The better to wash oily things. How to remove fuel oil from clothes: improvised means and stain removers

It is difficult to wash the oil without damaging the fabric. There are many proven ways to get rid of stubborn stains with special tools and folk methods.

Fuel oil is a viscous liquid oily substance of dark color, which is obtained in the process of oil refining. Oil stains on clothes or shoes can be found in various places, and cleaning up an oily black stain is not an easy task. Do not rush to throw out a shirt or jeans. Improvised means or household chemicals can help wipe the contaminated area.

An important point in obtaining the effect of removing traces is to take immediate action. Fresh stains are easier to deal with than old, deeply ingrained stains.

home remedies

Oil marks can be removed by: Way
Iron A heated iron will help to cope with a fresh oil stain. The temperature should not be too high, it is better to set the regulator to medium mode. The thing should be turned inside out, covered with a cloth on top and placed a paper napkin or toilet paper under the trace. It takes several minutes to iron the fabric so that the oily base of the stain is absorbed into the paper. If necessary, the napkin can be replaced and the procedure repeated. But to remove the trace completely in this way will not work. Next, the contaminated area should be treated with a composition of ammonia and turpentine in a ratio of 1: 1 and wait half an hour. After that, the thing is washed using washing powder.
Hydrogen peroxide Oil stains that have not had time to eat into the structure of the fabric can be removed using hydrogen peroxide and soda. The tool is recommended to be used only for white fabrics. To do this, mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide 3%. Apply the mixture on the stain and leave for 40-60 minutes.
Butter, margarine Gently grease the oil stain with a piece of butter or margarine, leave for 20-30 minutes. Fuel oil dissolves under the action of oil, its residues are easily removed with a cotton sponge, picking up dirt from the edges to the center. Next, the greasy trace is poured with dish detergent. It is better to use a gel that has a thick consistency. At the end of the process, the item must be washed in the usual way.
Laundry soap 72% Soaps containing lye and fatty acids are a proven stain remover. Fresh traces of fuel oil should be covered with chalk, baby powder, cosmetic clay or starch before processing so that the fat is absorbed. Leave on for 20 minutes, then shake off. Next, lather the trace abundantly with laundry soap and leave for 1.5-3 hours, depending on the degree of contamination.
Gasoline (refined) acetone, white spirit, turpentine Solvents have an aggressive composition, they can harm the colored material. Before use, it is recommended to try the method in an inconspicuous place. The fabric is processed from the wrong side, and a plastic bag should be placed under the trace so as not to stain the thing under the part being processed. Moisten a cotton pad or swab in a solvent, treat the stain from the edges to the center. After that, the thing should be soaked in soapy water for several hours, then washed in a typewriter.
Essential oil Essential oil of fir or eucalyptus will help to wash fuel oil from clothes. These products will help clean the contaminated area, remove the smell. Put a well-absorbing cloth under the stain. You can use an old knitted T-shirt. Moisten a cotton swab with a few drops of oil, wipe the mark from the edges. After removing the dirt, wash the item using a stain remover.
Alkali To clean a thing from an old, stubborn stain, you can use caustic soda, known as a strong alkali that breaks down fats. Apply the product to the contaminated area and leave for 30-60 minutes, then rinse with warm water. With old traces or a large number of them, you can soak the thing in an alkaline solution. In hot water, the temperature of which exceeds 50 ° C, dissolve the shavings of laundry soap and 50 g of caustic soda. Add 10 drops of eucalyptus or fir essential oil to the resulting composition. Immerse the item in the solution and leave for a couple of hours. For a longer time, clothes should not be left in the solution - caustic sodium can ruin a thing.

Special Substances

Spray stain remover Amway Home SA8 To get rid of fuel oil with a spray, you need to put a plastic bag under the stain so that the dirt does not pass to the other side of the thing. Spray the problem area, firmly attach a cotton pad to it. Leave the remedy for 15-20 minutes. After soaking the product in a cotton pad, the trace will noticeably turn pale. In case of severe contamination, the procedure should be repeated. The item should be washed in the machine in the appropriate mode for this fabric or by hand.
car shampoo Car washes use special detergents: shampoos and sprays that dissolve bitumen and oil stains. The same tools are used by motorists. You can buy them in car dealerships, at gas stations. Spray or shampoo on the trace, leave to act for 10-20 minutes. Then wash the item by hand using dish detergent.
Bleach line "Alive A" (Alive A) and OxiAction Oxygen bleach is multifunctional and hypoallergenic. It works great on old and stubborn stains.

How to remove oil stain

Before choosing one of the methods for removing traces, you should consider the quality and color of the fabric. Not all methods are generic. If one remedy successfully removes a greasy dark stain from a cotton blouse, then it can harm a wool sweater.

natural fabrics

  • oily stains on natural fabrics can be dealt with with detergents and cleaning products marked accordingly;
  • dish gels will not spoil even colored fabric made of cotton or viscose;
  • you can wipe off the oil from the jacket with turpentine, acetone or gasoline. They process jeans, overalls, windbreakers;
  • alkali is not suitable for removing dirt from things made of silk, wool. For clothes made from these materials, it is better to first apply chalk, clay or powder, and then wipe the contaminated area with ammonia;
  • chalk, ammonia with soap or Vanish Gold OxiAction gel bleach will save a leather jacket or shoes from an oil trace. It is also suitable for wool and silk products.

Synthetics and polyester

  • gasoline, alcohol-containing products should not be used on leatherette clothing. You can use tar or laundry soap;
  • coats, suits, blouses, dresses and other products containing acetate fibers must not be cleaned with acetone. This tool corrodes the fabric, and gasoline will easily cope with the task and will not harm the fabric;
  • artificial, natural silk should not be treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  • polyester is a durable and wear-resistant fabric that is not afraid of processing with gasoline or solvent;
  • outerwear made of artificial fabrics (jackets, raincoats, down jackets) at home can be cleaned with gasoline or turpentine. Shampoo for cars will also cope with this function;
  • lycra, polyamide, polyester and other synthetic fabrics can be cleaned from fuel oil with a mixture of turpentine, ammonia, white clay, potato starch. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts and applied to the stain. After two hours, the composition is peeled off, and the clothes are washed in the usual way. The same recipe will help wash oil stains from synthetic carpet.

Spots often appear on clothes during wear. Some of them are easy to wash in the washing machine, others are difficult to remove even with special means. It is to such stubborn pollution are traces of fuel oil. This substance quickly eats into any kind of matter. Stains often occur on overalls that are designed to work with machinery.

How to get rid of fuel oil stains on clothes? What are the best ways to try to wash overalls from a car mechanic? How to remove this substance from delicate matter?

What is fuel oil and why is it difficult to wash off?

Fuel oil is an oily liquid. It is a product of oil refining. The substance has a rich brown color. It consists of organic compounds, asphaltenes, resins, carbenes, hydrocarbons, carboids. Oil products penetrate very quickly into the structure of fabric fibers, which is why they are so difficult to remove. The problem is both old and fresh pollution. To remove them, pre-treatment of the material is required. The choice of method and means for dealing with stains depends on the composition of the fabric and the degree of contamination.

How to wash overalls or jeans stained with fuel oil at home?

Oil traces are a special type of pollution that requires the use of various substances, which often contain aggressive components. In order not to completely ruin your clothes, you need to follow a number of rules for removing stains at home:

  • Start removing stains as soon as they appear. This will increase the effectiveness of the measures taken.
  • Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations for caring for the type of material from which the clothing is sewn. Some types of fabric cannot be treated with chemicals.
  • Substances used when working with pollution can change the color of matter or damage its structure. For this reason, it is necessary to test the product on a small area of ​​the fabric on the inside of the product.
  • If you want to get rid of an old stain, then you need to scrub it from the edges to the middle. The material should be lightly wetted so that the outline of the stain does not remain on it after removal.
  • After processing, the product is washed in a typewriter or by hand separately from other clothes.
  • It is recommended to use gloves and a respirator during the cleaning process. These items will protect the skin and respiratory organs from the caustic chemicals that are used to remove the fuel oil.

Preparing for washing: treating fresh and old stains

Petroleum products cannot be washed without pre-treatment of the fabric. How to prepare the product for washing? It depends on how much fuel oil has soaked into the material.

If the stain has formed recently and has not yet dried up, then it must be blotted from the front and back sides of the fabric with napkins. Then processing is carried out with improvised means. In working with fresh pollution, household products and products often help. After that, the product must be washed and rinsed thoroughly.

If oil stains have gone unnoticed for a long time, then more aggressive substances will be required to eliminate them. Usually, areas of fabric with old stains of fuel oil are pre-moistened in a solvent, acetone or white spirit. The final step in cleaning is washing.

Household products: soda, citric acid and other ingredients

One of the most gentle home remedies consists of baking soda and citric acid. These products are in every home, so you can cook pasta very quickly. For cooking, you need 2 tablespoons of soda and a little citric acid. The components are mixed and applied to the contaminated area. After 1.5 hours, the product should be washed with dish gel or laundry soap.

Another homemade solution is 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts baking soda. The ingredients mixed in this proportion are left in the problem area for 1 hour. After processing, the clothes are washed. It is important to remember that peroxide is used only when processing white things.

Different types of soaps and detergents

Natural tar or laundry soap copes well with many types of pollution. The alkali contained in these products penetrates deep into the structure of the stain and dissolves it. In this case, the matter is not exposed to aggressive influence.

Laundry and tar soap effectively act on fresh stains, leaving no traces and unpleasant odors. With these products, you can remove oil from any fabrics, they are used to clean jackets, jeans, shirts and workwear.

Clothes can be soaked in a soapy solution or rubbed with a bar of soap and left for 20 minutes. Then the product must be rinsed and dried. To eliminate the specific smell of tar soap, you can wash things with powder.

Alternatively, dishwashing liquid or gel is often used. It is better to choose concentrated gels for this purpose. The substance is rubbed into the stain and the thing is placed in warm water. After 30 minutes, the place of contamination is treated with a brush and left for a few more minutes in water. After removing the oil, the product should be washed in the usual way.

Essential oils

One of the safest remedies to help eliminate oil marks is essential oil. The most effective oil is fir, eucalyptus or pine. Synthetic and natural fabrics can be processed without fear. With the help of these substances, oil is removed, which has not yet been absorbed into the deep layers of matter.

Cotton pads soaked in essential oil are impregnated with fabric from the front and back sides. After two hours, new discs remove fuel oil from clothes. After the stain is completely removed, the thing is washed with laundry soap or powder.

Gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, alcohols

It is easy to wash stains from dense fabrics with gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene. These substances are hydrocarbons that are capable of breaking down resins. Gasoline for these purposes is taken purified. Work with these liquids should be in rubber gloves in well-ventilated areas.

The stain is treated with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline. If the contamination does not disappear immediately, then the product is left for 1 hour, and then washed with soap or powder. When it is required to clean a large area of ​​fabric from fuel oil, the thing is completely soaked in gasoline for 2-3 hours. Rinsing and washing will help get rid of the smell of gasoline and other substances.

Ammonia also works well on stains. You can use one of the following methods:

  • Saturate the stained area of ​​​​the fabric with the substance. Wash clothes after 30 minutes.
  • Prepare a solution of turpentine and ammonia. Both substances are taken in equal proportions. The composition is applied to the contamination, and after 20 minutes the thing is washed in a typewriter.

Can car shampoo be used?

Car shampoos are also well established in the field of removing oil stains from clothes. The composition of the car shampoo includes components that successfully break down such stains. Such agents usually do not damage the material, but are used only for the treatment of coarse tissues. Car shampoo can remove oil from jeans or overalls if you apply it to clothes and leave for 30 minutes. Then the product should be washed in the usual way.

Exposure to heat: ironing and boiling

Sometimes, when working with oil pollution, methods of thermal exposure are used. Ironing is possible when a fresh stain is removed. In this case, the product is placed on an ironing board, several napkins or paper towels are placed under the stain. Paper is also placed on top of the fabric and the soiled area is ironed. Under the influence of high temperature, the fuel oil passes to paper linings, which change as they are absorbed. After hot treatment, the fabric is moistened with essential oil and washed.

Another option for removing fuel oil is boiling with the addition of contactol. It is enough to dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in 10 liters of water to get rid of stains on work clothes. Such a solution does not destroy matter and effectively removes stubborn dirt.

How and in what mode to wash a robe in a washing machine?

You can wash the fuel oil from clothes in the washing machine if you add a special stain remover to the powder. You can also wash things that have been pre-treated with substances that break down fuel oil.

Washing mode is better to choose with maximum water heating. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of fabric and recommendations for the care and washing of the product. The powder can be replaced with a gel designed for washing sportswear. Such gels contain components that actively dissolve fat and sweat pollution.

Spin and dry rules

After washing, work clothes should be left in the bathroom so that excess water drains naturally. When using the spin in the washing machine, select the mode with the minimum number of revolutions. This will keep the shape and appearance of the product. It is recommended to dry the robe in a straightened form in the open air in order to eliminate all unpleasant odors and evenly dry the fabric.

The use of special equipment (Bioclin S, etc.)

For washing, soaking and removing stains from workwear, special products are used. They are used both in combination with other substances, and independently. When working with this type of chemicals, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules specified in the instructions. These funds include:

  • Bioclin C is a liquid with an alkaline composition. It is used as an additive to washing powder.
  • Foral-S is a substance that removes all types of contaminants from overalls even at low water temperatures.
  • Udalix Oxi Ultra is a powder containing oxygen bleach, enzymes and other active ingredients. Used in the process of soaking in hot water, removes stains from oily liquids.

What should I do if fuel oil gets on a product made of thin or synthetic fabric?

Products made of thin synthetic and natural materials often do not withstand the action of aggressive solutions. Cotton, linen, polyester and other delicate fabrics should only be cleaned with gentle detergents so as not to damage the fibers of the fabric.

The type of material, the degree of soiling and the composition of the cleaning agent must be taken into account when selecting the optimum agent. Thin and delicate fabrics are recommended to be treated with a soap solution, dish gel, as well as products based on soda, hydrogen peroxide or citric acid. However, it is better to use the services of dry cleaning.

Motor oil leaves stubborn stains on clothes. They are difficult to attack by chemicals and can permanently ruin the appearance of things.

Motor oil does not dissolve well in ethyl alcohol or low-octane gasoline, but there are many ways to wipe oil off a jacket, T-shirt or pants quite effectively. Here improvised means that are in every household come to the rescue.

Before you remove a stain from fuel oil on a jacket or on other clothes, you need to find out the material of manufacture of the thing and the possible reaction to the agent used.

All methods differ in the active active substance. Means can be aggressive or gentle. The former quickly help to remove greasy stains, but they can damage clothes. Most often, gasoline, toluene, ammonia and ammonia are used against engine oil stains.

Folk methods are more loyal to matter, but require a lot of time and effort. They involve the use of oily substances, soda, toothpaste, soap or dishwashing gel.

How to wash different fabrics

Fresh traces of engine oil are much easier to remove. There are many options for processing. The cleaning method depends on the type and structure of the canvas.

Dried old stains are considered difficult. They can be removed partially or they will remain at all.

Jeans and thick workwear fabrics

Jeans and work clothes can be easily cleaned of traces of fuel oil clay paste. To prepare it, you need to take 90 g of potato starch, 100 ml of ammonia, 100 g of turpentine and 100 g of clay. The resulting paste is applied to the contamination and left for 2-3 hours. Then brush off with a stiff bristle brush. After removing the stains, things can be washed.

Dense fabrics from which work clothes are made are not afraid of aggressive chemicals. To clean them, you can use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel. Their oily composition helps to dissolve engine oil and completely remove it. Processing is best done from the wrong side of the matter. After the contamination is gone, it is advisable to rub the fabric with laundry soap, then wash it.

On dense and rough fabrics, car shampoos and food products such as margarine or butter do a good job with oil stains.

Jackets and down jackets are difficult to clean. Their fabric, despite the apparent density, is made of synthetic fibers and is easily damaged by aggressive agents.

From improvised substances to combat oil stains on winter clothes, you should choose the following:

  • fir or eucalyptus oil;
  • turpentine and baking soda;
  • tar or laundry soap;
  • dishwashing gel.

The treatment with essential oil has proved to be the best. The substance helps to thin the fuel oil even on delicate matter. Once the stain has been removed, the greasy residue will help remove dishwashing gel or stain remover for colored fabrics.

Contaminants can also be removed with a car shampoo or clay-based paste, but before using these products, it is worth checking their effect on the fabric from the wrong side of the product.

Insulated overalls are made of denser synthetics, therefore, for cleaning from pollution, the use of both turpentine and acetone is allowed here.

Suede and wool

It will not work to remove oil stains from the surface of suede on your own. You can use dishwashing liquid, tar or laundry soap, but in the absence of a positive result, you will have to contact dry cleaning.

You can try to iron the product through a thick paper towel. Under the influence of the high temperature of the iron, the oily substance will partially go into the cellulose. Fir oil will help remove residues.

Wool is a delicate material, the appearance of which is easily spoiled even by strong friction. Dishwashing liquids and oily extracts will help to cope with traces of motor oil on woolen yarn. The treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product cannot be left for a long time, the thing must immediately be washed with a special powder and rinsed with air conditioning.

Cotton and artificial threads are easy to clean with solvents and essential oils. Acetone is best not to use on colored matter. On a synthetic canvas, it also needs to be applied carefully so as not to damage the fabric structure.

Snow-white matter is cleaned with gasoline or kerosene. Stains left from oil products are easily removed with whiteness.

List of products that can remove a fresh or dried stain from fuel oil

The list of products that can clean fabrics from fuel oil includes substances that can dissolve resins and oils. These include turpentine, ammonia, gasoline, which is used in aviation, and acetone.

To remove motor oil from the skin, you can purchase a special gel or paste. But before you wash the oil from your hands with a chemical composition, you should try to wipe off the pollution with any improvised means.

Essential oils: eucalyptus, pine, fir

You can wash traces of machine oil from clothes with essential oils. It is recommended to use fir, pine or eucalyptus.

Soak a cotton swab in the substance and gently rub the stain with it. For the first time, the pollution will not go away. Therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated until a positive result occurs.

Dishwashing detergent will help remove stains from clothes if the stain is fresh and small. A few drops of the substance should be applied to the contamination and wait 30-40 minutes. Then the fabric should be carefully rubbed and again left for the same time. The thing is washed by hand with the help of a powder or the same dishwashing liquid.

You can remove a stain of engine oil using tar soap. It acts on the fabric sparingly, but at the same time deeply cleanses its surface. Contaminated clothes are soaked in a solution of washing powder for 10-20 minutes. The area with fuel oil is rubbed with a bar of tar soap. The thing is left for another 20-30 minutes, and then erased. Since tar soap has a strong unpleasant odor, it will take many times to rinse clothes. When the stain is gone, it can be additionally washed in an automatic machine.

Both of these products can be combined for a more effective result in removing traces of fuel oil from the jacket. Dishwashing gel should be diluted in cold water and soak contaminated clothing for half an hour. Then the area with the stain should be rubbed with tar soap. Repeat the manipulation until the engine oil is gone. Then wash as usual and rinse several times.

Margarine, butter

Another option to quickly and effectively remove a stain of fuel oil is to rub the mark with butter and leave for 15-20 minutes. Clothes after such treatment must be washed with glycerin soap or liquid detergent. Then the thing needs to be rinsed several times.

If desired, butter can be replaced with margarine. It will also effectively clean the jacket from fuel oil.

Gasoline, diesel fuel, turpentine

Cleaning things can be done with the help of aggressive, but effective means. Gasoline, diesel fuel and kerosene are excellent at getting rid of fuel oil from clothes, but they are also toxic. If the decision is made to use these liquids, then it is better to purchase them at a hardware store, and not take them from a gas station. The first option will be more purified from various impurities.

To carry out the manipulation under the clothes, you should put a thick cardboard or unnecessary dense fabric. Moisten a cotton swab in gasoline or diesel fuel and wipe the trail of fuel oil several times. Leave for 20-30 minutes. If necessary, repeat the procedure. When the stain is gone, the thing can be washed in the usual way with powder.

Toluene acts more effectively on engine oil. This is a petroleum product that is difficult to find in its pure form, but it is part of many industrial products. Toluene is an aggressive substance, so when working with it, it is recommended to use a mask and protective gloves.

The liquid, like gasoline, is applied to a cotton pad, and not to the fabric itself. Before using the product, you should check its effect on the material by applying a certain amount of the substance to the wrong side of the item. Otherwise, the method of processing soiled clothes is no different from using diesel fuel or gasoline.

Turpentine is used in the fight against old stains. Before washing clothes with this product, the substance will have to be heated in a steam bath until completely dissolved. Then the hot liquid is applied to the contaminated area of ​​matter. After 40-50 minutes, the fabric is sprinkled with baking soda and left for another 20 minutes. If the stain does not disappear, you will have to repeat the procedure. After manipulation, the clothes are thoroughly washed and rinsed several times.

Car shampoo gently cleans the fabric of machine oil without damaging it. You can buy the product at any auto parts store.

If the trail has had time to dry, it will first have to be softened with margarine or butter. Then a small amount of car shampoo is applied and gently rubbed into the fabric. In this state, the clothes are left for 30-40 minutes. Then it is washed in a machine or by hand.

Ammonia, ethyl alcohol

Ammonia helps to remove even extensive old stains of engine oil from clothes. The liquid is applied directly to the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric and stays on it for half an hour. If the trace is not completely gone, the procedure is repeated. After the stain is removed, the thing is washed by hand or in a typewriter machine.

Ammonia can be replaced with ethyl alcohol, its effect on the stain will be similar, only the clothes will have to be soaked for a longer period of time.

Ammonia and turpentine, acetone or solvents

An agent based on ammonia and turpentine has long proven itself in the fight against oil stains. To prepare a mixture, the substances are taken in equal proportions. The finished gruel is applied to the contaminated area, rubbed and aged for 15-20 minutes. If the stain is too old, sprinkle the mixture on top with baking soda and rub again.

Acetone and solvents can only be used on plain natural fabrics. On a multi-colored bologna jacket, aggressive liquids can leave holes behind them. For cleaning products made from synthetic fabrics, it is recommended to use more gentle products.

A stain on a fabric of natural origin is simply filled with liquid and aged for 5-10 minutes. Then it is erased.

Caustic soda with laundry soap

A mixture of laundry soap and caustic soda quickly removes even stubborn marks. To prepare the product, it is necessary to grate the soap bar on a fine grater, mix with caustic in a wound proportion. The mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. The agent is applied to the trail of fuel oil and aged on the fabric for 25-30 minutes. Then the thing is washed in the usual way and rinsed thoroughly.

How to clean an oil stain in a washing machine. mode recommendations

Before washing a thing in an automatic machine from engine oil, the stain will have to be further processed. It is impossible to wipe off fuel oil without preliminary procedures.

Wash clothes after treatment as usual. The recommended washing temperature can be found on the label, which is sewn to the garment from the wrong side.

What can not be removed oil

What can not be removed from fuel oil is cold liquid. Before using any product, you need to hold it at room temperature for an hour.

Soap solutions with motor oil can handle only those that are aimed at removing dense fat. Treating clothes with hair shampoo or toilet soap will not work.

Ethyl alcohol and compounds based on it do not cope well with fuel oil. It takes a lot of time and effort to remove stains.

Motorists who repair a car on their own, and their wives, often wonder how to remove fuel oil from clothes. This is a complex contamination, there is no point in trying to simply wipe it off or wash it off with water.

Preparatory activities

Pay attention to the type of fabric - the choice of cleaning products depends on this. Woolen, leather, suede and cotton fibers do not tolerate the effects of alkali, therefore, acetone and gasoline are excluded.

Velor, synthetic viscose are deformed in an acidic environment, therefore, turpentine, ammonia can not act as a cleaner for such fabrics. Do not clean jeans and dark clothes with products containing chlorine.

The product is turned inside out, fabric napkins and a moisture-proof film are prepared, which is placed directly under the fuel oil stain so that contamination does not get on the back of the clothing.

They put on gloves. Having picked up the tool, they conduct a test, applying a little to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric at the hem. If no changes followed, you can proceed to the elimination of fuel oil. The cleansing movement is performed from the edges of the pollution to the middle. This prevents the stain from spreading. After processing, the item must be washed.

organic solvents

Organic products dissolve oils, resins and can help in solving the problem of how to remove fuel oil stains from clothes.

When resorting to the removal of fuel oil traces with gasoline, remember that you do not need ordinary, but refined gasoline purchased at a hardware store. We impregnate a piece of soft rag and remove the oil stain, changing the soiled rag to a clean one. Gasoline can be replaced with kerosene.

A mixture of baking soda and white clay, taken in equal volumes, into which ammonia is poured with turpentine, will help to remove fuel oil from clothes to make a viscous slurry. It is distributed over oil marks and kept until dry. It remains to remove the dried particles of the mixture with a brush before washing.

It is possible to quickly remove the stain from fuel oil with toluene, which is part of a number of cleaning products. When working with them, you will need personal protective equipment - a mask, gloves.

Household chemicals

Not everyone in the house has organic solvents at the moment when they urgently need to clean their clothes from fuel oil, so they use other stain removers from the range of household chemicals.

Fairy, a popular dishwashing detergent, works well. It is safe for the skin of the hands, does not deform fabrics, and is suitable for denim and dyed items. Before removing oil from clothes, it is soaked in slightly warmed water, in which Fairy (or other dish detergent) is dissolved - about two tablespoons per liter. After 20-30 minutes, wash the item in the machine.

Folk remedies

To solve the problem of how to remove fuel oil from clothes, there are many available substances that are successfully used at home.

  1. Butter

A small speck of fuel oil already absorbed into the clothes will remove the butter. It is smeared with a plentiful layer on pollution and left for several hours. Then moisten the cotton wool with any organic solvent and clean off all marks.

  1. Ammonia

You can get rid of fuel oil on clothes by moistening the marks with ammonia and washing the thing after half an hour.

A mixture of ammonia and turpentine in equal volumes is another answer to the question of how to remove oil from wool, velvet, and silk. Wet a sponge in it, carefully wipe the stain. The thing is washed by hand using laundry soap, and then sent to the washing machine.

They also make a mixture of ammonia with turpentine (a teaspoon each), pour in starch and baking soda (2 tablespoons each), mix and distribute over the oil stain. After drying, wipe off the oil product with a rag soaked in household detergent.

  1. Baking soda

Before wiping off the fuel oil, dilute baking soda (200 g) in water (10 l). Soak clothes for 50 minutes. After that, rub the stain with laundry soap, and remove the remnants of contamination.

  1. Antipyatin

You can cope with the problem of removing fuel oil stains from clothes if you purchase Antipyatin, which contains glycerin. This tool is used for fresh small marks.

  1. Aroma oils

And here is how to remove oil from delicate natural and artificial materials using aromatic oils:

Choose fir, eucalyptus, pine. Wipe fresh stains with a cotton swab dipped in these substances. If the contamination is ingrained, 5 minutes after soaking with oil, clean the contaminated area with a cotton swab dipped in turpentine.

  1. car shampoo

Heavily soiled work clothes are simply soaked in water with car shampoo diluted in it. To clean individual oil marks, moisten a sponge or cotton pad and treat the contaminated area.

Some nuances

The decision on how to wash the oil is made carefully, taking into account the type of fabric and the purpose of the clothes.

  • Jeans

You can apply, after checking first on a small area, gasoline, diesel fuel, toluene or a mixture of turpentine, ammonia, starch (in equal volumes). The mixture is kept on the stain for two hours, then the jeans are rinsed in a small concentration of acetic solution and washed, doubling the usual portion of washing powder.

When deciding how to wash fuel oil from denim, take a piece of tar soap. The spoiled thing is lathered abundantly, kept in this state for half an hour, and then washed.

  • Outerwear

If fuel oil gets on a down jacket, jacket, coat, study the type of material and the properties of the cleaner so as not to make a mistake on how to clean the contamination without harming clothes.

For bologna, cleansers with toluene, household preparations against fat such as Fairy, eucalyptus, fir oil are suitable. They cover the oil stain, leave until the pollution dissolves, then wipe off all traces with a dry cotton pad.

After removing oil marks, outerwear is washed in a typewriter.

  • Underwear

Fir oil will allow you to clean the thin fabric from which underwear is sewn from fuel oil. After processing, thoroughly rinse the item by adding fabric softener to the water.

  • Leather Products

Having noticed fresh fuel oil on a leather product - gloves, a jacket, a cap - they immediately sprinkle the stain with crushed chalk. A day later, the chalk that has absorbed oil pollution is removed with a damp sponge, and wiped with a sponge dipped in glycerin to restore shine. Genuine leather is washed in lukewarm water with soap.

  • shirts

You can get rid of fuel oil stains on a shirt if you rub the contamination with damp laundry soap and wash the product after an hour. A white shirt, if it is not made of a thin delicate fabric, can be soaked in a chlorine bleach solution.

  • light things

When working with caustic soda, which is included in the list of tools that allow you to answer the question of how to remove fuel oil from light-colored things, you need to wear gloves. Baking soda is effective at removing stains, but should not be used on wool and cotton fabrics.

There are various ways to use caustic soda. For example, they put the product in a basin and sprinkle oil marks with powder. After 20 minutes, the item is sent to the washing machine. You can soak soiled clothes in a soda solution for 2-3 hours before washing at the rate of a tablespoon of the substance per 400 ml of water.

  • Strong pollution

Small fresh traces of fuel oil are the easiest to clean. If the stain is found after a while, stronger means will be needed. For example, acetone or white spirit. The stain is wiped off with a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with the selected composition, or a soft toothbrush is used, placing a paper towel under the contamination. As they rub off, they take clean cotton wool or change towels and continue the activity until the pollution disappears. To get rid of the smell before washing, the thing is taken out to fresh air.

If oil splashes appear on tights, stockings, socks, they are soaked in water with dissolved caustic soda (100 g per 5 l). After half an hour, wash with laundry soap.

A heated iron will help remove fresh stains from fuel oil. Blotting paper is applied to the stain on both sides and ironed. The main part of the fuel oil will be absorbed into the blotter. The remains are cleaned with ammonia, eucalyptus oil, choosing a method according to the type of fibers.

Using a machine

Things treated from oil stains according to one of the proposed methods are sent to an automatic machine to consolidate the result. If gasoline or kerosene was used, then wash the product separately from other things. Select a brand of powder that can cope with such a stain. For example, "Bimaks 100 spots". Since fuel oil becomes unstable at high temperatures, set the maximum heat for a particular type of fabric.

Household stain removers, such as Vanish, will help to wash fuel oil from clothes. Before washing, moisten the contamination with plenty of detergent and withstand the set time specified in the instructions.

Methods for removing oil stains from clothes are not difficult, available for self-fulfillment. If you do not bring the desired result, contact the dry cleaner.

Fans of digging in the car and their unfortunate wives are constantly faced with oil stains on their clothes. Fuel oil stains are persistent stains, ordinary washing in a typewriter will not do anything.

But there are simple ways to remove fuel oil, which we'll talk about now.

What are we dealing with

Fuel oil is a product of the distillation of petroleum products, such as gasoline. The liquid has a thick consistency and dark brown color. Leaves stubborn stains on clothes.

General rules for stain removal:

  1. The longer you wait, the harder it is to remove the stain. Start withdrawing immediately.
  2. You need to scrub from the edges to the center - so that there are no streaks.
  3. A risky way to wipe oil off clothes, if possible, try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.

wedge wedge

The wedge is knocked out with a wedge, so gasoline, toluene and other aggressive agents are used to remove fuel oil stains.


Not motor gasoline is used, but refined and without additives. Sold in hardware and hardware stores.

How to make sure that gasoline is purified?
A small puddle of purified liquid should evaporate from glass and metal without residue. Such experiments should be carried out in advance.

  • soak a piece of cotton wool in gasoline;
  • handle pollution by moving towards the center of pollution;
  • change the cotton when it gets dirty and turns brown.

Disadvantage of the method: gasoline has a characteristic persistent odor, clothes will smell unpleasant for a long time. To avoid this, after removing the brown mark, soak the clothes in cold water, then wash in the machine.

After washing, hang the clothes in fresh air to remove the smell of gasoline. If the soiling is extensive, you can completely soak the clothes in gasoline. A few minutes are enough, after which the clothes are thoroughly rinsed under running water.

The disadvantage of the method is that gasoline discolors the fabric, so that things look like after "digestion".


Toluene is a toxic substance, you will not find it anywhere in its pure form. May enter the body through intact skin, irritating the respiratory system.
Hardware stores stock varnishes, paints, and solvents containing toluene.
