Abortion pills - positive and negative aspects of their use. Birth control pills after unprotected sex: which ones to take

Pregnancy is the most wonderful period in a girl’s life. But the lack of readiness to become a mother forces girls to take drugs to end pregnancy.

In this article we will look at the best birth control pills after intercourse within 72 hours based on reviews.

Name and prices of the 5 best tablets

For your attention, the TOP 5 best birth control pills, including:

  1. Postinor;
  2. Escapelle;
  3. Eskinor F;
  4. Gynepristone;
  5. Genale.


The drug prevents pregnancy in 85% of cases within 72 hours after intercourse.

Price – 336 rubles.

I underwent an emergency termination of pregnancy, purchased the drug, drank it 6 hours after the PA, my cycle was disrupted, bleeding appeared, my lower abdomen hurt terribly, and I had nausea. But there was no pregnancy. I won't recommend it.

Negative effects:

  • allergic reaction (urticaria, rash, facial swelling, itching);
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • breast disease;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • bleeding;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • vomit;
  • fatigue.


  • increased sensitivity of the component;
  • renal failure;
  • up to 16 years old;
  • biliary tract disease;
  • Crohn's disease, lactation;

Rigevidon tablets 21 pcs.


The effectiveness of the drug in the first 24 hours is 95%; 24-48 – 85%; 48-72 – 58%.

Price – 406 rub.

There are no negative effects, I completed my task, did not get pregnant, my cycle was off by a week. I felt good. Drank 24 hours after PA.

Negative effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • bleeding;
  • delay of menstruation.


  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • use by minors;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • liver and biliary tract disease.

Novinet tablets 21 pcs.


A drug that suppresses ovulation after PA for up to 72 hours.

The cost is 200 rubles.

I took the first tablet 4 hours after PA, the second - 12 hours later. There were no negative consequences, it worked. My menstrual cycle has not changed. I recommend it.

The next day after the PA, I ran to the pharmacy to get some pills; the pharmacist recommended Eskinor-F. There were no side effects after taking the pill. I was sure I didn't get pregnant. A month later I bought a pregnancy test (to annoy my husband, he really wanted a child, but I was not ready for this). The result surprised me. Two stripes. I cried all day, but later I came to terms with it. Now I’m only worried about not harming the baby. My husband is happy and I'm happy.

Side effects:

  • acyclic bleeding;
  • nausea;
  • pain, dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • Quincke's edema.


  • renal failure;
  • age up to 16 years;

Novinet tablets 63 pcs.


Taken orally in a single dose of 10 mg up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

The cost is 436 rubles.

A gynecologist I know recommended the drug Ginepristone as the most gentle one. I did everything according to the instructions and took the drug the next morning (9 hours later). I didn’t notice any side effects, no nausea, no weakness, no bleeding. After 2 weeks I felt nauseated and in poor condition. I purchased a pregnancy test – 2 strips. I visited the doctor and the pregnancy was confirmed. I don’t recommend it, it’s ineffective and expensive.

After using it, I did not feel any pain in the lower abdomen, nor any other pain. Available without a prescription. Menstruation a week after taking it, the cycle was not disrupted, no hormonal imbalance was observed. No unplanned pregnancy occurred. I can recommend it to other girls with a pure soul.

Side effects:

  • bloody issues;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • hyperthermia.


  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • long-term use of glucocorticosteroids
  • extragenital pathology.

Tri-Regol tablets 21 pcs.


The drug will cost 300 rubles.

Zhenale is the safest drug for health, containing one tablet. It should be taken as soon as possible after PA. I took the drug when my husband’s condom broke. We have a small child and don’t want a second one. I took it 3 hours after the process. There were no consequences. There was no disruption to the menstrual cycle. I feel great and there was no unwanted pregnancy. Tablets are a good modern drug for protection against unwanted pregnancy. I bought myself another package for my home medicine cabinet just in case.

Side effects:

  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • bloody issues;
  • vomit;
  • hyperthermia, weakness;
  • vomiting, dizziness.


  • anemia, porphyria;
  • renal and adrenal failure;
  • violation of hemostasis;
  • pregnancy, lactation period.

Belara tablets 63 pcs.

The birth of a child is a real miracle, but only if it is desired. To prevent an unplanned pregnancy from spoiling the plans of young people, forcing them to choose between family and creating a career, they must always remember about contraception.

Many couples do not attach due importance to the choice of method of birth control. Often such negligence leads to unpleasant consequences:

  1. The birth of an unwanted child. In Russia, even now, the most common method of family planning is abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy can lead to many serious health problems, including infertility and serious illnesses.
  2. Danger of contracting sexually transmitted infections. Many diseases without proper treatment become chronic and can cause serious complications.

Having information about how to properly protect yourself prevents many problems, allows you to maintain your health and the opportunity to create a full-fledged family at the time when it is needed.

How contraceptives work

Contraceptives are drugs used to protect against pregnancy. All methods of contraception are based on a simple principle - to prevent the egg and sperm from meeting, blocking the process of conception (barrier), and to prevent the egg from maturing in the woman’s body (hormonal).

Contraception methods

Everyone can determine for themselves how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy by studying the features of use and the degree of reliability of the contraceptive methods used.

Means Efficiency
Sterilization 99,9-100%
Birth control pills 99-100%
Navy 99%
Contraceptive patch 92-99%
Contraceptive rings 92-99%
Hormonal injections 97%
Diaphragm 92-96%
Condom 85-90%
Symptothermal method 70-75%
Spermicides 65-70%
Cervical cap 75%

Contraceptive patch

This method serves as a physical barrier against the penetration of sperm into the uterus. The device looks like an elastic band with a diameter of 50-100 mm with a springy rim. The device is placed on the cervix several hours before sexual intercourse.

The size of the diaphragm is selected individually after examination by a gynecologist. The advantages of the method are protection against sexually transmitted infections and repeated use.

  • Lack of efficiency;
  • The need to insert and remove the device and care for it;
  • Not recommended for nulliparous women;
  • Inability to use during menstruation.

Intrauterine device

An IUD is a plastic T-shaped device measuring 25-35 mm that is placed inside the uterus. It works on the same principle as other physical barriers, preventing sperm from penetrating and further fertilizing the egg. The material from which modern spirals are made significantly increases their reliability compared to other means.

Advantages of the IUD:

  • Efficiency up to 99%;
  • Long service life (about 10 years);
  • No side effects compared to other hormonal drugs;
  • Instant restoration of reproductive function after removal.

Disadvantages of use:

  • The procedure is performed only by a doctor;
  • Suitable only for women who have given birth;
  • There is a risk of developing inflammation;
  • Lack of protection against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Pain and increased menstrual bleeding during the first time after installation;
  • In rare cases, the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • There is a high risk of the device falling out, especially on menstruation days and during active sports.

Symptothermal method

This is a method of natural family planning, including calendar, temperature, and cervical methods. It is based on calculating the probable day of ovulation and the most favorable days for conception. To do this, the woman keeps a chart for at least 3 cycles, in which she notes the basal temperature data. Typically, before ovulation its value decreases, and after it increases by 0.4 degrees.

The study is complemented by monitoring the condition of the cervical fluid. On dangerous days, the amount of discharge increases, it acquires a liquid and then a stretchy structure.

The positive aspects of this approach are absolute accessibility. Weaknesses - time costs, the need to abstain on dangerous days, insufficient reliability.


The barrier type of protection is based on a chemical effect on sperm to prevent entry from the inside of the uterus. This group of drugs includes gels, foams, creams, suppositories, which are inserted into the vagina 15 minutes before intercourse using an applicator.

The reliability of this method is quite low; the number of unplanned pregnancies with this method of protection reaches 35%. Therefore, spermicides are recommended to be used in combination with other barrier methods: condom, diaphragm, cap.

Along with insufficient effectiveness, the products can cause disruption of the vaginal microflora, causing itching and irritation.

Sterilization operations

Sometimes, when deciding how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, some people resort to a drastic method - sterilization: vasectomy (in men) or tubal ligation (in women).

A vasectomy is an operation to remove part of the vas deferens, preventing sperm from entering the seminal fluid. The intervention can be either reversible or irreversible. During temporary sterilization, only the clamp is installed on the seminal canal without removing it. But it will be possible to restore reproductive function only within 5 years; later it will be impossible.

The advantages of the method are high efficiency, complete preservation of sexual function, and no impact on the functioning of the body. But you should know that after this procedure the chances of becoming a father are reduced to a minimum. Therefore, the method is recommended for men who already have children. As with any surgical intervention, complications (suppuration, inflammation) are possible after the operation. It is also necessary to take into account that the effect occurs only after 1-2 months.

Female sterilization involves creating an artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the meeting of sperm and egg is impossible. The operation is performed using laparoscopy with minimal incisions. Several types of sterilization are carried out: tubal ligation, cauterization or pinching with special clothespins.

The method has maximum protection against unplanned pregnancy, but in practice there are rare cases of conception even with ligated tubes. Sterilization does not affect the menstrual cycle and hormonal functions of the body. The main disadvantage of this method of birth control is its irreversibility. But if you want to have children in the future, assisted reproductive technologies can come to the rescue. With artificial conception, a woman is able to carry and give birth to a child.

The impact of contraception on health

Every adult must know how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. Active use of contraception as a method of family planning is an important factor in reducing the number of abortions and associated health risks.

Hormonal contraceptives: pills, injections, patches have a great influence on a woman’s body. The negative consequences of taking these contraceptives are associated with incorrect selection of drugs and failure to take into account existing contraindications. The hormones they contain can negatively affect blood clotting, causing a high risk of blood clots.

Experts have also established some connection between taking hormonal pills and the development of breast and cervical cancer. However, their use significantly reduces the likelihood of ovarian cancer.

Many modern remedies bring undoubted benefits to healthy women. The drugs can improve the quality of the menstrual cycle, regulating it, preventing pain and mood swings.

Choosing the Right Method

A wide range of contraceptive methods can confuse a woman. When deciding how to protect yourself from pregnancy, it is worth considering the reliability of the product, possible side effects, and features of use. Here are some conditions that you should pay attention to, giving preference to the most popular methods:

  • In the absence of regular sexual activity or a permanent partner, it is recommended to use condoms. Along with birth control, this is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Barrier protection devices (IUDs, caps, diaphragms) can only be used by women who have given birth.
  • The choice of hormonal contraceptives should be made together with a specialist (gynecologist or endocrinologist).

A competent approach to the issue of choosing contraception provides effective protection against accidental pregnancy and associated negative consequences.

In the recent past, when there were few means of effective contraception, women often used the calendar method of calculating the safe period of the menstrual cycle, and also used the method of interrupted intercourse. Now that medicine has made great progress, it makes no sense to use the methods of protection described above, so an increasing number of couples are leaning toward officially recognized methods of contraception. But if they were not used in time, then birth control pills after sexual intercourse will save the situation. Which remedy is the most effective?

When and who might need them?

The correct answer to the question of when contraceptives may be needed is after unprotected sexual intercourse, when there is a risk of pregnancy. This is possible in the following cases:

  1. No protection was used.
  2. The rape occurred and the woman was not taking effective contraception at the time.
  3. The usual method of contraception did not work.

The last point needs to be deciphered in order to clarify when this is possible. The most common reason is missing an OC (oral contraceptive) dose, as well as a late injection of the hormone used for parenteral contraception. Sometimes, after sex, a woman notices that the contraceptive ring has shifted, the cervical cap has been installed incorrectly, and suppositories or pills that have a spermicidal effect and were used for contraception have come out of the vagina along with leucorrhoea and ejaculate.

Any suspicion that the usual contraceptive is not working properly is a reason to contact a gynecologist for advice on further contraceptive options.

Today, every medicinal preparation for emergency contraception after unprotected sex uses hormonal components.

What drugs for postcoital pregnancy prevention are known? Now official medicine recognizes two methods of emergency contraception after unprotected sex. They are the use of copper-containing intrauterine devices (spirals) during the first 5 days and the use of tableted postcoital medications. To use the first method, you must visit an obstetrician-gynecologist first for a consultation, and then to fix the spiral. The second method is convenient because the doctor immediately recommends the necessary contraceptive pills, which you will take according to the plan at home.

Currently, any drug for emergency contraception after unprotected sex uses a hormonal component, which can be progesterone or levonorgestrel. Contraceptives are available everywhere under the following trade names:

  • Escapelle.
  • Postinor.

Both use levonorgestrel as an active component, only Postinor contains 0.75 mg, and Escapel contains 1.5 mg, which determines the peculiarities of their use. The mechanism of action is the same.

Levonorgestrel prevents the development of ovulation and the release of the egg from the ovary, which is the main contraceptive effect. A sperm that enters the uterus after unprotected sex will die after some time without fertilizing the egg. In addition, these emergency contraceptives will increase the viscosity of intracervical mucus, which will create a mechanical obstacle to the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity.

Levonorgestrel prevents the development of ovulation and the release of an egg from the ovary.

How to take and what is the effectiveness

It should be noted that these concepts overlap. The relationship between the increase in the contraceptive effectiveness of pills and the time of taking them has long been noted: the earlier the drug was taken after unprotected intercourse, the lower the chance of developing pregnancy.

According to the annotations of manufacturers of tablet postcoital contraceptives, the maximum interval between unprotected sexual intercourse and taking the drug is 72 hours. Further use of this method of protection is inappropriate.

Emergency tablet contraceptives (features of administration)

The instructions for use indicate that if vomiting occurs in the first 3 hours after taking birth control pills, the drug must be taken again.

When not to use

First of all, these will include an already confirmed pregnancy. These contraceptive pills do not have an abortifacient effect, so they cannot be used to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Medical contraindications in the annotation for both contraceptive drugs are indicated as follows:

  • A previous or potential allergic reaction to the active substance levonorgestrel or any other component of the tablet.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). In some diseases, the absorption function of the small intestine is impaired, which leads to the fact that the required concentration of the hormone in the blood is not achieved. The contraceptive effect of contraceptives in this case is difficult to predict. An example of such diseases is Crohn's disease.
  • Serious liver pathology with signs of liver failure, in which there is a decrease in liver function.
  • Emergency contraceptives in the form of tablets cannot be taken together with medications for the treatment of HIV, tuberculosis, fungal diseases (meaning oral capsule or tablet forms), epilepsy, barbiturates and St. John's wort preparations.

If you are unsure whether emergency contraception is compatible with your medical condition, discuss this with your healthcare provider.

Adverse reactions

In the case when postcoital contraceptive pills are taken no more often than once every six months, no undesirable consequences are generally observed. However, a small number of women complained of headache or dizziness. Vomiting, nausea or diarrhea may also occur. Reactions from the reproductive system are somewhat more common:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen caused by myometrial spasm.
  3. Dysmenorrhea.
  4. Absence of regulation for 7 or more days, which is a reason to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist to exclude pregnancy. For the same purpose, a woman is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination.
Adverse reactions have a good chance of causing abdominal pain, this is due to myometrial spasms.

Menstruation that is very different from usual will also be a reason to consult a doctor. This is manifested by the occurrence of slight bleeding during regulation.

Less commonly used tablet forms

Mifepristone (the brand name of Genale) is also used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. It increases the contractility of the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus), changes the structure of the endometrium, into which the egg is normally implanted, and prevents ovulation. It is recommended to use Mifepristone in the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

The annotation for Zhenale lists the following adverse reactions:

  1. Allergic reactions of varying intensity.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen due to spastic contractions of the myometrium, bleeding.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.
  4. From the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, vomiting or nausea.

Mifepristone is used somewhat less frequently than levonorgestrel drugs and due to a wider range of contraindications. They cannot be recommended for women with anemia, renal and liver failure, porphyria, and other serious pathologies of internal organs and systems.

Breastfeeding is a categorical contraindication to the prescription of mifepristone, but levonorgestrel can be used for emergency contraception in lactating women. A necessary condition for this is to take it after feeding the child.

Depending on the markup category of pharmacies, the price of Postinor ranges from 320 to 350 rubles, and Escapela 310–365 rubles. The cost of mifepristone drugs is 300–340 rubles.

It is up to you to decide which method of emergency contraception to choose. Whatever method you choose, emergency contraception is a much easier way to prevent unwanted motherhood than having an abortion or a vacuum after. Take good care of your health.

With the current variety of contraceptives, from condoms and pills to intrauterine devices, the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy is reduced to almost zero.

However, dangerous situations occur: a damaged condom, uninterrupted sexual intercourse in the absence of any contraceptives... In such cases, there is also a method of protection - emergency contraception: birth control pills in the first 24 hours after intercourse can solve the problem.

What is emergency contraception

Any method used to prevent the possibility of pregnancy a few days after unprotected intercourse.

Usually it means the oral use of certain drugs, but the list of methods and techniques of emergency contraception also includes, for example, the immediate introduction of a spiral (within one hundred and twenty hours after the act has taken place).

Usually, emergency contraception means a kind of miracle pill that will instantly eliminate the possibility of pregnancy. However, even in this area there are subtleties.

The most important thing: if you take birth control pills within 24 hours, their effectiveness will be the highest and will be up to 95%... but even in this case, sadly, the guarantee is not 100%.

The “magic pill” does not exist in just one form. The drugs are divided into two types, are based on different active ingredients and act according to different principles, albeit with the same result - stopping the possible development of pregnancy.

Types of birth control pills in the first 24 hours, their names:

  • Tablets containing the substance levonorgestrel. These are: "" and "Postinor";
  • Products based on another component, mifepristone - Zhenale, Agesta, Miropriston.

Both types of drugs affect the body in different ways.

The principle of action of drugs. The effect of both types of tablets has much in common - the development of ovulation is inhibited. Below are some differences.

Drugs whose active ingredient is levonorgestrel change the composition of the mucus in the cervical canal, making it difficult for sperm to pass through the canal. At the same time, two processes are launched that prevent the fertilized egg from entering the uterus: the fallopian tubes are affected, the number of their contractions is reduced, and therefore the delivery of the egg occurs more slowly, and at the same time the composition of the endometrium of the uterus changes.

Mifepristone-based drugs also change the properties of the endometrium, preventing it from transforming into the required state, and increase uterine contractions in order to remove an egg that has not yet implanted.

Are vaginal tablets suitable for SOS cases? Most of the existing vaginal contraceptives are not designed for emergency use after intercourse, since they have a completely different principle of action. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is unlikely to be greater than zero, which, however, is expected.

Review of emergency contraceptives

As is clear from the previous part of the article, emergency contraception is divided into types, represented by several different drugs with their own disadvantages and advantages. We should stop and look at some of them in more detail.

  1. Postinor. The product belongs to those containing levonorgestrel. Considered one of the best of its kind. The volume of active substance in one tablet is 0.75 mg, which is much higher than in tablets for “standard” contraception.

If you take the drug exactly according to the instructions, its effectiveness is at least 95%. However, the more time has passed since sexual intercourse, the less effective it will be and the higher the likelihood of still getting pregnant. At the end of the third day (i.e. after) its effectiveness is slightly more than fifty percent.

If you take these contraceptive pills within 24 hours after intercourse, and do not procrastinate, hoping for the best, then the effect is almost guaranteed.

Contraindications for Postinor are typical for conventional contraceptives. It is highly not recommended for cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, or any problems with blood clotting. The drug should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Possible complications include bleeding from the uterus, abdominal pain, cycle disruptions, and migraines.

  1. Escapelle. Belonging to the same group as the drug discussed above, this product contains twice as much active ingredient; Thus, it is enough to take just one tablet. The side effects and contraindications of these two drugs are almost completely the same, with the exception that Escapelle is contraindicated in Crohn's disease and jaundice.

  1. Mifepristone. Now we move on to consider another type of contraception - mifepristone-based pills. This remedy is unique in that it is suitable for use for medical abortion. Thus, even if you do not take it within the standard three days after unprotected sex, you can use the drug to terminate an existing pregnancy, but not later than six weeks. As such, it is used only under the supervision of doctors in a hospital. The drug contains 200 mg of the active ingredient of the same name. Due to the presence of many side effects, it can be used, even in the traditional way, only under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. Agesta. It is a complete analogue of the previous drug.
  3. Gynepristone. It differs from the two above-mentioned drugs only in the concentration of the active component, which does not allow for medical pregnancy. The drug is contraindicated in case of liver and kidney failure, otherwise the contraindications are the same as all the drugs described above. Side effects may include allergies and cycle disorders.

The Yuzpe method involves the use of typical combined contraceptive drugs as emergency drugs and consists of taking them in an increased dosage. The effectiveness of the method is clearly lower than that of full-fledged emergency contraceptives, but with the correct dosage calculation, this method is quite workable.

Method of using tablets

The principle of using all drugs is the same - the faster, the better. The pill against unwanted pregnancy is taken within 24 hours after contact and in this case the result is almost guaranteed. The instructions indicate that the tablets are effective for three days after the act, but it also states that the later the drug was taken, the lower the likelihood of the result.

Benefits and Side Effects

Emergency contraception also has its advantages over planned contraception. For example, if we compare them with conventional combined hormonal drugs, in case of irregular sex life it is preferable to use a harmful pill once than to take slightly less harmful ones constantly - after all, both have an effect on hormonal levels.

The method of installing an intrauterine device has a serious drawback - the device is installed for a long time.

However, the side effects make you seriously think about whether it is worth using them at all or whether it would be better to take care of reliable contraception in advance. These drugs have a serious effect on hormonal levels, disrupt the menstrual cycle, many of them have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, and increase the likelihood of blood clots (much stronger than combined “scheduled” drugs).

If the second type of medication is used incorrectly, there is a risk of developing severe consequences, including the inability to become pregnant in the future.

Complications when taking such drugs are inevitable. Among the most common:

  • From the digestive system - nausea and vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • Uterine bleeding.

Due to the strong effect on hormonal levels, all medications should be taken only as directed by a doctor.


The list of contraindications to the use of these drugs is quite extensive. Among them:

  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • thrombosis,
  • anemia,
  • any abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys or liver,
  • unstable cycle
  • individual intolerance.

For any serious chronic diseases, these drugs are also prohibited.

During pregnancy and lactation, taking any hormonal medications, with rare exceptions prescribed by a doctor, is highly discouraged. This group of drugs is prohibited for use at all.

Where can I buy?

Most of the products on the list are sold in almost any pharmacy. However, no one will sell them without presenting a prescription - all drugs containing hormones are dispensed only as prescribed by a doctor.

Drug prices are not particularly high. Products containing levonorgestrel are usually sold for 300-350 rubles per package containing two or one (depending on the amount of the active component) tablets. However, in the case of tablets of another group containing mifepristone, the situation is different: due to the danger of their use, all such drugs, with the exception of gynepristone, sold for 350-400 rubles. per package, have a cost of 5000 and above.

Gynecologists have ambivalent views on these drugs. Considering reviews of many side effects with the development of complications that can affect life in the future, doctors would rather not recommend this method. However, they do not unequivocally suggest abandoning it either - there are situations when this option is preferable.


Of course, it would be better to avoid using these drugs. With so many existing methods of birth control, it is better to choose something less hazardous to health, and to be on the safe side, you can combine several methods.

However, sadly, the use of pills in the first 24 hours of pregnancy may be the only adequate solution to some situations. For the future, it is worth remembering that using traditional methods of contraception, even scheduled hormonal pills, is much less harmful to health.

Pregnancy pills are an opportunity to avoid unplanned pregnancy. Let's look at what pregnancy pills are, whether they help and how to take them correctly.

There are situations when, for one reason or another, a woman has to terminate her pregnancy. Since pregnancy can be unplanned or occur with serious complications that threaten the life and health of the mother. Pregnancy pills are an opportunity to refuse an abortion and carry out a medical termination of pregnancy.

The first pregnancy pills were invented in France at the end of the last century. All medications that terminate pregnancy are based on the synthetic drug mifepristone. This drug blocks the functions of the female hormone progesterone. Progesterone is responsible for the normal and successful course of pregnancy. Today, pills that terminate pregnancy are produced by many manufacturers. Sometimes in tablets, mifepristone is written as Mifegin, Pencrofton or Mifolian.

Pregnancy pills must be taken in the early stages. Up to approximately 40 days from the date of the delay in the menstrual cycle. But you cannot take such drugs on your own. Only a gynecologist gives permission to take pills to terminate a pregnancy, after conducting a complete examination of the woman.

Previously, only abortion, that is, surgical intervention, was the only solution to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. But abortion poses a serious threat to a woman’s life and health and can deprive her of the opportunity to have children in the future. Pregnancy pills are an opportunity to reduce the high percentage of deaths and diseases during abortions. The most popular abortion pills: Mifolian, Postinor, Mifegin, Mifeprison, Pencrafton and others.

Abortion pills

Abortion pills are hormonal steroids that cause embryo death. This is due to the fact that the tablets contain drugs that increase the sensitivity of the uterus to a hormone such as oxytocin. Because of this, the uterus begins to contract intensely, which causes the embryo to be rejected and removed from the uterine cavity.

The procedure for taking pills to terminate a pregnancy, that is, performing a medical abortion, consists of the following steps:

  1. Before taking drugs to terminate a pregnancy, a woman should undergo examination by a gynecologist. A complete gynecological examination and tests make it possible to find out whether a woman has contraindications to a medical abortion. For these purposes, an ultrasound examination is performed, which determines the exact duration of pregnancy. If the test results are normal, then the gynecologist gives a prescription for pregnancy pills and introduces the instructions for use of the drug. Also, the woman signs papers that express her consent to the procedure and confirm that she is familiar with all the nuances and information about medical abortion.
  2. Pregnancy pills are taken orally. After taking the drug, the woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist for 2-4 hours and, after his permission, go home. If necessary, the woman also receives a prescription for a contraceptive drug. A few days after taking the pill, the woman begins to experience rejection of the fertilized egg. The process is accompanied by heavy bleeding, which can last up to two weeks.
  3. After 2-3 weeks, the gynecologist examines the woman. This allows you to check whether the abortion procedure went well. If the fetus is not completely gone, the gynecologist prescribes surgery.

Do pregnancy pills help?

Do pregnancy pills help? Yes, they help if they are taken in the early stages of pregnancy and after examination by a gynecologist and obtaining a doctor’s permission to take these drugs. Let's look at the benefits of pregnancy pills versus abortion.

  • When undergoing a medical abortion, you do not need to go to the hospital.
  • The procedure for termination of pregnancy, that is, rejection of the fertilized egg, is no different from normal menstruation.
  • When taking anti-pregnancy pills, there is no possibility of contracting HIV.
  • Medical abortion does not require anesthesia or surgery.
  • The tablets protect against the risk of developing secondary infertility.

But, despite these benefits of pregnancy pills, do not forget that they can only be taken after the permission of the gynecologist. Taking pills on your own can pose a threat to a woman’s life. Also, before taking medications, it is necessary to conduct an examination to ensure that there is no ectopic pregnancy.

Name of abortion pills

Before you decide to have a medical abortion, you need to know all the nuances of this procedure. Also, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the medications, that is, find out the name of the abortion pills. Represents the most common and reliable drugs.

  • Postinor is a drug used for emergency contraception. As a rule, the drug is used in cases where unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place. The drug contains levonorgestre. These pills do not provide a 100% result in abortion, but only 80-85%. The first tablet of the drug must be taken immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse, but not later than 74 hours. But the second tablet is taken after 12 hours. After this, you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.
  • Mifegin - French anti-pregnancy pills. The effectiveness of the drug is close to 100%. For the best effect of the tablets, they must be taken if the pregnancy period does not exceed 6 weeks.
  • Pencrofton is a pill used to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, as well as a drug for emergency contraception. The tablets contain mifepristone. This drug can be taken by all women, even those who are pregnant for the first time. The tablets do not cause secondary infertility.
  • Mifepristone are tablets that contain the active hormonal substance of the same name. It is this component of the tablets that promotes the detachment and removal of the fertilized egg if the pregnancy period does not exceed six weeks.
  • Mifolian is an effective drug for abortion. In addition, these tablets are used in gynecological practice to speed up the process of natural childbirth.
  • Mifeprex is a drug with high efficacy and good tolerability. Allows you to terminate a pregnancy up to 42 days. Please note that after taking this drug, a woman may experience spotting for several days.

Postinor for abortion

Postinor for abortion is a drug that is based on an experimentally selected dose of the active substance. It is this substance that helps prevent pregnancy. If the pills are taken immediately after unprotected intercourse, this increases the chances of successful protection against pregnancy.

Postinor contains the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, which is an analogue of the corpus luteum. This hormone is included in almost all drugs that have contraceptive status. Since Postinor is a drug to prevent pregnancy, the hormone described above is contained in it in high quantities. Therefore, taking pills should only be done in emergency cases.

This drug must be taken within three days, that is, 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The second tablet of the drug must be taken 12 hours after taking the first. That is, a woman should take two postinor tablets. The second tablet of the drug is required to be taken, especially if a woman experiences nausea and vomiting while taking the first one. But do not forget that the drug is not a means of regular contraception and should be used only in emergency cases.

Mifepristone for abortion

Mifepristone for abortion is an effective drug whose main effect is to block progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone that is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy. The drug lowers the level of progesterone in the body and causes peeling of the uterine mucosa. Due to this, the muscles of the uterus relax, which can cause bleeding. After taking the drug, bleeding may occur within 6-8 hours, which will indicate that the pregnancy has been terminated.

There is no strict time frame for using mifepristone. Therefore, a woman can take the second tablet of the drug 12-72 hours after taking the first, which is taken immediately after unprotected intercourse or pregnancy up to six weeks, that is, 42 days. Thanks to this, medical abortion can be controlled. This allows you to comfortably and effectively terminate an early pregnancy.

Escapelle from pregnancy

Escapelle for pregnancy is a means of emergency contraception. The drug is taken if contraceptives did not work or were ineffective and pregnancy still occurred. The main active ingredient of the drug is levonorgestrel. This substance prevents the process of fertilization of the egg. If fertilization occurs, the drug causes embryo rejection.

The effectiveness of the escapelle is 84%. The earlier a woman takes the drug, the higher the likelihood that pregnancy will not occur. Proper use of the drug does not have a negative effect on the body, the blood clotting process or metabolism. Escapelle is called a “72 hours after” emergency contraceptive drug. Taking the drug is possible only after examination by a gynecologist. Escapelle should not be taken during lactation. Since with breast milk, 0.1% of the substance levonorgestrel enters the child’s body.

Zhenale tablets for pregnancy

Zhenale tablets for pregnancy are an antihistamine for internal use. The drug is based on the drug mifepristone. This drug is of synthetic origin and blocks the action of progesterone. After taking Zhenale pregnancy pills, the fertilized egg is rejected, which causes endometriosis, that is, a slowdown in the ovulation process. As a result, implantation of a fertilized cell does not occur in the female body.

The drug is available in the form of round tablets that are yellow in color with a greenish tint. Zhenale is used for emergency contraception after unprotected intercourse for 72 hours. But Zhenale has a number of contraindications that can adversely affect the vital functions and systems of the body. Thus, pregnancy pills can cause bleeding from the vagina, cause pathologies of the uterine appendages, and cause severe pain in the lower abdomen. Gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea and vomiting are also possible. If you experience these symptoms, immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

Vaginal pills for pregnancy

Vaginal pregnancy pills are a safe drug that successfully prevents fertilization. Vaginal tablets contain the active substance - nanoxynalone. The main effect of the drug is that the contraceptive penetrates the vagina and reduces the activity of sperm. The effectiveness of vaginal tablets is 75-80%.

The advantage of the pills is that they are safe for the female body. Vaginal medications have virtually no side effects. Thanks to this, the drugs can be taken at any period of the menstrual cycle and the woman’s condition. Vaginal tablets can be used with other contraceptives and for a long period of time.

The most popular vaginal pills:

  • Benatex
  • Pharmatex
  • Ginakotex
  • Traceptin

The choice of vaginal pills for pregnancy depends on each woman, the characteristics of her body and the method of contraception. But do not forget that non-hormonal drugs that prevent pregnancy are much more effective in combination with other contraceptives.

Chinese abortion pills

Chinese abortion pills contain the same substances found in other birth control and emergency contraceptive medications. But taking Chinese abortion pills causes many complications and dangers that can cause the death of a woman.

Taking Chinese abortion pills can only be prescribed by a doctor and only after a full examination. Another rule for allowing the use of Chinese drugs is the instructions translated into Russian. Since there are often cases when Chinese drugs contain completely different drugs that do not correspond to those specified by the manufacturer.

If, after taking Chinese pregnancy pills, you experience symptoms such as fever, nausea or vomiting, then you should immediately consult a gynecologist, as there is a threat to life.

How to take pregnancy pills?

If you decide to have a medical abortion, then you are probably interested in how to take pregnancy pills. Abortion pills are taken in two stages.

  • The first dose of the drug causes oxygen starvation of the amniotic sac. That is, an embryo that is three to five weeks old dies from lack of nutrition and oxygen.
  • The second time you take the pregnancy pill, it causes your uterus to contract harder, causing nauseating and sometimes painful contractions. As a result of this, the dead embryo is expelled from the uterus. This stage may be accompanied by bleeding that resembles menstruation and lasts up to two weeks.

Pregnancy pills can also be taken in the first days after a missed menstrual cycle. But this is only possible after an examination by a gynecologist, who will confirm that the woman has no contraindications for a medical abortion, and the pregnancy period allows her to take the drug.

You can take pregnancy pills on an outpatient or inpatient basis. If medical termination of pregnancy occurs in a clinic, then the gynecologist monitors the woman’s condition for 2-4 hours. This helps prevent complications of abortion in the early stages.

10-15 days after taking the drug, the woman undergoes a full examination by a gynecologist. The gynecologist performs a bimanual examination of the vagina and an ultrasound examination. This allows you to find out how the abortion went; in case of an incomplete abortion, the doctor prescribes surgical cleaning.

Early termination of pregnancy with pills

Early termination of pregnancy with pills is quite possible. Moreover, this type of abortion is the safest. This method has practically no disadvantages. The only thing worth remembering is that pregnancy pills only work if you are not yet six weeks pregnant. Due to the fact that not all women seek advice from a gynecologist and it is too late to perform a medical abortion, they have to resort to more traumatic and dangerous operations.

Early termination of pregnancy with pills gives almost 100% results. But before taking the drug, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist. In order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy and obtain permission to take anti-pregnancy pills. After taking the drug, after 10-15 days, you also need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor must check how the abortion went and, if necessary, prescribe surgery or take other measures.

Emergency pill for pregnancy

An emergency pregnancy pill is taken immediately after unprotected intercourse. There are medications that must be taken 24 hours and 72 hours after fertilization. Pills that protect against pregnancy for the first 24 hours are considered more effective. The emergency pill prevents pregnancy before it even occurs. That is, it can be used as an emergency aid. But an emergency pill will not help get rid of an already existing pregnancy; it is effective as emergency contraception.

The mechanism of action of the emergency pregnancy pill depends on the stage of the menstrual cycle. Let's look at the benefits of the emergency contraceptive pill:

  • An emergency pregnancy pill delays the maturation of the egg and prevents its release from the ovaries.
  • The active chemicals in the tablet prevent the egg that is released from the ovary from being fertilized.
  • The tablet prevents the attachment of an egg that has already been fertilized to the endometrium.

Please note that slight changes to your menstrual cycle may occur after taking the emergency pregnancy pill. Menstruation can start earlier or later, be scanty or, on the contrary, very heavy and painful. Also, after taking the drug, a woman may experience spotting, which will last until her next menstruation.

Pregnancy pills 24 hours

24 hour pregnancy pills are a means of emergency contraception. This drug is called the next-day birth control pill. Typically, this tablet is used when:

  • Had unprotected sex two or more days ago.
  • During sexual intercourse, the condom broke or leaked, which may have caused fertilization.
  • The woman was raped.

The effectiveness of the 24-hour pregnancy pill increases depending on how much time has passed since unprotected intercourse. So, according to research, if the tablet was taken within 24 hours, the effectiveness of protection is 95%. If pregnancy has occurred, then taking the pill is not effective and will not cause fetal rejection.

Despite the effectiveness of the 24-hour pregnancy pill, the drug can cause a number of side effects. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
  • Increased fatigue and headache
  • Irregular menstrual cycle and vaginal pain

Pregnancy pill 72 hours

72 hour pregnancy pills are “emergency” contraceptives that help prevent unwanted pregnancy. The effective action of the tablets is possible if sexual intercourse took place no later than 72 hours ago. Taking the drug during this period allows you to stop the process of conception.

Anti-pregnancy pills for 72 hours help if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse or if conventional contraceptives do not help. Tablets can be taken no more than four times a month, as they are hormonal. The effectiveness of tablets 72 is slightly lower than that of the 24 hour drug. Among all pregnancy pills, there are two most popular drugs: Postinor Duo and Escapelle. But taking abortion pills can cause a number of complications.

Severe cutting pain in the lower abdomen, which appears 3-5 weeks after taking the pills. If you experience similar symptoms, then this is a sign that the embryo is in the fallopian tubes, then an ectopic pregnancy.

  • Chest pain, swelling.
  • Difficulty breathing, cloudy eyes.
  • Pain and inflammation of the lower extremities, allergic rashes on the legs.

If you have any of the symptoms described above, contact your gynecologist immediately.

The action of the "72 hours after" tablets The action of the "72 hours after" tablets occurs in two stages. If a woman has not yet ovulated after taking the drug, the pills slow down the onset of ovulation. Regardless, the 72 hour after pill makes it difficult for sperm to pass through the fallopian tubes. If fertilization has occurred, that is, the woman becomes pregnant, then the pills protect the egg from conception.

You can take pills only after examination by a gynecologist. But you should not use this drug too often. Since the basis of the tablets are potent hormones that can cause many side effects.

Price of abortion pills

Every woman who has decided to undergo a medical abortion is interested in the price of abortion pills. Let's look at the most popular pregnancy medications and their cost.

  • Mifepristone - tablets, 200 mg of active ingredient per package, cost 700-900 hryvnia.
  • Ginepristone - tablets, 10 mg of active ingredient per package, cost 50 hryvnia.
  • Mifolian - Chinese tablets, 200 mg of active ingredient per package, cost 250-300 hryvnia.
  • Zhenale - tablets, 10 mg of active ingredient per package, cost 70-100 hryvnia.
  • Pencrofton - three tablets in a package, 200 mg of active ingredient, cost 100 hryvnia.
  • Mifegin - French tablets, 200 mg of active ingredient per package, cost of the drug - 700-800 hryvnia.

Please note that the price of abortion pills may differ from the above, but not significantly. Before purchasing and taking pregnancy pills, be sure to consult a gynecologist.
