Technical map 2 junior group natural science. Summary of a lesson in natural science in the first junior group “Plant Care”

Round, rosy

I'm growing on a branch

Adults love me

And little children (apple).

The fruit looks like a tumbler

Wears a yellow shirt.

Breaking the silence in the garden,

...(pear) fell from the tree

3. On top there is a golden skin,

There is a large bone in the center,

What kind of fruit? - Here's a question for you

This is sweet - ... (apricot)

Educator: Well done, guys. All the riddles were solved.

Educator: Guys, how can you call an apple, pear, apricot in one word? What is this?

Educator: Guys, where do fruits grow?

Educator: What are the names of the trees on which fruits grow?

Educator: Where do fruit trees grow?

Educator: What is the name of a garden in which there are many fruit trees?

Educator: Well done!

Journey to the orchard.

Educator: Guys, today we will go on a trip to a fabulous orchard. What time of year is it outside now? That's right, it's spring. And we will visit the garden, where it is always summer.

Educator: Who will we invite with us on the trip?

Educator: But the road for us, guys, will not be easy, along the way we will play. I will name fruits and vegetables for you, when I name vegetables - we must walk on our haunches, when I name fruits - we walk on our tiptoes, reaching up towards the sun.

Educator: Guys, here we are in the garden. Let's sit down on the grass.

Educator: Guys, what trees grow in our garden?

Educator: What fruits grow on these trees?

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Guys, but Hedgehog and Little Squirrel don’t know why people grow so many fruits? After all, if you don’t eat them all at once, they will spoil. Let's tell our friends how to store fruits. (children's answers)

Educator: What can you cook from fruits?

Ball game "Treats".

Educator: Let's stand in a circle and play the game "Treats." I am the presenter, throw the ball to Dasha for example and ask: “What kind of apple juice?”, Dasha - “apple juice”, etc.

Educator: Now let's slowly sit on the grass. Guys, look carefully, are our fruits all the same? (children's answers)

Educator: How do fruits differ from each other?

Educator: Guys, what color are the fruits in our garden?

Educator: How can you say in one word about the color of fruit?

Educator: Guys, what can you say about the size of the fruit? What are they?

Game "Collect fruits".

Educator: Guys, our friends invite you to play some more. They want you to go to the orchard and pick fruit. Girls collect round fruits, and boys collect small fruits.

Educator: Now let's see if you completed the task correctly. A group of girls and boys take turns putting fruit on the table.

Educator: Well done, everyone completed the task correctly.

Educational area:"Cognitive Development"

Kind of activity: educational

Age group: second youngest

Subject:"Visiting grandma."

Target: expand children’s ideas about pets (they live next to a person, bring him benefit, the person takes care of them). Continue to introduce domestic animals and their cubs, the characteristics of their behavior and nutrition. Name domestic animals and their babies, enrich children's vocabulary. Continue teaching children to solve riddles.

Program content

Educational objectives: continue to enrich the vocabulary, develop the sound culture of speech. Learn to distinguish young animals from adult animals, highlighting some characteristic features of appearance.

Educational: develop auditory perception, attention, speech, the ability to answer questions, learn to solve riddles, develop the ability to coordinate movements with words, develop coherent speech in children. Distinguish the voices of animals.

Educational: to cultivate interest in the activity, to cultivate in children a good relationship with animals, to show a desire to take care of them, to cultivate emotional responsiveness and a desire to communicate.

Preliminary work: conversations about animals, games with toy animals, reading nursery rhymes: “Kitsonka - Murysonka”. Looking at paintings from the “Pets” series. Lotto game "Pets and their babies"

Vocabulary work: enrich children's vocabulary, correctly name young domestic animals (calf, foal, kitten, puppy, chicken, kid, piglet).

Materials and equipment: head covers: hens and chicks according to the number of children; multimedia equipment, presentation; a set of pears - domestic animals (cow, cat, dog, horse and their cubs); cut pictures: horse - cart, chicken - egg, cat - mouse, goat - fluff, milk, dog - house.

Progress of activities:

The teacher informs the children that a letter has arrived in the group, opens it and reads it.

Grandma writes and invites them to visit.

Guys, let's go visit grandma?

What kind of passenger transport do you know? (Children's answers.)

What transport would you like to travel by? (Children's answers.)

But since there are many of us, I suggest you go by bus.

Children line up behind the teacher and ride to the music.

On a smooth path,

On a flat path.

Our feet are walking

Our feet are walking.

Jump through a puddle. Jump through the hole. We walked along and came to visit. And here is the house. Let's knock, guys.

Knock, knock, knock, who lives here?

Who will open the doors for us?

The window opens and grandma looks out :

Hello kids,

Girls and boys.

Glad to see everyone now

After all, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

I'm a grandmother Arina.

Oh, guys, I'm in trouble, all my animals ran away.

The teacher asks the children how they can help their grandmother. Listens to children's answers.

Educator: Guys, maybe these animals came to our group? We have many animals in our group, but grandma doesn’t need all of them. Let's ask grandma what animals she needs.

Grandmother: I need animals that live next to humans.

Educator: Grandma, do you need a wolf? Grandma is scared.

Guys, what are the names of animals that live next to humans? ( Pets).

- Domestic animals live next to a person; they cannot build a house for themselves, dig a hole, a den, they are not adapted to live in the forest. You need to look after them, build them housing, feed them, clean them.

Grandmother , and what kind of pets you need.

And I’ll tell you riddles, and you’ll solve them. All children love to solve riddles, and you? (Children's answers.)

Then guess my riddles. With each guess, the teacher takes a pet toy out of the box.

1. Tail with a hook, nose with a heel (pig).

2. Little white feathers,

red scallop,

Who's that on the peg?

Petya - (cockerel).

3 .Hungry - moos,

When he's full, he chews.

For little kids

The cow gives milk.

4. He walks and wanders, shaking his head.

Grass asks: “me-me-me”

Give me some tasty grass! (Goat).

5 .Soft paws, scratches on paws,

Walks silently, catches mice. (Cat).

6. I ride faster than the wind,
"" Clack-clack, "" - I knock my hooves,
I scream loudly "yoke"
Sit on your back and I'll give you a ride! (Horse).

7. Here's another riddle for you.

Clucking, clucking,

Convenes children

He gathers everyone under his wing.

Who is this? (Chicken).

The teacher shows toys: a chicken with chicks.

Who do you see? (Hen and chicks).

What is the name of the chicks' mother?

What are the names of baby chickens?

And now we will play with you. I will be the chicken, and you will be the chickens. You are my children and must obey me.

Physics lesson “The crested hen has come out”

The crested hen came out

There are yellow chickens with her.

The chicken clucks: ko-ko,

Don't go far

Row your paws,

Look for grains.

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

A complete mess.

Grandmother: Listen to the next riddle.

8. Lives in a booth

He's gnawing on bones.

Barks and bites -

What is the name of? (Dog).

Educator: Oh, we don’t have a dog, where is she? A dog runs out of the house and barks.

It turns out the dog didn’t run away, she was guarding the house. The teacher brings the dog to the children, the children stroke it.

Grandmother: Oh, what a great fellow, you guessed the riddles! Who were the riddles about?

(About a cat, cow, piglet, etc.) How can you call them in one word? (Children's answers.)

The grandmother accepts the animals and thanks the children for their help.

Educator: Well, guys, we helped grandma, we found all the animals, let's say goodbye to grandma. The children say goodbye to their grandmother.

Educator: And we will ride back on a horse. The children line up behind the teacher and “ride” back to the music.

Educator: Guys, you already know pets well, but what benefits do they bring to humans?

Didactic game:

Cow - milk

Chicken - egg

Goat - fluff, milk

The dog guards the house

The horse is pulling the cart

The cat catches mice.

Slide No. 1 – 7.

The cat has a kitten
The rooster and the hen have a chick
The cow has a calf
The horse has a foal

The dog has a puppy

The goat has a kid

Whose horns? -Goat horns. Whose mane? -The horse's mane. Whose tail? - Cat's tail. Whose nose? - Pig nose. Whose paws? - Chicken feet.

Meows (who?) - cat
Laughs -
Grunts -
Moos -
Barks -
Bleats –

Barks -

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed everything correctly. Let’s go and visit grandma again tomorrow and make a fence for the animals out of building material so that they don’t run away from grandma anymore.

Didactic game: “Name the baby?”Slide No. 1 – 7.

Every domestic animal has a baby. You must tell who has which cub.

Didactic game: “Whose, whose, whose?” Slide number 8 – 12.

Educator: Guys! You know different pets. Guess the body parts of these animals. The teacher shows the body parts of the animals, and the children guess.

Whose horns? - Goat horns. Whose mane? - Horse's mane. Whose tail? - Cat's tail. Whose nose? - Pig nose. Whose paws? - Chicken feet.

Didactic game:“What benefits do pets bring?”

Children are offered pictures of a pet, and are given the task to choose a picture depicting the benefits that animals bring to humans, and to talk about their choice.

Cow - milk

Chicken - egg

Goat - fluff, milk

The dog guards the house

The horse is pulling the cart

The cat catches mice.

Finger gymnastics annoying mice

Meows (who?) - cat

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed everything correctly. Let’s go and visit grandma again tomorrow and make a fence for the animals out of building material so that they don’t run away from grandma anymore.

Program content: teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial ones created by man, objects of living nature from objects of inanimate nature. To form in the child an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between man and nature, that we humans are part of Nature, that for the growth and development of living objects the same thing is necessary: ​​light, water, air, food, love and caring attitude of others.

Material: Objects of nature and non-nature (for example, a piece of granite, brick, a bouquet of flowers) and drawings depicting objects of nature and non-nature, diagrams of the development and growth of an animal (cats: a blind kitten, a small kitten, a growing kitten , big cat) and humans (infant, preschool child, youth, man)

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher reads a poem by L. Daineko:

There's a huge house on earth

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live on it,

Forest and sea surf,

Birds and flowers live on it.

The cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of my native land

This house is called.

Are you familiar with the word nature? What does it mean? (children express their assumptions about what nature is and give examples: sun, air, water, plants, animals, birds.)

Why do you classify this or that object as nature? (children's assumptions)

Plants, animals, birds - they are alive (show a living model: legs of a walking person); feed (set the feeding model (human mouth)); breathe (set model-breathing (nose)); reproduce (set the model—reproduction (chick from an egg)); grow (set the growth model (chicken-chicken)).

The teacher repeats with the children the signs of living things using models.

What cannot be called nature? (something made by human hands)

Is there a car in nature? (no, because it was made by human hands: but a horse, a camel, which a person rides, is already nature. Man only tamed them, made them domestic, they existed in nature even without him.)

— Guys, does any living model fit the car? (No)

Why? (children justify their answer based on models: it must be turned on in order to move; it must be fed, filled with gasoline, it is not edible; it does not breathe, does not reproduce, does not grow)

Nature is that which exists without the help of man, and non-nature is everything that is made by human hands.

Man often comes up with things that are similar to nature.

The helicopter looks like a dragonfly.

Submarine-on-whale. (children continue this series.)

The entire nature of the Earth can be divided into two huge worlds: the world of inanimate nature and the world of living nature. There are pictures on the table, help me separate them. Place living nature on one easel and inanimate nature on the other. (children arrange and explain: living nature is what moves, grows, develops, dies and reproduces; inanimate; if not nature, then why do they think so, because it is made by human hands.) or the game “Living-Inanimate”

Each child has a card with green color on one side - wildlife, on the other side red color - non-wild nature. The teacher shows a picture with living (insects, birds, animals, trees, etc.) and non-living nature (equipment, clothing, etc.). Children must show a card of a certain color and explain their choice:

Why alive? (breathes, eats, grows, reproduces)

Why not alive? (turn on, does not reproduce, does not breathe, does not move.

Physical education minute.

What does man represent in relation to nature? What nature? (children's assumptions)

Let's find out and prove that Man himself is a part of nature. First, let's look at how an animal develops and grows using the example of a cat.

Let's take a look and post the diagram (the diagram is being laid out):

Blind kitten - small kitten - growing kitten - big cat.

Guys, what does a cat need for its growth and development? (children's assumptions)

Now let's see how a person develops and grows. (pictures are displayed)

Infant-child-preschooler-young man-man.

What does a person need for growth and development? (children's assumptions)

Warmth + food + water + air + love of loved ones.

And since man is himself a part of nature, without nature he is doomed to death, for there will be no air, water, plants and animals that give him food, clothing, many different materials, medicines and the same air.

Man is called the king of nature. Is it correct why a person is called that? (children express their thoughts).

Man is a thinking, intelligent being. He learned a lot from nature.

On Earth he is smarter than everyone else,

That's why it's stronger than everyone else!

But, thanks to his power, man caused the death of many animals, plants, and their habitats. Man needs to take care of nature.

What do you mean without herbs and birds,

And without love for the buzzing bee,

Without cranes over the pine thicket,

Without pretty fox faces?

When will you finally understand

Cutting into dead rocks,

O man, crown of nature,

What is your end without nature?

Integrated lesson for children 3-4 years old "Travel with Kapitoshka"

Type: Integrated.
View: Cognitive and research activities.
GCD topic:"Travel with Kapitoshka"
Age group: 2 younger

Program content:
Ensure that the cause of rain is known;
Create a desire to understand an adult’s speech and actively respond to it.
Encourage children to actively engage in educational communication, express their opinions, and draw simple conclusions.
Convince that the ability to work in a group, negotiate, and take into account the opinion of a partner is good;
Lead to the idea that you need to be careful when working with water;
Help create a joyful emotional mood in children.

Vocabulary work: dripping, pouring, sponge, experiment, warm, light, heavy.

Equipment: tape recorder, magnetic board.

Demonstration material is a set of pictures “The Appearance of Rain”, an image of “Kapitoshka”.

Handout: experimentation kit: sponges, according to the number of children, deep plate, hand napkins.

Preliminary work with children:
Reading stories, educational fairy tales by A. Barto “The Grimy Girl”, reading the fairy tale “Rain”, learning Russian folk nursery rhymes, conversation based on the poem by A. Barto “Bunny”, observing seasonal changes in nature while walking.

Organization of children in direct educational activities:
1. The organizational moment takes place in a semicircle on chairs;
2. In the main part of the lesson, “Kapitoshka” invites children to go to the table on which materials for the lesson have been prepared;
3. Next, “Kapitoshka” offers to play and the children move to the free part of the group (carpet);
4. Next, “Kapitoshka” offers to go to the second table.
5. At the final stage, children sit in a semicircle on chairs to sum up.

Progress of the lesson:

(The audio recording “The Sound of Rain” is played). Children sit in front of the teacher in a semicircle.
Educator: Good morning, guys! Today our guest is Kapitoshka. Why are you so gloomy? Let us smile at Kapitoshka, smile at each other and say all together: “Hello, Kapitoshka” (Children repeat after the teacher). Kapitoshka is very happy to see your smiles, he smiles at you too.

Educator: Oh kids, are you listening? What are these sounds?
Children: (Thunder rumbles, it rains.)
Educator: Yes! It's the sound of rain.
Educator: how does thunder thunder?
Children: Loud
Educator: Aren't you scared?
Children: Scary.
Educator: It’s raining, it’s raining, it’s pouring down. Get the little kids wet! (The sound of rain stops)
Educator: Oh, look how quiet it has become.
Kapitoshka: But I wonder, guys, where is the rain pouring on us from? How do you think?
Children: It’s dripping from the sky, from the clouds.
Kapitoshka: That's right, from the cloud. Do you know how he appears in a cloud?
Children: (No.)
Educator: Let's ask Kapitoshka, maybe he knows?
Educator: Kapitoshka, tell us the secrets of the magical rain.
Kapitoshka: I’ll tell you, go to the tables.
Educator: We have sponges on the table - these will be our clouds. Take them in your hand and feel what they feel like? Dry or wet? Light or heavy?
Children: Dry and light.
Educator: And in the basin we have water, this is a lake from which the cloud drinks water.
Educator: What do you think needs to be done to make our little cloud drink some water from our lake?
Children: Put our cloud in the water
Educator: That's right, we lower our clouds into the water, the cloud fills up. Look how many droplets of water have collected in the sponge!
Now tell me, what kind of cloud has it become? Dry or wet? Light or heavy?
Children: heavy, wet.
Educator: Now lift your sponge cloud and squeeze it out, rain will pour out of the cloud.
Educator: If you press lightly, the rain will be light, and if you press hard on our cloud, the rain will be heavy.
Educator: Masha, Kapitoshka is wondering what kind of rain you got: strong or weak?
Children: Strong.
Educator: That's right, strong. This type of rain is called torrential rain. This is how the guys gather droplets together in a cloud, and when they feel crowded, they run away from the cloud to the ground and fall like rain.
Educator: Our clouds are tired, let's put them on the table.
Educator: Tell me, what kind of pens do we have now?
Children: Wet.
Educator: What needs to be done to make them dry?
Children: Wipe with a napkin (we wipe our hands).
Educator: Thanks to our friend Kapitoshka, he helped us find out what secrets the magic rain holds.
Educator: Let's remember how rain appears?
Children: Cloud drinks some water, and then when there is not enough space for the droplets, they fall like rain to the ground.
Educator: Right.
Educator: Guys, our Kapitoshka is feeling sad, let’s play a little.
We stand in a circle (place Kapitoshka on a chair in the center of the circle) and repeat after me:
Drop - one, drop - two, (show your palms one by one)
Very slowly at first, (slowly bring your palms together)
and then, then, then - all running, running, running. (run)
We will open our umbrellas, (sit down, make a house with your hands)
Let's protect ourselves from the rain.
Educator: Guys, we have a gift for Kapitoshka (show a brightly decorated box). This box contains magic soap.
Educator: What can you do with soap?
Children: Wash your hands
Educator: With the help of soap and water, you and I can not only wash our hands, wash our faces, but also do amazing things with water.
Educator: Go to the second table.
Educator: What's on the table?
Children: Glasses
Educator: what's in them?
Children: Water.
Educator: That's right, water, and now I'll add liquid soap to the cups, we'll stir and blow, what happened?
Children: bubbles.
Educator: That's right guys, what have we done to you?
Children: Soap bubbles.
Now guys, let’s put the straws in a box and give them to Kapitoshka
After all, it’s time for him to fly away, his sisters, droplets on the clouds, are waiting for him.
Kapitoshka: I really liked it with you, thank you guys. I will definitely fly to you again. It was so interesting for me to be with you.
Educator: And now, guys, let’s remember what secret of the rain we revealed together with our friend Kapitoshka. Today we learned where raindrops appear in a cloud, why it rains, and got acquainted with new games. Kapitoshka gives you his portrait as a farewell gift so that you don’t forget it.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

secondary school No. 2

M/C "Aigolek"

in Natural Science

Topic: “We’re going for a walk”

Teacher Zorina A.L.

Shchuchinsk 2017

Open lesson summary

In 1st junior group

on the topic: "We're going for a walk"

Program content:


Educational: Ability to perform actions with objects



Equipment: A set of outerwear for a girl (pants, jacket, hat, scarf, mittens, felt boots), pictures of outerwear

Progress of the lesson:

Today guests came to our lesson. Say hello to your guests.

Well done! You should always say hello. This shows that you are well-mannered

(children's answers). We're walking right. In the summer we walk every day. And answer

My question is, what time of year is it now? (children's answers). It's the right time of year

winter. Do we go for walks every day in winter?

We are not always able to go for walks due to the weather. Guys, what's the weather like in winter?

(children's answers).

Guys, to go for a walk in winter you need to dress warmly. What are we

what to wear for a walk? I am demonstrating a set of clothes for a girl,

We look at clothes, highlighting their characteristic features.

Knock on the door

Vika enters

Guys, I'm going out, can you help me get dressed for a walk?

Vika, of course we will help you and the guys.

Together with the children we dress Vika. Pay attention to the order of dressing

clothes (from bottom to top) using the bilingual component

- Thank you guys very much for helping me get dressed, I have to go

walk. (Says goodbye to the children and leaves)

Musical Physics minute “Making a snowman”



Uyimdastyrylgan oku іs-әreketіnіӊ Technological map

technology maps of organized educational activities

Bilim beru salalary/Educational areas:Cognition

Bolimderi/Section:Natural science

Takyryby/Topic:We are going to walk

Basics/Goals: Educational: Ability to perform actions with objects

Developmental:Develop the ability to distinguish between oppositesdactions (dress-undress, unbutton-fasten)

Educating:Cultivate neatness and neatness in children.

KosGcomponent/Bilingual component: Hat-borik, scarf-scarf, mittens- kolgap.

Is-areket kezeni

Stages of activity

Tarbieshіnіӊ әreketteri

Teacher's actions

Balalardyӊ әreketteri

Children's actions

Stage I

Sebeptik areketti oyatu

Motivational and incentive

Guys, we go to kindergarten. What are we doing in kindergarten?

We're walking right. In the summer we walk every day.

And answer me the question, what time of year is it now?

The right time of year is winter. Do we go for walks every day in winter?

We are not always able to go for walks due to the weather.

Guys, what is the weather like in winter?

Children answer the question

We eat, play, sleep, draw, walk

Season: winter

In winter we don't always go for walks

It's cold, frosty, snowing.

Stage II

Uyimdastyrylgan izdenis

Organizational search

To go for a walk in winter you need to dress warmly. What do we wear for a walk?

Knock on the door

Vika enters

The boys and I are going for a walk, can you help me get dressed?

Guys, can we help Vika get dressed?

Pay attention to the order of dressing

clothes (from bottom to top) using the bilingual component.

Vika thanks for the help and leaves

Answer questions

Hat, scarf, gloves

Children show interest

Agree to help

Look and repeat the words

Say goodbye to Vika

Stage III

Reflection of mother tongue



Guys, let's remember once again what time of year it is?

How should you and I dress for a walk in winter?

I praise the children

Season: winter

Dress warmly

Kutiletin natizhe/Expected result:

Bilu/Know:Names of winter clothes (hat, scarf, felt boots, etc.)

Bar Bolu/Have:An idea of ​​the classification of clothing (Winter, Summer)

Isteu alu/Be able to: Perform actions with objects (dress, undress)

Self-analysis of a science lesson for 1st junior group.

Topic: "We're going for a walk."

The program content corresponds to the level of training of children of the 1st junior group.

Educational: Ability to perform actions with objects

Developmental: Develop the ability to distinguish between opposite actions (dressing and undressing, unbuttoning and fastening)

Educating: To instill neatness and neatness in children.

I selected equipment in advance, namely a set of outerwear for a girl (pants, jacket, hat, scarf, mittens, felt boots), pictures of outerwear. During the lesson, the children showed that they know the names of clothing parts, name and distinguish them.

It was clear that the children showed a keen interest and desire to help someone. I believe that the activity achieved its goal.

The children were active, attentive, and friendly. The reflection went well, as the children quickly answered the questions posed.
