When can I get a haircut in October. When to cut your hair in October? Favorable days for cutting hair in October

Photo: Haircut calendar for October 2018

  1. October - if you successfully choose a haircut in October, then you will transform the image and improve your mood. Painting will help add expressiveness to the look.
  2. October - hair coloring for October is not recommended. Haircuts are also fraught with consequences, as they will weaken and increase brittle hair.
  3. October is not the best haircut days. Hair will also not accept chemical dyes.
  4. october - lunar coloring calendar for october 2018 recommends getting rid of split ends, damaged, brittle, dull hair. You will do two useful things - refresh your appearance and get rid of negativity. Curls can be dyed with a natural composition.
  5. October - a haircut in October in this period of time will exceed even the wildest expectations. The result of staining will be magnificent.
  6. October - trimmed hair will not only add self-confidence, but also attract good luck. You can also dye strands. Especially in wheat shades.
  7. October - favorable days for painting, self-massage, strengthening procedures. If you do a haircut, then the one that frames the face.
  8. October - in case of urgent need, the hair needs to be cut, but apply a strengthening composition. Coloring is fraught with increased vulnerability of hair follicles.
  9. October - haircut in October, in this period, is neutral. Decide for yourself whether to go to the salon or not. But coloring contributes to the deterioration of relations with others.

The second decade of the month of October 2018 - is it worth going to the hairdresser?

  • 10 October - a haircut will lead to illness. And the color of the hair should be refreshed.
  • 11 October - if you want to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar, then it’s better not today. By cutting off the ends, you will make yourself defenseless against negativity. The neutral period for coloring, you can carry out wellness and nutritional procedures.
  • 12 October - complexes may arise due to a change in hairstyle. Hair color can be changed at your discretion.
  • 13 October - cut coarse hair. Brunettes can be painted, but not blondes.
  • 14 October - a thermal haircut is recommended for the prevention of split ends. As for coloring, the effect is unpredictable.
  • 15 October - if you do not know when to cut in October, then this day will be the perfect choice. But because of staining, depression can begin.
  • 16 October - a haircut will have a positive effect on intuition, and a change of color will ruin female friendship.
  • 17 October is a neutral day, but it is better to pay attention to bangs. Also a great reason to experiment with hair color.
  • 18 October - you can get a haircut, massage, and nourishing masks. Coloring will favorably affect the condition of the hair.
  • 19 October - not a haircut is welcome, but an extension. Hair coloring will give strength.

Third decade: choose favorable days

The 20th of October- cut hair is doomed to failure, coloring - to disappointment. Nutrient procedures are shown.

October 21- Postpone the haircut, because it does not bode well. Unfavorable time for coloring. The dark color will only add age.

22 of October– you can go to see a trichologist. For cutting and coloring - a neutral period. Wellness treatments are welcome.

October 23– any manipulations with hair are neutral. Coloring also needs to be approached carefully. High risk of damage.

the 25th of October- a haircut promises good luck in your personal life. In staining, graduation will be successful.

October 26- French style haircuts will look great. You might want to consider coloring your hair.

28 of October- ragged haircuts will be successful, and coloring will provide a charge of positive energy.

Now you know what day to cut your hair in October and you can avoid trouble.

At the first sign of “malaise” of the hair, we turn to a trichologist, and if the autumn blues covers us, which negatively affects the hairline, too, we cheer ourselves up in every possible way, wear bright outfits and drink infusions of magical soothing herbs.

And, of course, before you go to the hairdresser and do medical and preventive procedures at home, do not forget to look at our haircut lunar calendar for October 2018. And then your hair will not react to a dank autumn, but will remain beautiful, shiny and healthy.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing you should pay attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes.

It also happens that almost the entire first half of the day is perfect for a visit to the salon, and a haircut, in addition to being simply amazing, brings some additional benefits, for example, it opens up the hidden reserves of the body, but then it becomes unsafe for hair, and for the harmonious and correct course of affairs.

For clarity, let's take a look at October 17, 2018: a haircut made from 10:06 to 15:11 (Moscow time) will give you a feeling of inner freedom, open up a “second wind”, and maybe even help some of your latent talents to manifest. After the designated time, it is fraught with all sorts of cramped circumstances and betrayal of those whom you unconditionally trust.

Please note that in October the Moon sometimes moves into another sign of the zodiac after the beginning of the next lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, recommendations are given taking into account this factor.

As an addition to our haircut lunar calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 6, 7, 17 (from 10:06 to 15:11), 18 (after 15:41), 19.

Best days for hair removal: 3 (until 23:11), 25, 26 (until 22:08), 29, 30.

First decade of October

October 1, Monday, 22nd lunar day(until 21:36, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

A great day for a haircut - it will help you stop worrying about some minor reasons and attract favorable circumstances to you. Coloring will also be successful, as well as a light curl. In the salon, you can do ionization, but home procedures will not bring any benefit.

October 2, Tuesday, 23rd lunar day(until 22:31, later focus on the 24th lunar day), 4th quarter, Moon in Cancer.

An extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with hysterical states and the occurrence of problems with physical health. Coloring, salon and home treatments will have a bad effect on the hair.

October 3, Wednesday, 24th lunar day(until 23:39, later focus on the 25th lunar day), Moon in Leo.

This day is suitable for a haircut only if you have worn long hair for a long time, and now you have decided on an ultra-short crew cut. Coloring is not forbidden, but it is better to refrain from using excessively intense dyes. At home, you can make a healing or firming mask based on blue clay or algae.

A great day for a haircut - it will not only turn out luxurious, but also significantly raise your self-esteem, give you inspiration, attract admiration and love from others. For primary staining, it is recommended to use reddish, golden and wheaten tones or their harmonious combination. Carving will be successful. At home, you should make a vitamin mask.

October 5, Friday, 25th lunar day continues (until 0:57, later focus on the 26th lunar day), the Moon is in Leo.

In the remaining 57 minutes from the 25th lunar day, you can make a nourishing honey-based mask or experiment with styling for special occasions.

October 6, Saturday, 26th lunar day(until 2:21, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

A completely favorable day for a haircut - it will help you become more liberated, believe in yourself, and begin to actively use your existing talents and abilities. Coloring is not forbidden, but you should not start a complex multi-stage process - you will not have the patience to sit in a hairdressing chair for several hours. In addition, it is not recommended to agree to those additional salon procedures that you did not plan - they will not bring benefits, you will just waste your money. At home, you can make a firming mask with the addition of wheat germ.

October 7, Sunday, 27th lunar day(until 3:46, later focus on the 28th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

And again, a good day for a haircut - it will attract some additional material wealth to you, and on a physical level it will have a very positive effect on the structure of the hair. Coloring is not forbidden, but you should not use unnatural shades. Any home treatments will be extremely effective.

October 8, Monday, 28th lunar day(until 5:11, later focus on the 29th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

This day is also great for a haircut - it will favorably affect your relationships with others, make you more tolerant of other people's shortcomings, and help you find the right words in an important conversation for you. During the initial staining, black and other gloomy tones should be avoided. All home procedures will give excellent results.

October 9, Tuesday, 29th lunar day(until 6:35, later focus on the 1st lunar day), New Moon, Moon in Libra.

An extremely unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring, home and salon procedures. In addition, you should not experiment with styling, and if you have long hair, do an asymmetrical hairstyle.

October 10, Wednesday, 1st lunar day(until 7:57, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

This day is also not suitable for haircuts and other hairdressing manipulations - dyeing will significantly weaken the hair, and home procedures will not give the result you expect.

Second decade of October

October 11, Thursday, 2nd lunar day(until 9:16, later focus on the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

And again, the wrong day for a haircut - it will have a bad effect on the structure of the hair. Coloring, salon and home procedures should also be avoided. Yes, and the selection of a future hairstyle and time to visit the salon is recommended to be postponed to a more favorable moment.

October 12, Friday, 3rd lunar day(until 10:33, later focus on the 4th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Today it is worth going to the hairdresser only if you do not have problems with the nervous system. In the absence of stress, depression, neurosis, and in the presence of a great desire to radically change something in life, you can radically change your haircut and hair color, but it’s better not to paint in black - it will not allow positive changes to occur. Home and salon procedures will not bring benefits.

October 13, Saturday, 4th lunar day(until 11:45, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

A great day for a haircut - it will in some way make you wiser and at the same time more decisive, help you use your own and other people's experience in a timely manner, and set you in an optimistic mood. Coloring will also be successful, however, if you live with extremely conservative relatives, then refrain from multi-color coloring with blue, pink, green shades - they will not understand you. In the salon, you can do cauterization or lamination, and at home, a nourishing mask based on dairy products is recommended.

October 14, Sunday, 5th lunar day(until 12:50, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

And again, a very suitable day for cutting and coloring, however, it is better not to change the usual shape and color - you are unlikely to be comfortable in a new look. At home, you can make a mask based on fat components.

October 15, Monday, 6th lunar day(until 13:46, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

This day is unfavorable for haircuts, but it is great for primary and secondary coloring, for firming and healing masks based on white clay, for acupuncture head massage and washing it with bread or egg yolk.

October 16, Tuesday, 7th lunar day(until 14:33, later focus on the 8th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Capricorn.

Today it is worth refraining from haircuts, coloring, salon procedures and those homemade masks that include an egg. To prepare nourishing hair mixtures, use vegetable or fruit purees, such as pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.

October 17, Wednesday, 8th lunar day(until 15:11, later focus on the 9th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

On the 8th lunar day, which falls on October 16, and on the 17th until 10:06, it is better to refrain from cutting. After 10:06 (and before 15:11) it will be very successful, and on a metaphysical level it will give you a sense of inner freedom, new strength, both moral and physical, and even, perhaps, help reveal some of your latent abilities. ; in the salon you can try innovative procedures, while homemade masks will not bring any benefit.

October 18, Thursday, 9th lunar day(until 15:41, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

A categorically unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with cramped circumstances, betrayal of those you trust, doubts that will prevent you from making the right and extremely important choice for you. You should also refrain from coloring. Home treatments will not help, but will harm the hair.

October 19, Friday, 10th lunar day(until 16:06, later focus on the 11th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

A great day for a haircut - it will give you inspiration, contribute to the emergence of truly brilliant ideas and, perhaps, help you make some kind of discovery or invent something, besides, it will save you from the accumulated negative energy. In addition, you can make fantasy coloring and carry out the ionization procedure in the salon, but homemade masks and rinses will be useless.

October 20, Saturday, 11th lunar day(until 16:27, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

On the 11th lunar day, which falls on October 19, haircut and coloring will be very successful - you can experiment with shape and color, radically change your hairstyle. But directly on the 20th, you should not cut your hair and paint, but a treatment mask will give an excellent result, however, not cooked on your own, but bought in a specialized store.

Third decade of October

October 21, Sunday, 12th lunar day(until 16:45, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

An unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and salon procedures. At home, you can rinse with mineral water or herbal decoction, as well as a light nourishing mask.

October 22, Monday, 13th lunar day(until 17:02, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

Not a good day for haircuts, coloring, salon and home treatments. In addition, directly on October 22 after 10:32 a.m., you should also refrain from using hot styling devices and hard fixing styling products, as well as from using those balms and shampoos that you doubt the quality of.

October 23, Tuesday, 14th lunar day(until 17:19, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

An unfavorable day for a visit to the salon, for home procedures, for using a hair dryer, styler, alcohol-containing styling products and for washing your hair with very hot water. It is also undesirable to do your hair with sharp hairpins - microtraumas are likely, which will heal for an extremely long time and will negatively affect hair growth.

October 24, Wednesday, 15th lunar day(until 17:37, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Full Moon, Moon in Taurus.

An extremely unfavorable day for any hair manipulation. If possible, leave them alone and do not use any heat styling tools or styling products of any kind.

October 25, Thursday, 16th lunar day(until 17:57, later focus on the 17th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

A great day for a haircut - it will give you some great ideas to increase income and optimize relationships with relatives, and on a physical level it will favorably affect the structure of your hair. Coloring is not forbidden, you can make a slight lightening, but it is recommended to use natural shades. Any home treatments will be very effective.

October 26, Friday, 17th lunar day(until 18:22, later focus on the 18th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

An excellent day for a haircut - it will attract new financial flows to you, make you more successful commercially, improve relations with relatives and with those people who are useful to you at this stage of life. For primary staining, it is recommended to use juicy and rich natural shades. Homemade masks, especially aimed at strengthening hair and their enhanced growth, will give an excellent result.

October 27, Saturday, 18th lunar day(until 18:52, later focus on the 19th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

It is quite an auspicious day for a haircut - it will reconcile you with some circumstances and help you consider the positive aspects of what you are now unhappy with. When creating a new image, it is worth focusing on the current psychological state and what your other “I” wants. However, at the same time, try not to accidentally repeat the hairstyle of the lady with whom you often communicate and appear together in public, otherwise you will find yourself in an awkward situation. Home treatments will not bring benefits.

October 28, Sunday, 19th lunar day(until 19:32, later focus on the 20th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

An extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with gossip about your person, which will have a bad effect on your reputation and prevent you from getting what you are aiming for. You should also refrain from coloring, salon and home procedures.

October 29, Monday, 20th lunar day(until 20:24, later focus on the 21st lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Not the right day for a haircut, but quite favorable for coloring and for healing, strengthening and nourishing masks based on seafood.

October 30, Tuesday, 21st lunar day(until 21:28, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Today it is worth cutting your hair only if you decide to get rid of long hair and make an ultra-short hairstyle. Coloring is not forbidden, but it is not recommended to use unnatural shades and repaint from blonde to brunette. Of the home procedures, the most effective will be restoring, healing and strengthening masks based on algae.

October 31, Wednesday, 22nd lunar day(until 22:43, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), 4th quarter, Moon in Leo.

An unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and salon procedures. At home, you can make a nourishing mask with honey or a tonic mask with ginseng.

Text: Nadezhda Popova

A haircut according to the lunar calendar helps to avoid the negative influences of the moon. Keep in mind that there are days with negative energy. In addition, the Lunar haircut calendar for October 2018 will help you attract money, happiness and good luck!


Haircut lunar calendar for October 2018

For my calculations, I take into account: the phase of the moon, the lunar day, the transit of the moon in the sign of the zodiac, the periods of the moon without a course. This is the most accurate and detailed lunar haircut calendar for October 2018.

It is strictly forbidden to cut hair on lunar days 4, 9, 23, 26, 29. Also, you should not cut your hair on the Full Moon and New Moon. In addition, the period of the Moon without a course is not suitable for cutting hair (and it happens every 2.5 days).

Haircut on the waning moon: from October 1 to 2, 2018

ATTENTION! The time indicated is Moscow, so take into account the difference with Moscow and make your own calculations.

Haircut October 1, 2018

  • Until 21:01 - Moon without a course. Cutting hair is not recommended. On the Moon without a course, cutting hair is contraindicated.
  • After 21:01 - 23 lunar day, the Moon is in Cancer. On the 23rd lunar day, a haircut is contraindicated. This is a very dangerous day in its energy. A haircut can worsen health, attract problems.

Haircut October 2, 2018

  • Until 22:31 - 23 lunar day, Moon in Cancer. On the 23rd lunar day, a haircut is contraindicated. This is a very dangerous day in its energy. A haircut can worsen health, attract problems.
  • After 22:31 - 24 lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Hair cutting is possible, but it must be borne in mind that it will weaken the connection with parents and family.

Haircut on the aging moon: from 3 to 8 October 2018

Cutting hair on the aging moon is possible and timely. But it is important to consider the fact that the hair will grow slowly. A haircut will help you gain wisdom, peace, inner balance. This haircut cleans, soothes. It is not possible to cut hair on the aging Moon on all days, since there are many negative ones. On the aging moon, a haircut will help you find inner harmony and satisfaction. ATTENTION! The time indicated is Moscow, so take into account the difference with Moscow and make your own calculations.

Haircut October 3, 2018

  • Until 11:33 - 24 lunar day, Moon in Cancer. Hair cutting is possible, but it must be borne in mind that it will weaken the connection with parents and family.
  • From October 3 11:33 to October 4 0:12 - Moon without a course. Cutting hair is contraindicated. A haircut will be useless and unfavorable.

Haircut October 4, 2018

  • From October 3 23:39 to October 5 0:57 - 25 lunar day. Moon in Leo. On the 25th lunar day, it is not recommended to cut your hair. This can be bad for the psyche.

Haircut October 5, 2018

  • Until 0:57 - 25 lunar day. On the 25th lunar day, it is not recommended to cut your hair. This can be bad for the psyche.
  • After 0:57 - 26 lunar day. A haircut on the 26th lunar day is contraindicated. This is a very negative energy day.

Haircut October 6, 2018

  • Until 2:20 - 26 lunar day. A haircut on the 26th lunar day is contraindicated. This is a very negative energy day.
  • After 2:20 - 27 lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Hair cutting is very favorable and timely. It will help you become wiser, improve your intellectual abilities. Hair will grow slowly.

Haircut October 7, 2018

  • Until 3:46 - 27 lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Hair cutting is very favorable and timely. It will help you become wiser, improve your intellectual abilities. Hair will grow slowly.
  • From 3:46 to 17:03 - 28 lunar day. Moon in Virgo. A very good day for a haircut. It will help to find harmony, as well as to establish a connection with other people.
  • From October 7 17:03 to October 8 4:10 - Moon without a course. Shaving is not recommended. The haircut will not be favorable.

Haircut October 8, 2018

  • Until 5:11 - 28 lunar day. Moon without a course. On the Moon without a course, it is contraindicated to have a haircut. The haircut will be unfavorable.
  • After 5:11 - 29 lunar day. This is a very dangerous, treacherous and full of negativity day. Haircut is contraindicated.

New Moon haircut: September 9, 2018

It is generally accepted that you need to cut your hair on the New Moon. But in fact, this is not entirely true. You can cut your hair after the New Moon. On the day of the New Moon, a haircut is contraindicated, since the aura and immunity of a person are weak. During this period we are the most vulnerable. Getting a haircut on a New Moon can undermine your health, as well as degrade your aura's defenses. That is why on the day of the New Moon itself, you need to refrain from cutting your hair.

Haircut October 9, 2018

  • New moon, visibility of the moon 0%. The haircut is unfavorable.

Haircut at the Young Moon: from 10 to 16 October 2018

It is believed that cutting hair on the young Moon is the most auspicious. And so it is. This is the most useful period for cutting hair. Firstly, this is a time of renewal at all levels, so a haircut will help start some new stage for yourself. Secondly, the energy is very favorable on the young moon. A haircut during this period will help improve health, attract finances, and become happier. ATTENTION! The time indicated is Moscow, so take into account the difference with Moscow and make your own calculations.

Haircut October 10, 2018

  • Until 7:57 - 1 lunar day, New Moon. Shaving is not recommended.
  • After 7:57 - 2 lunar day, Moon in Scorpio. Haircut possible. 2 lunar day is a great day for a haircut, when you can attract finances and well-being. But on the Moon in Scorpio, it will drastically change both your appearance and your whole life. Be ready for anything.

Haircut October 11, 2018

  • Until 9:16 - 2 lunar day, Moon in Scorpio. Haircut possible. 2 lunar day is a great day for a haircut, when you can attract finances and well-being. But on the Moon in Scorpio, it will drastically change both your appearance and your whole life. Be ready for anything.
  • After 9:16 - 3 lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. A very dangerous combination of an active 3 lunar day and the Moon in Scorpio. A haircut can radically change life, make it more dynamic. But if you are in a bad mood or the day is not going according to plan, it is better to postpone the haircut.

Haircut October 12, 2018

  • From 02:12 to 12:53 - Moon without a course. On the Moon without a course, it is contraindicated to have a haircut. A haircut will not be timely and useful.
  • After 12:53 - 4 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut on the 4th lunar day is unfavorable. It can undermine immunity, catch up with unnecessary fears and sadness. The respiratory organs are especially vulnerable after a haircut on this day.

Haircut October 13, 2018

  • Until 11:45 - 4 lunar day. A haircut on the 4th lunar day is unfavorable. It can undermine immunity, catch up with unnecessary fears and sadness. The respiratory organs are especially vulnerable after a haircut on this day.
  • After 11:45 - 5 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. This is a very auspicious day for cutting hair. Sudden discoveries may come, a haircut will help expand your capabilities. It is important to have a haircut in a good mood.

Haircut October 14, 2018

  • Until 03:58 - 5 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. This is a very auspicious day for cutting hair. Sudden discoveries may come, a haircut will help expand your capabilities. It is important to have a haircut in a good mood.
  • From 03:58 to 22:17 - Moon without a course. Haircut is contraindicated. It will not be useful and timely.
  • After 22:17 - 6 lunar day, Moon in Capricorn. The haircut is good. A haircut will not only improve the health of your hair, but also your position in society and social status. A haircut will help you achieve success.

Haircut October 15, 2018

  • Until 13:46 - 6 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. The haircut is good. A haircut will not only improve the health of your hair, but also your position in society and social status. A haircut will help you achieve success.
  • After 13:46 - 7 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. A haircut will help you become more confident, more successful, win the sympathy of other people. A haircut will not only improve the health of your hair, but also your position in society and social status.

Haircut October 16, 2018

  • Until 14:33 - 7 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. A haircut will help you become more confident, more successful, win the sympathy of other people. A haircut will not only improve the health of your hair, but also your position in society and social status.
  • After 14:33 - 8 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. The haircut is very favorable. It improves health and prolongs life. This haircut will help express your talents and abilities. A haircut will not only improve the health of your hair, but also your position in society and social status.

Haircut on the Growing Moon: from October 17 to October 23, 2018

The period of the growing moon is very favorable for cutting hair. There are many good days for a haircut in this phase of the moon. Cutting hair on the growing moon will strengthen your health, make you more attractive. During this period, leaders, purposeful individuals need to get their hair cut. In addition, cutting hair on the growing moon will help influence the pace of your life. This is a great time for a haircut, but it does not affect hair growth in any way. Since in order for hair to grow faster, you need to cut your hair on the young moon. To slow down - on the aging one. ATTENTION! The time indicated is Moscow, so take into account the difference with Moscow and make your own calculations.

Haircut October 17, 2018

  • From 0:49 to 10:36 - Moon without a course. Haircut is contraindicated. Cutting hair on this day is unfavorable.
  • After 10:36 - Moon in Aquarius. Cutting hair on the Moon in Aquarius is very dangerous. It can negatively affect your health and the health of your hair.

Haircut October 18, 2018

  • The Moon is in Aquarius all day. Cutting hair on the Moon in Aquarius is very dangerous. It can negatively affect your health and the health of your hair.

Haircut October 19, 2018

  • Until 23:21 - Moon in Aquarius. Cutting hair on the Moon in Aquarius is very dangerous. It can negatively affect your health and the health of your hair.

Haircut October 20, 2018

Haircut October 21, 2018

  • Moon in Pisces. On the Moon in Pisces, you can’t cut your hair either. This can lead to problems, fears, deterioration of health. Money will flow like water through your fingers.

Haircut October 22, 2018

  • Until 9:59 - Moon in Pisces. On the Moon in Pisces, you can’t cut your hair either. This can lead to problems, fears, deterioration of health. Money will flow like water through your fingers.
  • After 9:59 - Moon in Aries. The Moon in Aries is the last of the Moon transits in October 2018, on which it is contraindicated to cut your hair. A haircut can undermine immunity and aura protection.

Haircut October 23, 2018

  • Moon in Aries. The Moon in Aries is the last of the Moon transits in October 2018, on which it is contraindicated to cut your hair. A haircut can undermine immunity and aura protection.

Full Moon Haircut: September 24, 2018

The full moon is a very dangerous time, as it is ruled by chaos. Cutting hair on the Full Moon is strictly contraindicated. This haircut can create havoc both on the head and in the mind. Worst of all, a haircut on the Full Moon will create complete confusion in life. In addition, a haircut on the Full Moon can bring trouble, as darkness and negativity reign in the world. In the Full Moon, all forces wake up: both good and bad. Haircut is recommended to be rescheduled for another time.

Haircut October 24, 2018

  • The phase of the moon is Full Moon, the visibility of the Moon is 100%. Full moon - 19:45 Moscow time. Haircut is strictly contraindicated.

Haircut on the Old Moon: from October 25 to October 31, 2018

Hair cutting on the waning moon is possible. During this period, there are many favorable days for cutting hair. Hair will not grow faster, but slower too. A haircut on the waning moon will help improve health, one's own strength, and become more self-confident. Also, cutting hair on the waning moon will make you more attractive and charming. But it is important to consider the influence of each individual lunar day. ATTENTION! The time indicated is Moscow, so take into account the difference with Moscow and make your own calculations.

Haircut October 25, 2018

  • Until 19:45 Moscow time. Full Moon Action. Haircut is contraindicated.
  • After 19:45 17 lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Hair cutting is very favorable. It will help you become more attractive, meet your love, and also attract finances.

Haircut October 26, 2018

  • Until 17:49 - 17 lunar day, Moon in Taurus. Hair cutting is very favorable. It will help you become more attractive, meet your love, and also attract finances.
  • From 17:49 to 22:41 - Moon without a course. Haircut is contraindicated during this period. It will be useless and disappointing.
  • After 22:41 - Moon in Gemini. 18 lunar day. A haircut today is undesirable - it can attract problems and theft.

Haircut October 27, 2018

  • Until 18:52 - 18 lunar day. Moon in Gemini. A haircut today is undesirable - it can attract problems and theft.
  • After 18:52 - 19 lunar day. Moon in Gemini. The haircut is very favorable. It will serve as a cleansing from diseases, problems, negativity.

Haircut October 28, 2018

  • Until 07:37 - 19 lunar day. Moon in Gemini. The haircut is very favorable. It will serve as a cleansing from diseases, problems, negativity.
  • From October 28 07:37 to October 29 02:27 - The moon is off course. Haircut is contraindicated during this period. It will be useless and disappointing.

Haircut October 29, 2018

  • Until 02:27 - Moon without a course. Haircut is contraindicated during this period. It will be useless and disappointing.
  • From 2:27 to 20:24 - 20 lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Cutting hair on the 20th lunar day will help you gain strength of mind, gain energy, become more successful and active. But a haircut on the Moon in Cancer will weaken the connection with parents and family.
  • After 20:24 - 21 lunar days. Moon in Cancer. A haircut will bring good luck. But a haircut on the Moon in Cancer will weaken the connection with parents and family.

Haircut October 30, 2018

  • Until 21:28 - 21 lunar days. A haircut will bring good luck. But a haircut on the Moon in Cancer will weaken the connection with parents and family.
  • After 21:28 - 22 lunar day. Moon in Cancer. A haircut on the 22nd lunar day will make your life more peaceful, help improve your intellectual abilities and memory. But a haircut on the Moon in Cancer will weaken the connection with parents and family.

Haircut October 31, 2018

  • From 05:31 to 5:42 - Moon without a course. Haircut is contraindicated during this period. It will be useless and disappointing.
  • From 5:42 to 22:43 - 22 lunar day. Moon in Leo. A haircut on the 22nd lunar day will make your life more peaceful, help improve your intellectual abilities and memory. Cutting your hair during the Moon in Leo will improve your hair, make it thicker. Life will become happier, you will be able to realize yourself, you will become brighter and more interesting in the eyes of others.
  • After 22:43 - 23 lunar day. Hair cutting is contraindicated. This is a very dangerous and negative lunar day.

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Changing the image with the help of a haircut contributes to changes in the subconscious: at the energy level, we “cut off” everything unnecessary and obsolete when we cut our hair.

However, in addition to the positive effect, a haircut can also lead to negative consequences: it is not for nothing that our ancestors were so reverent about hair and endowed it with mystical power. Signs and beliefs about hair will help you understand the intricacies of a haircut.

When to cut your hair in October

October 1 - 2: waxing moon in the constellation Aquarius. This period is favorable for unusual, creative haircuts and a complete change in your image. Hair will grow faster, become healthier and look well-groomed.
October 3 - 4: The moon will continue to grow and move into the constellation Pisces. This time is good for trimming split ends, but not for a radical haircut. Any care procedures and masks during this period will also have a good effect on your hair.
October 5 - 6: Moon in the constellation Aries. The 5th Full Moon in Aries will contribute to the accumulation of energy. At this time, you can cut your hair if you want to give it shine and volume. October 6 is an extremely unlucky day for going to the hairdresser. A haircut on these lunar days may disappoint you.
October 7 - 8: waning moon in Taurus. During this two-day period, ultra-short or unusual haircuts should not be planned: there is a high probability that the trip to the master will be unsuccessful. But any care procedures or a regular model haircut can be very successful.

October 9 - 10: The waning moon will move into the constellation of Gemini. The air element of this Sign will contribute to the successful cutting of curly hair. A haircut at this time will help the hair to gain splendor and lightness, but can make the hair naughty.
October 11 - 12: waning moon in the constellation Cancer. Cutting during this period can make your hair frizzy, dull, and difficult to style. A trip to the master can be planned for this time only if you want to get rid of the excessive guardianship of your loved ones. Otherwise, you should not cut your hair at this time.
October 13 - 15: The moon will continue to go through the waning phase and move into the constellation Leo. Cutting your hair during this three-day period will help your hair stay in shape for a long time, hair will become thicker and acquire a healthy shine. October 16 - 17: waning moon in Virgo. This period will be extremely favorable for cutting and styling hair of any type. A hairstyle made at this time will retain its shape for a long time, the hair will become thicker, but may grow somewhat more slowly than usual.
October 18 - 19: Moon in the constellation Libra. On the first day of this period, a haircut can make the hair naughty, as well as significantly slow down its growth. Dailyhoro.ru website experts advise devoting this day to hair care procedures. The new moon on October 19 will allow the hair to accumulate positive energy: on this day, you can cut it if you want to get rid of negative memories.

October 20 - 22: Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The first two days of this period are good for cutting weak, dry and damaged hair, making it stronger, thicker and more manageable. On October 22, it is not recommended to visit a hairdresser: a haircut on this day is likely to be unsuccessful.
October 23 - 24: waxing moon in the constellation Sagittarius. This period is well suited to just trim your hair a little, but doing a model haircut on October 23 and 24 is not recommended. Hair will grow back very quickly after visiting the hairdresser, and the haircut will lose its shape.
October 25 - 27: The moon will continue to go through a growth phase and move into the constellation Capricorn. This three-day period will be extremely favorable for any kind of haircut. Hair will become healthier, well-groomed and shiny, and the hairstyle will retain its original appearance for a long time.
October 28 - 29: waxing moon in the constellation Aquarius. At this time, haircuts of an unusual shape, complex and asymmetric, will be successful. If you have been wanting to change your image for a long time, then October 28 and 29 are the best time for any experiments with hair.
October 30 - 31: Waxing Moon in Pisces. The end of the month will pass under the sign of the water element. During this period, haircuts for long hair, care masks, lamination and hair treatment will be successful.

What makes our eyes stop and consider a complete stranger? Figure? Well-groomed? Quality of clothing or hair? By no means! First of all - the general image of a mysterious character. Our sense organs clearly scan the stranger (or stranger), then transmit the received information to the brain. The latter, within a short period of time, decides whether this person disposes us to communicate or not.

Creating your own unique image is a whole art, consisting not only of choosing stylish clothes and going to a beauty salon; true mastery is the ability to reveal one's zest - it is this that distinguishes and distinguishes a person from the crowd.

A very important element of the image is a beautiful head of hair. Today we will talk about how to create an interesting hairstyle, about the features of an autumn haircut and about hair in October in order to saturate this December day with the bright colors of a bygone autumn ...

The original haircut is the main highlight of the image

In our article we will talk about autumn women's haircuts. More specifically - about when the fair sex should give their beautiful curls into the hands of a professional in October, read on).

French women have long understood that original haircuts can work wonders. And if you pick up a small accessory for a stylish hairstyle, such as a hat or hairpin, or select a few strands in a different color, then any girl turns into a mysterious stranger.

What is the best haircut?

  • One that emphasizes interesting facial features.
  • The one that is in harmony with the style of the girl's clothing.
  • The one that reveals the unique zest hidden in each of us without exception.

Stylish and bright autumn hairstyles

So the golden autumn has come ... It pleases people with a variety of colors and its peaceful calmness. Isn't it the best time to treat yourself to a beautiful hairstyle? Then let's go to the world of beautiful well-groomed hair! We will also tell the opinion of astrologers about November-October.

The variety of autumn hairstyles is fascinating. In fashion:

  • various squares;
  • cascades;
  • sensual hairstyles for wavy hair.

But in addition to the creative approach to choosing a haircut, there is another important aspect: choosing the most successful time for this action. The whole point is to cut your hair (and dye - why not?) on that wonderful day when the stars in the sky converge in such a way that the hairstyle will turn out outstanding and last for more than one month. To do this, you need to have information about the lunar cycles and their effect on hair growth. The next story will be about them.

Relationship between hair and lunar cycles

It turns out that there are favorable and unfavorable days for creating hairstyles.

If you get a haircut on a “good” day, your hair will look healthy and grow quickly. If the desire to experiment with hair occurs on an unfavorable day, the hairstyle will look mediocre, and the hair will slowly grow and split at the ends.

That is why it is very important to know about "good" and "bad" days. Both are inextricably linked with the cycles of the moon.

It has long been known that the night moon in the starry sky has an effect on people. Especially on the fair sex: many feel good on the new moon, but during the full moon, the mood, on the contrary, deteriorates.

What does a haircut done on an auspicious day contribute to?

If the day for going to the salon is chosen correctly, this will contribute to:

  • increase in energy potential;
  • improvement of the financial situation;
  • health promotion;
  • lack of self-deprecating thoughts;
  • minimizing apathy;
  • smile of life luck;
  • great mood.

On what days is the relationship between the position of the moon and the condition of the hair most noticeable?

  • On the 27th day of the lunar cycle.
  • With the Moon in the sign of Scorpio.
  • At the fourth waning quarter of the moon.

So, we choose for a haircut in October. Then consider the remaining lunar metamorphoses.

Recognized as the best day for cutting and coloring the issue. Giving your hair at the disposal of an experienced hairdresser, you will achieve an even haircut and excellent volume that will delight not only you, but also the people around you. Also, the 27th lunar day is 24 hours of complete understanding with loved ones.

A haircut during the patronage of Scorpio over a night companion means changes, and it is possible that they are serious. It is impossible to say for sure whether they will be good or bad. Much depends on the mood of a particular person and the level of his vital energy. Astrologers also warn of possible disagreements with the second half. It becomes obvious that the Moon in the sign of Scorpio is an ambiguous period for cutting hair.

The fourth waning quarter of the Moon is the period of patronage of the fiery element over the night companion. The militant goddess Eris commands fire. Astrologers unanimously say that at this time any manipulation of the hair is strictly contraindicated. In addition, there is an active waste of female energy. Shave only when absolutely necessary. For example, if you need to suddenly change your appearance.

It is worth remembering that for each of the 12 months of the year, the days listed above will fall on different dates. It all depends on the specific lunar cycle. This is the effect that the lunar haircut calendar for October has on the fair sex.

Ancient Egyptians - the first compilers of lunar calendars

The first observations of the moon were made by the ancient Egyptians. They established the relationship between the movement of the night star and the well-being of people. Read more about the lunar haircut calendar for October.

Features of hairstyles in the middle of autumn

When to cut hair in October - read in this section. The hairstyle made on the growing moon will look best. Hair will grow quickly, look silky, and the roots will delight with their natural strength. If the goal is to slow down the growth of hair, a haircut should be on the waning moon.

Astrologers do not advise haircuts on the following days of the lunar cycle:

  • at the new moon;
  • on the 9th day;
  • at 15 and 23 days;
  • during solar and lunar eclipses;
  • during magnetic storms.

Venus in Libra is the perfect time to improve your appearance

After the publication of Gray John's book "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus", the planet is recognized as the patroness of the fair sex. Therefore, in addition to the lunar cycles, one should pay attention to its position in the sky. When Venus is in her native zodiac sign - in the sign of Libra, nature itself disposes to experiment with hair.

Venus is often ruled by the balancing sign of the zodiac in mid-autumn. If such a successful period of time fell in October, then information about hair will be useful. They are recognized:

  • 17-20 numbers;
  • 26-27 number.

These days can generally be devoted to the occupation of appearance: they are favorable both for cosmetic procedures and for improving the figure.

This is how the planet Venus affects the beauty of hair in such an interesting way.

Lunar haircut calendar for October 2015

Time flows inexorably fast: quite recently it was the beginning of October in the yard, and now it is New Year's Eve.

What is a year of time within our native Earth? In fact, this is a very short period of time. Especially for a person whose life is interesting and multifaceted.

Therefore, we consider it right to bring the lunar haircut calendar for October 2015. So, which days are considered desirable, which are frankly undesirable, and which are neutral for original hairstyles?

Of course, astrological forecasts may change over the coming period of time. However, practice suggests that some specific days may change; lunar cycles remain unchanged (now you know what the lunar haircut calendar for October is).

Therefore, already now the reader has a unique opportunity to choose a day for visiting a hairdresser. Now he knows when to cut his hair in October.

The influence of the constellations on the moon

Astrologers have long noticed that the Moon is ruled by various signs of the zodiac on any given day. We remind you that there are 12 of them. This number corresponds to the number of months in a year.

We list which constellations have a positive effect on hair, and which do not. Let's start with the last ones:

  • Fish - contribute to the occurrence of dandruff.
  • Aries - weakens the hair follicles.
  • Cancer - makes hair very naughty.
  • Leo - a haircut during the reign of this constellation is suitable for people who are hungry for life changes.
  • Scorpio - contributes to drastic changes in personal life (only for brave people who are not afraid of change).

Constellations that affect hair in the most positive way

  • Virgo - those who sincerely love unruly curls or neat curls are obliged to go to the hairdresser these days.
  • Taurus, Capricorn - cut hair is filled with strength and ceases to be dull (this is especially true for brown-haired women).
  • Libra and Gemini provide rapid hair growth, as well as the transformation of a sparse head of hair into a lush mop.
  • Sagittarius helps strengthen hair and attract good luck.

These are the interesting things that the lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring tells about in October and the whole year as a whole.

The influence of the Moon on the human body is an indisputable fact that not only astrologers, but also scientists agree with.

In the article, we examined the influence of the companion of our planet on women's hair. The information received will help every girl and woman to determine favorable days for creating a fantasy hairstyle that will make her image mysterious and amazing.
