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She was born on November 27, 1960 in Dnepropetrovsk. The maiden name of Yulia Vladimirovna, according to the well-known Dnepropetrovsk journalist Vadim Ryzhkov, is Grigyan. She was raised by one mother, her father left the family when Yulia was little. My whole life, since childhood, has been difficult. I was brought up only by my mother ... and my childhood and youth were spent in the struggle for existence. There are very few pleasures, no security, - confessed Yulia Tymoshenko (Sіl'ski Visti, October 9, 2004).

After graduating from the Faculty of Economics of Dnepropetrovsk University in 1984, she worked as an engineer-economist at the Dnipro Machine-Building Plant named after. Lenin. At 18, she married 19-year-old Alexander Timoshenko. In 1989, she became the commercial director of the youth center Terminal, and later became the commercial director of the Ukrainian Gasoline Corporation (KUB) enterprise. From November 1995 to January 1997 - President of the industrial and financial corporation United Energy Systems of Ukraine. People's Deputy since 1996. Since 1997, Tymoshenko has been the first deputy head of the Gromada party, in which she headed the shadow Cabinet of Ministers. Under her leadership, a program of 100 weeks to a decent life was developed.

Yulia Vladimirovna left the ranks of Hromada in January 1999, referring to the voluntaristic methods of managing the party by Pavel Lazarenko. Six months after that, Mrs. Tymoshenko became the leader of the All-Ukrainian Association of Batkivshchyna. On December 30, 1999, she was appointed Deputy Prime Minister for the Fuel and Energy Complex. With the support of the Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko made public the shady schemes for the transfer of capital from the energy sector beyond the borders of the state. As a result, the business of SDPU(o) leaders, Viktor Pinchuk and Alexander Volkov, suffered. A year later, in connection with the initiation of two criminal cases against her by the Prosecutor General's Office, she was dismissed. On February 13, 2001, she was arrested and imprisoned in the Lukyanovsky pre-trial detention center (Kyiv). After 42 days, she was released on bail.

In January 2001, Yulia Vladimirovna headed the National Salvation Forum, and then she was elected leader of the electoral bloc of her name, which received the support of 7.4% of the vote in the 2002 parliamentary elections. Led the parliamentary faction Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. On July 2, 2004, Yulia Tymoshenko and Viktor Yushchenko signed an agreement to create a coalition of people's strength and support for the leader of Our Ukraine in the presidential elections of 2004. On February 4, 2005, the Verkhovna Rada appointed Yulia Tymoshenko Prime Minister of Ukraine. A record number of deputies voted in favor - 373. On September 8, 2005, President Yushchenko dismissed Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and the Cabinet of Ministers she heads. The reason is the mutual accusations of the BYuT leader's team and the president's entourage.

A few days earlier, on September 5, Secretary of State Oleksandr Zinchenko resigned and accused NSDC Secretary Petro Poroshenko of involvement in corruption, Oleksandr Tretyakov, the first assistant to the head of state, and Mykola Martinenko, head of the Our Ukraine faction. Mikhail Brodsky said that President Yushchenko's inner circle was allegedly going to make an assassination attempt on Tymoshenko. At the same time, Mikhail Yuryevich referred to his conversation with the disgraced Russian businessman Boris Berezovsky. According to one version, Viktor Yushchenko offered Yulia Tymoshenko to dismiss several ministers in exchange for the release of a few favorite friends as a compromise. However, Yulia Vladimirovna refused this offer. In the 2006 parliamentary elections, the bloc led by Yulia Tymoshenko won just over 22% of the vote. In July, Yulia Vladimirovna was nominated for the post of prime minister by the orange coalition.

But after the SPU entered into a coalition with the Party of Regions and the CPU, Viktor Yanukovych became prime minister. After that, Yulia Vladimirovna became one of the initiators of holding early parliamentary elections in Ukraine. In the 2007 elections, the BYuT, headed by Yulia Tymoshenko, received 30.71% of the vote. In 2007, in the Top 100 most influential Ukrainians, which is determined by the Korrespondent magazine, Yulia Tymoshenko took 4th position. On December 18, 2007, the Verkhovna Rada appointed Yulia Tymoshenko Prime Minister of Ukraine. In 2007, Korrespondent magazine named Yulia Vladimirovna Personality of the Year. On February 7, 2008, the Batkivshchyna party, headed by Tymoshenko, was admitted to the European People's Party.

The real family name of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko is Kapitelman. Such data was published at a press conference in Kyiv today, October 1, by a former associate of the head of the Ukrainian government Dmitry Chobit

. "I was prompted to investigate by Yulia Tymoshenko herself, who stated that on her paternal side all Latvians up to the tenth knee, and on the maternal side only Ukrainians. But when I started looking for information about the ancestors of Yulia Vladimirovna, I found documents that show her lies. According to the data I have verified, the ancestors of Yulia Tymoshenko independently changed their surname to Grigyan, and her real family surname is Kapitelman," Dmitry Chobit said.

Yulia Tymoshenko hides her origin between Ukraine, Armenia, Latvia and...

A lot has been written and said about the ethnic roots of one of the main actors in the Ukrainian political field - Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who in every possible way emphasizes her "Ukrainianness" (although she admits that she only learned Ukrainian in 1999). Today, when Tymoshenko's claims to the highest post of the Ukrainian state are practically beyond doubt, one should expect an intensification of the discussion around this topic. At one time, one of the Ukrainian sources prefaced his article about Yulia Tymoshenko in the following way:

"A native of Dnepropetrovsk, Yulia Timoshenko is of mixed Russian-Armenian origin. Her parents' surnames are Telegina and Grigyan. Like many future powers that be, Tymoshenko had a rather difficult childhood. Her father left the family when her daughter was only two years old. However, distinguished already in her youth by a strong character, the girl was able to quickly solve her personal problems. Yulia married the son of the Dnepropetrovsk regional boss Gennady Timoshenko Alexander and almost immediately became the real head of the family ... "

In a more acute form, the topic of the ethnicity of the Ukrainian prime minister was raised by the then Minister of Transport and Communications of Ukraine Yevgeny Chervonenko. Commenting on the beating of a Jewish youth in Kyiv, he suggested that Tymoshenko could have been quicker in condemning anti-Semitism, since she herself "has a Jewish mother and an Armenian father": "I am very surprised that there was no such reaction from the government itself and the prime minister." "Minister. Especially since Yulia Tymoshenko's mother is Jewish and her father is Armenian. It was Armenians and Jews who were historically subjected to genocide," Chervonenko said.

Indeed, for a long time it was believed that Armenian blood flows in Tymoshenko's veins, because her maiden name is Grigyan. However, the BYuT leader herself denied these rumors. “On my father’s side, all Latvians up to the tenth generation, and on my mother’s side, all Ukrainians,” she said. According to Tymoshenko, "due to the mistake of the passport office staff, Vladimir Griganis turned into Grigyan."

Meanwhile, finding the origins of the Griganis family in Latvia turned out to be a complex matter. As it turned out, there is a surname Grigjanis in Latvia, in this case it is pronounced in Russian as "Grigjanis". But even such a surname is extremely rare in Latvia. There are simply no direct analogies with "Grigyanis" in Latvia. On the other hand, if the prime minister's words are true that her father's side is all Latvians up to the tenth generation, then such a surname in small Latvia would be quite common. Otherwise, it can be assumed that in the Grigyanis (Grigyanis) family, all ten generations were born exclusively girls. More often in Latvia, the variant Grigjans is found - "Grigyans", but in this case it is translated into Russian as again "Grigyan", that is, if not typically Armenian, then, in any case, definitely not a Latvian surname, but Latvianized.

At one time, the Ukrainian resource Phrase wrote in an article on Tymoshenko's ethnic roots: "As it turned out, Tymoshenko's father, who she passes off as a Latvian, is called Vladimir Abramovich Grigyan. We are ready to bet on 5 kilos of fat that you can bypass the whole of Latvia (yes and in general the whole Baltic) and not to find a single Balt by the name of Abram Grigyan (the name of Timoshenko's grandfather) ... "Indeed, Latvian philologists studying surnames unanimously say that this form of surname is not independent, but a derivative of the Armenian surname Grigyan. If the grandfather of the Ukrainian prime minister was called Abram, then in the approximate period of the life of Yulia Tymoshenko's grandfather, that is, in pre-war Latvia, there was a policy of total Latvianization of the population, when almost everyone was given Latvian names and surnames. Especially if these people were "indigenous Latvians in the tenth generation." Thus, Timoshenko's grandfather simply could not be called Abram: he either was not a Latvian, or is an invention in itself.

The search for the ethnic roots of the Ukrainian prime minister in Armenia also did not yield tangible results. As it turned out, today only one family with the surname Grigyan is registered in the capital of the republic, Yerevan. However, it is important that in this case we have an absolutely clear match with the maiden name of Yulia Vladimirovna appearing in official documents. Surprises await us in the process of finding out the origins of the Grigyan family in Nagorno-Karabakh. Local ethnographer Lev Azatyan says that the Grigyans are a well-known "gerdastan" (genus) in Karabakh, which is of aristocratic origin. "Representatives of the Grigyan family, mainly settled in the Askeran region, valiantly participated in the fight against the Ottomans, contributed to the defense of Karabakh in 1918-1921, took part in political resistance to the subordination of Karabakh to Azerbaijan in 1923 and were repressed for this during the period of Stalinism ", Azatyan said. To date, there are several dozen Grigyan families in Nagorno-Karabakh.

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At the same time, some sources in the scientific circles of Armenia claim that the surname Grigyan is often found among Bessarabian Jews or Gypsies, just like the surnames Kopelyan, Muntyan, Pomerlyan. So it is not ruled out here that the founders of the Grigyan family may be Bessarabian gypsies. In fairness, it is worth noting that in Moldova it was also not possible to find Timoshenko's contemporaries by the name of Grigyan.

The original version is put forward by the same Ukrainian resource Phrase. Developing the idea of ​​the ethnic roots of Timoshenko's father, Vladimir Abramovich Grigyan, the publication writes: "This name is quite typical for Armenian Jews. Armenian Jews (like Georgian, like Mountain Jews) are very traditional people, and it is unlikely that he (Yulia Timoshenko's father) would have married Tymoshenko's mother if she had not been Jewish." Meanwhile, attempts to check the grandmother - that is, the mother of Tymoshenko's mother - were unsuccessful: "What is the real name of Maria Iosifovna - so, according to our (and not only our) information, the name of Timoshenko's grandmother, the technologist of the candy factory, is covered in the darkness of obscurity ... But, it seems, it was possible to establish the name of Maria Iosifovna by her husband. This surname sounds strange - Nelepova ... apparently, the maiden name of Maria Iosifovna sounded so, to put it mildly, strange that she still had to change it. "

As you can see from the brief biography of Yulia Tymoshenko, it was thanks to this woman that Ukraine found its first female prime minister. Currently, Yulia is the first woman in the CIS who has achieved such a high political status. Many predict success in the upcoming elections to her. Yulia is rightly considered one of the most powerful and promising Ukrainian politicians, and even experienced analysts do not undertake to predict her career.

How it all began

The date of birth of the famous politician is November 27, the year of birth is 1960. The girl was born in Dnepropetrovsk. Family members are considered the indigenous inhabitants of the locality. Yulia's mother's name is Lyudmila, father's name is Vladimir. It is known that the father left relatives when the child was only two years old. It is known that Yulia's grandmother's name was Maria, and her grandfather's name was Abram. The man served as a senior lieutenant in signalmen, died during the fighting at the end of the 44th.

As the politician herself says, on the paternal side all relatives are Latvians, and the true surname of the father was Grigyanis, while on the maternal side the woman is Ukrainian. However, official information about the origin of the politician is rather contradictory, it is difficult to find reliable data in open sources, and the ethnic origin is disputed by many. As the compilers of the biography of Yulia Tymoshenko say, the woman's nationality is Ukrainian, but the ethnic origin of the father is debatable, there is almost no data about the mother's relatives. This provokes doubters to argue about who Yulia herself is.


As you can learn from sources telling about the biography of Yulia Tymoshenko from birth to the present day, in 77 the girl graduated from high school No. 75 in her native city. At this time, my mother worked in a taxi fleet as a dispatcher. Then the woman will tell that life was not easy in those days, she had to save literally on everything.

Remembering her childhood, Julia says that she preferred to hang out with boys - it seemed boring with girls. While still small, the future promising politician already showed her strong-willed and strong character. She was not attracted to dolls, she was not interested in role-playing games a la mother-daughter. When she first saw performances in rhythmic gymnastics, the girl caught fire in this sport and was fond of it for a long time. As you can learn from the biography, Yulia Timoshenko (maiden name - Grigyan) was a good and excellent student in different years, she never had triples.

The granite of science always has a place in life...

After school, it was decided to continue education at the university here, in Dnepropetrovsk. The girl successfully entered the Faculty of Economics, took up economic cybernetics. The university was graduated in 1984 with a diploma with honors. From that moment, Julia is a certified engineer-economist.

After 15 years, the woman, who by this time had already won the fame of a talented politician and a successful businessman, defends her diploma again, this time at the capital's university, which also teaches economics. This time the stage taken is a candidate. Yulia Tymoshenko (general surname - Grigyan) chose the regulation of the taxation system at the state level as a topic. After a successful defense, she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Sciences.

...as well as love

The girl entered into her marriage during her university studies. As you can see from an interview with a famous politician, the story of meeting the chosen one was very romantic. She says that one day her future husband got the wrong number and called not his friend, but her. The voice of the girl who answered so sunk into his soul that he insisted on a meeting - and this began their romance. The wedding was played in the 79th. The following year, a daughter, Zhenya, was born.

Business and profit

As the biography dedicated to Yulia Vladimirovna Timoshenko says, having received her first higher education, the woman got a job in her specialty. They took her, seeing a prospect in an energetic girl, to a machine-building plant. Here Julia works as an engineer-economist from the 84th to the 88th.

In 1989, she happened to take the position of commercial director at the Terminal, a center dedicated to working with youth.

O times!

If it were not for perestroika, who knows what would be written in the biography about Yulia Vladimirovna Timoshenko. Nationality and age, career and family - perhaps all these questions would not attract anyone's attention. But then the perestroika period broke out and a promising, strong-willed woman quickly realized how to use it to her advantage. For her, amazing opportunities opened up in the field of entrepreneurship.

The Timoshenkos first opened their own business in 1988 - video cassette rental. The husband's father came to their aid, at that time he worked in the regional council and was in charge of film distribution. In the 89th, together with the regional committee of the Komsomol, the "Terminal" was formed, in which the position of commercial director was retained by Yulia until 1991.

Continuing development

According to the biography of Yulia Tymoshenko, in the 91st, with the participation of her husband, she establishes the Ukrainian Gasoline enterprise. First, she holds the post of commercial director, later - general. On the basis of the enterprise, UESU was formed, where Yulia dominates in 1995-96.

As experts learned, in those days the company received huge profits. Most of the deals were made in the form of barter. To obtain energy resources, the corporation sold products of Ukrainian manufacturers. Russia became the main partner.

Politics and power

As president of the UESU, Tymoshenko at that moment controlled almost a quarter of the Ukrainian economic sector. Despite the interest of journalists who were worried about the questions of who Yulia Tymoshenko is by nationality, what a woman lives in and what her personal relationships are, it was decided to take a new step in a public career. Politics was chosen as the direction. It was then that Yulia first became a candidate in a by-election. The starting point of a career was the Kirovograd region. The result that the woman showed was one of the most impressive - 92.3%. Julia began to own the mandate of the deputy.

Once a parliamentarian, the woman soon chose the "Constitutional Center", a party that supported the president's line. As a deputy from the people, she concentrates on party work. Since 1997, Yulia Tymoshenko has had a new achievement in her biography - membership in Gromada. So at that moment the party formed by Lazarenko was called. At that moment, the man held the post of prime minister, but in the future it turns out that criminal activity accompanied his political career, and the court decided to deprive the man of freedom for corruption. Some believe that unofficially and bypassing the laws, Lazarenko transferred about 320 million dollars to the territory of America. There are also sources whose estimates exceed the indicated figure.

Continuing work

As described in the biography of Yulia Tymoshenko (we are talking about her family and her political career today), in 1998 a woman becomes the head of the Rada and is responsible for budget policy. She personally manages the "One Hundred Weeks of Worthy Living" project. True, the media could not get an answer from the authorities: why exactly one hundred weeks was chosen and why they decided to stop there. Two years later, Kuchma, then the president of the country, considers Potebenko's petition, in which the petitioner proposes to remove the woman from her post. A year later, a promising politician forms a bloc named after her.

Since 2004, Yulia, on behalf of her own bloc, has been entering into an official documented agreement with Yushchenko. This is how the Power of the People appears, designed to support Yushchenko in the upcoming election campaign. At the same time, the possibility of a new career growth for Yulia was agreed - she had a chance to become head of government. However, the first election round did not give Yushchenko the desired victory. Yulia coordinated her supporters, called for them to gather on Kyiv's Independence Square in order to defend their will. It was Julia who was the inspirer, center and leader of the protests that swept across the country - gradually they grew into a real rebellion against falsification. This period will be recorded in the history of the state as the Orange Revolution.

New prime minister

It is not difficult to find out from the biographies of Yulia Tymoshenko how many years she has been in power as prime minister: since February 2005 she has held this post, retaining it until September of the same year. The woman received her status, as it followed from the agreements concluded earlier, when Yushchenko won the elections - and for this the very first popular protest was enough. In addition, in defiance of the law, they organized the third round of elections, during which Yulia finally received the coveted post. Out of 450 members, 375 people voted for her candidacy.

What I can?

Having received maximum opportunities in her hands, Tymoshenko began to pursue her own policy. A distinctive feature of that period was a sharp increase in wages, pensions and student benefits. The woman decided to increase the allowance given to the family upon the birth of a child by 12 times.

Through the efforts of the new prime minister, an anti-smuggling program began, the re-privatization of three thousand production facilities. The state took over the Krivorozhstal metal plant, which in October of the same year will be sold 2.4 times higher than the starting price.

Not everything goes so smoothly

As you can see from the biography of Yulia Tymoshenko, already in the late spring of 2005 it became clear that the policy she was promoting did not give the results that the people expected - a crisis began, which would be called first gasoline, then sugar. In just a few weeks, the cost of the products that gave the name to the crises doubled. The prime minister began to be criticized, and the president of the state did not disregard her failure.

At the end of August, marking the national day of independence, the head of the country publicly announced that the cabinet of ministers of the current prime minister is the best possible. Quite a bit of time passed, and on September 8, by the presidential will, the entire government was dissolved. The reason for the resignation was called internal conflicts. At the same time, Presidential Secretary Poroshenko, the hero of a corruption scandal, was left without his post.

Truth and falsehood and ways to prove them

From 2005 to the next two years, as indicated in the biography of Yulia Tymoshenko, the woman is an active oppositionist. In general, her entire career, as experts say, is a continuous series of rapid ups and no less rapid falls. The Russian and Ukrainian prosecutor's offices launched several criminal cases against her. The task of the authorities was to consider the activity of the UESU in 96-97. Somewhat later, they began to investigate the incidents that occurred in 2007-2010. However, the so-called gas business brought the greatest fame to the scandalous person. In 2009, representatives of the Ukrainian and Russian authorities made an agreement on the supply of gas, according to which Ukraine found itself in catastrophically disadvantageous conditions. A little time passed, and it was Tymoshenko who was accused of compiling the official paper.

In 2010, Tymoshenko participated in the elections, but lost to Yanukovych. Having taken the presidency, the politician immediately raised the documentation that determined the cost of gas. Long court hearings began. In 2011, Tymoshenko was found guilty and imprisoned for seven years. In addition, the woman was ordered to compensate for the losses of the Naftogaz enterprise, estimated at one and a half billion local currency. The politician, who was found guilty, was escorted to the Kachanovsky colony. The decision of the court, the conclusion itself became the object of gossip at the international level. Many European politicians insisted on the need to release the woman.

A new broom sweeps in a new way

A new coup d'etat and new faces at the helm of the state - this could not but affect the fate of the prisoner. At the beginning of 2014, it was decided to release the woman, and on February 22 she performed on Independence Square, sitting in a wheelchair. Wasting no time in vain, she again took up politics. In 2014, in the elections, her result was 13.13% - second place after the winner Poroshenko. As many considered, the transition to the shadow was conscious, Tymoshenko assumed the onset of a difficult time for the country, when it was more profitable to be with the opposition.

About personal life

In the biography of Yulia Tymoshenko there is information that her wife's name is Alexander. The man is successfully engaged in entrepreneurial activity. Born in marriage, the girl studied at an economic school in the British capital, choosing philosophy and economics as an area of ​​specialization. Currently specializes in domestic folk crafts. Previously, the daughter was married to Sean Carr, thanks to which references to star relatives appeared in the sections about the family in the biographies of Yulia Tymoshenko. Carr is a musician, in addition, owns several retail outlets. At the beginning of 2012, the marriage ended, and even earlier, at the end of 2011, Evgenia regained her maiden name. A few years later, the woman remarried - to Arthur Chechetkin. In the summer of 2016, a girl appeared in the family.

Amazing and impressive

Many say that Yulia Tymoshenko's fame and success is due to her approach to politics: she is one of the few who adheres to maximalism. Many journalists call her "Lady Yu". It is said that Julia was the most important and important political prisoner in the history of her country. Many agree that the secrets that the biography is full of will never be fully disclosed. And yet, no obstacles stop her on the way to the top. Julia is fighting for power with all her might, promising her country a new course, a new life and new successes.

Curious facts

It is known that the passion for rhythmic gymnastics and success in this area were quite significant, so many assumed that the girl would have a luxurious future for the world famous athlete.

As a high school student, the girl decided to change her last name. In graduation documents, she is recorded as Yulia Telegina - this is her mother's surname.

At first, Yulia decided to study at the Mining Institute, and entered the Mining Faculty. Higher mathematics in this educational institution turned out to be an insurmountable obstacle for her, and a year later the student was expelled.
