When do nipples swell during pregnancy? Preparing for childbirth

Hello dear readers. Well, don't shout like that, let's figure out together what to expect if darkened nipples. We are ready to name 7 reasons for the discoloration of the nipple-aleolar complex (NAC).

The main reasons for changes in the color of the nipple and areola are usually attributed to:

Puberty as a cause of nipple changes

Why do glands and papilla change during puberty? At least, because during this period, the glands of girls grow and develop. In order for the girl’s bust to be pleasantly rounded and the figure to acquire an alluring femininity, her ovaries produce a lot of estrogen.

By the way, the same hormones are rampant during ovulation and during pregnancy. It is they who are "guilty" of changing the appearance of the breasts and nipples.

Menstruation and dark nipples

Menstrual bleeding is considered a sign of the normal functioning of a healthy female body. In women, this period proceeds in different ways: regularly and painlessly, normally, or with pain and a violation of the cycle.

If the breast has increased, the sensitivity of the nipples has changed, you have stepped into the second half of the cycle, that is, in the ovulatory period. The time before menstruation is a period of rampant hormones and related changes. After ovulation with the onset of bleeding, the discomfort should stop.

If your pink circles turn brown every month, the bust hurts, but the gynecologist or mammologist did not find any violations, such manifestations can be considered a variant of the norm.

If the changes appear unexpectedly, strongly, a secret oozes from the nipple, consult a doctor. This not normal!

Dark nipples as a sign of pregnancy

A change in the color of the nipple-areolar complex (NAC) is indeed one of the signs of pregnancy. Some ladies, even before the delay, face 3 main signs regarding the bust:

  • engorgement of SAK;
  • swelling of the chest.

This is due to the game of hormones: progesterone and estrogen. If the test is negative:

  • wait 2 weeks and repeat it (maybe your test is not sensitive enough);
  • buy a more sensitive test;
  • donate blood for hCG (increased amounts of gonadotropin in the blood are detected earlier than in the urine);
  • visit a gynecologist.

If such phenomena during ovulation are atypical for you, there is no delay - consult a doctor. The reason for the discomfort is most likely not pregnancy. Or you mistook implantation bleeding for menstruation. In any case, a visit to the gynecologist will not be superfluous.

During pregnancy, not only the SAH area, but also the skin of the bust can darken. The phenomenon is called melasma. This is also normal and reversible. After the baby is born, the spots will lighten and eventually disappear.

SAH during lactation

During breastfeeding (breastfeeding), the tips of the nipples become coarser and the areola area may become darker. This is due to the need to feed the child. Some scientists believe that dark nipples are easier for children to see. All newborns and infants have poor eyesight. Only by the age of 3 does it reach 0.6. Dark circles should indicate the crumbs food source. But we don't know for sure if that's the case. But hormones, such as prolactin, may well cause such changes.

OK and areola

I drink OK (oral contraceptives) and my nipples are dark, what does this mean? Nothing but hyperpigmentation. OK are pills made on the basis of female sex hormones. Taking birth control medication should help a woman not get pregnant. These pills affect the functioning of the female body.

With long-term use, artificial hormone pills, like their natural counterparts, can cause SAH hyperpigmentation and even melasma. After discontinuation of the drug, the color of the areolas will return to normal.

Hormonal imbalance

An excess of progesterone or estrogens caused by diseases leads to the same phenomena as the natural factors that cause the growth of these hormones. If the nipples are swollen, the glands hurt and enlarged outside of pregnancy, or these phenomena are not associated with the menstrual cycle, be sure to consult a doctor.

Pathologies of the mammary gland

Various oncological diseases can cause changes in the nipple area, but it leads to darkening. This is a rare form of cancer, the beginning of which is very difficult to notice. A change in the color of the nipple is one of the first signs of illness. But it may be redness, and not the acquisition of a brown tint.

Even with this disease, the skin of the nipple and the area around it peels off, it (the skin) is a little irritated and you may feel a tingling sensation. At the initial stage of the disease, the nipples do not hurt. The described symptoms may disappear periodically, but this does not mean recovery.

The pain comes in the later stages of the disease, along with its flattening and retraction, erosions and sores on the skin.

Sore and change the color of the nipples with mycosis. In this case, you experience itching, the skin in the SAH area becomes red, cracks and peeling appear.

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Nipples change a lot during pregnancy, but such changes are normal and understandable. And yet it is worth knowing what to prepare for, so it would be useful to find out the symptoms that affect the female breast in such an important life period.

Why do nipples change so much during pregnancy? The body of the expectant mother is preparing for the upcoming important event - the birth of a child. After childbirth, the female breast begins to fulfill its main function - providing the baby with milk (lactation). And it is for breastfeeding that she begins to gradually prepare after conception.

All changes are due to the influence of hormones that provide optimal conditions for the development of the fetus. And since the hormonal background has the most direct effect on the mammary glands, the nipples are also involved in the process, this is completely normal from a physiological point of view.

Interesting: the mammary glands begin to respond to the fertilization that has occurred literally 1.5-2 weeks after conception. And some symptoms may be perceived as signs of pregnancy.

What changes are considered normal

Some believe that the signs of pregnancy, nipples and female breasts are closely related, that is, all changes signal that fertilization has occurred. This is far from always the case, and yet some metamorphoses do occur with the mammary glands during the gestation period.

The following symptoms are considered normal:

  • Darkening of the nipples during pregnancy. This sign is noticed by many women, and it does not go unnoticed, because the halos can acquire a rich dark brown hue. And if the nipples darken, then this indicates an increase in their pigmentation, which is associated with the production of an increased amount of melanin pigment (pigmentation is due to hormonal changes).
  • The so-called tubercles of Montgomery. They look like light pimples covering the halos (their number on one breast can reach 10-12). These tubercles are rudimentary glands, that is, not used and atrophied in the process of evolution. Presumably, they secreted a skin secret, which made it possible to protect the mammary glands from pathogenic microorganisms, as well as to normalize the pH of the skin.
  • Increased sensitivity of the nipples in the early stages, which causes discomfort. And this is also necessary for the establishment of lactation, because when the female breast is stimulated, milk begins to be produced, and if she does not respond to such influences, then the baby will not receive the required amount of food.
  • Discharge from the nipples - colostrum. Normally, it begins to stand out for a period of 20-25 weeks. Sometimes this happens earlier, but still, colostrum should not be released from the nipples in the first weeks of pregnancy. In addition, it has a white or yellowish tint and a thick but uniform consistency. There is no smell.
  • Size increase. The mammary glands usually increase in size, swell, and the nipples also respond to these changes.
  • In some expectant mothers, halos itch and peel off. And this may be due to the rapid stretching of the skin due to an increase in size. But also the skin can peel off due to a lack of vitamins A and E, which is sometimes observed during the gestation period. Excessively dry nipples in the absence of timely measures may begin to crack.
  • Changing the shape of the nipples of a pregnant woman. They are actively preparing for lactation and therefore may become somewhat elongated so that the baby can properly capture and stimulate them, ensuring the flow of milk.

When to See a Doctor

If all of the above changes in the nipples during pregnancy are due to the restructuring of the body of the expectant mother, then some symptoms cannot be considered normal and sometimes speak of pathologies. Here is some of them:

  • In addition to peeling on the nipples, there are other symptoms, such as white bloom, itching, and discomfort. These signs may indicate candidiasis, that is, thrush. Although such a disease develops infrequently during pregnancy, it can still occur due to a violation of the microflora associated with a decrease in immunity or non-observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene.
  • The appearance of red or black dots on the nipples. If the Montgomery tubercles suddenly turned black or reddened, this is not normal and probably indicates their blockage or inflammation. And in this case, the inflammatory process that has begun can spread to the tissues of the mammary gland and provoke the development of mastitis.
  • The color of the nipples during pregnancy has changed towards lightening. If they begin to brighten, especially after hypothermia, this phenomenon may be associated with a violation of blood circulation and blood supply to the tissues of the mammary glands, the causes of which are often very serious. It is also worth being wary if dark halos suddenly brighten sharply.
  • Pathological discharge, for example, having an unpleasant odor or a strange shade: brown, greenish, pink (bloody patches may be present). After drying, plaque may form. And for sure this is not colostrum, but a symptom of some disease, such as mastopathy or mastitis.
  • The mammary glands should be approximately the same, although asymmetry is still allowed. But if one nipple has changed and is very different from the other, or if the symptoms apply to only one breast, then you should see a doctor.
  • Soreness in the chest, accompanied by reddening of the skin, hyperemia, fever.

An interesting fact: not all women notice changes, but their absence is not a pathology, it is associated with the individual sensitivity of the body. So if the breasts practically did not increase during pregnancy, and the nipples after childbirth look almost the same as before conception, this does not mean that something is wrong. Even in this case, lactation is possible.

Nipple stimulation during pregnancy

Some argue that the breasts need to be prepared for feeding: rub with a washcloth or a hard towel, strain in advance. But you should not do this, because stimulation can be dangerous. When exposed to sensitive nipples, the uterus reacts, which can lead to hypertonicity and, as a result, to premature birth.

But what is the connection between the breast and the uterus? It is laid down by nature itself: the newborn actively sucks milk and thereby stimulates the mammary glands, and the uterus begins to actively contract, which allows it to be completely cleansed of the products of pregnancy. As a result, postpartum discharge will be less long.

If you notice changes affecting your breasts at the beginning of pregnancy, do not rush to worry. Perhaps the changes are completely normal.

The areola is a small round area on the skin of the breast around the nipple, unlike the rest of the tissue, is colored. When they say “nipple color”, they mean areola pigmentation. The color can vary from pink, red to dark brown, almost black. The whiter the skin tone, the lighter the woman's areola. The color of the nipples depends on the general condition of the body, hormonal levels, pregnancy, and can also be the main sign of the presence of malignant processes in the body.

What determines the color of the nipples?

From a medical point of view, the color intensity of the breast nipple depends on the amount of melanin in the superficial cells of the areola. The number of pigment element is different for different people. The main color differences are observed in people with different geographical habitats and nationalities. Thus, in persons living under the constant influence of ultraviolet radiation, the color of the nipple is in the brown range.

Reasons for changing the color of the nipples

The color of the nipple changes for the following main reasons:

Physiological changes in the body:

Age factors, which lie in the fact that in the process of aging in the female breast, the amount of adipose tissue decreases and, as a result, the mammary gland decreases in volume. Skin changes occur due to a decrease in the level of the female hormone - estrogen. Physiological aging also appears on the areola area in the form of hair loss and darkening of the color of the nipple. Similar processes can be observed during menopause.

Pregnancy. The color of the nipples during pregnancy often changes in the fifth week of pregnancy. So, gradually darkening of the nipple occurs, which is accompanied by increased sensitivity and soreness. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the increased formation of melanin, which enters the body of a woman from the fetus. Darkening of the nipples during pregnancy also contributes to a change in the amount of sex hormones.

Mechanical trauma of the chest area:

Injury to the soft tissues of the breast causes the formation of redness and bruising.

The formation of cracks in the nipple and its redness in some cases is formed during breastfeeding.

Inflammatory-destructive processes:

Atopic dermatitis of the thoracic areola is the result of wearing too tight underwear, which causes a violation of blood circulation in the affected area and the development of acute inflammation of the skin of the breast. At the same time, the color of the skin on the nipples becomes more intense.

Allergic dermatitis is considered a pathological hypersensitivity reaction of the body in response to direct contact with an allergen. The disease is characterized by the formation of acute swelling of the soft tissues of the chest, redness of the skin and nipples, as well as an intense itching sensation in the affected area.

Precancerous diseases:

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is a pathological condition that is manifested by the formation of red spots on the nipples and the surface of the mammary gland. As a rule, cystic changes in breast tissues are accompanied by chronic dermatitis.

Tumor of the breast:

It must be remembered that a change in the color of the nipple may indicate the presence of a malignant neoplasm of the breast at an early stage. In the future, oncological patients note a slight release of blood fluid and an increase in regional lymph nodes.
Treatment of a pathological anomaly

Age-related changes in the color of the nipples do not require diagnostic procedures. Pregnant patients need to remember that after childbirth and the restoration of the hormonal status of the body, the color of the areola returns to its normal color.

Treatment of dermatitis is carried out according to the recommendations of a dermatologist, who prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and regenerating ointments.
Treatment of a fibrocystic condition is necessary due to the high likelihood of cancerous degeneration of healthy tissues.

The main treatment for breast cancer is surgery to remove the tumor tissue. After the surgery, it is recommended to undergo a course of radiation therapy to prevent the formation of tumor metastases.

During pregnancy, the body of women undergoes hormonal changes, the level of hormones rises, which means that the breast also changes. But some changes scare pregnant women. So, why do nipples hurt and darken, swell and increase during pregnancy? Questions that need to be answered.

Why do nipples swell

Almost all women change their nipples during pregnancy. In general, a change in the breast is a reliable sign of what has happened. When the egg is fertilized, the mammary glands begin to prepare for the future feeding of the child. The tissue grows, the breast becomes heavy and the nipples change during pregnancy. The diameter of the nipples increases.

Enlargement is a normal process, because a large amount of blood enters the chest. The milk ducts expand, and the nipples need to get used to the irritants, which is the baby's mouth. The nipples in early pregnancy become longer and larger in order to make it easier for the baby to grab them.


Most often, if the breast swells and the nipples increase during pregnancy, then there is pain and discomfort. And do not be surprised at this, because the mammary glands grow very quickly, and the skin does not have time to adapt. Greater discomfort is felt just in the nipple area, the skin stretches, cracks may form, and as a result, pain and burning. Many women complain that their nipples hurt during pregnancy and do not know why this is happening.

Of course, you can minimize the pain by wearing a comfortable cotton bra without inserts. It helps to fix the chest well in order to eliminate oscillations when walking.

Nipples change color

Is it normal for nipples to darken during pregnancy? Nothing wrong with that. For example, breast swelling and enlarged nipples are not obvious signs of pregnancy, because such symptoms are also inherent in the premenstrual period. But the darkening of the areolas can accurately indicate the interesting position of a woman. And all because the fertilization of the egg increases the amount of dark pigment melanin. In addition, pigmentation can affect not only the chest, but also the face, hands, neck.

Therefore, the nipples during pregnancy become dark. The color intensity of each pregnant woman may be different. In some, the nipples become dark brown, while in others they become pale pink.

The increasing size of the areolas and nipples, as well as discoloration, sometimes bother pregnant women. But do not worry in vain, because after the end of breastfeeding, everything will return to its place.

Crack formation

But cracked nipples should be a cause for concern. In the normal course of pregnancy, cracks should not appear. Dry skin is the cause of cracked skin. Nipples during pregnancy can crack from mechanical stress. This applies to situations where a woman performs various manipulations with her breasts in order to prepare her for lactation. No need to do anything: if the nipples do not sink in, then there will be no problems with feeding.

If colostrum is intensively secreted, then hygiene procedures must be carried out regularly. Colostrum irritates the nipples during pregnancy, and as a result, cracks may appear.

The presence of papillomas on the chest

The situation is more complicated with moles and papillomas on the nipples. During pregnancy, they do not cause trouble, and during lactation, problems may arise. The child will capture the entire nipple, thereby irritating papillomas.

And it’s good if there are flat moles. With hanging papillomas, it is rather inconvenient to breastfeed a child. Therefore, it is necessary to consult in advance with a specialist who will relieve the nipples in the early stages of pregnancy from moles.

Pay great attention to immunity if moles began to form already during pregnancy. The appearance of papillomas suggests that the virus, which simply slept in the female body, has activated. This was caused by hormonal changes.

As you know, this indicates a weakening of the immune system, so it is important to report the formation of moles to a doctor who will give advice.

Should I be afraid of discharge from the nipples

Breast swelling, pain, heaviness are clear signs of pregnancy. Nipples increase in size and even darken. Could there be any discharge? Yes, they can, even at an early date there is a slight discharge. It is called colostrum - a clear, pink or yellowish liquid with white impurities. In this case, there is no reason to worry, because this is a normal consequence of hormonal changes. After the twentieth week of pregnancy, colostrum appears in all women without exception. Thus, the mammary glands are prepared to feed the baby.

It is important to know that colostrum should not be squeezed out of the breast in any case. It is advisable to wash the nipples with warm water and lubricate with a nourishing cream to avoid cracking.

Formation of white pimples on the nipples

Often, pregnant women find that white pimples or pimples have formed on the chest, or rather around the nipples. They do not bother, do not cause inconvenience, but do not look aesthetically pleasing. Is it dangerous?

White pimples on the areolas are glands that are always and clearly manifested in this place during pregnancy, when the breast is preparing for lactation. Otherwise, these acne are called Montgomery tubercles and are not something terrible. It is likely that even after pregnancy and breastfeeding, the bumps will not go anywhere, but you don’t need to be afraid of this, they are not dangerous for the health of mom and baby. Sometimes the Montgomery tubercles disappear.

There is a belief that a large number of tubercles that appear is evidence of good lactation. On average, the number of Montgomery's tubercles can vary from 8 to 12 on each breast.

Nipples do not change: is this normal

Naturally, each female body reacts to pregnancy differently, and nipples during pregnancy are no exception. One woman has some symptoms, and the second - others. All of the above breast reactions to pregnancy are quite normal. There are times when, throughout the entire period of bearing a child, women do not feel any changes associated with the breasts and nipples. You don't have to be afraid of this either. The reaction will appear when milk enters the breast.

If you do not find any changes, then this does not mean that there will be problems with breastfeeding. Most likely, you are less sensitive to various changes that occur in the body.

Even if there are no changes or all signs of pregnancy are present, it is important to know what symptoms can cause urgent medical attention.

  • The presence of sharp and severe pain in the chest, but only in one.
  • Inflammation of the tubercles of Montgomery during childbearing.
  • The presence of secretions of green, pink shades with an unpleasant rotten odor. It is possible that blood is oozing from the chest.
  • Uncharacteristic nipple color.
  • Inflammation, redness of the nipple and areola. A woman may feel unwell, her body temperature rises.

Proper breast care

Many women constantly wear a bra, without taking it off even at home or at night, so the skin on the chest reacts sharply to any changes, because it is used to constant protection. In this case, the breast is poorly prepared for lactation; during pregnancy, a woman is inconvenienced by cracks around the nipples.

There are still no reasons for sadness - there are ways to independently prepare the breasts and nipples for breastfeeding. Preparation includes the following procedures:

  • Wiping the chest with a hard, better with a waffle towel after bathing or showering.
  • The exception of a bra at least at home. Nothing should squeeze the chest, it is necessary to give it the opportunity to come into contact with fresh air.
  • It is better to choose cotton bras, because you can’t do without them when milk enters the breast.
  • Massage is useful for the flow of milk, the mammary glands respond positively to any manipulation.

A person's breasts can change color over time due to natural events, such as puberty or pregnancy. In this case, the shade of the nipples themselves usually remains the same, but the color of the round areas of skin that surround the nipples and are called areolas may change.

As a rule, discoloration of the areolas does not indicate serious health problems. However, in some cases, this symptom needs medical attention. Causes of darkening of the nipples include the following:

  • puberty;
  • pregnancy;
  • hair around the nipples;
  • menstruation;
  • lactation;
  • Paget's disease of the breast.

Below we will describe in more detail each of the causes of darkening of the nipples.

The content of the article:

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives can lead to hormonal changes that cause darkening of the nipples

Contraceptive pills contain synthetic types of hormones and. Taking these pills helps a woman avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Like natural hormones, birth control pills can have a significant effect on a woman's body. In particular, they can cause darkening of the skin around the nipples. However, this effect disappears immediately after a woman stops taking oral contraceptives.

Birth control pills can lead to melasma, which is a condition in which brown or gray pigment spots form on the skin.


The level of estrogen in a woman's body increases significantly during puberty, when this hormone is produced by the ovaries. Elevated estrogen levels cause breast development.

During this period, the appearance of the nipples changes. In particular, they may darken or rise above the surrounding skin.


As the fetus grows in the mother's womb, the breast begins to prepare for the birth of the child and its feeding.

The body produces additional amounts of estrogen and progesterone in preparation for the production of milk, which will feed the child at the initial stage of his life. As hormones begin to be produced, the appearance of the breasts may change.

During pregnancy, women may notice that their breasts increase in size and become more sensitive. The nipples usually become darker. It is believed that in this way the body adapts to make it easier for the newborn to identify the source of food.

Darkening of the nipples during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, the nipples become lighter again.


By the time breastfeeding begins, the nipples may darken to make it easier for the baby to find a food source.

As mentioned above, breastfeeding can cause a number of changes in a woman's body, in particular, darkening of the nipples.

According to some scientists, the areolas may darken in order to make it easier for an infant to find a feeding place on its mother's breast. However, the hormonal fluctuations that lead to milk production can also cause changes in nipple color.

Newborns have poor eyesight, and dark nipples may have evolved to help the infant quickly find a food source. The nipples regain their original color over time, that is, after breastfeeding is completed.

Hair around the nipples

Fine hair growing in the nipple area is quite common. This hair may have a darker shade compared to other body hair.

When dark hair grows near the nipples, it can cause the nipples to appear darker than usual.


An essential attribute of a healthy menstrual cycle. During this cycle, the ovaries prepare to release an egg for subsequent fertilization with sperm.

In turn, the breast also changes throughout each menstrual cycle. These changes occur because the menstrual process is controlled by changes in the body's hormonal levels.

During the breast also undergoes certain changes. It may become more sensitive or increase in size as the hormonal levels change. Similarly, a woman may notice that her nipples have become darker.


Paget's disease, a type of cancer that starts in the nipples

Paget's disease of the breast is a rare form of cancer that starts in the nipple area.

Darkening of the nipples is an early sign of Paget's disease. Other early symptoms of the disease include:

  • flattened nipples;
  • yellow or bloody discharge from the nipples;
  • peeling or thickening of the skin around the nipples;
  • the formation of a crust in the nipples;
  • itching or tingling in the nipples.

A person can experience this form of cancer at any time in life after puberty. However, Paget's disease is much more common in adults than in young people.

If a person develops any of the symptoms of this disease, he should contact a doctor as soon as possible.

When do you need to see a doctor?

People may observe natural changes in the appearance of the nipples and breasts as they develop and mature. Many events in a person's life can lead to darkening of the nipples, such as puberty, menstruation, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

You should consult a doctor if any of the following symptoms appear:

  • peeling;
  • flattening;
  • crusting;
  • discoloration of only one nipple;
  • redness;
  • formations in the chest.

If a woman suspects that she is pregnant, she should also see a doctor as soon as possible.


Throughout life, the color of a person's nipples can change due to various biological events. In most cases, darkening of the nipples should not be a cause for concern. Moreover, nipples often restore their appearance.

You should go to the hospital if, when the nipples darken, there are accompanying symptoms that are not associated with natural changes and indicate a pathology. The doctor will diagnose and exclude dangerous diseases, and, if necessary, begin their slow treatment.
