Foil spaceship. Step-by-step instructions on how to make a craft for schoolchildren in honor of Cosmonautics Day

Salute to all!

How are you, dear readers and guests of my blog? Did you manage to take a break from? I think it’s not stressful to make something and do it together with the kids. And now there is one holiday ahead - Cosmonautics Day. And it falls on April 12th. On the day when our Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin first flew into space.

Usually this is a boyish theme - space. They are very fond of inventing flying machines, saucers and rockets. But some girls are not far behind either. Still would! This is very exciting, and from junk and natural material you can make such works that they will win at any competition.

Let's see a selection of interesting ideas. Most likely, they will push you to interesting thoughts and sculpt your masterpieces. After all, fantasy is where to roam. The work can include planets, satellites, flying machines, UFOs, rockets and much more.

I note that I also draw ideas from the Internet, from its public sources. Basically, these are cool and original creations for kindergarten and elementary school kids. Plus, I can recommend excellent options for paper airplanes in the note

Well, let's go! As Yuri Gagarin once aptly said).

Interesting ideas on the topic of space do it yourself

First, let's look at what can be done on this topic. For younger kids, it will be possible to make (not without the help of parents) such a layout from colored paper. It contains all the planets in our solar system. At the same time, of course, we teach the kids the names of the planets.

Application Solar System

You can make such applications from small plasticine balls. Only such compositions are better to draw first and even paint over with flowers. And then you can already roll up small balls and just stick.

After all, the truth is it possible to provide for the competition?

Squirrel in a rocket

We sculpt figurines of astronauts and a lunar rover from salt dough. Simple . This material is a pleasure to work with for several reasons:

  • it hardens quickly and can even be placed in the oven;
  • it is easy then to paint it with different colors with acrylic paints or gouache;
  • environmentally friendly, you can even swallow it))).

Russian cosmonauts and lunar rover

Simple paper rockets can be made by kids 4-5 years old. It turns out a simple kind of origami. And you can stick them on a dark blue background, which will personify outer space.

rockets in the universe

From toys, jars, tubes and plasticine, we will stick such funny aliens.

funny aliens

Another option for the competition in the technique of modular origami.

We turn on the fantasy and use everything: polystyrene foam, tree branches, foil, wire. Even bushings for making rockets will come in handy.

Gagarin in flight

Plasticine composition with saturn, stars, rocket and our green planet.

Milky Way

And some humor

Cat in a hat from the planets of our solar system

I hope we have more or less chosen something for ourselves, what we will make and move on.

Simple crafts for kids in kindergarten for Cosmonautics Day

I propose with the kids to make a rocket from a sleeve (you can even use toilet paper) and colored paper. It turns out such a long and stable little thing that can be put on a blue background and next to the figure of an astronaut.

Add foil and you have a more realistic spacecraft.

Let's fold a spaceship out of paper. To do this simply according to the diagram below.

And here is the finished version. Color it however you like.

Or we will fold an unidentified flying machine out of thick paper. You can make several such gizmos and put them on the blue sky again.

Look at what colorful and at the same time original UFOs we get.

Let's use our favorite baby toy - plasticine. It is malleable, soft and sticks well to almost any surface.

Here are some applications you can do with it in disposable plates.

Saucers - open space

Oh, and we parted ways! We sculpt a cute alien. It will just look good next to a paper flying saucer.

funny alien

Don't want to fold paper? So let's blind her too, because there is a lot of plasticine!

When working with plasticine, the first thing to do is to explain to the children that this is an inedible material and you do not need to take it into your mouth.

Alien and flying saucer made of plasticine

Cosmic idea from paper and cardboard on April 12

Of components such as paper and cardboard, it is easiest to do work in kindergarten and school. Because they are always in every home. Also scissors and glue. If all this is available, then I propose to build such a composition from a flying spaceship, the sun and Saturn on a black background.

Required for work:

  • Cardboard with a black background, about 30 * 25 cm;
  • Toilet paper sleeve;
  • colored paper;
  • Foil gold and silver;
  • Semolina;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Pencil.


1. Cut the sleeve in half. Cut off the edges from one end to make the nose of the rocket.

2. Cut out three blue cones from blue paper, which we bend in the middle. These will be our rocket engines. We glue them to the uncut (rear) part of the sleeve.

3. Glue the rocket on a black background.

4. Cut out two petals from red and golden paper. It will be a fire tearing out from behind the ship.

5. Glue the flame and the cut out window.

6. Draw the sun on the golden foil, and Saturn with the ring on the silver foil. Cut out and glue both shapes onto black cardboard.

7. Apply glue to the background and sprinkle with semolina on top. This is our Milky Way. A beautiful craft is ready!

Did you like the collage? If you have schoolchildren, then you can make a flying luminous object below.

Video on how to make a flying saucer from a plastic bottle

How to do it - let's watch a short video. I'm sure the kids will enjoy the process itself, and then they will play UFO with enthusiasm. After all, this is not just a craft, but with light special effects!

How to make crafts from disks on a space theme?

CDs are already being thrown into the trash, but in vain. After all, this junk material is very suitable for souvenirs for Cosmonautics Day. Its shiny and round flat surface is very suitable for the production of unidentified flying objects.

Here's a second grader's masterpiece. She used a disk under a flying saucer with a very cute alien.

And this is the alien himself with antennas made of springs and foil.

Interplanetary taxi from the guys from the preparatory group in kindergarten.

The cutest plate of rhinestones and fluffy antennae.

O! And here is a whole group of funny humanoids with their vehicles.)

And one more idea how to use CDs.

Step by step 3D postcard in the form of a rocket

If you have never created voluminous postcards, then here is a step-by-step method for you. Again, everything is as simple as two and two. And templates can be obtained at the end of my note.

We need:

  • Blank sheet of paper A4;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Gouache paints.


1. Fold A4 sheet in half. On the fold we draw a half of the rocket.

2. Part of the rocket in the photo below is marked with a dotted line. This means that we will not cut here. And cut out all the straight lines with scissors.

3. We try to do everything as accurately as possible.

4. Turn our starship inside out. It will fold inward and the entire card will fold inward.

5. We draw the details of the ship: nozzles, porthole, nose and flame below.

6. Color the background black with gouache. And the rocket itself in suitable colors.

Here you can dream up and make the face of an astronaut in the window of the porthole.

7. We draw beautiful flames.

8. Cut out different planets from colored paper. We glue them all over the background. You can also make foil stars.

Voila! Our cool voluminous postcard is ready. We give it to the destination.

We make original works for the school competition

Let's get inspired by the ideas of the kids who won space-themed craft contests. They all tried, working through every detail in their masterpieces.

Any available materials were used in the works. These are twine, foam balls as planets, glass pebbles, felt and much more.

international station

Composition of the planet Earth, a rocket and two astronauts in outer space.

Russian cosmonauts

Solar System with satellite and planets.

And here is a magnificent model made of plastic bottles.

We use felt for voluminous appliqué.

Intergalactic travelers.

Beautiful application of napkin balls.

To make it, you need to roll many, many balls from colored paper napkins. But the work seems to be worth it!

A squirrel and a salt dough arrow wave their paws at you).

A drop of imagination on the theme of the galaxy, starships and UFOs - and a wonderful work for the competition is already ready!

Pictures and templates on the theme of space

As a background and pictures, I suggest using cute templates and drawings. They will fit perfectly when creating postcards or crafts on the theme of astronautics.

On this note, I will say goodbye to you for a while. I wish you success in your work and pleasant moments spent together with the guys!

Cosmonautics Day is a holiday that gives educators an excellent opportunity to reveal the secrets of the Universe for children. This is an unfinished layer of cognitive information that hides everything that is so interesting to children: a mystery, a fairy tale, a fantasy without limits. Crafts for Cosmonautics Day, presented in our section, are an opportunity to bring the endless world of space closer, literally touch the secrets of the universe with your hands.

We create the Universe with our own hands

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All sections | Space. Crafts for Cosmonautics Day

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The embodiment of the space theme opens up a huge selection of topics for teachers: the history of space exploration, the first artificial satellite of the Earth, the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the mystery of our natural satellite of the Moon, the Universe with many other worlds, the existence of alien civilizations. Any of these themes have already been embodied in the works of preschoolers.

Teachers use all known materials and techniques. Having studied non-traditional ways of drawing, children create whimsical pictures of other worlds. Young researchers take their first steps in the design and layout of rockets and space stations. Using the applique technique, preschoolers create bright panels depicting the solar system with many space objects. And of course, the kids love to make sculptural images of spacecraft, aliens, robots. These crafts are made by children using the methods of plasticineography, modeling from salt dough, designing from all kinds of waste materials.

Before giving work to little fingers, teachers activate the inquisitive mind of preschoolers. There is no more favorable topic for the development of abstract imagination than space. Having got acquainted on the pages of our section with already implemented ideas for crafts for Cosmonautics Day, you will have a lot of your own thoughts and ideas. Discover the secrets of space with your students!

We make crafts about space with the child. Photo - photobank Lori

Before you start making crafts, you need to think about how to tell the baby what Space, a rocket, the planets of the solar system, a lunar rover, an astronaut, a spacesuit are. Otherwise, how to do something about which you have no idea? With children 4-5 years old, you can already visit the Museum of Cosmonautics or a thematic exhibition, watch a movie, study a map of the solar system, look through an encyclopedia, just build a dialogue and ask what the kid already knows about this topic and supplement his knowledge with some more interesting facts.

With younger children, this work is more difficult. Yes, while they do not need to know all the planets of the solar system. Therefore, you can stop at the Sun, Moon and stars. It is quite possible to acquaint the baby with these concepts. Come up with a fairy tale that such planets live high, high and you can get to them only by flying on a special machine - a rocket, etc. Do not limit your imagination, connect relatives.

Having told the children about the Cosmos, we proceed to crafts.

Cosmonautics Day postcard

Invite the baby to the table, sit on your lap or next to you. Materials for creativity should already be prepared on the table. Choose a sheet of colored paper, fold it in half. Think about what will be shown on the postcard. Let's say it's a rocket and stars. Cut out a rocket from colored paper, make it simple and large enough. Help the baby glue it on. Think about how you decorate the rocket. It can even be a photo of a baby.

At the postcard. For example, "Papa from Anya" or "Forward to the stars." You can make the inscription yourself or together with the baby, using the hand-to-hand technique. Words are written in large block letters. Inscribed, now re-read, swiping the child's finger letter by letter. Read the whole word without dividing it into syllables.

The card is ready, it remains only to hand it over. Before handing over, the masterpiece can be hung at your home exhibition.

Application on the space theme

Before starting work, it is advisable to move. You can run around the room, depicting a rocket or a plane, because April 12 is also World Aviation Day. If the child is small, mom can circle him in her arms.

Sit down at the table. Decide what will be displayed on your application. Maybe it will be the planets of the solar system, or maybe a lunar rover or a rocket and stars, or an airplane. When cutting out the planets, emphasize that they are round. A rocket can be made from different geometric shapes: a rectangle and several triangles. At the same time, practice in the name of geometric shapes.

Do not forget to come up with a title for your work and indicate the author: "Vanya did." Read the inscriptions. Rejoice with your child at the resulting creation.

Do-it-yourself book "Flight into space"

Talk to the kid what he knows about space, astronauts, rockets. For very young children, tell a fairy tale of your own composition about the Sun, Moon and stars. You can spin around the room like a rocket and remember:
In a space rocket
Named "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Singing songs about it
Spring drops:
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April!

Now let's start making the book. Sit the baby on your lap. On sheet A4 we depict the Sun, the Moon with paints (we draw ordinary circles) and color them. Leave room for a rocket somewhere. If the kid himself still does not know how to draw, correctly put a brush in his hand and draw with him. Then, with felt-tip pens, you can draw stars or small elements on the rocket.

The second sheet of the book can be done the next day so as not to emotionally overload the child. We take the second sheet of A4 and make inscriptions reflecting the content of the picture. For example, “Children flew to the stars on a rocket! Hooray!" Each word can be circled in an oval with multi-colored felt-tip pens.

Put the sheets in two files and fasten with a ribbon. Reread the inscriptions, swiping the baby's finger letter by letter.

We sculpt a rocket

Invite the baby to the table, put it on your lap. If the child is very small, then the mother sculpts, and the baby watches. Blind the rocket the way your imagination allows you. Voice your actions to your child. Put the finished craft on cardboard, make inscriptions: “Rocket. Sculpted by Dasha. Enjoy your masterpiece, you can read V. Stepanov's poem "Yuri Gagarin".

Craft "Spaceship"

Cut out geometric shapes from cardboard: a rectangle, 2 circles, 3 triangles. Repeat the names of the shapes with the baby.

The head of the rocket will be in the shape of a cone. When making a cone, you can play a small math game. Since you have prepared 2 circles, one will be needed for the game, and the second for the rocket. We divide the circle into 4 parts. Lay out the quarters and count: “One, two, three, four parts!” We remove one quarter, how many quarters are left? Three! Three is less than four!

Then divide the other circle into 4 parts, cut off a quarter and twist the cone. Fold the rectangle into a tube, glue it. This is the main part of the rocket. It can be supplemented with portholes, inscriptions. Next, attach the cone. At the bottom of the rocket are triangles-nozzles. Such a rocket can be presented as a separate masterpiece or made as a voluminous application.

Happy holidays and fun games!

How to make crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten? Consider what planets are in the solar system! Let's create an amazing rocket, brave astronauts and funny aliens!

Children are happy to listen to stories about the events that happened on this day many years ago, and are easily included in the process of preparing for the holiday. Considering that it is not recognized as a day off, most often children get acquainted with this holiday within the walls of a kindergarten.

In kindergarten, they can be of a very different nature, depicting both real attributes of the cosmos and fantastic images. Thinking about space, children often give free rein to their imagination, as in any case when it comes to objects that go beyond the reality around them.

Do-it-yourself postcard for Cosmonautics Day

The postcard is a universal gift for any holiday, including Cosmonautics Day. Volumetric postcards with steps on the fold look very impressive. This effect is achieved very simply - on the fold of the postcard, two cuts are made at a short distance.

We bend the card in such a way that in the places of the incision the protrusion curves in the other direction.

We glue a rocket out of paper.

We decorate the bottom and back surface of the card with the sun, moon and stars. Postcard for Cosmonautics Day - ready!

There is no need to prevent this, because, by fantasizing, the child is trying to create his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe distant and unknown. However, it is still necessary to strive to expand the boundaries of his knowledge.

First of all, you need to tell why Cosmonautics Day is so important: a person has long been trying to find out what is beyond the clouds. He saw the light of the stars and the moon, but he could not rise high enough. Until the rocket was invented.

Salt dough rocket craft for Cosmonautics Day

Can be created in a variety of ways. A charming rocket with stars for Cosmonautics Day can be molded from salt dough. We dry the craft in the oven or on the battery (at least 12 hours).

We paint the dried craft with bright colors.

We take a sheet of paper or cardboard and paint it in a rich purple color. When the paint dries, make white splashes on a sheet of paper. We get a beautiful starry sky.

We color the rocket and glue it to a dense base.

To make Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten memorable for all kids, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere. And crafts made by children's hands will do the best job with this task.

Plasticine painting for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten

On Cosmonautics Day, you can make a real picture from a picture of plasticine. Smear dark purple plasticine on the surface of the sheet.

We decorate it with blue "cosmic whirlwinds" and yellow "stars".

Background with "swirls" and "stars"

We mix together blue, green and yellow plasticine.

We sculpt a flat Earth from colored plasticine and glue it to the base.

We supplement the craft with figures of a rocket and an astronaut. It remains to place the craft in a frame. A three-dimensional picture for Cosmonautics Day is ready!

Plasticine rocket for Cosmonautics Day

Crafts from plasticine for the day of astronautics can be made voluminous. The fire is attached to the body of the rocket with a match.

From yellow plasticine we make portholes and side parts of the rocket. We make the fire bright red.

Rockets from different materials for Cosmonautics Day

A very effective rocket can be made from corrugated cardboard folded into a tube.

Volumetric model from a plastic bottle. We paint the bottle from the inside by pouring a little white paint into it and shaking it well until the paint covers all the walls. In the lower part we make two vertical slots, into which we insert wings made of thick cardboard painted in white or metallic color. We decorate the body and wings with ready-made stickers in the form of stars or circles.

The original application "Rocket in space" is obtained from a cardboard roll from toilet paper. To create a starry sky, apply transparent adhesives to the background and sprinkle it with semolina.

Application "rocket in space" in kindergarten

Kids will love the applique "rocket", with their own photo!

Craft for Cosmonautics Day using quilling technique on a disk

A very effective craft for Cosmonautics Day can be done using the quilling technique (paper rolling).

We twist a circle from brown paper, which we make flat on both sides - this is the rocket body. From thin strips of yellow paper we twist three curls - rolls. We place them inside the rocket - we will get windows.

From red paper we twist the roll, which we make flat on one side. This is a flame.

From white paper we twist the rolls, which we give the shape of stars. Craft for Cosmonautics Day using quilling technique is ready!

Very spectacular rockets for Cosmonautics Day are made from cardboard and toilet paper rolls.

From plastic bottles you can build a funny rocket pack.

Craft astronaut in kindergarten

Pupils of the younger and middle groups of the kindergarten can be invited to make their own astronaut. And not just an astronaut, but the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin.

We invite the children to create their astronauts using the application technique for this. We distribute ready-made spacesuit templates, which we propose to stick on a sheet of purple or dark blue cardboard. And we cut out the astronaut's face from a photograph of a child - let the most courageous children imagine what they will look like if they decide to conquer outer space after they grow up.

Application "Soviet cosmonaut"

A funny astronaut can be made using the application technique from pieces of colored paper. You can also stick a photo of the child - this will make the craft unique.

Application "cosmonaut"

Beautiful porthole windows are obtained from a disposable plate.

This application suggests a lot of interesting topics for a lesson on the topic "Space": the flight of the astronaut dogs Belka and Strelka, the first manned flight into space, the first landing on the moon, the existence of aliens.

Application on the theme "Space"

Planets for Cosmonautics Day

Now we have smoothly moved on to what the astronauts could see, having risen beyond the limits of the earth's orbit. At this moment, we are directing the conversation in a scientific direction, telling the children about the planets. Along the way, you can make a model of the galaxy in the form of an application. We prepare in advance several circles of different colors and sizes and distribute them on a sheet of paper in the way that planets can be distributed in space. The planets look very beautiful on a huge black drawing paper - we get a real outer space.

A very interesting idea for Cosmonautics Day is to make a model of the solar system from ordinary cardboard. We draw schemes of the movement of the planets with shiny glue. The planets themselves can be made from plasticine, papier-mâché, buttons, or colored pompoms.

Volumetric model-suspension. To create it, we use ready-made foam balls, which, after staining and drying, we hang on the base - a circle at different lengths and distances from the center.

Pendant "solar system"

Aliens in kindergarten on Cosmonautics Day

And, of course, every child will be happy to dream up what kind of inhabitants could expect astronauts on the planets. Alien appliqué can be decorated with stickers with stars.

Application "alien life"

And as the basis of the picture, you can use not only a sheet of paper, but also a disposable plate wrapped around the edges with foil.

Kids will love this homemade flying saucer.

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten on video:

Look at the video, what a wonderful craft you can do on Cosmonautics Day:

From each group of crafts we form a thematic exhibition, and on a holiday, each child will be able to tell what exactly he remembered about the events that happened many years ago.

In our material you will find the most interesting space craft ideas that a child can do with his own hands for projects at school or for independent study of the Universe.

The mysterious space and everything connected with it has always fascinated both adults and children. Is there life on Mars, why do the stars glow, how to fly to the moon -. If your child likes this topic, involve him in a more detailed study of space. Will serve as a wonderful start. And so that studying your favorite topic does not turn into boredom, invite your child to make interesting crafts about space for school with their own hands.

Such do-it-yourself children's crafts about space have not only a teaching effect, but are also great for concentrating a student's attention. With their help, you will be good at playing stories from, the child will learn more about the solar system and will be able to perfectly prepare for thematic lessons at school. Just imagine the joy of a child when his craft about space at school will collect a lot of accolades!

How the solar system works: a cheat sheet for children's crafts to school on the theme of space

Tell your child how the solar system works: what planets are included in it, how far is the Earth from the Sun. Let the child gradually memorize the names of all the planets. Don't push it - it will take time.

Crafts for children on the topic "Cosmos" do it yourself

If nothing worked out with the foam, you can draw the planets on cardboard and place them in the same way as the foam ones, as shown in the pictures above.

Planets are an absolute element of any crafts about space. It is not difficult to make such planets from threads. You will find step-by-step instructions and what you need for crafts in our master class on how to do it, because the principle is the same.

Saturn from a Styrofoam ball and an old CD - a great idea for a small craft about space with your own hands. The main thing- find at least one old disk at home.

An interesting mobile made of felt planets, stars and a spaceship will become an entertaining do-it-yourself craft about space for a child, because it will take time and patience. And this mobile will be a wonderful decoration in the room. If the child is difficult to handle, let him build a similar mobile out of paper.

What about the soft solar system? It is very pleasant to hold such pom-pom planets in your hands and just carry them to school for lessons. - do not crumple and easily fit in a backpack. read the link.

Simulating the surface of the earth - very beautiful and simple craft. A child can make it as a craft on the theme of space, because the Earth- this is one of the planets of the solar system, or as a craft to school for Earth Day. See the master class on how to do it at the link.

Every space lover dreams of flying there one day. But while your child is still learning the basics of space exploration, offer him to make just such a rocket. And a great toy, and an incentive for a future profession!

When studying space, one simply cannot do without stars and constellations. Having made a similar craft with a child from toilet paper rolls, rubber bands and cut-out paper diagrams of the constellations, it will be more interesting to study astronomy. Pierce the black dots on the diagrams with a needle, stick on top of the black paper on the sleeve and secure with an elastic band. The child can look into the sleeve like a telescope, or illuminate the holes from the inside with a flashlight. You can download constellation charts here.

It is very simple to make crafts on the theme of space and planets with your own hands, which you can also wear on yourself. Girls will especially like this. You will need beads of different sizes and colors. If there are no beads of the desired colors, let the child not be upset, because they can always be repainted.

Now, when the child will need to do a do-it-yourself space-themed craft for school, you won’t have to rack your brains all evening about what and how to build. And here, for some reason, we are sure that these do-it-yourself crafts will captivate not only children, but also adults. Make interesting crafts with your child, watch educational cartoons, read and discover the secrets of our Universe together!
