Levitation exercises. How to levitate small objects? Increased body heaviness

Levitation is the ability of a person to float in the air, what is levitation? Levitation is, according to Wikipedia, the ability of a person, with a certain magical development, to overcome gravity.

Levitation is the ability of a person to float in the air, what is levitation? Levitation - according to Wikipedia, the ability of a person, with a certain magical development, to overcome gravity; or an object (with another interpretation of this word) maintains or consistently changes its position in three-dimensional space in spite of gravity under the influence of an initiator (in the case of an object, this is most often the effect of superconductivity).

The human ability to levitate (or to jump extremely high and far) has not yet been recognized in science. However, there is unconfirmed evidence that there were flying yogi competitions. According to the report, one (the victorious yogi) was able to stay in the air for four minutes. In the mythology of the East distinguishing feature gods is the ability to fly. But mere mortals also possessed a unique art.

The Indian Vedas, which literally means “knowledge” in Sanskrit, even contain practical guide on levitation, a kind of know-how that describes how to put yourself in such a state as to lift yourself off the ground. But over the past centuries, the meaning of many ancient Indian words and concepts has been lost, so it is impossible to translate this invaluable instruction into modern language.

As for the ancient levitants, according to the evidence that has reached us, they rose into the air two cubits from the ground - about 90 centimeters. Moreover, they did this not at all in order to amaze anyone with such miracles, but simply because the “floating” position is more convenient for performing religious rituals. Along with India, levitation was also practiced in Tibet in ancient times.

Buddhist texts say that after the Indian founder of Zen Buddhism, Bodhidharma, came to the Tibetan Shaolin Monastery in 527 AD, he taught the monks to control the energy of the body - an indispensable condition for flight. Both the Buddha himself and his mentor the magician Sammat used levitation, who could remain suspended in the air for hours. It is characteristic that in both India and Tibet the art of levitation has been preserved to this day. Many oriental researchers also describe the phenomenon of “flying llamas.”

For example, the British traveler Alexandra David-Neel observed with her own eyes how, on the high mountain plateau of Chang Tang, one of the Buddhist monks, sitting motionless with his legs bent under him, flew tens of meters, touched the ground and again soared into the air, like a ball bouncing after a strong throw. . Moreover, his gaze was directed into the distance - at the “guiding star”, visible in the light of day only to him. Pray, fast - and you will fly. Levitation has long been known not only in the East, but also in Europe.

Moreover, medieval European levitants have one characteristic feature. Unlike the eastern brahmans, yogis, and lamas, none of them specifically sought to master the art of levitation and did not prepare for flight. Usually they flew into the air in a state of rapturous religious ecstasy and without even thinking about it. If we turn to reliable facts, then among the first officially recorded levitants we should name Saint Teresa, a Carmelite nun, whose flights were witnessed by 230 Catholic priests.

She spoke about her unusual “gift,” as the saint herself believed, in her autobiography, dated 1565. “Ascension comes like a blow, sudden and sharp,” she writes, “and before you can gather your thoughts or come to your senses, it seems as if a cloud is carrying you into the heavens or a mighty eagle on its wings... I was quite aware of myself , to see that I was in the air... I must say that when the ascension ended, I felt an extraordinary lightness throughout my body, as if I was completely weightless.” And here’s what’s curious: Saint Teresa herself did not want to fly!

For a long time, the Levitant nun desperately prayed that the Lord would deliver her from this sign of his mercy. In the end, the Carmelite’s prayers were heard: Teresa’s flights stopped. The most famous "flying man" is Joseph Deza (1603-1663), nicknamed Cupertino after his native village in Southern Italy. Since childhood, he was distinguished by extraordinary piety and tortured himself in every possible way in order to experience a state of religious ecstasy. And after he was accepted into the Franciscan order, he really began to fall into ecstasy. However, the matter was complicated by the fact that in such cases he flew into the air. One day this happened before the eyes of the head himself Catholic Church. Joseph arrived in Rome, where he was given an audience with Pope Urban VIII. Seeing His Holiness for the first time, he became so ecstatic that he rose into the air and soared until the head of the Franciscan order, who was present, brought Joseph to his senses. More than a hundred cases of Joseph's levitation were observed by the scientists of that time, who left official evidence on this matter. Because these flights confused the faithful, in 1653 he was ordered to retire from Assisi to a remote monastery. However, after three months he was transferred to another monastery, then to a third, fourth - wherever he ended up, the news about the arrival of the “miracle worker” spread throughout the entire district, and crowds of people flocked to the monastery. Finally, Joseph was transferred to the monastery in Osimo, where in the summer of 1663 he became seriously ill, and on September 18 of the same year he died and was canonized four years later. In total, as church records show, the number of people who demonstrated the phenomenon of levitation in front of believers is close to three hundred. Among the Russian levitants one can name Seraphim of Sarov, Archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov John. And the Moscow chronicles tell the story of St. Basil, who more than once, in front of the eyes of the crowd, was carried by an unknown force across the Moscow River. Moreover, the number of levitants officially recognized by the church does not include witches.

It is impossible to count how many of them were burned at the stake by the Holy Inquisition. During the Middle Ages, those suspected of being associated with the devil and witchcraft were tested with water or scales. The accused were tied up and thrown into a pond. If they did not drown, the guilt was considered proven, and a fire awaited them. The same thing happened if a person weighed less than a certain norm. Levitants Amaze ScientistsThe most famous flying man of the 19th century was Daniel Douglas Hume. The editor of one American newspaper describes his first famous flight as follows: “Hume suddenly began to lift himself off the floor, which appeared a complete surprise for the whole company.

I took his hand and saw his legs - he was floating in the air a foot from the ground. The fight is the most different feelings- alternating bursts of fear and delight made Hume shudder from head to toe, and it was clear that he was speechless at that moment. After some time it sank, then soared above the floor again. For the third time, Hume rose to the very ceiling and lightly touched it with his hands and feet.” Hume later learned to levitate by at will. For forty years, he demonstrated his unique art in front of thousands of spectators, including many of the then celebrities: writers Thackeray and Mark Twain, Emperor Napoleon III, famous politicians, doctors and scientists. And he has never been convicted of fraud.

Hume himself described his condition during levitation: “I did not feel any hands supporting me, and, starting from the very first time, I did not experience fear ... Usually I rose vertically; often my arms stretched above my head and became stiff, like sticks, when I felt an unknown force that slowly lifted me above the floor.” However, Daniel Douglas Hume is far from the only one who has puzzled scientists. So, in 1934, the Englishman Maurice Wilson, who had trained for many years in the art of levitation using the yogi method, decided to conquer the top of Everest with huge jumps, soaring above the ground. His frozen body was discovered in the mountains the following year.

Wilson did not reach the top quite a bit. But the fact that he was able to overcome the most difficult route without special climbing equipment speaks in favor of levitation. Soaring Yogis Currently, the greatest results in the field of levitation have been achieved by those who use yoga techniques. Behind centuries-old history In the era of loss of knowledge and the era of ignorance, much of this technique was lost. But some of the secret knowledge was still preserved. One of their guardians was the Indian guru Devi. Our contemporary, a young physicist, became his student. In 1957, having moved to the United States under the name Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he became a preacher of the new philosophical and religious teaching of the Science of Creative Mind. Its cornerstone is transcendental consciousness, which is not limited by any boundaries and can receive information directly from the surrounding world and from the universal mind, and not only through the senses. To do this, you need to turn off consciousness, and then a person will begin to perceive a huge flow of information entering the subconscious and remaining unclaimed. This state of altered consciousness is achieved with the help of transcendental meditation, the program of which was developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yoga. Its goal is the improvement of man through the emancipation of consciousness and thereby the revelation of all potential opportunities his body. These include, in particular, levitation. The ability for it is inherent in everyone, you just need to learn how to use it, says Maharishi.
In 1971, the new messiah founded his own university in Fairfield, Iowa. Then the European Research Center was opened in Switzerland and training centers in Germany, England, India and a number of other countries. Prominent specialists of various profiles were invited to them - physicists, experts Indian philosophy, mathematicians, doctors, engineers, psychologists, who were united by one goal - to make people happy. And one of the applied tasks of the transcendental meditation program was teaching levitation.
In July 1986, the first competition of “flying yogis”, prepared according to the transcendental meditation program, was held in Washington, about which the press wrote a lot and films were made. Although the results shown by the participants are not comparable to the descriptions of levitation cases that have come down to us in the past, they can certainly be considered very impressive: a rise of 60 cm in height and a movement of 1.8 m horizontally. True, what the “flying yogis” demonstrated cannot be called flight. Rather, these are just short jumps: a person sitting motionless in the lotus position suddenly smoothly rises into the air, hangs motionless for a while, and then lands just as smoothly.
Well, at the sixth competition of “flying yogis”, held in 1993 in The Hague, Subha Chandra excelled, rising above the ground by a maximum of 90 cm, flying horizontally 187 cm and remaining in the air for 3-4 minutes. Unknown patternDespite numerous cases of levitation, it is perceived as a miracle or best case scenario as a mysterious phenomenon bordering on fantasy and contradictory scientific laws. And this assessment will not change until the answer to main question: what is the nature of the force that lifts a person into the air? Does it arise in the body itself due to the mobilization of some internal reserves, its unknown, hidden capabilities, or is its source located outside the person and he only “connects” to it?
Judgments about the physical nature of levitation are very contradictory. A number of researchers believe that levitation occurs as a result of the appearance of a biogravitational field, which is created by a special psychic energy emitted by the human brain. This hypothesis, in particular, is supported by Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexander Dubrov. At the same time, he emphasizes that such a biogravitational field is born thanks to the conscious efforts of the levitant, and therefore he is able to control it, and therefore change the direction of flight. However, even if this is so, many questions arise that are not yet answered.
For example, which areas of the brain and in what mode are involved during levitation? Is it special psychic energy, causing it, electromagnetic in nature or some other? Finally, what physiological factors contribute to the manifestation of such unusual opportunities our brain? Until recently, many serious scientists spoke very harshly about levitation and antigravity in the spirit that it was all “bullshit.” Now they have to reconsider their position.
It all started with the fact that in March 1991, the authoritative scientific magazine Nature published a sensational photograph: the director of the Tokyo Superconductivity Research Laboratory was sitting on a dish made of superconducting ceramic material, and a small gap was clearly visible between him and the floor surface. The mass of the director together with the dish was 120 kg, which did not prevent them from hovering above the ground! This phenomenon was later called the “Meissner effect.”
It consists in the fact that if a superconductor is placed above a magnet, it will hover in the air. And in the space above it, a zone appears, in which, in turn, the weight of objects placed there, including living objects, decreases. Thus, researchers have already managed to “suspend” living laboratory mice and frogs in the air. Of course, this is not levitation in the full sense of the word. But, if it can be proven that in such cases the floating of living objects is due to “molecular magnetism” as a result of certain cellular processes, perhaps the secret of “flying people” will be revealed.

It is generally accepted that the phenomenon of levitation came to us from Tibet. In the East, concepts such as telepathy, clairvoyance or levitation are very common and generally accepted. Real miracles are demonstrated by Tibetan monks who are able to walk on hot coals and not feel pain. There are many cases where people with the wisdom of the East were able to run without practically touching the ground with their feet. Can this be called levitation?

What is levitation

According to popular belief, levitation is the human ability to fly. This phenomenon can also be described as the ability of willpower to influence the forces of gravity and attraction. Very often the phenomenon of levitation is associated with the superlightness of a person. For example, there is a known case when, in order to learn to fly, Tibetan monks immured the person who wanted it in a wall for three days, where, according to legend, he was supposed to comprehend the secret knowledge of levitation.

There is also another known case according to which, in order to learn to fly, Tibetan monks conducted the following experiment. Two chairs were placed opposite each other at a distance of about one meter. A long sheet of the finest papyrus paper was laid on them. Then two monks sat on the chairs, who with their weight had to hold the sheet taut between the chairs. A person who expressed a desire to comprehend levitation had to walk across this paper bridge without damaging it.

How can a person learn to fly?

Scientists are of the opinion that levitation can be explained by scientific point vision. According to enlightened minds, learning to fly is quite possible if you change the human energy field. To do this, you need to increase your own energy background, which will allow you to create an additional aura around yourself, which will interact with the planet, not obeying the law of gravity. According to this opinion, the stronger a person’s second biofield is, the easier it will be for him to learn to fly. There are many cases where sorcerers and psychics resorted to special rituals and chants, putting themselves in a state of trance, which allowed them to levitate.

But astrologers think somewhat differently regarding the phenomenon of levitation. In their opinion, it will become possible for a person to learn to fly only if he allows his spiritual nature to develop. Very important fact is what exactly a person believes. Astrologers believe that any person includes two opposite principles: spiritual and material. If he allows it to prevail own life namely the material side, the concept of levitation will remain incomprehensible to him.

Why is levitation dangerous?

It is difficult to argue with the fact that levitation by its nature is a very, very mysterious phenomenon. Many people believe that a person can only levitate while in a state of altered consciousness. In order to learn to fly, you first need to enter a state of deep trance and master new breathing techniques and concentration of strength and attention.

In addition, one cannot help but notice that levitation is also very dangerous. Many scientists talk about such a phenomenon as spontaneous combustion, when a person concentrates too much a large number of current, as a result of which the body may simply not withstand such a load. We wish you good health and don't forget to click on the buttons and

28.03.2014 10:07

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(c)*** JES 2005 *** Yuri Shimanovsky

How to watch the video: Follow the link. Levitation. (Flight technique, practical advice.) Dear sirs. This document is intended solely for personal use and do-it-yourself experiments. No industrial application of the principles set forth herein or publication of this document is permitted without the consent of the inventor. 1. Introduction. Levitation is one of the oldest methods of air travel available to humans. The first information about levitation appears in ancient Egyptian papyri and Indian manuscripts. What means the ancient levitants used is unknown to science. The author of the proposed guide has found his own method, accessible to everyone. On July 3, 2005, my flight was shown on the evening news by the leading American television channel, Fox News. You can watch this story on the video clip and see how I soar in the heights, like a bird. 2. Principles. For lifting body by just one percent, which is easily achievable, we will get a lifting force of 100 kilograms. This allows you to fly and even carry small loads. This will increase the impact of the chemicals and you will rise into the air. human body into the air we will use Archimedean force, just as it is done in balloons and airships. Lifting force arises from the difference in atmospheric pressure on the lower and upper parts of the body.

3. Justification of lift force, preliminary calculation.

As you know, at the earth's surface the air pressure is one atmosphere, in other words one kilogram per square centimeter. The surface area of ​​the human body is about two square meters, or 20,000 square centimeters. Follow the link. First, let's look at the ideal case. Let the person take a horizontal position, lying on the ground. Let us assume that the upper part of his body (10,000 sq. cm) is not affected by pressure at all, but the lower part (the other 10,000 sq. cm) is still affected. In this case, the lifting Archimedean force will reach 10 tons! Of course, an ideal case is impossible. However, if we reduce the pressure by top part

open air

, not indoors. An unexpected sudden takeoff could result in a collision with the ceiling and serious injury.

Levitation¹ is the ability of the human body to overcome the force of gravity and move through space through the air.

It is believed that the ability to fly is something of a fantasy. Official science habitually denies ancient legends about craftsmen of the past who were able to overcome earthly gravity.

Especially for skeptics, it should be pointed out that in most cases old stories, fairy tales and legends are based on real experience. Directly or figuratively, people spoke about what their ancestors told them, or what they observed with their own eyes.

The fact that levitation is found in the legends of so many peoples throughout the earth independently of each other can serve as evidence in favor of the reality of this phenomenon!

There is also evidence that Indian yogis have repeatedly demonstrated the ability to rise into the air thanks to their power of thought².

Our consciousness has enormous potential. And the ability to levitate can also be developed!

How to prepare to train this superpower?

In the described technique this has key value to get results!

The most important thing for understanding the state of antigravity is.

The constant practice of special meditation is perfect for this.


The practitioner needs to sit in comfortable position, close your eyes and relax your body, every muscle, calm your mind. When he feels that he is almost dozing, in a state of half-asleep he needs to mentally clearly say:

“My World teaches me what I want!”

Thus, there is a request for knowledge from the information field of the Universe³. People can get access to all the information that was, is and will be!

These words must be spoken daily for 20-30 minutes until the answer comes.

“Suddenly, cloudy pictures began to appear in my head, they very quickly acquired increasingly clear outlines. As a result, I could only look at one picture: it was of me, and a strange voice sounded in my head and said:

- Talk to me".

A few days after the “answer” of the inner essence, you can begin levitation training.

Like thisdo?

Levitation is a certain state of consciousness; in order to take off, you need to “catch” and maintain this state.

To do this, you need to be able to communicate with your body and mind, with your soul. There is no other way to master levitation - a practitioner can get secret knowledge only from the information field of the Universe.

You need to start small - learn to raise your arms in the air.

Exercise technique

1. Accept comfortable position(sitting or lying down).

2. Close your eyes, relax and enter a meditative state.

3. Then you need to turn to your inner essence and ask it for the appearance of a feeling of levitation. You need to repeat calls and strengthen their tone until an intuitive answer is received. After this, you need to mentally give the command to your hands to rise up.

After some time of practice, after the hands begin to slowly rise up on command, the practitioner begins to strengthen the state of weightlessness in himself and tries to lift his entire body into the air.

“For the first time I felt what levitation was when my right hand began to rise slowly."

“It may seem surprising, but after two days of such “talking,” my hands actually began to slowly rise and hover in the air.”

"On this moment I have been practicing this method for about a year now and can boast of good results. Of course, I don’t know how to fly between the treetops yet, but I was able to get off the ground by a good half meter!”

Learning to talk to yourself can help with more than just levitation practice. This helps you better understand yourself, your characteristics and achieve the most different goals in life.

Ivan Shukalovich

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Levitation is a mental or physical phenomenon in which an object without visible support floats in space (that is, levitates) without touching a solid or liquid surface (

It is known, for example, that Saint Teresa of Avila, during her prayers, repeatedly felt how mysterious enormous strength lifted her into the air. She even asked her sisters to hold her at such moments. The levitation of Teresa of Avila is recognized as a miracle confirming her holiness. As the chronicles tell, the Franciscan monk, Saint Joseph of Copertino, also levitated. One day, during an ecstatic prayer, Joseph suddenly took to the air and flew towards the altar. Then this miracle was repeated several more times, and even the Pope himself witnessed it.

Similar cases occurred not only with Catholic saints. Ancient Sanskrit texts indicate that during certain meditative exercises one can cause the human body to soar above the ground. Some lamas had this ability. However a necessary condition for this there is an ecstatic state.

... In the 19th century, the fate of the “educated” public showed a huge interest in the occult, spiritualism, magic and other exciting things. From St. Petersburg to Boston, enthusiasts of contact with the other world, sitting in the twilight, turned tables and summoned spirits. The central figures of these spiritualistic seances were mediums, persons with whom the spirits spoke in one way or another. Daniel Douglas Home was considered one of the most famous mediums of those times. A native of Edinburgh, Scotland, he early years lived in the USA. Versatile parapsychological abilities, in particular, included the ability to levitate and the ability to lift objects into the air using “magnetic force”.

In January 1863, in the presence of the French Emperor Napoleon III and several other high-ranking spiritualists, Home rose almost two meters into the air. Lord Ardee, who was present at many of Home's sessions, left a detailed, very accurate description of them, in which, in particular, he cites cases of tables and chairs so heavy being lifted into the air that one person was not even able to move them from their place.

William Crookers, a well-known physicist in the last century, saw with his own eyes the levitation of Daniel Home and the levitation of objects caused by him. Crookers testifies how Home once flew up to the ceiling, and those present unsuccessfully tried to pull him to the floor by his legs.

According to all the witnesses, Home levitated, always being in vertical position. Unlike other mediums, whose sessions took place with the lights off, in twilight or darkness, Daniel Home liked to perform in full light. He claimed that he had nothing to hide. Repeated attempts were made to expose him, to find some devices with which he allegedly fooled those around him. But no one, however, succeeded.

Freeing the body from the forces of gravity seems to most of us something fantastic. But “levitation is not a miracle,” say modern paranormal researchers. Some people manage to summon forces that can overcome or neutralize the force of gravity of the Earth, and then the human body can float freely in the air, just as happens with astronauts in a state of weightlessness.

Is it possible to learn to levitate? American Helen Masdell, director of the Personal Development Center in Alvarado, Texas, argues that it is possible. She even developed own system training, the purpose of which is to physically prepare the body for levitation. A significant place in this system was occupied by daily jumps from a high springboard into the water. At the same time, straining all your will, it was necessary to keep your body in the air as much as possible over and over again. But, despite all efforts, Helen Masdell, training according to this system, for a long time It was not possible to achieve even short-term levitation. Gave her hope chance meeting. During one of the lectures, an elderly gentleman approached her and started talking about levitation. “You're approaching this problem wrong,” he said. - You're trying to do it cleanly mechanically. And first of all, you lack faith that this can be accomplished at all.” Mysterious person told how he manages to levitate while walking in deserted places, which he specifically chooses so as not to scare people. There he sometimes rises into the air and flies over the treetops. According to him, he is best able to control the flight in a standing position with his arms outstretched forward, so that in the best possible way the necessary balance and uniform distribution of body weight is ensured.

A few months later, one day Sundays, Helen was walking to church and suddenly felt that her feet... were not touching the ground! She looked down and saw that she had risen several tens of centimeters above the ground. At the first moment she felt nothing but fear, and frightenedly tried to grab onto something. But, as luck would have it, there was nothing nearby - not a tree, not a bush, not a peg. And there was no one to ask for help. Helen swayed quietly in the air, and the path along which she had just walked was slowly moving away from her... Then Helen remembered the words of the mysterious elderly gentleman, stretched out her arms and, balancing her body, moved forward towards the church. Having reached the first column she came across, she grabbed onto it and slid down to the ground. Strange feeling the weightless body disappeared and never returned...

Following Helen Masdell’s school, several more “levitation schools” appeared in the United States, where they master both physical and mental training - through meditation and yoga. But there is no comforting news yet about the successes achieved in these schools.

One of the paranormal phenomena is psychokinesis - the influence of people on objects at a distance. In this case, objects change their position, structure or shape. Levitation, according to researchers, is a special case of psychokinesis. But, in the end, it does not matter how to classify it - it is important to scientifically prove the existence of this phenomenon. Soviet researchers E. Naumov and A. Mikhalchuk conducted experiments with a man with strong psycho-kinetic abilities. IN laboratory conditions he managed to demonstrate the levitation of objects. The experiment began with internal concentration - mobilization, as the psychic explained. This lasted about ten minutes. At the same time, the subject of the study felt his palms gradually “grow”, increasing in size, and something formed between them that he called an “invisible air cushion.” The “pillow” grew heavier, becoming more and more solid, and it was possible to move on to the next part of the experiment. Light objects made of wood or plastic were placed between the psychic’s palms. At the same time, he felt a further “increase” in his hands. The noise was growing in his ears, and he got the impression that reality was floating away from him somewhere... And when, being in this state, the psychic sharply lowered his palms, the object continued to hang in the air for several tens of seconds.

Doctors who examined the psychic after the session noted a great loss of energy and loss of strength, similar to what is observed after large physical activity. External symptoms was also similar: hand trembling, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing. The man felt hungry and suddenly drowsy.

Dr. August Stern, a former Soviet physicist who emigrated to the West, claims that during his time in the USSR he worked in a secret laboratory in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, where he studied paranormal phenomena, including auto-levitation. NBC producer Alan Newman persuaded Stern to take part in experiments that replicated those he had carried out at Academy City. For these purposes, the room in which the experiments were carried out was reproduced - its walls were made of mirrors, reflecting the interior of the room to infinity, and the floor was covered with an inflatable rubber mattress, also made of reflective material. The mattress was riddled with sensors that recorded changes in pressure.

The experiment was led by John Husted, professor of experimental physics at the University of London. Stern lay down on the mattress, and video cameras filmed him from different points. But, alas, he failed to take off.

The only thing that the sensors registered was a short-term decrease in pressure by 1 kilogram. This would have been possible if Stern had propped himself up on his elbows and feet, but video cameras recorded that he was lying motionless. Obviously, the equipment noted the appearance of an anti-gravity force, but so weak that it was unable to lift Stern’s body into the air.

Professor J. Husted continued his experiments in the mirror room, this time with two British psychokinetic mediums. Several times he managed to record short-term sudden decreases of 2 kilograms in the weight of a motionless human body.

So, physicists are experimenting, students of “levitation schools” are jumping off the diving board... Why? To prove that levitation exists? To learn to fly? But the mystics of the East considered levitation only a by-product of the high development of the spirit, and not an end in itself...
