How to wash dog urine. How to remove the smell of dog urine on the carpet with improvised means, how to clean the carpet from dog urine

A four-legged pet is not only a faithful, devoted friend, but also additional worries, responsibilities and duties. If the pet is poorly looked after and not kept properly clean, a specific dog smell will appear in the apartment, scaring away guests from the house and poisoning the life of the whole family.

The reasons. The main one is the neglect of regular cleaning, the banal “neglect”. Do not forget to wipe the dog's paws and stomach after each walk, determine the areas where the animal will not be allowed to enter - for example, a bedroom or sofas. Wash your dog's bedding at least once a month, and don't let fur build up on the floor, as it is the main source of dog odor. When wet cleaning, use disinfectants, as ordinary water will not be enough.

The intensity of amber is highly dependent on the breed. The larger the dog and the longer its coat, the more noticeable the smell will be. In addition, choose specialized products for bathing your pet, since the use of "human" shampoos or ordinary soap can irritate the dog's skin, from which the coat will only become more "smelly".

Dog odor can be removed with chlorine-based cleaners such as Whiteness.

Floor cleaners cope well with the problem, and specialty products are sold in pet stores, for example, BIO-J, Vaportek, Bio-GM, Zoosan and others. Read the instructions carefully and follow the prescribed dosage.

How to get rid of the smell of dog folk remedies

Even if the pet regularly goes to the toilet outside, the smell of wet dog hair may appear in the house. It is clear that the best “antidote” is regular cleaning, but the effect of it can be enhanced:

  1. Wipe the clean floor and furniture with an aqueous solution of vinegar (1:1).
  2. Spread fresh green apple slices around your home to absorb odor and freshen up the atmosphere.
  3. Cover the floor with cornstarch, vacuum it up after a few hours.
  4. Spray curtains and furniture with scented water (a few drops of any essential oil per spray bottle).

Wash furniture covers regularly. If the dog has a habit of basking on a sofa, armchair or bed, periodically treat his favorite corner with baking soda: rub the powder into a soft surface, leave for 30-60 minutes, vacuum up. You can also freshen up the carpet. A steam cleaner helps a lot, but read the instructions carefully: this type of cleaning is not suitable for all types of textiles.

Parquet, linoleum, clinker or laminate can be wiped with vinegar solution (ratio with water 1:3), fill the seams and joints with soda, then remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

How to get rid of the smell of dog urine

Sweep the hair and ventilate the room is easy. It is much more difficult to get rid of the smell of dog litter if the dog is urinating in the house for some reason.

Fresh stains are much easier to remove

Dog urine is quickly absorbed into soft surfaces: carpet, furniture, bedding. Therefore, first of all, remove excess moisture with a dry, clean cloth, and only then proceed to eliminate contamination.

  1. Blot the stain with cold water, but do not overdo it so that the urine does not penetrate deep into the furniture.
  2. Apply the selected agent to the pollution (they will be discussed later) and leave for the specified time.
  3. After cleaning is complete, rinse the odorous stain again with plain water and cover it with baking soda.
  4. After a few hours, collect the absorbent with a vacuum cleaner.

Carefully! Wear gloves and a respirator as urine releases ammonia and cleaning agents can irritate your hands.

Home remedies for dog urine

Make a slurry of hydrogen peroxide, "fairy" or its equivalent (1 tbsp each) and soda (2 tbsp). Rub into the affected area and wash off after a couple of hours. It is best to use the product on smooth hard surfaces (tiles, linoleum), as it will be difficult to remove from soft ones.

A solution of potassium permanganate - should be pale pink. Follow the rules in the previous paragraph, but be careful: this compound can stain the surface, so it's best to test it on an inconspicuous area first.

Pour vinegar over the smelly stain, let the area dry, and wipe it with a damp cloth. Repeat if necessary, you can replace the vinegar with lemon juice or ethyl alcohol.

Wooden parquet will save a solution of iodine (15 drops per 1 liter of water). Wipe the affected area with the product, remove moisture with a dry cloth.

Grate laundry soap, dilute with water to a mushy state, cover the stain with this mixture, rinse after 25 minutes.

Our beloved pets give us, in addition to the joy of communicating with them, a number of difficulties that arise when they are kept. For example, not everyone knows what to do if a dog has urinated on the floor or carpet. The smell of dog urine withdrawing is not easy, but we will tell you how to deal with this problem.

First steps

Other processing methods

  1. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Mix half a glass of a 3% peroxide solution with half a teaspoon of liquid soap. Apply the resulting composition and leave it for 1 hour. It is recommended to apply with gloves. Rinse the area with water afterwards.
  2. Pet stores sell special liquids to remove the smell of dog urine. They contain various enzymes and surfactants that break down urea crystals. With their help, old stains are removed, their aroma will scare away the animal, and it will not use this place again to correct natural needs. The most popular and proven remedy is Odorgon. It eliminates odors at the molecular level. The range of its application is very wide. Kills pathogenic bacteria, mold fungi and other microorganisms.
  3. You can try treating the surface with eucalyptus or cinnamon essential oil. Dogs don't like these scents. And she will avoid this place in the future.
  4. You can treat the stain with a solution of potassium permanganate. Dissolve a few crystals in water and rinse the floor with a rag soaked in the resulting solution. This method works for linoleum or laminate, but not for light-colored carpets, as they can turn pink.
  5. To remove the smell, you can use chlorine-containing products. Or popular floor cleaners: "Mr. Propper" or "Vanish". They deal with this problem quite effectively.
  6. To remove a fresh stain, laundry soap is suitable. Grate it on a fine grater, add water to a mushy state and apply on the surface, leaving for a couple of hours. Then rinse thoroughly.
  7. Medical alcohol or vodka is suitable as a means for removing stains and the smell of urine.

Carpet odor removal features

If your carpet is damaged, then you may have to process it several times, as the pile quickly absorbs urine and retains the smell for a long time. Experience shows that the most effective way to get rid of stains and smells of urine from the carpet is to treat it with vinegar essence or Odorgon.

If it was not possible to remove the smell to the end, then you will have to give the carpet to dry cleaning.

Safety in the use of funds

When removing urine with chemicals, follow the rules of work:

  1. Work in rubber or latex gloves, they will protect your hands from exposure to aggressive chemicals: acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, alkali, chlorine.
  2. When diluting vinegar, remember that acid is poured into water.
  3. Otherwise, the acid will boil and splatter, and chemical burns to the eyes and face may occur.
  4. When working with chlorine-containing fluids, use a respirator or gauze bandage to protect your respiratory system.
  5. Thoroughly rinse the surface after treatment with plenty of water. So that the remains of the funds do not remain on the floor or carpet.

Today almost every third house has a dog. Some of them patiently wait for the owner until he comes home and takes him out for a walk. But sometimes it happens that the pet is sick or nervous, or maybe tired of waiting. That's when unpleasant incidents happen, and furniture, carpets or your slippers suffer from the animal's feces. And if shoes can be washed, and the carpet can be dry-cleaned, then what about the sofa? Let's try to deal with this question, how to clean the sofa from dog urine so that there is no trace of it left.

What are the ways to remove the smell of dog urine

There are several means of cleaning things in general and sofas in particular. This is done with:

  • vinegar;
  • aerosol from a pet store;
  • baking soda;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol or vodka;
  • laundry soap;
  • bleach.

It is advisable to clean dog feces carefully, because even small remains are like a mark to which the dog will return again and again.

How and how to clean the urine of dogs from the sofa

  1. Vinegar is a universal remedy for removing unpleasant odors, including those from pets. You can simply moisten a cloth or cotton swab in a 9% solution and soak the soiled material on the furniture with it, leave it for a while, and then rub it well with a sponge soaked in water. Better yet, spritz the stain and a little around it into the air with vinegar from a spray bottle to clear the air in the room at the same time. If the stain on the sofa is small, after the procedure it is easy to dry it with a regular hair dryer. Instead of vinegar, you can take citric acid. The effect will be the same.
  2. The products that are available for sale in the pet store are unrivaled. They are specially designed for this and remove the smell of dog urine without problems. Probiotics are often added to them, which break down the molecules of the dog's hormonal secretions and recycle them. In this way, the cause of the smell is removed. At the same time, the aerosol disinfects the problem area. As a result, it becomes neutral for the dog, and he will no longer react to it. Before buying a special tool, you need to ask the seller if there will be stains on the furniture upholstery after the aerosol.
  3. Baking soda is poured onto the pre-moistened stain. You can still dilute it to the consistency of sour cream and spread on top. Leave the product for a while, and when it dries, vacuum the sofa. You need to clean up well. For the material and for people, there is no harm from soda. Just over time, the remaining powder will absorb moisture from the air and attract dust.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide is good at fighting urine odor. Half a glass of this liquid is mixed with one glass of water and the stain is treated with the solution, and then washed with clean water. The entire procedure must be performed with gloves. This method is suitable only for the upholstery of a white sofa, stains will remain on the colored one from peroxide.
  5. Alcohol or vodka also deodorize problem areas well, and their smell discourages the animal from marking this place again.
  6. Laundry soap removes the smell of urine well and does not spoil the upholstery. Pollution is treated with a brush dipped in a cool soapy solution, left for a while and then washed well with clean water.

Each of these methods is good in its own way. Choose which one suits you best. According to most pet owners, vinegar is best from folk remedies. It won't ruin the fabric or leather on the sofa and will remove the "mark" permanently. Never try to just wash the problem stain with water, as you will increase its size, and the ambre will remain.

How to Remove Old Dog Urine from the Couch

Such stains should ideally be dry-cleaned. But you can try to apply vinegar, peroxide and baking soda in stages:

  1. First, the stain is soaked in vinegar.
  2. When it dries, the problem area is covered with soda.
  3. Next, you need to pour 100 ml of 3% peroxide and half a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid or liquid soap into the sprayer. Add water to make a total of 200 ml of the mixture, then shake. Sprinkle it on top of the soda. It will be covered in foam.
  4. Then after a while, rinse with water and dry with a fan.

The problem will disappear, because the constituents of the urine are thus decomposed into carbon dioxide and ammonia, and they evaporate very quickly.

Precautions during cleaning

Baking soda is mild and is considered a fairly gentle cleaning powder. But even it is not suitable for every type of fabric. Professionals working in dry cleaning advise before using any of the folk remedies, first try it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material in the most inconspicuous place on the furniture. The best option is to do it on the back of the sofa. Especially carefully you need to clean upholstery made of materials such as:

  • natural and artificial leather;
  • fabric with the addition of silk and wool threads;
  • tapestry, flock, chenille, velvet and velor;
  • canvases with cotton and linen.

If your puppy or dog went to the bathroom and went to the toilet on a new branded rug, you will need to learn how to make sure that dog urine does not smell all over the house. To clean up, you can use home remedies, make your own odor neutralizing agent, or use purchased analogues. To learn more about everything, proceed to reading step 1.


The use of household products to neutralize the smell

    Remove moisture from the wetted area with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a liquid collection function. Vacuum up urine that has fallen on the carpet or floor covering. This will prevent the urine from soaking deeper into the carpet or into the layers of the flooring. It will be very difficult to get rid of urine that has penetrated into the deep layers.

    • If you don't have a vacuum cleaner with a suction function, place several layers of newspaper or paper towels over the puddle. It is best to do this immediately after the dog has made a mistake. Remove the wet paper and replace it with new paper until the paper is no longer wet. This will prevent the urine from soaking deep into the carpet.
  1. Use an ultraviolet lamp to identify areas of dried urine. If you were unable to remove the urine immediately and are not sure where the smell is coming from, you can use a cheap UV lamp to find the places where the dog has gone to the bathroom. After finding such a place, mark it by placing an object next to it so as not to lose it again.

    • Cheap UV lamps can usually be found at home improvement stores or hardware stores.
  2. Prepare a solution of vinegar and water. The solution should be 50% vinegar and 50% water. For example, if you are taking 2 cups of water, then you should mix it with 2 cups of vinegar. The amount of solution needed will depend on how large the area affected by the dog urine is.

    Apply a generous amount of the solution to the urine stain. It is necessary to use a large amount of the solution so that it is absorbed into the deeper layers of the carpet, while eradicating the smell of urine. The solution will help soften and neutralize hardened deep areas of the stain.

    Rub the stain carefully. Use a new sponge or cloth to rub in the vinegar solution. This will get rid of hardened patches of urine in both the outer and deep layers of the carpet or floor covering.

    Vacuum over the stain again. After you've rubbed the vinegar solution in, vacuum over the stain, sucking out the solution and the split, neutralized urine.

    • Again, if you don't have a vacuum cleaner, use paper towels or newspaper to collect the solution and split urine.
  3. Sprinkle baking soda on the urine stain. After drying the stain, sprinkle the entire area with baking soda. It will ensure complete neutralization of urine.

    Mix hydrogen peroxide with dishwashing liquid. Mix 250 ml of 3% peroxide with 5 ml of plain dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle. Make sure you use 3% peroxide. More concentrated peroxide can damage carpet or flooring. You should also make sure that the dishwashing liquid does not contain bleaching ingredients, otherwise stains may appear on the carpet.

    Spray the peroxide mixture onto the stain. Lightly spray the area covered with baking soda. Then put on gloves and give the stain a good scrub with a new sponge or brush that you don't plan to use again (except for the same cleaning).

    Let the stain dry completely. This may take several hours. Once the stain is no longer damp to the touch, go over it again with the vacuum cleaner, picking up any baking soda that may not have mixed with the peroxide.

    • Be aware that old urine stains are likely to stain your carpet.
  4. Prepare your cleaning mix. Dissolve 200 g of Epsom salt or potassium alum in 800 ml of water to make 1 liter of solution. Pour the solution into a spray bottle to make it easier to treat the contaminated area.

    Fight urine stains. If the urine is fresh, blot it with paper towels, newspapers, or a vacuum cleaner with a liquid-collecting function. After cleaning up as much urine as possible, spray the cleaning compound onto the stain. Let it soak into the urine stain for a few minutes.

    • If the urine stain is old, spray the solution on it and let it soak for 30 minutes or more. The longer the solution works, the more effectively it breaks down the urine that has dried on the carpet.
  5. Dry the solution. After 3-4 minutes, wipe off the solution and blot it with paper towels or vacuum it up. So you will remove the urine split by the solution. After the stain is relatively dry, apply the solution again. Let it dry this time. The dried solution will continue to fight bacteria in the stain.

Using ready-made odor neutralizers

Choose a tool. There are two categories of cleaners that can be used to neutralize urine odor: enzymatic cleaners and oxidizing cleaners.

    Try using enzyme products. They contain enzymes that break down urine into molecules that can be eaten by a special type of bacteria contained in the product that does not cause odor. Examples of such funds include:

    • 100% Natural Pet-Dog-Cat Urine and Stain Odor Remover by Nature's Secret Weapon™, Stink-Free™ Urine Odor Remover, Remedy Roco & Roxie Supply™ Pet Stain and Odor Remover, Best Carpet Enzyme Cleaner by Bubba's Rowdy Friends Pet Supply Inc., and Urine-Off™.
  1. Try oxidizing agents. They can be applied directly to areas that emit residual urine odor. These products neutralize odor by killing odor-causing bacteria and can prevent your pet from reusing the stained area as a litter box. They also contain substances that remain after application and continue to neutralize odors by binding waste products and preventing the growth of bacteria and mold.

  2. When washing urine off concrete, use three times the amount of neutralizing agent. For example, if the dog poured a quarter-cup puddle, then you should use three-quarters of the neutralizer.
  3. When treating carpets that are heavily soiled with urine multiple times, it is best to lift the carpet and clean the floor as well. If this is not done, then there is a possibility that the smell will continue to stand out.
  4. If you're cleaning a car seat, use twice the amount, given that car seats are much more absorbent than most carpets and flooring.
  • The strong ammoniacal smell of dog urine is the result of waste products generated during protein metabolism. You can reduce the amount of protein you give your dog (after consulting with your veterinarian) by feeding your dog a homemade dog food.

With the advent of a dog, extraneous, unusual aromas appear in the house, and they are far from always pleasant. Therefore, novice dog breeders often search the Internet for information on how to get rid of the smell of dog urine. If you can still put up with the smell of wool, then urine is unlikely. The puppy still does not understand where it is possible to relieve the need, and where it is impossible. And puppies can't stand it very much.

The only way out is to clean up after your pet in time until he learns to go to the toilet outside.

How to get urine smell out of carpet

When a puppy has soiled a carpet or upholstery of upholstered furniture, after drying, the stain will begin to emit an extremely unpleasant odor. First you need to dissolve the already dried puddle with water. It is advisable to wear gloves before doing this. After the stain is soaked, you need to take dry rags and wipe dry.

When you buy a puppy, get an enzymatic cleaner right away. Its purpose is to break down the protein molecules contained in the urine, which emit that very unpleasant odor. Before applying an enzymatic neutralizer, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​carpet or upholstery (otherwise, a burnt spot may remain in a visible place). The enzyme should be left for 15 minutes and then soaked with a damp cloth.

It often happens that the urine has dried up a long time ago, but the unpleasant smell still continues to irritate, and the source of the stench is difficult to find. For such cases, we recommend. With it, not a single speck will hide from you, and it will become much easier to deal with the stench.

It is removed from the sofa by the same means as from the carpet. If the method described above does not help, it is advisable to take the carpet or upholstered furniture covers to a dry cleaner. But we still recommend learning how to remove these odors, testing different methods. Otherwise, having a puppy at home, huge sums will be spent on dry cleaning.

Removing the smell of urine from the floor

In fact, there are a lot of tools that help get rid of a nasty smell. We have compiled a list of the most effective ones that can be found in the nearest supermarket or pet store.


Vinegar is a versatile remedy. Its main advantage is that its fumes do not harm human health, and the smell quickly disappears. Take the usual 9% vinegar and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Pour the resulting solution into a bottle, put on a spray bottle, spray it in the place where the puddle was. When the solution dries, wash the treated area with a mixture of water and dish detergent. If desired, vinegar is replaced with citric acid, the effect will be the same.

Hydrogen peroxide

To remove stink without using strong smelling mixtures, use hydrogen peroxide. The only drawback is that peroxide cannot be used on carpets or furniture; the fabric fades from this. Peroxide is ideal for processing linoleum or tiles.

To prepare the composition, pour 20 milliliters of peroxide into a container, a spoonful of dishwashing detergent and add 2 tablespoons of soda. The resulting mixture is applied to the place from which it is necessary to remove the unpleasant odor, and leave it for about an hour. Residues are removed with warm water and a sponge.

Potassium permanganate copes well with various odors. Since it slightly stains the surfaces it is placed on, we recommend using it exclusively on dark-colored floors and furniture.

We take the crystals and dilute them in water, then we process the surface that emits an unpleasant odor. If the pet has spoiled it recently, we make a pink solution, but if the smell has already managed to seep into the material for a long time, the solution should look more like black than red. There is no need to remove potassium permanganate, just wait until it dries. If the smell is not gone, the procedure should be repeated.


Before you use bleach in your apartment to eliminate the smell of urine, make sure that the surface will withstand such an aggressive detergent. To prepare it, you need to mix water and bleach in a ratio of 10 to 1. After treating the place polluted by the dog with this solution, wait about 20 minutes, and then wash it thoroughly with warm water.



The most common medical alcohol will help not only remove the stain and smell, but also prevent urination in this place in the future. Alcohol has a strong aroma that will scare your pet away in the future. This is the most affordable and practical remedy for the smell of dog urine, which can be found in any store or pharmacy (both alcohol and plain vodka can be used).

First, we moisten the polluted place with alcohol using a spray bottle. Then take a rag and carefully rub it into the surface.

One of the most effective and affordable products is the Hartz Stain and Odor Remover. The composition of the spray does not include substances that adversely affect the structure, color or integrity of the treated surface. We recommend that with it the fight against stink will be many times more effective.

Laundry soap

You can use a soapy solution to remove fresh stains and odors from fabric surfaces. First, grate the soap on a fine grater, then mix the shavings with a little water. Apply the resulting slurry to the source of the smell and wait about 20 minutes. Soap is removed with a damp sponge.


We add soda to a small amount of water until a slurry is obtained, which is applied to the place chosen by the animal as a toilet, and remains there until completely dry. The remaining crust can be swept up or removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice has the same effect as vinegar. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1, then sprayed onto the problem area, which should be wiped with a dry cloth 20 minutes after spraying.

Also in stores there are a lot of special tools to beat off the smell. Just go to the hardware store, buy the product and follow the instructions exactly.

Eliminate the smell in a house with a wooden floor

If the smell has eaten into the tree, it is much more difficult to remove it, but it is quite possible. The tree is not afraid of exposure to cleaning products. We need to prepare a solution consisting of white vinegar and water in proportions of 1 to 1. We take a soft sponge, moisten it well in the solution and begin to intensively rub it into the tree. After a few minutes of rubbing, let the wine vinegar react (about 20 minutes) and wipe off any residue with a cloth soaked in warm water.

What to do if there is nowhere to buy wine vinegar? Make a lotion of hydrogen peroxide. Take a rag or napkin, soak it well in peroxide (but so that the peroxide does not drain) and cover the place where the puddle was. Leave the lotion on for about 3 hours. After this time, remove it, if there is moisture on the floor, wipe it with a clean, damp cloth.

Finally, we want to recommend you one of the most effective means to combat the stink of dog urine. costing only 425 rubles, you get an excellent product that completely absorbs odors, and does not mask them. Absolutely safe for the health of animals and their owners, does not contain alcohol and carcinogens.

If the above tips for wooden floors were ineffective and did not help, you need to take drastic measures. This often happens in cases where the owners of the dog are not particularly in a hurry to clean up the puddle after the puppy. They cite that he will make another one soon. Washing the floor once a day is not enough.

If you didn’t know this before, and there is an unpleasant aroma in the apartment and no means help, you will have to sand the wooden floor and re-varnish it. This is an expensive and time consuming procedure. We advise you to resort to it only in the case when you have already tried everything and nothing has helped.

With linoleum, everything is much easier. This is an artificial material, and it will be very difficult for dog urine to seep into it, since it takes a long time. And if this happens, any of the means described above will come to the rescue.
