How to teach your child to play independently. We teach the little one to independent games

Let's face it: sometimes we get tired of our own children. We get tired of walking, feeding, playing. So much so that sometimes we choose the path of least resistance: when the child exhausted us to the end, we simply turn on cartoons for him or let him play on the tablet. However, we know that if a child knows how to invent activities for himself, he will definitely not disappear in life. But how to teach him to find his own entertainment?

1. Don't be afraid to leave your child to himself.

It is necessary to teach a child to be independent from infancy. Let him stay in the crib or playpen while you do the dishes in the kitchen. Give him enough things to explore - toys, soft books, hanging modules - and over time, a child's natural curiosity will take its toll.

2. Create the right environment

Psychologist Margaret Paul says that the very first step to raising independence in a child is to create children's zones in the apartment, inside which children can behave as they want. Of course, these areas should be safe for the baby, located away from windows, heating systems, sharp corners and dangerous objects. It is not at all necessary to devote an entire room to your child - it can even be a corner in the kitchen or in your bedroom, but there should be a lot of multifunctional toys that are interesting for the child. The more uses a toy has, the better.

3. Rotate toys and play areas

Constantly change the environment for games. If the child is very young, move him from room to room so that he has more things to study. Change toys within reach every 4 weeks, otherwise the baby will play all the time only with his favorite robot, and the rest will lie dead weight. And yes, the rotation of toys is best done when the child is sleeping. Otherwise, the mission can fail miserably.

4. Help your child find a hobby

Sitting within four walls, gardening and walking is a dead end. Be a proactive parent - help your child choose a hobby that will completely capture him. Now in any major city you can find dozens of children's clubs, circles and sections. Let the experience be as diverse as possible - take your child to the aquarium, science clubs, workshops, culinary schools, show cartoons about different professions (for example, "Paw Patrol" - there is a firefighter, pilot, builder and many other professions). You see, the child himself will declare that he has firmly decided to become an engineer, or a chemist, or will pull you into some kind of design circle.

5. Give your child tasks with a specific result

Children love to imitate adults. And what could be "more mature" than an order for a specific job?

For example, you need to devote 45 minutes to cooking, and it is desirable that the baby does not distract you during this time (at the same time, you dismiss the option of cartoons and games on the tablet). Give him cardboard, pencils and felt-tip pens, stickers and ribbons and tell him that, for example, your colleague at work has a birthday, and you do not have time to prepare a card for her. Could he help you out and make the card himself while you cook? You will be surprised how diligent children become when you manage to give them a specific goal. And yes, it’s better that the need for a postcard is real, otherwise you will have a lot of problems with reporting on how the birthday person liked everything.

6. Invite your child's friends over

It doesn't matter if your child is three years old or 12 years old - inviting friends to visit will keep him occupied for the duration of their stay in the house. It is clear that you can’t leave the little ones unattended, but older children can do it on their own. Most importantly, let the child understand that he is responsible for his guest and for his entertainment. It is very good if your baby from the earliest years sees how guests are received in the house and what mother does so that the guests do not get bored.

Comment on the article "How to teach a child to play independently? 6 ways"

How to teach to play? Toys and games. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness A child of 2.5 years completely refuses if his mother is not around. She plays well by herself if I am in the same room with her.


but on the other hand, it’s good that she plays herself, and you are sitting next to me, in a conference, for example, and you’re kind of looking after the child) I do it myself)
wow, I'm not on the Internet, but I'm playing with the children here!
it was worse if she yelled - mother-mother-mother, and it would be necessary to entertain her constantly, and so she plays by herself)

no way. wait and all. such is our mother's karma)

I have a desire to teach a five-year-old to play, not so that I can participate in tournaments, but just so that I can spend pleasant summers on the court. 11:00:14, Tanima.


I have a friend who works with children (this is metro Filevsky Park,
If it's convenient, I'll give you its coordinates)

we go to a group, my son likes it and it turns out well, according to the coach, he was transferred a few months later from the younger group to 8-9 years old, he is 6.5 now. They take us from the age of 5, but you need to look at the child. Mine just wanted to for a long time, since the age of 4 he has already tried to practice with my racket. I asked about prostitutes, but we have all this at school and they told me that it was definitely early.

Child developmental psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. The situation is this: a boy, 6 years old, very athletic and very sociable ABSOLUTELY does not play any games with himself.


Did you somehow prepare him for the appearance of a sister? How does he feel about her?
School + the appearance of another child is a very big stress for a five-year-old (“I was sent to school and replaced by another child”). He requires your attention in the same volume as in early childhood, when you did not refuse him, and you perceive it as "torment", i.e. it turns out that you somehow reject him (i.e. he can perceive it this way)
By itself, if you don’t work on it, something rarely changes, it’s better to visit a psychologist.

Is it possible to leave him somewhere with peers? kind of extension?
I have the same kid with turpentine in his ass)) 4.8 age
at the age of 2 she gave it to the garden, because she yelled out loud "I want to go to the kids !!!"
independent games at home come down to jumping on the bed ...
but with friends he can play for days, you won’t drive home! (2 weeks at the dacha I saw the child only at lunchtime and at night - he walked)))
energy - a fountain, even when sitting on a chair - bouncing)))
it’s hard, of course, with such people, but being active in life is super, especially for a man
Did you try to take your son in sports? we swim, dance, from September we will go karate (a child's dream, the light in the room turns on exclusively with his foot)))
someone is interested in drawing and thinking about the meaning of life, and someone is interested in acting and communicating with different people))
what are you interested in?

how to teach to play hide and seek?. Toys and games. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with My son himself learned by playing with other children, including older ones. Can you play in the company?


understand in time! friends will help))) in the meantime, let him play as he likes, as he can

12/01/2007 02:57:44 PM, tommy

I still think it depends on the character - my eldest just recently learned to hide on the road, and the little one has long been very good at hiding and looking. And of course, the company must be suitable.

Learn to role-play. Moms, could you tell me where to find descriptions of how to develop role-playing skills with a child? The game is the experience acquired by the child to think and speak freely, without fear of criticism for possible mistakes. This new experience...


Girls thank you very much now downloaded, I will read. But I didn't find Wenger. I'll see if it's in stores.

Have you read this?
"Games and Activities with a Special Child" by Sarah Newman
The book tells how to raise a child with special needs from the first days of life and help him develop. The author, the mother of such a child, managed to create one of the best practical guides in this area.
"Games with an autistic child. Establishing contact, methods of interaction, speech development, psychotherapy", Yanushko E.A. "The book is dedicated to early childhood autism, It describes games and special methods and techniques that allow you to establish contact with an autistic child, identify repressed negative emotions and hidden fears in him and begin work to overcome them, in general help the child become more active in his Ways of development of the role-playing game, acquaintance with the surrounding world, teaching ways of interaction are outlined.

A child learns to play the violin, what should be the instrument? I studied the violin, I also taught my brothers, controlled And you should not waste time on something that you will never use. The child wants to learn to play the violin.I. Section: Holidays on vacation (advantages ...


Are you going to a music school or have you decided to study privately? :-) The budget of classes depends primarily on this moment.
Music school - 200 rubles. per month (Moscow), payment for security, I don’t remember exactly, something like 150 rubles. per month, plus voluntary assistance to the school in an amount acceptable to parents.
The myth about the high cost of playing the violin stems from the need to change the instrument as the player grows. If the piano is one for life, then the violin and bow should grow after the child, then how lucky, I had to buy an instrument for each year of practice ;-) But the price range allows you to choose: from about 3000-4000 for a Chinese or Korean model , until ..... Stradivarius.
In the music school, at first there will be: specialty, solfeggio, choir. Then the general phono, musical literature, ensemble will be added. With a rational approach, all this can really fit in 2 times a week.
It is recommended to practice the instrument for at least 1.5 hours a day, my daughter is sometimes lazy, so it turns out much less, but she has a good head and absolute pitch, so the result does not suffer much.
The violin brings up perseverance and organization no worse than ballet :-) Yes, keep in mind that you will have to pay a lot of attention to the child's posture - this is a sore spot for violinists.

We have two of the triplets playing the violin. In our case, violin lessons help to learn both perseverance and organization. They came at the age of 6.5 with modest musical abilities, but with good potential and a desire to play this particular instrument, their hearing is developing before our eyes - it’s even hard for me to believe that this happens. But I myself sit in the lessons with children, see what is there and how, and study with them at home, I haven’t played the violin, but I have a musical education, I have absolute hearing. One of the children began to study in the preparatory class since October last year, on Friday the first exam, plays the same songs as the first-graders. Now the violin is 1/16, but it's time to switch to the eighth note, both are provided by the school, and the violins are of good quality. The second child began to study after his brother, but only three months ago. It is also quite successful, although it is certainly not easy to start, but with a great desire - if there is one, all difficulties can be overcome. Next year the teacher says we will do an ensemble :)

A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Komarovsky for me fie, chew and spit it out. play patty from birth and she has grief, even if you crack! in the hospital we got used to playing patty, Temik loves...


I just sometimes made patties with my daughter during the day - she was not delighted with this, she always pulled out her hands, I didn’t insist. Sometimes she herself clapped in front of her. clap your hands to the text, a little later she began to do “flew, flew on the head sat down.” But, so that everything from beginning to end, does not.
For now, they always waved when someone left. Nastya quickly remembered this, but then forgot. Now, apparently, she remembered again and waves to everyone, even when one of us just leaves the stroller for a while (to the store, for example) .
And "high five" can be done periodically during the day.
It seems to me that it’s not worth insisting too much. The main thing is that all this be regular and unconstrained, so, in the meantime. Everything will work out for you, you'll see !!! :))

Yul, my Yarka yesterday waved at her grandmother for now :))) 5.5 months. The grandmother did achieve her goal (she taught him, showed him all the time, well, he copied her movements :))

How to teach to play together? Relationships with children. Child psychology. How to teach to play together? Well, we gathered girlfriends (7 months older) for our daughter (3 years old) at home, she was really looking forward to this and longing for it: there are no children of the same age nearby, and I don’t have friends with children ...


Imagine yourself in her place :)
The guests came, and they SHOULD behave according to HER rules :))) But how could it be otherwise? Or will a three-year-old child show us the triumph of etiquette over one's own nature?
In other words, it's normal at her age :)
If you invite many children (more than one) to your daughter, invite a professional organizer of children's parties at the same time ...

By the way, for me, in general, a very interesting topic is now - about joint games, their organization, etc. :) Since we have teamed up with two mothers here, we have been practicing with one for some time, the other is just connecting ... We take turns arranging mini-children at home. garden. :)) It is interesting that both of them are garden workers - one is a teacher, the other teaches music, so besides me, everyone has experience, but I hope that I will find my way in this matter too, now it has even become interesting, although at first scared... :)

Child developmental psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. This applies to quiet games in general. When I try to get letter blocks or colored blocks and I want to work with him, teach him some letters or colors, he just grabs it ...


The key to the problem is in your last phrase: "I want to at least sometimes sit still and teach him something, explain, see the return." This is exactly what you want, but he does not. And he is absolutely right. At this age, he should not sit with his hands folded and listen to reading, let alone study like in a lesson. The child needs to constantly do something with his hands and feet, actively participate in the process, do exactly what he is interested in at the moment, and not what you have in mind for him. Up to 4 years of age, their energy simply overflows and it is necessary to give ways for the peaceful application of this energy. These are your favorite mobile games. And reading will have to be combined with the game. Give your child the opportunity to live what you read. give him toys or objects that have a meaning related to what you are reading. Take cardboard books (which are difficult to tear) and let him leaf through them if he wants. You can arrange a whole puppet theater on the theme of the simplest fairy tales. Either buy kits from the store, or make your own. There is no need for something highly artistic. If you put your soul into some piece of cloth, it will turn into what you depict in the eyes of the child. Just be sure to give the child the main role, gradually managing the process. Don't worry about cubes either. Not all kids like them. Try to put materials that you would like to work with in a visible place accessible to the child. Follow his wishes. And if he doesn’t approach them for some time, it means that he is simply not interested now. It is useless to impose something. This can only do harm. Mobile games can also be made more structured. For example, you can not just run-jump, but walk-run-jump along a line, in a circle or in a zigzag (the contour is drawn with chalk on linoleum, then washed off) or by the number of times. You can crawl on all fours with your hands crossed (it develops large motor skills well). And at the expense of return - it is very ambiguous. The child certainly puts off in the head what we say to them. But not always they immediately can apply it. Sometimes it takes a long time before you can see the result of the work of parents. All the best. Masha.

Katya, try to observe your son and determine at what time of the day he has a peak of activity, and when - a decline. I am very familiar with your problems, at one time I also ran after my one and a half year old son with a book. And then I noticed that, unlike most children, in whom the peak of activity occurs in the morning, after waking up, my child has the most "lazy" first morning hours. He comes running to our bedroom in the morning, curls up on the bed and lies like a mouse - if only they didn’t send him back to his room. This is where I get the book; attention is sometimes enough for half an hour. Then we quietly roll onto the carpet and sculpt something from plasticine, draw, collect puzzles, I - with a cup of coffee, my son - with a glass of milk. We have breakfast late, at ten o'clock, and after breakfast my child cannot be stopped. And then in the evening, when it gets dark, we also have calm games with a bang, somewhere after dinner, the last hour and a half before bedtime. If your son loves to swim, you can read in the bathtub. Or when he swings on a swing. Many children like it when they read before bed (mine does not sleep well after that, does not allow me to leave the room, so we do not read when the child is already in the crib) or when several children get together and listen to some fairy tale. Also, maybe you read books that are too difficult for your son to understand? After all, if the child does not understand what is at stake, he quickly becomes bored. We started with elementary homemade books. Two pages - on the first "geese-geese, ha-ha-ha!" and a picture with geese, on the second - "if you want to eat - yes, yes, yes!" and a picture of a set table. That's it, they read the book :) For two and a half years - this, of course, is no longer suitable, but the main thing is to show the child that reading is not a boring obligation, but an exciting activity. Try to let him look at albums with photographs and ask him to show where Mom, where is dad, and where is he. At one time, my son really liked to paste our photos into books. If you don't feel sorry for books and photographs - try it. Or use stickers with images of familiar objects. No, that's what ruins the books. You can also try not to read word for word, but to retell in your own words, as simply as possible, without lingering on one page for a long time. And remember that a child needs to gradually get used to a new book, understand its meaning, look at all the pictures several times, and only after that he will fall in love with her. Good luck to you!

01/18/2000 00:13:06, LaryR

The role of play in your child's life cannot be overestimated. Child psychologists say that educational games lay the foundation for future success. Therefore, responsible parents make every effort to spend as much time as possible with the baby playing interesting and educational games, looking for new methods for this.

This is great, but at the age of three, individuality begins to appear, and the main thing is not to strangle it at the very beginning. How to teach a child to play independently, where to start and how to develop independence correctly, we will try to tell you in our article.

Free play: what is it?

The child is a person!

At the age of three, your baby has already managed to learn a lot: think independently, recite poems by heart, sing and dance. Child psychologists talk a lot about free play.

What is free play? This is the same game that you played with your baby, showing your leadership position in it. But at this stage of your baby's development, he will need more free play than organized activities. Give him the opportunity to play with his peers. Games with peers develop not only the individuality of the kids, but also their speech, teach them to realize their mistakes, push them to solve the problems that have arisen and develop their potential.

In short, free play is the healthy development of a child.

But first you need to teach your baby to play on their own.

Basic requirements on the way to independence: where to start?

Before answering the question of how to properly teach your child to play on their own, I would like to highlight a few basic points that you need to follow.

So, in order for the baby to be able to learn to play independently, you need:

  • Turn off the TV.
  • Do not overload your child with activities.
  • Teach your child how to play on their own.
  • Change toys periodically.
  • To praise.

How to TEACH A CHILD to play on their own 👶 Raising a child, independence 💖 Marina Vedrova

How to teach a child to play independently

How to TEACH A CHILD to play independently 👶 Child rearing, independence 💖 Baby NIK

How to teach a child to play independently. Mom's school. 12/23/2017

So, turn off the TV. The TV will constantly distract your baby from independent play. Probably, everyone had to watch such a picture when they laid out toys for the baby, laid a rug and asked him to play on his own, and they themselves went to the kitchen.

Entering the room after a while, you see that the baby lay down on the rug and looks at the TV screen with interest, because an interesting cartoon is played there. Naturally, he is distracted from the game, does not even pay attention to new toys, but watches, for example, Masha and the Bear. Therefore, the first step to independent play is to turn off the TV. At the same time, you need to turn it off in advance, and not when your baby is happy to review the cartoon.

Secondly, you can not overload your child with classes. Modern parents at an early age force their offspring to learn a foreign language, attend dance clubs, etc. This is wonderful, because at this age children are like sponges, they absorb all the lessons!

But will the child have free time for independent play? Parents need to think carefully about this issue and plan their baby's schedule so that he can properly develop his independence.

First steps towards independent play

So, the TV is off, the schedule is properly organized, it remains only to teach the child to play independently. Your first step should be:

  1. Lie down or sit down next to him and play with him, for example, cars or a store. After a while, offer him to cook porridge for Masha's doll or put his favorite toy to bed. To do this, you need to give him a small blanket, pillow, bed and offer to cover it yourself. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and let it handle itself. Fumbling with a pillow, sheet, etc. will develop hand motor skills.
  2. Change toys - this captivates the baby for a while. You don't have to buy new ones every time. It is enough to hide one part of the toys for a while. You will see how happy he will be with his new old toys!
  3. When a child plays on his own, do not forget to praise him all the time, evaluate his creativity, ask him what he is playing. Let him feel that his games are interesting and worthy of attention.

A child playing in the sandbox on his own often causes tenderness in many parents. After all, here he is - a baby, he goes through the molds, pours sand into a bucket, transports it on a truck. And only your baby follows you with a tail, constantly asking you to play with him. Is it really that important to be able to play on your own?

When the baby himself swarms among the toys, mothers exhale with relief - that's it, there is a little time to do household chores - to iron the linen, cook dinner, wipe the floors. But the ability to play independently is important not only for mom. When the kid himself comes up with a plot for his game, he develops imagination and thinking. When he tries to understand why the rings do not fit on the base of the pyramid, his logic turns on. And when he begins to speak for his heroes, you can understand what the baby is thinking about, what worries him. One mother, in a conversation with a psychologist, said that her child in the game punished the bear by going to kindergarten. Like, bear, broke a toy - go to the kindergarten. Later it turned out that the child was uncomfortable there, no one played with him, he felt like an outcast in the group. Watching a child play independently will help you better understand his inner world.

How to encourage your child to play independently

But how to start acting so that the baby no longer relies on your actions and instructions in the game? First of all, step back. No need to tell the child what and how to do in this game. Do not tell the baby that it is better to build a tower not from covers, but from cubes. Do not force her to dress a naked doll and finally collect her hair. Do not try to constantly clean up your child's toys. Accept your child's games for what they are. Don't change everything to your liking. And the kid will begin to improvise, compose, invent more.

If you want to achieve the independence of the child, give him this independence in other areas of life. If the baby does not want to eat soup, do not force feed him, with persuasion and threats. Just accept that the baby really does not want to eat this soup. If the baby does not want to wear the notorious overalls, choose what suits your child's taste, and not you. Ask him questions about the current situation more often. Ask the child how he would act in this or that case, what he thinks on this or that occasion. Children who are given the right to vote and make reasonable choices become more self-confident, they do not suffer from the fear of crossing the line. By giving the child the right to such independence, you will teach him to play without outside help.

Some children do not know how to play, no matter how strange it may sound. In addition to banal driving cars and picking up a designer, they can’t imagine other activities. First of all, you must teach the child to play. Role-playing games develop imagination, diction, acting. In general, such games are very useful and interesting. Often the child invents games himself, depending on what he saw or heard in the near future. But in some cases, the kid needs the help of parents to bring the game to life.

  1. Cafe. If a child has recently visited a catering establishment, he must have noticed who the waiters are, what they do and how they behave. Offer to put bears, dolls and rabbits at the table, and bring plates, spoons, forks yourself. Tell your child that it is imperative to feed the little visitors, wash the dishes for them and do not forget to take the money for the treat.
  2. Dolls. Games with dolls can be very diverse. The simplest is Daughters-mothers, when there is a family and some dolls perform their functions in it. It is very interesting to play Kindergarten - a large doll can be a teacher, and others can be children. You can take dolls to visit, go to the store for them, arrange a small hairdresser.
  3. Doctor. If the child has a medical kit, this is another interesting doctor game. You can put all the patients in a row - a bear, a baby with a pacifier, dolls, a cow, a hippopotamus. And everyone needs help! Someone needs to drop medicine in the nose, another needs to be listened to with the indication “Breathe, don’t breathe”, the third leg hurts - it is urgently necessary to bandage it. As the game progresses, the kid will invent more and more stories - give him this opportunity.
  4. Cook. A wonderful manifestation of independence is cooking. Of course, you cannot entrust a knife to a three-year-old child, but even a child can chop lettuce leaves with his hands, mix chopped fruits and decorate the dish with herbs. Give your little one freedom of thought.
  5. Cars. If your child loves to play with cars, great. On sale there are special flyovers with a large number of cross and serpentine roads - such a toy will certainly appeal to your child. You can take dolls in a taxi, follow the rules of the road, catch up with one car to another, and even unload buttons or beans.
  6. Animals. If you have a lot of animals in your arsenal, you can arrange an impromptu circus or even a zoo. Let the elephant sell the tickets, and let the monkey remind you that the animals can be fed cookies and apples.

In all games, try not to get into action before the baby asks you to. Even after that, do not make all the decisions - ask the crumbs what the fox is sick with and how to get to the department store by car. The most important rule for these games is to cause the child to take the initiative.

What to do if the child does not want to play alone

Sometimes it happens that the baby plays in your presence, but as soon as you leave the room, he immediately trails behind you. In this case, you need to go to the trick. Leave a stack of postcards, a jar of buttons, a bag of shreds and lace in a conspicuous place. But do not give the child this directly into the hands. As you know, the forbidden fruit is sweet and mysterious things will certainly attract your baby. Make sure in advance that the buttons are large enough so that the child does not swallow them, so that the laces are not long. The child will play with such treasures even without your presence, believe me. This will allow him to get used to the new state of independence.

If your child does not want to be alone, do not rush to run away from him. Here are some rules that will help you support and motivate your child to play independently.

  1. To get started, make sure that the playing area is convenient, comfortable, and most importantly, safe. Remove all valuables that a child can ruin, cover outlets, turn up wires, get rid of dangerous items. After all, an independent game means staying in a room without adults. In addition, the play area should be comfortable. Arrange the toys so that you can immediately play with them - dolls at the dinner table, dishes on a toy stove, a bear sleeping in a crib, pencils with a sketchbook at hand.
  2. Even if you are going to go about your business, you should not move too far from the child. If you are preparing dinner in the kitchen, keep an eye on your child from time to time. And of course, be always ready to answer all the questions and comments of the child. He still needs to feel your presence. Regularly ask the baby what he builds from the designer, who he draws and why the Masha doll did not get a cup of tea.
  3. Sometimes children give up an independent game at a time when something does not work out for them. At this time, you should immediately come to the aid of your child. Help him insert the missing puzzle, help solve the puzzle and put the right ring on the pyramid and the game will continue again - without whims and nerves.
  4. Do not interrupt the child, do not tell him that he is doing something wrong. Do not scold the baby, do not forbid him to run, jump and carry toys around the house. Now - he is the king of the game and you should not climb into this kingdom.
  5. It is very important to be proud of the success of the child and publicly demonstrate them. If the kid painted a picture with paints, show it to your grandmother - she will certainly appreciate it. And the salad prepared by the baby can be treated to dad when he returns from work.

If the child does not want to play separately, attach him to adult affairs. During cleaning, you can give the crumbs a small cloth. Little children perfectly imitate their parents - they try to cope with the vacuum cleaner, wipe the floor and walls, drag a broom.

When teaching a child to play independently, do not overdo it. It's one thing when the baby is with his mother all the time and cannot move away from her even for a minute. Another thing is when the baby spent the whole day in the kindergarten without your presence and tries to spend time in your company. Drop everything, forget about problems at work, talk with pleasure and play with your child for at least half an hour. And then, much satiated with you, the child will again be able to occupy himself. And there is no need to send the child to the nursery to play with toys when the parents are in the living room, watching TV, talking. This is cruel to say the least.

The ability to play independently is not only an opportunity for parents to free up a few minutes for themselves. This is the ability of the baby to think, create, invent, express emotions. Teach your child to fantasize, and his consciousness will be much deeper.

Video: how to teach a child to play independently

The leisure of a little one is always a kind of problem. What is so interesting to take the baby so that he is concentrated on doing it alone?

How to teach a child to play by himself? This question is asked by many mothers and fathers, and not only because of their employment. Recently, talk about the fact that children quickly get bored with toys or that they do not know how to entertain themselves has been heard more and more often.

How to teach a child to play independently? First of all, you need to show the child what to do with the doll or car. The baby will never figure it out on its own. Play a performance in front of the baby: play his dump truck, bear or cubes. Children repeat everything after adults. And it must be used.

If we talk about this topic in detail, there are several recommendations on how to teach a child to play independently:

  • First of all, take care of the play area where your baby will be engaged. The crumbs should have their own personal space, where he can come at any time, where it is cozy, colorful and fun. And most importantly, it's safe. You also need to think about the latter. Determine the play area to be sure that the baby does not stumble on some corner, that it will be warm for him to sit on the rug, etc. The play area should be such that the little one can play there alone, without every minute an adult peeking.
  • All the little things that the baby is engaged in must correspond to his age. Now almost any children's product is written for which age category it is produced. Consider this too. If the baby is less than three years old, the item should not have small detachable parts. Otherwise, the baby can swallow them, put them in the nose or ear.
  • Even if the little one is engaged alone, he will always share his success. Your assessment and reaction to his work is extremely important to him. Be sure to remember this. Show genuine, sincere interest in his buildings made of cubes, drawings, listen to what he called a dog or a bear, etc.
  • When thinking about how to teach a child to play toys on their own, try not to impose your own rules of the game on him. If, in your opinion, he has found a different use for some things and does not want to act generally, do not insist.
  • Let's have more freedom. It is clear that everything should be within reasonable limits, but remember that when explaining what you can’t do, talk about it, avoiding the “not” particle. Then the baby will perceive prohibitions more positively.
  • Do not think that if you figured out how to teach a one-year-old child to play on his own, he will sit still and do one thing for many hours in a row. A healthy baby is an active baby. The fidget will run, and jump, and break products, and try them on the tooth, and laugh, and scream. So the baby knows the world. That's how he develops. The younger the baby, the less time he can sit still and be focused on one thing.

However, it is in your power to make sure that the little one knows how to build a tower of cubes, play cars, put the “lyalya” to sleep and much more. But first you need to introduce him to these skills and so as to interest the baby.

The importance of play in a child's life cannot be overestimated. It is through the game that the baby receives most of the information that is important for later life.

But most parents have no idea that the game is a very complex activity that also needs to be taught.

What is early childhood play?

Parents can notice the very first manifestations of the game in their crumbs by the age of two. But you can't call it a game yet. The kid begins to replace one object with another (for example, a cube can turn into a bun for a toy puppy for him, and sand will replace porridge in a doll's plate). The whole game comes down to performing a single action: cooks, feeds, puts down, etc.

What is required from parents at this stage?

Adults should support the baby's interest in the games of other children.

Children at this age do not yet know how to play together, they just sit side by side, while each plays with his own toy, which is absolutely normal for this age. But parents should not sit idly by during this period. The task of adults is to form and maintain the interest of their crumbs in the games of other children. Bring the baby to the playing child, tell him that he is playing and you should not interfere, but you can help (for example, give your toy for a while). So the baby will have experience that will come in handy in more complex games.

Do not insist on the child following the sequence of actions

When a child of this age plays, his actions are scattered. Sequence is also out of the question. First, he can feed the doll "ice cream", and only then there will be "cutlets". Yes, for the baby it does not matter. Adults should not demand consistency in the performance of actions from the child. He is not up to the task yet. As for parents, they should be shown how certain actions are performed. Then the baby will cope on his own.

Do not worry if the child plays a lot

For some parents, the reason for excitement is the fact that the baby plays too much and lives in an unreal world that he invented himself. Everyone understands the fears of these parents. They are worried about the future. But ahead of time, do not sound the alarm. Take a closer look at the game of your baby, and you will understand that he is logical and does not deviate from reality. If in doubt, you can check. Place two cubes, one larger and one smaller. Invite the baby to choose which cube will replace the mother and which one will replace the child. He will make the right choice: big - mother, small - child. As you can see, everything is completely consistent with reality.

Parents should only consider when:

  • the child is very fond of a monotonous game;
  • acts illogically and is not guided by surrounding impressions (remember the example with cubes).

What changes occur in the game of a child at the age of 3-4 years

A kid of this age moves on to the next stage of development of the game. Now he is interested in relationships between people. Communication comes first. The hairdresser not only cuts the client's hair, but also talks to him, discusses the hairstyle; the seller not only sells the product, but also helps to choose it (in other words, they enter into a relationship).

The advent of the role-playing game

This is the beginning of the role play. The help of an adult here will certainly be needed. Now it is already important for the baby not just to perform some action, but to play a whole role. This is where adult help is needed.

Watch the game carefully and intervene if the chain of action is broken. The child must now strictly adhere to the necessary sequence: first he cooked, and only then he fed, but not vice versa. Adults should be attentive and tell the baby the correct course of events.

The story game develops

If there is a role, then there must be a plot. This is how story games are born. Of course, the simplest plots will be the first. This is everyday life: walking, feeding, bathing, dressing, etc. As you get older, the content of the game becomes more complex. Now the children enthusiastically play in the hospital, construction site, kindergarten. This is joined by games with socio-political content: war, space.

Parents should help develop the plot. It won't be a big deal. Your task will be to observe: how he plays, what he plays, how things are with the plots.

If you see that the game is not quite complete, be sure to help the child. Discuss the features of the profession in which the child plays; look at illustrations or films on this topic. It is possible to advise to combine several plots. For example, such an extensive plot as a journey may include smaller ones: a walk around the city, a visit to a farm, a train ride, etc. Feel free to play with your child - and the game will bring pleasure and benefit not only to him.

Pay attention to one more thing: how the child develops relationships with peers in the game. If you see that not everything is going smoothly, then find the reason and play with him at home. It may be necessary to explain how to choose the right plot and assign roles; It would not be superfluous to talk about the rules of conduct, etc. It's all very individual. It is easy for an adult to find a mistake that prevents a child from playing in a team.

What games are typical for children aged 5-6 years

The next step in the development of the game is a game with rules. These are hide and seek, tags, knockout, etc. Games of this level prepare the child for school. Those requirements that should be met during the game set up the future student for learning activities. Think for yourself: the ability to correctly evaluate your actions, endurance, self-control, the ability to obey the rules - a complete set of requirements for successful study.

P.S. Confidently move forward with your child, but in no case do not push him: for the next stage of development, nature has given everyone their time. By skipping the next step, you deprive the child of a part of the knowledge on which the success of his further development depends.
