Ethnic ornament in clothes. Ethnic style in clothes: if you want to stand out

Quote message Ethnic style (ethno-style) in clothes

Ethnic style (ethno style) - a style of clothing in which folk motifs of the countries of the world predominate. The ethnic component can be carried as the garments or shoes themselves, characteristic of a particular country (for example, poncho capes, popular in Mexico), accessories , and the elements of this clothing (for example, patterns).

The emergence of ethnic style

The very name of the style comes from the Greek word "ethnos" - "people". And this is no coincidence: after all, every people that inhabits or has ever inhabited our planet, certainly left a mark in the history of civilization. Each nation has its own rules and peculiarities in the manner of dressing, decorating itself, etc. therefore, ethno-style, without exaggeration, is one of the richest and most diverse styles of all existing. In our understanding ethnic style in clothes appeared and popularized thanks to the "children of flowers" - hippie, whose culture flourished in the 60s of the last century. Representatives of this subculture chose for themselves loose clothes that do not constrain movements, bright and varied.

Hippies did not give preference to any particular folk style. They mixed them all, and they got incredibly harmonious, original and unusual combinations. India was present in their style, with its elegant saris and wide trousers, as well as stunning jewelry in ethnic style; typical Indian moccasins and soft leather products; multi-colored layered skirts, so characteristic of Morocco and a number of other countries. All sorts of Eastern philosophies, like Zen Buddhism, also left their mark. Hence the popularity among hippies of yellow-orange clothes, reminiscent of Hare Krishnas.

Ethnic style in clothes

The hippie trend, with all its philosophy, manner of dressing, and the behavior of its representatives, as a countercultural phenomenon, caused a protest in society.

However, the peculiar clothes of flower children did not go unnoticed by the couturier. Yves Saint Laurent was the first to draw attention to the appearance of the subculture., which gave the traditional hippie clothing a very noble look. Now, loose tunics and light trousers have acquired a touch of romanticism, and the use of expensive materials (silk, chiffon) in the manufacture has made them an object of admiration for many wealthy people.

Saint Laurent liked experimenting with ethnicity so much that several collections of this theme appeared on the catwalk with his light hand. Among them was the "Russian collection", replete with painted scarves, wide blouses, bright colors - in a word, a purely Russian flavor.

In addition to the Russian collection, Yves Saint Laurent showed Indian, Chinese, and several African collections, which became his favorite. In them, Saint Laurent was not even afraid to use cheap materials, such as straw, flax, glass and wood.

The example of Saint Laurent was followed by the famous Japanese fashion designer Kenzo. His home country is rich in traditions, including clothing traditions. He used them in his first experiments on the theme of ethno. The famous Japanese kimono became the basis of the entire stylistic plot, which was joined by oriental, South American and Scandinavian elements. There were quite a lot of ethnic collections of the Japanese fashion designer, and all of them were striking in their diversity. Kenzo proved that ethnicity is in perfect harmony with casual, sports style, etc.

For real provocative fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier struck the imagination with ethnic themes.

The first work of a fashion designer on an ethnic theme dates back to 1976. In the future, Gauthier very often used ethnic motifs in his subsequent works. He often drew inspiration not from abstract knowledge about the costumes of a particular country, but by looking at how representatives of a particular people are dressed, walking along the streets of the city. Thanks to the Hasidic rabbis in their unusual clothes, the Rabbi Chic collection appeared, in which all elements of the Jewish outfit were present, from vests to kippahs. The Tatu collection was the result of inspiration from the unusual body decorations of the peoples of Southeast Asia and Africa. The Mongols, the African Saga, the Great Journey - ethnic elements prevailed in these Gauthier collections.

“Ethnics should become some kind of fresh blood that will give new life to all new fashion trends”,

- so says the French fashion designer himself.

Almost every more or less famous fashion designer has at least one collection in which this style is certainly present.

Clothing and footwear

Clothing in ethnic style is very different in terms of colors, textures, ornaments, etc. It all depends solely on what kind of people these clothes correspond to. There are several main directions of ethnic style.

A simple cut with straight lines, geometric patterns (circle, trapezoid, triangle, rectangle) characterize it. Ethnic style dresses have a columnar shape, may have draperies. The colors are dominated by gold (yellow), white, turquoise. Typical shoes are sandals.

It is often preferred by young ladies with forms, because. its cut provides for a narrowing under the bust and a “free” hem. Lightweight, flowing fabrics add style more feminine. As with the Egyptian style, the most suitable shoes for the Greek are sandals.

Indian style

It is characterized by a very free cut of any type of clothing, be it a skirt, dress, pants or tunic. Bright colors with a predominance of orange, light, almost weightless fabrics make Indian-style clothes a great summer option. Multi-tiered and multi-layered can also be considered its hallmarks. Shoes - either light flip flops or sandals with leather straps trimmed with large stones or beads.

Its prototype is a kimono. Stand-up collars, short or, on the contrary, wide sleeves, the use of silk, patterns in the form of hieroglyphs form the basis of the style. Its colors are either very bright in their combinations, or, on the contrary, calm, muffled. Perfectly fit into the image of clogs and sandals on the platform.

East style

It evokes thoughts of hot countries and mysterious oriental women. Traditionally, oriental-style clothing is made in bright colors and is certainly decorated with intricate ornaments in the form of flowers. It is good if these patterns are reproduced at least partially in shoes.

African style

Clothing in African style is always very colorful. Patterns are an integral part of it, and they are almost always made exclusively in warm colors: yellow, red, brown. Most of all, these patterns resemble the landscape of the African savannah.

Russian style

The epithets “daring”, “daring” are very suitable for him. Intricate patterns, very bright colors, contrasting combinations (for example, red on white) best characterize this style. It is also characterized by various natural materials (cotton, chintz, linen, fur), wide cut.


Accessories are perhaps the most important element of the whole style. Sometimes it is enough to add one or another accessory to ordinary clothes to make the look in ethnic style. Just like in clothes, different peoples are characterized by completely different accessories: bracelets with ornaments, leather belts, various pendants, some of which imitate amulets and amulets. Ethnic accessories are most often made from natural, natural materials: wood, bone, copper, silver, etc.


It usually matches with clothing. If there are Indian motifs in it, then these are brightly let down eyes and lips. The Japanese style suggests pale skin and long arrows that mimic the Mongoloid slit of the eyes. But there are still no strict rules for makeup in ethno style.

How to create an image in African style?

Features and history of ethno-style.

Ethnic style in clothes. Africa

Ethnic clothing style is one of the most versatile and ambiguous styles in fashion; by definition, it includes the characteristic features of the traditional national costume of a certain ethnic group, reproducing them in the costume of modern people. Hence, a tunic (Greek ethnos), a sari (Indian ethnos), a sundress, etc. can be called national clothes. your wardrobe. At the same time, it gained the greatest popularity in the 90s. Fashion houses during this period created collections using ethnic variations of the peoples of Asia, Africa, and then the peoples of Europe.

Modern ethnic style.

Modern ethnic style has many variations. So, one of the directions is the Russian style, which is typical for the use of natural fabrics with many decorations (stones, beads, pearls).

The fabric at the same time has bright, saturated shades: green, gold, red, blue. Women's clothes in the Russian style are traditionally long, with a loose cut, decorated with drawings, men's clothes are, first of all, embroidered shirts and loose trousers. In addition, various types of natural fur are traditionally used.

Jacquard coat in Russian style with eco-fur

Another direction of the national style is Indian. The Indian style is characterized by the use of such colors as red, yellow, sand, olive, turquoise. The fabric, usually silk, satin or cotton, is decorated with various ornaments and figures. In addition, the use of a lot of jewelry and bright makeup was recorded. Sari is a traditional Indian women's clothing, which is a multi-layered outfit.

Men's clothing in Indian style is represented by long shirts and straight trousers. One of the main characteristics of the African style is the use of natural colors in clothing, as well as black as a background for various ornaments, often floral or animalistic. Preference is given to non-synthetic fabrics: cotton, linen, leather and wool. Jewelry is also made from natural materials: leather, wood or metal. It is characteristic that in the African style one can rarely find monochromatic clothes, without ornament, while the type of clothing can be different - from skirts and dresses to simple shirts and jackets. In addition to the above directions, there is a huge variety of variations, for example, Egyptian, Greek, Asian, Scandinavian style, etc. In the wardrobe of a modern person, in order to emphasize the use of a particular national style, it is enough to apply several elements of an ethnic image in an outfit.

Attracts many. Bright images, original decors, bold combinations in outfits and exotic cuts beckon with a geographical kaleidoscope and uniqueness. Any girl can try on ethnic style in clothes today - there are a great many options for national ideas on the catwalks and in stores. However, before you go shopping, you should decide on the concept of ethnic style and highlight its main features. This will help you choose the optimal color, texture and trend solution for a comfortable attitude and create an exotic image.

What is ethno style?

If you evaluate the photos demonstrating the ethnic style in clothes, some anarchy is striking. Fringe and soft leather, thin sari and ringing bracelets, delicate lavender Provence with many frills - all these are ethnic style ideas implemented in themed bows. How to determine the canons of images, so as not to make a mistake in the selection of models? To do this, it is worth diving a little into history and understanding what designers and fashion designers call ethnic style.

Even a child knows that each nation has its own national costume with original solutions for cut, decor and colors. Adherence to such outfits began to disappear with the emergence of opportunities for mass tailoring and active migration of the population around the planet. National roots began to be lost: ethnic-style bags, dresses, sundresses and skirts have exhausted their uniqueness, and this last century continued.

When the hippie ideological and fashion rebellion broke out in the world, ethnic outfits began to gain popularity again. Traditional national elements were opposed by the “flower children” to the fashionable canons of society and successfully expressed the ideas of the subculture about freedom, closeness to nature, and openness to everyone.

It is thanks to the hippies that ethnic elements - ponchos, hoodies, Aladdins, sari dresses, tunics - have proved their relevance for modern fashion, thereby gaining the opportunity for a new "life" on the catwalks and in the wardrobes of fashionistas.

The active introduction of national ideas into hippie costumes led to the fact that outfits and accessories got into the ethnic style:

  • African;
  • Japanese;
  • Scandinavian;
  • South American;
  • Greek;
  • Egyptian;
  • Indian;
  • French;
  • Russians.

Each style shared its own unique elements, increasing the recognition of ethno style in clothes in the photo and in life.

Oriental motifs in ethnic style: India, Japan

- the most easily implemented, emotional and outwardly attractive. It is based on the national outfits of various countries, but fashionistas prioritize the trends of Japan, India and China.

Borrowed from these peoples:

  • kimono - loose fit and wide sleeves;
  • sari - simple sophistication in maxi style;
  • jewelry in ethno style - rings, bracelets, cuffs, earrings, slaves;
  • decors and ornaments - sakura, embroidery, stones, rhinestones;
  • shades - red, orange, gold, olive;
  • natural fabrics - silk, cotton, chiffon, linen.

Dresses in ethnic style, focused on oriental trends, are always distinguished by freedom of cut, soft draperies, maximum closeness, femininity and sophistication. Flat-soled solutions are chosen as shoes - simple and comfortable models.

African trends: safari style and national fashion

An ethno-style photo shoot will turn out especially bright if you use an African theme for it. Often, safari style is distinguished in the outfits of this direction, but this is wrong, since it has no national roots.

If we consider models in ethnic style in a truly African implementation, then you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • decors - geometric and animalistic;
  • colors - sand, khaki, blue, coffee, orange;
  • finishes - ropes, fringe, tassels, wicker elements;
  • accessories - bracelets made of natural materials, amulets with images of animals, a necklace made of "teeth";
  • natural fabrics - silk, leather, cotton, wool;
  • shoes - on an overestimated platform or woven simple sandals.

If you evaluate the "African" dresses in ethnic style in the photo, it is clear that they are characterized by some minimalism in cut. All the chic of the image is in bright colors and numerous details - decorations, finishes, frames.

Russian-European trends: France, Scandinavia, Russia

Ethno-style sundresses offer directions of the European format, which include both Russian and Ukrainian national clothes. For the "Slavic" images, contrasting embroideries on a white background, a simple straight cut of products and laconic charm are typical. Russian Pavlodar shawls and outfits created on their basis are a separate category. But for the most part, modern ethno style is not very focused on the Slavic theme, since for Russian and European fashionistas there is no particular exoticism in this trend.

A completely different matter is the European ethno style. There are some interesting elements here that ladies from different countries willingly borrow. This is Scandinavian fashion and French Provence.

Provence ethno style is distinguished by romantic sophistication - all the bows of this trendy direction are simply saturated with the scent of lavender and the tenderness of summer. Skirt in ethnic style, dresses, sundresses - everything is elegant, airy and naive. For the image of a girl "from Provence" you will need:

  • colors - light, light, weightless;
  • translucent fabrics - chiffon, crepe, lace;
  • decors and patterns - millefler, small flowers;
  • accessories - a straw hat, knitted bags, simple sandals.

Of all the European trends of ethno style, Provence is the most sophisticated. He is opposed by the passionate outfits of Spain, the cold severity of Scandinavia, the calmness of Germany.

Fashion of bygone eras: Greece, Egypt, Rome

If you want simple elegance, then you should turn your eyes to the past - Ancient Greece, Italy and Egypt. As this ethno-style photo shows, the characteristic moments for it are:

  • midi and maxi length with side slits;
  • emphasis on the waist;
  • straight lines or strict draperies;
  • simple fabrics - cotton and linen;
  • calm decors - ethnic and geometric motifs;
  • asymmetry in cut.

The Egyptian or Greek image of ethno style will be appreciated as calmly elegant. Ladies with any type of figure will feel comfortable in it, and outfits can be adapted for both casual and evening ensembles. A wedding dress in the ethnic style of bygone times also looks good.

Cowboy-Indian ethnic style ideas

The original symbiosis of the cowboy theme with traditional Indian outfits made it possible to appreciate the ethno style. In this direction, soft aggressiveness of images prevails, which is embodied through.

Fashionable ethnic style

Surely the brightest, most memorable, most colorful is. And not only because his range of outfit coverage is much greater than in any other, but also because ethno style is a style of good mood.

Briefly about historical facts

Ethnic style involves the use of various elements and items of clothing of national costumes. They pay attention to everything: not only individual items and their elements, but also materials, cut, accompanying shoes and accessories.

Indian classic women's outfit

Classical folk clothes from various countries (India, Russia, Egypt, Greece, etc.) are increasingly being used to create modern collections and fashionable bows.

Fashionable clothes in ethnic style

The main rules that designers adhere to when creating robes are giving maximum comfort and naturalness.

For the first time, ethnic style in clothing began to be promoted among hippies.

The hippie style in clothes is not just an image, it is a whole philosophy of life

It was quite normal to find Indian saris somewhere in the wilderness of Canada or painted fabrics and floral scarves in a modern city in the USA.

Similarly, various Greek, Russian and African motifs fell in love.

Greek ethno style

Ethnic style in clothes for the first time surprised from the podium in the 10s of the XX century. It was then that the famous designer P. Poiret showed the whole world an extraordinary collection of clothes in the East Asian style. As some say, his ethnic style was inspired by none other than the Scheherazade ballet.

Later, a collection with Slavic roots was also created, which was called "Kazan". A little later, at the age of 20-30, the unforgettable Coco Chanel also fell in love with the ethnic style and continued the work of Poiret: she created new Slavic collections.

Sketches of clothes in the Russian style from Chanel

The motives of hot Africa in the collections of fashion designers Philip Miller and Yves Saint Laurent amazed many.

Ethnic style by Yves Saint Laurent

The ethnic style of these masterpieces was reflected in the use of fringes, plant and animal designs, various turbans, headbands and prints in the form of mythological birds. Ethnic garments are increasingly appearing in fashion shows. The last of them were Balmain, Kenzo and Christian Dior.


The clothes of many designers here and there hide the echoes of the mysterious Ancient Egypt. First of all, this is expressed in a certain color scheme: white, blue, gold, turquoise and yellow.

Egyptian ethnic style involves the use of natural colors

As prints, they most often prefer to use various ancient hieroglyphs, geometric figures or images of the elements, pharaohs, symbols of Egypt (scarab beetles, lotus flowers, various deities and birds).

Ethnic style of Egypt - a variety of geometric shapes
American singer Rihanna in an ethnic Egyptian dress

Egyptian ethno style practically does not limit the choice of fabrics. Here you can safely choose linen, silk, fur and wool, leather and suede. And of the decorative elements, metal plates, embroidery and fringe are preferred.

A variety of women's tunics, floor-length dresses over one shoulder, richly decorated fabrics - this is how fashion dictated to women in those days.

The Egyptian style of clothing remained unchanged for more than one millennium.

Men also chose loose tunics and loose shirts, which were usually adorned under the bust or at the level of the hips.


Greek ethnic style is a bit similar to Egyptian. This fashion also includes free-cut items for both men (tunics, shirts, pants) and women (floor-length or mid-length dresses). However, Greek fashion, in comparison with Egyptian, has become more elegant. Freedom and comfort remained, but at the same time some zest was added.

Greek classical fashion
Modern Greek style for men

While Egyptian fashion focused on geometric cuts, Greek fashion featured V-necklines as well as more feminine dress silhouettes. Of the main fabrics, light, translucent ones were preferred: chiffon, silk, some types of fine knitwear. Dresses made from such “flying” fabrics flowed beautifully along the figure and emphasized female silhouettes. They tried to choose pastel colors from the color scheme, white, gold, blue, and from prints - drawings of plants and trees.


Russian traditional clothing holds a special place in the hearts of designers, especially for the abundant use of embroidered elements, buttons and colorful motifs.

There is a complete variety in the choice of fabrics: silk, linen, cotton, satin and velvet, cloth and even lace, which were additionally decorated with embroidery, beads, numerous stones, fur inserts and fringe.

Russian style of clothing embodies wealth and beauty

Russian fashion is full of colors: bright red, green, blue, brown, terracotta, black and gold - all these colors were actively used in clothes.

The golden color in clothes at all times enjoyed great recognition among women.

The golden color in clothes at all times enjoyed great recognition among women, it is not inferior in its popularity even now.Prints are dominated by geometric patterns, images of plants, flowers, birds and animals.

Real Slavic fashion - chaste beauty and folk traditions

It is this fashion that is known for its bell skirts, felt boots, colorful scarves, A-line sundresses, fur coats, men's shirts made of linen and cotton with ties on the chest, jackets and a variety of both short and elongated vests with luxurious fur elements and trim.

The harsh Russian winter makes fur the king of fashion collections

And all this was actively decorated with embroidered threads and gold elements, decorated with precious stones, beads and expensive fabrics (brocade, satin and velvet).

Russian jewelry can make any girl a real queen


Incredibly colorful and vibrant country. In it, not only the various clothes of women and men are bright, but also their most famous spices. in its bright colors it competes with the Russian one.

Indian ethnic clothing is full of all the colors of the rainbow: pink, purple, red, gold, white, turquoise and orange.

Indian fashion has collected the richest colors

But, unlike many countries, each color in this country has its own meaning. The most popular pattern is paisley ("Indian cucumber"), as well as a variety of geometric ornaments, flowers and images of sacred animals. Since India is a fairly warm country, the most popular fabrics are linen, chiffon and silk.

Fashion in India is flying fabrics, rich jewelry and jewelry.

The main feature is versatility. Like Egyptian fashion, Indian women's dresses are also present over one shoulder. At the same time, the piece of fabric that is worn on the shoulder is decorated the most. Often, all outfits for both women and men are elongated.

Indian classic outfit for a woman

Representatives of the stronger sex wear elongated button-down jackets and elongated shirts.

Classic men's fashion in India

Indian fashion is a real rainbow of colors. At the same time, ethnic clothing does not make a clown out of a person, but gives grace and some mystery.


Roasts are known for their sand, coffee and milk, terracotta and white tones. To make some color accents, red, white and blue colors were sometimes added.

Africa is the scorching sun and bright outfits

African folk clothes are just a storehouse of numerous prints. It is almost impossible to find plain clothes in it: on each of them you will see a variety of drawings and patterns - the claws of animals, trees and stones, feathers and claws of birds.

African style is the most recognizable ethnic style in clothing and accessories.

Women's ethnic or folklore is quite diverse: sundresses, shorts and skirts of various lengths, tunics, short tops, blouses and swing cardigans.

African ethnic style of clothing and accessories attracts many women with its exoticism and originality, as well as a variety of variations.

Men's fashion in Africa involves wearing loose-fitting trousers and shorts, loose-sleeved shirts and jackets with various drapery and decor elements: fringe, stones, cord weaving, wooden and metal objects.

African fashion for men

African ethnic style has its own charm. Light fabrics, intricate patterns and accessories, which are made mainly from natural materials (amulets made of stones and fangs, various weaving of leather cords, wooden beads) have a certain magic and attractive primitiveness.

African style is the most exotic of all existing clothing styles.

Some things that bear the imprint of a particular culture, one way or another, are in the closet of every fashionista. There are a few simple recommendations that will allow you to combine modern trends with folk accents:

  • ethno style involves the use of those colors that are characteristic of a particular country or direction, for example: either these are geometric patterns of Egypt, or bright floral Slavic prints;
  • try not to combine some futuristic things with ethnic ones: pay attention to light fabrics and free, flowing lines;
  • sometimes just one item is enough to embody an ethnic trend: a light sari or sandy floor-length sundress with bright beads will create a unique image and charm;
  • accessories and shoes require special attention: woven leather and wooden sandals, open sandals and moccasins are popular, and among accessories there are various decorations that were inherent in a particular era.

The main feature of ethnic style clothing is the use of natural fabrics, bright colors and contrasting combinations.

Ethno does not lose its popularity. Famous world designers do not cease to delight with new collections. Their garments are inspired by Egyptian, Russian, Indian, Japanese, African and other cultures. Every year, at the next shows of world designers (John Galliano, Roberto Cavalli, etc.), new breathtaking ethnic clothes appear on the catwalks, which combine modern requirements and ancient traditions of a particular country.

We meet folklore motifs almost from the cradle. Songs of grandmothers, mother's tales, ditties, jokes and even jokes. However, only as we grow older do we realize the value of this knowledge. Fashion never stands aside from folk motives. Despite her capriciousness, and sometimes even pretentiousness, she loudly “squeaks” when it comes to ethnic roots.

Birth of style

Despite the fact that the ethno style in clothes is deeply “folk”, in the history of fashion, it is considered to be legislators of the hippie movement, which arose in the 60s of the 20th century. The followers of this trend dressed under the motto: "Maximum natural and comfortable." Free cut, natural fabrics in natural shades, various kinds of embroidery, fringe and even fur trim are the main features of this style.

However, not all so simple. In any art, historical aspects play almost the main role. After all, in fact, we owe the birth of ethnic trends to travels and discoveries of new lands, various conquests, invasions and enslavements that led humanity to a certain symbiosis.

Distinctive features

And he came to us in a changed aspect. Modern fashion designers actively use elements of folk costumes from different countries in their outfits. After all, cocktail dresses in style, a classic suit in the style of a Japanese kimono or autumn bright ponchos in the form of Mexican traditions are perfect in their simplicity! It definitely becomes clear that one of the distinguishing features of this style is volume. Light, flowing down fabrics, as if enveloping, trying to protect and make a woman more fragile. To emphasize this image, only natural fabrics are suitable. But the color scheme has changed today. These are no longer faded colors, but bright, saturated shades with ethnic ornaments and unthinkable color combinations.

Mysteries of the peoples of the world

The longer a people exists on earth, the deeper its roots, the more diverse its folklore basis. This is an indisputable fact, so let's figure out how this or that nationality contributed to the formation of ethno style.

Slavic tunes

It is impossible not to recognize our native clothes in the modern fashion trend. Simplicity in the cut of clothes, undeniable comfort and soft natural fabrics that are pleasant to the body. Convenience and comfort. Fashion brought back bright embroidery, large floral prints and gorgeous airy lace. This season is dominated by the bright colors of nature: the color of spring foliage, ripe raspberries and frost-beaten viburnum. Well, what about without accessories? Large beautiful beads or an exclusive Pavloposad shawl on fragile shoulders - and the image of the beautiful Swan Princess is ready.

Indian riddle

The ethnic style in clothes is clearly shown above (the photo was taken in 2015).

Fairy tale land of Aladdin presented rather large ensembles of clothes in ethno style to the treasury of fashion. Airy saris, trousers a la Aladdin, cropped tops and various tunics - this is the heritage that came to us from the banks of the Ganges River. At least one of the items listed is in any wardrobe of a modern fashionista. And it does not matter at all that your clothes do not have the ethnic pattern of the Indian province, a long wrap skirt that is so easy to wear will be enough. By the way, skirts in this style are a hit of the summer season.

Wild Africa

The bright and aggressive colors of the African continent are not yet fully accepted by society. But for fashion there is where to roam. Intense colors of the wild African nature, tribal features of prints and light natural fabrics - yet another trendy character! But accessories should come first. metal, glass are very relevant this season. Wide bracelets combined with massive earrings will complement your self-affirming image.

Distant America

The ethnic culture of the country has long become a representative of street fashion in all corners of the planet. Jeans, large plaid shirts, leather items, fringes - all this can be combined together or used as a set with other things. Wide leather belts with a large buckle, feather earrings, cowboy hats and bags trimmed with fringe will suit this look.

Stylist tips:

“The image in the ethno style does not tolerate excessive variegation. In modern fashion, you need to know the measure. Dressing using only one ethno style of clothing is not right. Add one ethnic element, and your image will be unique.

Ancient Greece

Femininity and democracy are the basic principles of the Greek style. Ethno-style dresses with a high waist to the floor, loose tunics and strappy shoes have occupied a wide niche in modern fashion. Perhaps there is no such woman who would not fit a dress in the Greek style. Surprisingly, they are modeled in such a way that they cover what is not needed to be seen and emphasize all the advantages of the figure. This is the reason for their popularity to this day. They say that everything new is the long-forgotten old. Do you know that we owe the asymmetry in the dress to the Greeks? Dresses in Greek ethno style are suitable both for an evening out and for a street promenade.

Cleopatra's Legacy

The Egyptian civilization brought its “highlights” to the treasury of fashionable ideas.

Simplicity, geometry, clear lines are the legacy of ancient Cleopatra and Nefertiti. on thin straps, a cloak that exposes the shoulder, surprisingly always looks spectacular. This style is used in their shows Givenchy, Donna Karan. Primary colors: blue, red, white, turquoise.

Egyptian models always complement metal accessories in gold with bright stones.

The main thing here is not to overdo it. The outfit should look organic. Don't forget about bright makeup.

land of the rising sun

When people talk about Japan, the first thing that comes to mind is sakura, kimonos and geishas. However, we will omit unnecessary definitions and talk about kimono. This type of clothing has always been very popular in Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun has always attracted originals in the fashion industry, which, of course, could not but affect fashion trends. Japanese trace in ethno clothes, like Gulliver's. Gorgeous dresses, classic suits, kimono-style tunics… And how many fashionable accessories the Japanese civilization brought to fashion! There are fans, and umbrellas, and hats, and hairpins.

Clothing characteristic

Afghani. free cut. Came into fashion from Afghanistan. National men's clothing. Similar to the trousers of the Cossacks. Pants will suit tall, slender girls and owners of a magnificent bust and narrow hips.

Afghani should be worn under high heels or comfortable open sandals.

Qipao. Stylish Chinese dress. Creates a unique oriental look. The dress has a strict silhouette, a stand-up collar, a wrap on the right side, a lot of decorated moments and piping. Qipao was originally very long. Now there is qipao midi and even mini. The outfit should be worn with high heels. Such a dress is sewn exclusively from silk or satin in bright colors.

Kimono. Clothing style in Japanese ethno is not just clothes, it is a kind of philosophy. The national Japanese outfit inspires fashion designers to create unique female images. It is simply impossible not to recognize him. Japanese-style clothing has an unusual cut. It is distinguished by the correct silhouette, one-piece sleeve, the presence of many small buttons, and a wide belt. Do-it-yourself ethnic-style clothes are made by Japanese women quite quickly.


This is always the main component of a fashionable image. You can't hide behind a long skirt. The style is characterized by simple and comfortable shoes. The ethno-Slavic image is characterized by ballet flats and low-heeled shoes. For Indian - slippers embroidered with sequins or rhinestones are good. Sandals are suitable for Greek and Egyptian styles. Sneakers, moccasins, cowboy boots are characteristic of the American ethnic group.


Where without accessories! These cute trinkets will help to complete the look. Accessories are divided into several types:

  • textile (shawls, scarves, ponchos, capes, pareos, stoles, shawls, pashminas, knee-high socks, openwork shawls, etc.);
  • wood jewelry (typical for African, Slavic ethno);
  • stone jewelry (typical for African and Greek ethno);
  • jewelry made of different metals (typical for Greek, Egyptian ethno);
  • leather accessories (typical for American ethno).

Combination with modern fashion

There are several rules:

  • It is impossible to combine incongruous (for example, futurism and clothes in ethnic style).
  • To implement the idea of ​​ethno in modern clothes, one thing is enough to emphasize your individuality.
  • Carefully approach the choice of shoes and accessories. This will make your look more complete.

Who to wear this style

People who position themselves in this style are mysterious, great originals, they love freedom in everything. If this characteristic suits you, you can safely dress in clothes of this style. If you are not ready for people to perceive you that way, then stylists recommend diluting your outfit with ethnic elements.


In fact, one can talk about the ethnic style in clothing and its role in the cultural life of a person ad infinitum. Despite the quite respectable age, the ethno style in clothes leads a large army of young fans. The masterpieces of designers of world fashion houses still amaze with their indefatigable imagination, which boldly synthesizes the traditions of ancestors with modern trends. Most likely, ethno-style in modern fashion will be popular for an infinite number of years. After all, it has an incredible amount of uniqueness.
