How is a bad wife different from a good one? Why is the wife bad? A bad husband's wife is always a fool A husband's wife is always a fool.

It is clear that for yourself you will always be beautiful and good. Only now you are not married to yourself, but to a man who expects something specific from you, some kind of return.

Let's say you love your husband and everything is fine with you. You may consider yourself the best woman and wife in the world, but this does not change the perception of your husband. Perhaps he simply does not tell you about anything, because he does not want to offend or is afraid to disappoint. It is for this reason that it is always necessary to treat yourself objectively, to be able to observe yourself from the outside. The signs of a bad wife described below can also be used to understand why you did not have a relationship with a previous lover or are not developing now.

Sign one: you don't cook

Men can make their own food if they live alone, but if you live with a man you love, or even married to him, you need to cook. This is not a stereotype, it's just that it is difficult for men to work and cook. He can do other things around the house. He can wash the dishes for you if necessary, but in 99% of cases it is better to take over the cooking. You can, by special agreement, take turns cooking, for example, or you can “force” a man who does not work to do it. It all depends on the situation, but it's better to cook the food for you. It is not necessary to cook stunningly, the fact itself is important.

Sign two: you "saw" it

Just look at yourself and listen. If you constantly reproach your man for something, try to change him, then you are a bad wife. In normal relationships, everything is in balance. You can talk about what you do not like, but you do not need to impose your thoughts and requirements. This is already manipulation and psychological abuse, which men do not forgive. Try to understand in time when you cross the line. Very often, relationships turn into only a stream of negativity and demands. When this happens, marriage and love fall apart. You don't like it, but he can't stand it.

Sign Three: You Can't Argue

You argue with your husband even about things you don't understand at all. It discourages any desire to communicate with you, believe me. As soon as his opinion becomes an argument for you, you can safely file for divorce. Of course, if he himself is not very good at arguing, this can still be called some kind of norm. If he talks to you normally, and you cannot control yourself, trying to humiliate your man, then you have emotional problems. You should be glad he hasn't run away from you yet. Accept that you may be wrong. He loves you, so he won't gloat. Everyone can make mistakes, but not everyone can argue correctly. Learn to effectively and rationally tell a man that he is wrong.

Sign Four: Your Girlfriends Know Everything About Your Marriage

If a man finds out that you are telling everything to your girlfriends, then do not expect diplomatic silence. It was not worth getting married at all if you take dirty linen out of the hut. All troubles are solved independently, without the intervention of your girlfriends, mom, dad, sister, and so on. If you connect an assistant or assistants, then your love will quickly turn into a cheap stupid series where you are in the lead role. People like to participate in discussions about each other's personal lives. Some couples discuss the failures and problems of other couples, but you do not need to feed the evil envious and hypocrites, gossips and gossips.

Sign Five: You decide when you will have love

Marital debt is not really debt at all. Do you remember how everything was in this direction for you when the relationship was just beginning? It can't be like this forever, it's true. You need to let your husband decide when and how you will make love. Of course, he will not put pressure on you if you do not want to or if you have some certain conditions, but over time, all the ladies begin to deprive the relationship of fire. Yes, yes, it is women who bring a touch of everyday life into an intimate relationship. Men are always ready for experiments and unusual experiences, but women either complain about their heads, or about problems with work, or about something else. Then, when the focus on the details begins, women say how it is more convenient or better for them to do it, but it is better to do it after the act of love, and not during the process. Most men hate talking at the most crucial moment - it annoys them.

It is not at all necessary to be a slave, maintain order in the apartment 24 hours a day, cook for the week ahead, and so on. Learn to compromise, because love is what allows people to properly distribute resources among themselves. Respect the work of your husband and do everything together. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

A bad husband's wife is always a fool Eastern parable One vizier had three wives. He was very unhappy with them. The eldest of them was stingy and greedy: everything that came to her hand from household items, she sold secretly from her husband and saved up money for herself; the second wife was impudent, quarrelsome and pugnacious; and the third was immoral and had lovers. In order to forget himself, the vizier went hunting every day. Once in the field he saw a farmer who was plowing the land and, interrupting work every minute, sang, danced and had fun. The vizier was surprised at such carelessness, called the farmer to him and asked: - What are you rejoicing about? - I rejoice in the fact, - answered the farmer, - that I have a glorious wife. - Give her to me, - said the vizier, - take all my three wives and half of my wealth. Why are you unhappy with them? the farmer asked him. Then the vizier told him everything he knew about his wives, not hiding a single flaw. The farmer agreed. The vizier took his wife for himself and in return sent him all the wives and half of his wealth. The farmer built three rooms and placed his wives in them. First, he came to his elder wife and brought her a scale as a gift. The wife was surprised by such a strange gift from her husband and asked: - Why do I need scales? - You may want to secretly from my other wives to sell something from my property: honey, butter, molasses. Here are the scales so that buyers do not deceive you! Then the farmer went to his second wife and presented her with a club. - What do I need a club for? she wondered. “Perhaps you would like to fight one of your neighbors,” said the husband. - Enough of her once with this club on the head and that's enough. Finally, he went to his third wife and said to her: - I give you this room with two doors. Why did you make two doors? the wife asked. - You see, - he answered, - you are young, maybe you will fall in love with some young man and invite him to your place. If at this time I go to you through one door, then you will let him out through another, then I will not see him and my heart will be calm. The farmer went to work in the fields, and his wives got together and told each other about the strange gifts of their new husband. They thought, consulted and decided: “He gives us the right to live as we want. And it would be dishonest of us if we take advantage of this and continue to live as before. They became, as befits good wives, meek, shy and honest. Seeing his wives, the farmer realized that they had changed, and began to have more fun and dance than before. The vizier wanted to see how the farmer lives in his new position. He went to his field and sees that the farmer is still plowing and dancing and singing. The vizier was even more surprised and asked him: - And now why are you happy? - I rejoice that I have glorious wives, - the farmer answered, dancing. - Why, they were bad, how did they turn into good ones? Then the farmer told him a story about his gifts. The vizier was delighted and said: - Give me back my wives and take your own. The farmer returned his wives to the vizier, and took his former wife back. When the vizier became convinced of what beautiful women his wives had become, he thought: “It was my own fault that my wives were bad.”

Almost every girl, entering puberty, dreams of getting married and finding happiness and joy in her family. Most girls marry for great love, believing with all their hearts in the exclusivity of their chosen one and that living together with him will become a continuous celebration of love and understanding. Where do disagreements and scandals arise over time? Why did the best man in the world suddenly have a bad relationship with his wife?

Joint life and domestic issues

Staying during the romantic period of the relationship in complete euphoria of feelings, young spouses do not yet think about the peculiarities of their family relationships. For love prevails over everything, and it seems that it will be so forever. But living together and solving everyday issues somewhat downgrade the loftiness of relations, and then individual character traits appear that do not always correspond to our ideas about the ideal. If the discrepancies are not too great, the family will be able to overcome these inconsistencies together. But when the differences in the family are too big, labels such as "bad wife" or "bad husband" begin to appear.

But how to understand the mutual claims of the spouses? What fits into the category of "good" or "bad" in family life? Each spouse has his own expectations and disappointments and, accordingly, his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a life partner should be. Let's try to look at this question through the eyes of a man. What is the opinion of the husband, why is the wife bad? Maybe this will help wives to better understand their husbands and adjust family relationships in the direction of improvement.

When the husband comes home...

Delay after work

If a husband is late from work, after sitting with a friend over a glass of beer, a bad wife will certainly make a scandal, without even taking the trouble to figure out what caused such an act of her husband. Maybe in an informal setting he solved important business issues or used a friend as a psychologist, voicing his claims to life? The wife sees in this only a desire to get drunk and shirk from home.

Husband's salary in wife's wallet

The category of bad men also includes such wives who force them to give them their entire salary, citing the fact that they have a common budget. However, only the wife can freely spend this budget, while the husband, if he takes money from the common purse, is obliged to explain what he was going to spend it on and prove the need for these expenses. Men also include here the obligation to visit the mother-in-law, as well as providing her with all kinds of assistance, regardless of his desires and capabilities. However, when the question concerns helping the parents of the spouse, the ardor of the wife in this matter instantly fades away and she does not at all strive to fulfill what she aimed at her husband in relation to her parents.

wife on social media

And one of the main claims that husbands put forward to wives and which affects the inclusion in the category of bad wives is that the wife spends a lot of time meeting with numerous girlfriends and writing comments and posts on social networks, which affects the quality of housekeeping. economy. In particular, instead of tasty home-cooked food, a hungry husband gets hastily boiled dumplings, and as you know, a man's heart has a direct path through his stomach. For these reasons, a man determines that he has got a bad wife, but what is their ideal?

A man's idea of ​​a good wife

What should be, according to a man, a good wife? A wife, to be considered good, must act like this:

  • A tired spouse who came home from work should be tasty to feed and let him relax a little at home.
  • Start talking about problems when the husband is ready to listen to them and discuss them calmly.
  • Do not restrict the husband's rights to personal friendly meetings, be sure that this is necessary for relaxation, and at the same time he will behave decently.
  • Having discovered the husband's stash, he will not arrange a debriefing and take money, and will not interrogate him with passion about what he is collecting money for. What if a pleasant surprise is being prepared for her, which she herself will spoil? Well, if the gift does not wait, she will not throw a tantrum and will not show that she knew about the stash.
  • Respect her husband's parents and friends, be friendly and benevolent with them, even if she does not feel love or sympathy for them - simply out of respect for her husband's feelings.
  • To be a good housewife and cook deliciously, so that only at home the husband can taste such delicious food and always strive for his family.

In addition, a good wife should be reasonable, responsible, accurate, clean, tolerant, feminine and sensual - this is a list of excellent qualities for the second half.

bad husband

True, cases are not uncommon in psychological practice when a good wife has a bad husband. Many complexes about their insolvency as wives appeared as a result of husbands manipulating their feelings. And the worst thing about this is that women often themselves contribute to the neglect of their interests and oppression by men. It is believed in the world that Russian wives are bad. Because they put their idol-husband on a pedestal and enthusiastically begin to serve him. At some time, he himself begins to believe in his exclusivity and chosenness, and his wife begins to push and reproach him for insufficient love and care for himself.

It often happens that the worst wives, by their own behavior, provoked the discontent of their husbands. For they did not know the measure in their claims and somewhere they went too far. After all, there are very few men who can meekly listen to constant complaints from their halves, reproaches and discontent addressed to them. If a wife constantly saws her husband, wanting to completely subjugate him and take control of all his time and even thoughts, or even slander about people close to him, then the man’s patience will certainly burst, and a scandal will break out, turning into heavy silence and ignoring each other . The hysteria of a wife can alienate the most loving husband, and the desire to manipulate him will completely cause reciprocal resistance.

How to predict whether a woman will be a good wife?

Why do so many men get bad wives? How to predict in advance whether the beloved will be a good wife? In this regard, men can be advised to pay more attention to the characteristics of the character of their beloved, without closing their eyes to unseemly moments in their behavior. Consider the character traits of your future wife impartially, as if from the outside, and then you can understand what awaits you in family life with this one. In addition, you can still carefully look at what horoscopes say about the ability of different signs of the zodiac to be good wives. You can not believe this, you can laugh at it, but it will not be superfluous to take into account the warnings of horoscopes. What are they, the worst wives according to the sign of the zodiac? More on this later.

Bad spouse according to the zodiac sign

According to the astrological horoscope, wives were ranked according to their ability to create home comfort. And here is the result. The anti-primacy in this list was occupied by the sign Scorpio. It is the woman who was born under the sign of Scorpio that is the worst wife in the zodiac. So, we give the entire list of signs from worst to best:

  • Scorpio - 12th place. A very beautiful and incredibly attractive Scorpio woman is also smart and quick-witted. But in order to become a good wife, she has neither the desire nor the ability. She has a complex character, and a man will have to serve this demanding woman all his life, actually falling into lifelong slavery to her.
  • Pisces - 11th place. Also a selfish sign. They are attractive and can be gentle, but only if it matches their mood. In family life, there is no benefit from such a wife, but men become dependent on Pisces wives, which is not so easy to get rid of, even considering the fact that they are bad housewives.
  • Leo - 10th place. This woman pays more attention to her adornment and external improvement, loves expensive things, beautiful cars, chic restaurants, rich furnishings, and if a man is unable to give her all this, the lioness will gnaw him without pity until she achieves her goal.
  • Sagittarius - 9th place. The sign is very independent and self-willed. She values ​​freedom very much and prefers to manage her time herself. Can be a good hostess, if she so desires. It is impossible to achieve anything from her by coercion, only peace and partnerships, joint fulfillment of family responsibilities can save family relationships.
  • Gemini - 8th place. A very dangerous sign, attentive and perspicacious. It is impossible to hide anything from such a wife, she always knows better than her husband what he is. Another thing is how she will use this knowledge. And these are already the problems of the husband, how to keep his wife within the framework of family relations.
  • Aries - 7th place. A very self-confident woman who considers herself a gift from heaven to her husband. She firmly believes in this and will resist a different opinion for a long time, until she completely subordinates her husband to her views on life. But he might benefit from it.
  • Libra - 6th place. A written beauty, an excellent cook, a skilled lover, in general, the dream of any man, but only when it is desirable for her. At other times, a boring and scandalous woman, moreover, hysterical and unrestrained. These are the extremes that tightly fetter the husband's hands and feet.
  • Virgo - 5th place. This is a wonderful companion and friend, an interesting companion who respects and supports the interests of her husband. However, at the same time, the leader in the family will still be the wife according to the formula "we consulted, and I decided."
  • Taurus - 4th place. This is a very purposeful person who, having set a goal, does not encounter obstacles on her way to it. She always achieves what she wants, but the methods are not always adequate. Arranging loud scandals with breaking dishes is the style of their behavior, but a successful person from her husband can well be made.
  • Capricorn - 3rd place. Choosing a partner, Capricorn-wife is guided by her own benefit. She needs the perfect husband because she considers herself the perfect woman. She tends to exalt her partner in life, so as not to reduce his level of ideality. But if he allows himself not to conform to this image - woe to him.
  • Aquarius - 2nd place. A simple and eternally young laugher, gentle and cheerful, pleasant to talk to, a good housewife, able to make any man happy. Only it is very difficult to convince her to marry.
  • Cancer - 1st place. For this woman, family always comes first. She is smart and beautiful, agile and caring, perfectly manages the household and will do everything for the happiness of her family. Only that the husband does not neglect his family duties, otherwise a fair punishment will follow.


After conducting a psychological analysis of the term “bad wife”, you can use the knowledge gained when building a serious relationship and build a strong happy family. We hope that our article was useful to you.

One vizier had three wives. He was very unhappy with them. The eldest of them was stingy and greedy: everything that came to her hand from household items, she sold secretly from her husband and saved up money for herself; the second wife was impudent, quarrelsome and pugnacious; and the third was immoral and had lovers. In order to forget himself, the vizier went hunting every day. Once in the field he saw a farmer who was plowing the land and, interrupting work every minute, sang, danced and had fun. The vizier was surprised at such carelessness, called the farmer to him and asked: “What are you rejoicing about?” “I rejoice in the fact,” answered the farmer, “that I have a glorious wife.” “Give her to me,” said the vizier, “take all my three wives and half of my wealth.” "Why are you dissatisfied with them?" the farmer asked him. Then the vizier told him everything he knew about his wives, not hiding a single flaw. The farmer agreed. The vizier took his wife for himself and in return sent him all the wives and half of his wealth.

The farmer built three rooms and placed his wives in them. First, he went to his eldest wife and brought her a scale as a gift. The wife was surprised at such a strange gift from her husband and asked: “Why do I need scales?” - “You may want to secretly from my other wives sell something from my property: honey, butter, molasses. Here are the scales so that buyers do not deceive you! Then the farmer went to his second wife and presented her with a club. "What do I need a club for?" she wondered. “Maybe you want to fight one of your neighbors,” said the husband. “Enough once of her with this club on the head and that’s enough.” Finally, he went to his third wife and said to her: "I give you this room with two doors." "Why did you make two doors?" the wife asked. “You see,” he replied, “you are young, maybe you will fall in love with some young man and invite him to your place. If at this time I go to you through one door, then you let him out through another, then I will not see him, and my heart will be calm. The farmer went to work in the fields, and his wives got together and told each other about the strange gifts of their new husband. They thought, consulted and decided: “He gives us the right to live as we want. And it would be dishonest of us if we take advantage of this and continue to live as before. They became, as befits good wives, meek, shy and honest. Seeing his wives, the farmer realized that they had changed, and began to have more fun and dance than before.

The vizier wanted to see how the farmer lives in his new position. He went to his field and sees that the farmer is still plowing and dancing and singing. The vizier was even more surprised and asked him: “Now why are you happy?” “I rejoice that I have glorious wives,” the farmer replied, dancing. “Why, they were bad, how did they turn into good ones?” Then the farmer told him a story about his gifts. The vizier was delighted and said: "Give me back my wives and take yours." The farmer returned his wives to the vizier, and took his former wife back.

When the vizier became convinced of what beautiful women his wives had become, he thought: “It was my own fault that my wives were bad.”
