Itching in pregnancy all over the body. Itches: natural desire or dangerous itching

>>Itchy skin in pregnancy

Severe itching of the skin during pregnancy. The body itches in pregnant women, what is the reason and how to treat it?

Severe itching all over the body during pregnancy worries many women at different times. This is an unpleasant condition where the whole body itches a lot and may be accompanied by other skin problems, such as a rash. We have already talked about some skin manifestations in expectant mothers in the article: "" and in the article: "". And now let's try to figure out why the body of pregnant women itches and what should be done about it?

Causes of itching in pregnant women

The action of female hormones. An increased level of female hormones causes many manifestations and. Including the appearance of a rash on the skin and itching in the body.

Sequelae of skin diseases. The appearance of severe itching and a rash on the skin can be the consequences of various diseases, such as eczema, scabies and psoriasis. Of course, these diseases can cause itching not only in pregnant women, but they cannot be excluded from the possible list of causes.

Diseases of the internal organs. Diseases of organs such as the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas can cause a rash and itching throughout the skin of the body. This is especially common in pregnant women over 35 years of age, as well as with. For example, with problems with the liver, when bile cannot flow normally, a disease called cholestasis of pregnancy occurs. In this case, the bile that could not pass through the liver ducts accumulates on the skin in the form of various rashes. It manifests itself in 1-2% of women in late pregnancy and requires treatment.

Allergy. An allergic reaction to something that can worsen during pregnancy cannot be excluded from the causes. And, as you know, one of the manifestations of allergies is the appearance of itching, the skin in some places begins to itch strongly. Allergies can be caused not only by products, but also.

Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women. This is a fairly rare phenomenon that occurs in about one out of every 200 women. It manifests itself in the last months of pregnancy and is characterized by red swelling and fairly large plaques on the skin, which most often appear on the abdomen.

Very often, polymorphic dermatosis appears in pregnant women inside stretch marks on the skin, and most of them are formed on the stomach. After a few days, the rash may spread to the skin of the thighs, buttocks, and, in some cases, the arms. For a child, this dermatosis does not pose a danger, but severe itching on the skin and the desire to constantly scratch the affected areas can become a serious inconvenience for the most patient expectant mother. If you are suddenly among the few women who have polymorphic dermatosis, then you should not worry and worry. It is easily treated with antihistamines, and after childbirth disappears after only a few days.

Dysbacteriosis. Violation of the microflora in the intestines can lead to rashes and itching on the skin, not only during pregnancy, but also in the normal state.

Genital infections. If a pregnant woman feels severe itching in the vaginal area, then various infections or diseases, such as thrush, may be the cause of this.

Prurigo (prurigo) pregnant. This is also a fairly rare disease and it manifests itself in the appearance of a small number of small swellings that outwardly resemble the bites of domestic bugs. They can appear on any part of the body, but most often it occurs on the arms and legs. Although these swellings cause severe itching in pregnant women, thereby creating inconvenience for the woman, they do not pose a threat to the child. Pruritus can appear in any trimester, but most often it occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

Treatment of itching in pregnant women

Many women simply try to endure if their body itches during pregnancy. Of course, itching in pregnant women is not pain, but it can often cause no less trouble. Therefore, in order to get rid of it completely, it is necessary to eliminate the cause. For example, if you have any disease, you need to cure it and the itching will stop. If there are no diseases, you can try to eliminate the symptoms (itching, rash, etc.).

Itching in the body and rash on the skin in pregnant women. How to eliminate these symptoms?

  1. Try to avoid hot showers or baths. hot water dries out the skin and only makes it more itchy.
  2. When taking a shower, use a mild soap, and after a shower, it is better not to wipe the skin with a towel, but to blot it.
  3. If you use moisturizers, look for products that are fragrance-free, which can aggravate skin irritation.
  4. Itchy areas of the skin after the bath, you can try to wipe with a weak solution of vinegar.
  5. Try oat bran and cereal baths. You can buy them in pharmacies.
  6. During pregnancy, get yourself loose cotton clothes that do not stick to the body.
  7. Try not to overheat and do not leave the house in the heat unnecessarily, because. in extreme heat, the itching intensifies, the body of pregnant women itches even more due to the fact that she sweats more and sweat gets into the already combed wounds.
  8. If you have allergies, try antihistamines. If you know exactly what you have allergic reactions to (food, cosmetics, any clothes, etc.), then exclude the effect of the allergen on your body.
  9. Assign yourself a diet and exclude from your diet fried, spicy, smoked, salty and overly spicy foods with a lot of spices and seasonings.
  10. In some cases, absorbents help, the most accessible and well-known of which is activated carbon.
  11. Try to stay hydrated and drink at least 2 liters of plain water daily.
  12. Well, be sure to follow the hygiene of the skin, keep it clean, take a shower after you sweat, wash off makeup from your face in the evenings, etc.

But remember that not all. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor before taking any remedy.

When should you tell your doctor about itchy skin?

If during pregnancy your body began to itch and any kind of satiety appeared on your skin, be sure to inform your doctor. The doctor will examine you and make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. If necessary, he can refer you to a dermatologist.

If you feel itching literally all over your body, then this is also a serious reason to tell your doctor about it. This can signal problems with the liver, in particular, about cholestasis, we talked about it above in the text. This sore needs to be treated, because. it may not be safe for your child.

Even if you do not have cholestasis, in any case, with serious manifestations of a rash on the skin and itching throughout the body, they will take a blood test from you to confirm or deny the presence of a particular disease. After that, you may be sent for an ultrasound to assess the baby's condition.

Video: Scabies in pregnancy. My history

Our dear readers, we invite you to watch a short video in which a young mother and just a beautiful girl talks about her experience in fighting scabies:

Itching during pregnancy occurs in 20% of women. It not only disturbs expectant mothers, but causes discomfort, causing a scratching reflex. Itching during pregnancy can appear suddenly for no particular reason, but it is worth noting that scratching the whole body or certain areas can be a signal that you should pay attention to and consult with your doctor.

According to the type of localization, itching during pregnancy has two types:

  1. Local (when a separate area of ​​the skin itches)
  2. Whole body itching

Causes of itching during pregnancy

In most cases, itching during pregnancy indicates that changes are taking place in the pregnancy body. Before treating itching during pregnancy, you should pay attention to a large list of causes.

Itching during pregnancy is caused by the following pathologies:

  • Allergic reaction. Itching during pregnancy may be associated with an allergic reaction to a specific irritant: clothing, detergent, animal hair, etc. In this case, contact with the irritant should be avoided and hypoallergenic products should be used. If food causes allergies, then it is necessary to review the diet and follow the diet.
  • Polymorphic dermatosis in pregnant women. In pregnant women, itching can be caused by a rash that only appears during childbearing. This rash is not dangerous, as a rule, disappears after childbirth. Your doctor may prescribe a special ointment to reduce itching.
  • Stretch marks on the body. Itching during pregnancy caused by stretch marks on the body is a harmless cause. To eliminate itching, a stretch mark cream is used.
  • Weight gain, breast growth, belly enlargement. All these reasons provoke body stretch marks that cause itching during pregnancy.
  • Sweating. Sweat can accumulate in certain areas of the skin if hygiene is not observed or if sweating is high.
  • Kidney disorder. In the body, nitrogenous slags are retained, which come to the surface, provoking severe itching during pregnancy.
  • Jaundice. Another reason why the body itches during pregnancy. Jaundice can be determined by taking a biochemical blood test.
  • Diabetes. Itching during pregnancy can be triggered by diabetes mellitus, which has two types: diabetes mellitus, which a woman had before pregnancy, and the so-called gestational diabetes mellitus, which manifests itself only at the time of pregnancy itself.
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Severe itching during pregnancy, most often, is characterized by the appearance of cholistasis due to hormonal failure in the body of a pregnant woman. Symptoms are severe itching in the palms and heels with pronounced redness. Localization of itching gradually passes to other parts of the body. Also, the cause of itching can be such diseases: cholecystitis and hepatitis.
  • Infectious diseases. Itching in the vagina during pregnancy is usually provoked by a lack of hygiene, or infectious and fungal diseases: candidiasis, cystitis, urethritis, chlamydia, herpes. Chickenpox can cause itching during pregnancy all over the body.
  • Hormonal changes. An increase in estrogen in the body of a future mother causes severe itching. These hormonal changes do not pose a danger to mother and child.
  • Other dermatoses of pregnancy. Eczema, urticaria, contact and atopic dermatitis.
  • Anemia.

Itching during pregnancy is not associated with diseases:

  1. Poor hygiene
  2. Stress, depression
  3. Thermal hypothermia or overheating
  4. Mechanical irritants are caused by tight clothing made of poor quality material.
  5. Fear of an upcoming birth

Why does the body itch during pregnancy

Itching of the skin of the whole body during pregnancy is not as common as local itching. As a rule, itching of the whole body during pregnancy manifests itself at night in the 2nd trimester, since during the day the expectant mother is distracted by household chores or work at work.

Itchy skin during pregnancy has a long list of root causes. These can be skin diseases, both rashes and hives, as well as malfunctions in the liver and kidneys, and the digestive system. Often, hormonal changes associated with an increase in estrogen cause cholestasis and bile stasis. Bile acids, getting on the skin, provoke skin itching in pregnant women.

Dry skin also provokes itchy skin during pregnancy. In this case, you should use softening and moisturizing personal care products. To relieve itching during pregnancy will help milk or body butter.

If toxins in the body have become the cause of the itching of the body, then the doctor prescribes activated charcoal. Drinking activated charcoal on your own without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.

The outflow of bile is promoted by No-Shpa. During liver diseases, drugs are prescribed: Karsil, Essentiale and others.

If the skin itches during pregnancy after food, for example, after exotic fruits, seafood, then you should listen to your body and not experiment with food at the time of bearing a child.

Itching of the body during pregnancy, regardless of the symptoms of manifestation and the strength of irritation, should be diagnosed by the attending physician. Moreover, if the itching of the skin is accompanied by drowsiness and a general deterioration in the condition - this is the first sign of disorders in the body of a pregnant woman.

Why do breasts itch during pregnancy?

Itching during pregnancy can occur anywhere, however, it is the abdomen and chest that are the most common local places that bother pregnant women. Significant hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother explain the fact why the breast itches during pregnancy.

Breast itching during pregnancy refers to the natural process associated with carrying a baby. Firstly, the breasts of a pregnant woman increase in size, and secondly, breast milk (colostrum) begins to be produced in the milk ducts. The influx of milk is characterized by itching in the chest. Often, itching of the chest during pregnancy is noted in the 2-3 trimesters.

The breast itches during pregnancy also due to an increase in its size and the appearance of stretch marks. This causes some discomfort in the pregnant woman. At this time, it is important to understand that the skin of the breast is very sensitive and during scratching, thin and delicate tissues can be damaged, irritated and redden.

Since the sensitivity of the breast skin increases, an allergic reaction can be another reason why the breast itches during pregnancy. Synthetic clothing, cosmetics, laundry detergent are common irritants.

Breast itching during pregnancy is often provoked by a tight bra. Breast sizes gradually increase and require more space. In this case, the pregnant woman should choose a bra of the appropriate size.

Why does the stomach itch during pregnancy

Itching of the abdomen during pregnancy can have both dangerous and safe symptoms. Firstly, the stomach itches during pregnancy due to its increase and the appearance of stretch marks. Secondly, itching of the abdomen during pregnancy can be caused by more serious factors: cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholestasis.

With pathologies in a pregnant woman, the so-called “sand itch” begins, which manifests itself at night during sleep.

It also itches the stomach during pregnancy in special cases:

  • Hepatitis A before pregnancy
  • Chronic cholecystitis (caused by an abnormal S-shaped anatomy of the gallbladder or bending of the gallbladder)
  • Hormonal drugs taken by the pregnant woman
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Women carrying a boy
  • Age over 35

If the itching of the abdomen during pregnancy is associated with the liver, then the pregnant woman is sent for an additional examination. To identify pathologies, a pregnant woman is sent for a biochemical blood test and liver tests for ALT, bilirubin, AST. Scheduled visits to doctors can help identify test deviations and prevent the development of itching.

If the tests turned out to be normal, then the doctor rejects the version of itching associated with liver failure.

Itching in the vagina during pregnancy

Itching of the vagina during pregnancy is an unpleasant sensation that accompanies the desire to scratch the perineum, damaging the skin membranes. As a rule, severe itching of the vagina in pregnant women indicates a problem caused by an infectious disease. Mild itching may indicate poor hygiene or tight underwear made of synthetic materials.

Common causes of severe itching and burning of the genitals:

  1. Candidiasis or thrush. Itching and burning of the genitals in pregnant women are caused by Candida fungi. It is manifested by an unpleasant sour smell, curdled discharge, pain during urination and during intercourse.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis. There is a replacement of the normal microflora of the vagina with a pathogenic one. Accompanied by gray discharge with an unpleasant smell of rotten fish, provokes severe itching and burning of the vagina.
  3. Genital herpes. It has a characteristic itching and burning sensation, localized in intimate places, and then accompanied by the appearance of small bubbles.
  4. Trochomoniasis. Transmitted sexually. The first symptoms: redness of the vagina, yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching, pain during urination.
  5. Chlamydia. It has mild symptoms, manifested by mild itching.

What to do if the vagina itches during pregnancy

Treatment of itching in the perineum in a pregnant woman is aimed at an initial examination by the attending physician and the establishment of the root cause. Taking medications and self-medicating is strictly prohibited. Before visiting a doctor, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, as well as take a shower 2-3 times a day.

First steps:

  • Get checked out by a gynecologist and get tested
  • Get examined by specialized doctors to identify hidden causes
  • Observe intimate hygiene
  • Avoid hypothermia
  • Wear loose natural underwear.

Treatment of itching during pregnancy

Treatment for itching during pregnancy will depend on the diagnosis. Only a doctor can determine the exact reason why the stomach, chest, vagina and the whole body itches. In some cases, itching during pregnancy does not need to be treated, while in others it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations and undergo a course of treatment, since itching can be a signal of abnormalities in the body of a pregnant woman.

One of the important rules is that if the skin itches during pregnancy, it should not be combed. With an increased scratching reflex, pregnancy itching increases, causing irritation, redness, and scratching of the body.

  1. Allergy. Treatment for allergies will depend on the type of allergy. If the allergy manifests itself upon contact with the allergen, then the interaction with the irritant should be minimized and hypoallergenic products should be used. If food causes allergies, then you should reconsider the diet. Antihistamines may also be prescribed. In choosing an antihistamine drug, the doctor is guided by the duration of pregnancy and the condition of the pregnant woman. With contact dermatitis, you should also wash your hands frequently and use individual personal hygiene products. The pregnant woman should have a personal towel. Changing clothes and underwear frequently will also help avoid irritation if sweating is the cause. You should limit the use of perfumes, creams, deodorants, various chemicals that cause irritation.
  2. Stretch marks. Stretch marks on the body due to enlargement of the breast, abdomen, body weight do not need treatment. To soften stretch marks on the body, special ointments and creams will help.
  3. Disorders of the kidneys, liver, biliary tract. Pregnant women who undergo routine check-ups with doctors can minimize problems with the liver, kidneys and biliary tract. Treatment of possible deviations should take place only under the supervision of a physician. It is contraindicated to self-medicate and take drugs that were not prescribed by your doctor. Any drug, even the safest one, should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Treatment of cholecystitis, cholestasis is aimed at taking adsorbents (activated charcoal and its more serious analogues) and hepatoprotectors that help restore liver function - these include: No-Shpa, Karsil, Papaverine and others. The doctor prescribes a pregnant diet, which must be observed without fail. The diet limits the use of dishes: fatty, fried, spicy, smoked meats,
  4. Infections of the genitourinary system. If infections associated with the genitourinary system are detected, the doctor prescribes suppositories that are applied topically. When choosing candles, the doctor is guided by the gestational age. The genitals should be washed with a jet of water from top to bottom 2-3 times a day. Medicinal herbs are suitable for the prevention of treatment: chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark, mint, celandine.
  5. Diabetes. The treatment of diabetes mellitus is reduced to the constant monitoring of the blood sugar level of a pregnant woman. In some cases, the pregnant woman is given insulin. Treatment is carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor.
  6. Jaundice. Jaundice is a dangerous disease during pregnancy and requires immediate hospitalization.

Prevention of itching in pregnant women

Itching during pregnancy delivers a lot of discomfort during the bearing of a child, disrupts the sleep of a pregnant woman, and affects overall well-being. Treatment of itching during pregnancy may not always be effective, so relapses occur. To minimize the recurrence of itching in pregnant women, preventive measures should be followed:

  • Control weight. With a sharp increase in weight, stretch marks appear in a pregnant woman, so the stomach and chest itch during pregnancy. Weight control and proper nutrition should be maintained during pregnancy. Read also:.
  • Observe the rules of hygiene. During pregnancy, you should take a shower at least 1 time per day. The water should be warm (not hot or cold).
  • Monitor the condition of the skin. Dry skin provokes itching during pregnancy, so after a shower, use lotions, creams, oils to moisturize the skin without additional additives and fragrances.
  • Clothing. Give preference to clothes made only from natural fabrics.

Itching during pregnancy is a common complaint of women expecting the birth of a baby. In this case, sensitive areas of the skin can be located in a variety of places. Naturally, most often in pregnant women, itching is localized in the abdomen, less often they note that the whole body itches. Should I be worried about such a problem? What is itching during pregnancy, and how to deal with it? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Why does the body itch during pregnancy?

Specialists identify a number of the following reasons that are not included in the risk group for the development of conditions dangerous for pregnant women:

  1. Increased load on the liver, resulting in the development of cholestasis (stagnation of bile), which disappears immediately after a successful birth.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body of a woman who is preparing to become a mother, associated with an increase in estrogen synthesis. Utilization of the excess of these hormones occurs in the liver, which creates an additional load on the organ and leads to its dysfunction with the accumulation of bile. The toxic substances accumulated in the hepatic ducts are carried throughout the body with the blood flow, irritate the nervous sensations and potentiate the occurrence of itching sensations (hands itch during pregnancy, legs and other parts of the body).
  3. Drying and irritation of the skin, as a result of an increase in the body weight of a woman and a change in the volume of fluid circulating through the vessels.
  4. The formation of stretch marks, which are known to pregnant women as stretch marks of the skin of the abdomen, due to a deficiency in the body of collagen and elastin against the background of a rapid increase in the volume of the abdomen. The lower extremity girdle may also suffer. Often during pregnancy, legs itch as a result of skin stretching.
  5. Wearing underwear made from low quality synthetic fabrics that are very tight fitting.
  6. Increased sweating, when excess moisture creates favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms on the surface of the skin that can provoke the appearance of itchy sensations.

During pregnancy, itchy skin is a fairly common occurrence that does not harm the health of the expectant mother and her baby. But in some cases, a similar symptom can signal a malfunction in the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, you should not ignore any discomfort or discomfort, but immediately seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Itching of pregnant women can be a sign of serious disorders in the body of a future mother, which, without adequate medical correction and immediate response from doctors, often cause premature termination of pregnancy or pose a real threat to the health of a woman and her baby.

There are the following diseases that can provoke itching of the skin during pregnancy:

  • diabetes mellitus diagnosed in a woman before pregnancy, as well as persistent hyperglycemia in the later stages (gestational diabetes);
  • allergic reactions that are frequent companions of pregnant women and occur under the influence of various factors on their bodies, including food, hygiene products, synthetic vitamins, and the like (itchy rash most often appears on thin and delicate skin, in natural folds);
  • skin itching during pregnancy can be an early symptom of severe liver dysfunction;
  • thrush or candidiasis provokes the appearance of itchy sensations in the genital area, which are accompanied by copious secretions with a sour smell;
  • hormonal changes in pregnant women with an increase in the activity of the production of thyroid hormones, adrenal glands;
  • nervous disorders;
  • skin diseases, in particular, lichen, eczema, dermatitis, scabies and fungal infection of epidermal tissues;
  • chronic intoxication of the body.

Why does the body itch during pregnancy? Doctors hear this question every day. Itching sensations can haunt a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a child, and may manifest themselves exclusively in the first or second half of pregnancy.

During early pregnancy, itching of the body is felt by about half of expectant mothers. This unpleasant symptom appears already in the first month and is associated with hormonal changes in the body of women. Sometimes some of them perceive such discomfort as a sign of pregnancy, which has come. Such a judgment is far from reality, since these two concepts are not normally combined.

The main reason why the body itches in the first weeks of pregnancy is the activation of pathogenic microflora, the exacerbation of chronic thrush and the development of bacterial vaginosis. All this happens against the background of a sharp decrease in immunity, therefore it has pronounced clinical symptoms. Also, at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman begins to develop cholestasis and, as a result, severe itching throughout her body.

Itching in late pregnancy

Particularly acute women feel itching and burning during pregnancy for a period of 32-36 weeks. The reason for such changes may be a rapid increase in the size of the abdomen, skin stretching and the formation of stretch marks.

It is extremely rare at 6-9 months of pregnancy that itchy sensations in women are a sign of hepatitis or hepatosis. It is not worth suspecting cholestasis in expectant mothers in the later stages, since it almost never occurs during this period.

What to do if itching occurs during pregnancy?

If a woman's body itches during pregnancy, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor, but to consult a dermatologist and gynecologist as soon as possible. Treatment of the condition must be necessarily based and aimed at eliminating the main cause of the development of the pathological process that has become the reason for the occurrence of itching.

Simple recommendations will help to alleviate the general condition of a pregnant patient, which include:

  • the need to eat right and exclude from the diet foods that can provoke the development of allergies;
  • the importance of observing the drinking regimen (if the skin itches all over the body, doctors recommend that the expectant mother drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day);
  • prevention of drying of the skin by using special moisturizing cosmetics;
  • control over personal hygiene of the body, wearing loose underwear made from natural fabrics, frequent taking a warm shower;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • relaxing massage.

Drug treatment of itching during pregnancy is indicated for female representatives in whom discomfort is associated with the presence of diseases of the internal organs.

  • With the development of hepatosis, you should drink a course of hepatoprotectors of plant origin, sorbents and immuno-strengthening agents.
  • Skin diseases should be treated by a dermatologist. Therapy of such conditions is aimed at eliminating the main etiological factor in the occurrence of itching.
  • In case of allergies, it is advisable to use antihistamines.
  • In diabetes, it is very important to maintain the maximum acceptable blood sugar level for a woman's body by increasing insulin doses and tightening the diet.
  • In the case of the neurogenic nature of itching, patients are prescribed sedatives, sedative decoctions and teas.

If itching of the body appears at any time, you should not panic and self-medicate, it is better to seek help from a specialist. A professional approach and proper treatment will minimize discomfort during pregnancy, facilitate its course and prevent the occurrence of possible diseases, both for the expectant mother and the baby.

Why is itching during pregnancy dangerous?

The itching of the body itself during pregnancy is not a dangerous condition for a woman's health. It is not he who can harm, but the reasons that provoked unpleasant sensations. For example, discomfort significantly worsens the emotional background, and also disrupts the full-fledged sleep of the expectant mother, as a result of which she becomes irritable, feels unwell, and experiences depression.

In addition, severe itching, provoked by internal ailments, is a danger to the health of the baby. It often causes distress (lack of oxygen to the child) of the fetus, as well as other more serious complications.


As you know, skin itching during the period of bearing a child is always easier to prevent than to cure. To achieve this, the advice of doctors will help, including:

  • compliance with the correct diet of a pregnant woman and the rejection of products that can cause allergies;
  • regular body hygiene with water procedures and the use of hypoallergenic products;
  • the use of vitamin complexes that improve the condition of the skin, folic acid, magne B6;
  • a conscious choice of creams for skin stretch marks that contain a minimum amount of flavorings;
  • regular spending time in the fresh air, long walks before going to bed;
  • adequate drinking regimen;
  • taking herbal baths using chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort;
  • avoidance of direct sunlight;
  • prevention of scratching with their subsequent infection and the use of a special ointment for itching;
  • changing synthetic underwear to more natural and high-quality ones.

It is important to remember that itching during pregnancy is one of the causes of a violation of the general condition and psycho-emotional background of a woman. It disturbs sleep, makes the expectant mother irritable. Therefore, you should not endure such discomfort, but immediately seek help from a doctor and solve the problem until its consequences arise.

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Itching during pregnancy is not so common, but this symptom cannot be called rare either. Usually, the appearance of skin itching refers to the second half of pregnancy, more often from the 6th month. Sometimes it occurs simultaneously with yellowing of the skin, sometimes on its own. Skin itching is especially pronounced in pregnant women at night, perhaps because during the day a person is distracted by various deeds and thoughts, while at night he notices more ailments like itching of the skin.
Why does itching appear during pregnancy? Any skin manifestations, unless they are independent dermatological diseases, indicate some kind of malfunction in the liver. In this case, an increase in the level of estrogen during pregnancy leads to cholestasis - stagnation of bile in the liver, while bile acids are secreted in excess, those that, when on the skin, cause itching. Often in the same period, liver function tests - ALT, bilirubin - change - the numbers of these indicators may increase. In order to alleviate the condition, you need to follow a few rules. First, take a warm shower more often, after which lubricate the skin, especially in itchy places, with neutral body milk or oil. So excess bile acids are mechanically removed from the skin, and in order to avoid overdrying of the skin after water and detergents, emollients and moisturizers are used. From medical preparations, cholestyramine, various talkers, activated charcoal removes all the excess from the intestines. In addition, it is good to use substances that improve liver function, relieve cholestasis, although complete relief from skin itching is likely to occur after childbirth. The liver can be supported with conventional hepatoprotectors, such as Essentiale, Carsil, to improve the outflow of bile, use no-shpa. There are also drugs that help the liver, less known, but more effective - this is a derivative of animal bile - ursofalk and ursosan, a plant substance - hepatofalk - plant. Of course, all this should be used only after consulting with your doctor, and just in case, visit an infectious disease specialist, pass all the necessary tests in order to exclude more serious damage to the liver, for example, viral hepatitis, which, like any disease, may well manifest itself precisely in time of pregnancy.
Itching of the skin, however, less often, can be caused by intolerance to any food product, especially an exotic one that a woman had not consumed before, but decided to treat herself during pregnancy - seafood often plays this role - shrimp, oysters, mussels - they just need exclude from food and do not experiment with food anymore.
In general, we must try, as always, to understand the causes of itching during pregnancy and do our best to minimize this unpleasant symptom that interferes with normal sleep and brings a lot of trouble to pregnant women.

Pregnancy may be accompanied by itchy skin all over the body. Most often this happens after the 6th month, that is, with the beginning of the third trimester. Itching can become so intrusive and unbearable that the equally intrusive question arises - why? The body itches during pregnancy for various reasons.

Hormonal adjustment

Itching of the body can be a symptom of pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, that is, a sign of a malfunction of the internal organs. The reason for this is the changed hormonal background during pregnancy, which is understandable and expected.

Note! One of the causes of itching is associated with disorders in the liver. "Liver itching" (cholestasis of pregnancy) is accompanied by a burning sensation, more often manifests itself at night, leads to skin lesions even on the feet and hands.

This type of skin irritation is typical for women who have either previously suffered or are predisposed to diseases such as hepatitis A, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis. This risk group includes pregnant women with multiple births and women over 35 years of age.

The hormonal causes of what is happening are as follows: female hormones - estrogens, produced in excess, which is the absolute norm during pregnancy, begin to suppress the activity of liver enzymes. This leads to a violation of the connection of blood bilirubin with glucuronic acid. As a result, stagnation of bile occurs, the content of bile acids in the blood rises. Acids, in turn, enter the fatty subcutaneous tissue and, irritating the nerve endings, cause severe itching of the skin.

It is quite difficult to deal with this type of pruritus, since it is a symptom, that is, a consequence and evidence of a malfunction of another internal organ - the liver. It is the liver that needs to be helped to cope fully with its task. You need to start with liver tests, a biochemical blood test, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. And then act on the advice of a doctor.

It is desirable to endure the discomfort caused by itching, reducing their strength by using activated charcoal or treatment with cholestyramine (only as prescribed by a doctor), as well as local treatment of the affected skin with light antipruritic ointments with a menthol component. It is useful to use an easy-to-make folk remedy for oral administration half a cup after meals 2 times a day: a mixture of herbs, 5 grams each (calendula, chamomile, plantain, lemon balm, yarrow, motherwort), pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour.

Note! It is worth reviewing your diet in favor of foods that will not create an unreasonable burden on the liver.

It is necessary to forget about fried, salted, smoked, fall in love with dried apricots, prunes, which have a beneficial effect on peristalsis. And remember that discomfort will certainly stop immediately after childbirth.

There are other characteristic causes that cause itching in different parts of the body.

Physiological itching

Due to the increase in the fetus in the womb of the mother, the belly of a pregnant woman increases, which means that the skin on the abdomen is stretched. Her stretch, which in medicine is called "polymorphic dermatosis of pregnancy" (PDP), is accompanied by itching. This can be observed at the beginning of the second trimester.

After childbirth, the problem of physiological itching disappears completely, so there is no place for unrest, if we exclude the fact that stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, legs, thighs and chest can remain forever.

To minimize the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use special products for stretch marks from the beginning of the second trimester. These can be ready-made creams for pregnant women or creams made on their own. It is quite simple to make: mix 10 g of honey, 10 g of Kalanchoe flower juice, 30 g of eucalyptus oil and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Store the mixture in a dark glass container in the refrigerator, and apply to lubricate itchy skin areas and places with signs of stretch marks.

Polymorphic dermatosis (skin stretch marks) is, for obvious reasons, typical for women who gain significant weight, as well as for pregnant women carrying twins or triplets.

fungal disease

Every woman knows what a thrush is. In the body of any person, the normal microflora of the oral cavity, intestines, and vagina contains microorganisms - yeast-like fungi Candida. With a decrease in immunity, both general and local (for example, in the vagina), these fungi are produced in larger quantities than required, which is called thrush (genital tract infection). It causes severe itching in the perineum and in the genital area. How to deal with thrush? It is not difficult to restore the balance of the composition of the microflora; for this, drugs are used. But the problem is that during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden (!) to take antifungal drugs. A pregnant woman is recommended to use a weak solution of soda for regular washing.

The causes of itching of the skin of the body of a pregnant woman include an allergic reaction to products or household items that must be disposed of immediately. It is worth avoiding stuffy rooms and hot places under the sun, use purified water, take baths with the addition of decoctions of oatmeal or string, which has a beneficial effect on the skin due to its juice, reminiscent of iodine solution.

More accurately, only a doctor can investigate and establish the reason why the body itches during pregnancy. Only a specialist is able to exclude a large group of skin diseases, which include various dermatoses of pregnant women - papular dermatitis of pregnant women, prurigo, impetigo herpetiformis. Only after agreement with the attending physician, one or another medicine can be used.

Skin itching is not the most common occurrence during pregnancy. However, with its manifestation, reminiscent of the effects of mosquito bites, discomfort is provided. Itching often worsens in the evening, before going to bed. But sleep with such symptoms is disturbed up to the appearance of regular insomnia, the general tone decreases, the woman's mood worsens. This sad picture should not lead to despair, firstly, because skin irritation is not forever, secondly, it cannot harm the baby in the womb, and thirdly, there is nothing that cannot be changed. A gynecologist and a dermatologist are your first assistants on the road to recovery.
