Noble nicknames for male dogs. How to name a dog: Russian nicknames for pets

A dog is not just a true friend of a person, it is a family member and a child, so people take the choice of a name seriously. Nicknames for dog-boys should not only characterize the dog, but also display it ... A puppy that appears in the house brings a lot of joy, and sometimes problems, but nevertheless, he becomes a full-fledged member of the family and requires an appropriate attitude.

The nickname should first of all correspond to the temperament and appearance of the dog, no one will call a dachshund or a pug Polkan, just like a German shepherd Musey or Naughty.

Sound combinations in the name

Dogs are very susceptible to sound vibrations, and therefore, depending on the breed and its temper, it is worth choosing a consonant nickname. If you have a dog that you plan to take on a hunt, then you should give it a short name with voiced vowels so that it quickly responds to any call. For example, Zur, Dick, Rex, etc.

If you plan to train a dog to perform various commands, then the nickname should not be consonant with them, that is, the name Funtik or Sid will not suit the pet at all, because the animal will be confused.

Another important point: in everyday life we ​​are used to using diminutive names, the dog does not understand such a manifestation of tenderness and does not perceive his name in other forms. Accordingly, if the dog's name is Dick, then he will not respond to the diminutive Dikusha, and indeed he will not understand at all that it is about him.

According to the studies of zoopsychologists, the dog's disposition and character correspond to the nickname. But here it is difficult to draw an analogy with human names, since if you name your pet Kolya or Zina, you can get into an uncomfortable situation, shouting at your dog on the street. In cynological kennels, it is customary to give nicknames for male dogs, starting with one letter, to all puppies from the litter (Astra, Archie, Aport). But, of course, future owners usually change their nickname after discussing this issue with the whole family.

At the end of the 20th century, it became very popular in the world to use nicknames that are consonant with various colors or phenomena. For example: Redi (red), Lucky (happy), Dolly (doll), etc.

How to name a dog boy

Every year, the list containing nicknames for male dogs expands and replenishes with rather unusual and rare names. In the same way that parents try to keep up with fashion when naming their children, the owners of four-legged pets try to follow the latest trends and trends.

People with a sense of humor prefer to give rather cool nicknames for boy dogs. These are Augur, Ajax, Dardanus, iPhone, Gadget, Dollar, Google, Terabyte, etc.

It is also worth considering the nicknames of dogs for boys Russian and old. Below is a table with those.



St. John's wort





It is best if the nicknames for dog boys contain as many voiced consonants as possible - then the four-legged baby will quickly remember his name and will be ready to follow the next commands. In addition to the name itself, it is important to pay attention to the behavior of the puppy. Depending on the breed, the nature of the pet may differ, and accordingly, the name should fully reveal it.

There is an opinion that the abundance of growling sounds in the nickname helps to develop a more aggressive character of the animal.

The ideal nickname is one that also reflects the breed of the puppy.

How to name a shepherd puppy

The German Shepherd symbolizes the concepts of devotion and great intelligence. Showing intelligence from the first days of life, such puppies become not only true friends, but also easy to train.

Perhaps there is no more touching sight in the world than a curious German Shepherd puppy, but do not forget that a majestic and noble creature will grow out of a curious crumb, so the nickname given in infancy should also come up at an older age.

Popular nicknames for German Shepherd boy dogs: Hector, Django, Ataman, Orion, Rambo, Ramses, Baikal, Khan, Pharaoh, Shah, Yar, Thor.

How to name a puppy of a small breed

Miniature creatures are more like plush toys that you want to cuddle. Dogs of a small breed are distinguished by their energy and playful disposition, therefore, when choosing a nickname for a baby, you should not take something serious or impressive, since the poodle, whose name is Polkan, looks at least ridiculous and comical. Dogs of small breeds remain fidgety throughout their lives, so funny names with an abundance of soft sounds are perfect for them.

Nicknames for small dogs-boys: Bambi, Monty, Ryzhik, Teddy, Donut, Alfie, Winnie, Maxi, Dandy, Yukki, Fantik, Twiggy, Fluffy, Hippie.

How to name a Yorkie puppy

Yorkshire terriers are also small breeds, but, despite their decorative purpose, they have all the manners of serious terriers. Therefore, nicknames suit them not only cute and toy, but also majestic and more serious.

Nicknames for Yorkies: Milord, Diamond, Amber, Baron, Viscount, Aramis, Harold, Marcel, Jack, Jean, Topaz, Carat, Franz, Guy, Prince, King.

How to name a puppy dachshund

Dachshunds, unlike Yorkies, have great intelligence and ingenuity, and, according to most experts, also humor. By and large, the very elongated shape of the dachshund already looks touchingly comical, and sometimes its energy and resourcefulness are striking, despite such short legs.

Among other things, dachshund puppies show their temper and stubbornness from infancy, perhaps this is because dachshunds have been the most noble hunting dogs since ancient times.

Nicknames of dogs-boys of small breeds: Hunter, Excitement, Pulka, Wiener, Trick, Straight, Clover, Choco, Brown, Gunter, Quick, Wind, Kaning, Sly, Lucky, Schnel.

How to name a husky puppy

Despite their impressive size, huskies have the most good-natured disposition and kindest character. Laika treats its owner as the most faithful companion, friend and brother. Despite the good disposition, such a dog will always stand up for his family and will be devoted to her to the last. In order to decide on a nickname for a husky puppy, you should pay attention to several rather important parameters.

  1. If the puppy was purchased in a kennel, then most likely he already has a tribal name, as well as a pedigree and all documents. In order not to confuse a curious baby, check with the breeders what nickname was given to him at birth, and try to choose a new name for him that will be consonant with her or begin with the same letter.
  2. Sometimes some owners of huskies and other breeds suffer because of their inattention. If you call a puppy-boy a female nickname, in the future it will be very difficult to retrain him to a new name. Therefore, it is worth accurately determining the sex of the dog before naming it.
  3. A husky puppy named Monster or Bes will look more funny than intimidating. After all, one look into the kind eyes of a dog is enough to understand that he obviously cannot be a Monster.
  4. The nickname should be sonorous and short.
  5. If you plan to take your friend hunting in the future, then the following options will suit him: Buyan, Ataman, Thunder, Excitement, Vityaz, Courageous, Faithful.

How to name a hardware or a mongrel

If the dog is not a representative of a noble pedigree or is a mixture of several breeds, then the name can be chosen more simply, not burdened with loud letter combinations. For example: Beam, Athos, Charlie, Pirate, Jack, Bobik, Dick, Bars.

If you become the owner of a puppy of a fighting breed, then the name should be loud and impressive, for example: Thunder, Ataman, Volot, Sultan, Titan, Tyson, Schwartz, Vityaz, Wolf, Demon.

Nicknames for dog-boys, popular all over the world

In the United States, studies were conducted in which companies engaged in medical examination and insurance of animals processed more than 450,000 nicknames, highlighting the most popular ones and dividing them into categories.

Celebrity Names

Naming a pet after a celebrity has become all the rage. Therefore, more and more often there are dogs named Damon, Jake, Heathcliff, Elton, Buster, Eliot, etc. Along with these names, the nicknames of politicians, singers and other popular personalities are often used.

mythological names

Increasingly, pet owners call them the names of the ancient Greek gods, for example: Zeus, Poseidon, Hercules, Ares. Of course, it is mainly large dogs of hunting or fighting breeds that are awarded with such nicknames.


The name of an animal, like a person, carries a certain character and habits. Combinations of vowels and consonants, deaf and soft sounds - all this is ultimately responsible to one degree or another for the burrows and behavior of the pet. The nickname given from birth or at the moment when the puppy first crossed the threshold of your house should remain with him throughout his life. That is why it is worth taking this issue seriously, calling a dog just for the sake of a joke is not worth it, since these quick-witted animals perceive name changes very painfully and simply may refuse to respond to another word form.

Beautiful nicknames for dog boys should be combined with their appearance, character, breed, and, if any, with hunting skills. A faithful four-legged friend and ally will show you what his name should be.

There are many different names for boy dogs with national accents: French, English, Spanish, Oriental, Northern. For those who find it difficult to choose, we have compiled a list of rare and beautiful ones. Choose how to name a boy puppy, based on the characteristics of character and disposition.

Original Russian nicknames for boys

Recently, the dominance of foreign pretentious names has made itself felt. For some reason, the owners believe that their dog will be more successful if you give it a European-style name.

Russians have their own superiority: they always sound good, soft (and you don’t even need to cut), funny, playful, many funny. Versatile, you can choose to any character. Pay attention to some of them.

  • Bandit,
  • Tramp,
  • Tramp,
  • Thunder,
  • buddy,
  • Volcano,
  • Pie,
  • Cake,
  • Bobik,
  • Jackal,
  • Rogue,
  • Cupid,
  • Warrior,
  • Tail,
  • Ginger,
  • Pie,
  • Dobrynya,
  • Hog,
  • Svarog,
  • Rodion,
  • Happy,
  • Pretty boy,
  • baby,
  • Tsar,
  • Volchara,
  • Whistle,
  • The beast,
  • Hermit,
  • Savage,
  • Grozny,
  • Brukhan,
  • Winnie the Pooh,
  • Nightmare.

Modern nicknames for four-legged "gentlemen"

But if you notice the habits of a true Englishman behind your dog, you should not refuse her a national name.

Your dog tries to serve in everything (brings slippers in the morning, and then also carries them around all day), is too obedient, friendly, stable, but afraid to show his feelings, extremely fond of order and comfort - then choose something for him then from this list.

  • Armstrong,
  • Bentley
  • barton,
  • Jeeves,
  • webster,
  • Bobby,
  • Burgher,
  • watson,
  • sherlock,
  • duke,
  • winfred,
  • glenmore,
  • beardsley,
  • Graph,
  • Lancelot,
  • Greenwich,
  • Bosswell,
  • carrington,
  • Digby
  • chadwick,
  • fergie,
  • Cromwell,
  • Dandy,
  • London,
  • wesley,
  • Rochester
  • Charles,
  • bacon,
  • Spencer
  • wilson,
  • Wilston,
  • Oxford,
  • Tower,
  • Tennyson,
  • Maxwell.

Nicknames for puppies with a French accent

If you notice cheerfulness, cheerfulness, ardent temperament, enthusiasm, likes to be the center of attention in your pet, then choose a French name for him.

  • Armani,
  • Andre,
  • Dandy,
  • cavier,
  • Neville,
  • Cousteau,
  • Garson,
  • Dominic,
  • Maurice,
  • Pierre Paris,
  • Chianti,
  • faber,
  • Chardonnay,
  • eiffel,
  • Ludwig,
  • corporal,
  • Sedan,
  • Orleans,
  • Jules,
  • Grass,
  • Gauthier,
  • Julienne,
  • Gerard,
  • Philip,
  • Modest,
  • Cordel,
  • bulien,
  • Chevalier,
  • besancon,
  • Valentine,
  • Victor,
  • Adye,
  • Cognac,
  • Justien,
  • blaise,
  • Rouen,
  • Christoph,
  • Alonso
  • Grass,
  • Poitiers.


Options for "little" dogs

Decided to have a baby, then this list of the "smallest" playful names for you.

  • Karapet,
  • Baby,
  • Shket,
  • Micro,
  • Electron,
  • Smallest,
  • Small,
  • junior,
  • cog,
  • tinkle,
  • Dwarf,
  • karapuz,
  • Chizhik,
  • Shustrik,
  • Small,
  • Midge,
  • Malets,
  • Proton,
  • Baby,
  • Little,
  • smarty,
  • Cake,
  • Mini,
  • Kinder,
  • Funtik,
  • Kutsy,
  • Byte,
  • carnation,
  • fluff,
  • Sweeties,
  • Zaki,
  • Sweepy,
  • shorty,
  • Micron,
  • pretzel,
  • zigo,
  • Chico,
  • Fluffy.

Name for different dog breeds

Each breed is unique in itself, because it has unique habits and has its own universal character.

Breeds of watchmen and security guards: German Shepherd, Alabai, Rotfeiler, Moscow Watchdog, Black Terrier.

Family and friendly - pugs, poodles, St. Bernards, shelties, poodles. Now we will consider what names are best for some breeds.

  • Timmy
  • Coconut,
  • Bow,
  • Lucky,
  • darling,
  • Small,
  • bambi,
  • Smile,
  • didi,
  • Volt,
  • pixel,
  • Knop,
  • Boni,
  • Zorro,
  • Alcor,
  • sparky,
  • smokey,
  • benji,
  • Richie
  • Mini,
  • loyd,
  • Best,
  • kiki,
  • Agate,
  • Freddie,
  • Boss.

For taxis:

  • Pirate,
  • Bruno
  • Hunter,
  • stif,
  • baxter,
  • Black,
  • brown,
  • rocky,
  • flint,
  • Rave,
  • pitty,
  • Timka,
  • Fritz,
  • Sema.

Husky male nicknames:

  • loki,
  • Thunder,
  • Buran,
  • Amur,
  • frost,
  • fierce,
  • Archie,
  • Demon,
  • wolf,
  • Silver,
  • Cold,
  • North,
  • Ural,
  • Shaman,
  • gray,
  • Caesar,
  • North,
  • Hugo,
  • Sniper,
  • Baikal,
  • Snor.

Shepherd boys will be happy if you choose one of these for them:

  • Diamond,
  • Graph,
  • Empire,
  • Conrad,
  • Perseus,
  • Marcus,
  • lord,
  • Antey,
  • Dingo,
  • Austin,
  • Jaco,
  • Uranus,
  • Grant,
  • Pier,
  • Martin,
  • Rhine,
  • Lobster,
  • Nero,
  • Corsair,
  • Main,
  • Cascade,
  • Zinc,
  • Bodo,
  • Rhine,
  • Jeff,
  • Zhigan,
  • Rudolf,
  • king,
  • dux,
  • Carat,
  • Oscar,
  • Falcon,
  • Flint.

Successful Labradors:

  • amigo,
  • Atom,
  • brun,
  • Casper,
  • Jack,
  • bond,
  • ajax,
  • Zorro,
  • Clyde,
  • Gucci
  • winston,
  • kelvin,
  • boomer,
  • Toby,
  • Crow,
  • Chaos,
  • Nugget,
  • Orion,
  • Adonis,
  • ricochet,
  • Gigolo,
  • byron,
  • Champion,
  • Jack,
  • homer,
  • ranger,
  • bambino,
  • butch,
  • Jazz,
  • flash,
  • Sunny
  • Romeo,
  • Tango.

Beautiful names for Alabai:

  • aspar,
  • Arden,
  • farhad,
  • Murad,
  • Hummock,
  • Ardak,
  • Nubar,
  • Wagr,
  • Topush,
  • barut,
  • diram,
  • margos,
  • Nazar,
  • Radash,
  • Miro.

Note to those who are planning to acquire a Staffordshire Terrier. Good Nicknames:

  • Asik,
  • Bard,
  • bawar,
  • Arro,
  • Hephaestus,
  • Butuz,
  • kaab,
  • Tan,
  • Imar,
  • bidi,
  • Helot,
  • Zagray
  • cube,
  • kaffi,
  • vicourt,
  • Proud,
  • Kuchum,
  • chieftain,
  • Dary,
  • Quinto,
  • dux,
  • Werther
  • Jibo,
  • Buckingham
  • East,
  • Le Havre
  • Buyan,
  • Gasan,
  • viking,
  • Euphrates.
  • Raydon,
  • takumi,
  • Samurai,
  • Tobiko,
  • darius,
  • goro,
  • haco,
  • fudo,
  • Setsuko,
  • haru,
  • Neko,
  • Nikko.

The most suitable names for spaniel boys:

  • Aylat,
  • Alan,
  • Jeremiah,
  • Lorgnette,
  • sparky,
  • Ferocious,
  • Punks
  • Robin,
  • Sniper,
  • Scimitar,
  • Bachem,
  • Golden eagle,
  • frickly,
  • Bold,
  • catchy,
  • Charlie,
  • muffy,
  • Hawk,
  • natsmen,
  • Sebastian,
  • Longket,
  • Cracker,
  • Nimble,
  • pull out,
  • saiga,
  • Remote.

But no matter what successful and beautiful name you choose for your puppy, he will not be happy if you do not take care and look after him properly.

Remember the words of the great Saint-Exupery: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Therefore, try to pay as much attention as possible to your four-legged friend, and he will doubly thank you for your work.

Funny dog ​​names

A good sense of humor helps in life and is even an integral part of it. Often, owners want their pet's name to evoke a smile and a wave of positivity. Why not? The main thing is that the nickname pleases, but in no case should it be offensive or offensive to a devoted comrade.

What can be guided in the selection of a "cool" name? For example, the size of a dog. Here you can use opposite meanings, so a tiny toy or Yorkshire terrier can turn into Gulliver, Giant, Cerberus or Terrible with the light hand of the owner. Such names for babies sound unexpectedly funny, and if the dog has character, then it is quite eloquent.

There is also a reverse trend, when representatives of giant breeds are called diminutive names. You can meet a Caucasian shepherd dog named Fluff, Great Dane Krosha or, frightening with its appearance, Mastiff Tsvetika.

But here you should be more careful, given that the name leaves its mark on the character of the pet, and if you want to get a vigilant guard, there is a risk of becoming the owner of a good-natured giant. With medium-sized pets, you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with a nickname based on the characteristic qualities.

Owners of mestizos often have unintentional embarrassment with nicknames. Initially gentle, tiny creature named Donut, Ray or Little Mouse can grow to a decent size. And there are also reverse situations, when a puppy is taken into the house, which the former owners position as a large, sentry individual, and a dog grows up the size of a dachshund.

And such Polkans, Mukhtars and Caesars run around, and the owners are somewhat embarrassed by their original, not quite suitable, name. If there is no desire to choose a playful nickname, and the future size of the pet is not clear, it is worth naming the puppy so that the name is not associated with dimensions.

You can focus on the color of the pet. The nickname will reflect the inherent quality of the pet - its suit:

  • You can call a dog with black hair Coal, Devil, Blackie, Demon, Zorro, Gypsy, Agate, Bes, Chernysh, Blade, Raven, Rook, etc.
  • For males with white coat, names such as Snowball, Bely, Belyash, Frost, Leopard, Snowstorm, Nord, Chalk, Light, Casper, Edelweiss, White, Zephyr, Polar, Sugar, Refined are suitable.
  • Dogs with a spotted coat are called Spot, Pockmarked, Fifteen, Motley, Bright, Domino, Harlequin. Among the English nicknames can be considered Bud, Spotty, Patch, Tabby.
  • Chocolate pets can be named after favorite goodies - Snickers, Mars, Twix, Milky Way, Toblerone, Picnic, Chocolate. Suitable nicknames such as Brownie, Chestnut, Mocha, Bruno, Bob, Darkley, Maroon, Brownish, Choco, Porter, etc.
  • Males with grey, ashy coats may be called Ash, Grey, Gray, Silver, Smokey, Smokey, Smokey, Steely, Steele.
  • Red-red dogs are often given nicknames, one way or another associated with the red, fiery color - Fire, Scarlet, Pepper, Red, Bright, Ruby, Pomegranate, Fire. Pets whose fur looks like a fox coat are called Fox, Fox, Foxy, Golden, Orange, Honey,

When choosing a nickname, you can focus on the nature of the pet. Puppies, like any children, from birth begin to show some of their outstanding qualities. What can we say about grown-up kids getting into a new house. For puppies with obvious leadership qualities, it is worth choosing the appropriate nickname: Commander. King, Leader, Favorite, General, Pharaoh. Captain.

Names for dog boys

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Here he is, finally, at home! Such a small and warm lump that looks at you with trusting eyes. Still without a name, but already so close and dear. Or maybe it's not him at all, but her? Charming and sweet, but at the same time such a minx! On the very first day I managed to steal a piece of meat and gobble it up in the corner with gusto. So, what do you call it after that?

And you have to name something. And it’s better, after all, not “somehow”, but in a special way, so that you yourself like the nickname and suit the dog. How to make the right choice? To begin with, take a closer look at the dog, maybe his appearance will tell you who is in front of you: Chernysh, Ryzhik or Fluff? Or maybe he managed to show his unique character and deserved the “title” of Shustrik or Pirate?

It is better for hunting dogs to choose short nicknames with voiced consonants that are convenient to pronounce loudly. For example, Excitement, Wind, Pulka. It is desirable that the dog's name does not contain the sound "and", as it is very difficult to shout out.

Service dogs that will really serve, it is better to choose serious names. Such as Mukhtar, Palkan or Reks. Likes are more suitable for “northern” nicknames, for example, Buran or Blizzard. Companion dogs are most often given the names of people: Styopa, Jackie, Dasha, Max. The main thing is that the dog's name should not be too long or difficult to pronounce, otherwise you yourself will regret it when you cannot pronounce it in a moment of danger. It is best that it consists of one or two syllables, as dogs perceive just such words well.

As for the sound "r", then the opinions of experts differ. Some consider it native to dogs, others insist that this sound is associated with growling in dogs, therefore it sets them up with hostility. In any case, it's up to you to decide. Keep in mind that dogs are good at distinguishing both vowels and consonants. Therefore, even if Mulya and Bulya live under the same roof, they both will know their nicknames very well and react only to them.

And the last. Remember that the dog's name, as well as the name of a person, can influence not only the character, but also the fate of the pet. Therefore, think three times before calling a good-natured dog Angry or Scoundrel. Better let it be Faithful or Friend. However, do not think too long about the nickname for the pet - after all, he will love you under any name.

Some owners do this before the puppy appears in the house, and some only when the pet crosses the threshold of a new home. And yet: how and when to choose a nickname for a dog? Perhaps you have dreamed all your life of having a dog named Sharik. Whether it's at least a small lap dog, even a huge alabai - Sharik and that's it! In this case, of course, you can give the dog a name in advance.

But experienced dog breeders advise choosing a name for a dog only after the first acquaintance with it. Why? Seeing the tailed creature with your own eyes, you will understand for sure how you can name a dog. Watch the animal, study its external features, pay attention to the character and habits, and the question “what to name the puppy” will disappear by itself.

So, you are planning to replenish your family - a tailed-eared creature. How to choose a nickname for him? Rely on your own and only on your own taste. After all, it is you who have to call your pet for a walk and call him to your house. Given these simple guidelines, you will choose a dog name that both your four-legged friend and you will like:

  • choose a simple and short nickname. Dogs are best at accepting such names. The dog will quickly get used to the nickname and will delight you with his attention. Yes, and it will be easier for you to pronounce a short name. But what if you are crazy about long and original dog names? No problem: you can proudly present your pet Gaius Julius Caesar to those around you, but in private you can affectionately call him Yulik. And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe;
  • consider the breed, size and color of the dog. For others, a red dog named Snow White can cause slight dissonance. However, if both you and your dog are not against such discrepancies ..:);
  • avoid nicknames that your previous pets had. All the past should remain in the past, and in front of you is a new friend with his own unique character and unique habits;
  • do not call animals human names. It’s good if the comrade of the same name is not offended by the fact that you named the dog Sergey. But what if your new neighbor (a person who doesn't know what a sense of humor is) happens to have the same name?

Why is the choice of nickname important? “Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail” - this is the answer to the question. The animal may not understand the meaning of beautiful words, but nicknames in which the letters r and f are present develop courage, determination and even independence in the dog. And dog names with the letters l, m, n awaken complaisance, friendliness and affection in the animal.

If the dog has just appeared in the house, you still have time to think and choose a worthy nickname. But what if the pet has been living with you for a week or two? Leaving a dog without a name for so long is unacceptable. Where do you get nickname ideas from? Connect your imagination and ... strain your memory. Animals are often given majestic names after islands, rivers, mountains, cities, and even countries!

A cool nickname for a dog can be borrowed from movie characters: both from people and from animals. Do you want to give your pet a very unusual name? Look around: perhaps an object will fall into your field of vision, the name of which will fit as a name for a dog. In case inspiration still does not visit you, you can always choose from a ready-made list of nicknames for four-legged creatures.

There are no special recommendations for choosing a name for a girl dog. The only important and understandable nuance: females are not suitable nicknames for male dogs. As a rule, nicknames for girls' dogs are beautiful and sweet. They should suit the pet, emphasize her best qualities and encourage her to exemplary behavior. When choosing a name for your four-legged friend, remember that you will have to say it at least 10 times a day.

We bring to your attention the original nicknames of female dogs: Aiza, Alba, Aqua, Ami, Bounty, Bary, Belle, Venta, Goldie, Daisy, Gia, Jasmine, Giselle, Zabava, Yoko, Kylie, Kelly, Lada, Layla, Lassie, Margo, Mila, Monroe, Norma, Nellie, Audrey, Ollie, Ottawa, Pecky, Paris, Patsy, Rhonda, Rachel, Ruth, Rumba, Cindy, Skye, Sicily, Tiffany, Tootsie, Umi, Umbra, Fleur, Freya, Fancy, Charisma, Holly, Hindi, Happy, Celda, Zirconia, Zubbi, Flower, Chansi, Chelsea, Chanel, Choco, Shari, Edel, Eliza, Ash, Yugette, Yunna, Justina, Jamaica.

What to be guided by when choosing a name for your favorite dog? Remember that a future protector will grow out of a pretty puppy, who must be obedient, courageous and responsible. Therefore, names for dog-boys are chosen appropriately. And how to name a puppy-boy, if you want to see in him the qualities of a companion (friendliness, cheerful disposition and carelessness) first of all? Then unusual nicknames for male dogs can be used.

Choose an interesting name for your pet from the list: Ice, Asterix, Alf, Velvet, Bob, Black Jack, Byte, Voice, Woof, Gaff, Golden, Good, Gary, Juice, Dexter, Dandy, Gerard, Zack, Zico, Icarus, Hindu , X, Karat, Coconut, Klaus, Locky, London, Louis, Moby, Macho, Marmaduke, Nordi, Noir, Nukki, Onyx, Otto, Ocean, Pike, Paul, Punch, Wright, Ricco, Rockefeller, Red, Skip, Smurf , Snape, Currents, Ted, Uno, Walker, Frankie, Photon, Hayk, Hugh, Cyrus, Celer, Chao, Choice, Chase, Chance, Shrek, Shot, Eragon, Angel, Ellipse, Yukos, YouTube, Jacob, Yanosh.

What is the name of a small dog boy? We offer a number of funny nicknames: Amurchik, Artik, Archik, Bon-bon, Bonik, Bow, Vintik, Vitamin, Glitch, Doby, Raccoon, Zigzag, Zhivchik, Marshmallow, Raisin, Ivashechka, Knopik, Clip, Buttercup, Mouse, Muffin, Nice Ale , Yuki, Yupik, Jap.

How to name a small dog-girl? Perhaps you will like something from a number of cute nicknames: Asya, Hayka, Adelka, Barbie, Busya, Vi-vi, Freckle, Gadget, Grunya, Gunya, Julie, Dolly, Erosha, Zhivinka, Zhulya, Bunny, Asterisk, Zizi, Zukyu, Toffee, Evie, Knopa, Kiwi, Candy, Lilu, Lyalya, Masya, Monya, Naisi, Nochka, Nyusha, Olive, Osya, Cookie, Patty, Piggy, Stasya, Susie, Tootsie, Cloud, Tyapa, Frutti, Fi- fi, Hannis, Hasya, Chick, Chapa, Suga, Ellis, Yulsi, Yagodka, Yasya.

Nicknames for bitches: Alpha, Athena, Storm, Blackie, Viva, Vendetta, Wave, Hekta, Thunderstorm, Gina, Delta, Zhdana, Ziga, Zolda, Irma, Ithaca, Capa, Crazy, Cleopatra, Lucky, Laila, Avalanche, Martha, Marquise, Milagress, Nagini, Nadira, Nefertiti, Olympia, Olbia, Persa, Midnight, Bullet, Riviera, Riga, Rolda, Lynx, Sparky, Santa, Taiga, Mystery, Terra, Luck, Lancer, Hannah, Horta, Cicada, Tsuzaki, Seagull, Chutta, Shelti, Shumka, Elektra, Eda, Yarina, Yashma.

Nicknames for males: Atlant, Artos, Argon, Boston, Batman, Viscount, Vansai, Vesuvius, Gambit, Hercules, Smoky, Dingo, Dante, Yenisei, Jardin, Harness, Zeus, Impulse, Captain, Capone, Kapkan, Laurel, Lord, Marquis, Myth, Neo, Noise, Obelisk, Omon, Perseus, Pumbaa, Cartridge, Robin, Rambo, Roar, Stavr, Samurai, Sapphire, Tyson, Titan, Uranus, Ural, Pharaoh, Hunter, Hammer, Hulk, Cerberus, Caesar, Chigray, Chuk, Sherlock, Stirlitz, Shocker, Yungus, Eugene, Yakut, Yamakasi.

Using practical advice, you will choose a name that will be pleasant for you to pronounce and for the dog to hear.

Do you have a barking pet in your house? Then very soon you will face a whole problem - choosing a name. It would seem that it could be easier than choosing a nickname for your animal. But alas, such a task drives many owners into a stupor. I want the name to be beautiful, memorable and consistent with the character of the dog.

If you need names for dogs for boys or for girls, listen to the opinion of dog handlers. Here's what they advise:

  • The name should be easy to pronounce.

Firstly, the animal quickly gets used to such a nickname. Secondly, it will be easy for you and your children to pronounce it.

We had to watch how Guy Julius Caesar turned into a simple Yulik, Mirabella - into Miruu, and Boniface - into Bonya.

  • The nickname must correspond to the breed, color of the dog and size.

A Chihuahua named Thunder or a Rottweiler named Tuzik or Sharik will surely cause laughter from others. If it is a calm indoor dog, then names like Ares, Buyan, Wind are unlikely to suit him.

  • Even if this is your favorite, do not call her Alice, Borenka or any other human name.

Why? - you ask. Even if it's not ethical. Imagine a situation where a person with that name appeared in your family. You call a dog, for example, named Max, and your family member responds; or vice versa, you call your husband (son-in-law), and the dog comes. In addition, in ancient times, people believed that if a dog was called by a human name, it would often get sick, show aggression or apathy. But! There are many cases when pets are called foreign names: Harry, Jack, Sarah.

  • Cynologists do not advise calling their puppies the names of departed pets.

By giving a name to a dog that someone already had, you thereby depersonalize your pet and deprive him of his individuality. After all, every time you yell at your dog, associations with your previously beloved pet (or the deceased hero of the film) will arise in your brain. In addition, you may have certain expectations, and whether your pet will justify them or not, this is another question.

Have you ever wondered why a dog has a wet nose? The thing is that it helps them determine the direction of the wind and distinguish thousands of different smells..

  • When choosing a name, it is worth considering the purpose of the dog.

For guard dogs, strong and sonorous names are suitable, for hunting dogs - short ones (which could be easily called out), for companions - gentle and soft. If you are a big joker, be careful with funny nicknames. At first, Bullies and Evils will amuse, and then they will be able to annoy.

There is an interesting story about how a dog named Banks, after he had an accident and became blind, became friends with Buttons the goose. The goose was a real guide and a true friend: he never left the dog alone and guided him with his cries and neck.

How to name your pet

They say that the name of a dog is not just a set of vowels and consonants. This is coded information that makes the pet behave one way and not another. Therefore, when choosing the best nickname for an animal, remember that he will live with it for a very long time. It's like a name for a person, it is given for life.

We have prepared the best nicknames for dogs and today we are happy to share them with you. Perhaps you will like some of them, and you will name your pet that way.

Nicknames for boys dogs

Leopard is a suitable nickname for dogs of large breeds (South Russian, German Shepherd), because it is borrowed from the name of a predator. Dogs with such names lend themselves well to training, proud and devoted to their owners.

Black. The name comes from the English black and means "black" in translation. Therefore, this is the name of dogs with a black coat color of small breeds. The name is also suitable for a mongrel, the place of ordinary Barbos and Beams.

Jay. You can call it a dog of both a large and medium breed. An animal with such a beautiful name is characterized by kindness, diligence and a calm disposition.

Jack. Such nicknames are usually given by owners to thoroughbred yard dogs. Pets with such names are known for their kindness, strength and the fact that they are difficult to train.

Lord. A great option for a Sand Bernard or Newfoundland. Lords are usually hardy dogs with an impulsive nature.

Bond are formidable dogs and excellent guards. Bonds become attached to their owners and have a hard time parting.

Jerry is a universal name that can be given to both a German Shepherd and an American Cocker Spaniel or Border Terrier.

Golden Boy is another nickname for male dogs. This is the name of pets of hunting breeds: German Jagd Terrier, Airedale Terrier, Foxhound, etc.

Harold. This name is suitable for stubborn, bold, self-confident animals and comes from the Greek word for "command". It is unlikely that it will suit a small dog, but it is just right for a Great Dane, Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer.

Oscar. Dogs with this name have a very complex character, but at the same time they love children very much and are strongly attached to their master.

Note: Oscar is not only the name of an animal, it is also.

How to name a girl dog

It doesn’t matter at all whether you have the most evil dog in the world or the most affectionate, she needs a name. Now we will tell you what interesting things you can think of for a girl.

Aza is an old but popular name. There is an opinion that it appeared in our country after the film "Gypsy Aza" was shown on TV. Usually bitches with this name are nervous, restless and fearless.

You can call Angelica both a cute collie and an affectionate chow-chow. This name means “angelic” in translation, so an animal with such a nickname is playful, cute, and even if there is no leash, it does not run away from the owner anywhere.

Elba - such a name goes to large, smart, non-irritable, but at the same time dangerous dogs for a stranger.

Tina is quiet. This is the name of pets of indoor-decorative breeds. Dogs girls with this name are very kind, affectionate, understanding.

Vlada is a name associated with the Slavic name of Vladislav. Similar nicknames are given to dachshunds, Dobermans and females of the Russian Toy breed.

An important point: an animal with this name brings warmth, comfort and peace to the house.

The name Daisy is usually given to brave and kind puppies. Daisy is called the bitch of the Shih Tzu breed, Tibetan Spaniel, Miniature Pinscher.

Not so long ago, we found information on the Internet that a disabled dog with the same nickname, which had a deformity of the front paws, was taken to her home by a girl. It is a pity that this happens to our pets, but they will help make their lives easier.

If a Collie, Airedale Terrier or St. Bernard lives in your house (yard), pay attention to another popular name - Jessica. Dogs that are given this name grow up to be playful, bold, and spoiled.

Juliet. It is easy to guess where this nickname comes from. Of course - from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. A very original name suitable for any breed. It is associated with pride, suspiciousness and jealousy.

The nickname Elsa is a great option for dogs with a balanced character: English Setter, Collie. Usually these are excellent watchmen, nannies and companions.

A child is growing in the family, and you decided to get a girl dog? Call her Indus. Judging by the response on the Internet, a dog with that name gets along well with children and is faithful to his mistress.

Take note:affectionate forms of names are often used, for example, the place of Hera is Gerochka, etc. There is nothing wrong with this, but cynologists advise calling dogs this way when they grow up and get used to the correct nickname.

A few ideas on how to find good nicknames for dogs: girls or boys

To come up with beautiful names for dogs, boys or girls, turn on your imagination and call other family members for help. For example, a German Shepherd puppy might be named after a cartoon character. Whether this is a cute or formidable creature depends on the breed and character. A good option is historical heroes or great inventors: Edison, Napoleon. You can call your pet the name of a star (constellations): Orion, Sirius.

It is interesting:choosing a nickname, you need to take into account not only the nature of the dog and the breed, but also some features. There is an opinion that a name containing the letter "r" provokes aggression. Whether you agree with this or not is up to you. Personally, we believe that any dog ​​is aggressive in itself and this is given to her by nature..

When choosing a name for dogs, remember that you will often have to refer to him, call him by name, walk with the animal in the park. Therefore, approach the choice of a name with all seriousness, because it reflects the inner world of the animal. If you find it difficult to cope with such a task as choosing a name, call on the help of more experienced people. We often have to observe how people post photos of their pets on various forums and ask for help with choosing a name.
