Compliments to employees for good work. Cool and funny sms compliments

Irresistible compliment [Trouble-free methods of influence] Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich

Compliments at work

If you want to compliment me, compliment my brains.

Christina Young

Only the boss himself can distinguish flattery from a compliment.

Igor Karpov

We spend a significant part of our lives at work, and success, mood, and satisfaction with our work depend on our relationships with managers and colleagues. Compliments significantly improve these relationships.

Your overwhelmed colleague will greatly appreciate it if you compliment him for helping you: "It's good that we have people like you, always ready to help."

It is traditionally believed that words of approval and compliments can only be spoken by the boss to subordinates. But a kind word and the boss is pleased! So why shouldn't the subordinate take the initiative? Here are examples of compliments you can give your manager:“You know how not only to lead people, but also to empathize with them.” Or: "You care about the people you work with." Perhaps, while this is a bit of an exaggeration, but it can (due to the inspiring effect of compliments, which we have already discussed when considering the psychological foundations of compliments) push him to work on his business image. Then he has a chance to hear the sincere: “You not only taught me how to organize my work, but also changed my life.” Or: “Before, entering the office, I felt so stressed that I wanted to run away from work. Now everything is different.” And further: “My work has meaning, self-confidence, and all this is thanks to you!”, “You are strict, but fair.” Believe me, after these words you will not notice excessive severity from your boss. A compliment is the best policy.

But one should not praise for qualities that a person does not at all strive to improve, because he considers it superfluous or unnecessary.

For example, one of your colleagues, a fairly tough leader, believes that wasting compliments is not at all the dignity of a real organizer. He is convinced that subordinates cannot be pampered. And if you try to compliment him: “I heard that you are brilliant at giving compliments!”, then he will most likely be offended.

The manager will probably be pleased to hear from one of the employees that he is a "great leader." But at the same time, he knows that his job is to be a good leader. And therefore, if they say that he is a good leader, this may mean for him that he is simply doing what is supposed to be done. It is much more important for him to understand what exactly makes him a “great” leader. For example: “As a leader, you are an exceptionally positive example of integrity.” Or: “When I see how big a place family takes in your life, I understand how important it is to have this in your life.”

Compliments to subordinates significantly improve their attitude towards work. In Chapter 3, we discussed the Pygmalion effect. (psychological phenomenon of justified expectations), consisting in the fact that the expectations of managers regarding the results of the work of their subordinates can influence these results themselves. The expectations of managers who highly appreciate the level of professionalism of their subordinates are justified. Managers, initially tuned in to the poor performance of their subordinates, get it. Compliments to subordinates are an effective way to increase their productivity!

Compliments to subordinates are a property of top-level leaders. Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great, identified the main difference between such leaders. It lies in the fact that all these people have humanity. He coined the term humility– the ability to understand and support other people in their development. How to "compose" a suitable compliment to a subordinate? He advised the following.

Every time, listen carefully to what your interlocutor (in particular, a subordinate) says. Do not rush to build a defense and condemn. Avoid quick assessments.

Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. Take a pause to realize what your interlocutor said and understand his motivation: why he said it. And only then start talking back.

Try to see the situation through the eyes of the person you want to understand.

Only then can you give a nice personal compliment, which will set your interlocutor for improvement and development. And always remember that the most important thing in a compliment is its sincerity.

compliments to colleagues. You wanted from the bottom of your heart to compliment a colleague who quickly completed the task, and praised: “Well, well done!” But this did not please him, and he snapped.

This is because (as we explained in Chapter 1) praise and compliments are completely different things. When we praise someone, we act as an evaluator: “Well done, you did a great job!” It seems to be nothing offensive, on the contrary, solid positive emotions. However, the interlocutor did not express gratitude. Because you seem to have risen above him, releasing praise from top to bottom, like a parent who praised a child for finally doing a good homework.

If you really want to give a compliment, then your position should, on the contrary, be a little from the bottom up. There may be several options here.

Option 1. You express your admiration: “I am always amazed at how easily and quickly you can handle such difficult tasks!”

Option 2. You do not hint at your inability, but openly point to it: “Wow, how you instantly grasp everything! And yesterday I struggled with this problem for a long time, but I did not solve it. ” This is the most irresistible compliment.

Option 3. You can use a compliment hint. You say thoughtfully: “Now I understand that experience and education are priceless things.” Works flawlessly.

A few more good compliments to colleagues:

Natasha, your smile cheers me up for the whole day!

Igor, and how do you manage to bring only good news?

The more specific the compliment, the better. "You brilliantly answered difficult questions in a recent meeting." "You managed to focus the attention of the audience on our plans."

"You're a good person" sounds weaker than “You know, you helped me so much with the report!” By the way, when we give ourselves the trouble to notice the specifics, it is much easier for us to be creative.

The following instructive story testifies to the importance of compliments in a team. The head of the Russian company (an American) forbade employees to compliment each other, fearing that they could be perceived as “sexual harassment”. The employees did not appreciate this great victory for the American feminists: some found themselves another job, others began to work worse, and the newcomers did not stay long. The American did not take into account that Russian women are used to the emotional support they usually receive in the form of compliments.

Examples of praise and concretization of merits in compliments

Praise (and possibly flattery): Nina Mikhailovna! You are a very tactful and charming woman!

Compliment: I understand, Nina Mikhailovna, why so many people admire you: you are tactful and charming

Praise (and possibly flattery): Nikolai Filippovich! Your performance was amazing!

Compliment: Nikolai Filippovich, you had excellent contact with the audience, your convincing arguments made a strong impression on everyone. Great performance!

Praise (and possibly flattery): You are a wonderful leader, Alexander Nikolaevich!

Compliment: Alexander Nikolaevich, you not only know how to manage people, but also empathize with them. Thank you!

Praise (and possibly flattery): Vladimir Nikolayevich! You are a very smart and insightful person!

Compliment: Vladimir Nikolaevich, you always find time for some pleasant little things that bring special joy

Praise (and possibly flattery): You are a wonderful hostess, Natalya Vasilievna!

Compliment: Natalya Vasilievna, you are a wonderful hostess, always keep the house clean and cook delicious food!

Praise (and possibly flattery): Konstantin Alekseevich! You have a great sense of humor!

Compliment: You have a great sense of humor, Konstantin Alekseevich, your jokes always cheer people up

Praise (and possibly flattery): Vladimir Petrovich! You are a true hard worker and master of your craft!

Compliment: You are a master - "golden hands", Vladimir Petrovich, you do everything quickly and efficiently!

Praise (and possibly flattery): Excellent, impeccable work, Marina Alexandrovna!

Compliment: Your flawless performance of the task, Marina Alexandrovna, received the highest rating from the customer!

Praise (and possibly flattery): Katya, you enjoy great authority in our team

Compliment: You are the soul of our society, Katya, you are very attentive, caring and tactful

Praise (and possibly flattery): Vlad, you are a true friend!

Compliment: You are a true friend, Vlad, like no one understands me and is always ready to help.

This list can be significantly expanded by attracting many compliments from three similar lists in Chapter 4 - the compliment table and two lists in the "Exercise" subsection. In the mentioned table, it is enough to replace the word "partner" with "colleague".

However, let me remind you that the “blank compliments” on the lists become irresistible compliments only after as complemented by suitable specification.

I wish you success!

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Starting the topic of compliments, I thought only that "these are all wonderful moments of love." However, later, when the focus was narrowed down to the topic "Compliments at work", I realized that a compliment is a powerful and terrible weapon and you need to use it carefully and competently, because. it can raise a person from the ashes, but it can also plunge you into a whirlpool of trouble ....

Today we will talk about the art of a compliment in the field. Those. how to show your affection to a person so that the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe, and the shepherd is alive and well ...

We will talk about situations when you really admire the actions of a colleague, want to express it, but at the same time do not want to be misunderstood.

Giving compliments at work is like walking on a razor's edge. The result may be very far from what you expected.

If you want to express your admiration or approval, but do not aim to have an on-the-job affair, then you need to know in advance the pitfalls that lie in wait for you in this field.

It's not a secret for anyone that non-verbal perception prevails over verbal one, or, in other words, HOW you say it is more important than WHAT you say.

Imagine your boss says: "Colleague, you did an excellent job with this project. I was pleasantly surprised by the level at which you solved the tasks. I look forward to further work with you"

Simple, rather kind, but also moderately dry phrases. Now imagine that the boss says all this in a low voice, taking you to an intimate corner, standing close to you and twisting your hair around your finger ... A completely different perception, and the meaning, apparently, is completely different.

Compliments - on the razor's edge ...

As an illustration, consider a wonderful film by Eldar Ryazanov. Moreover, it is fortunate for us that there are two service lines: a female boss - a male subordinate and a male boss - a female subordinate.

Situation 1. A male subordinate wants career growth and, on the advice of a friend, begins to court the boss. A lonely female boss is deprived of male and purely human attention, and therefore behaves harshly and even rudely. To flourish, it is enough for her to feel the interest of the seemingly most unprepossessing employee...

His compliments are awkward, stupid and ridiculous - "I have no one dearer than you for several days now." But there is something in him ... and no one has cared for her for a long time ... but deep down she is still a woman ... It turned out not what was planned: she turned out to be a wonderful, gentle and sensitive person, he felt like a man, confident and strong able to support a "weak" woman. And it all started with banal compliments.

Situation 2. The boss wants only a career, and cupids at work do not fit into his plans. This is a normal attitude, but he makes the mistake of lavishing compliments on the women in the organization, including his former lover. In his opinion, he behaves adequately: amiable, correct, and with other women this model of behavior works perfectly ... But in the compliments addressed to Olechka, intimate tenderness is heard.

And the problem is that there is no intimacy, no tenderness, in general, for a long time, but the seeds fall on fertile soil - artificial (in memory of the past) tenderness revives true love, which knows no conventions and cannot stop ... "You have no flaws. You are made up of only virtues"- this is not a compliment, this is a confession ... Who is to blame? He was courteous on duty with compliments... just in the wrong tone.

What do you want in your workplace? Find a new love or strengthen the team? Flirt or make a career?

A compliment is a terrible force and in inept hands can lead to unpredictable consequences..

If you do not want your colleague to flirt with you, and then call you at home and breathe hot in your wife's ear, keep in mind: your compliments should not feel love and care. Only Respect.

Compliments are harder for men. It is enough for them to feel your respect in order to become interested in you, and sincere compliments simply do not happen without respect. How to be? There is a nuance here. If you do not want to be pressed in dark corners, you should pronounce your compliments with self-respect, as an equal to an equal (in the end, even though he, say, is your boss, but the same, in essence, a mere mortal). Only your respect for yourself will make others respect you.

Universal rules for a compliment in office conditions

For managers to subordinates:

  1. It's better to say compliments in front of other people.
  2. Compliments about professionalism, not about appearance
  3. Compliments should not be ambiguous both in words and in tone.
  4. The touch should be neutral: put a hand on the shoulder, pat on the shoulder, shake hands
  5. Compliments should not be numerous, with or without reason - this will be perceived as flirting or as pressure

For subordinates to management:

  1. Better in the presence of other people
  2. Not excited!!! Except when something out of the ordinary happened, for example, the boss saved the Universe from aliens or, at worst, the company from collapse and brought it to the leaders. Otherwise, your words and superiors and colleagues will be perceived as undisguised flattery.
  3. Talk only about existing virtues, those that a person himself knows and highly appreciates.
  4. Compliments should not be ambiguous or promising
  5. Touch should not be! If your admiration for the actions of the leadership knows no bounds, you can ask permission to shake hands - there is such a thing as subordination.
  6. Compliments should not be ingratiating - this will be perceived as obsequious

What to praise or neutral compliment topics?

  1. company
  2. team
  3. Hobby, if you know about it or a cursory examination of the office catches your eye
  4. Children
  5. Job well done
  6. Qualities of character
  7. Skills
  8. Demonstrated erudition (only if you own the subject yourself)

Compliments in a letter

Perhaps for management - this is the best way to maintain good relations in the team. But there is also a condition

  1. Letters should be sent to all team members
  2. The text should not be universal, printed "carbon copy"
  3. Each letter should contain an individual text, it will take a lot of time, but it will pay off many times over with the loyalty of the team
  4. Praise in a letter should not be a cliché.
  5. The letter should not take up three pages. Enough postcards

How to write such a letter

  1. Think about what actions you are grateful for this particular person.
  2. Write down five qualities for which you respect this person. Try very hard - every person has such qualities
  3. Compose a letter. Use the diagram first
Erofeevskaya Natalya

Expressing your own positive attitude towards another person in the form of compliments is not only cooing a couple in love or the initial stage of trying to please a representative (or representative) of the opposite sex. It is believed that in such cases it is the destiny of a man, and to accept (or not to accept) is the direct responsibility of a woman. But compliments appear not only in love affairs and in cautious attempts to make acquaintances - correctly and tactfully expressed admiration is appropriate everywhere. Since a compliment should rightfully be considered a serious tactical weapon when establishing contact with a stranger or unfamiliar person, or for maintaining close relationships, its careful use is recommended in the field of business interests and communication.

A compliment, as a figure of speech, serves as an expression of affection for another person, but for this it must be correctly formulated and said.

The ability to give compliments at work is a subtle psychological science and not everyone is able to master it: if necessary, an elegant compliment can increase the self-esteem of the one for whom it was intended, the right words allow you to perk up, cast aside doubts, decide on the right choice. But a clumsily crafted compliment will not only alienate others from you, but also “give” a host of troubles, whispers in the corners and sidelong glances of colleagues - getting rid of a negative impression will cost a lot of work, which may not be crowned with success at all.

"Working" compliment - subtle and appropriate

If compliments in close and romantic relationships are spoken appropriately and out of place - all the same, they are accepted kindly and do not seem superfluous, then in the work environment, expressing admiration for the actions of a colleague is recommended only if it really takes place. If nothing extraordinary happened, and you were almost choked with eulogies in delight, then at least it looks out of place, as a maximum - you will pass for a person who is narrow-minded and prone to sycophancy, since such an ordinary event caused you a storm of unnecessary emotions. Or the praised one will decide that you need something from him, and will not be too lazy to distance himself.

Being misunderstood at work is possible always and everywhere, for this you don’t even need to sing praises to the environment. Work is a place where everything is often simple and concise, and therefore the usual “Yes, it was great!” sounds much more appropriate than “Wow! How cool is that! You are great, dude! How I would like to be like you! And why am I not as brave/strong/smart as you??” Such an excessive expression of enthusiasm not only does not fit into a dry work environment, but also belittles the dignity of the speaker.

How to give compliments at work?

The key question in the working environment will be exactly the question “how”, and not “what”, since even simple words of joy for a colleague and his success, spoken in a languid low voice with melodramatic wringing of hands and rolling eyes, will sound completely different than those expressed calmly and evenly. tone.

Phrases of a “working” compliment should be constructed simply and kindly, but moderately dry and formal.

It matters who you compliment:

it is important for a man to build a statement in such a way that it reflects his social and social significance, in words there is a respectful attitude towards him and his merits;
a woman would like to feel that she is loved not only as a valuable employee, but also as a charming person, and therefore a compliment can be slightly embellished with a mention of her personal virtues - a spectacular appearance, memories of the delicious pies that she treated last Friday, etc. .;
and compliments to the boss are a separate category - this is thin ice, and you need to walk on it, weighing and reconciling each step: an uncomfortable and rude, overly "sweet" or pompous compliment will show you as a person prone to servility and eager to move up the career ladder, even if that's not the case at all.

It is also important to catch the right moment for a compliment: usually these are cases when "a spoon for dinner is expensive." An event worthy of praise has occurred - express it as soon as possible, without delay: they will be appropriate here and now. And it’s definitely not worth repeating: a compliment said twice, and even with the same words, is a mauvais ton, which completely crosses out all the pleasantness from the first time in the side receiving the words of admiration.

A compliment should not be banal and cliched: better less, but your own, than hackneyed on-duty phrases, but on-duty phrases are better than nothing

Neutral touch (a handshake or a light touch on the shoulder) is allowed only if the compliment is given by the boss to the subordinate. Such actions when complimenting a subordinate to a boss are evidence of bad taste and.

How to accept compliments at work?

This point is not difficult for those who are polite, amiable and tactful in themselves. For others, it is important to learn to accept compliments calmly and: just thank and smile (even if the compliment is strange, incomprehensible and causes double feelings). In no case should you object to your merits indicated in the compliment and try to prove that you are not at all so good. In addition, in reaction to a compliment, there should not be a shadow of coquetry and begging for further compliments - people will find something nice to say if you really deserve it.

January 20, 2014, 16:20

The difference between a compliment and flattery is huge. Flattery implies an excessive exaggeration of the positive qualities of a person, most often attributing merits that are not there, while a compliment only delicately indicates that the interlocutor has a number of positive qualities. Compare: “This color really suits you” (compliment) and “You are the most beautiful” (flattery). And if a successful compliment can cause pleasant feelings in the interlocutor, then flattery often provokes a negative reaction, rejection.

In relation to colleagues and business partners, three types of compliments are appropriate:

1. A compliment aimed at a person's personality through his qualities, abilities, skills, character traits. (“Olga, I really like your determination, ability to achieve your goals. From the outside it seems that you do it easily, while getting great pleasure at the same time”).

2. A compliment aimed at a person's personality through something material that belongs to him (hairstyle, clothes, makeup, jewelry, pen, phone, computer, car, apartment, mansion ...). (“Pyotr, you have a great organizer. Judging by it, you know how to plan your activities and achieve your goals, it speaks of your determination”).

3. A compliment directed at a person’s personality through the feelings and sensations that I experience when communicating with him. (“Elena Ivanovna, next to you I always feel confident. Your ability to achieve what you want fills me with confidence that I can achieve whatever I want").

Psychologist's opinion

« Even in a strict office environment, compliments are not superfluous if you are sincere and inventive, - says etiquette specialist Inna Gushchina. - Here are a few options that, with a little adaptation, it is quite possible to use in communicating with business partners:

Your smile is simply disarming!

“I wish I could always have such a pleasant companion!”

You have amazing powers of observation!

- You have an amazing ability to immediately see the very essence of the matter!

- It's great that you have such a persistent character!

- Your kindness and responsiveness bribe me!

- Communicating with you, you can learn a lot!

- Your erudition is simply amazing!

- It was a pleasure to talk with you!
