How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth. Purse-string wrinkles - how to remove folk and cosmetics

Nothing shows a woman's age more than wrinkles. And if wrinkles near the eyes are a sign, albeit late, but still of youth, then wrinkles above the upper lip are like pasting a third photo into a passport, clearly indicate that you are already 45. It does not matter if you have reached this age in fact. How can you get rid of them or at least postpone the appearance of such a defect for a longer time?

Reasons for the appearance

Wrinkles above the upper lip begin to form due to age-related changes in the structure of the skin.

Usually, after a woman turns 30, her skin loses its tone and elasticity. Now mimic wrinkles are not smoothed out without a trace, but are becoming more and more noticeable.

The most rapid formation of wrinkles occurs after the onset of menopause.

A number of factors contribute to the appearance of wrinkles just above the upper lip:

  • this is a mimic active zone, the muscles of the lips are tense even while a person is sleeping;
  • due to the insufficient amount of sweat and sebaceous glands, the skin here is thinner and dryer;
  • in the perilabial region, the layer of subcutaneous tissue gradually becomes thinner;
  • the circular muscle that provides movement of the lips is not attached to any bone, but is tightly fused with the dermis, and therefore any change in the position of the lips leads to stretching of the skin;
  • more than a dozen other facial muscles are woven into the circular muscle, so that it strains from almost any facial movement;
  • over the years, the circular muscle shrinks and decreases in size, and the skin around it, on the contrary, becomes more stretched and “folds like an accordion”.

Also, the formation of wrinkles above the upper lip can be triggered by some household and facial habits. The most dangerous of them is smoking. In addition to the fact that it negatively affects the general condition of the epidermis, tobacco smoke from a cigarette just “swirls” around the lips and dries out the skin in this area even more.

No less harmful is the need to hold the cigarette filter with your lips. At the same time, the muscles are tense, and the lips are tightly compressed. In this position, wrinkles appear especially clearly.

A similar mechanism operates in such cases:

  • use of a cocktail tube;
  • the presence of a habit of folding sponges with a “bow” or pulling them forward;
  • with the habit of constantly keeping a match or a blade of grass in your mouth.

Of course, these factors will not have an instant effect, but will gradually leave their imprint on the skin around the lips.

The causes of wrinkles above the upper lip are also:

  • sharp weight loss;
  • lack of teeth;
  • incorrect position of the head during sleep;
  • frequent exposure to the sun or a visit to the solarium;
  • aggressive methods of depilation used in this area;
  • improper performance of gymnastics for the lips;
  • use of alcohol-containing cosmetics.

There are also some professional factors. The first to be at risk are people whose work is associated with tension of the circumlabial muscles and frequent articulation. It:

  • glassblowers,
  • musicians playing wind instruments
  • singers,
  • actors,
  • teachers.

What do they look like

Wrinkles above the upper lip are called purse-string.

They are located from the nose to the upper lip, i.e. across the muscle fibers, which are directed from the top of the lips to their corners.

You can see many small wrinkles and a few deep vertical folds.

Considering that over time the red border of the upper lip goes down and the distance between it and the nose increases, purse-string wrinkles become much more noticeable. Gradually, more and more such wrinkles appear, and they turn into oblong grooves, close to each other.

How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip

Removing wrinkles above the upper lip is not very easy. This requires an integrated approach to solving the problem. You should know that the sooner you start paying attention to special skin care in the lip region, the better the result can be obtained. The list of ways to get rid of purse-string wrinkles at home is quite large.


The skin around the mouth requires constant additional hydration, so you need to regularly apply creams, serums or masks.

Among the range of cosmetic products there are no special products designed specifically for the care of the nasolabial triangle.

Most often, cosmetic products recommended for application to the skin of the face are used.

There are important nuances that must be taken into account when choosing such cosmetics:

  • it must correspond to the age category, since this affects the composition and concentration of active substances;
  • it is better to give preference to products for dry and sensitive skin;
  • the composition of the product should contain moisturizing components (the most popular products with hyaluronic acid);
  • do not use cosmetics that contain alcohols or fruit acids.

When using cosmetics for normal or oily skin, you can purchase a separate anti-aging product that will be applied only to the area around the mouth. Cosmetic products for the skin around the eyes also have the required characteristics.

In addition to daily care, procedures using scrubs or peels should also be carried out periodically. The exfoliation that occurs under their action stimulates the production of its own collagen, which helps maintain skin tone.


Good results in the fight against the appearance of wrinkles above the upper lip can be achieved with massage. It helps to relieve the tension of the circular muscle. It is best to carry out such a procedure in the evening, spending 3 to 5 minutes on it.

The area around the lips should be massaged with light pressure with the fingertips. In this case, it is necessary to make only circular movements, avoiding rubbing and stroking, which only contribute to stretching the skin.

Another way to massage is with a soft toothbrush. Before the procedure, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of moisturizing cream to the skin around the mouth.

You need to massage in circular motions in two directions: from the corners of the lips to their center and from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose. With your free hand, you should hold the skin near the lips to avoid excessive stretching and injury.

There is a technique of intraoral massage that helps to remove the clamps from the muscles around the lips, normalize the muscle tone of the general and mimic muscles.


To perform the exercises, you need to sit in front of the mirror and carefully monitor the position of the lips.

The complex of gymnastic exercises is approximately the following.

  1. Inflate your cheeks and roll the air around in your mouth.
  2. Tilt your head back and gently blow out the air, simulating the blowing off of dust particles.
  3. Slowly pronounce all the vowel sounds in turn. It is important to ensure that wrinkles do not form on the skin around the lips.
  4. Raise the upper lip, trying to reach the nose.
  5. Stretch your lips with a tube and immediately return to the starting position.
  6. Alternately wind the lower lip over the upper and vice versa. Repeat the same exercise, after stretching the lips forward.
  7. Smile broadly with your mouth open until you feel tension in your cheeks. You need to try to perform the exercise so that the upper part of the face does not strain and wrinkle.
  8. Close your teeth tightly and try to lower your lower lip, exposing the lower row of teeth and gums.
  9. Slightly (without tension) smile, stretching your lips, and pat the center of your lips with your finger.
  10. Slowly pull your upper lip forward. Then perform the same movements in a pulsating rhythm. It is important to ensure that the lower lip remains relaxed.
  11. Cover the mouth with the thumbs and forefingers of both hands, creating a rectangle around the lips. After that, press your fingers, directing efforts perpendicular to the gums. The lips should turn out slightly and separate from the teeth. After 10 pressures, you should pause for 10 seconds and repeat everything from the beginning.
  12. Stretching your lips forward, collect them in a "knot" and fix in this position for 8 - 10 seconds. Then start moving this “knot” in different directions and after another 10 seconds completely relax the muscle around the mouth.

Each exercise should be repeated 10-20 times. You need to start with a small number of times and after a few weeks bring it to the maximum.

In a beauty salon

Effective help in the fight against purse-string wrinkles can be obtained from a beautician. This is indispensable if wrinkles are already too noticeable or other methods do not give the desired result.

The beauty salon offers the following treatments:

  • thermage- moisturizing the skin above the lip with the help of high temperatures, which contributes to the production of collagen;
  • other hardware procedures– laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, ELOS – rejuvenation, iontophoresis;
  • lifting - massage- performed for the muscles of the entire face, relieves general muscle tension and stimulates the elimination of wrinkles, including those above the lip;
  • filler injections (gel fillers)- their introduction under the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle leads to the expulsion of purse-string wrinkles, straightening and rejuvenation of the skin;
  • local injections of neurotoxins (natural poisons)- produce a blockage of nerve endings and reduce the mobility of the circular muscle, which reduces the risk of wrinkle formation;
  • biorevitalization, mesotherapy- by introducing a complex of vitamins, collagen, elastin or hyaluronic acid preparations under the skin, skin rejuvenation and restoration of its elasticity are achieved.

Before carrying out any cosmetic procedure, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

Folk remedies

There are many recipes for how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip with folk remedies. Creams or masks based on cream, sour cream or kefir are best suited for these purposes, because animal fats are more nutritious and good for the skin.

Here is a description of some of the masks:

  • mix 1 tsp. grated cucumber and sour cream or cream and add 0.5 tsp. honey;
  • mash canned green peas and add kefir, so that a porridge-like mass is formed;
  • mix in equal proportions aloe juice and natural honey;
  • dilute 1 tbsp. starch with a small amount of kefir so that the mixture reaches the density of sour cream;
  • beat fresh chicken protein into foam.

You can just use natural products:

  • cucumber;
  • strawberries;
  • green apple;
  • sauerkraut;
  • tomatoes;
  • grape;
  • avocado.

Compresses made from heated olive or other vegetable oil are quite effective.

It is also useful to use cosmetic ice cubes made from herbal decoction or freshly squeezed juice, which you need to circle the lips several times along their contour.

So that all efforts to prevent the appearance of wrinkles above the upper lip do not backfire and do not lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, it is important to heed these tips:

  • before conducting a massage or gymnastics, it is necessary to study the methodology of their implementation well, otherwise you can stretch the skin and help deepen wrinkles;
  • it should be borne in mind that cosmetic procedures are cardinal interventions, therefore, such measures should be resorted to only after predicting the consequences well;
  • components for self-preparation of cosmetics must be fresh;
  • Before applying any product, it is imperative to test for the absence of allergies.

Another important note - you should not count on a quick result from using the proposed methods. All procedures must be carried out systematically and regularly, only then will there be a noticeable improvement in appearance. Even if all the recommendations are followed, it will take at least 2-3 weeks.


These include:

  • daily rinsing of the mouth for 2 to 3 minutes;
  • washing only with cool water;
  • proper wiping of the face with a towel - in the direction from the chin to the ears;
  • protection of the skin around the mouth from excessive exposure to UV rays;
  • the use of plants containing phytohormones;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • proper nutrition, excluding foods that lead to deterioration of the skin.

Compliance with such simple tips will serve as an excellent prevention of the appearance of purse-string wrinkles.

It is quite possible to stop the formation of wrinkles above the upper lip. Of course, this process is inexorable and someday they will appear anyway. But for most women, delaying aging even by a couple of years is a powerful argument.

Photo: Before and after

Mimic wrinkles around the lips and mouth do not add beauty, so every woman wants to get rid of them. How to remove them, what methods and methods to use at home - this is described in the article.

To understand how to deal with wrinkles, you need to figure out what they are in general. Cosmetologists distinguish 3 main types of wrinkles in the mouth: nasolabial, purse-string and marionette wrinkles. These are seemingly funny names, but behind them lies the real problem.

  • So, these are the very nasolabial folds that run from the base of the nose to the corners of the lips. These are the deepest and most visible wrinkles on the face. They begin to appear at a young age, and deepen over time. By the age of 40, they are already a great poison for most women.
  • Purse-string wrinkles are short vertical skin folds of different depths, located above the upper and under the lower lips. Outwardly, they resemble the folds of a pouch - a bag tied with a cord, in which tobacco was previously stored. Their other name is pleated wrinkles. Indeed, they are somewhat reminiscent of those same pleated skirts. There are other interesting names: “age barcode”, “smoker wrinkles” and even such a dissonant option as “duck butt”.
  • The last type is these are wrinkles, or "puppet" lines. They run from the corners of the mouth to the chin. A person with such wrinkles really resembles a puppet puppet, in which the strings of the puppeteer stretch to the corners of the mouth.

Now let's find out why these folds arise, causing so much trouble for many older women?

Reasons for the appearance

Some wrinkles have their own separate causes. So, purse-string wrinkles are really characteristic of women who are not indifferent to smoking, although not only. And “nasolabies”, they are also “folds of sorrow”, paradoxically, are found in often laughing women with rich articulation and facial expressions. But there are a number of reasons common to any wrinkles. These include:

Age changes

In our advanced society, where the level of medical literacy of the population is constantly increasing, there is hardly a woman who has not heard about collagen, connective tissue and that same magic hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for skin elasticity. Indeed, the molecules of this wonderful substance have the ability to bind water molecules and keep them inside the connective tissue. In youth, it is produced by the cells of the body itself in sufficient quantities, but with age this process slows down. The skin loses water, flabbiness and sagging appear. Collagen, a protein that gives skin strength, also plays an important role in maintaining elasticity. Its synthesis also decreases as the body ages.

Decreased production of sebum by the sebaceous glands

As you know, girls who suffer from acne in their youth look better than their peers when they reach adulthood. Due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, wrinkles appear much later on oily skin than on dry skin. Constant hydration keeps it from drying out. And at a more mature age, when the hormonal surge passes, those who did not make acne masks in their youth face overdried and sagging skin.

Rich facial expressions

Everything good in this world comes with a price. So women who know how to emphasize their words with a charming smile or a flirtatious look are paying for their capabilities with wrinkles in the future. However, this does not mean that walking with the smooth face of an emotionless doll is much better. Smile to your health! Indeed, truly happy people are beautiful even in old age with wrinkles.

Fast weight loss

There is one interesting saying: "In the life of every woman there comes a moment when she must make a choice between face and figure." Well-fed ladies suffer less from facial wrinkles. And strict diets remove fat not only on the abdomen, waist and hips, but also on the face. As a result - the disappearance of the fatty layer around the lips and all the same harmful folds.

Frequent and strong tension of the circular muscle of the mouth

It is especially evident in those rare young ladies who play wind instruments, for example, the trumpet. Constant contraction of this muscle also leads to wrinkles.

The structure of the skull

Anomalies in the structure of the skull and teeth also predispose to the appearance of wrinkles: birth defects of the jaw, malocclusion, absence of teeth.

Ways to get rid of wrinkles

After we figured out where these hated wrinkles on the face come from, it's time to move on to the main question: how do you get rid of them? Modern cosmetology offers several different approaches, consider the pros and cons of each.

injection method

As the name already implies, these are the very well-known “beauty shots” - injections that return a young look to the face. Preparations are injected under the skin, giving volume to sunken parts or tightening sagging skin. They are called fillers. These include products based on hyaluronic acid, collagen, polycapronolactone and others. Some of them stimulate the synthesis of their own collagen. The choice of the drug is carried out by a cosmetologist, he also determines the dosage and duration of the course of injections. Here is a brief overview of the most commonly used tools.

Hyaluronic acid

Used as filler. This is a substance that is usually present in our body as part of the connective tissue. Molecules of hyaluronic acid bind and retain water, and this ability allows the skin to remain elastic, soft and elastic.

In adulthood, and even more so in old age, the synthesis of “hyaluron” decreases, which is why it is necessary to give injections to make up for its lack.

There are many different drugs based on it: IAL System, Repleri, Teosyal and others. The good thing is that allergic reactions rarely occur to such drugs.

It is also part of the connective tissue of the human body. It is a fibrillar protein that gives skin elasticity. Animal collagen is usually injected, only in some expensive clinics patients are offered the injection of their own collagen. At the same time, the cells of the human body itself are taken, which in the laboratory produce autocollagen. Then it is administered to the patient.

It does not cause rejection and allergic reactions, unlike animal collagen, but this procedure costs a lot.

There are three types of drugs depending on the concentration of collagen: it can be low, medium and high. Preparations with a low concentration eliminate fine wrinkles, with an average concentration - deep ones. A high concentration is usually used for facial modeling. After the application of collagen, edema may appear on the face.

Preparations with collagen also have a number of contraindications: oncopathology, inflammation on the face. There are also age restrictions - not less than 35 and not more than 60 years.

Synthetic polylactic acid

It is produced under the brand name "Sculptra". The drug has proven itself in the elimination of nasolabial wrinkles. Its advantage lies in a two-stage action: first, it fills the void at the site of a deep fold and thus restores volume, and then collagen synthesis is stimulated by connective tissue cells - fibroblasts.

Cons of the drug: high cost and the presence of contraindications: autoimmune diseases, pregnancy and lactation, blood diseases. "Sculpture" should not be inserted into the chin.


Produced under the name "Ellance". Previously, on the basis of this substance, a self-absorbable suture material was created in the human body, which was used in surgery. The action of the drug polycapronolactone is similar to "Sculptra". It has a fast and long-lasting effect, relatively safe.

It has many contraindications for use: diabetes, cancer, herpes, and, of course, pregnancy and lactation.

Calcium hydroxyapatite

His drug is sold under the brand name Radiesse. Calcium hydroxyapatite is a substance found in the bones of the human body. The action is almost similar to Sculptra and Ellans. The effect is fully revealed in a month. Radiesse cannot be injected into the lips, but it can be injected into the chin.

Of the main contraindications, the period of pregnancy, lactation, diabetes mellitus are distinguished.

One of the main preparations for the fight against mimic wrinkles. It is a preparation of botulinum toxin - a poison that disrupts the conduction of an impulse along the nerves to the muscles. As a result, the mimic muscles of the face stop contracting, and mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. For this, Botox is injected under the skin. The effect lasts up to six months.

Of the minuses, the complexity of administering the drug is noted: if the technology is violated, asymmetry of the face may occur. With the introduction of too large a dose, the facial muscles completely "freeze", and the face resembles a mask. Contraindications of the drug include pregnancy and lactation, as well as hemophilia and epilepsy.

Hardware way

Includes several different methods: fractional photothermolysis, RF lifting, ELOS therapy. These methods, based on the achievements of physics, are very effective (this is how scientists tried for female beauty!). Below is a brief description of each method.

  • Fractional photothermolysis. The method is based on the use of a fraxel laser. Everyone knows about an ordinary laser - it is a thin beam of very bright light. The Fraxel laser is different in that such a beam is internally divided into even thinner beams. This allows more control over the skin resurfacing process. The method is similar to laser resurfacing, but unlike it, it does not affect the entire surface of the face, but selectively on the places of wrinkles.
  • RF lifting (radio frequency or radio wave lifting). Electromagnetic impulses of high frequencies stimulate regeneration processes. In particular, fibroblast cells are activated, which synthesize the same collagen that gives skin elasticity. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • ELOS therapy. This is an abbreviation of ELOS, which stands for Electro-Optical Synergy, electro-optical synergy. Hidden in the name are 2 types of energy that affect the skin when using this method: radio frequency electromagnetic radiation and light energy. Their combined action provides a facelift and stimulates collagen production, just like the previous method.

The hardware method is more effective in combination with others, for example, with injection.

Surgical method

Of course, this is the most complex and traumatic method of those listed. But surgery does not stand still, and now plastic surgery is relatively safe. There are several different methods for restoring a youthful appearance to the face. Here is a description of each.

  • SMAS lifting. SMAS stands for "superficial musculoaponeurotic system of the face". Behind these words, terrible at first glance, are our ordinary facial muscles, including the circular muscle of the mouth. Accordingly, this method is based on skin tightening along with mimic muscles.
  • Lipofilling. An unusual method based on the introduction of own fat into the lips and nasolabial folds. First, the surgeon takes part of the fat from the buttocks or lumbar region, then cleans it and introduces it into problem areas. The method helps to smooth out purse-string and nasolabial wrinkles. In addition, it is safe, since its own fat is not rejected by the body.
  • Thread tightening. This procedure is called "filtering". It appeared in the last century, when gold threads were first used in France for a facelift. Now new materials have appeared, the threads from them have become absorbable. Thanks to this, even after filtering, you can use the methods of hardware cosmetology: fractional resurfacing, radio wave lifting, and others.

Gymnastics against wrinkles

This is not a fast way, but it gives excellent results. It is better to do exercises prophylactically when there are no problems with the face yet. They are very simple and take little time. Of course, it is better to do them when no one sees you. A set of exercises is enough to carry out once a day. Do not overexert yourself too much, because too frequent training can also provoke the appearance of wrinkles.

  1. Puff out your cheeks and move the air in them from one cheek to the other. Repeat 12 times.
  2. Close the lips and move the tongue behind them, licking the inside of the upper lip, left cheek, then the lower lip and right cheek (counterclockwise). Then repeat the same movements clockwise. There are 16 movements in total, 8 in each direction.
  3. Stick your tongue out as far as possible, hold it for a couple of seconds, and then hide it back. Repeat 12 times.
  4. Put the thumbs of both hands behind the upper lip, slightly lower the jaw down, slightly pull the fingers to the sides, feeling tension on the upper lip.
  5. Take in more air, puff out your cheeks, then push the air out of them with jerks. Repeat 12 times.
  6. Close your lips tighter. Place your index fingers at the corners of your mouth and move them up and down. Do 8 movements in total.
  7. Clamp a pencil or a teaspoon with your teeth and move your jaws, moving the object clockwise, then against it. Repeat 12 times on each side.
  8. Move the lower jaw to the right and left, 8 times in each direction. But do not overdo it, so as not to accidentally dislocate the temporomandibular joint. Movements should be smooth, with a small amplitude.
  9. Pronounce the sounds “o”, “y”, “and”, observing the correct articulation of the lips.
  10. Complete the set with the air kiss exercise. Pull out your lips, put them on your palm or fingers, then “blow off” the kiss from your hand.

Folk methods of getting rid of wrinkles

If finances or fear of doctors do not allow going to a cosmetic clinic, you can use folk remedies to get rid of wrinkles. These include masks made from natural ingredients.

Cucumber mask

Lie down for 15-20 minutes. Place a towel under your chin to keep the cucumber juice from dripping onto your clothes.

This mask not only smoothes fine wrinkles, but also perfectly cleanses and whitens the skin.

Fish oil mask

Apply the mixture around the lips for 15 minutes.

Mask with egg yolk, honey and olive oil

Lubricate the skin around the mouth, hold until a feeling of tightness appears (about 10 minutes), then rinse.

Since wrinkles usually appear on dry skin, it needs to be moisturized. To do this, you can use not only creams, but also vegetable oils: coconut, almond. They are applied to the skin around the lips and allowed to soak for 10-15 minutes, the remnants are blotted with a napkin.

Be careful: an allergic reaction may occur to the components of the mask. To prevent this, before using the mask, do a simple test: apply the finished composition to the skin of the inner surface of the wrist, wait 10 minutes. If there is no rash, itching or redness, you can safely apply the mask on your face.

In addition, it is worth remembering that masks with honey are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, increased facial hair growth, and vascular "asterisks" on the face.

You can massage around the lips. After exercising, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer, wait until it is absorbed, and massage the area around the mouth with a soft toothbrush. Make circular movements from the periphery (corners of the mouth) to the center.

Proper nutrition

Of course, nutrition should be healthy: you can not eat large quantities of fast food, eat a lot of fatty and sweet. But if you really want to, you can sometimes treat yourself to pizza from the nearest cafe or a cake. The main thing is not to overeat. Be sure to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, especially carrots, tomatoes, broccoli. Add vegetable oil to salads. These products contain vitamins A and E, which prolong the youthfulness of the skin. And also include in the diet foods that contain vitamin C: sweet peppers, lemon, green onions, cook compotes from rose hips or currants. This vitamin is involved in the construction of collagen chains, the very one that maintains skin elasticity.

Prevention of wrinkles around the lips

The best prevention is not to let strong negative emotions take over your face. You can not bite your lips, twist them or squeeze them hard - all this contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.

Fun fact: blind people tend to have fewer wrinkles. This is due precisely to the fact that facial wrinkles appear due to frequent contractions of facial muscles with strong emotions. And people who have lost their sight do not see the world around them, react less to it and, accordingly, experience fewer emotions. Of course, this applies to those who lost their sight not in extreme old age, but earlier.

For dry skin, use moisturizers. Do not wash with water, but with moisturizers.

Now you have got acquainted with a whole arsenal of means to combat wrinkles around the mouth: from the methods of modern cosmetology to folk methods.

Choose whichever method you like best and go for it. But do not forget that wrinkles are still not the most unpleasant thing in life. And those who truly love you do not pay any attention to them.

Wrinkles around the mouth are not uncommon even in youth. The fact is that such wrinkles are called mimic and appear as a result of loss of skin elasticity. At first, they are only visible when smiling or laughing. Moreover, in this case they look cute and even quite attractive. But with age, the skin does not have time to smooth out, wrinkles become more noticeable and deep. At first, small folds are visible above the lip, but quickly become visible in the corners of the mouth, and often reach the cheeks. From it is difficult, therefore it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of a problem. Although, if the problem has already manifested itself, modern cosmetologists have effective methods that will help to quickly solve it.

We remove wrinkles around the mouth with home methods

When we note with sadness small wrinkles in the mouth area, first of all we try to correct the situation through the use of cosmetics. Using a cream is the easiest and most affordable method. But with a huge selection of creams from different manufacturers, making the right purchase is not always easy.

It makes no sense to recommend a specific cream or a specific manufacturer, since there is no ideal option for everyone, and in the end, each woman chooses her optimal anti-wrinkle cream. But in any case, when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the components of a cosmetic product. It must contain the following:

  • Vitamin A and retinols.
  • Antioxidants that help slow down skin aging.
  • Moisturizing components, including vitamin E, which helps to preserve skin moisture.
  • Pentapeptites are special substances that are able to stimulate the production of natural collagen by the skin, as a result of which it is easy to restore its elasticity.
  • Among home remedies, the simplest is use. Oil can be any - apricot, sandalwood and menthol. If every night, shortly before bedtime, treat the skin around the lips with one of the listed oils, the problem will soon disappear. In the absence of sandalwood or menthol oil, even regular sunflower oil can be used. But it is applied in the form of a compress for only 10 minutes, then it must be washed off with water - alternately either hot or cold.
  • Many masks have been invented to eliminate wrinkles in the mouth area. Here are some interesting recipes:
  • Mix a teaspoon of sour cream and the same amount of grapefruit pulp and carrot juice. Apply the resulting mixture to the area with wrinkles. By the way, this is a good mask for the whole face. Wash off after about a third of an hour.
  • Take a tablespoon of yeast and mix with liquid sour cream to obtain a porridge-like consistency. Leave the mixture until the fermentation process manifests itself. As soon as fermentation is noted, the gruel can be applied to the face and rest with a mask for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Mix one raw egg yolk and half a teaspoon of oil. It is advisable to choose olive oil, but in the absence of it, you can use any other. Add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes in the area around the mouth and then washed off with warm water.
  • Beaten egg white is mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. The mask is usually kept for no more than 15 minutes and washed off.
  • Avocado pulp, carrots grated on a fine grater, heavy milk cream and honey, mix well one teaspoon each and add the yolk of one egg. The mass must be mixed very carefully and immediately applied to problem areas in a rather thick layer. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. For the face, this mask recipe is perfect, as well as for the décolleté, and not just for getting rid of wrinkles around the lips.
  • A very tangible effect is also given by a decoction of oak bark, which is impregnated with a napkin and applied to the place where wrinkles appear for 15 minutes. True, in addition, the napkin must be covered with a film and a warm towel. After washing, the skin is wiped with a small piece of ice, previously frozen from water or herbal decoction, which is even more effective. After carrying out such a procedure, do not forget to apply cream to the skin.

If all the above recipes are not suitable for one reason or another, you can use cucumbers, raspberries, aloe, strawberries, grapes and much more that nature gives us for masks. Or buy fish oil at the pharmacy and take one or two capsules once a day. The course of admission is advised to continue for about two months, just be careful, because with the effect of smoothing wrinkles, fish oil may well add a few kilograms.

Get rid of wrinkles with gymnastics

The most inexpensive and very effective way to get rid of wrinkles is a special gymnastics for the face. Exercises are mainly aimed at preventing the appearance of nasolabial folds, but they are also effective for shallow wrinkles.

  • We stretch our lips in the form of a tube, repeat this simple movement 15-20 times.
  • We inflate both cheeks, which we also repeat 15-20 times.
  • We open our mouth, round our lips as if we are planning to pronounce the letter “O”. The number of repetitions does not change.
  • With tightly clenched teeth, we try to push the lower jaw forward as much as possible, so that as a result, a strong tension is felt up to the ears. This exercise is repeated at least three times.
  • We inflate only one cheek and alternately pump the air from it to the other cheek, repeating a simple movement about 10 times.
  • We take a deep breath through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, and the lips should be as relaxed as possible in this case.
  • We repeat the exercise with the extension of the jaw, while the lips are compressed tightly and it is necessary to achieve a feeling of tension to the ears. This time, during the exhalation, we additionally try to counteract, and hold it with our fingers in the corners of the mouth.
  • We take a deep breath through the nose and hold our breath until the face turns red from the rush of blood. Then we inflate the cheeks and exhale through the mouth in short jerks.
  • We enter through the mouth, but at the same time the teeth are clenched, and the lips are pulled to the sides. With compressed lips, we exhale, but now the lips should already be stretched out in the form of a tube. This exercise is repeated 3-10 times.
  • We inhale through the mouth, exhale through the corners of the mouth alternately through the left, then through the right corner.
  • We inhale with our mouth, exhale with an attempt to puff out our cheeks a little.
  • At the end, we take a normal breath through the nose, and then exhale through the mouth 3-10 times.

During the exercise, there is absolutely no hurry. There is nothing difficult in gymnastics for the face, except that monotony can be exhausting. But it is very important that these exercises become a habit.

Experts recommend doing gymnastics to prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds in the morning, but for beginners, at first, you can transfer classes to the evening to learn how to do it right and enter the regimen. Further, it will be much easier to transfer them to the morning, especially since they do not take much time. It’s great if after completing a set of exercises there is time to apply a mask. Although even without it, with regular performance, after a month you can notice a good result.

Radical measures or salon ways to fix the problem

There are wrinkles that creams and masks cannot get rid of. In this case, resort to salon procedures, thought out to achieve maximum results. The procedures in the salons offer different ones, but the price is not always happy.

One of the most affordable and completely safe ways to get rid of wrinkles is chemical peeling. True, at an affordable price, the result is not the highest. Much more often, modern women do not waste time and money and choose biorevitalization - the procedure helps to moisturize the skin and stimulates the collagen production process. The effect is achieved by injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin layer.

Today, more and more people are talking about Botox injections - a very popular and effective method of getting rid of wrinkles. The effect of the procedure lasts for a long time.

RF lifting, which is almost as good as a surgical facelift, but without the huge number of risks that surgery has. It is important that no scars remain during the lifting, the skin is intact, and it does not take much time to recover after the procedure.

Wrinkles in the perioral region appear early due to the fact that the lower third of the face is practically devoid of sebaceous glands, the secret of which protects it from adverse environmental factors, and many facial muscles are located in this zone.

It is difficult to get rid of wrinkles around the lips with the help of home cosmetics, therefore, at the first sign of their appearance, it is necessary to seek qualified help from specialists in beauty salons and aesthetic medicine centers.

Types of wrinkles

Depending on the mechanism and causes of development, scientists distinguish three types of perioral wrinkles:

  • purse-string - vertical skin folds located in the region of the upper and lower lips, which occur against the background of age-related skin changes and thinning of subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • nasolabial wrinkles - located in the region of the nasolabial triangle (originate from the wings of the nose and lead to the corners of the mouth), occur due to a decrease in the tone and elasticity of the skin and excessive activity of facial muscles;
  • puppet wrinkles are vertical labiomental skin folds, the formation of which leads to gravitational ptosis (sagging of the soft tissues of the face under the influence of gravity).

purse-string wrinkles nasolabial wrinkles puppet wrinkles

How to remove wrinkles around the lips? Basic correction methods

Cosmetologists offer patients injection, hardware and surgical methods for correcting perioral skin folds. The most effective cosmetic techniques aimed at solving this problem are described below.

Contour plastic

A rejuvenating procedure based on the intradermal filling of the near-oral skin folds with sterile gel preparations of a dense consistency - fillers. The gel fills wrinkles, which contributes to the instant smoothing of the skin relief and forms into a supporting "frame", which biodegrades over time and is completely eliminated from the body. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately. The method is suitable for the correction of all types of perioral wrinkles. For contouring, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are most often used (Juvederm, Surgiderm, Hyaluform), gels containing polycaprolankton and calcium hydroxyapatite (Ellanse, Radiesse) are less commonly used.


An injection method for correcting wrinkles above the upper lip and around the mouth, based on the saturation of the dermis with a complex of nutrients that activate the formation process and improve the division of epidermal cells, protect the skin from dehydration and the harmful effects of environmental factors. The composition of mesotherapeutic preparations (cocktails) includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phospholipid compounds and trace elements. The effect after mesotherapy becomes noticeable after 2-3 procedures and increases over time.


The method of hardware rejuvenation of the skin of the lower third of the face, which is based on the stimulation of the circular muscle of the mouth with a low-frequency electric current. Electrical impulses cause contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue, which increases the tone of the skin and provides a lifting effect, accelerates metabolic processes in the deep layers of the dermis and stimulates blood circulation. The effect of myostimulation is evaluated after a course of procedures.


The technique of injection rejuvenation of the skin, which is based on the introduction into the deep layers and dermis of a purified solution of the patient's plasma. Plasma sampling takes place immediately before the procedure. The doctor takes blood from the patient's vein, purifies it by centrifugation and injects it into the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle in accordance with the technique of performing mesotherapeutic injections (the solution is injected into the depth of the mesoderm). Plasma, which consists of platelets, improves the functioning of all structural elements of the epidermis and dermis, activates the synthesis of new skin fibers, which leads to a gradual smoothing of the skin relief. The effect of plasmolifting becomes noticeable 2-3 weeks after the procedure.

Chemical peel

Controlled chemical burn of the skin, which activates the processes of the inner epidermis and dermis. During the procedure, the doctor treats the patient's skin with a peeling mixture, which causes the process of exfoliation of the cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and stimulates the production of new structural elements of the skin, due to which the skin relief is leveled and wrinkles are smoothed. There are superficial, medium and deep peels. The method is suitable for combating vertical wrinkles above the upper lip and smoothing nasolabial folds. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately.


An injection technique for skin rejuvenation, which is based on filling the perioral wrinkles with the patient's own fat. Before the procedure, the specialist takes a small amount of adipose tissue in the thighs or abdomen, cleans it of impurities and introduces it into pre-designated places. The effect of lipofilling is noticeable immediately. The method is most often used to fill the nasolabial folds and correct marionette wrinkles.

Botulinum therapy

Injections of Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Lantox - a procedure aimed at correcting perioral wrinkles, during which the doctor, using intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin type A, causes temporary paralysis of the circular muscle of the mouth. The lack of motor activity of the mimic muscles of the face contributes to the gradual smoothing of the perioral skin folds. It is impossible to completely remove wrinkles around the lips with Botox, because botulinum toxin smoothes only superficial (mimic) skin folds, therefore, to obtain a more pronounced effect, cosmetologists advise combining botulinum therapy with contouring, lipofilling and chemical peels.

Laser skin resurfacing

The procedure of hardware rejuvenation of the skin, based on the ability of laser beams to stimulate the process of exfoliation of the epidermis and activate the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers. Laser radiation easily penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, heats the tissue and causes water to evaporate, which leads to smoothing wrinkles and provides an effect. The result after laser resurfacing is noticeable immediately after the end of the rehabilitation period - 10-12 days.

Vector lifting (bio-reinforcement)

A method of non-surgical skin tightening, which is based on the creation of a gel-like "thread" frame in the deep layers of the dermis. During the procedure, the doctor introduces dense gels of polylactic or hyaluronic acid (Belotero, Perfectha Derm, Radiesse) into the patient's skin using special vectors, which form a frame network. The frame creates an artificial tension of the soft tissues, which provides a lifting effect, helps to smooth out wrinkles and prevents the skin of the lower third of the face from sagging under the influence of gravity. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately.

RF lifting

A non-invasive method of skin tightening based on intense heating of the skin with radio frequency electrical energy. Deep heating of the soft tissues of the face improves the turgor and elasticity of collagen and elastin fibers, which provides a lifting effect and smoothes wrinkles. The result of RF-lifting is noticeable immediately.

Thread lifting (thread lifting)

A minimally invasive technique for wrinkle correction, which is based on the creation of a scaffold in the deep layers of the skin from absorbable or non-absorbable threads. The thread frame prevents sagging of the soft tissues of the lower third of the face, provides a lifting effect and helps to smooth out the perioral skin folds. For the procedure, absorbable suture material is most often used (mesothreads, which consist of polydioxanone), less often Aptos threads (consist of caproic acid and polypropylene) are used. The effect of threadlifting is noticeable immediately.

The required number of procedures, the duration of the effect and approximate prices

Procedure name Number of sessions required Duration of effect (months) Estimated cost of the procedure (USD)
Contour plastic 1 8-16 80-100
Mesotherapy 3-7 6-12 40-80
Myostimulation 5-8 4-6 30
Plasmolifting 2-6 12-36 40-50
Chemical peel 1-8 6-18 30-80
Lipofilling 1 12-36 300-400
Botulinum therapy 1 5-10 50-70
laser resurfacing 1 12-36 130-150
Vector lifting 2-4 24-36 100-120
RF lifting 1 18-36 100
Thread lifting 1 24 200-230

In order to obtain a more pronounced result, cosmetologists often combine injection, surgical and hardware methods for correcting wrinkles above the upper lip and around the mouth with each other, but without additional home care - the use of anti-aging creams, moisturizing and

Every woman strives to look young and beautiful for as long as possible. Having noticed the first wrinkles in oneself, an active struggle with them begins. There are many methods for eliminating an unpleasant problem that are used at home, in beauty salons and in plastic surgery clinics. Therefore, answering the question, how to remove the folds in the corners of the lips, each woman can choose the most acceptable option for herself.

What does the problem indicate

There are many reasons for the appearance of wrinkles in the mouth area. They can tell a lot about a person. It can be both certain diseases of internal organs, and features of a person’s character:

  1. The fact that there are problems with the spleen is evidenced by the appearance of deep wrinkles in the upper lip.
  2. The fact that there are diseases of the organs of the urinary and genitourinary system is evidenced by small folds near the nose and upper lip.
  3. Deep wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle indicate developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Asymmetric folds speak of problems with the musculoskeletal system or the articular apparatus.
  5. Under the lower lip, they appear with the development of allergic reactions in the body.
  6. The appearance of folds near the corners is a signal of diseases of the pancreas.

To fight wrinkles, you first need to determine their cause. Because, otherwise, even if they are removed, they will reappear, they will become deeper.

Causes of the appearance of "folds of sorrow"

The most common cause of wrinkles is the natural aging of the body, in which collagen elastin is produced in a small amount, and then completely stops its production. The skin around the lips is very sensitive. It is the first to undergo the appearance of purse-string wrinkles. By the age of 30, mimic wrinkles usually appear, and with age they become deeper. Risk factors for early appearance of wrinkles in this area include:

  • a sharp weight loss, in which the fat layer in the perioral area becomes thinner;
  • professional activity associated with additional activity of circular muscles;
  • structural features of the skull, bite;
  • heredity;
  • smoking, in which a large amount of moisture evaporates, the production of elastin and collagen decreases;
  • hormonal disorders in which the production of estrogen in the body decreases. These substances are directly related to the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • permanent active articulation;
  • the habit of pursing or curling the lips;
  • adverse climatic conditions: sudden changes in temperature, increased dryness of the air,
  • systematic effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • malnutrition, lack of the required amount of fluid.

These factors negatively affect the beauty and health of the skin.

How to get rid of puppet wrinkles

There are a large number of ways in which lip rejuvenation occurs. Skin care procedures can be carried out independently at home, or you can turn to a professional cosmetologist or surgeon who, with the help of injections or cosmetic procedures, can make the skin smoother and smooth out even deep wrinkles.

Injection techniques

In the fight against mimic wrinkles or deep folds around the lips, injections of hyaluronic acid, botox, mesotherapy, plasma lifting are very effective. Consider the most effective injection procedures that give a pronounced rejuvenating effect:

  1. Contour plastic with fillers. Injections of drugs based on hyaluronic acid of various densities are carried out. With this procedure, you can get rid of the problem of insufficient volume in the folds of the skin. The duration of the effect is determined by the type of filler used. With the help of this substance, hollow subcutaneous areas are filled. The result is smoothing of small and medium folds. The result is stored for an average of six months.
  2. Botox injections. With the help of neurotoxins, muscle spasms are eliminated, due to this, puppets and nasolabial wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect lasts from 6 to 8 months. Botox is injected at certain points and to a certain depth. This is very important because you need to reach the muscles without affecting the nerves.
  3. Mesotherapy or biorevitalization. With the help of such procedures, the skin is deeply moisturized, it is saturated with vitamin substances. This gives a good result in the fight against the problem.
  4. Vector lifting. It involves the introduction of preparations based on hyaluronic acid and the creation of a vector frame. As a result, the skin is held in position.
  5. Plasmolifting. This method is a helper to deal with the problem. These are injections of one's own blood, platelet-rich plasma. As a result, the processes of skin rejuvenation and restoration are launched. Duration and result is determined by the individual characteristics of the organism.
  6. Lipolifting. Salon getting rid of problematic defects involves filling the skin folds with your own purified fat, which is taken from other parts of the body. The effectiveness of the method depends on how much the body will absorb its own fatty tissue.

The listed methods of correction help to get a quick and good result. But it doesn't last long. Such procedures will need to be repeated every six months to a year.

Hardware methods

Such methods help to smooth out the fine mesh of folds in several sessions. But they are recommended to be used as part of complex skin care. They do not have such a pronounced effect as injections, but at the same time they have longer-lasting results, smooth the skin, and improve the tone of the epidermis. Thanks to this, the appearance of new folds is prevented.

The hardware methods of rejuvenation include:

  1. Laser lip rejuvenation. With the help of laser resurfacing, the upper layer of the epidermis is completely renewed. The severity of the mesh is reduced, the skin is rejuvenated. The result lasts for several years.
  2. RF lifting. During this procedure, the epidermis is affected by electromagnetic waves. As a result, the production of collagen is stimulated, a tightening is provided, wrinkles are reduced. It will take several sessions for the lips to be tighter to provide the lift.
  3. Myostimulation. This is a lip and muscle tightening simulator that works by electrical tension, tightens the perioral area. After a person undergoes several sessions, the epidermis becomes taut, the microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid is restored.
  4. Iontophoresis and electrophoresis. With the help of these procedures, the skin of the perioral region is saturated with nutrients (for example, vitamins A, E are used), moisturizing components.
  5. Hardware peels for tightening the muscles of the face. They help to enhance the microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid, start regenerative processes, stimulate the sebaceous glands, activate fibroblasts that produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

The listed hardware techniques make it possible to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. But they need to be repeated regularly. In parallel, cosmetologists recommend taking care of your skin at home, controlling your facial expressions, doing massage and exercises to get rid of wrinkles.

Surgical techniques

This is heavy artillery, with the help of which work is carried out with deep age-related folds on the lips:

  1. Thread facelift.
  2. Deep chemical peeling.
  3. Surgical facelift helps permanently get rid of wrinkles around the mouth.

Getting rid of wrinkles in the corners of the mouth at home


Lip massage can be easily done at home. This method is very useful against premature aging. Before you massage at home, be sure to cleanse the skin. This procedure consists in gently massaging the skin near the lips with the fingertips in the direction from the corners to the middle, from the mouth to the nose.

To make the effect more pronounced, you can use a toothbrush only after applying a greasy anti-wrinkle cream.


Home ways to deal with the problem involve exercising. Such a lip exercise is simple, it is an excellent way to prevent aging:

  • lower the lower lip as much as possible, hold in this position for several minutes;
  • make a wide smile, tighten your muscles, do not squint;
  • stretch lips, as for a kiss;
  • squeeze your lips with force;
  • bite, pat, pinch the skin.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Natural mask for the skin around the mouth removes fine wrinkles and prevents the appearance of deep wrinkles, moisturizes the epidermis. Most often used:

  • starch masks;
  • tomato masks;
  • avocado;
  • fish fat;
  • cucumber;
  • essential oils.

Problem Prevention

  • regularly do lip massage and gymnastics;
  • eat right, include in the diet all the necessary vitamins;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • stop smoking;
  • give up wrong diets;
  • get enough sleep;
  • choose the right pillow;
  • protect yourself from the sun;
  • care - apply creams and masks.
