Sports sections for a 3 year old child. Enrollment in circles, sports sections, creative houses

Early Childhood Centers are private institutions designed to help toddlers adjust more quickly to the world they are just beginning to explore. At entertaining classes held in a playful way, children learn colloquial speech, develop intelligence and creative talents, motor activity.

Children's center First Light Club

Many young parents bring crumbs to children's clubs. And this is by no means a tribute to fashion. Numerous studies have shown that children who develop actively from an early age become more successful. In the future, it is easier for them to master school disciplines, they have a good memory.

What is the difference between child development centers and kindergartens

In children's centers, children spend not the whole day, but several hours. Classes can be held in the morning or evening 2-3 times a week or on weekends, be represented by single master classes or comprehensive development courses. Club leaders, as a rule, develop several educational programs and visiting schedules, which allows parents to choose the most suitable schedule and bring children to the center at a convenient time for them.

Montessori Center Guryonok

The doors of children's clubs are open even for the smallest, for children of six months of age who still do not know how to walk and talk. Special programs have been developed for babies. Considering new objects, rearranging the cubes, playing, children improve sensory perception, develop hand motor skills. Classes with infants take place in the presence of one of the parents. Babies from the age of one and a half years can be left to study on their own and not worry about anything: in the institutions in question, specialists who understand psychology and love children work. They pay due attention to each kid, take into account his characteristics and desires, make sure that the guys get the maximum benefit from the classes and at the same time do not get bored.

How to choose a kids club

There are many early development clubs in Moscow. They can differ not only in equipment, teaching staff, but also in focus. For example, some centers specialize in early development according to the Montessori method, others in creative development, others in psychological and speech therapy support, and others in physical education. Many centers offer beginners a free trial lesson. This is a great opportunity to understand and evaluate how suitable a child development center is for you and your child. Consider 6 of the best developing centers in Moscow.

Children's development centers in Moscow "Sema"

The network of children's developing centers "Sema" has a vast geography: Ukraine, Egypt, Cyprus, over 300 branches in various parts of the Russian Federation, 15 centers in various parts of Moscow. The children's club in question has gained immense popularity due to the use of unique methods aimed at comprehensive development. The specialists of the center have created a number of basic and additional programs designed for a particular age category (from 9 months to 7 years).

Syoma Children's Center

Directions of the early development center

For children aged 1-3 years, a huge selection of basic and additional courses is offered. Classes are aimed at developing different types of sensitivity, emotional sphere and speech, motor activity:

  • The course of development of independence, hygienic and household skills.
  • Drawing.
  • Modeling.
  • Creation of crafts in mixed media. Activities with parents.
  • Fairy tale world.
  • Sand games. Activities with parents.
  • General physical preparation.
  • Choreography.
  • Music.
  • Course of social adaptation.
  • Comprehensive early development courses. Activities with parents.
  • Montessori group.
  • Umka (age 2-3): development of speech, introduction to mathematics, acquaintance with the outside world.

Courses for children from 3 to 5 years old:

  • English language.
  • Reading.
  • My world is communication skills, behavior, acquaintance with the social world.
  • Physical development.
  • Creation of cartoons.
  • Music.
  • Choreography.
  • Sand games.
  • Theater Club.
  • Neurocorrection course.
  • Modeling.
  • Assembling constructors.
  • The development of logical thinking and ideas about the world around us through experiments.

In addition to the above, especially for older preschoolers (age 5-7 years) developed the following courses:

  • Chess.
  • Preparation for school.
  • The course of development of psychological functions.
  • Design.

Additional services

  • Carrying out children's holidays in the style of "Sema" with the participation of the clown Semyon Baton.
  • School for young parents.

Children's development centers in Moscow "Point of Growth"

"Point of Growth" is a network of children's centers whose mission is to educate intelligence and creative skills in children, starting from infancy. The use of certified equipment, effective teaching methods, manuals and didactic materials - all centers have created the most suitable environment for harmonious development. Professional teachers who love and respect children work here.

Main directions

The centers have formed several groups in accordance with the age stages of the child's development:

1) "Peas" - for children from 0.5 to 3 years. Classes are held in the presence of one of the parents. Kids in an easy and fun way develop speech, motor skills, memory and attention, cognitive activity and complex thinking.

2) "Rostki" - for children from 4 to 6 years old. While attending classes, the children master a special program consisting of 9 thematic blocks. Competently drawn up work schemes are aimed at developing speech and communication skills, logical thinking, and social adaptation skills. Children master various types of arts and crafts, study music and choreography, learn about the world around them, learn to count and write, the basics of grammar.

3) "Successes" - for children of senior preschool age. In this group, children are prepared for school.

Additional programs

  • Academy of Professions. Classes are conducted according to the author's program aimed at revealing talents through interest in the profession. During the training, the child can try himself in the role of an entrepreneur, journalist, designer, doctor and human rights activist, rescuer and astronaut, understand what he likes best, in which direction to develop in the future.
  • Design and robotics.
  • Reading and speech development.
  • Drawing, modeling, making handicrafts from natural materials, soap making.
  • Creative workshop.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics.

Additional services

1) Holding a birthday.

2) Summer camp.

3) Mini-garden and kindergarten.

Children's development center "Logos"

"Logos" is a children's club that specializes in working with children with speech disorders. Groups in "Logos" are small, up to 6 kids. They are formed taking into account the age and needs of children. This approach makes it possible to choose activities and games that will be of interest to all children attending the same group.

Development center "Logos"

Main directions

Logos specialists have compiled 3 basic programs:

1) For children aged 9-18 months.

Games and exercises that develop:

  • speech,
  • memory,
  • Attention,
  • physical activity,
  • sensory Perception,
  • Creative skills.

2) Age from 1.5 to 2 years. To the exercises described above, tasks are added aimed at the formation of a mathematical representation.

3) Age 2–3 years. Development of reading skills, cognitive processes and intellectual activity.

Additional kids club programs

  • Lessons with a speech therapist. Certified specialists will teach children to pronounce sounds correctly, to speak clearly and beautifully.
  • Group developmental classes and trainings with a psychologist. Playing role-playing games, completing tasks for the development of imagination, children gain communication skills, become self-confident, are not afraid to express themselves, forget about fears and anxiety.
  • Music lessons for young and middle-aged children.

Additional services

  • Studio "People of Art". Painting and drawing lessons for teenagers and adults from professional artists, a huge number of creative workshops (origami, ceramic and glass painting, Japanese clay modeling), author's interior design courses.
  • Mini-garden (morning or afternoon visit).
  • Preparation for school.
  • Learning English, French, Spanish.
  • Individual consultations of a psychologist.
  • Parent School - seminars on various aspects of raising a child.

Center for Creative Development "Amalfi"

Children's club "Amalfi" has gathered under its roof the best artists, musicologists, choreographers, art historians, musicians and other talented and experienced teachers. The merits of many of them are known not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Well-known ballet, theater and film artists, screenwriters, masters of sports conduct exciting classes for adults and children.

Amalfi Development Center

Main directions

Amalfi specialists have developed a number of basic developmental courses for children of different ages. The lessons are based on methods of visualization and interactivity, game methods of presenting information. All this arouses interest in children, helps to easily perceive information. So, when talking about historical events, teachers use visual aids: objects of ancient life, historical reconstructions, ethnographic materials. Live music is played during developing music classes.


  • Group of historical reconstruction for children from 7 years old. Here they will teach you how to use medieval weapons and instill combat skills.
  • English and Italian courses.
  • Children's choreography.
  • Ballet.
  • Hip-hop.
  • Rhythm.
  • Sports and ballroom dancing.
  • School of painting and vocal.
  • Piano lessons.
  • Acting school.
  • Oratory course.
  • Creative master classes.

Additional services

1) Professional holding of holidays with the participation of incendiary animators, many exciting contests and fun games.

2) Summer city camp.

3) Schools of dance, painting, vocals, twine, acting and oratory for adults, art therapy for pregnant women.

Network of children's developing centers "Constellation"

Constellation is a network of the best Montessori clubs in Russia, according to AMI. As the name implies, a free, creative and harmoniously developed personality is brought up here, using one of the most popular and time-tested methods of Maria Montessori.

Children's center Constellation

"Constellation" fully complies with AMI standards: cozy rooms, properly equipped Montessori zones, high-quality and new Montessori materials, qualified teachers who have undergone appropriate training. According to Montessori's prescriptions, several groups operate in the kids' club, taking into account the two-year age range:

  • from 8 months to 2 years,
  • from 2 to 4 years old,
  • from 4 to 6 years old.

Children aged 8 months to 3 years old can attend the Stars, Comets and Comets Plus groups. Here, classes take place with one of the parents, and the didactic material is aimed at developing memory and imagination, thinking, fine motor skills, and vocabulary. Toddlers learn to distinguish colors, geometric shapes. Duration of visits - from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the selected group. For children of younger preschool age, groups of a full or weekend day, a mini-garden are provided.


  • English language;
  • Fitness;
  • Rhythm and dancing;
  • Music and creativity;
  • Various master classes;
  • Services of a speech therapist and psychologist.

Additional services

  • Preparation for school.

Developing centers "Little Prince" are represented by two branches: "Belarusian" and "Beskudnikovo". Here, teachers in matters of education and training adhere to the principles of an individual approach. Every little person has their own unique abilities and talents. It is important to see them in a timely manner and develop what the center's employees are successfully doing.

Early Development Center "Little Prince"

Children are taught by world and Russian champions, masters of sports, actors, laureates of international competitions, members of artists' unions. The author's methods echo the best achievements in the field of pedagogy.

Sections and circles

  • English theater;
  • Theater and art workshop;
  • Modeling;
  • English language learning;
  • Rhythm;
  • Entertaining chemistry and physics;
  • Karate;
  • Children's fitness and yoga;
  • Chess;
  • Ballroom and club dancing;
  • Creation of cartoons;
  • German;

Additional services

  • Preparation for school and for exams in creative universities;
  • Holding birthdays;
  • mini garden;
  • Services of a child psychologist and speech therapist.

Select... (ANO "AMI") GBU "Center" branch "Nash Arbat" GBU DSC "EPI-Altufievo" GBU MC "Kotlovka" GBUZ "GKB im. V.P. Demikhov DZM" GBUK Moscow "TsBS SAO" GBUK Moscow "KTs "Lira" MBU DC "Gagarinets" LLC "Uni-Jim" "RTU MIREA" "FitKervs" "Sigma Fit" "Union of Kyokushin Karate of Russia" "Fit - Avangardnaya "Sports club "Sagittarius M" ANO "Health, education, culture" ANO "Auto-moto TR-Club" ANO "ARTMEDIA OBRAZOVANIE" ANO "AS" ANO "Wind of Change" ANO "Harmony" ANO "Children's Club" Baby club plus" ANO "Children's and Youth Sports and Recreation Center "IMA" ANO "DIALOGUE" ANO "Leisure Center" KOLIBRI" ANO "DEC "OKO" ANO "Unification" ANO "Zabava" ANO "Image Studio" ANO "Intersport" ANO "World of Knowledge" ANO "MShT" ANO "Nasha Otrada" ANO "PO "PATH" ANO "Development Project" ANO "SotsTour-Stolitsa" ANO "Center "Lomonosovets" ANO "Atmosfera" ANO "CYBER STRANA" ANO "Non-commercial studio of theatrical art "Nadezhda" ANO "Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Legal Education" Perspektiva "ANO DO "TC Shapo-Synthesis" ANO DPO "Professional Plus" ANO DCC "Chance" ANO KC "Theater-Studio" Ostankin o" ANO MSOC "Alliance" ANO MEC "Allegro" ANO PO "KESI" ANO SC "Lianozovo" ANO SK-2000 "Yaroslavsky" ANO SOPSH "Belfry" ANO Secondary School "Dimitrievskaya" ANO Sports Complex "Yuzhny" ANO STK "Latinskiy Kvartal" ANO TC "JELSOMINO" ANO TsD "Druzhba" ANO Center for the Development of the Water Stadium "Dynamo" ANO TsIKS "Kaissa" ANO "School at St. Andrew's Monastery" JSC "City-XXI century" AOCHU VO MFUA Association for the Promotion of Children's Sports "Residence Pokrovskoye" BVPF "Outpost of St. Ilya Muromets" Bolshoi Theater of Russia (Kindergarten No. 219 "Ivan da Marya") Charitable Foundation "Cultural Seasons" Charitable Foundation "Peace and Harmony" Charitable Foundation named after the Holy Apostle John the Theologian School No. 1518 "GAOU DPO MCKO GAOU DPO MTsRKPO GAOU DPO CPM GAOU School "SHIK 16" GAOU School No. 1306 - "School of Young Politicians" GAOU School No. 548 GAOUVO "Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow" GAPOU KP No. 11 GAPOU IOC im. V. Talalikhina GAPOU PC No. 8 named after. I.F. Pavlova GAPOU TK No. 24 GAU "SC" MTsBI "Moskomsporta GAU MTsOP GAUDO "Domisolka" GAUK Moscow "GMZ" Kuzminki-Lublino" GAUK G. MOSCOW "ZIL CULTURAL CENTER" GAUK G. MOSCOW "KC "ZELENOGRAD" GAUK of Moscow "Poklonnaya Gora" GAUK of Moscow "Vorontsovo Manor" GAUK of Moscow MGS "Hermitage" GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Babushkinsky" GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Krasnaya Presnya" GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Tagansky" GAUK of Moscow Moscow PKiO "Fili" GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Lianozovsky" GAUK of Moscow "MPK "Northern Tushino" GAUK of MOSCOW "PARK" ZARYADYE" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO "Sokolniki" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO Izmailovsky" GAUK Moscow "Garden KIO them. N.E. Bauman "GAUK Moscow PKiO "Perovsky" GBDOU Kindergarten No. 754 "Solnyshko" GBDOU Kindergarten No. 766 GBOU "Kurchatov School" GBOU "Moscow International School" GBOU "German School No. 1212" GBOU "Center for Sports and education "Sambo-70" of the Moscow Sports Committee GBOU "School No. 1270 "Vector" GBOU "School No. 1595" GBOU "School No. 167 named after Marshal L.A. Govorova" GBOU "School No. 2100" GBOU "School No. 354 named after. D.M. Karbyshev School No. 448 School No. 514 School No. 597 New Generation School No. 760 named after A.P. Maresyev School No. 842 School No. 1953 of the Moscow Sports Committee "School Gloria" SBEI "School on the Yauza" SBEI "Center for Sports and Education "MESH" of the Moscow Committee for Sports GBOU "Center for Sports and Education" Sambo-70" of the Moscow Committee for Sports Department "Bitsa" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "Sambo-70" of the Moscow Committee for Sports Department " Gagarinsky Center of Sports and Education "Sambo-70" of the Moscow Sports Committee Department of Chaikovskaya Konyok Moscow Department of Sports and Education "Sambo-70" of the Moscow Sports Committee Olimpia Department -70" State Budgetary Educational Institution "Sports and Education Center" Sambo-70 "of the Moscow Sports Committee Khrustalny Department State Budgetary Educational Institution "Sports and Education Center" Sambo-70" of the Moscow Sports Committee Cheryomushki Department » State Budgetary Educational Institution "Center for Sports and Education "Sambo-70" of the Moskomsport Department "Yasenevo" State Budgetary Educational Institution "TsSiO "Olymp" Moskomsport GBOU" TssiO "Sambo-70" Moskomsport department "Sevastopol" SBEI "TSSIO "Chertanovo" Moskomsport GBOU VPO MGPPU GBOU GMTs DOGM GBOU DO "TsDOD "Cherkizovsky Park" GBOU DO Moscow "Cherkizovsky Park No. 8 named after Arkady Ostrovsky" GBOU DO DTDiM "Na Stopani" GBOU DO DTDM "Sevastopolets" GBOU DO DTDM "Khoroshevo" GBOU DO DTDM on Miussy GBOU DO DYuTs "Victoria" GBOU DO CVR "Na Sumy" GBOU DO CDT "Novo-Peredelkino" GBOU DO CDT "Strogino" SBEI DO TsDYuT "Bibirevo" SBEI DO Center "ECO" GBOU DO TsRTDYu "Germes" SBEI DO TsRTDYU "Presnya" SBEI DO TSTR and MEO "Joy" GBOU DOD Moscow "DSHI No. 16" GBOU DOD Moscow "Voskresenskaya Children's School of Arts" SBEI DOD of Moscow "Children's Music School No. 66" SBEI DOD of Moscow "Children's Music School named after D.B. Kabalevsky" SBEI DOD of Moscow "Children's Music School named after M. M.Ippolitov-Ivanov" SBEI DOD of Moscow "Children's Music School named after R.M. Glier" SBEI DOD of Moscow "Children's Art School named after V.A. Serov" SBEI DOD of Moscow "Children's School of Arts named after S. I. Mamontov "GBOU DPO TsPVSHS GBOU Engineering School No. 1581 GBOU Engineering and Technical School GBOU Cadet School No. 1784 GBOU KSHI No. 6 MSCC GBOU Lyceum "Second School" GBOU Lyceum No. 1451 GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1220 GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1577 GBOU Educational Center "Proton" GBOU Open School No. 88 GBOU OSHI No. 1 Petrovsky Cadet Corps GBOU Romanovskaya School GBOU ROTs No. 105 GBOU ROTs No. 20 GBOU ROTs No. 76 GBOU RSI No. 32 Sanatorium Boarding School No. 4 GBOU SKSH No. 869 GBOU SKSH No. 895 GBOU SLSh No. 11 GBOU Special School No. 1 GBOU SPO (college) of Moscow "Moscow State Choreographic School named after L.M. Lavrovsky "GBOU SPO of Moscow" Moscow Secondary Specialized Music School (College) named after the Gnessins "GBOU SPO of Moscow" Moscow Theater College under the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow "Moscow Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov" SBEI SPO of Moscow College "Moscow Choreographic School at the Moscow State Academic Theater "Gzhel" GBOU TsO "School of Health" No. 1679 GBOU CRO No. 7 GBOU TsSiO "Olimp" of the Moscow Sports Committee GBOU School "Beskudnikovo" GBOU School "Integral" GBOU School "Intellectual" GBOU School "Kuzminki" GBOU School "Maryino" GBOU School "Pokrovsky Quarter" SBEI School "Sviblovo" SBEI School "Sodruzhestvo" SBEI School "Spektr" GBOU School "Troparevo" GBOU School No. 1000 GBOU School No. 1002 GBOU School No. 1005 "Scarlet Sails" GBOU School No. 1015 School No. 1018 School No. 1022 School No. 1028 School No. 1034 School No. 1055 School No. 1056 School No. 1065 School No. 1073 School No. 1076 School No. 10 78 School No. 108 School No. 1080 School No. 109 School No. 1095 School No. 1101 School No. 1103 School No. 1115 School No. 1125 School No. 113 School No. 1130 School No. 1133 School No. 1143 School No. 1143 School No. 1150 School No. 1151 School No. 1155 School No. 1158 School No. 1159 School No. 1161 School No. 1164 School No. 117 School No. 1173 School No. 1179 School No. 118 School No. 1186 School No. 1190 School No. 1191 School No. 1194 School No. 1195 School No. 1200 School No. 1205 School No. 1206 School No. 1207 School No. 1208 School No. 121 School No. 1210 School No. 1212 School No. 1213 School No. 1213 School No. 1222 School No. 1223 School No. 1228 "Lefortovo" School No. 123 School No. 1231 School No. 1232 School No. 1234 School No. 1236 School No. 1238 School No. 1239 School No. 1241 School No. 1242 GBOU School No. 1245 GBOU School No. 1246 GBOU School No. 1247 GBOU School No. 1248 School No. 1249 School No. 1250 School No. 1251 General Charles de Gaulle School No. 1252 Cervantes School No. 1253 School No. 1256 School No. 1257 School No. 1259 School No. 1265 School No. 1272 School No. 1273 School No. 1279 School No. 1280 School No. 1282 Sokolniki School No. 1284 School No. 1285 School No. 1286 School No. 1287 School No. 1288 School No. 1290 School No. 1293 School No. 1296 GBOU School No. 1297 GBOU School No. 1298 "Kurkino Profile" GBOU School No. 1301 named after E. T. Gaidar GBOU School No. 1302 GBOU School No. 1310 GBOU School No. 1311 GBOU School No. 1315 GBOU School No. 1317 GBOU School No. 1319 GBOU School No. 1321 "Ark" GBOU School No. 1324 GBOU School No. 1329 GBOU School No. 1331 GBOU School No. 1347 GBOU School No. 1352 GBOU School No. 1353 GBOU School No. 1354 "Vector" GBOU School No. 1355 GBOU School No. 1356 GBOU School No. 1357 GBOU School No. 1358 GBOU School No. 1359 GBOU School No. 1360 GBOU School No. 1362 GBOU School No. 1363 GBOU School No. 1367 School No. 1368 School No. 1370 School No. 1371 Krylatskoe School No. 1373 School No. 1374 School No. 1375 School No. 1376 School No. 138 School No. 1381 School No. 1383 School No. 1384 School No. 1386 GBOU School No. 1387 GBOU School No. 1389 GBOU School No. 1391 GBOU School No. 1392 im. D.V. Ryabinkina School No. 1394 School No. 1399 School No. 14 School No. 1400 School No. 1404 Gamma School No. 1409 School No. 141 School No. 1411 School No. 1412 School No. 1413 School No. 1415 Ostankino " GBOU School No. 1416 GBOU School No. 1420 GBOU School No. 1429 GBOU School No. 1430 GBOU School No. 1432 GBOU School No. 1434 GBOU School No. 1436 GBOU School No. 1440 GBOU School No. 1448 GBOU School No. 1449 GBOU School No. 1450 "Olimp" GBOU School School No. 1454 Timiryazevskaya School No. 1465 School No. 1466 School No. 1467 School No. 1468 School No. 1471 School No. 1474 School No. 1476 School No. 1482 School No. 149 School No. 1492 School No. 1494 School No. 1494 School No. 1498 School No. 1499 School No. 15 School No. 1500 School No. 1501 School No. 1502 School No. 1503 School No. 1504 School No. 1505 School No. 1506 School No. 1507 School No. 1508 School No. 1508 School No. 1512 GBOU School No. 1514 GBOU School No. 1515 GBOU School No. 1516 GBOU School No. 1517 GBOU School No. 1519 GBOU School No. 152 GBOU School No. 1520 im. Kaptsov GBOU School No. 1522 named after V.I. Churkina GBOU School No. 1523 GBOU School No. 1524 GBOU School No. 1525 GBOU School No. 1526 on Pokrovskaya GBOU School No. 1527 GBOU School No. 1528 GBOU School No. 1529 named after A.S. Griboedov School No. 1530 "Lomonosov School" GBOU School No. 1531 GBOU School No. 1532 GBOU School No. 1533 "LIT" GBOU School No. 1534 GBOU School No. 1535 GBOU School No. 1536 GBOU School No. 1537 GBOU School No. 1538 GBOU School No. 1539 GBOU School No. 1540 GBOU School No. 1541 GBOU School No. 1542 GBOU School No. 1543 GBOU School No. 1544 GBOU School No. 1547 GBOU School No. 1550 GBOU School No. 1551 GBOU School No. 1552 GBOU School No. 1553 named after V. I. Vernadsky GBOU School No. 1554 GBOU School No. 1557 GBOU School No. 1558 named after Rosalia de Castro GBOU School No. 1560 "Leader" GBOU School No. 1561 GBOU School No. 1563 GBOU School No. 1564 GBOU School No. 1566 GBOU School No. 1568 GBOU School No. 1569 "Constellation" School No. 1570 School No. 1571 School No. 1573 School No. 1574 School No. 1575 School No. 1576 School No. 1579 School No. 158 School No. 1580 School No. 1582 School No. 1583 School No. 1584 School No. 1586 School No. 1589 School No. 1590 School No. 1591 School No. 1592 School No. 1593 School No. 1596 School No. 1598 School No. 1601 School No. 1613 School No. 1619 School No. 1621 School No. 1623 School No. 1631 School No. 1636 School No. 1637 School No. 1650 School No. 166 School No. 1678 East Degunino School No. 1692 School No. 1694 Yasenevo School No. 17 School No. 170 GBOU School No. 1708 GBOU School No. 171 GBOU School No. 1716 "Evr ika-Ogonek" GBOU School No. 1726 GBOU School No. 1741 GBOU School No. 1747 GBOU School No. 1748 GBOU School No. 1770 GBOU School No. 1786 GBOU School No. 1788 GBOU School No. 179 GBOU School No. 1793 GBOU School No. 1794 GBOU School No. 1795 GBOU School School No. 1797 School No. 1798 School No. 1799 School No. 1811 School No. 1828 "Saburovo" School No. 183 School No. 185 School No. 1852 School No. 1861 Zagorie School No. 1862 School No. 1874 School No. 1874 School School No. 1883 Butovo School No. 19 School No. 1900 School No. 1905 School No. 1912 School No. 192 School No. 1925 School No. 1935 School No. 1944 School No. 1945 School No. 1947 School No. 1948 School No. 1948 School No. 1950 School No. 1955 School No. 1959 School No. 1973 School No. 1980 School No. 1981 School No. 1985 School No. 1987 School No. 1989 School No. 199 School No. 1995 School No. 1996 School No. 1998 GBOU School No. 2000 GBOU School No. 2001 GBOU School No. 2005 GBOU School No. 2 006 GBOU School No. 2007 FMS GBOU School No. 2009 GBOU School No. 201 GBOU School No. 2010 GBOU School No. 2012 GBOU School No. 2016 GBOU School No. 2017 GBOU School No. 2025 GBOU School No. 2026 GBOU School No. 2030 GBOU School No. 2031 GBOU School No. 2033 School No. 2036 School No. 2042 School No. 2044 School No. 2045 School No. 2048 School No. 2051 School No. 2053 School No. 2054 School No. 2055 School No. 2057 School No. 2065 School No. 2070 GBOU School School No. 2072 School No. 2073 School No. 2075 School No. 2083 School No. 2086 School No. 2087 School No. 2089 School No. 2090 School No. 2093 School No. 2097 School No. 2098 named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. School No. 2109 GBOU School No. 2113 GBOU School No. 2114 GBOU School No. 2115 GBOU School No. 2116 GBOU School No. 2117 GBOU School No. 2120 GBOU School No. 2121 GBOU School No. 2122 GBOU School No. 2123 im. M. Hernandez School No. 2126 "Perovo" School No. 2127 School No. 2128 School No. 2129 School No. 216 School No. 218 School No. 2200 School No. 222 School No. 224 School No. 236 School No. 281 School No. 283 School No. 285 School No. 293 School No. 305 School No. 315 School No. 319 School No. 323 School No. 324 School No. 329 School No. 338 School No. 345 School No. 356 named after N .Z. Kolyada School No. 368 "Losiny Ostrov" School No. 37 School No. 38 School No. 384 School No. 399 School No. 400 School No. 402 named after Aliya Moldagulova School No. 41 School No. 415 School No. 423 School No. 423 School No. 426 GBOU School No. 429 GBOU School No. 438 GBOU School No. 439 "Intellect" GBOU School No. 444 GBOU School No. 45 GBOU School No. 46 GBOU School No. 460 GBOU School No. 463 GBOU School No. 480 GBOU School No. 482 GBOU School No. 49 GBOU School No. 491 School No. 498 School No. 504 School No. 507 School No. 508 School No. 51 School No. 518 School No. 534 School No. 536 School No. 538 School No. 544 School No. 554 School No. 556 GBOU School No. 56 named after Academician V.A. Legasova School No. 567 School No. 57 School No. 572 School No. 587 School No. 600 School No. 609 School No. 618 School No. 625 School No. 626 School No. 627 School No. 629 School No. 63 GBOU School No. 630 School No. 633 School No. 64 School No. 641 named after S. Yesenin School No. 648 School No. 654 named after A.D. Fridman GBOU School No. 656 named after A.S. Makarenko School No. 657 School No. 664 School No. 667 School No. 67 School No. 687 School No. 69 School No. 7 School No. 705 School No. 709 School No. 710 School No. 712 School No. 717 School No. 717 School No. 718 GBOU School No. 719 GBOU School No. 727 GBOU School No. 734 GBOU School No. 74 GBOU School No. 763 GBOU School No. 771 GBOU School No. 773 "Pechatniki" GBOU School No. 777 GBOU School No. 806 GBOU School No. 809 GBOU School No. 810 School No. 814 School No. 825 School No. 827 School No. 830 School No. 843 School No. 851 School No. 852 School No. 853 School No. 854 School No. 86 named after M. E. Katukova School No. 867 School No. 870 School No. 875 School No. 878 School No. 883 School No. 887 School No. 89 School No. 892 School No. 896 School No. 90 School No. 902 Dialog School No. 904 School No. 91 School No. 920 School No. 922 School No. 924 School No. 935 School No. 937 School No. 939 School No. 947 School No. 949 School No. 950 School No. 953 School School No. 956 GBOU School No. 962 GBOU School No. 967 GBOU School No. 97 GBOU School No. 975 GBOU School No. 978 GBOU School No. 979 GBOU School No. 982 GBOU School No. 991 GBOU School No. 996 GBOU School No. A. Borovik GBOU School. N.M. Karamzin GBOU School named after Marshal V.I. Chuykov GBOU School named after Mayakovsky GBOU School named after F.M. Dostoevsky GBOU School of Maryina Roshcha named after V.F. Orlova School on Prospekt Vernadskogo GBOU School Perspektiva GBOU Boarding School No. 17 GBOU ShMK Bibirevo GBOUDO "DDT on Taganka" GBOUDO "DDT on Taganka" GBOUDO "DTDM" Preobrazhensky" GBOUDO DTDM "Vostochny" GBOUDO DTDM named after A.P. Gaidar GBOUDO DTDM "Undiscovered Islands" GBOUDO ZDTDiM GBOUDO named after A.V. Kosarev GBOUDO MDYUTS EKT GBOUDO Technorama in the South-East of GBOUDO TsVR "Sinegoria" GBOUDO TsDT "Sviblovo" GBOUDO TsDT Zamoskvorechye GBOUDO TsTRiGO "Polycultural Center" GBOUDO TsEVD GBOUDOD of Moscow "DMSh them. V.A. Mozart "GBOUDOD of Moscow" Children's Music School named after S.M. Maykapar "GBOUDOD of Moscow "DSHI named after I.S. Kozlovsky" O. Dunayevsky" GBOUDOD of the city of Moscow "Charming Music School named after A.P. Borodin" GBOUDOD of the city of Moscow "Christmas School named after G.F. Handel" Moscow "M.L.Tariverdiev Children's Music School" GBOUDOD of Moscow "Myaskovsky Children's Music School" GBOUDOD of Moscow "DSHI named after S.I. Mamontov GBOUDOD of Moscow "MGDMSH named after S.S. Prokofiev" GBOUDOD of Moscow "Schapovskaya Children's School of Art "Harmony" GBPOU of Moscow "MGTK named after L.A. Filatov" GBPOU "1st IOC" GBPOU "26 KADR" GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" GBPOU "College of Police" GBPOU "MKAG" GBPOU "KFKS "Sparta" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 1" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 2" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 3" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 4 named after A. Ya. ) wind art " GBPOU of Moscow "KMTI named after G.P. Vishnevskaya" GBPOU of Moscow "THTK" GBPOU of Moscow "Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after F. Chopin" GBPOU of Moscow "Moscow College of Music and Pedagogics" GBPOU DZM MK No. 1 GBPOU ZKNO GBPOU KAIT No. 20 GBPOU KAS No. 7 GBPOU CAT No. 9 GBPOU KBT GBPOU KGTiT No. 41 GBPOU KDPI them. Carla Faberge GBPOU KZhGT GBPOU KIGM No. 23 GBPOU KST GBPOU KSU No. 40 "Moscow International Film School" GBPOU KMB No. 4 GBPOU College "Tsaritsyno" GBPOU College of Light Industry GBPOU KPSR No. 16 GBPOU KS No. 54 GBPOU KST GBPOU KSU No. 10 GBPOU KSU No. 3 GBPOU KSU No. 32 GBPOU MADC them. A.A. Nikolaev GBPOU MGKEIT GBPOU MGOK GBPOU MIPK im. I. Fedorova GBPOU MMT them. L.B. Krasina GBPOU MOK WEST GBPOU MTK GBPOU OK "Yugo-Zapad" GBPOU OKG "Stolitsa" GBPOU OKDiT GBPOU Food College No. 33 GBPOU PC No. 10 GBPOU PC No. 18 GBPOU PC No. 50 named after twice Hero of Socialist Labor N.A. Zlobina GBPOU PC No. 15 GBPOU PC them. N.N. Godovikov GBPOU PC im. P.A. Ovchinnikova GBPOU PT No. 2 GBPOU PT No. 47 GBPOU SKISiG GBPOU TC No. 21 GBPOU TC No. 34 GBPOU TPSK im. V. M. Maksimchuk GBPOU TSiT No. 29 GBPOU FC No. 35 GBPOU ETK No. 22 GBPOU College of Law GBU "Aist" GBU "Almega" GBU "Harmony" GBU "Children to Children" GBU "Dialog" GBU "DMC Perovo" GBU "Leisure" Bogorodskoe Center GBU Sokolinka Leisure Center GBU DSC Harmony GBU DSC Nekrasovka GBU Zarya GBU KROTS GBU KSC Success KSC Krasnoselsky GBU Travel Laboratory GBU Lefortovo GBU "Lomonosovets" GBU "MDN" GBU "Moscow Basketball Academy" JV SSHOR "Gloria" GBU "Moscow Service of Psychological Assistance to the Population" GBU "MOTSVS" Moskomsport GBU "MC "GALERIS" GBU "Rovesnik" GBU "SDK "Vnukovo" GBU "SDC" "Alekseevsky" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Kentavr" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "CONTACT" State Budgetary Institution "SEC "Ostankino" State Budgetary Institution "SEC "Troparevo-Nikulino" State Budgetary Institution "SEC" Lyublino" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Triumph" "Sports school of the Olympic reserve No. 28" Moskomsport GBU "Sports and leisure center "Rainbow" GBU "Sh No. 4" Moskomsport GBU "Talisman" GBU "FAVORIT" GBU " TsDiK "Yuzhnoye Butovo" GBU "TsDS "Phoenix" GBU "TsDS "Obruchevsky" GBU "TsDS" Olymp" GBU "TsDSM "Astra" GBU "Center" Ogonyok GBU "Leisure Center Kuntsevo" GBU "Center" branch "Dialog" GBU "Center" branch "Ark" GBU "Center" branch "Krasnoselsky" GBU "Center" branch "Khamovniki" GBU "Center" branch "Yantar" GBU " CKS "Izmailovo" GBU "TsRiT "Union" GBU "TsSD "Atlant" GBU "TsTM "Olimp" GBU "TsFKiS TiNAO of Moscow" Moskomsport “Leisure center “Yunost” GBU “Istok” GBU “Cultural and sports center “Forward” GBU “M CLUB” GBU “MGFSO” Moskomsport secondary school “Centre for synchronized swimming named after. Maria Kiseleva" GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport secondary school "Chess School of Anatoly Karpov" GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport secondary school for swimming GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport secondary school for rugby GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport secondary school for sambo GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport school for hockey GBU "MGFSO" » Moskomsport SShOR in boxing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in cycling GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in water polo GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in rowing and canoeing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in judo GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in winter sports GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in athletics GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in table tennis GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in shooting Moskomsport SSHOR in gymnastics GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in tennis GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in weightlifting GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in fencing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport School of Rhythmic Gymnastics GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport School of Diving GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport School of Synchronized Swimming GBU "Moscow Basketball Academy" Moskomsport structural subdivision of SSHOR No. 71 "Timiryazevskaya" GBU "Moscow Basketball Academy" of Moskomsport 56) State Budgetary Institution "SASH" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Inspiration" State Budgetary Institution "SDC" Wider Circle" State Budgetary Institution "Sports School "Borets" of the Moscowsports Committee of the State Budgetary Institution "Sports School No. 10" of the Moscowsports Committee of the State Budgetary Institution "Sports School No. No. 26 of the Moscow Sports Committee GBU Sports School No. 29 Khamovniki Moscow Sports Committee of the State Budget Institution Sports School No. 70 Molniya Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Vorobyovy Gory" Moscomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve reserve "Russian Ski School - Capital" of the Moscow Sports Committee of the State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Labor Reserves" of the Moscow Sports Committee of the State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve No. 111" of the Moscow Sports Committee of the State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve No. 24" of the Moscow Sports Committee of the State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve No. 27" Sokol » Moskomsport GBU Olympic Reserve Sports School No. 41 Moskvorechye Moskomsport GBU Olympic Reserve Sports School No. 42 Moskomsport GBU Olympic Reserve Sports School No. 47 Moskomsport GBU Olympic Reserve Sports School No. 61 Fortuna Olympic Reserve No. 64" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Olympic Reserve Sports School No. 65 "Nika" Moscomsport State Budgetary Institution "Olympic Reserve Sports School No. 73" Victoria" Moscomsport State Budgetary Institution "Olympic Reserve Sports School No. 74" » Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve No. 92" C olntsevo Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution Olympic Reserve Tennis School Olimpiets Moscomsport State Budgetary Institution Megasport Sports Complex Moscomsport State Budgetary Institution School School Bitsa Moskomsport GBU "Secondary School No. 104 Zhemchuzhina" Moskomsport GBU "Secondary School No. 112" Sputnik" Moskomsport GBU "Secondary School No. 2" » Moskomsport of the State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 7" Moskomsport of the State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 75 Savelovskaya" Moscomsport of the State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 77" Moskomsport of the State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 82" Moskomsport of the State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 84" SShOR "Severny" Moskomsport GBU "ShOR Khlebnikovo" Moskomsport GBU "SShOR No. 1" Moskomsport GBU "ShOR No. 103" Yuzhnoye Tushino" GBU "SShOR No. 43" of the Moscow Sports Committee GBU "SShOR No. 44" of the Moscow Sports Committee of the State Budgetary Institution "SSHOR No. 45" Moskomsport GBU "SShOR No. 46" Moskomsport GBU "SShOR No. 53" Moskomsport GBU "SShOR No. 54 "Orient" Moskomsport GBU "SShOR No. 63 "Smena" Moskomsport GBU "SShOR No. 9" Shabolovka" State Budgetary Institution "ShOR Nagornaya" of the Moscow Sports Committee State Budgetary Institution "ShOR No. 101 Tushino" of the Moscow Committee of Sports State Budgetary Institution "FSO" Hockey of Moscow" » Moskomsport school "Meteor" GBU "FSO "Hockey of Moscow" Moskomsport school "Penguins" GBU "FSO" Hockey of Moscow" » Moskomsport School "Sozvezdie" GBU "FSO Hockey Moscow" Moskomsport School "Center" GBU "FSO "Hockey Moscow" Moskomsport School "Yantar" GBU "FSO "Hockey Moscow" "Spartak" GBU "CDS "Vertical" GBU "TsSP" Krylatskoe "GBU "TsTDS Novokosino" Rodni


Feedback from Andrey

Our son, 4.5 years old, has been going to gymnastics for the fourth month. They began to study at the branch on Kievskoye Highway, then the classes were transferred to Troitsk. The road to Troitsk takes a lot of time from our house, so we went to trial classes in other centers. But still, the child, and we ourselves, like Troitsk most of all. New spacious hall, well ventilated, separate dressing rooms for boys and girls. Valentina and Julia, the administrators of the center, are always polite and friendly.
And most importantly, the child is delighted with his coach. I would like to express special gratitude to the coach Elena Pozhidaeva! My son goes to classes with great pleasure. Elena immediately found an approach to our child. And the results were not long in coming.
Other coaches, as far as we can judge from the outside, are also great professionals in their field, the kids are all doing it with pleasure.
Thanks to all the staff at the center!


Feedback from Olga

I would like to note the high professionalism of Andrey Shkvarok!
My son is 3.3 years old, he first purchased a subscription at the end of January 2019 in the center at Dynamo. At the beginning of the classes, I was very upset at the expense of my son's physical development, in comparison with other children, he was very behind, they suggested moving to a group of 1.5-3 years. My worries were dispelled after signing up for a training session with coach Andrei Shkvarok, he explained to me that not everything is so bad. We stayed with him in the group for 3-5 years, we go to classes with pleasure and with each training session my son becomes more mobile, performs tasks more confidently. As a mother, I am glad that by visiting this center my son is growing up, becoming stronger and more confident, he has learned to understand what discipline is and listens to his coach. Shkvarok Andrei is in authority with my son, the child tries very hard and does everything that the coach says. I don’t even worry about safety during training, you can see how carefully Andrei looks after each child and everything is under his control. I really hope that this coach will always train at the Dynamo center, he has a very good effect on our child. With such a coach, you can grow a champion!


Feedback from Oleg

The first time they came to a trial lesson in the fall of 2018. We phoned and came to class the same day. The staff is very friendly, very comfortable, you can follow the process of training. Our son Matvey loves training very much and goes to classes with pleasure. We are engaged with coach Ekaterina in a group of 3-5. Katya is very attentive, finds an approach to each child. Working with her is a pleasure! I recommend this class to everyone, your child will be happy! Very good physical preparation and early development of kids!


Reviewed by Alexey

Shabaev Sergey is a wonderful coach and a qualified specialist. Despite the fact that the children are engaged in a group, he finds an individual approach to each child. We don't walk that long, but the result is visible from training to training! Thank you very much and keep up the good work!

PROGRAM of additional educational services for children aged 3-5 years "SMART FINGERS"

Buzmakova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 88", Berezniki, Perm Territory

Description: The work will be of interest to teachers of preschool educational institutions and additional education for organizing a circle, the main purpose of which is the development of fine motor skills of the child.


In modern conditions of functioning and development of preschool education, the task of increasing the effectiveness of training and education of the younger generation is more acute than ever. The task of preschool education is not to maximize the development of the child, not to function the timing and pace of transferring him to the “rails” of school age, but, first of all, to create conditions for each preschooler for the most complete disclosure and development of the child’s individual capabilities and characteristics of his uniqueness and originality.

“The sources of children's abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the source of creative thought. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

A variety of hand actions, finger games stimulate the process of speech and mental development of the child, since the development of the hand is closely related to the development of speech and thinking of the child. Fine motor skills of the hands also interact with such higher properties of consciousness as attention, thinking. Optical-spatial perception (coordination, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory of speech.
The development of fine motor skills is also important because the entire future life of the child requires the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a variety of household and educational activities.
Games with fingers create a favorable emotional background, develop the ability to imitate an adult, teach to listen and understand the meaning of speech, increase the child's speech activity. If the child performs the exercises, accompanying them with short poetic lines, that is, his speech will become more clear, rhythmic, vivid, and control over the movements performed will increase. The child's memory develops as he learns to memorize certain hand positions and sequences of movements. The child develops imagination and fantasy. Having mastered all the exercises. He can tell whole stories with his fingers. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, coherent speech.
The relevance of the "Smart Fingers" circle lies in the fact that targeted and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children in cooperation with the family contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, speech activity, and most importantly, the preservation of the mental and physical development of the child. It also provides an opportunity to carry out an individual approach to each child, reveal his personal inclinations, instill a love for folk art, develop artistic and aesthetic taste.

A distinctive feature of the program is that it has a complex character of mastering the process of technology with various materials, including the study of various technological methods of their processing, expands the range of opportunities for children, develops spatial imagination, aesthetic taste, and creativity.
Acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in working with different materials, children not only create useful products with their own hands, but also experience the joy of creativity. A creative approach to work, brought up in the process of classes, children will later transfer to all types of socially useful activities.
The novelty of the program is that most of the classes take place in the form of artistic and didactic games, exercises and creative works. With pleasure, studying under this program, students acquire a sense of personal responsibility, strengthen mental and physical health, develop a creative attitude to the subject - all this allows us to conclude that the program is pedagogically expedient.

Target: development and strengthening of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children in games, exercises and various types of productive activities (drawing, modeling, designing).

- to form arbitrary coordinated movements of the fingers, eyes, flexibility of the hands, rhythmic development of tactile perception (tactile, skin sensitivity of the fingers);
- to form practical skills and abilities;
- to teach various skills of working with paper, plasticine.
- develop fine motor skills of fingers, hands;
- improve hand movements;
- develop cognitive mental processes: voluntary attention, logical thinking, visual and auditory perception, memory;
- development of children's speech.
- to cultivate moral qualities in relation to others (goodwill, camaraderie, etc.);
- educate and develop artistic taste;
- to cultivate perseverance, purposefulness.

The content of the program is based on the following principles:
- The principle of consistency- work on the development of fine motor skills and hand movements should be carried out regularly, only then the greatest effect from the exercises will be achieved.
- Accessibility principle and - education and upbringing of the child is carried out in an accessible, attractive and age-appropriate form
- The principle of integrity- purposeful, deliberate actions in the process of raising and educating children.
- Operation principle- the relationship of different types of activities.
- The principle of succession- maintaining links between age categories, taking into account the development of different levels and different ages.
- The principle of humanity- value attitude to the child, the willingness of the teacher to help him.

The "Smart Fingers" circle is aimed at developing and strengthening fine motor skills of hands in children aged 3-5 years. This work should start at an early age. Already an infant, you can do finger exercises - massage your fingers.
For the development of motor skills of the hands in the classroom of this circle, the following are used: techniques, games and exercises:
- self-massage of the hands;
- finger gymnastics and finger games;
- performing movements with small objects (mosaic, designer, cereals, small toys, counting sticks, buttons, beads)
- drawing (with fingers, plasticine, shading according to the model, painting over, labyrinths);
- appliqué, origami, plasticinoplasty, testoplasty, butt cutting.
Classes include a variety of game exercises conducted on the material of various lexical topics. The work uses materials of various textures (paper, cardboard, cereals, buttons, etc.)
Educational activities are carried out once a week during the entire academic year, 32 classes per year.
Form of work - group, no more than 10 people.
Classes are held in the afternoon. For these purposes, a special room is equipped with individual seats for each child, a projector, a laptop.
Classes are designed for children 3-5 years old.
The active work of the circle contributes to the development of creative abilities, the education of aesthetic culture and diligence of children, the development of perceiving "beautiful", expanding their horizons.

Each session consists of three parts:
1.Introduction- a conversation, accompanied by viewing a presentation, cartoons, etc., contributing to the creation of an emotional mood, explaining new material, performing various options for finger gymnastics using musical accompaniment.
2.Practical part- the creative work of children, which includes the development of the child's graphic skills and the manufacture and design of crafts. The development of the ability to plan their actions, to bring the work started to the end.
3.Final part- reflection, i.e. self-assessment of the work done. The child learns to analyze his own activities: what he did right, what he would like to do more, what he can teach other children or relatives (mother, brother, sister).
Classes in the circle captivate children with their unusualness, the ability to fantasize, communicate creatively with each other, find their future hobby, which will reveal their creative abilities and diversify their leisure time.

Working ways:
1. Cutting or breaking off strips or pieces from a sheet of paper.
2. Cutting along the contour of objects and combining compositions from them.
3. Sticking paper lumps on a planar image.
4. Sticking pieces and lumps of paper napkins.
5. Sticking threads and fabrics on a planar image.
6. Bonding of various parts.
7. Stringing various items.
8. Modeling from natural material: walnut shells, seeds, peas, twigs, pebbles, shells, cereals.
9.Combining natural materials with various other materials.
10. Modeling objects from dough.
11. Laying out a mosaic of plasticine on a planar drawing.

Working with parents

Provides for regular individual counseling, holding parent meetings, joint work of parents and children in order to familiarize parents with the features of origami, volumetric applications, trimming, testoplasty, methods for making crafts, etc. A cycle of consultations has been developed on the topics: "Genius at your fingertips", "History of origami art", "DIY crafts", "Hand develops the brain".

Predicted results:

As a result of studying under this program, children:
Learn different ways to work with paper;
Get acquainted with the basic geometric concepts and basic origami shapes;
Learn to follow oral instructions, create products from various materials
They will create compositions with products made in different techniques: origami, trimming, appliqué, including three-dimensional,;
Continue the development of attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination.
Master the skills of a work culture;
Improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.


Classes are held once a week for children 3-5 years old. The duration of one lesson is 30 minutes. In the future, we take 30 minutes for one conventional hour. The number of hours per year is 32.

Name of sections and topics
1.-"On a visit to the sun" - curls-1 hour
2.-"Let's count the chickens" - cotton pad-1 hour
3.- "Leaf fall" - plasticine-1 hour
4.- "Scarlet ashberry" - plasticine-1 hour
5.-"Fungus" - application from pieces of colored paper - 1 hour
6.-"Turnip" - napkin balls-1 hour
7.- "Flower from loops" - 1 hour
8.-"Blanks" - trimming-1 hour
9.- "Sunflower" - seeds - 1 hour
10.-"Snowman" - napkin balls-1 hour
11.- "Christmas decoration" - dough-1 hour
12.-"Gift for the Christmas tree" -1 hour
13.-"Sheep" - curls-1 hour
14.-"Mittens" - application-1 hour
15.-"Snow house" - application of cereals-1 hour
16.-"Shrovetide" - origami-1 hour
17.-"Bullfinches have arrived" - voluminous application-1 hour
18.-"My heart" - trimming-1 hour
19.-"Tie for daddy" - origami-1 hour
20.-"Heart" - dough-1 hour
III.- SPRING - RED-12 hours
21.-"Flower" - application-1 hour
22.-Verbochki - napkin balls-1 hour
23.-"Easter egg" - dough-1 hour
24.-"Traffic light" - application-1 hour
25.-"Tulip" - appliqué with origami elements -1 hour
26.-"Rocket" - origami-1 hour
27.-“On the seabed” - origami-1 hour
28.-"Flower" - voluminous application-1 hour
29.-"Let's sit and talk" - origami-1 hour
30.-"Bouquet for a veteran" - a flower of napkins-1 hour
31.-"Butterfly" - application - 1 hour
32.- "Daisies" - a flower from a napkin-1 hour


1. meetings- Exit to the general parent meeting and group meetings in order to familiarize parents with the conditions and content of the additional educational service "Smart Fingers" - September
2. Consulting, workshops:
- Individual consultation
- Seminar - workshop "Development of fine motor skills in children of primary and secondary preschool age through the performance of creative tasks" - Throughout the year
3.Visually - educational work:
- Release of the booklet "Genius at your fingertips".
- Material in the parent corner "Methods for the development of fine motor skills of children" - 1 time per six months
4.Open days- View classes "Flower from loops", "Daisies"
5. Creative exhibition of collective works- "Gift for the Christmas tree", "At the bottom of the sea"
"Salute of Victory"

Experts are sure that the optimal age for the start of creative and physical development is 3-4 years. It is during this period that the child shows interest in a particular type of activity. Parents can reveal the talents of their baby, the main thing is to listen to his desires in time and correctly assess the possibilities. All children are talented: some draw beautifully, others show good results in sports, and still others have excellent hearing. But many parents do not know where to send their child at 3 years old. The variety of different circles and sections at the same time strikes and delights.

Parents should reveal the talents of the baby from childhood and develop the baby in directions that are interesting to him.

Basic principles for choosing a circle for a small child

The main thing that loving parents should do is to make the right choice. Many sections begin accepting children from 3-4 years old. No need to rush to give the baby to the first available circle. Ask your child what he wants to do.

Choosing a circle for a small child should be close to home, otherwise a long tiring road will discourage the crumbs from any interest in visiting him. Trial lessons are provided in some sections. As spectators, observe what is happening around, and then ask the child for his opinion.

Sometimes kids, after a couple of workouts, refuse to visit the section again, parents should not force him to go against his will, you need to talk with the child and find out the cause of the whims. If the coach makes a lot of comments or the crumbs do not always succeed, you need to cheer him up and make it clear that over time the desired result will be achieved.

Choice by type of temperament

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A kid at 4 years old sometimes cannot independently make a choice in favor of one or another section. Take a closer look at his character, so it will be easier to determine the direction. Quiet, calm children will not be entirely comfortable in the acting studio; it is better for overly active kids to try their hand at dancing or sports. A thin, puny boy will not be able to fully train on an equal footing with everyone in wrestling classes.

Psychologists tend to argue that the type of temperament affects the child's success in one or another kind of activity:

  • Excessively active kids, constantly on the move and often in conflict with other children, are of the type of choleric.
  • Sanguine people are able to control their emotions, they are strong-willed and purposeful.
  • Calm, balanced and slightly slow children are phlegmatic, they can concentrate on a particular type of activity for a long time.
  • The fourth type is melancholic, such children are often capricious, quickly irritated and unable to overcome difficulties.

Do I need to give the baby to the section at 3 to 5 years old?

At the age of 3-5 years, everything is easy for a child: any information is perceived as a game

From history, we all know that an obligatory attribute of the education of young nobles was their all-round harmonious development. Children from noble families attended music, dance and foreign language classes.

According to physiologists, visiting any sections by a child at the age of 3-5 allows you to activate motor activity. At this age, any training is given to the child easily. Many eminent athletes started their sports career from an early age, but you need to understand that a baby can be injured in training. His physical data may not meet the necessary criteria in the selected sport.

Sport sections

Most children love active games, so they are happy to attend sports sections. In training, they strengthen their health and get positive emotions. Sport develops such useful qualities in a child as:

  • endurance;
  • strength of will;
  • dexterity;
  • striving to achieve the goal.

Each child is individual, so it is necessary to take into account his developmental features.

It is better for parents to show the baby to the doctor before he starts classes. If there are no contraindications for practicing a particular sport, and the child is ready to start training, you can safely trust him in the hands of professional trainers.

Team sports

Playing basketball, football, volleyball, hockey and any other team sports is a good physical activity for a child. Such games allow children to quickly adapt in society, they learn to interact with each other and work in a team.

Visiting such sections will allow the squeezed children to liberate themselves and find good friends. If, on the contrary, the child is active and sociable, then the team game will give him a lot of positive emotions. He will be happy with the new opportunity to prove himself.

Martial arts for kids

Martial arts such as karate, aikido, wushu, taekwondo, etc. increase the speed of reaction, train strength, endurance and agility. In addition to physical activity, martial arts introduce children to the philosophy of combat. Children learn the basics of its conduct:

  • the use of force is possible only in case of protection;
  • the weak must be protected;
  • You can't be the first to get into a fight.

Martial arts train the strength and dexterity of kids, educate character

If it is difficult for a child to stand up for himself, then such activities will help him feel confident. An active baby will learn to control his emotions and be able to direct energy in the “right direction”.


Gymnastic exercises can give the child flexibility and plasticity. By exercising, the baby develops endurance, hones coordination of movements and maintains good posture. Children can start classes as early as two years of age.

Speaking about professional sports or rhythmic gymnastics, parents need to understand that in this sport the child needs to be prepared for serious physical exertion. He will have to train often and a lot, while injuries are inevitable. At the same time, it will be useful for all children to visit sections where a general warm-up is held, and trainers develop body flexibility in the baby.


Perhaps the only sport that is suitable for both boys and girls, regardless of their age and physique, is swimming. During training, the baby uses all muscle groups, and the risk of injury is minimal. Contact with water hardens the body. A child who has learned to swim, parents can safely take with them to the river or the sea.

Swimming is a sport that uses all muscle groups.

If a child is professionally engaged in swimming, then over time, some muscle groups, in particular the shoulder girdle, develop disproportionately. Girls become "broad-shouldered", but if training is carried out no more than twice a week, then there is nothing to worry about.


By visiting a choreographic circle, children get a lot of pleasure from classes. They communicate, perform special exercises, develop creative thinking and learn to properly control their bodies. If training takes place on an ongoing basis, then the child develops an elegant posture, he becomes graceful and plastic. Regardless of the chosen choreographic direction, the baby develops a sense of rhythm.

Educational circles

The kid can be given to developing circles, starting from 3-4 years. There are many directions:

  • modeling;
  • drawing;
  • application;
  • music and singing;
  • acting skills.

Many kids are seriously into singing

By attending such circles, the child will be able to develop their creative and cognitive abilities. Deeply engaged in singing and music, you can achieve good results in the future. These kids often grow up to be creative individuals.

Vocal and music

Music accompanies each of us from birth. In every preschool institution, children from an early age are taught not only to listen, but also to hear music. A pleasant pastime forms an understanding of beauty in 3-5-year-old children, develops hearing, a sense of rhythm and mathematical abilities. In the classroom, the child improves not only his creative skills, but also learns to discipline. Attending music and vocal lessons will leave an indelible mark on the life of a young talent.

Mugs of applied arts

Most children love to draw. Toddlers thus develop fantasy, imagination, spatial thinking and fine motor skills of the hands. Application and modeling may also interest the child.

Crafts circles help children quickly learn to distinguish shapes, determine the shape and color of objects. Hard work makes the child become more attentive and accurate. Kids in the classroom "wake up" hidden talents.

Theater Club

As a rule, theater circles accept children from 5 years old. By this age, the child should speak well.

In acting classes, kids are taught to liberate themselves and not be afraid of the audience. By participating in theatrical productions, the young actor learns to control his emotions and express his own thoughts and feelings. Personality is formed, memory and attention are trained.

Does the choice of circle depend on the gender of the child?
