Birthday toast to a man from his wife. Category "toasts to husband"

I fill my glass with wine
And I propose a toast to you:
We divide everything in life in half
And together we are not afraid of anything
All along we've all won
Troubles, hardships and sorrows
And it didn't upset us.
And our lives were not overshadowed
I drink to your heart's warmth
So that you are always lucky
For ours with you cozy house
And so that sorrows were nothing!
Happy birthday beloved husband!

The wife says to her husband:
- Why, when I start scolding you, do you always look at your watch?
- Honey, I'm wondering who will stop first - you or the clock.
So let's drink to patient husbands.

Listen to this story: “There was a rich man and a poor man in the world. Both of them wanted to be happy. The rich man was served happiness on a large platter. For a while he enjoyed it, but then he got tired of it and he was very upset, because he did not know what else to want in this life. The happiness of the poor was on the top of a high rock. Many times he tried to get to him, climbed, but every time he fell off.
I want to drink to my beloved husband and tell all of you that you don’t need to look for false happiness, it’s better to look around and see that love is nearby, it is waiting for you! Happy Birthday honey!

One philosopher said: "He who does not have an exalted soul is not capable of kindness." My dear husband is very kind, and therefore he has an exalted soul. Children and friends are drawn to him. Maybe women too. But I console myself with the hope that he loves me alone.
I want to raise a glass to you dear and to your kindness! Happy Birthday!

Thank you, my dear husband, for the love that you have kept, thank you for the house and shelter, for being attentive, for the fact that my husband is patient and smart, sometimes unexpectedly wise. You and I have lived a long time together, and yet you have rarely been gloomy! May the stars help you in the future, faithfully keeping your fate! I raise a glass to yours, dear, honor, and I ask everyone - to the bottom! Happy birthday!

Dear husband, I raise this glass to you. For your kind heart, which is able to love and give joy to a woman so much. And that's why I'm happy that I have you. “God bless you from thousands of worries. Give happiness and wisdom of light. For you! have a fun day birth!

Victor Hugo wrote: "The highest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved." I am happy because I know that my husband loves me. Our love is mutual. Dear, I want to thank you for your love, which inspires me and helps me cope with all life's obstacles and hardships. Happy birthday my beloved husband!

Once a woman decided that it was better for her to live alone, without a husband. She settled in a separate house and began to live for her own pleasure. She lived one year, two, three, but then got bored. And then she returned to her husband in order to experience simple female happiness again. Her husband affectionately hugged her, and she again began to live together. So let's drink to a husband who makes a woman happy!

"Life is like a play in the theatre," said Seneca, "what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played." I wish you, beloved husband, a good, happy play, and that it last forever. And as the main character, if you don't mind, I offer myself. Let's drink to our love! And for you! Happy birthday!

One friend bragged to another: "My husband is just a beast in bed." And after a pause, she added: "s * xual ... sloth." I raise this glass to you, my tiger cub!

The Persians say: "The highest courage is to rise above anger and love the one who offended." My husband is worthy of respect, because he not only tolerates my “verbal opuses”, but also continues to love me when I am offended. He is wise with me and perfectly understands that a woman and a whim are one and the same. Let's drink for you, dear, happy birthday! I'll try to be less naughty.

There was a quarrel in one family. They don't talk all day, they pout at each other. It's supper time. They sat down at the table and ate in silence. The wife is looking out the window, the husband is looking at the wall... Suddenly the wife says:
- Look, what a caring husband someone has got - he even removes linen from the rope.
- Caring something caring, and underwear, by the way, he takes off ours, - the husband answers, looking out the window and rushing into the street.
So let's drink to attentive husbands!

One of the greats said: "To be courageous means to curb your temper." My husband is doubly courageous, because he curbed not only his own temper, but also mine. And thanks to this, we have been living happily for many years. I propose to drink for my beloved, courageous husband! Happy birthday!

I'll raise my glass higher
And now I'll tell my husband a toast
Always be sure of yourself
And forget about sorrows
You are not alone in this world
Family is your greatest strength
Let your star shine
And never get sick!
You accept my congratulations
And drink to the bottom for a toast!

Husband's birthday for his wife is one of the most important holidays After all, she must prepare him “from” and “to”, say the most touching and tender toast. In our article you will find many original toasts and congratulations on your husband's birthday, and be sure to choose the right words for yourself.

What do you wish your dear husband?

Wife can not wish bad!

Hope, love and prosper

Let the Lord help you in everything!

Good luck, happiness, and in the soul - spring,

To bloom with bright blooms,

So that congratulations from my wife

It has always helped you in life!

We have been with you for more than a year,

Life leads us along the same road.

I want to wish my husband today

So that you do not lose the joy of life.

After all, true happiness is to be together,

So that our cozy home is beautiful,

So that we are always with you,

We understood each other with all our hearts!

I send you congratulations

Dearly beloved husband.

And I wish you a birthday

So that you do not know the needs of anything.

There will be happiness and luck

Money, true friends.

In general, everything that means a lot

You will have forever.

Beloved husband and exemplary father,

We congratulate you on your birthday.

We want you to know - you are a great fellow,

And we all respect you immensely.

We wish you a dream come true

Health and happiness for long years.

So that you can reach any height,

And the world around was delightfully kind!

You are strong, you are proud, you are brave,

For our family, you are a support!

I want happiness to ring

So that the goal would be achieved soon.

Today, on the day that I was born,

I wish you mood

Good to shine

From happiness; and just - luck!

I want to be loved by you

How you are loved by me alone;

It's not easy to be your wife -

To be your devoted friend.

My husband is my pride and joy,

May your plans come true!

You give me both affection and sweetness,

So accept my wishes:

May your career succeed

And luck is on the heels

May you not have to grieve

Indulge in more dreams!

Always be good.

Be always cheerful

Kind, nice, sweet.

Don't face grief

And don't be sad

Smile more often...

In a word, be happy!

Let the years you are not young

And fine wrinkles under the eyes,

Let me notice sometimes

Gray hair shining paths.

Let them say already that your age

Passed for a long time for the best age.

But we swore a long time ago.

For us, love is like songs and like air.

In your eyes I see again and again

All the things I can't forget.

And eternal love does not grow old,

Like the freshness of your eyes, dear and dear

I want everyone in the world to know

That I tremblingly love my husband,

He may be bright,

And gloomy, like the sea at the time of storms.

But I'm always calm by my side

Let him mutter under his breath.

I need to see, hear him,

Wherever the wind takes us.

So drink with me

For his birthday

For life to flow like a song,

And nothing interfered.

The table is set, and the guests are here.

Now it's going to be hot.

Today I will be the toastmaster here,

And she chose this position herself.

I want the holiday to be great

That's why I'm taking it personally.

Now pour the wine into all the glasses,

So that no one is missed.

Now I'll tell my husband a toast

I will raise the glass in my hands.

You are completely sure of yourself,

Friends will help, don't forget.

You are not alone in this world

And therein lies your strength.

Accept congratulations,

Drink to my toast.

We will sit next to you at the table,

We follow everything that happens.

All the guests are having fun, they even sing songs,

And only boredom is not allowed to get here.

Now I want to say my toast,

I will support him with gentle words.

Please fill your glasses

So that the scoffers bypass the husband,

So that everything that is planned comes true,

And so that everything is always lucky.

We divide everything in life in half -

Joys, hardships and sorrows.

No matter how difficult, dear, it happened to us,

Together we always won!

So that the years have no power over you,

I drink my glass to the bottom,

I drink so that you are always happy

In joy, success, troubles without knowing!

I drink for your heart's warmth,

I drink for our bright cozy home

And for the fact that we are always lucky

And success accompanied everything!

I raise this cup

For my husband, for his love!

Accept gifts from me

And a few nice words:

I wish you good luck

To you in all your affairs!

You smile at me more often

Wear more often on your hands!

Spouse's birthday

Celebrate at the table

Me, his wife, girlfriend,

I want to tell about it.

Neither heat nor cold are terrible,

The upheavals of troubled years,

Behind my own husband

I am not afraid of adversity and troubles.

With him it is easy to go around the world,

Find an answer to a question.

There is no better husband in the world

And men don't either.

Be always beautiful, okay.

Be gentle and simple...

For you, my beloved,

Raising this toast!

You are my happiness, you are my joy!

And we are a mountain for each other!

I'll drink now, even if just a little,

For my husband!

For my beauty, for my ideal,

For my hero!

And I want to confess so that you know

How happy I am with you!

I'm so glad I said yes to you!

And I don't regret it at all.

You are the only one for me

My protector and master of the house.

And today, on this day,

When all relatives are nearby.

Happy Birthday,

My beautiful, beloved, husband.

I fill my glass with wine

And I propose a toast to you:

We divide everything in life in half

And together we are not afraid of anything.

All along we've all won

Troubles, hardships and sorrows,

And it didn't upset us.

And our lives were not overshadowed.

I drink to your heart's warmth

So that you are always lucky

For our cozy home with you,

And so that sorrows were nothing!

Happy birthday beloved husband!

Thank you my dear husband

For the love you kept

Thank you for the home and shelter,

For being attentive

Because my husband is patient and smart,

Sometimes unexpectedly wise.

With you, we lived a lot together,

And yet you were rarely gloomy!

May the stars help you in the future,

Keeping your fate faithfully!

I raise a glass to yours, dear, honor,

And I will ask everyone - to the bottom!

Happy birthday!

Dear husband, I raise this glass to you. For your kind heart, which is able to love so much and give joy to a woman. And that's why I'm happy that I have you. God bless you from thousands of worries. Give happiness and wisdom of light. For you! Happy Birthday!

I'll raise my glass higher

And now I'll tell my husband a toast.

Always be sure of yourself

And forget about sorrows

You are not alone in this world

Family is your greatest strength

Let your star shine

And never get sick!

You accept my congratulations

And drink to the bottom for a toast!

My man dear

I drink for you today!

So that you are always like this

To make your dream come true.

So that beauty does not fade,

Life was wonderful.

To make it seem like a fairy tale

And it just stayed like that.

I sometimes envy myself: strong, brave, wise and successful husband I have, and even he has an enviable beauty.

Therefore, my dear, you always remain so. So that I always admire you and stay by your side forever.

So that your life is raspberries, because you deserve it.

I want spring to bloom in your soul and that you will certainly live long.

Be healthy and strong, because life is given to all of us only once.

And on your birthday, be cheerful, although not only today, but always.

I hasten to congratulate my husband and wish

Always love your bed

Do all the things in it "on five"

And never grieve in life.

So that strength does not leave you

And there were only happy days.

After all, you deserve it!

I want you to always love me.

We're having a dinner party tonight.

I'll digress for a while.

Today is my husband's birthday.

I'll tell you about it as best I can.

My husband is the breadwinner and breadwinner.

Why I especially love

What is the age-old custom,

He brings all the income to the family.

I live with my husband

I'm behind a stone wall

He was always a reliable friend

And I was a faithful wife.

He has a lot of health

He is rarely seen by a doctor.

I ask everyone to raise their glasses

And wish him good luck!

Every day I look forward to seeing you

Every day you call me

I made a wish

I believe dreams will come true!

You are my prince, even though it is difficult to be them,

Well, I am your Assol.

Everything is possible in this life

This role suits us.

Let your friends envy

Wander around.

Only their attempts are in vain,

My husband does not look at them!

Happy birthday my love

Lots of happiness, many years...

God give us health, strength

Overcome everything in life!

I will tell my husband openly and honestly,

There is no need to look for flattery in my words,

Gathered today your friends together

And they will congratulate you on your birthday!

So be healthy, happy and full,

Always surrounded by good people.

Be in moderation - relaxed, and in moderation - well-fed,

Without measure - rich, and look more fun!

Let the children surround you with care

And I will surround you with love.

The authorities do not press even with hard work,

And then I'll show them Kuzkin's mother!

And at the end of the toast I will not hide,

And as much as I want to repeat again:

[Name], always be with me,

After all, I love you very, very much!!!

The site site wishes you to have a fun and memorable holiday that will remain in your hearts for a long, long time.

Toast to husband

We divide everything in life in half -
Joys, hardships and sorrows,
No matter how difficult, dear, it happened to us,
Together we always won!
So that the years have no power over you,
I drink my glass to the bottom,
I drink so that you are always happy
In joy, success, troubles without knowing !!!
I drink for your heart's warmth,
I drink for our bright cozy house,
And for the fact that we are always lucky,
And success accompanied everything!

Birthday Toast to Husband

I want everyone in the world to know
That I tremblingly love my husband,
He may be bright,
And gloomy, like the sea at the time of storms.
But I'm always calm by my side
Let him mutter under his breath.
I need to see, hear him,
Wherever the wind takes us.
So drink with me
For his birthday
For life to flow like a song,
And nothing interfered.

A toast in honor of a beloved husband

Thank you dear for the love
that you kept
Thank you for the home and shelter,
For being attentive
Because my husband is patient and smart,
Sometimes unexpectedly wise.
With you, we lived a lot together,
And yet you were rarely gloomy!
May the stars help you in the future,
Keeping your fate faithfully!
I raise a glass to yours, dear, honor,
And I will ask everyone - to the bottom!

Husband birthday toast

I'm waiting for you ... it happens in different ways:
Either with joy, or out of habit, I wait.
I sometimes lack patience
Then I look forward to seeing you.
I share the expectation with the house -
Here are the books waiting for your weary hands,
And the door always counts your steps
And the phone, watch, and chair are waiting.
Painfully, as if on the limit,
Waiting for a kiss on my shoulder.
I remember your hands, body,
A kind smile, stubble on the face.
And waiting for you is not at all difficult,
After all, you will definitely come.
I drink for something that was very necessary
You come after the day's worries.

Toast to husband

Once a woman decided that it was better for her to live alone, without a husband. She settled in a separate house and began to live for her own pleasure. She lived one year, two, three, but then got bored. And then she returned to her husband in order to experience simple female happiness again. Her husband affectionately hugged her, and she again began to live together. So let's drink to a husband who makes a woman happy!

Toast for husband

Oscar Wilde once remarked that bad husbands wives do not like because of excessive arrogance, and good ones are too boring. I dare to argue with the classic. I consider my (name) a good husband. But each of you knows that you will not get bored with him.
So let's have a drink, wishing him to continue to be cheerful, joyful and positive!

Toast about husband and wife

Let's drink to this married couple, which for many years pleases us with its well-being and proves to us that there is fidelity and love in the world. During all this time, they got used to each other so much, they trust each other so much that they can be called an ideal couple. They can communicate without words, guess each other's desires, and even become a little similar in appearance. What is perfect couple? One day alone a famous person said: " Perfect wife one who knows when a husband wants to be forced to do something against his will.

You will always understand me
Find the words you need
You console, and always,
You love me very much!
You protect me
And you save me from sadness
Husband beloved, dear,
Stand up for me!
I drink for you today
I wish you happiness!
For you to be healthy
loved me passionately,
So that all dreams come true
All days were joyful!
There was always success with you
Were true friends
I love you very much
And I value you!

Friends, a moment of attention,
Now I will drink for my husband,
I love you, I adore you
And I want to dedicate a toast to you!

My dear, I drink to your happiness
More precisely, I just drink to myself,
I wish you joy, wealth,
And to fulfill the cherished dream.

Still my dear, for health,
So that you never get sick in your life,
So that bad things recede from you,
So that you always get what you want!

As one cartoon character used to say: “A man without a wife is like a tree without a caterpillar: everything seems to be there, but something is missing.” I want to drink to you, my love. I wish you never forget this saying, even when it seems to you that your caterpillar is pretty chewing on you!

Darling, I want to congratulate you on your birthday! I am very happy to have in my life a real man behind which I am like behind a stone wall. I want to wish you to remain the same kind, gentle, caring, and most importantly, a real man! Happy birthday my dear!

I want to wish a happy birthday to my beloved and dear husband! I want only luck to wait for you in life behind every turn of fate, so that your work always brings you pleasure and a lot of money, and your health never fails you. And of course, I want to wish you the love that I promise to always give you. It is she who will warm you in the cold and hard times. Thank you for having me. For you!

Here's another year behind you,
You got older today
And I congratulate you today
May your dreams come true.

Yes, sometimes it's hard for me
Sometimes I scream at you
But you forget all this
My husband, I love you!

I wish you this holiday
Only peace and kindness
And with great pleasure
I'll drink my glass for you!

My wall, you are my hero
Beloved, dear, dear,
Today I drink for you
You are my joy, you are my family!

I wish you not to know troubles
Bad people so as not to meet,
Always be cheerful
My love is all for you!

Husband, companion, true friend,
Do not want to give up,
Reach the top, good for you
This is what I want!

My beloved, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you true friends Good work, happiness in our family. You are the most best husband and the coolest dad to our child. I raise this glass to you!

Dear, happy birthday to you! You the only man in my life, with whom I feel like behind a stone wall. It was with you that I learned all the delights of love and found my female happiness. It was a joy for me to have children from such wonderful man. I will always support you in all your affairs and help. May our love only grow stronger as the years go by.

How nice to congratulate your beloved husband on his birthday. After all, your mother did not give birth to you in vain. She knew that you would meet me. Thank you for such a gift. And I wish you to be obedient, good. After all, all men are small children. Therefore, obey your wife in everything.

Celebrate at the table
Me, his wife, girlfriend,
I want to tell about it.
Neither heat nor cold are terrible,
The upheavals of troubled years,
Behind my own husband
I am not afraid of adversity and troubles.
With him it is easy to go around the world,
To find an answer to a question
There is no better husband in the world
And neither are the men.
Be always beautiful, okay,
Be gentle and simple...
For you, my beloved,
Raising this toast!

One of the greats said:

"To be courageous means to curb your temper." My husband is doubly courageous, because he curbed not only his own temper, but also mine. And thanks to this, we have been living happily for many years. I propose to drink for my beloved, courageous husband!

We're having a dinner party tonight.

I'll digress for a while.
Today is my husband's birthday.
I'll tell you about it as best I can.
My husband is a breadwinner and earner.
Why I especially love
What is the age-old custom,
He brings all the income to the family.
I live with my husband
I'm behind a stone wall
He was always a reliable friend
And I was a faithful wife.
He has a lot of health
He is rarely seen by a doctor.
I ask everyone to raise their glasses
And wish him good luck!

I want everyone in the world to know

That I tremblingly love my husband,
He may be bright,
And gloomy, like the sea at the time of storms.
But I'm always calm by my side
Let him mutter under his breath.
I need to see, hear him,
Wherever the wind takes us.
So drink with me
For his birthday
For life to flow like a song,
And nothing interfered.

Persians say:

“The highest courage is to rise above anger and love the one who offended.” My husband is worthy of respect, because he not only tolerates my "verbal opuses", but also continues to love me when I am offended. He is wise with me and understands perfectly well that a woman and a whim are one and the same. Let's drink to you, dear! I'll try to be less naughty.

Thank you dear for the love

Thank you dear for the love
that you kept

For being attentive

Sometimes unexpectedly wise.

And yet you were rarely gloomy!

Keeping your fate faithfully!

And I will ask everyone - to the bottom!

We divide everything in life in half -

Joys, hardships and sorrows,
No matter how difficult, dear, it happened to us,
Together we always won!
So that the years have no power over you,
I drink my glass to the bottom,
I drink so that you are always happy
In joy, success, troubles without knowing !!!
I drink for your heart's warmth,
I drink for our bright cozy house,
And for the fact that we are always lucky,
And success accompanied everything!

Oscar Wilde once remarked

that bad husbands are not liked by wives because of their overconfidence, and good ones are too boring. I dare to argue with the classic. I consider my beloved a good husband. But each of you knows that you will not get bored with him.
So let's have a drink, wishing him to continue to be cheerful, joyful and positive!

Thank you dear for the love

that you kept
Thank you for the home and shelter,
For being attentive
Because my husband is patient and smart,
Sometimes unexpectedly wise.
With you, we lived a lot together,
And yet you were rarely gloomy!
May the stars help you in the future,
Keeping your fate faithfully!
I raise a glass to yours, dear, honor,
And I will ask everyone - to the bottom!

"Life is like a play in a theater"

- said Seneca, - "what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played." I wish you, beloved husband, a good, happy play, and that it last forever. And as the main character, if you don't mind, I offer myself. Let's drink to our love! And for you!
