Creative birthday wishes for a man. Happy birthday to a creative person

In principle, this is how you can congratulate a colleague on any birthday, but if it’s an anniversary, you have to try.

At all my previous jobs, everything went like this:

Almost at the last moment, a courier or secretary was sent for "some bouquet" and "some beautiful bottle." Then we phoned each other in order to orderly burst into the office for the hero of the day, where the powerful smell of smoked sausage had already settled.

Another little hitch to choose the most worthy for reading aloud wishes on a large postcard. A primitive rhyme sounded, applause, your colleague with a bouquet, a bottle and an envelope distributes plastic cups of champagne. All!

Naturally, the slightest deviation from this scenario was remembered by me for the rest of my life! Once colleagues used the old trick with a large number of boxes, gradually opening which the hero of the day found a small box with a gift. And another case was connected with a musical greeting over the speakerphone. Kirkorov sang: "I love you, Marina, more and more every day."

I'll try to suggest something more effective ...

How to congratulate a colleague on his birthday in an original way

Order a personalized gift (engraving, embossing, printing)

Any person will appreciate the attention of the team if you “breathe” a little warmth and individuality into an ordinary little thing.

The name of the person, his initials, a photo or a very personal text on a wallet, diary, glass, flash drive, sweet gift, etc. makes the gift priceless. I assure you, this is not re-gifted and not thrown on the mezzanine.

Here are a few examples (there are more than 200):

Arrange a professional photo shoot for the hero of the day

Women at any age love to be photographed, so for the beautiful half of office anniversaries - ideal. Since she came to work in the best outfit, received many compliments, flowers and gifts, glows from the inside with happiness, don't miss the moment!

We have a photographer who knows how to select an interesting image for any person for portrait photography. Then you can capture with colleagues and artists, the birthday girl will have something to show on social networks!

The pictures are slightly adjusted in Photoshop, it will be quite glamorous! 🙂 And here. Call!

Give a holiday program

Yes, that happens too. The whole team has fun and honors the birthday boy, combining congratulatory toasts with some memorable entertainment.

Unusual gift giving

It will be very unexpected if a huge life-size puppet suddenly enters the office, rushes to hug the hero of the day, and gives him a gift. It can be a huge hare or a bear, a cartoon character or an alien monster. Go to the site where you can rent such a doll, dress up a volunteer, it will be great.

You can rent regular carnival costumes and dress up a couple. Hussar and young lady, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden (even funnier in summer), Superman and Batman, Pirate and Pirate, etc. Instruct them to congratulate a colleague "in images". Don't forget to take pictures of it all.

Fountain in honor of the birthday boy! Chocolate…

Well, what can I say… It is very beautiful and festive. Call the confectioner who will launch (or rather three small fountains with white, milk and dark chocolate), cut beautiful pieces of biscuit, marshmallows and fruits so that you and the hero of the day can celebrate the beginning of the “sweet life”.

Decorate the cabinet

Oh, this is insanely nice ... Your colleague, who has matured for a year, trudges to the workplace, opens an office, and there ...

Balloons hanging from the ceiling or tied to chairs… Or bright paper pompoms (delivered folded, easy to fluff). Large inflatable toys and “Happy Birthday” garlands, ball fountains (bundles of 10-15 pieces with a weighting agent on the floor), an inflatable bouquet of thin “sausages” look great. If you are in Moscow, call "Again Holiday" :-).

By the way, if we are talking about a men's anniversary, you can do giant numbers. Of what? .

Make a presentation with congratulations from the team

If you have a meeting room with a projector, don't be too lazy to make a fun presentation for your favorite hero of the day.

These can be collective video wishes from different departments, management, office neighbors. Or make a slideshow of pictures of your colleagues who wrote the word “Congratulations” in a different but very original way on the hood of a snowy car, with coins on the table, pebbles on the sand, leaves on the pavement, just printed on a printer and held in their hands.

Such a task can be given to employees in advance, then simply collect all the photos in one presentation or wall newspaper. Easy and very nice...

Show sand show

Surely, you have seen how the artist draws a beautiful story on the light table. Sand pictures replace each other, and on the big screen you see an animated movie. Congratulation lasts 15-20 minutes. By the way, the birthday boy himself can play the main role! Sand story FOR him and ABOUT him. Tell the artist in advance about the main stages of his life or career.

Reviews are always excellent, call, I will advise the artist :-). All you need is an office with the possibility of temporary dimming. .

Invite Artists

♦ You invite a colleague for congratulations to a small hall, suddenly gypsies burst in! Fun, with a dance to the guitar: "Maxim Serge-e-eich came to us, came to us daaaa-raaaaa-gooo ... Ai ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne ..." Well, and further in the text.

♦ I can also send you girls in feathers from the Brazilian carnival, a classical couple with ballroom dancing, tap dancers, whoever you want.

♦ It happens that there is no place for such fun in the office at all. In these cases, I recommend magician with a session of micromagic. The colleague whom you congratulate on his birthday, the illusionist will show tricks with cards and coins right on the desktop.

Contact the Mystery Gift Service

I am very sorry that the UHTYBOX service did not exist during the years of my work in the holding. At that time, my duties included almost weekly selection of gifts for colleagues, and it was difficult and painful. The service offers to name a convenient amount of the order, and you do not need to deal with the choice of gifts, packaging and delivery.

The trick is that the contents of the box will be a surprise not only for the hero of the day, but also for the gift givers. No one knows in advance what will be in the secret box ... It is only known that it will be beautiful and stylish.


Even if you went the traditional way (went into the office with a postcard), no one bothers to get three or four firecrackers for the rooms and arrange a fireworks display. Now there is crackers from which fly out money(you can choose rubles, dollars or euros), rose petals or ordinary serpentine.

Let someone command: “Pli”, so that it is at the same time. It is better to warn the guards so that they do not press the panic button from fear. The hero of the day will be showered with money from head to toe with best wishes.

Still look great "cold fountains". These are completely safe desktop or floor structures that delight the birthday boy with bright silver splashes for several minutes. .

The most lethal option is a huge transparent ball, which contains from 50 to 100 small balls and confetti. You need to hang it from the ceiling. Now we need a daredevil with a pushpin. Baaaaaah!!! And the whole office becomes colorful. I know a specialist in the manufacture of such a "lethal" surprise ball, I'll help.

Take a picture with the hero of the day with photo props

Why not use funny mustaches and sponges on sticks to create a fun photo series. By the way, even the most modest employees pose with such accessories, and the hero of the day will have a memory of a fun photo shoot. Hand out funny props and you won't hear, "I'm bad at it." All beauties!

All this is sold in holiday-themed stores.

paint the big picture

I tell you how it happens. A huge picture (100x150 cm or any other size) is brought to your office, on which a professional artist, on your order, sketches a plot that your colleague will definitely like. In principle, it could be him himself, surrounded by palm trees, expensive cars and beauties. And then ... Everyone should paint any object or part of the picture picturesquely. Of course, it won't be a masterpiece in the conventional sense, but it's soooo nice... If there are craftsmen in the team, you can just buy a canvas and a frame, make a sketch.

Order a cake with a plot

Modern confectioners work wonders, so they will create a cake according to your order that will make the hero of the occasion feel that this is HIS day, HIS cake. You can "blind" hobbies, habits, favorite films, even the hero of the day. This art has no boundaries, except for the budget allocated for congratulations.

I will update this page as ideas come in from your comments.
If you are in Moscow, call. I will help to select performers for almost all of the above ideas.

12 ideas on how to congratulate a colleague in an original way 2.63 /5 | Voted: 8

Does the traditional presenting an envelope with money and a bouquet to an employee on his birthday seem boring to you? We offer 12 ideas on how to congratulate a colleague in an original way. In this article, the Holidays Workshop has collected the most unusual and cool ways to present a gift at work, as well as interesting presentation options.

Arrange a mini-quest for the birthday boy

Instead of presenting an envelope with money (or any other present) in a solemn atmosphere, hide it and give the birthday card a card. Or a fragment of it with a hint where to look for the next part. Get a real treasure hunt, and how confusing the route will be, depends only on your imagination.

Make a wish card

If the team has existed for more than one year, everyone knows each other, and the birthday boy has a great sense of humor, this idea fits perfectly. To make such a wish card, you only need fantasy, whatman paper, glue, and the cool “wishes” themselves. Anything can be used as the latter: chocolates, flowers, beautiful drawings, toy cars, money ... The main thing is to be creative. The birthday boy will love it!

Order a puppet

Let the gift to the birthday man be presented not by the representative of the team, but by a huge plush toy. Now in the cities you can order any life-size puppet - a bunny, a panda, a tiger, a white bear, a cartoon character. Discuss with the agency providing such services the time and scenario of congratulations. At the appointed time, a huge hare appears in the office (which already causes a real sensation), enters the birthday man's office, gives him a gift, hugs him. A lot of bright emotions are guaranteed. Plus - there will be very cool photos from the holiday.

Instead of a life-size puppet, you can order animators in unusual outfits - a costume of gypsies, angels ... or even Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Or dress up the character of an artistic employee.

Holiday Workshop believes that this is one of the most spectacular ways to congratulate a colleague on his birthday in an original way. If you are from Kyiv or the region, you can order a life-size puppet.

Decorate the cabinet

There is no better way to create a festive atmosphere than to decorate a room. How? This is already to your taste: balloons, paper decor, fresh flowers.

If you chose balloons, a selection of interesting ideas. The easiest option is helium balloons under the ceiling or on the backs of chairs. You can tie notes with wishes to the ribbons - simple and very cute, isn't it?

The most daring can sprinkle the entire floor of the office with balls. You can fill such balloons with air, and this is inexpensive + guaranteed WOW effect.

Paper decor will help to congratulate a colleague in an original way and create a solemn atmosphere in the office: all kinds of “Happy Birthday!” garlands, flowers, pompons, fans, honeycomb balls and accordion balls.

And if the birthday boy loves to travel or dreams of visiting some country? Transfer it for one day to the desired corner of the planet! For example, a lover of outdoor activities and a traveler will like it if his office turns into ... a jungle. You will need all the flowerpots of the room and artificial plants. For greater effect, turn on the sounds of nature. Such an environment is ideal to present a gift in an original way. See point 1 of this article.

Does a colleague dream of visiting Italy? Decorate the room with green, white and red balloons, order a pizza. The gift in this case must be thematic, for example, a Russian-Italian phrase book.

Arrange fireworks

But what if the holiday is already tomorrow and there is no time to prepare an original congratulation for a colleague? Crackers for rooms will come to the rescue. At the moment of presenting the gift, the birthday boy will shower a salute of confetti, serpentine and sparkles.

Another spectacular option on how to congratulate an employee at work in an original way is a surprise ball. This is a huge balloon, inside of which there are many, many small balls, serpentine and shiny tinsel. It is suspended from the ceiling, and at the most solemn moment, the birthday boy only needs to pierce the ball and ... ta-da-aam! Around begins a festive color disgrace! You can order a surprise balloon.

Flappers and surprise balloons are a very effective solution for congratulations at work.

Show an unusual show

How beautiful it is: a real animated film drawn with sand. The artist creates a story about a birthday boy in front of himself and his enthusiastic colleagues. Such a surprise will not be forgotten!

Ebru, or animation on the water, looks no less impressive than sand painting. The colorful show fascinates, and the birthday man is left with a picture in the Ebru technique. Read more about the magic water painting show.

Make a super postcard

Print out the words "Happy Birthday" - one letter per sheet. Then have each employee take a photo with the letter in their hands. It is easy to assemble the original phrase from photos and print an original postcard or a whole poster. The congratulatory text can be more if there are a lot of employees in the company. The birthday boy will appreciate such an original congratulation!

You can post a collage of greeting photos on the eve of your birthday on a social network and surprise a colleague even before he comes to work.

Record a video greeting from the team

The next idea, how to congratulate a colleague on his birthday in an original way at work, requires preparation and time. But it's worth it! Let each employee record a short video greeting for the birthday. Then, from the collected material, you need to mount a mini-movie. It remains to invite the birthday boy to an unusual film show.

Prepare a personalized gift

You can even congratulate a colleague on his birthday in an original way even with an ordinary chocolate bar or a box of chocolates. Just pack them in special wrappers. In graphic editors, it is easy to change the picture on the wrapper to a birthday photo.

You can wrap each candy from the box with foil with a letter and then make a wish or name of the birthday man.

Draw a portrait of a birthday boy

In many organizations, employees are given paintings or wall panels as gifts. Yes, it's beautiful, expensive and, perhaps, the present will take place on the wall in the birthday man's living room. Why not give an unusual portrait of the hero of the day instead of a beautiful landscape? Now portraits are created in different styles (cartoon, pop art, realistic portrait, etc.) and from photographs of a person. It remains to find an artist in your city, provide him with a photo of the birthday boy, pick up the work and arrange it in a beautiful frame. Believe me, everyone will be delighted with such a present, regardless of position, age and gender.

There are artists who create portraits in 10 minutes. Invite such a master to the office on the day of the holiday, let him draw a birthday man. Great alternative to a photo shoot, right?

Arrange a sweet table

It is customary for the birthday person to take care of treats for colleagues on the day of the holiday. However, do not forget that a chic cake made especially for the hero of the occasion will be a cool gift. Confectioners create real sweet masterpieces, a selection of ideas.

You can surprise the birthday boy at work with a coolly designed candy bar - an unusual sweet table. Read more.

Have a photo shoot

This idea will definitely be appreciated by women. After all, on their birthday they come to work in a special outfit, with beautiful makeup and hair, a happy gleam in their eyes. Such a moment cannot be missed and you just need to arrange a photo session. To do this, invite a photographer who will take beautiful pictures, slightly process them. The birthday girl will receive a chic gift and a lot of positive emotions.

To make the photos just mega cool, use photo props. Funny hats, mustaches, smiles. Yes, and the process of photographing will be much more fun.

And how do you originally congratulate your colleagues on their birthday?

With a strong desire to please a loved one on a birthday, you can seriously prepare by using human resources, personal connections, social networks or resorting to the help of a professional holiday organization agency.

Congratulation-draw for friends

By agreement with the elevator operator (if there is one in the birthday man’s house), you can arrange to get stuck in the elevator, but the hero of the occasion should not suffer from claustrophobia. And if he can boast of a stable nervous system, then the light can be turned off. It is worth rescuing the poor fellow with a large company of friends and relatives with photographic fixation of a surprised face, with joyful exclamations or songs, with balloons and flowers.

If there is a familiar tow truck driver, and the “victim” has a car (preferably more expensive), then it’s a sin not to use the services of special equipment. The car of the birthday boy is taken in an unknown direction. And when the panic of the car owner reaches the highest limit, you can safely drive up even in a carriage with horses, even in a limousine full of cheerful friends and a solid bar.

This creative birthday friend is only suitable if the birthday boy has strong nerves. If you know traffic police officers, you can ask them for a service to help in the draw. The car of the birthday boy is stopped on the road with the wording that it is listed as stolen. The driver goes into the official transport of the inspectors for trial, and in the meantime, in the trunk is placed, for example, a dummy of drugs or whatever your heart desires. The trunk is checked, shocked by its contents, the enacted person is twisted and escorted in handcuffs to the place of celebration.

Quest for relatives involving people unknown to the birthday man

This is a labor-intensive congratulation that requires thorough preparation: thoroughly thinking through the script so that it coincides with the plans for the day of the hero of the occasion, printing tasks, hiding notes in the necessary places, attracting strangers and unfamiliar people. The idea is that the birthday boy gets a task in the morning with a plan of action and an indication of where to look for the next note. So from instruction to instruction, he gets to a gift and a fun feast.

Dance and song flash mob

This action is started where the congratulator will definitely be: metro station, bus stop, work, etc. In social networks, a cry is thrown in advance and those who wish to help the idea gather. A ringleader-choreographer is selected who finds the music, provides it on the spot and comes up with easy-to-replicate movements. As planned, the birthday boy, without knowing it, falls into a crowd of synchronously moving people who, at the end of the flash mob, unanimously congratulate him on his birthday and give a gift.

I wish this birthday
Success in creativity, luck,
New impulses, inspiration,
And creativity in the mood.

To feel the muse nearby,
And never, so as not to be lost,
So that there is always a fountain of ideas,
And not exhausted. never!

I wish you a creative sea
And to have health
More love and happiness in life
So that all your whims come true!

I want to enjoy life
And catch inspiration
And smile brightly
Create new masterpieces!

May all desires and goals
Suddenly become a reality without difficulty!
Let success await in your favorite business
You now and always!

I wish you a lot of creative ideas, inspiration, inexhaustible optimism and a happy gleam in your eyes! Let your life be full of a sea of ​​​​pleasure! I wish you good health, strength and energy!

Happy birthday! creativity,
Life is easy, dreams are beautiful.
Implement and create
Never lose heart.

Sailing on the sea of ​​inspiration
Surpass the talent of a genius
To multiply your labor, to admire,
Relax, don't forget!

I wish you good luck, kindness, inspiration,
And only happy and colorful days!
May every moment bring joy
Let there be many great ideas!

May the muse visit you every day,
To make masterpieces appear easily!
May everything that the heart desires come true
So that the lips blur in a smile!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Let everything be good in life
Let inspiration not leave
And your creativity flourishes.

I wish you tenderness and happiness
Soulful and sensitive warmth.
Let all bad weather bypass
And let there be more goodness in life.

Creativity boundless ocean
Rocks you on its waves
If you are given talent by fate,
May he always inspire you.

And I hasten to congratulate I soon
Happy birthday, wonderful holiday,
I want creative ideas
Let every day be interesting!

Happy Birthday to You!
Latitude to your aspirations!
So that connoisseurs of work
Expressed admiration!

Creative ups on the way,
Thoughts of bright flights.
To make dreams come true
All calculations have been made.

Be lucky and love
And may health allow
Implement all plans.
Surround you with love!

I wish this birthday
You only colorful ideas
As much inspiration as possible
So that all dreams come true soon!

I want true love
And true, devoted friends,
Career easy and brilliant,
And hundreds of good news!

Let your life be colored in an instant
Happy and bright colors
And on this wonderful holiday, birthday,
You will be warmed by close hearts.

Let ideas be born in your head
And big creative plans are waiting,
And soon you will open galleries
Where suddenly success will cover the long-awaited!

I wish you to be friends with the muse,
Catch all her signs!
To have another one of your masterpieces
Create with ease!

Let inspiration in your house
Be a favorite guest
To about creativity about your
All the people said!

May the world give you its light
To make everything work out!
To happy, creative years
It just got bigger!

On our favorite holiday, we often remember positive emotions and warm company than the gifts themselves. In order for your birthday present (to your brother, girlfriend, blonde and brunette, boss, accountant, etc.) to be remembered for a long time, come up with an original presentation or unusual packaging for it. The present will seem even more pleasant if it is supplemented with beautiful words and creative congratulations from the heart. Choose an interesting version of the poem from the poems we have proposed or wishes in prose, which will pleasantly surprise both the guests and the birthday man himself.

Creative birthday greetings to a woman in prose

Today, many wish you happiness, linking this concept with health, financial well-being and success. However, I want to dwell on such an important aspect as creativity and self-development. Our talents allow us to truly open up and find our true place in life. I wish you creativity, positive and personal development!

On your birthday, I wish you to look back, measure all your victories and achievements with pleasant memories, feel happy, successful and lucky in all aspects of life. May every year your successes be supplemented by new small victories and grandiose dreams come true!

Today everyone wants you to fulfill your dreams, but just like that, without labor and a very strong desire, nothing happens in real life. I want to give you a hint on your birthday how to achieve this. Be bright, spontaneous, unusual, effective, bold, creative and extraordinary! Your honesty to yourself and the courage to make changes in your life will bring you closer to any dream and give free rein to new desires!

Creative birthday greetings to your beloved in verse

Happy Birthday sweetheart!
I wish you happiness,
Let the pressure in character
Become the main part.
To not interfere
In a life of fear
Humor is key
Salvation from boredom.
With or without reason
Rejoice and smile
Positive and healthy
My love, stay!

Beloved today
I congratulate you heartily!
I wish you a birthday
To be the happiest forever.
Let only “ours” in football
Always win
On the road, let the ignoramuses
No more annoying.
Let glasses of foamy beer
Cool down in seconds
And let the nuts in the teeth
Never get stuck.

I'm in a hurry for my birthday
I'll tell you a few words:
You are for me, like a fisherman,
Good lucky catch.
I love you dear
Well, it's just limitless.
And I know that we have with you
Everything will be perfect!
I wish not to experience
No bitterness, no stress
And to the life of the boundless,
Great interest!

Creative birthday greetings to a man in prose

They say that for a man to be rich and successful here, now and every minute is not the most important thing. It is much more important to feel the strength in yourself to achieve success again and again, not to stop there and not to give up at the first failures. On this birthday, I wish you to be confident in yourself and your abilities, and soon you will notice great changes in your life!

Happy birthday! It is said that people are divided into two categories: some write the books of life, while others read them. I wish you not to follow stereotyped ideas and not be led by other people's stereotypes. Show creativity, courage and creative approach, creating your own bright book of life!

On their birthday, everyone wishes an ocean of love, a sea of ​​success, boundless happiness. And I want to wish you that all the good things in life be in moderation, then kindness and friendship, care and success are truly appreciated. In excess and abundance there is no desire and incentive, and therefore there is no happy life. Live happily, gradually developing your abilities and improving your well-being!

Creative birthday greetings to a girlfriend in verse

For Anastasia (substitute any name)

Birthday girl friend
I want to admire
And every second in life
Feel free to enjoy.
Don't let the wind spoil you
fashion styling,
Let men admiringly
Everyone is looking furtively.
May beautiful dreams
Fulfilled quickly
Never let your heels
They don't break at all!

Girlfriend, happy birthday!
I want compliments
Pleasant, gentle, affectionate
And memorable moments.
Let fate be so inclined
Cherishes your dream
Let love spark
His will warm you.
I wish you dear
Have so much fun
To a new year of life
Get inspired for the evening!

life without a girlfriend
I can not imagine,
Happy Birthday to You,
Honey, congratulations.
You look great
Amazing, lovely
Feminine, seductive
Very interesting.
Your beauty over the years
It only saves
And the character is better
Side is changing!

Creative birthday greetings to a colleague in prose

What to wish a colleague such that he really needs? There is health, there is income, there is more than enough love. I wish you to increase all this exponentially. Good, as they say, never happens!

Colleague, remember that our life consists of important, global concepts and modest little things that are no less important. For your birthday we wish you:

  • not experience a deficit in wages and paper clips
  • keep order in personal life and on the shelf with folders
  • good health and a good stapler
  • honed intuition and sharpened pencils!

Dear our employee! In life, we wish you a simple rule: let your desires and aspirations coincide with the possibilities and the chosen course of movement. Unlimited opportunities for you and a course just up the career ladder!

Short creative birthday greetings in verse

I want you to live
Bright, amazing!
And look at things
Very simplified!

To the fullest
I want to have fun
On this date happened
Someday you will be born!
