Formation of creative abilities of preschoolers. How to develop creativity in preschool children

Family Opportunities in the Development of Creative Abilities of Preschoolers

Zakharova N. I.

Educator, teacher - psychologist MDOU "Kindergarten No. 55 of a general developmental type"

Elektrostal, Russia Zakharova. [email protected]

Abstract: the purpose of the article is the importance of the family in the development of the creative abilities of preschool children. Early detection and development of children's creative abilities is the main task of modern education. The extent to which the possibilities of work on their development will be used will largely depend on the creative potential of an adult, ensuring the further development of science and culture, scientific and technological progress, areas of production and social life. Their effective development is possible with the joint efforts of the family and preschool institutions.

Key words: creative thinking, creative abilities, cognitive interests, imagination, activity, game.

Creativity is not a new subject of study. However, in the past, society did not have a particular need to develop the creative abilities of people. Talents appeared as if by themselves, masterpieces of literature and art, scientific discoveries, inventions were created, thereby satisfying the needs of a developing human culture. In our time, the situation has changed radically. Life in the era of scientific and technological progress is becoming more diverse and more complex. And it requires from a person not stereotyped habitual actions, but mobility, flexibility of thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, a creative approach to solving large and small problems. In the modern world, the creative abilities of a person should be recognized as the most essential part of his intellect. The cultural values ​​accumulated by mankind are the result of the creative activity of people. How far human society will advance in the future will be determined by the creative potential of the younger generation.

Creativity is the individual qualities of a person, which determine the success of his performance of creative activities of various kinds.

Creativity is an amalgamation of many qualities. Psychologists believe that the components of creativity are:

1. The ability to see the problem where others do not see it.

2. The ability to collapse mental operations, replacing several concepts with one and using symbols that are more and more capacious in terms of information.

3. The ability to apply the skills acquired in solving one problem to solving another.

4. The ability to perceive reality as a whole, without splitting it into parts.

5. The ability to easily associate distant concepts.

6. The ability of memory to give out the right information at the right moment.

7. Show flexibility of thinking.

8. Ease of generating ideas.

9. The ability to generate new non-standard ideas, the development of creative thinking.

10. The ability to improve your "product" of activity.

11. Ability to express a wide variety of ideas.

12. The ability to refine the details to improve the original idea.

Speaking about the formation of abilities, it is necessary to dwell on the question of at what age children's creative abilities should be developed. Psychologists call different terms. There is a hypothesis that it is necessary to develop creative abilities from a very early age. This hypothesis finds its confirmation in physiology.

The child's brain grows especially fast and "ripens" in the first years of life. This maturation, that is, the growth in the number of brain cells and the anatomical connections between them, depends both on the diversity and intensity of the work of existing structures, and on how much the formation of new ones is stimulated by the environment. This period of "ripening" is the time of the highest sensitivity and plasticity to external conditions, the time of the highest and broadest opportunities for development. This is a favorable period for the beginning of the development of human abilities. But the child begins to develop only those abilities for the development of which there are incentives and conditions for the “moment” of this maturation. The more favorable the conditions, the closer they are to optimal ones, the more successfully development begins. If the maturation of the brain and the beginning of its functioning coincide in time, and the conditions are favorable, then development proceeds easily - with the highest possible acceleration. Development can reach its greatest height, and the child can become capable, talented and brilliant.

From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities, because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. Parents and teachers, by encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to them, involving them in various activities, contribute to the expansion of children's experience. The accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than that of older children. It is not yet "crushed" by stereotypes. Preschool childhood is also a sensitive period for the development of creative imagination.

Thus, preschool age provides excellent opportunities for the development of creativity. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on how these opportunities were used in childhood.

One of the most important factors in the creative development of children is the creation of the following conditions:

Early physical development of the child. It must be age appropriate.

Creating an environment that is ahead of the development of children. It is necessary, as far as possible, to surround the child in advance with such an environment and such a system of relations that would stimulate his most diverse creative activity and would develop in him precisely that which at the appropriate moment is capable of developing most effectively.

Provide an opportunity for the child to complete the task on their own, or help him by giving hints, rather than ready-made answers and solutions.

Giving the child more freedom in choosing activities, in alternating cases.

Do not turn freedom into permissiveness.

Warm friendly atmosphere in the family and children's team. Adults must create a safe psychological atmosphere.

The upbringing of the creative abilities of children will be effective only if it is a purposeful process, during which a number of particular pedagogical tasks are solved, aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Creativity includes the formation of thinking and creative imagination.

One of the directions for the development of creative thinking in preschool age is the formation of associativity, dialectics and systemicity. The development of these qualities makes thinking flexible, original and productive.

Associativity is the ability to see connections and similarities in objects and phenomena. A large number of associative links allows you to quickly retrieve the necessary information from memory. It is very easily acquired by preschoolers in a role-playing game.

Dialecticity is the ability to see contradictions in any systems, the ability to eliminate these contradictions, to solve problems. Dialecticity is a necessary quality for the development of talent.

Consistency is the ability to see an object or phenomenon as an integral system, to perceive any object, any problem comprehensively, in all the variety of connections; the ability to see the unity of interconnections in the phenomena and laws of development.

At preschool age, the development of the cognitive interests of the child, the formation of his thinking goes in two directions:

1. Gradual enrichment of the child's experience, saturation of this experience with new knowledge about various areas of reality. This causes the cognitive activity of the preschooler. The more aspects of the surrounding reality are revealed to children, the wider the opportunities for the emergence and consolidation of stable cognitive interests in them.

2. Gradual expansion and deepening of cognitive interests within the same sphere of reality.

In order to successfully develop the cognitive interests of the child, parents must know what their child is interested in, and only then influence the formation of his interests. It should be noted that for the emergence of sustainable interests, it is not enough just to acquaint the child with a new sphere of reality. He should have a positive emotional attitude towards the new. This is facilitated by the inclusion of a preschooler in joint activities with adults. The feeling of belonging to the world of adults that arises in a child in such situations creates a positive atmosphere for his activity and contributes to the emergence of his interest in this activity. But we should not forget about the child's own creative activity. Only then can the desired result be achieved in the development of his cognitive interests and in the assimilation of new knowledge. You need to ask him questions that encourage active reflection. At home, parents should involve their children in active activities with them.

The main structural component of the creative development of children 5-6 years old is problematic. It ensures the child's constant openness to new things, is expressed in the search for inconsistencies and contradictions, in his own formulation of new questions and problems. Even failure gives rise to a cognitive problem, causes research activity and provides opportunities for a new stage in creative development. (Matyushkin A.M., 199, p. 84).

The second direction in the formation of creative abilities of preschoolers is the development of creative imagination.

Imagination is the creation of something new in the form of images - representations. It is the basis of creative activity. Everything that surrounds us and that is made by human hands, the whole world of culture, unlike nature - all this is a product of creative imagination.

Creativity is an activity that gives new, first created, original products.

Preschool childhood is a sensitive period for the development of the imagination. In the 30s L.S. Vygodsky proved that the child's imagination develops gradually, as he acquires certain experience. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the child's experience in order to create a sufficiently strong foundation for creative activity. The more the child saw, heard, the more he learned and learned, the richer his imagination will be. It is with the accumulation of experience that imagination begins. The richer the experience of a person, the more material that his imagination has at his disposal. That is why the imagination of a child is poorer than that of an adult, and this is due to the poverty of his experience. Parents and educators must expand the experience of children in order to create a solid foundation for their creative activity. This is facilitated by various excursions, stories of adults about the surrounding reality, the laws of nature, reading fiction, visiting exhibitions, museums, visiting creative circles, experimenting with objects, listening to music, admiring nature. Thanks to the acquaintance with art, the images of the imagination in children become more complete and vivid.

Productive creative imagination is characterized not only by such features as originality and richness of produced images. One of the most important properties of such an imagination is the ability to direct ideas in the right direction, to subordinate them to certain goals. The inability to manage ideas, to subordinate them to one's goal, leads to the fact that the best ideas and intentions disappear without being embodied in activity. Therefore, the most important line in the development of the preschooler's imagination is the development of the orientation of the imagination.

Parents can guide their child's activities through problematic questions so that imagination develops and does not fade away.

From a very early age, creativity manifests itself in games. A child who, holding the steering wheel in his hands, imagines that he is driving a car; a girl who plays with a doll and imagines herself a mother, a child who takes on the role of a dad, a sailor - all these are examples of real creativity. In their games, they reproduce what they saw, that is, imitate the actions of adults. And yet, these elements of the child's previous experience are never reproduced in play in exactly the same way as they were presented in reality. Thus, in the game there is a creative processing of experienced impressions, their combination and the construction of a new reality that meets the needs and inclinations of the child. To this end, parents can organize a role-playing game and influence its development during this game.

Just like play, children's desire to write is an activity of the imagination. Therefore, parents can compose fairy tales with their children, change its ending.

The ability to create a structure from elements, to combine the old into new combinations is the basis of creativity. This is facilitated by didactic games and games with building materials.

Being formed in the game, the imagination passes into other activities of the preschooler. It manifests itself most clearly in drawing. Here, just as in play, children first rely on directly perceived objects or strokes on paper that appear under their hand. At home, children should

be a corner for visual activity, where they can realize their creative potential.

Therefore, it is necessary to create favorable conditions and purposeful work should be carried out to develop creative abilities. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on how much the possibilities of work on their development were used. Effective development is possible only with the joint efforts of the family and preschool institutions.

So let's sum up the above.

Universal creative abilities are the individual characteristics, qualities of a person that determine the success of his performance of various creative activities. At the heart of human creative abilities are the processes of thinking and imagination. Therefore, the main directions for the development of creative abilities in preschool age are:

The development of a productive creative imagination, which is characterized by such qualities as the richness of the produced images and direction.

The development of the qualities of thinking that form creativity, such qualities are associativity, dialectic, systemic thinking.

Preschool age has the richest opportunities for the development of creative abilities. Therefore, it is necessary to use them as efficiently as possible in working with children.


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Matyushkin A.M. 1989 The concept of creative talent. Journal Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education No. 4 (33) October - December 2012, p. 83.

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Advice for parents. Development of creative abilities of children in the family

Purpose: the material will be of interest to educators when preparing a report, conversations with parents

Target: Attracting the attention of parents to creating conditions for joint family creativity

The closest environment for the child is a kindergarten and a family. It was here that he first formed the right attitude to creative activity. An important point in the artistic development of children is the conditions under which a general direction is set, the consistency of educators and parents. Both in kindergarten and at home, the child should feel like a member of a team close to him. He should know that his work is a part of a big and interesting thing that brings joy to everyone.
Let's talk about family holidays. Family celebrations are more successful and better remembered if children take part in their preparation. Is it necessary to involve children in the visual design of this or that event?
It is necessary! It is necessary in a playful entertaining way to interest the baby in preparing a festive event and help to fulfill the plan.
Children perform well in the role of graphic designers, in the manufacture of surprises, colorful decorations, rooms and costumes. Children should be offered classes on a specific topic. The theme of the assignments should reflect the content and emotional aspects of the festive event. An adult chooses a place to work, provides materials.

. Contests are exciting in the family. Adults and children compete, for example: in the manufacture of badges, flags for the holiday, garlands, costumes, decorations. You can paint balloons, brightly with festive scenes. To decorate tables, children cut out delicate napkins from thin colored paper for cutlery or a vase of flowers.

At the end of autumn, children start making Christmas decorations. Together with the children, you can prepare for the carnival. Children are happy to make carnival costumes and decorations for themselves and their friends. Children can easily make a clown hat, fluffy collar.
If children use a needle, then adult supervision is necessary. Masks of animals, attributes for games, children can easily make themselves.
In many families, it is customary to give gifts for the holiday. Children and adults come up with many interesting and original crafts. An adult should think about making a souvenir gift remind of the holiday for as long as possible. This happens when the product can decorate the interior of the room, be its small addition.

How much joy the child will be able to create that his gift is not hidden in the closet, but decorates the room, corridor, kitchen, his corner, or stands on his mother's table. An adult must show and prompt the child to choose one or another material. Beautifully and evenly cut, glue, decorate. Joint creativity with children is very close.

Making toys together, you show that leisure can be filled, meaningful, that in your free time you can not only watch TV, but also be creative. AND THIS IS VERY INTERESTING!


Denisenkova N.S.

candidate of psychological sciences,

Associate Professor social psychology of development MSUPE

The uniqueness and uniqueness of each person largely determines his abilities. Abilities begin to form in early childhood and continue to develop throughout life.

The famous child psychologist O.M. Dyachenko wrote that abilities are of lasting importance for a person, they ensure his success in various activities and help him quickly acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. It is the high level of development of abilities that allows the child to quickly navigate in almost any new task, clearly see its conditions, highlight significant aspects for understanding relationships, find solutions through restructuring conditions, create ideas for new creative products, express their attitude to others and phenomena of life in a cultural way. developed forms.

The unique combination and level of development of abilities are determined by two factors: inclinations and environmental influences.

Makings - anatomical and physiological features of the body, given by nature at birth. Here heredity plays a significant role.

Environment is a broader concept. It includes the whole set of conditions in which we live: culture, society, ecology, education, family and much more. Scientists of different directions, psychologists, teachers, sociologists, etc., agree that one of the main environmental factors that determine the development of a child's abilities is the family.

As studies (K.Yu. Belaya, N.E. Veraksa, N.S. Denisenkova, T.V. Doronova, L.B. Schneider and others) show, in modern Russian society, the family (parents, grandparents, other relatives) shows an increasing interest in the development of the child.

In this regard, the question of the role played by the family in the development of the child's abilities, how it influences this process, and how it can help the development of the intellect and creativity of a preschooler arises with particular urgency.

There are several factors of family education that affect the development of a child's abilities:

    The position of parents in relation to the development of the child and ways of influencing him

    Attitude towards the development of the child's abilities

    Styles of child-parent relationships

    Style of control and leadership of the child

    Family composition and relationships within it

Let's take a look at each of these areas.

In the works of E.L. Porotskaya and V.F. Spiridonov, it was revealed that a significant influence on the intellectual and creative development of preschoolers is exerted by POSITION IN RELATION TO DEVELOPMENT(active or passive) andways of influencing(taking into account and not taking into account age characteristics, amplification or acceleration).

A child develops best if parents read to him, talk a lot, study by themselves or attend developmental classes, and also actively participate in the life of a preschool institution. It is no less important that family members are aimed at amplifying development: they take into account the age-related capabilities and characteristics of preschoolers, their imaginative thinking, not fully developed conceptual apparatus, leading game activity, and insufficiently developed volitional sphere. If parents actively develop the child and do it in forms that are accessible and interesting for the preschooler, the abilities develop to the greatest extent. Children demonstrate not only high achievements in the intellectual sphere, but also in imagination, speech, memory, and attention. In addition, they have a high cognitive activity, which provides not only today's results, but also success in the future, at school, in later life.

If parents are active, but at the same time aimed at accelerating development, striving to make a schoolboy out of a child ahead of time, read with him, teach him to write, introduce him to complex school tasks, conduct long classes - abilities develop worse. A child may demonstrate a high level of awareness, know a lot, be able to read and count, but his abilities will be poorly developed. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the child is already using all his abilities, relying on memory, while creative tasks will become too much for him and the dynamics of his development will slow down. In elementary school, such children do well, but then they can become “solid averages”, and in high school they often experience difficulties.

The studies of N.S. Denisenkova and E.A. Klopotova showed that the cognitive activity of these children is reduced, they are not interested in anything. At the same time, both the dynamic component of cognitive activity and the content component suffer. Children not only ask few questions, but also do not seek to penetrate into the essence of phenomena, to understand cause-and-effect relationships.

Diagnostics of school readiness also testifies to the deformation of motivational readiness. Often such preschoolers do not want to go to school, their main motive is to get good grades, and not to learn new things. In addition, there are also personal problems. Children are not self-confident, they feel sick, tired. Faced with the first school difficulties, the child experiences real stress, which often leads to neurotic reactions and health problems.

The passive position of parents - unwillingness to engage in the development of their children, also leads to a low level of development of abilities. Preschoolers do not feel the need for cognitive activity, they are happy to realize themselves in the game, which turns out to be insufficient. They, as well as in the previous case, have poorly developed cognitive activity. They are unsuccessful in the classroom, which in turn repels them from further development. At the same time, if parents understand the value of preschool age, encourage children to play, draw, design, the child can successfully develop creatively, feel emotionally comfortable and have a significant chance of success in school.

If parents do not work with the child, but at the same time expect that he must read, write and study according to the school curriculum, the prospects for the development of such a baby can be sad. He demonstrates low intellectual performance, has poor imagination, low cognitive activity. In addition, he is not confident in himself, the school causes fear in him.

Consequently, the most favorable for the development of the abilities of preschoolers is the active position of parents, taking into account the age characteristics of the child and aimed at expanding the capabilities of the preschooler.

Our practical observations are close to these data and can supplement them. They concern INFLUENCES OF PARENTS' ATTITUDE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD'S ABILITIES. The very attitude of parents to the intellectual and creative abilities of the child can be different: positive, neutral, negative.

With a positive attitude, parents in every possible way encourage his intellectual development, rejoice at successes in this area, and support creative activity. In this case, the child has an incentive for further self-improvement, which has a positive effect on the level of his mental development.

If the parents do not express their attitude to the child's abilities in any way, and even more so if they express dissatisfaction with the fact that the child is different from others, then in this case the child has no incentive to achieve new results, to strive to learn, to learn something new, and consequently there is no active cognitive development.

Indirect confirmation of these data was obtained in studies of the influence of the position of parents on the development of gifted preschoolers (O.M. Dyachenko, N.S. Denisenkova, K. Tekeks, E.R. Torrens, etc.). It turned out that the attitude of parents to their giftedness is very significant for the development of both children and adolescents. In the case of a negative or ignoring attitude towards giftedness on the part of relatives, children conclude that the most important thing is not to stand out and begin to hide their abilities. Under certain circumstances, this can negatively affect not only mental, but also personal development. Prolonged suppression of the intellectual and expressive needs of a gifted child can lead to emotional disorders, neurosis, and even psychosis (M.A. Dirkes).

Thus, it can be argued that the positive attitude of parents to the cognitive development of the child, support for his cognitive and creative activity, encouragement of cognitive activity and recognition of the child's success in this area helps the preschooler develop his intellectual and creative abilities.

Another important factor influencing the development of abilities is STYLES OF CHILD-PARENT RELATIONSHIPS(A.V. Varga, V.V. Stolin).

Unconditional Adoption and love is a prerequisite for the favorable intellectual, personal and social development of the child. This type of relationship is characterized by the fact that the child is liked by the parents for who they are. Adults respect his individuality, sympathize with him. Most psychologists, educators, sociologists and even philosophers have written about the meaning of parental love. We will not repeat ourselves and talk about the need for acceptance, love and respect for the child.

However, we did not find unambiguous data on how a positive attitude towards a child affects the development of abilities. Our own research shows that there is no direct relationship between parental acceptance of a child and the level of development of his abilities. Psychological and pedagogical practice confirms this position. Often there are children who are very loved and treated kindly by their parents, and at the same time do not demonstrate a high level of cognitive development.

The opposite style of parent-child relationship is rejection , when parents perceive their child as bad, unlucky, for the most part feels anger, annoyance, irritation, resentment towards him. They do not trust the child, do not respect him. Children in such families are characterized by various emotional and personal problems described by many authors (A.I. Zakharov, A.M. Prikhozhan, A.S. Spivakovskaya, and others). Cognitive development often recedes into the background due to serious personal and social problems. Such children are focused on relationships with the main people in their lives, parents, as a result of which their cognitive activity and motivation are suppressed.

Open rejection of a child in practice is rare. However, there are cases of hidden rejection. Such parents often say that they do their best to raise a smart and successful child. However, they are not lucky with their son or daughter, he (she) is lazy, inattentive, slow, etc. This type of parental relationship is often accompanied by another, called "authoritarian hypersocialization" . It is characterized by the expectation of unconditional obedience and discipline, close attention to the behavior of the child, the demand for social success. Parents pay a lot of attention to the education of the child, attend many classes, studios, and development centers with him. He is constantly doing something, going somewhere. It often comes to the point that the child does not have enough time for daytime sleep, walks, games. In most cases, these children are very overworked, which leads to rapid fatigue and, as a result, to a decrease in success. They begin to feel like failures that do not meet the high standards of adults, his self-esteem decreases, anxiety, suspiciousness, and a feeling of pain appear. At the same time, parents show their dissatisfaction to the child, thereby further aggravating the situation.

At the same time, adults sincerely believe that they are doing everything for the child and sacrifice themselves for his future: “I won’t forgive myself if I don’t do everything for the development of my girl. She's not that tired. How are the other kids doing it all? Why is she lounging at home?

However, it turns out that they know very little about their baby, about his desires, thoughts, interests, hobbies, about his emotional and physical state. The child is not treated as a person.

If we analyze more deeply the reasons for such behavior, it often turns out that behind this type of parental attitude there is a hidden rejection of the child, disguised as excessive concern for him. The child becomes a means of self-affirmation and realization of the ambitions of the parents. For them, first of all, it is important that he demonstrate high achievements, he could show off to his friends. Emotional breakdowns, poor health, depressed mood are not taken into account.

This type of attitude towards a child up to a certain age can be effective in terms of the development of intellectual abilities, as well as the accumulation of knowledge and skills. Children strive to do everything to please their parents and get their praise. They work very hard to achieve great results.

However, these successes are relative.

Firstly, this situation adversely affects the development of creative abilities. Excessive control, high demands, ignoring the individuality of the child in most cases hinder the development of the imagination.

Secondly, in an effort to achieve the love of close adults, the child does not think about the means by which he achieves success. Such children easily write off, take the work of a more successful child without permission, passing it off as their own, snitch on their comrades if it is useful to them. In other words, moral development can go with significant distortions. Such children are not loved either in kindergarten or at school, they are lonely and have no friends.

Thirdly, with age, the picture can change dramatically. Growing up, the child reconsiders the values ​​offered to him by his parents and builds his own. Teenagers who were exemplary students in elementary grades suddenly drop out of school, turn away from their parents, completely switching to peer communities.

Such cases are found not only in domestic practice. The American psychologist J. Freeman noted that excessive parental ambitions are often accompanied by a high level of latent aggressiveness in children. Growing up, they do not get rid of this, but still experience a feeling of dissatisfaction with their relationship with their parents. Gifted adolescents with emotional disorders, recalling their early childhood, almost always said that their parents did not perceive them as a person, but only saw their abilities and achievements.

Therefore, we can conclude that insufficient acceptance of the child, excessive fixation on success, ignoring his interests and needs can lead to personal and social trouble in the future.

type of parent-child relationship "cooperation" most favorable for the development of children's abilities. It is characterized by the interest of the parent in the affairs and plans of the child, the desire to help him help him. At the same time, the child is given considerable independence, combined with responsibility for his actions. Adults highly appreciate the intellectual and creative abilities of a son or daughter, feel a sense of pride in them, which stimulates the cognitive and creative development of children.

Summarizing the above, we can draw the following conclusion. Acceptance and love, cooperation with the child, support for his independence are important conditions for the development of the abilities of preschoolers.

Another important factor in the relationship between the child and parents is STYLE OF CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF THE CHILD.

Scientists and practitioners are unanimous that strict control, forceful pressure and other forms of direct authoritarian intervention do not provide an opportunity for the development of a child's abilities. Particularly indicative in this regard is the study by D. Boumrin, R.D. Hess and V.S. Shipman. They divided the styles of leadership and control of children into imperative and instructive .

Parents who prefer imperative style expect the child to follow their instructions without question. Their relationship is based on respect for the authority of an adult, and not cooperation and respect. The imperative style develops in the child passivity, compliance along with dependence and conformism. For a while, he provides the desired behavior, but shows passive resistance. The child listens to commands, but executes them slowly and reluctantly. Children do not enter into an open conflict, but deliberately delay the implementation of the action, seek to find any excuses. These children, as a rule, have a low level of cognitive activity and a low level of cognitive abilities.

instructional style contains more information, and the requirements are justified. Parents talk with the child "on an equal footing", prove that their requirements are natural and reasonable. The child is seen as an equal partner. Therefore, this style of relationships fosters initiative and firmness. It is he who is peculiar to a parent whose children have high intellectual abilities. Such relationships encourage children to independently search and make decisions, and give them the opportunity to choose. On the one hand, with an instructive style, it is much more difficult for parents to cope with a child who is not afraid to go into open conflict and is ready to challenge his point of view. But, on the other hand, a child who consciously performs certain actions will do them more willingly and faster. With this style of relationship, children develop an orientation not to external, but to internal control, which is so necessary when realizing any inclinations. This style of parenting develops independence and creativity in the child.

There is also evidence that control and leadership style differs in families where children succeed more in verbal disciplines, or make great strides in mathematics and sciences that require spatial thinking, are different (J. Godefroy).

Children with high abilities for verbal sciences, as a rule, form strong emotional bonds with their parents, which reinforces dependent forms of behavior. In these cases, from early childhood, parents pay much attention to the mental development of children, buy them educational toys, and allow them to participate in their conversations. However, at school age, such parents increase control and pressure on the child, attaching great importance to academic performance, severely chastising for poor grades.

As for children with great abilities in the field of mathematical sciences and spatial imagination, then, apparently, they are much freer in their initiatives. Such relative independence teaches them to work independently, interacting with objects of the surrounding physical world. In doing so, they can focus on the tasks they decide to complete, as well as develop spatial representations and an interest in operating with numbers.

If we analyze relationships in families where children are distinguished by high creative abilities, we can see that parents usually show authoritarianism and excessive guardianship. Most often, parents of such children encourage their spontaneity and self-confidence. The family values ​​a sense of responsibility. Researchers, however, note that in such families (unlike those where children have more developed intellectual abilities), there is a certain emotional distance and even coldness, which can reach deep discord between parents, although this does not lead to hostility towards to children or their neglect.

Therefore, we can say that respect for the individual, tactful direction of the child's actions with the help of conversations and explanations, as well as providing him with sufficient independence stimulates the development of not only intellectual, but also creative abilities.

Influence studies COMPOSITION OF THE FAMILY AND RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN IT on the development of the abilities of preschoolers are quite scattered . Scientists consider how the composition of the family, including the number of children in it; relations between brothers and sisters, grandchildren and grandparents (grandparents), a child with parents of the opposite sex; psychological characteristics of the parents themselves on the development of the child's abilities.

Addressing the issue family composition , most scientists agree that the completeness of the family, i.e. the presence of both parents, and their living together, does not in itself determine the development of abilities. An important factor here is the material and psychological well-being of family members. Divorced parents who have a positive attitude towards each other and towards the child can give more for his cognitive development than mom and dad living together, who are constantly on the verge of divorce.

Research on the influence of brothers and sisters on the development of intelligence and creativity showed the following interesting relationships. R.B. Zayonts and his collaborators found a relationship between intellectual development and the number of children in the family (R.B. Zayonc, G.B. Markus). They found that the more siblings, the lower their average IQ. It has been found that firstborns are always more developed than their younger siblings. The difference in IQ between these extreme groups was 10 points. Most likely, this is due to the fact that younger children have fewer opportunities to communicate with adults.

Creativity does not appear to be related to this factor. For the development of imagination, it is important that the child has a younger brother or sister with a small age difference. In this case, the last child, who was born much later than the rest and does not have the opportunity to invent games for a younger brother or sister, is the worst (B. Miller, D. Gerard).

Turning to the content side of the relationship between relatives, many scientists note a significant influence exerted on children by parents of the opposite sex . Various studies (J. Freeman, S. L. Bem) suggest that gifted people who have achieved success are characterized by androgyny, i.e. a combination of female and male character traits and behavior. Such flexibility and versatility gives them the opportunity to master a wide variety of areas of activity. Many of them wrote in their autobiographical reports that the main support and influence on them was provided by parents of the opposite sex. This was especially true for fathers of gifted daughters.

Examining children with a high level of ability, we also found that in their drawings they reflect closeness to parents of the opposite sex. Surveys of family members showed that parents of the opposite sex paid more attention to their children than parents of the same sex. Mothers devoted more time to boys. Fathers were more engaged with girls, helping them in mastering traditionally male activities, the same can be said about grandparents.

It is important for the development of the child the attitude of the parents themselves . A positive, active attitude to life, openness to the world has a stimulating effect on the development of children's abilities. A survey of parents of children who demonstrate high levels of cognitive and creative development showed that most adults prefer to visit theaters, exhibitions, and often travel in their free time. These families are characterized by openness, diverse social ties. They often have relatives or friends. At least once a month, acquaintances with children come to them, or they themselves go to visit.

Thus, we can say that the socially active and open position of the whole family, the interaction of its members, the participation in the upbringing of the child not only of parents, but also of other relatives, communication with a parent of the opposite sex have a positive impact on the development of children's abilities.

Concluding our conversation, I would like to say once again that the family, where - the child's desire for development is not only approved, but also significant efforts are made by family members to actively develop his abilities,

A small person is perceived as a valuable person with his own individual and age characteristics,

Its control and management is carried out on the basis of respect and responsibility,

such a family has every chance to bring up a capable, interesting, creative person open to learning about the world around him.

One of the most important factors in the creative development of children is the creation of conditions conducive to the formation of their creative abilities. Based on the analysis of the works of several authors, in particular J. Smith, B.N. Nikitin, and L. Carroll, we identified six basic conditions for the successful development of children's creative abilities.

The first step to the successful development of creative abilities is the early physical development of the baby: early swimming, gymnastics, early crawling and walking. Then early reading, counting, early exposure to various tools and materials.

The second important condition for the development of a child's creative abilities is the creation of an environment that is ahead of the development of children. It is necessary, as far as possible, to surround the child in advance with such an environment and such a system of relations that would stimulate his most diverse creative activity and would gradually develop in him precisely that which at the appropriate moment is capable of developing most effectively. For example, long before learning to read, a one-year-old child can buy blocks with letters, hang the alphabet on the wall and call the letters to the child during games. This promotes early reading acquisition.

The third, extremely important, condition for the effective development of creative abilities follows from the very nature of the creative process, which requires maximum effort. The fact is that the ability to develop the more successfully, the more often in his activity a person gets "to the ceiling" of his capabilities and gradually raises this ceiling higher and higher. This condition of maximum exertion of forces is most easily achieved when the child is already crawling, but is not yet able to speak. The process of knowing the world at this time is very intensive, but the baby cannot use the experience of adults, since nothing can be explained to such a small one. Therefore, during this period, the baby is forced more than ever to be creative, to solve many completely new tasks for him on his own and without prior training (if, of course, adults allow him to do this, and do not solve them for him). The child rolled far under the sofa ball. Parents should not rush to get him this toy from under the sofa if the child can solve this problem himself.

The fourth condition for the successful development of creative abilities is to provide the child with great freedom in choosing activities, in alternating tasks, in the duration of doing one thing, in choosing methods, etc. Then the desire of the child, his interest, emotional upsurge will serve as a reliable guarantee that even more stress of the mind will not lead to overwork, and will benefit the child.

But granting a child such freedom does not exclude, but, on the contrary, implies unobtrusive, intelligent, benevolent help from adults - this is the fifth condition for the successful development of creative abilities. The most important thing here is not to turn freedom into permissiveness, but help into a hint. Unfortunately, hinting is a common way for parents to "help" children, but it only hurts the cause. You can't do anything for a child if he can do it himself. You can't think for him when he can think of it himself.

It has long been known that creativity requires a comfortable psychological environment and the availability of free time, so the sixth condition for the successful development of creative abilities is a warm, friendly atmosphere in the family and the children's team. Adults must create a safe psychological base for the child to return from creative search and his own discoveries. It is important to constantly stimulate the child to be creative, to show sympathy for his failures, to be patient even with strange ideas that are unusual in real life. It is necessary to exclude comments and condemnations from everyday life.

But the creation of favorable conditions is not enough to raise a child with a high creative potential, although some Western psychologists still believe that creativity is inherent in the child and that it is only necessary not to prevent him from expressing himself freely. But practice shows that such non-intervention is not enough: not all children can open the way to creation and maintain creative activity for a long time. It turns out (and pedagogical practice proves this), if you choose the appropriate teaching methods, then even preschoolers, without losing the originality of creativity, create works of a higher level than their untrained self-expressing peers. It is no coincidence that children's circles and studios, music schools and art schools are so popular now. Of course, there is still a lot of debate about what and how to teach children, but the fact that it is necessary to teach is beyond doubt.

The upbringing of the creative abilities of children will be effective only if it is a purposeful process, during which a number of particular pedagogical tasks are solved, aimed at achieving the ultimate goal.

The main pedagogical task for the development of creative thinking in preschool age is the formation of associativity, dialectics and systemic thinking. Since the development of these qualities makes thinking flexible, original and productive.

Associativity is the ability to see the connection and similarities in objects and phenomena that are not comparable at first glance.

Thanks to the development of associativity, thinking becomes flexible and original.

Besides, a large number of associative links allows you to quickly retrieve the necessary information from memory. Associativity is very easily acquired by preschoolers in a role-playing game. There are also special games that contribute to the development of this quality.

Dialecticity is the ability to see contradictions in any systems that hinder their development, the ability to eliminate these contradictions, to solve problems.

Dialecticity is a necessary quality of talented thinking. Psychologists have conducted a number of studies and found that the mechanism of dialectical thinking functions in folk and scientific creativity. In particular, the analysis of Vygotsky's works showed that the outstanding Russian psychologist constantly used this mechanism in his research.

The pedagogical tasks for the formation of dialectical thinking in preschool age are:

  • 1. Development of the ability to identify contradictions in any subject and phenomenon;
  • 2. Development of the ability to clearly articulate the identified contradictions;
  • 3. Formation of the ability to resolve contradictions;

And another quality that forms creative thinking is consistency.

Consistency is the ability to see an object or phenomenon as an integral system, to perceive any object, any problem comprehensively, in all the variety of connections; the ability to see the unity of interconnections in the phenomena and laws of development.

Systems thinking allows you to see a huge number of properties of objects, to capture relationships at the level of system parts and relationships with other systems. Systems thinking learns patterns in the development of the system from the past to the present and applies this in relation to the future.

Systematic thinking is developed by correct analysis of systems and special exercises. Pedagogical tasks for the development of systematic thinking in preschool age:

  • 1. Formation of the ability to consider any object or phenomenon as a system developing in time;
  • 2. Development of the ability to determine the functions of objects, taking into account the fact that any object is multifunctional.

The second direction in the formation of creative abilities of preschoolers is the development of imagination. Imagination is the ability to construct in the mind from the elements of life experience (impressions, ideas, knowledge, experiences) through their new combinations to relationships something new that goes beyond the previously perceived.

Imagination is the basis of all creative activity. It helps a person to free himself from the inertia of thinking, it transforms the representation of memory, thereby ensuring, in the final analysis, the creation of a deliberately new one. In this sense, everything that surrounds us and that is made by human hands, the whole world of culture, in contrast to the world of nature - all this is a product of creative imagination.

Preschool childhood is a sensitive period for the development of the imagination. At first glance, the need to develop the imagination of preschoolers may seem reasonable. After all, it is widely believed that the imagination of a child is richer, more original than the imagination of an adult. Such an idea of ​​the vivid imagination inherent in a preschooler existed in the past among psychologists as well.

From this it follows that the creative activity of the imagination is directly dependent on the richness and diversity of a person's previous experience. The pedagogical conclusion that can be drawn from all of the above is the need to expand the experience of the child if we want to create a sufficiently strong foundation for his creative activity. The more the child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, the activity of his imagination will be. It is with the accumulation of experience that all imagination begins. But how to convey this experience to the child in advance? It often happens that parents talk with a child, tell him something, and then complain that, as they say, it flew into one ear and flew out of the other. This happens if the baby has no interest in what they are told about, no interest in knowledge in general, that is, when there are no cognitive interests.

In general, the cognitive interests of a preschooler begin to declare themselves very early. This manifests itself first in the form of children's questions, with which the baby besieges parents from 3-4 years old. However, whether such a child's curiosity becomes a stable cognitive interest or whether it disappears forever depends on the adults around the child, primarily on his parents. Adults should in every possible way encourage the curiosity of children, educating love and the need for knowledge.

At preschool age, the development of the cognitive interests of the child should go in two main directions:

Gradually enriching the child's experience, saturating this experience with new knowledge about various areas of reality. This causes the cognitive activity of the preschooler. The more aspects of the surrounding reality are revealed to children, the wider the opportunities for the emergence and consolidation of stable cognitive interests in them.

Gradual expansion and deepening of cognitive interests within the same sphere of reality.

In order to successfully develop the cognitive interests of the child, parents must know what their child is interested in, and only then influence the formation of his interests. It should be noted that for the emergence of sustainable interests, it is not enough just to acquaint the child with a new sphere of reality. He should have a positive emotional attitude to the new. This is facilitated by the inclusion of a preschooler in joint activities with adults. An adult can ask a child to help him do something or, say, listen to his favorite record with him. The feeling of belonging to the world of adults that arises in a child in such situations creates a positive coloring of his activity and contributes to the emergence of his interest in this activity. But in these situations, the child's own creative activity should also be awakened, only then can the desired result be achieved in the development of his cognitive interests and in the assimilation of new knowledge. You need to ask your child questions that encourage active thinking.

The accumulation of knowledge and experience is only a prerequisite for the development of creative imagination. Any knowledge can be a useless burden if a person does not know how to handle it, select what is needed, which leads to a creative solution to the problem. And this requires the practice of such decisions, the ability to use the accumulated information in their activities.

Productive creative imagination is characterized not only by such features as originality and richness of produced images. One of the most important properties of such an imagination is the ability to direct ideas in the right direction, to subordinate them to certain goals. The inability to manage ideas, to subordinate them to one's goal, leads to the fact that the best plans and intentions perish without finding embodiment. Therefore, the most important line in the development of the preschooler's imagination is the development of the orientation of the imagination.


Society needs people who are able to actively, creatively approach the solution of various problems and easily find a way out of the current situation in our constantly changing world. Therefore, the study of the possibilities for the development of creative abilities at different stages of ontogenesis is extremely relevant, both for psychological science and for pedagogical practice.

Studies of domestic and foreign scientists have shown the development of a full cycle of creativity in one type of activity. Transfer usually occurs due to the complexity of the activities concerned. This suggests that mastering and increasing the level of abilities in one type of activity allows an extraordinary approach to solving issues in other types of activity.

In the conditions of modern society, the formation of a person not only intellectual, but, above all, creative, is becoming important, which requires the development of creative abilities in children already in preschool childhood. Today, no one doubts that familiarization with culture should begin from an early age, when the child begins to discover the world around him. An important role in this is called upon to be played by artistic and aesthetic educational programs, the main task of which is the development of the emotional and cognitive sphere of the child, his creative activity. Currently, they are being actively introduced not only into school practice, but also into the sphere of preschool education of children.

The development of the creative abilities of a modern preschooler is an urgent task on a national scale, because tomorrow's level of the technical and spiritual side of our society depends on how today's preschooler can master the methods of creative self-realization.

A lot of talent, intelligence and energy were invested in the development of pedagogical problems related to the creative development of the individual, primarily the personality of the child, adolescent, outstanding teachers of the 20s and 30s: Asafiev B.V., Blonsky P.P., Bryusova N.Ya., Lunacharsky A.V., Shatsky S.T., Yavorsky B.L. Based on their experience, enriched by half a century of development of the science of teaching and raising children, the best teachers, led by the "elders" - Grodzenskaya N.L., Rumer M.A., Roshal G.L., Sats N.I. continued and continue to theoretically and practically develop the principle of creative development of children and youth.

Works devoted to "research learning", as the development of creative potential, we find in the writings of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Savenkov A.I., who believes that it is necessary to intensify the learning of preschoolers, giving it a research, creative character, and thus transfer the initiative to the child in the organization their cognitive activity, since children are explorers by nature.

However, many questions of studying the creative abilities of preschoolers remain relevant at the present time.

Object of study: creative abilities of preschoolers.

Subject of research: forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical activity in the formation of creative abilities of preschoolers.

The purpose of this work is to study the forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical activity in the formation of the creative abilities of preschoolers.

Research method: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research problem.

The structure of the course work: introduction, two paragraphs, conclusion, list of sources used.

1. Theoretical analysis of the problem of the formation of creativity and creative abilities

The term "creativity" covers all forms of creation and emergence of the new against the background of the existing, standard, and the criterion that determines it is the uniqueness of the result of creativity.

Most researchers interpret "creativity" as a stage in the development of human capabilities or its potential (G.S. Altshuller, A.V. Khutorskoy, E.L. Yakovleva, A.I. Savenkov, etc.).

According to the researcher of creative abilities L.B. Ermolaeva-Tomina, creativity can be classified according to several criteria, according to which the author defines several circles of creativity.

The first circle of creativity, which concerns the creation of new forms of matter that did not exist before (creativity of nature, creation of the world);

The second circle of creativity is the change, renewal, transformation and improvement of the existing one (this includes human creativity);

The third circle of creativity is the destruction of the "old" and the construction of a new one in its place (the emergence of new trends in art, seeking to destroy the prevailing stereotypes).

With a careful study of human activity, all his actions can be classified into two types: reproductive (reproducing) and creative.

The reproductive type of activity lies in the fact that “a person reproduces or repeats previously created and developed methods of behavior and actions” .

The essence of creative activity is the creation of new images or actions. Thus, under the concept of "creative activity" we mean the activity of a person, as a result of which he creates something new, which leads to new knowledge about the world, reflects a new attitude to reality.

The basis of creative activity is the creative abilities of the individual.

To understand what creativity is, it is necessary to define the term "ability" in general.

There are many interpretations and definitions of the term "ability" in the scientific literature. For example, B.M. Teplov interprets abilities as "individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another and are related to the success of performing any activity or many activities" .

K.S. Platonov understood abilities as “a part of the personality structure, which, being actualized in a specific type of activity, determines the quality of the latter”.

According to the definition of the famous psychologist N.S. Leites, abilities are “personal properties that determine the possibility of implementation and the degree of success of an activity” .

Another scientist, L.A. Wenger, believes that abilities are psychological qualities that are necessary to perform an activity and that are manifested in it.

Thus, most scientists understand abilities as individual non-innate personality traits that provide a high degree of mastery of a certain activity.

Speaking of creative abilities, many people understand this concept as the ability to various types of artistic creative activity. For example, the ability to draw beautifully, compose poetry, write music, etc. It is worth noting that the element of creativity can be present in any kind of human activity, which means that the concept of "creativity" must be applied not only in matters of artistic creativity, but also in mathematical creativity, in technical creativity, etc.

Thus, by "creative abilities" we can understand the individual characteristics of a person's quality, necessary for the successful implementation of his creative activity.

The development of creative abilities involves their improvement, that is, the achievement of new levels of quality in their development. It should be noted that the creative abilities of a person can develop both spontaneously, that is, a consciously uncontrolled and unmanaged process of developing abilities, without a pre-thought-out plan of purposeful actions, and in an organized way: conscious actions aimed specifically at developing the corresponding abilities.

In his textbook on practical psychology, R.S. Nemov notes that “any abilities not only manifest themselves, but also develop in the type of activity that a person has taken up under the influence of an interest that has arisen,” and he indicated two ways of developing abilities: one is theoretical, the second is practical, which are interconnected, since The development of abilities requires both knowledge and skills.

In the same place, the author determined effective conditions for the development of abilities. First of all, the presence of certain inclinations in a person; secondly, timely identification of inclinations; thirdly, the active involvement of a person in the type of activity in which the corresponding abilities are developed (for example, in preschool children, it is necessary to increase interest in the type of creative activity with which the development of abilities is associated); fourthly, the availability of competent, trained teaching staff who are well versed in the methodology for developing the relevant abilities; and fifthly, the use of modern, effective teaching aids for the development of abilities.

Thus, it can be concluded that creative abilities are the individual characteristics of a person's quality, which determine the success of his performance of various creative activities. The presence of optimal conditions for their development leads to the most complete assimilation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, favors the successful implementation of certain activities and, in accordance with this, the effective development of abilities.

Speaking about the formation of abilities, it is necessary to dwell on the question of when, from what age children's creative abilities should be improved. Psychologists call different terms from one and a half to 5 years. There is also a hypothesis that it is necessary to develop creative abilities from a very early age. This hypothesis finds evidence in physiology.

However, the possibilities for developing abilities, having reached a maximum at the “moment” of maturation, do not remain constant. If these abilities are not used, then they begin to be lost, degraded, and the sooner the less functioning.

Boris Pavlovich Nikitin, who has been dealing with the problem of developing the creative abilities of children for many years, called this phenomenon NUVERS (Irreversible Extinction of Opportunities for Effective Development of Abilities). Nikitin believes that NUVERS has a particularly bad effect on the formation of creative abilities. The gap in time between the moment of maturation of structures, the necessary formation of creative abilities and the source of the purposeful development of these opportunities leads to a severe difficulty in their development, slows down its pace and leads to a decrease in the final level of development of creative abilities. According to B.P. Nikitin, it was the irreversibility of the process of degradation of developmental opportunities that gave rise to the opinion about the innateness of creative abilities, since traditionally no one suspects that opportunities for the effective development of creative abilities were missed at preschool age. And the small number of people with the highest creative potential in society is explained by the fact that in childhood only a very few found themselves in conditions conducive to the development of their creative abilities.

From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a suitable time for the development of creative abilities, because at this age children are very inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. And parents, encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to children, involving them in various activities, contribute to the expansion of children's experiment. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than the thinking of older children. It is not yet crushed by dogmas and stereotypes, it is the most independent. And this property needs to be improved in every possible way. Preschool childhood is also a sensitive period for the development of creative imagination.

From all of the above, we can conclude that preschool age provides excellent opportunities for developing creative abilities. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on how these abilities were applied.

After analyzing various points of view on the issue of the components of creative abilities, we can conclude that, despite the difference in approaches to their definition, researchers unanimously single out creative imagination and the quality of creative thinking as essential components of creative abilities.

Based on this, it is possible to determine the main directions in the development of children's creative abilities:

) development of imagination;

) development of the qualities of thinking that form creativity.

One of the important reasons for the creative development of children is the creation of conditions conducive to the formation of their creative abilities. Based on the analysis of the works of several authors, in particular J. Smith, O. M. Dyachenko, N. E. Veraksa, 6 main criteria for the successful development of children's creative abilities were identified.

The first step to the successful development of creative abilities is the early physical formation of the baby: early swimming, gymnastics, early crawling and walking. Then early reading, counting, early acquaintance with different devices and materials.

The second fundamental condition for the development of the creative abilities of the baby is the creation of an environment that is ahead of the formation of children. It is necessary, as far as possible, to surround the baby in advance with such an environment and such a system of relations that would stimulate his most diverse creative activity and gradually develop in him specifically that which at the appropriate moment is able to develop more effectively. For example, long before a one-year-old child learns to read, you can buy cubes with letters, hang the alphabet on the wall and call the letters to the child during games. This promotes early reading acquisition.

The third, very fundamental, condition for the effective development of creative abilities stems from the very nature of the creative process, which requires maximum effort. The fact is that the ability to develop is the more successful, the more often in one’s own activity a person reaches the “ceiling” of his own capabilities and evenly raises this ceiling higher and higher. This condition of maximum exertion of forces is most easily achieved when the baby is already crawling, but cannot yet speak. The process of knowing the world at this time is extremely intensive, but the baby cannot use the experience of adults, since it is still impossible to explain anything to such a small one. Therefore, during this period, the child is obliged more than ever to be creative, to solve a lot of completely new tasks for him without the help of others and without preparatory training (if, of course, adults allow him to do this, they solve them for him). The child rolled far under the sofa ball. Parents are not obliged to rush to take this toy out from under the sofa if the kid can solve this problem himself.

The fourth condition for the successful development of creative abilities is to provide the child with great freedom in choosing activities, in alternating cases, in the duration of doing one activity, in choosing methods, etc. Then the baby’s desire, his enthusiasm, emotional upsurge will serve as a reliable, guarantee that that already a greater effort of the mind will not lead to overwork, and will benefit the child.

But giving a child such freedom does not exclude, but, on the contrary, implies unobtrusive, reasonable, benevolent help from adults; this is the fifth condition for the successful development of creative abilities. The most important thing here is not to turn freedom into permissiveness, but assistance into a hint. Unfortunately, the tip is a common method among parents to "help" children, but it only harms the lesson. You can not do anything for the baby if he can do it himself. You can't think for him when he can think of it himself.

It has long been clear that creativity requires convenient psychological ammunition and the presence of free time, so that the sixth place in the condition for the successful development of creative abilities is a warm, friendly atmosphere in the family and the children's team. Adults are obliged to create a safe psychological base for the return of the child from creative search and personal discoveries. It is important to continuously provoke the baby to creativity, to show sympathy for his failures, to be patient even with strange ideas unusual in real life. It is necessary to exclude comments and condemnations from everyday life.

But the creation of suitable conditions is not enough for teaching a child with the highest creative potential, although some Western psychologists still believe that creativity is inherent in the child and that it is only necessary not to prevent him from expressing himself freely. But practice shows that such non-intervention is not enough: not all children can open the way to creation, and forever preserve creative activity. It turns out that (and pedagogical practice substantiates this), if you choose the appropriate methods of teaching, then even preschoolers, without losing the originality of creativity, create works of a higher level than their untrained self-expressing peers. It is no coincidence that children's circles and studios, music schools and art schools are so popular now. Of course, there is still a lot of debate about what and how to teach children, but the fact that it is necessary to teach is beyond doubt.

The upbringing of the creative abilities of children will be effective only if it becomes a purposeful process, during which a number of personal pedagogical tasks are solved, aimed at achieving the ultimate goal. And in the provided term paper, we, on the basis of a study of the literature on this topic, tried to find the main directions and pedagogical tasks for the development of such important components of creative abilities as creative thinking and fantasy in preschool age.

2. Forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical activity for the formation of creative abilities of preschoolers

Currently, there is a search for new effective technologies for the development of preschoolers in order to maximize their creative potential. Every year, the requirements for mental activity increase, the training period lengthens, the amount of acquired knowledge grows, but it is impossible to increase the training time indefinitely.

A contradiction arises: the requirements for mental activity are constantly growing, and the ability to assimilate and use the acquired knowledge, to create something new on their basis, remains at a rather low level.

As before, traditional education is based mainly on the use of reproductive activities to assimilate ready-made truths, and research search remains an auxiliary didactic structure of the pedagogical process. As a result of such information-receptive training, the child loses the main feature of exploratory behavior - search activity. And this is not surprising: such training is based on "imitation", "repetition" and "obedience". The result is the loss of curiosity, the ability to think, and therefore to create.

The child's ability to independently search for new information is traditionally considered in pedagogy as the most important feature of children's behavior. Exploratory behavior is one of the main sources of a child's understanding of the world, and exploratory learning is based on the child's natural desire to independently study the environment.

The main goal of research education is the formation of abilities to independently and creatively master (and rebuild) new ways of activity in any field of culture. The ability to easily overcome difficulties and contradictions is one of the features of creative thinking, which is distinguished by its fundamental novelty and originality of approach. Attempts to build educational activities based on research teaching methods have been made since ancient times, but this has not led to their widespread use in practice.

The problem lies in the fact that theoretically the topic of the development of children's creativity has been disclosed by many authors, but such an aspect of the problem as the development of creative abilities in a preschool educational institution has not been sufficiently studied.

In preschool pedagogy, there is a sufficient number of theoretical developments regarding the development of imagination and children's creativity. However, the ways of solving these problems in the practice of preschool education specialists are not sufficiently represented among the scientific, methodological and practical developments.

Often, teachers face problems due to insufficient knowledge of the technology for the implementation of creative development and the inability to differentiate creative tasks from tasks of a different level. This leads to the fact that, despite all the desires and efforts, the effectiveness of this process is low.

Consequently, there is a need to train the teaching staff in the technologies for the implementation of the creative development of preschoolers.

In theory and practice, on the problem of the formation of a creative personality of a child, general approaches have been defined that make it possible to develop technologies for teaching preschool children that form creatively thinking personalities.

This technology usually includes the following components:

factors and conditions affecting the development of creative abilities;

principles that stimulate the creative activity of the participants in the process;

general tasks of the development of personality creativity;

private (local) tasks of developing the creative abilities of a preschooler by age (3-7 years);

stages of technology;

methods and techniques that develop the creative potential of a preschooler;

a developing set of exercises and methodological recommendations for their implementation.

Most of the methods and techniques used in technologies do not claim to be theoretically new and are a fusion of theoretical and methodological ideas presented in the studies of both the Russian school and representatives of foreign theories of the creative development of the individual.

Particular attention deserves the study of the problem of the development of personality creativity by E.P. Torrance. The scientist highlights the factors influencing the development of the creative potential and creative abilities of the child. Analyzing the theoretical provisions of E.P. Torrens, it is important to consider the conditions in which a child develops. Therefore, the attention of teachers should be directed to the study of conditions that effectively develop the creative potential of a preschooler. It is necessary to highlight the pedagogical conditions that must be taken into account when organizing collective creative activity:

the formation of ideas about the optimal organization of joint activities that there are various ways of cooperation that effectively affect both the process and the result of creativity;

mastering individual ways of performing creative actions, as well as the skills and abilities of working in a group that contribute to the effective organization of both personal creative activity and joint activities of children; when choosing such a strategy, it is necessary to observe the sequence in learning: the child must first master individual methods of performing certain actions before joining group activities. The level of individual skills and abilities will be different for each child, but in the formation of collective ways of creative actions, difficulties are removed due to the ability to actively variant cooperation with peers;

the organization of collective creative activity is expanding due to the complication of the forms of business interaction: the creation of group creative products; organization of work in small creative associations, ? when the teacher solves another creature in parallel ?task - in an accessible practical version, teaches the child to cooperate with others. However, group activity is by no means always carried out by children who sympathize with each other, and this is not always connected with its regulation by the teacher; in this case, activity is effective only if there is a leader with a benevolent attitude towards other children;

creation of emotional comfort: interaction with a partner, which allows achieving greater content and effectiveness of the creative process; providing the opportunity to periodically, at will, leave the child alone, go about their own business, since an excess of patronage can hinder creativity;

a variety of types of joint children's activities: at the same time, the child can satisfy not only the need for cooperation with peers, but also the urgent need for communication for preschoolers. In each type of activity, the child manifests and acquires certain knowledge, skills, personality traits, while joint activity allows you to realize your inner potential, form an adequate self-esteem, which develops under the influence of a creative partner;

the use of activities that develop creative abilities: when organizing classes, it is necessary to create a situation (playful, competitive), attractive for creativity, initiating fantasy, imagination, originality of technical solutions.

Based on the analysis of the factors and conditions affecting the development of children's creative abilities, we can identify a general range of problems related to the readiness of the teacher to solve their problems:

highlight the necessary and sufficient didactic, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the tasks;

develop a willingness to abandon past experience gained in solving problems of this kind;

see the versatility of things;

connect opposing ideas from different areas of experience and use the result to solve the problem;

be aware of the stereotypical (attractive, imposed by authority) idea and be freed from its influence.

In specific situations of the development of the creative abilities of preschool children, the teacher must take into account the age characteristics and opportunities for the creative development of the individual.

Work experience has shown that children of primary preschool age are already capable of manifesting creativity as an integrative activity, therefore, when designing the pedagogical process and identifying specific tasks that contribute to creative development, it is necessary to take into account the dynamics in the development of mental processes in children 3-7 years old.

The formation of creative abilities of preschoolers requires the implementation of certain principles:

freedom of choice: in any teaching or management action, give the child a choice;

openness: not only to teach, but also to cultivate a thirst for knowledge and self-development; use open tasks that have different solutions, a condition that allows options, a set of probable answers;

activity (activity approach), which involves the development of knowledge, skills, abilities by preschoolers, i.e. the teacher prepares for each child his own set for experience, examination of the subject, etc .; the formation of skills to independently apply knowledge in different areas, ? models and contexts ? supplement knowledge, find new simple connections;

feedback, which involves reflection on the pedagogical activity and activities of children, analysis of the mood and well-being of the child, monitoring the level of development of preschoolers, diagnosing individual characteristics;

amplification of development (according to A.V. Zaporozhets): maximum use of the possibilities of the preschool period of childhood in order to optimize the process of teaching children. This principle correlates with the principle of ideality, as one of the key aspects of TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving), according to which a “beautiful” solution to a situation is characterized by how much effort, time and money was spent on this solution. The ideal action is the higher, the greater the benefit and the lower the cost.

The implementation of the principles of the formation of creative abilities of preschoolers is reflected in the type of education of children, which immanently acquire an exploratory character.

The research learning strategy focuses on:

to reveal the reserves of creative thinking;

formation of the ability for independent cognitive activity;

enrichment of creative imagination;

development of the ability to achieve the original result of solving problems, etc.

The essence of problem-based learning lies in the creation (organization) of problem situations and their solution in the process of joint activity of an adult and a child with maximum independence of the second and general guidance of the first. The research learning technology scheme consists of several blocks:

awareness of the general problem situation, its analysis;

formulation of a specific problem;

problem solving (hypothesis, their substantiation and research verification);

verification of the correctness of the solution to the problem. The problem situation, which forms the basis of research education, contains a phenomenon (object) unknown to the child, which is revealed in the process of performing a creative task. He has a need to apply new original methods of action and achieve a result previously unknown to him.

When implementing research learning technology, the teacher must:

to promote the transition from ordinary states of consciousness to (U) unusual (for certain short periods of time);

cause the interaction of intellectual, volitional and emotional functions;

provide a realistic collision with the problem, immersion in it, emotional involvement;

collide opposite concepts, images, ideas;

observe pedagogical postulates: “from simple to complex”, “reinforcement is the mother of learning”, “no satiety, no coercion”, “rejoice in success, but do not praise”, “act independently - without prompting, but have the right to help”.

The effectiveness of research learning technology is manifested in the following intellectual skills:

see the problem

put forward a hypothesis;


conduct an experiment (including in productive activities: drawings, crafts, etc.);

formulate conclusions and conclusions.

In the complex, these skills add up to such personal qualities of the child as criticality and inquisitiveness of the mind, curiosity and ingenuity, logic and persuasiveness in actions, statements and deeds.

Methods and techniques for the formation of creative abilities of preschoolers in accordance with the goals and objectives of development can be classified and divided into groups.

2 The main forms, methods and means of developing the creative abilities of preschool children

Psychologists and educators involved in the analysis of preschool education programs have long said that they do not actually contain special measures aimed at the consistent and systematic development of children's imagination. Under these conditions, it develops basically only spontaneously and as a result often does not even reach the average level of its development.

One of the basic principles of teaching is the principle from simple to complex.

This principle is the gradual development of creative abilities.

In the process of organizing training for the development of creative abilities, great importance is attached to general didactic principles:








individual approach

All classes for the development of creative abilities are held in the game. This requires games of a new type: creative, educational games, which, with all their diversity, are united under a common name not by chance, they all come from a common idea and have characteristic creative abilities.

Each game is a set of tasks.

Tasks are given to the child in different forms, and thus introduces him to different ways of transmitting information.

The tasks are arranged roughly in order of increasing difficulty.

The tasks have a very wide range of difficulty. Therefore, games can arouse interest for many years.

The gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks - contributes to the development of creative abilities.

For the effectiveness of the development of creative abilities in children, the following conditions must be observed:

development of abilities should start from an early age;

tasks-steps create conditions that are ahead of the development of abilities;

creative games should be varied in content, because create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

Along with the principles, methods are also used:




Practical methods include exercises, games, modeling.

Exercises - repeated repetition by the child of practical and mental given actions.

Exercises are divided into constructive, imitative-

performing, creative.

The game method involves the use of various components of game activity in combination with other techniques.

Modeling is the process of creating models and using them.

Visual methods include observation - looking at drawings, paintings, viewing filmstrips, listening to records.

Verbal methods are: rass?az, conversation, reading, peres?az.

In working with children, all these methods should be combined with each other.

Of course, the best option is the introduction of a special program of classes for the development of children's creativity. Recently, a large number of methodological developments of such classes have appeared.

In particular, in our country, the Public Laboratory of Invention Methods developed a special course "Development of Creative Imagination" (RTI). It is based on TRIZ, ARIZ and G.S. Altshuller.

This course has already been tested in various creative studios, ? schools and preschool institutions, ? where he proved his effectiveness. RTV develops not only creative imagination, but also creative thinking of children.

It is possible to develop creative imagination not only in special classes. Of great importance for the development of children's imagination is the game, which is the main activity of preschoolers. It is in the game that the child takes the first steps of creative activity. Adults should not just observe children's play, but manage its development, enrich it by including creative elements in the game. At an early stage, children's games are of an objective nature, that is, this is an action with various objects. At this stage, it is very important to teach the child to beat the same object in different ways. For example, a cube can be a table, a chair, a piece of meat, etc. Adults should show children the possibility of different ways to use the same items. At the age of 4-5, a role-playing game begins to take shape, which provides the widest opportunities for the development of imagination and creativity. Adults need to know how and what their children play, how varied the plots of the games they play. And if children play the same “daughters - mothers” or war every day, the teacher should help them learn to diversify the plots of the games. You can play with them, offering to play different stories, take on different roles. The child must first show his creative initiative in the game, plan and direct the game.

In addition, to develop imagination and creativity, there are special games that can be played with children in their free time.

The richest source for the development of a child's fantasy is storytelling. There are many language skills that educators can use to develop children's imagination. Among them: "misinterpreting" the tale, inventing the tale in reverse, inventing the continuation of the tale, changing the end of the tale. You can compose phrases with children. Propp's maps will be invaluable help in this. Speaking about the development of children's imagination with the help of a phrase, one cannot help but recall the wonderful book by J. Rodari "Grammar of Fantasy".

One of the features of children's worldview is its integrity, the child always sees the whole before the parts. However, very soon children lose this ability, because the traditional method of preschool education comes into conflict with this objective law of knowledge. Since when studying an object or phenomenon, the educator is instructed to first draw the attention of children to its individual external features and only then reveal its holistic image. However, forcing the analytical trend in the cognitive development of preschoolers can lead to a significant decrease in their creative abilities. There is evidence that fears and other negative experiences in affective children are directly related to their inability to see the whole before the parts, i.e. to capture in individual events the meaning given by the context of the whole situation. Hence the need for the development of systematic thinking in preschoolers. This quality is developed by correct analysis of systems and special games.


The problem of the formation of creative abilities of preschool children at the present stage of development of society is the most relevant, since creative abilities in a child's life play an extremely important role in his development as a person.

The development of a child requires great attention from the adults around him. It is important to create a favorable psychological environment for the child to study, to find words of support for new creative endeavors, to treat him with sympathy and warmth. Gently, affectionately and unobtrusively support the child's desire for creativity. In case of failure, he needs sympathy and in no case should he speak disapprovingly about the creative attempts of the child.

In the process of preparing this work, we can conclude that by "creative abilities" we can understand the individual characteristics of a person's quality, necessary for the successful implementation of his creative activity.

From all of the above, it follows that under the existing conditions in kindergartens, it is necessary to carry out special work aimed at developing the creative imagination of children, especially since preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of this process.

Speaking about the problem of children's creative abilities, we would like to emphasize that their effective development is possible only with joint efforts both on the part of educators of preschool institutions and on the part of the family. Unfortunately, teachers complain about the lack of proper support from parents, especially when it comes to the pedagogy of creativity. Therefore, it is advisable to hold special conversations and lectures for parents, which would explain why it is so important to develop creative abilities from childhood, what conditions must be created in the family for their successful development, what techniques and games can be used to develop creative abilities in the family, as well as parents would be recommended special literature on this issue.

emotional cognitive preschooler ability

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