call you home.

Appendix 3

"Wide Maslenitsa, we boast about you"

Kaluga region

1. Wide Maslenitsa!

We boast about you

2. We ride in the mountains,

We'll overeat on pancakes!

Appendix 4

"We'll buy Maslenka"

Novosibirsk region

We'll buy you a chicken, Maslenka.

We'll buy you a duck, oiler

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken, grain by grain, cluck-tah-tah.

We'll buy you a butter can and a turkey

Turkey baby - coattails, bulldozers,

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken, grain by grain, cluck-tah-tah.

We'll buy you a little pussy, oiler

And the little kitty - meow-meow,

Turkey baby - coattails, bulldozers,

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken, grain by grain, cluck-tah-tah.

We'll buy you a pig, Maslenka.

Piglet - oink-oink,

And the little kitty - meow-meow,

Turkey baby - coattails, bulldozers,

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken, grain by grain, cluck-tah-tah.

We'll buy you a little cow, butterdish

Little cow - torment, torment,

Piglet - oink-oink,

And the little kitty - meow-meow,

Turkey baby - coattails, bulldozers,

Duck - ta-ta-ta,

Chicken, grain by grain, cluck-tah-tah.

Appendix 5

"Maslenitsa - polysukha"

Yaroslavl region

Maslenitsa is a miracle!

Licked the children

And on the fence itself.

I licked the cheese and butter,

And she went out.

Appendix 6

"Wednesday and Friday"

Ryazan Oblast

Wednesday and Friday

Our Maslenitsa has passed.

Lent has arrived,

He tore off the Maslenitsa's tail.

Appendix 7

"Maslenitsa - Erzovka"

Novgorod region

Farewell, farewell Maslenets - Erzovka!

Maslenitsa did not allow us to take a walk,

She deceived me, she fidgeted,

During Lent I gave a radish tail.

Appendix 8

"And we took Maslenitsa for a ride"

Novgorod region

The words in italics are repeated according to the given pattern.

The performer explained: “Maslenitsa was buried”

there will be text here

2. We ate cheese and butter

3. We trampled on the hill

4. But Maslenitsa lured us

5. And she put me in a big post.

6. We thought - Maslenitsa is seven weeks old,

7. And there are seven days at Maslenitsa.

8. And Maslenitsa lured us,

9. I added some bitter raspberries.

Appendix 9

"Farewell, our Maslenitsa"

Perm region

1. Goodbye, goodbye, our Maslenitsa.

Farewell, farewell, our broad one.

2. You didn’t come on Wednesday, and not on Friday.

You came on Sunday - fun all week long.

3. You came with goodness, with cheese butter and an egg,

with pancakes, pies, and pancakes.

4. Butter pancakes, greased shangi.

We ride down the mountain from dawn to dusk.

5. And today, Sunday, the porridge will end in the family.

Goodbye, goodbye, our Maslenitsa!


1. Who is Ivan Gromokov,

Got on a horse and rode into the fire?

(pancake in a frying pan)

2. The shores are iron, fish without bones, water is expensive

(frying pan, pancakes, butter)

3. Warms in winter

Smoldering in the spring

Dies in the summer

Comes to life in autumn.

4. You drop a drop on your bald spot, put it in, steam it, take it out, straighten it.

(baking pancakes)

5. Walking in the field - but not a horse,

It flies free - but not a bird.

6. Grandfather builds a bridge without an ax or wedges

7. White carrots grow in winter


8. What grows upside down?


9. The bunny is fluffy, but there is no tail.

He sits on everyone and is not afraid of anyone.

10. Born in silence,

Lives quietly

How will he die?

So he will scream.

11. White bedspread

It was lying on the ground.

And summer has come

It's all gone.

12. The little pebbles hid

In shaggy bags:

Four together

One on a pole.


13. Lives - lies, dies - runs.

14. Five closets, one door.


15. The white tablecloth covered the entire field.

16. White flies settled in the field.

17. Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old,

And the bridge was paved over the entire river.

18. I will crack, and you clap your hands and dance.

19. A guest was visiting,

Paved the bridge

Without an ax and without a stake.

20. Draws without hands,

Bites without teeth.

21. The forest has grown, all white,

You can't enter it on foot,

You can't enter on horseback.

(frost on the window)

22. The uterus is angry,

Yes, I covered the kids

Until the red day

A duvet.

23. I am water, and I swim on water.

24. She was white and gray-haired,

A green, young one came.

(winter and spring)

25. There’s a mountain in the yard,

And in the hut there is water.


1. Not life, but Maslenitsa.

2. Maslena does not last forever.

3. Pancakes do not spoil the belly.

4. The mother-in-law talks about her son-in-law and the mortar and milking machine.

5. My son-in-law is coming, where can I get sour cream?

6. Maslenitsa spread widely and flooded Lent.

7. To whom the rank. to whom it’s a damn, and to whom it’s a wedge.

8. He is looking for where Maslenitsa is for forty years and minor holidays are for three years.

9. Son-in-law in the yard - pie on the table.

10. Where the pancakes are, here we are.

11. My lips dropped like pancakes from laziness.

12. Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish, yes steamed turnips(fasting).

13. Not everything is Maslenitsa, there will be Lent.

14. A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly.

15. Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes - like the wheels of spring.




Nekrylova, A.F. Russian folk city holidays, entertainment and

spectacles. The end of the 18th - the beginning of the 20th century / A. F. Nekrylova. - St. Petersburg. :

Art: Leningrad branch, 1984. - 216 p.

Kozlov, A. Holidays and significant dates Orthodox and

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Sokolova V.K. Spring and summer calendar rituals Russians,

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Science, 1979. - 286 p.

Propp, V. Russian agrarian holidays / V. Propp. - St. Petersburg. : Labyrinth,

Zabylin, M. Russian people. Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and

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Sakharov, I. P. Tales of the Russian people, collected by I. P. Sakharov /

I. P. Sakharov. - St. Petersburg. : Publication by A.S. Suvorin, 1885. - 242 p.

Zemtsovsky I. I. Poetry of peasant holidays / I. I. Zemtsovsky.

L.: Sov. writer, 1970. - 640 p.

Lavrentieva, L. Russian calendar traditional food on every day

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11. Pankeev I. Customs and traditions of the Russian people / I. Pankeev. - M.:

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Gilyarova, N. N. Reader in Russian folk art(Part 1) /

N.N. Gilyarov. - M.: Rodnik Publishing House LLC, 1996. - 58 p.

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Lobanov, M.A. Ethnosolfege / M.A. Lobanov. - St. Petersburg : Composer,

Naumenko, G. Rain, rain, stop. Russian folk children's

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Pushkina, S.I. We play and sing: Performances of Russian folk. games,

pechen, round dances and holiday scripts for children younger. and Wednesday school

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Surovyak, L.V. Tarasevich, N.A. Bunny in the garden / L.V. Surovyak, N.A.

Tarasevich. - Novosibirsk: Knizhitsa, 2002. - 64 p.

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part / comp. L.V. Shamina, L.L. Kupriyanova. – M.: Education, 1992.

"Maslenitsa". Folklore festival script

Progress of the holiday.

Two buffoons come out

Buffoon 1st.

Hello, friends! Are you familiar with this holiday - Maslenitsa?

In church books, Maslenitsa is called Cheese Week, during which Adam was expelled from paradise.

Buffoon 2nd.

So that the old Winter woman would not be angry, she left in an amicable way and in due date, the Russian people have long given her magnificent happy farewell- with pancakes, snowballs, bonfires, slides, calling this ritual Maslenitsa.

Sometimes this holiday is called farewell to Winter or welcome to Spring. It falls at the end of February - beginning of March, 8 weeks before Easter. This is a fun holiday.

Each day of Maslenitsa had its own name, each day had certain actions and rules of conduct:

Monday – meeting.

Tuesday is a flirt.

Wednesday - gourmet, take a walk, fracture.

Thursday - take a walk, Thursday, wide.

Friday is mother-in-law's evening.

Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers.

Sunday is a day of forgiveness, farewell.

The whole week was called “an honest, broad, cheerful lady - Maslenitsa, Madam Maslenitsa.”

So, Monday – meeting. All guests are greeted with pancakes. Mummers go from house to house asking for treats. The owners called the guests: “Come and visit us in the wide yard! Ride in the mountains, lie in pancakes (the presenter turns over the page of the large Maslenitsa calendar)

Monday Meeting Page

Maslenitsa was often opened by children who built snow mountains and welcomed it.

Four guys come out and perform Russian,

folk song dramatization “Like thin ice...”.

1. He called, invited the honest Semik wide Maslenitsa to visit him in the yard.

2. Are you my soul, Maslenitsa, your quail bones, your paper body, your sugar lips, your sweet speech!

3. Come visit us in our wide yard, ride in the mountains, roll around in pancakes, and amuse your heart!

4. Come to my wooden house to amuse your soul, have fun with your mind, and enjoy your speech!

1. No, not Maslenitsa is coming! How will we celebrate Spring without her?

2. Oh, apparently everyone will have to call her together. Let's do this: we will start calling Maslenitsa, and you, friends, repeat after us together.

3. Well, let’s try: “Come, Maslenitsa, visit the wide yard! "Once again, together! He doesn’t hear, apparently, Maslenitsa!

After shouting three times, Maslenitsa (a scarecrow carried out by a group of children) appears to the sounds of music.

1. Oh, Maslenitsa is a cuckoo,

We welcome you well:

Cheese, butter, roll

And a baked egg!

2. We boast about you,

We ride in the mountains,

We'll overeat on pancakes!

3. Our annual Maslenitsa,

Our Maslenitsa is daring!

4. Our annual Maslenitsa!

She's an expensive living room.

All: Hello, Maslenitsa.

The scarecrow is placed in the center of the stage and is performed

song “Like ours at the gate”

Tuesday - flirt (the presenter turns over the next sheet)

Page "Tuesday - Flirting"

On this day they play a variety of games, snowball fights and sledding. Guys are allowed to court brides on the second day of Maslenitsa.

At the Petrovs' gate

The round dance winds and winds,

The round dance winds and winds,

People are gathering.

6 girls come out to the music.

1. Wow Vanya-simplicity,

2. Open the gate...

3. Crochet

4. Chest,

5. Silver patch,

6. New thread under the gate.

They perform the song “There is a viburnum on the mountain...”

6 guys come out to meet you.

1. Look, honest people, don’t dust the path,

2. Good fellows have come,

3. Walk a little.

4. Eh, the street is small, but the round dance is great,

5. The round dance is great,

6. He tells me to play!

The game "Boyars" is being played

Buffoon 2.

Come on, mummered people,

Louder, louder clap!

Our Misha is going to dance

With the girl Alenka.

A boy in a bear costume is performing a dance.

Everyone is laughing, everyone is making noise,

Everyone is dancing...

Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa!

Everything around is like in a fairy tale!

Wednesday is delicious.

(the presenter turns over the next sheet)

Page "Wednesday - Gourmet"

This is a family day. There were pancakes both at home and on the street. From morning to evening, pancake makers walked around, calling: “Who needs pancakes hot, who needs butter? »

It’s not Maslenitsa without pancakes,

It's not a name day without pies.

How on oil week

Pancakes were flying from the chimney,

You, my pancakes,

Oh, my pancakes!

The song “Oh, pancakes” is performed

After the song, the Host and Hostess come out and greet the guests with pancakes.

A guest on the doorstep is a joy for the owner!

We ask in the hut: for the red guest - a red place.

Make yourself at home, take a seat!

Have some tea and pancakes and listen to the harmonica.


The guests come to the table, the hostess treats them.

We greet everyone with bread and salt,

We bring the samovar to the table,

We don't miss tea

We talk about this and that.

Help yourself, don't be shy! Try some pancakes.

Damn good, not alone.

The pancake doesn't spoil the belly.

Guests say

1. Oil week has arrived,

Was at my godfather's for pancakes.

2. Four sat down at the table,

There's room for my darling.

3. We looked at each other

And then everyone ate pancakes.

And now, dear guests, guess the riddles.

The kids run out.

1. Congratulations to the owner and owner, and everyone honest people Happy holiday, Happy Maslenitsa!

2. Tin-tin-tinka, give me some blink!

3. Increased pancake, buttery piece!

4. Auntie, don’t be stingy, share a piece of butter!

Bring on the wide Maslenitsa!

The children, having taken gifts, sing the song “Let’s go through the raspberries into the forest”

Guests (stand up)

1. Thanks for the treat.

2. It’s time and honor to know!

Honor to the guest and honor to the owner!

The guests are happy - the owners are happy!

Guests and hosts perform the Russian folk song “In the Forge”

Thursday is the fourth day of the week.

(the presenter turns over the sheet)

Page “Thursday – take a walk, Thursday is wide”

Thursday is wide wide Maslenitsa. Again, various fun continues: mummers, buffoons, three horses with bells. Everything is thundering, having fun, making noise.

Blow the pipes, beat the spoons.

Matryoshkas are coming to visit us,

wooden spoons,

The matryoshka dolls are rosy.

All the people are looking out the windows -

Oh, how good are the nesting dolls!

4 Matryoshkas come out and sing the song “Matryoshkas”

Guys and girls are walking towards each other.

1. Summer is for trying, winter is for partying.

2. Thursday, Friday, Saturday we don’t go to work.

3. Busy with ditties, songs with stompers.

4. Come on, Timokha and Demyan, Nikolai, Semyon, Ivan, let’s sit down, brothers, in a row and sing ditties.

Ditties are performed.

So Friday has arrived.

(the presenter turns over the sheet)

Page “Friday – mother-in-law’s evenings, mother-in-law’s pancakes”

Friday is mother-in-law's evening. The main event was the visit of the mother-in-law by her sons-in-law, for whom she baked pancakes and arranged a real feast, if the son-in-law was to her liking, of course.

Scene “At the Mother-in-Law”

The mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law:

Khomka is a son-in-law, and Pakhomka is a son-in-law,

And Grishka is a son-in-law, and Gavryushka is a son-in-law,

And Makarka is a son-in-law, and Zakharka is a son-in-law,

Son-in-law Vanyushka is dearer than all sons-in-law.

And the mother-in-law began to invite her sons-in-law to visit...

Khomka goes, and Grishka goes,

And Gavryushka goes, and Zakharka goes.

And Pakhomka goes, and Makarka goes.

“Son-in-law Vanyushka, go quickly! »

And the mother-in-law began to seat her sons-in-law at the table.

Khomka sat down, and Pakhomka sat down,

And Grishka sat down, and Gavryushka sat down,

And Makarka sat down, and Zakharka sat down.

“Son-in-law Vanyushka - come and sit here! »

The mother-in-law began to treat her sons-in-law with pancakes:

Damn Khomka, and damn Pakhomka,

And damn Grishka, and damn Gavryushka,

Damn Makarka, and damn Zakharka,

Son-in-law Vanyushka - pancake with butter.

The mother-in-law began to collect money from her sons-in-law.

From Khomka a ruble, and from Pakhomka a ruble,

And from Grishka a ruble, and from Gavryushka a ruble,

And from Makarka a ruble, and from Zakharka a ruble,

From son-in-law Vanyushka - a pair of silver.

The mother-in-law began to see off her sons-in-law.

And Khomka in the neck, and Gavryushka in the neck,

And Makarka in the neck, and Zakharka in the neck

(the rest, except Vanya, run away)

And son-in-law Vanya - for his holy hair.

Music is playing.

So Saturday has come.

(the presenter turns over the sheet)

Page “Saturday – sister-in-law’s gatherings”

Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings, for which all the relatives gathered at the sister-in-law's.

The day was divided into two parts: in the morning they built snow and ice fortresses, and after the end of the “battle” they went to feast with their husband’s relatives.

The girls come out to the music of “The Young Spinner”, they have needlework in their hands. They sit on a bench and work.

1. For the first time, we embroidered a bright month with moons, a bright month with moons, and frequent stars.

2. The second time they embroidered a red sun with rays and blue clouds.

3. The third time they embroidered a blue sea with waves, with white ships, the middle was decorated with light blue flowers.

4. Work and hands are a reliable guarantee for people. Having nothing to do, the cockroach climbs onto the floor.

5. We work so hard that we don’t have time and wipe our noses.

The guys come out and say:

1. And we will tell you tall tales in person.

Not short and not long,

And those that are just right,

From me to you.

2. Fables in faces, incredible things,

Unprecedented, unheard of!

3. A gray bear flies across the sky,

He waves his ears and paws,

He adjusts it with his black tail.

4. A pig built a nest on an oak tree,

She made a nest and brought out the babies.

5. Little pigs,

They sit on the branches,

They look over the top

They look over the top

They want to fly away.

1. Well, stop chatting,

Time to start dancing.

2. Go around the entire planet

There is no better Russian dance.

Balalaika and accordion

They light a fire in us.

A dance is performed.

1. For business - I couldn’t, for work - I couldn’t,

And eat, dance,

Can't be found against us.

2. Play - don’t get tired,

The matter would not have gone away.

3. Ay, it’s fun to sing!

Having fun spinning.

Song "Duck"

Sunday has arrived.

(the presenter turns over the sheet)

Page “Sunday – forgiven day, farewell”

Sunday is a forgiven day. The very last and most important day of Maslenitsa. In the morning, people went in droves to cemeteries and graveyards to “ask for forgiveness” from their parents and grandfathers.

This Sunday we are supposed to forgive each other all insults and not hold a grudge in our hearts. This custom was observed by everyone: from the peasant to the king. We shouldn’t forget this good ancient tradition. Remember, each of you could unwittingly offend someone. Ask him for forgiveness.

This day was called differently: farewell, farewell, kissing day, Forgiveness day.

They held a magnificent farewell to Winter, held round dances, gave gifts, and burned an effigy of Maslenitsa. They sang songs: “Farewell, farewell Maslenitsa, wide, free Maslenitsa! »

Children come out to the music.

1. Goodbye, Maslenitsa spinner,

Great Lent is coming.

2. Everyone in the village has eaten up,

Great Lent is coming.

3. Everyone in the village is tired,

Herring tail is served.

4. How pancakes flew to the ceiling during the oil week!

5. You, Maslenitsa, you are a liar,

She spoke for seven weeks, and there is only one day left.

6. Goodbye, Maslenitsa,

Goodbye red!

Lent is coming,

They will give us a radish tail,

But we don’t take radishes,

We pull the cat's ears.

7. Maslenitsa, come back!

IN New Year ride!

Oh, you, annual Maslenitsa,

Our dear guest,

She fed us pancakes

Treated me with pies!

Goodbye, Maslenitsa!

Our performance dedicated to Russian Maslenitsa is over. But our holiday is not over yet.

Before we go outside to burn the Maslenitsa effigy, walk and have fun, we will hold several games and fun competitions.

Games, competitions, fun.

Now let’s go for a walk to see off Maslenitsa.

Here is our Maslenitsa! Now we will burn it and find out what the year will be like. If the smoke goes up, then the year will be fruitful, and if it spreads down, it will be poor. Also, along with the effigy, your notes with wishes that will certainly come true will burn.

(on the street) Sk. 2.

Empress Maslenitsa!

We boasted about you

We ate pancakes, had fun,

Now your time has come,

Make us all happy!

Burn-burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Let's repeat in chorus 3 times:

Burn-burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

So we say goodbye to Maslenitsa. Now the scarecrow will burn out, which means the end of winter!

Games, fun, horse riding and tea with pancakes.
