Physical Culture. The concept of "physical culture"

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is a well-known proverb that is especially relevant in modern society.

What is physical education

Physical education is the education of body culture through physical activity and gymnastics. It develops not only the body, but also the human nervous system. Loads on the body contribute to the normalization of the activity of the mental system. This is especially important for children, because every day they absorb huge flows of information. Sports help the brain relieve tension and restore clarity to the head.

Physical education can be therapeutic and adaptive. helps to restore the human body some of the functions that were damaged during an injury or a serious psychological shock. Adaptive physical education is applicable for people who have developmental disabilities.

Sports in children's lives

Sport occupies a special place in the lives of children and adolescents. It is necessary not only for the harmonious development of the body, but also for creating a sense of discipline. Sports bring up in children such qualities as willpower, perseverance, restraint. These character traits, learned from childhood, will accompany a person throughout his subsequent life.

It has long been proven that people involved in sports activities are much more likely to succeed. This fact is due to three reasons:

1. Health.

Sport improves and strengthens health. People have more strength and energy that are necessary to work in any field.

2. Volitional qualities.

As already mentioned, sport educates a person. It makes him stubborn and attentive.

3. Psychological relaxation.

Physical education is a great way Usually people tend to accumulate negative emotions in themselves, while the sports society always knows where to throw out the accumulated emotional burden. This protects mental health, increases stress resistance and productivity in solving conflict situations.

Sport accompanies us at all stages of maturation. In secondary schools, physical education is a compulsory subject. The lesson is taught by a former athlete or a teacher offers standards of sports performance that the child must achieve at each stage of his development. In order for him to successfully complete the year, it is necessary to pass the standards qualitatively. Naturally, they are designed only for healthy children. Also, thanks to the standards, you can find out and control the level of development of the child. Children's physical education is designed to develop body culture during training.

If the student has deviations in health, then he may be partially or completely suspended from classes. The venue for physical activities depends on the capabilities of a particular school. In addition to gymnastics, the standard physical education program includes: running, swimming, skiing, long and high jumps, football, basketball, volleyball, acrobatics, aerobics, and active games.

Physical education classes are held in specially equipped classrooms or on sports grounds (during the warm season).

It implies small loads, the purpose of which is not to achieve certain results in sports. Most often, children are engaged in exercise therapy - therapeutic physical culture. Physical education is aimed at maintaining the body in a healthy state, while the load is minimal. They help the child to stretch the muscles, to feel the dynamics of the exercises, but not to spend all the strength of the body.

Exercise therapy is very common among children who have developmental or health problems. For this reason, they cannot play sports together with the main group. Much attention in exercise therapy is given to proper breathing, which helps to maintain control over the body. Another goal of exercise therapy is the prevention of diseases and their exacerbations. Exercise therapy is very useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for young children.

The effect of physical activity on the body

It is very difficult to overestimate the impact of physical activity on the human body. The usefulness of physical education for a growing body is invaluable. A young body needs more than just stimulating tissues that are forming very quickly. Physical education is necessary for the child to grow up as a psychologically balanced and whole person.

Physical activity has a complex effect on the entire body. Let us consider in more detail how the human body reacts to moderate loads:

  • metabolic processes of tissues, tendons and muscles are activated, which is an excellent prevention of rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis and other degenerative changes in the motor function of the body;
  • the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, providing the whole body with oxygen and useful substances;
  • physical exercises activate the production of hormones, which leads to the stabilization of metabolic processes;
  • neuroregulatory function of the brain is stimulated.

Summing up, we can say that physical education and sports should be an integral part of the life of any adult and growing person. Go in for sports yourself and instill it in your children. Physical education is the "perpetual motion machine" of life, which makes active, cheerful and full of energy for new achievements.

At the present stage of development of the theory and methodology of physical education, the issue of developing an integrated approach to determining the main concepts of this direction has become relevant. This is due, first of all, to the need to establish the relationship of concepts related to physical education with the leading general pedagogical terms and categories.


Physical education is a kind of education, the specificity of the content of which reflects the teaching of motor exercises, the formation of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical education knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for involvement in physical education.

The system of physical education is a historically conditioned type of social practice of physical education, including worldview, scientific and methodological, program-normative and organizational bases that ensure the physical perfection of people.

The sphere of physical education includes many concepts that reflect the essence and specificity of this process. Among them are physical development, physical formation, physical culture, physical culture work, physical training, physical perfection.

Physical (bodily) development is a complex of changes in the human body, characterized by need, regularity and a predetermined trend (progressive or regressive).

Physical development is understood as the process and result of the formation of the abilities and functions of the human body, achieved under the influence of heredity, the environment and the level of physical activity.

Physical formation is the action of the environment on a person in order to change the level of his bodily organization. It can be both spontaneous and purposeful.

Physical culture work is a form of active human activity towards others and towards oneself in order to achieve physical perfection.

Physical culture is a type of material culture that characterizes the level of formation of both society as a whole and a person separately from the side of intensive, purposeful formation of one's own physical perfection.

The doctrine of physical culture is the highest form of scientific knowledge, which gives a holistic view of the patterns and relationships of intensive, purposeful formation of physical perfection.

Physical training in a broad sense is interpreted as a process of educating physical virtues and mastering basic movements.

Physical training in the narrow sense is interpreted only as a process of educating physical qualities.

Physical perfection is a historically conditioned standard of physical development and physical fitness of a person.

The main means of physical education are: physical exercises and procedures, gymnastics, games, sports, daily routine.


Physical exercises and procedures are conscious motor actions aimed at solving specific problems of physical education.

They are carried out according to a certain methodology and have a great impact on the functioning of the central nervous system, reduce fatigue of the cerebral cortex and increase overall functionality. After exercise, the body of students is easier to cope with the intense educational work. In addition, under the influence of physical exercises, the musculoskeletal system improves: the bones become stronger and more mobile in the joints, the size of the muscles, their power and elasticity increase. Physical procedures are also of particular importance, as they are used to develop and maintain the muscular system, circulatory and respiratory organs.

Gymnastics is a diverse set of exercises that has a multifaceted beneficial effect on the body as a whole and in particular. Gymnastic procedures vary in time and amount of physical activity during classes. In the practice of physical education, the following types of gymnastics have been formed: basic, sports, acrobatics, artistic, hygienic, medical.

In the physical education of students, the main role belongs to basic gymnastics, the procedures of which make up a significant part of the school curriculum in physical education. The content of the exercises ensures the general physical development of students and the formation of life skills for work and life (movements in the appropriate direction, control of the movements of the arms, legs, body, head, working postures). All kinds of exercises are designed for strength, endurance, speed.

An important place in the life of students is occupied by hygienic gymnastics: morning exercises, physical activity during breaks, physical education sessions in classes in various subjects. This allows you to keep the body in a cheerful state throughout the day, as well as reduce fatigue.

Games also belong to the means of physical education and play a special role in physical development. Regular games require the activity of the students themselves and contributes to the formation of their main motor skills and such qualities as speed, agility, strength, endurance. The emotionality of games implies the possibility for the manifestation of personal characteristics and initiative. In addition, games cheer up students.

Team games help to strengthen mutual support, teach collectivism. United by one goal, students show mutual support and assistance, which leads to the strengthening of friendly relations and team building.

Games are divided into mobile and sports. They are included in the school physical education programs. Outdoor games in the elementary grades of the school are conducted at physical education lessons, during breaks, in various sections and, to a greater extent, in the fresh air. In middle and high school, the role of sports team games is increasing.

Some types of physical exercises are considered as separate sports (athletics, skiing, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, swimming and others). Sport as a means of physical education makes it possible to comprehensively implement the tasks of maintaining well-being, developing physical strength and motor abilities, moral and volitional qualities with the achievement of great results in certain sports. The specifics of sports are sports competitions. Being a means of monitoring the state of physical culture and sports work, they stimulate physical perfection and promote involvement in sports.

In the practice of physical education of schoolchildren, walks, excursions, hiking trips are also used. They not only improve overall well-being, bring up physical hardening, but also allow you to broaden your horizons. Hiking equips students with the necessary skills of camping life, teach them to endure the action of natural factors and correctly apply them in order to improve the body.

Natural factors can also become private means of physical education. Sunbathing, swimming, showering or rubbing are used as wellness treatments.

The daily routine describes the rigid schedule of life and activities of students, the expedient alternation of work and rest time, food and sleep. Constant adherence to the regime forms vital qualities in children - accuracy, organization, discipline, a sense of time and self-control. The mode synthesizes all kinds of means and forms of physical education, makes it possible to use them in a complex way in the practice of working with students.

The Importance of Physical Education

Physical education and sports in life are so important that it is impossible to overestimate it. Everyone can, without the help of others, be able to study and appreciate the importance of physical education and sports in their own personal lives. But with all this, we should not forget that physical education and sports are of national importance, this is really the strength and health of the nation.

A complex of means of physical education exists for the harmonious development of a person. Physical training relieves mental fatigue and fatigue of the whole organism, increases its functionality, promotes health.

It is important that physical culture is part of a joint healthy lifestyle. A clear correct daily routine, intensive motor mode, together with systematic hardening procedures, provide the greatest mobilization of the body's defenses, and, therefore, provide great opportunities to maintain good health and increase life expectancy.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle is focused not only on the protection and promotion of health, but also on the harmonious development of the individual, including physical and spiritual interests, human capabilities, and the proper use of his reserves.

1. The concept of "physical education" 2. The essence of physical education 3. The founder of the scientific system of physical education: Petr Frantsevich Lesgaft 4. Physical education at school 5. Tasks of physical education (health, educational, upbringing) 6. Methods of physical education 7. System of physical education 8. Cross-country race 9. Cross-country skiing 10. Relay race 11. Literature

1) Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at improving the form and functions of the human body, the formation of motor skills, skills, related knowledge and the development of physical qualities. 2) Physical education - a type of education, the specific content of which is the training of movements, the education of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical education knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education. 3) Physical education is an educational process aimed at the formation of a person's physical culture. That is, that side of the general culture of man, which helps to realize the biological and spiritual potential. Whether we understand it or not, physical education begins from the moment a new person is born.

In Russia, the founder of the scientific system of physical education is Pyotr Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909). He considered pedagogical phenomena from the standpoint of anthropologism. Anthropology was understood as a science that studies not only the structure, development and functions of individual organs of the human body, but also as the physical and moral influence of the environment on a person. Lesgaft argued that the development of the body is influenced by the environment and exercises: “Everything that exercises develops and improves, that which does not exercise falls apart.”

The value of physical culture in the school period of a person's life is to create a foundation for comprehensive physical development, health promotion, and the formation of various motor skills and abilities. All this leads to the emergence of objective prerequisites for the harmonious development of the individual. The full development of school-age children without active physical education is practically unattainable.

Wellness 1) Strengthening health, promoting normal physical development: the formation of correct posture, the development of various muscle groups of the body, the correct and timely development of all body systems and their functions, strengthening the nervous system, activation of metabolic processes. 2) Increasing the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences. Whenever possible, physical education classes, including physical education lessons, should be carried out outdoors, and not in the gym. 3) Increasing overall performance and instilling hygiene skills. These tasks require that schoolchildren perform daily physical exercises, take water, air, solar procedures, observe the regimes of study and rest, sleep, good nutrition. This is especially true for primary and secondary school age, since it is during this period that the most intensive development of all systems and functions of the body takes place.

1. Formation and improvement of vital motor skills and abilities. Schoolchildren need to form the following five groups of motor skills and abilities: 1) skills and abilities with the help of which a person moves himself in space (walking, running, swimming, skiing); 2) skills to control static postures and body positions during movement (stances, starting positions, various postures, drills, etc.); 3) skills and abilities to perform various movements with objects (balls, jump ropes, ribbons, dumbbells, sticks); 4) skills to control the movements of arms and legs in combination with movements in other parts of the body (somersaults, flips, lifts, hangs, stops, balances); 5) the ability to perform complex movements to overcome artificial obstacles (support jumps, climbing, long and high jumps).

2. Formation of the necessary knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports. Students should know: 1) the conditions and rules for performing physical exercises; 2) the impact of physical exercises on the main body systems; 3) rules for self-training of motor abilities; 4) basic methods of self-control during physical exercises; 5) the role of physical culture in the family, etc.

1. Raising the need and skills to independently engage in physical exercises, consciously apply them for the purpose of relaxation, training, improving performance and improving health. The solution of this problem in the activities of a teacher in physical culture and sports provides for the creation of the necessary prerequisites for independent physical education of students, and this necessitates: increasing the physical education of schoolchildren; stimulation of positive motivation for physical culture; formation of the foundations of the correct technique for the implementation of vital motor skills and abilities; the formation of organizational and methodological skills that make it possible for the student to correctly build his independent lesson, dose the load, apply an adequate method of educating physical qualities, exercise the simplest self-control, etc. 2. Education of personal qualities (aesthetic, moral, etc.), assistance development of mental processes.

Methods of physical education are understood as methods of applying physical exercises. In physical education, two groups of methods are used: specific (characteristic only for the process of physical education) and general pedagogical (used in all cases of training and education). Specific methods of physical education include: 1) methods of strictly regulated exercise; 2) game method (use of exercises in a game form); 3) competitive method (use of exercises in competitive form). With the help of these methods, specific tasks related to teaching the technique of performing physical exercises and educating physical qualities are solved. General pedagogical methods include: 1) verbal methods; 2) methods of visual influence. None of the methods can be limited in the methodology of physical education as the best. Only the optimal combination of these methods in accordance with methodological principles can ensure the successful implementation of a complex of tasks of physical education.

Requirements for teaching methods Scientific validity (in terms of knowledge). Compliance with the task of training. Ensuring the educational nature of education. Correspondence of methods to the whole system of teaching principles. Correspondence of methods to the specifics of the educational material, its complexity. Correspondence of methods of individual and group preparedness of students. Compliance with the individual abilities and characteristics of the teacher. Compliance with the conditions of employment. Variety of methods.

- Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov B.C. Theory and methods of physical education and sports: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 480 p. - website: http: //fizkultura. en/sci/physical_culture/18

Physical Culture - part of the general culture of society, the combination of various activities aimed at achieving a person's physical improvement (health promotion, development of physical qualities, achievement of sports results, etc.). Level physical culture society (any society) depends on the level physical education its members - physical personality culture - the degree of independent use of F. to. in the field of upbringing and education, in production, everyday life, in the organization of free time, leisure.

Sport - an integral part of physical culture, a means and method of physical education, a system for organizing competitions in various physical exercises. There is an amateur sport and a professional one. The purpose of sport as an integral part of physical culture, along with health promotion and general physical development of a person, is to achieve high results and victories in competitions.

Physical education - an organic part of general education; a socio-pedagogical process aimed at strengthening health, the harmonious development of the forms and functions of the human body, its physical abilities and qualities, the formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities necessary in everyday life and production, activities, and ultimately to achieve physical perfection. The main means and ways of F.v. are physical exercises (natural and specially selected movements and their complexes - gymnastic, athletics), various sports and tourism, hardening of the body (the use will heal, the forces of nature - the sun, air, water), compliance hygienic regime of work and life, mastery of special. knowledge and skills in the field of the use of physical exercises, means of hardening, personal and social, hygiene for the purpose of physical development and improvement (the so-called physical education).

Physical development - the process of change, as well as the totality of the morphological and functional properties of the organism. F. r. of a person is due to biological factors (heredity, the relationship of functional and structural, the gradualness of quantitative and qualitative changes in the body, etc.) and social (material and cultural standard of living, distribution and use of material and spiritual wealth, education, work, life, etc. .). As a set of features that characterize the state of the body at different age stages, the level of F. r. (along with fertility, morbidity, mortality) is one of the most important indicators of the social health of the population. The main means of directed influence on F. r. are physical exercises. In modern society, comprehensive F. r. of all groups of the population, the achievement of physical perfection is the social goal of physical education, the program and regulatory basis of which are nationwide programs.

What is physical education

The most important task in any family is to raise a healthy child. If children develop physically, a foundation is created on which the framework of a person's personality can be built. Unfortunately, modern statistics show that the physical development, as well as the health of children and adolescents, today leaves much to be desired. Ten years ago, children showed higher rates of physical development than they do now.

Physical education is the foundation for a child to develop harmoniously. Its significance is also great in the comprehensive formation of personality. It is this upbringing that creates the ground for it to be possible to fully work mentally. In order to work intellectually, you need to spend enough physical strength. If a child is sick, not tempered, then the efficiency of his mental activity is noticeably reduced, while it is easier for a physically healthy person to prove himself in productive work, it is much easier to overcome heavy loads, and overwork in such people is much less common.

Proper physical education contributes to the formation in the child of a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, demanding of himself. This is an excellent tool for strengthening the will. Good physical development is the result of physical education. Due to the fact that it is organized at the proper level, the physical strength of the child can not only be strengthened, but also improved.

Physical education in the family is a multifaceted process that covers the physical education and health activities of the child. It is desirable that he is engaged not only in physical education, but also in some kind of sport - this will help him develop strength and endurance. If we talk about the internal structure and content of physical education, then from this point of view, an important place is given to such a process as the formation of a child's real need for physical education, which can significantly improve health. If a person develops the habit of doing physical exercises, then it will be possible to improve his physical strength and overall performance, strengthen his will.

Physical education carries knowledge that will enrich the child's ideas about the essence and significance of physical culture and sports, about how they affect the development of the individual. Thanks to such knowledge, the horizons of children will be significantly expanded both mentally and morally. In addition, this way you can increase their overall culture.

Physical education involves the development of the child's physical abilities, the desire for sports activities. It can be light or weightlifting, sports games or swimming. When a child goes in for sports, does exercises, hardens, he, of course, becomes healthier and more resilient. In addition, daily physical education helps to be alert and energetic all day long, makes the figure toned.

The use of various physical exercises is nothing but methods of physical education. They are divided into specific and general pedagogical. Their first group is characteristic exclusively for the process of physical education, and the second is used in all cases of training and education. In order to solve specific problems that are associated with teaching the technique of performing physical exercises, the game method, strictly regulated exercises and the competitive method are used.

The generally accepted methods include verbal, as well as methods of visual influence. It is very important that in the methodology of physical education there is no method that could be considered the best. For the successful implementation of the complex of tasks of physical education, it is necessary to optimally combine various methods, based on methodological principles.

Physical education is:

Physical education

Physical Culture- the sphere of social activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, developing the psychophysical abilities of a person in the process of conscious physical activity. Physical Culture- a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person's abilities, improvement of his motor activity and formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance with with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation");

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

  • the level of health and physical development of people;
  • the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production and everyday life.

General information

The term "physical culture" appeared at the end of the 19th century in England during the rapid development of modern sports, but did not find wide use in the West and eventually disappeared from everyday life. In Russia, on the contrary, having come into use since the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917, the term "physical culture" received its recognition in all high Soviet authorities and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919 Vseobuch held a congress on physical culture, from 1922 the journal "Physical Culture" was published, and from 1925 to the present - the journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture". Gradually, the term "physical culture" became widespread in the countries of the former socialist camp and in some countries of the "third world". The very name "physical culture" indicates its belonging to culture. Physical culture is a kind of general culture, a side of the activity of mastering, improving, maintaining and restoring values ​​in the field of physical improvement of a person for self-realization of his spiritual and physical abilities and its socially significant results related to the fulfillment of his duties in society.

Physical culture is a part of the general culture of mankind and has absorbed not only the centuries-old valuable experience of preparing a person for life, mastering, developing and managing for the benefit of a person by nature (from a religious point of view - by God) physical and mental abilities, but what is not less important, and the experience of affirmation and hardening of the moral, moral principles of a person, manifested in the process of physical activity. Thus, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, people's achievements in improving their physical and, to a large extent, mental and moral qualities are reflected. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, skills and abilities to improve them, constitute the personal values ​​of physical culture and determine the physical culture of the individual as one of the facets of the general culture of a person.

Means of physical culture

The main means of physical culture, developing and harmonizing all manifestations of the life of the human body, are conscious (conscious) employment in a variety of physical exercises (bodily movements), most of which are invented or improved by the person himself. They suggest a gradual increase in physical activity from exercise and warm-up to training, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to the establishment of both personal and general sports records as personal physical capabilities grow. In combination with the use of the natural forces of nature (the sun, air and water are our best friends!), hygiene factors, diet and rest, and depending on personal goals, physical culture allows you to harmoniously develop and heal the body and maintain it in excellent physical condition for many years .

Components of physical culture

Each of the components of physical culture has a certain independence, its own target setting, material and technical support, a different level of development and the amount of personal values. Therefore, sport in the activity sphere of physical culture is singled out especially, using the phrases "physical culture and sport", "physical culture and sport". In this case, “physical culture”, “physical culture” in the narrow sense can mean mass physical culture and therapeutic physical culture.

Mass physical culture

Mass physical culture is formed by people's physical culture activities as part of the process of physical education and self-education for their general physical development and health improvement, improvement of motor capabilities, improvement of physique and posture, as well as physical recreational activities.

Physical recreation

Recreation (lat. - recreatio, literally - restoration) - 1) holidays, a change at school, 2) a room for rest in educational institutions, 3) rest, restoration of human strength. Physical recreation is motor active recreation and entertainment using physical exercises, outdoor games, various sports, as well as the natural forces of nature, which result in pleasure and good health and mood, restore mental and physical performance. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for a healthy person are not associated with very large physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplining, tonic and harmonizing background for all aspects of his activity.

Healing Fitness

Main article: Healing Fitness

Another, also unsportsmanlike in terms of goals, direction of physical culture is formed by therapeutic physical culture (motor rehabilitation), which uses specially selected physical exercises and, as already noted, some sports facilities for the treatment and restoration of body functions impaired as a result of diseases, injuries, overwork and others. reasons.


Sport in the traditional expression "physical culture and sport" is not only taken out of the scope of physical culture in the narrow sense of this term, but also beyond the scope of physical culture in the broad sense, since it also includes physical activities not directly related to culture (for example, chess, checkers, bridge, billiards, shooting, a number of technical sports, etc.), suitable for the original meaning of the English word "sport" as games, fun, entertainment. In a broad sense, the modern concept of physical culture includes only sports based on the performance of certain physical exercises and high physical activity. The integral features of sports are pronounced competitiveness, the desire to win and achieve high results, which require increased mobilization of the physical, mental and moral qualities of a person, which are improved in the process of rational training and participation in competitions. Such a distinction between two different quantitative and qualitative levels of manifestation of a person’s capabilities and aspirations in mass physical education and sports is consistent with the well-known names “cultivator” and “athlete”.

Adaptive physical culture

Main article: Adaptive physical culture

The specificity of this activity sphere is expressed in the complementary definition “adaptive”, which emphasizes the purpose of physical culture means for people with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity as a biological and social factor of influence on the body and personality of a person. Knowledge of the essence of this phenomenon is the methodological foundation of adaptive physical culture. St. Petersburg University of Physical Education. P.F. Lesgaft, the faculty of adaptive physical culture was opened, the task of which is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture of the disabled.

Physical education

Main article: Physical education

The modern broad concept of "physical education" means an organic component of general education - an educational, pedagogical process aimed at mastering the personal values ​​of physical culture by a person. In other words, the goal of physical education is the formation of a person's physical culture, that is, that side of a person's general culture that helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. The founder of the scientific system of physical education (originally - education), which harmoniously contributes to the mental development and moral education of a young person, is the Russian teacher, anatomist and doctor Pyotr Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909) in Russia. Created by him in 1896, the “Courses of Teachers and Heads of Physical Education” was the first higher educational institution in Russia for the training of specialists in physical education, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft. Graduates of the academy receive a higher physical education and become specialists in various fields of physical culture, including in the field of physical education, that is, the development of physical culture values ​​by people. In relation to work in higher educational institutions, such a specialist is called a teacher of physical culture, or a teacher of the department of physical education. It is necessary to distinguish between the terms "physical education" as professional training in special educational institutions and "physical education" in its original (according to P.F. Lesgaft) sense of physical education. In English, the term "physical education" can be used in both senses. It should also be borne in mind that the English term “en:physical culture” in the sense of our broad concept of “physical culture” is not in use abroad. There, depending on the specific direction of physical activity, the words “en: sport”, “en: physical education”, “en: physical training”, “en: fitness”, etc. are used. Physical education in unity with mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education ensures the all-round development of the individual. Moreover, these aspects of the general process of education are to a large extent manifested in the process of physical education organized accordingly.

In higher educational institutions, the process of physical education of students is carried out at the Department of Physical Education through the discipline "Physical Culture".

The goal of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated health-improving, developing, educational and upbringing tasks.

Health-improving and developing tasks of physical education include:

  • strengthening health and hardening of the body;
  • harmonious development of the body and physiological functions of the body;
  • comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities;
  • ensuring a high level of efficiency and creative longevity.

It is believed that in order to fulfill these tasks, the total time of training sessions in the discipline "Physical Education" and additional independent physical exercises and sports for each student should be at least 5 hours a week.

see also

  • Physical education at school


  1. Nikolaev Yu. M. Theory of physical culture: functional, value, activity, resultative aspects. SPb., 2000, .
  2. Social and biological foundations of physical culture: Textbook / Ed. ed. D. N. Davidenko. Publisher: SAINT PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY, 2001, 208 with ISBN 5-288-02201-1

2. Physical education as a system, its structure. Purpose, tasks, bases and principles of the system of physical education

Physical education system – a historically conditioned type of social practice of physical education, which ensures the physical improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Basics: 1. worldview. Worldview - a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity. The ideological attitudes are aimed at promoting the comprehensive development of the individual, strengthening and maintaining health for many years, preparing on this basis for professional activities.

2. Theoretical and methodical. Scientific provisions of the natural, social, pedagogical sciences, on the basis of which the "Theory and Methods of Physical Education" develops the laws of physical education.

3. Program-normative. Norms and requirements of state programs, standards of the Unified Russian Sports Classification, norms of the All-Russian Complex "Physical Culture and Health".

4. Organizational:

- state forms of organization (mandatory physical exercises in preschool institutions, secondary schools, vocational schools, the army, in medical and preventive organizations);

Public amateur forms of organization (a system of voluntary sports societies: Spartak, Lokomotiv, Dynamo, Labor Reserves, etc.);

Governance and management bodies (Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, State Duma Committee for Tourism and Sports, regional and municipal committees for physical culture and sports, relevant departments of the Ministry of Education, regional and municipal departments of educational bodies).

The purpose of the physical education system - optimization of the physical development of a person, comprehensive improvement of the physical qualities and abilities inherent in everyone in unity with the education of spiritual and moral qualities and ensure, on this basis, that each member of society is prepared for fruitful labor and other activities.

Tasks of the system of physical education:

1. Wellness (tasks to optimize physical development):

Optimal development of physical qualities inherent in a person;

Strengthening and maintaining health, including hardening of the body;

Improvement of physique and development of physiological functions;

Maintaining a high level of overall performance for many years.

2. Educational:

Formation of vital motor skills and abilities;

Formation of sports motor skills and abilities;

Acquisition of basic knowledge of a scientific and practical nature in physical culture.

3. Educational (tasks for the formation of a person's personality):

Promoting the development of moral qualities;

Promoting the formation of behavior in the spirit of the requirements of society;

Promoting the development of intelligence;

Promoting the development of psychomotor functions.

Principles of the system of physical education:

The principle of influence on the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. This principle is revealed in two provisions.

1. Ensure the unity of all aspects of education that form a harmoniously developed personality. In the process of physical education and related forms of using physical culture, an integrated approach is needed in solving the problems of moral, aesthetic, physical, mental and labor education.

2. Comprehensive use of various factors of physical culture for the complete general development of vital physical qualities characteristic of a person and motor abilities based on them, along with the formation of a wide fund of motor skills necessary in life. In accordance with this, in specialized forms of physical education, it is necessary to ensure the unity of general and special physical training.

The principle of connection of physical education with the practice of life (principle of application). This principle reflects the purpose of physical culture to the greatest extent: to prepare a person for work, and also, by necessity, for military activity. The applicability principle is specified in the following provisions.

1. When solving specific tasks of physical training, other things being equal, preference should be given to those means (physical exercises) that form vitally important motor skills and skills of a directly applied nature.

2. In any form of physical activity, it is necessary to strive to ensure the acquisition of the widest possible fund of various motor skills and abilities, as well as the versatile development of physical abilities.

3. Constantly and purposefully link physical cultural activity with the formation of an active life position of the individual based on the education of diligence, patriotism and moral qualities.

The principle of wellness orientation. The meaning of the principle lies in the obligatory achievement of the effect of strengthening and improving human health.

Physical education is a system of measures to improve health, master vital motor skills and abilities, and achieve high performance. Main goals of physical education are:

  • development of physical qualities given to a person by nature - strength, speed, endurance;
  • mastery of motor culture - the development of the ability of schoolchildren to complex motor coordination, to effective self-control and control of movements, mastering the skills and abilities necessary in work;
  • correction of postural disorders, weak or disproportionate development of individual parts of the body;
  • education of will and perseverance in achieving the goal due to the systematic volitional effort necessary for the regular and high-quality performance of a certain amount of physical exercise.

Physical education It has wellness and educational tasks which are solved simultaneously and are designed to promote the physical development of children and adolescents everywhere, strengthen their health and prepare them for future work.

Means of physical education for the successful solution of related problems are divided into two groups.

The first group includes various physical exercises, outdoor and sports games, sports in all its forms.

In the second group, along with observance of the daily routine, rules of personal hygiene included hardening . The correct organization of physical education is impossible without the simultaneous use of the means included in the first and second groups, with strict consideration of the state of health, age and individual characteristics of children and adolescents, their physical fitness.

The school is designed to instill in students the necessary knowledge and skills in physical culture, mass sports and, on this basis, ensure the comprehensive physical development and health promotion of children and adolescents.


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