The best ideas on how to give money for a wedding in an original way. The most original ways to give money for a wedding Gift of money for a birthday

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello to everyone who has visited the pages of this incredibly festive and inspiring blog! Are you getting married soon? Not with you, with your friends? We bet you probably decided to give a gift in the form of banknotes. And just today we will talk to you about how to give money for a wedding in an original way.

I remember when I got married (how can we not remember this) they gave us money only in the classic way - in special or just greeting cards. It was definitely very pleasant. Moreover, with the amount received, my husband and I were able to subsequently purchase many useful things needed in everyday life.

But it didn't have that special touch that makes a cash gift truly exciting and memorable (no, I'm not complaining at all). If you want to bring this very zest to your cash surprise for the newlyweds, then you should definitely read this post to the end!

How much to give?

Before beautifully packaging and presenting a monetary surprise to the spouses, you need to find out how much money is generally customary to give?

There is no clear answer to this question, but there are general recommendations.

  1. If you give, then less than 1000 rubles. It's not worth giving. If this is not possible, then it is better to simply choose the available amount.
  2. If money is just an additional pleasant incentive to the main gift (weighty, of course), then the amount can be absolutely any.

Well, one more banal, but always applicable piece of advice - give with your heart!

15 ways to present original banknotes at a wedding

Money is money, and no one has yet canceled the original approach to presentation! Which we will now consider.


There are several methods for this option (but in any case you will need an umbrella) Namely:

Soft toy

A very romantic way! Prepare a soft wedding couple of any size for him. These could be bears, bunnies or more exotic animals (say, a pair of giraffes).

There are actually a lot of options here. For example:

  1. Place bills in toys' paws
  2. Make them clothes (or some elements of clothes) from money with your own hands (for real craftswomen)
  3. Sew the bills inside (to do this you will need to make a small cut along the seam of the toys and put the money there, then sew it up).

In any case, do not forget to warn the spouses about your manipulations so that they do not accidentally wash their wedding family budget.

The method is almost classic. You can build a money tree (for example, like a topiary) or tie it to a real plant (to branches, trunk, etc.)

If you think about the first option, the simplest way to implement it would be the following:

  1. Take a strong stick or tube, wrap it with a satin ribbon or tourniquet
  2. Attach bills folded in half and gathered to the top. It is best to wrap them with thread so as not to damage the money. You will get a money palm))

Suitcase with money

One of my favorite ideas! Here, by the way, it is not necessary to use real money (at least in large quantities). Just print out a bunch of banknotes, dividing them into neat bundles, and at the bottom of each one, put one real one (you can have a small denomination - 50, 100 rubles)

The idea is somewhat expensive, but incredibly impressive! And in order not to have to worry about printing and cutting out bills, and even looking for a suitcase, I suggest using a ready-made option.


Do you master the art of a magician? If not, then it’s time to learn a couple of tricks especially for young people. Can you imagine how surprised they will be when you pull out $100 out of nowhere (for example)?

Yes, the method is not easy. But its bonus is that with such a presentation, the effect of it will significantly reduce the amount given. Although, as I wrote above, it’s not worth giving less than 1000 rubles.


Everything is simple here: before inflating the balloon, roll the bills into tubes and place them inside the balloon. If there is not enough space, then money can be inserted as it inflates.

It would be great if you sprinkled some confetti or festive paper cut inside to create a truly festive mood. Or you can put in a little bear cub - it will be especially touching.


The method is ambiguous and will require some accuracy. Carefully cut the loaf and place a bill inside. If there are a lot of them, then you can cut out part of the bread crumb. After all these manipulations, place the bread in its original packaging so as not to arouse suspicion.

The most important thing is to make sure that the disappointed (for now) newlyweds do not eat your surprise along with the bread

Picture with banknotes

For this you will need a photo frame, your banknotes and a little imagination. You can simply put the bills under glass and call the “work” something like this: “Symbol of family happiness”, “Fuel for the family hearth”, etc.

And you can create a composition if you remember the elementary figures from origami.


Continuation of the previous method. With one difference – here you can create three-dimensional figures. For example, a rose or a wild animal. Swans or roses will look symbolic.


You can make flowers out of paper and combine them into a bouquet, or you can “introduce” a monetary gift into an ordinary armful of flowers - just place the bills between the buds.

If you choose a small bouquet, you can make a frame from banknotes. I think such a wrapper in this case will attract much more attention than a flower arrangement))

Vitamin-money reinforcement in a jar

A gift that has become almost classic today. It’s easy to make it yourself - you only need a transparent jar (preferably plastic, but it all depends on what effect you want to achieve), decorative elements (paper, ribbons, rhinestones), nuts, candies and the money itself.

Jars can be used for anything - from honey packaging to special decorative jars sold in handicraft stores.

All you need to do is roll the bills into tubes, tie each of them with a ribbon and put them in a pre-decorated jar, mixing with candies and nuts.

Diary pages

Or a photo album. To do this, put banknotes in your diary or photo album. To enhance the effect, it is better to have as many bills as possible (you can even exchange them for fifty dollars). Invest some money in each page, writing congratulations on each page at the same time. The gift will require some painstaking work on your part, but the resulting effect will be worth it, believe me.

With a photo album, everything is even simpler - at the beginning, place a joint photo of the newlyweds with congratulations, and then (instead of other photos) insert banknotes. You can present it with the following words: “May your life be so happy that bright moments appear in this photo album every day. A small addition to it will allow you to organize these moments.”


If the bills are turned into corrugated circles, they can be placed on a necklace. One minus is that there must be a lot of bills. But if the wedding is planned in a beach style, then such flower “garlands” will be very much in the spirit of the event.

A simpler option: roll each banknote into a tube, carefully securing it with tape. Hang them all on a long thread, thus creating a monetary decoration. That's all

Toilet paper

I’ll say right away that this option is only suitable for best friends with a great sense of humor. Think for yourself: handing over a roll of paper from parents or respectable guests is somehow inappropriate on such a holiday.

Take a roll of toilet paper and unroll it as much as you have in banknotes (you don’t need a lot of money here, 5-6 banknotes are enough). Now slowly insert the bills and wrap your creation back up. To prevent the roll from unwinding prematurely, it can be placed in a gift bag.

Checkbook of wishes

To do this, you will need a checkbook of wishes (it is better to purchase one for your spouse). Just attach a bill to them and say: “When you have a dream, it’s good. And when there are means to implement it, then it’s even better! Make your wishes wisely so that family life only gets stronger.”

That's all for me, dear friends. I think from so many methods you have definitely chosen the most interesting one. If not, write your wishes and ideas in the comments.

Don't miss new articles by subscribing to blog updates, and just come here often. After all, I'm always glad to see you! See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Not everyone knows how to give money in an unusual way. In the presented master classes you will find a detailed description and step-by-step photos of making money trees, rain; learn how to make a rose with your own hands from banknotes.

The content of the article:

As you know, the best gift is money. The person to whom they are given will be able to use the banknotes at his own discretion and buy what he wants. But how to give them? If you simply put it in an envelope, the gift will not make the right impression. And if you make flowers out of banknotes, make a real money shower, or present a tree with dollars instead of leaves, such a gift will be remembered for a long time.

Original wedding gift

Many people give money to newlyweds, and rightly so. It is better to present banknotes than some household item that the newlyweds do not need at all. To make the wedding, including the part where gifts are presented, unforgettable, it is better to present an original gift.

Let it rain money on the young. To do this, you will need:

  • new umbrella;
  • paper clips;
  • thin satin ribbon;
  • money.
It is better to buy a large umbrella so that the newlyweds can fit under it. To give money for a wedding in an original way, change the bills into smaller ones so that there are several of them. Attach a paper clip to each one. Cut the ribbons into short strips, tie one end with a paper clip and the other with an umbrella spoke. Fold it.

When the time comes to present your gift of money, go up to the newlyweds, open an umbrella over them and wish that such money rains would fall over them, and wealth would literally fall from heaven.

This would be a perfect gift for an anniversary or birthday. If you don't know what to present to your boss for an event, you can use this option or consider others.

What to give your boss

If you are thinking about this question, then again take advantage of the win-win option. The main thing is to present the banknotes in an unusual and original way. If your boss has a sense of humor, he will certainly appreciate your impulse.

For the first idea, you will need a cute glass jar with a nice lid. Exchange money for bills of various denominations. If you want to present your boss with domestic money, which is popularly called “cabbage,” then fold the banknotes and put them in a jar. The inscription “cauliflower” will not go unnoticed.

If you intend to give your manager dollars, then also put them in a transparent container and write that these are “dried greens.” You can also give “canned cabbage”. Give a present with the words that a new bank account has been opened for the boss.

A gift for the boss may be a little different. You will need a head of real cabbage for this. Carefully cut it out, leaving only a few outer leaves. Put money inside.

A gift for your boss for his birthday or dedicated to another event may be a little different. In this case, the cabbage is made from corrugated paper. Green sheets are used to cover a round shape, such as a ball. It can be created from newspapers, crumpled up and tied with a rope. Then round blanks are cut out of green corrugated paper, slightly tapering towards one edge. With this part, glue them to the base, and make the top wavy.

When the glue dries, place bills between the leaves.

How to make a present for a friend

If you don’t know what to give a good friend for his birthday, give him a suitcase of money and something else, supposedly from the mafia. To do this, buy a small man's bag, put a few bags of flour inside, and fill the pockets of the bag with small denominations of money so that there is more of it. Open the zipper on the bag a little and let the banknotes peek out.

To prevent flour from spilling, use 2 or 3 bags for one package of “white powder” and check their integrity first. To do this, inflate the bag, pinch the hole with your finger and see if any air comes out.

Here's another gift you can give a man. A shirt made from a banknote will also be an unforgettable and original gift.

If something remains unclear to you, then watch the video at the end of the article, it clearly shows how a shirt and tie are made from money. If you are not yet strong in origami, then it is better to first practice on a sheet of paper, cutting out a rectangle from it the size of a banknote.

Tree of banknotes

Such a symbol of wealth will certainly bring good luck. There are several ways to make a money tree with your own hands. The ones presented are some of the easiest.

For this craft, it is better to use souvenir money printed on a color printer or purchased, since it needs to be glued to the base.

To work you will need:

  • paper bills;
  • small plastic ball;
  • glue gun;
  • wooden stick 25 cm high;
  • low flower pot;
  • awl;
  • varnish or spray paint:
  • building gypsum.
Pierce the ball with an awl. Coat the tip of the stick with glue from a gun and insert it into the puncture of the ball.

A wooden stick can be decorated in several ways: wrap string around it and then coat it with varnish or spray paint. Or do not use thread, but immediately paint the stick and let it dry.

While this is happening, you will have time to make money preparations. To make the tree of banknotes lush, you will need a lot of them - about 150 pieces.

Fold the first piece of money in half crosswise, fold the edge back by 7 mm.

Roll the other side of the dollar or banknote into a little bag. Apply glue to the free edge and secure the resulting figure.

We begin to assemble the money tree with our own hands, or by calling an assistant. Cover the ball with bags. Lubricate the sharp corner of the first workpiece with a solution from a glue gun, and glue the workpiece to the ball from below.

In order for the tree to have a beautiful round crown, the bottom row of bags can be glued simultaneously to the ball and to the trunk, smearing with glue not only the corner, but also the side of the banknote.

Then, using the same technique, but applying glue only to the corner of the blanks, decorate the second lower tier. Gradually moving towards the center, fill the ball with banknotes. They need to be secured close to each other. You can alternate domestic and foreign banknotes.

Dilute plaster with water in a 1:1 ratio. Pour the solution into a pot, place the base of the money tree in it, do not let go of it immediately, wait until the solution sets. At this time, you can place colored twigs in plaster next to the trunk for decoration.

Then let the solution harden completely and decorate its surface with coins or pieces of burlap, attaching them with a glue gun. Now the fabric under the tree (if you used it) needs to be coated with spray paint. You can put decorative stones on the surface of the plaster.

The time has come to admire the finished work, and you can give the symbol of wealth to the person for whom it was intended.

Wealth symbol - another idea

To make such an exquisite souvenir or money tree for yourself that will attract wealth, take:
  • flower pot;
  • large wooden dowel;
  • acrylic paints;
  • polystyrene ball;
  • floral foam blocks;
  • decorative flowers or leaves;
  • floral pins;
  • natural or artificial moss;
  • glue.
We start by painting the flower pot; the color can be any.

When the paint is dry, place a large block of floral foam inside the pot and small blocks around the edges. If you don't have such material, replace it with regular sponges.

In the middle, make a hole for a dowel, which we will use as a tree trunk. Pour some glue into the hole.

Cut the moss to the diameter of the pot, making a small circle in the middle, into which insert an impromptu tree trunk made from dollars. Insert its lower end into the hole in the sponge and secure it in this position.

Let's let the glue dry, but for now we'll make “leaves” for it from fake dollars. You can also use real bills, exchanging, for example, $1.

Starting from the small edge, fold the bill into an accordion shape.

If you are using real money, then do not attach it with glue, but use a floral pin or a piece of wire for this purpose. We wrap these items around the dollar and attach it to the base ball as shown in the photographs.

Straighten the top edge of the piece so that it looks like a fan. Make several of these blanks, attach them to the ball, distributing them evenly.

The density of the crown depends on your financial capabilities and the denomination of banknotes. Even if the ball is not completely closed, such a money tree looks very attractive and has value.

If you still want to fill in the gaps between the bills, then take a decorative leaf, cut some of the wire so that it is flush with the bills, and attach the sheet to the ball.

If you gave a gift for a wedding or anniversary, you can write the name or names of those for whom such a wonderful gift is intended, and decorate it with ribbons, a bow or small decorative flowers.

In conclusion, we present to your attention a craft that can be created quite quickly. If you don’t have much time, but want to present money in an original and beautiful way, then make roses out of them. A similar bouquet can be presented to anyone - both a woman and a man. These flowers will never wither, and any day the petals can be turned into banknotes again and bought something you need.

To make a bouquet of money look beautiful, take new, crisp banknotes that have not been in circulation much.

In addition to them, you will need:

  • cork or foam blanks or A4 sheet;
  • toothpicks;
  • artificial flowers with lush leaves or wooden skewers;
  • thin rubber bands.
The presented work will be performed in two versions. Then, if you don’t have some material, you will see what you can replace it with.

For the base of the flower you need a cork like this, with steps cut out. If you don’t have these, then fold the larger side of the A4 sheet by 6 cm, cut off this strip of paper, roll it onto a marker or thick pencil and secure the edges with tape so that the part does not unwind.

See how to make flowers from banknotes. Take a toothpick and use it to twist all 4 corners of the money so that a petal curl is formed.

Now fold the bill in half so that the curls are facing out. Place an elastic band over the fold.

Wrap the petal with the rubber band around the paper blank and secure the petal to the base by twisting the rubber band around it several times.

Now attach the next bill in the same way. When using 5 bills you will have a rose of 10 petals. If you want to make it more magnificent, add a blank from another banknote, let it become 12 petals.

Having made several buds, proceed to the next stage of making a rose from money.

You can put a piece of sponge inside the paper tube on which we formed the flower and pierce it with the end of a wooden skewer, which is coated with glue. Then you will get flowers like this.

If you have artificial flowers, then remove the buds from them, and secure money roses in the sepals.

Now you can present roses, made with your own hands, to the person for whom they were intended, and in such an interesting way to give money.

The video will help you understand some of the subtleties of the fascinating process and give you another idea:

Attitudes towards monetary gifts are ambiguous. Many are of the opinion that gifts of this kind are cold and soulless. Indeed, a monetary gift can hardly be called “lovingly selected.” However, if you wish, you can put your soul into it. For example, prepare an interesting and original way of presentation.

If the donor made an original postcard-envelope for money with his own hands, having previously purchased everything necessary for creativity, such a gift cannot be called a “soulless gift.” In addition to the usual postcards and envelopes, there are many other options. Let's look at 10 ways to give cash gifts.

Money as a gift: how to present it? 10 ways

1. In a candy box

This is a surprise gift. The hero of the occasion receives, as he thinks, just a box of chocolates, but in fact the gift contains a sum of money with which you can purchase several (or very many) such boxes.

So, take an empty candy box with a correx (a plastic liner with recesses for candies). By the way, you can keep some of the sweets. Both bills and coins are suitable for a cash gift in a box. The bills need to be carefully folded and placed together with the coins in the candy slots.

Cash gift in a candy box

You can wrap the box in clear film to make it look like new, but this is not necessary. If the box will be presented without wrapping, it is worth tying it with a ribbon to prevent the lid from opening.

How to give money? In a box of candy!

2. Money as a gift with an umbrella

Everything is simple here: you buy an umbrella, and banknotes are tied to the spokes. To do this, use braid or ribbons.

The umbrella can be opened when presenting a gift or presented as a surprise. Let the gift recipient open the umbrella himself when he examines the gifts he received. He'll be surprised!

How to present money? With an umbrella!

When presenting an umbrella with money, you can say: “May showers of money always accompany you!”

In addition to money, candies, mini-postcards, paper flowers, origami figures, etc. are hung on the knitting needles.

Money with umbrella as a gift

3. Money in a box with butterflies

This donation option will be relevant if the money is intended for newlyweds or a representative of the fair sex, especially a young one. The present looks tender and romantic.

So, you will need a fairly deep box with a lid. You can purchase it at a gift wrapping store or hardware store (cardboard storage box). A tall box for shoes, sweets, toys, etc. is also suitable. If you are not satisfied with the color and/or presence of inscriptions, the box can be covered with colored paper of a delicate shade. In addition to the box, you will need: thick thread, thin braid, tape and, if desired, other decorations.

Paper money is made into butterflies. One butterfly is made from two banknotes. The bills are secured together with an elastic band or thin braid.

Box with money butterflies

You can put candy, or rose petals, or plastic butterflies at the bottom of the box. Basically, something cute.

When the gift recipient opens the box, money butterflies will follow the lid. It looks very impressive!

How to give money? In a box with butterflies!

4. Mini-shield “Emergency”

The bills are placed in a deep frame with glass. There are deep frames designed for photos, casts, quilling, etc. You can ask around for such a product in souvenir, decor, and craft stores.

So, there are banknotes behind the glass (1-3 pieces, usually no more). If the gift is intended for a friend, you can joke by adding something else to the bills: for example, a blister with aspirin tablets and a condom.

In order for the frame to turn into a mini shield (like a fireman), it is necessary to supplement it with the inscription: “In an emergency, break the glass!” or “In case of an emergency, break the glass and use the contents!”

How to give money? In frame!

5. Money wreath

This method of presenting a monetary gift is especially relevant in winter, during the New Year and Christmas holidays. With a wreath of money you can congratulate relatives on the New Year, a friend on his birthday, newlyweds on their wedding, etc.

There are two types of money wreaths: 1. woven directly from banknotes (they need to be folded in the form of small triangles with pockets); 2. frame, decorated with banknotes.

Money wreath

Money wreath

How to weave a wreath of the first type is shown in detail in the video (it is in English, but in principle, knowledge of the language is not required to understand the process).

For the second type of wreath you will need a round frame. It can be made from wire, branches or cardboard. It can be a thin “ring”, a wide flat “wheel” or a fluffy “donut”. The frame can be wrapped with tape or covered with fabric. The bills must be folded in the shape of tubes, butterflies, fans, or some other way.

Figures made from banknotes are tied to the frame with a thin braid or attached to safety pins. In addition to money, the wreath can be decorated with candies, Christmas tree balls, tinsel, and beads.

6. Money cake

Gift pseudo-cakes are made from so many things: from diapers, chocolates, socks, cosmetics, etc. And from banknotes too.

To construct pseudo-cakes, round frames of different sizes are used. The gift is shaped like a cake with two or more tiers. As a frame, you can use polystyrene foam disks or any cylindrical boxes and tin cans - empty or filled with sweets.

Money cake

Banknotes are usually rolled into tubes, which are then attached to a frame using paper clips, pins or rubber bands. The cake is additionally decorated with ribbons, braid, flowers, bows, candles, lace, etc.

How to give money? In the form of a cake!

7. Money in the book

This gift can also be a surprise. The hero of the occasion is presented with “just” a book, but inside it is a decent amount with which you can buy several good books to suit your taste.

To hide money, you will need a fairly thick book. It's better if it makes sense. For example, if a gift is given to newlyweds, a work about love will be relevant.

A “cache” is cut out in the book, inside which the gift is placed.

How to give money? In the book!

8. Money in a light bulb

Such a monetary gift is presented to young people or even very young people, accompanied by the words: “May your future be bright!” or “For your bright future!”

What to give money for? In a light bulb!

Money can be put into a real lamp by cutting off the bulb, taking out the "filling", and then gluing the socket to the bulb again. But on sale you can also find dishes in the shape of light bulbs (“cocktail jars”).

9. Money in a glass jar

The highlight of this gift is the inscription on the label. It is personalized and printed specifically for the occasion. The date of manufacture (day of celebration) is placed on the label. You can also place on it information about the manufacturer (name of the donor), place of manufacture, expiration date, method of use, etc. The more creative the better.

Often this “product” is called “dried greens” or “cabbage”. But you can always come up with some new name, for example:
- Non-child mixture (mixing different currencies);
- Canned stash;
- Ketchup in Russian (filled with five thousand dollar bills).

What to give money for? In the bank!

10. In the form of a decorative panel-postcard

If you have a creative streak and your hands grow from where they need to be, you can make a beautiful gift panel. For example, in the form of a three-dimensional applique using colored paper and banknotes.

You will need a base, preferably with a frame. On the panel you can depict, for example, a balloon with gifts, hearts, candles, a dress with a shirt, fish, butterflies, etc. Some of the details are made from colored paper and other creative materials, some are from banknotes. Of course, you shouldn’t glue money to the base - it’s better to secure it with paper clips, buttons or safety pins.

How to give money in an original way

for a Wedding, Anniversary or Birthday

25 tips on this topic - who likes what.

  1. Nowadays, there are quite a lot of options for giving money: you can make bouquets, cakes, and a lot of other crafts that you can make without wasting money. And for this you don’t need to go anywhere, just type on YouTube or any other site, “crafts, bouquets, money surprises” and maybe you will find something that interests you.
  2. It is possible, in an interesting and original way, to arrange money as a gift. Fold into a heart shape.

6. For this method we will need several balls, We will put our money in these balls and then inflate the balloons. The balloons are not ordinary ones, but special ones - durable (otherwise all the money from the bursting balloon will scatter, and it’s good if it’s not on the street!)

7. We buy some plant in the store (it is desirable that it has a good, thick stem), so we attach our bills to this stem, we can fix something dense in the middle, and money petals should already be coming from the middle.

8. Can be given as a gift money and in a frame, having banknotes beautifully laid out there, not only banknotes of the Russian Federation, but also of other countries, it looks quite unusual.

9. It used to be on sale, now I don’t know, it was good comic frame in which money was inserted (we always exchanged pieces of paper for real bills) with the inscription: “If necessary, break the glass.” Personally, I do with funny inscriptions “The funniest man for the funniest gadget” and the obligatory inscription (don’t deny yourself anything, use it for your health, enjoy life, etc....) At least with this money, the hero of the day can buy himself something what he wants, not what we chose for him.

10. Many people like it when they decorate live bouquets and use banknotes of 100 and 500 rubles. So, each flower in the bouquet is given a paper skirt. The bouquet turns out to be quite beautiful and expensive. I personally wouldn't refuse this. Depending on the amount, you can increase or decrease the number of buds. From 3 to infinity.

11. Or you can do it without fresh flowers - only cash.

12. Can be bought box, and put money in the box and give it as a gift. Useful thing with money.

13. You can make an original gift out of money. For example, change money in iron tens and put it in a small beautiful jar, will be very original. If desired, you can even roll it up with a lid.

14. Make a picture out of money coins.

15. Or you can not exchange, but simply put banknotes in a jar different denominations and write “cauliflower”. It’s original, and the bills won’t get wrinkled too much. 16. If a gift is for a wedding, so that the newlyweds do not have financial problems (suitable for any birthday boy) - you need to give wallet good, I personally would buy it from genuine leather so that it will last a long time and I would put money there. The amount depends on your capabilities.

17. Can be done candy ship, and instead of a sail - banknotes

18. Probably the most unexpected gift is... wrapping up banknotes in toilet paper. Take a regular roll of toilet paper, unwind it, and then roll it back and put the bills back in. You can give it with a special wish: “So that money is like garbage.”

19. Although I am not a man, I would not like to receive money as a gift in the form of origami! For example, I treat them very carefully and try not to wrinkle or crumple them; it’s more pleasant when they are all neat, even, like new. I think many people are of the same opinion (at least those I know personally). And folding bills into shirts and hearts... I don’t even know who would find this cute. Better give in an envelope.

“So, my friend, I give you this present.

Buy a wallet, and it will fit in there.”

20. How do you like this option: stroller "Newborn"

21. Can be given as a gift a bottle of strong drink, for example, a bottle of cognac, and attach a banknote or several bills to it. And upon presentation, wish him to be in good health and have to spend money only on something else

22. For those who love McDonald's or works in it, you can come up with this design:

23. Even a man won’t refuse something like this money necklace.

24. Well, a tea bag from Princesses "Mani"

25. The last tip is to make a carpet out of money and congratulate the hero of the occasion! Here you will find instructions on how to do this:

So choose to your taste!

It’s good if the birthday person ordered a certain item in advance, or you at least know what kind of present he will definitely be happy with. What if you don't know? In this case, there is a multifunctional gift that will always be in place, will appeal to anyone, and will definitely be very necessary! As has already become clear, this gift is money. Let's talk about how unusual it is to give money for any occasion - a wedding, anniversary or birthday, what options there are for giving such a surprise, as well as what traditions accompany this gift.

Birthday money gift

Presenting cash simply in an envelope is too casual and official. Fortunately, there are more interesting options for presenting such a surprise:

  • Wallet. As you know, it is customary to give a wallet with cash inside. Choose a beautiful wallet that the birthday person will like, invest in it and give it as a gift;
  • Candy box. The filling in your box will be original. Instead of candy, we will put paper signs there. First, change the bills into smaller ones so that there are more of them, then roll them up and fill the box to the top;
  • Cigarette case. A great surprise for a man who smokes! This souvenir turns out to be two gifts in one - both the cigarette case itself and its contents - with which, again, we will have finances. We roll them into tubes again and carefully place them inside the box.

Cash gift for newlyweds for wedding

As you know, it is customary to give money for a wedding. You can, of course, give something that you think the young spouse needs, but there is a chance that they think differently and will not appreciate your emotional impulse. Therefore, it is better to start financial capital.

There are several interesting ways to present such a gift to newlyweds:

  • Money box. It is advisable to give a transparent piggy bank. Fill it to the brim with coins. You can either exchange a large bill for small ones and fill a piggy bank with them, or exchange them for coins - this method is even more interesting;
  • Money cake. The method is beautiful, but requires some skills and patience. How to make it: First, make a cake frame out of cardboard. Then prepare the bills by rolling them into tubes of different widths. For the first level of the cake, the base should be wider, for the second level - thinner. Then secure them to the frame using double-sided tape. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the money. You can put a large beautiful flower on the top of the cake, or put figurines of the newlyweds. Decorate the edges of the cake with glitter or ribbons;
  • Umbrella. It would be symbolic to give the spouses an umbrella, asking them to open it and stand under it, as a sign that they are hiding together under protection from external adversity. Tie paper signs on ribbons to the spokes of such an umbrella in advance, and at the moment when the newlyweds open the gift, you will get the effect of a rain of money!;
  • Bag with money. You can either sew the bag itself or buy it in a special gift store. Exchange your bills into smaller ones, roll them up, and put them in a bag. If you want to surprise young people, exchange some of the money for change, then the bag will be very heavy.

Money tree as a gift

A beautiful and symbolic gift is a money tree. It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, in addition, it is also a plant that decorates the room. Usually it is given immediately with the first fruits - paper signs carefully attached to it.

Let's figure out how unusual give this gift to the birthday boy or newlyweds:

  1. Secure the folded bills under the leaves of the money tree with double-sided tape. Try to attach as many of them as possible to make the tree look blooming and lift your spirits;
  2. Place an empty pot of soil in front of the birthday boy, give him the seeds in his hand, let him plant and water them himself;
  3. Close the birthday boy’s eyes, and at that moment let him utter some magical phrase, such as: “Abracadabra!”;
  4. Replace the empty pot with a real flowering tree;
  5. You can open your eyes - the tree has grown and bears its first fruits!

Canned money

Another interesting way to give finances is to roll them up in a jar. The main thing is to come up with a funny signature.

  1. You will need: an ordinary glass jar and a piece of fabric to decorate the lid;
  2. First of all, make more photocopies of your bill - the jar needs to be filled to the brim. Do not forget to mark the real bill somehow so that it does not get lost;
  3. Roll the money into tubes and fill the jar with them;
  4. Close the lid, you can even really roll it up. Place a piece of fabric on top of the lid - it can be satin fabric, rough baggy fabric, or “mesh” - solely to your taste. Tie it with ribbon or twine, depending on the style you choose;
  5. Glue a label on the outside of the jar with a funny caption, for example: “cauliflower” - and you will certainly see a smile on the birthday boy’s face.

Surprise inside treats

Perhaps this is the most interesting way of presenting money, because the birthday person does not know what awaits him until the very end. Let's consider several options for such a souvenir:

  • Kinder Surprise. A chocolate egg is, in principle, a gift in itself, especially for a girl. Especially if there are a lot of kinders. If you want to make her doubly happy, invest money inside this gift. This is quite simple to do: carefully remove the wrapper, break the kinder in half along the seam or cut it with a hot knife, take out the container for the toy and replace it with a rolled up bill. Then put the Kinder Surprise back together: to glue the egg halves together, you need to run a hot spoon over them. Then carefully wrap it back into the wrapper. It’s a lot of fuss, but the birthday girl will appreciate it;
  • Treasure inside the cake. To do this, you will need to put the cash in a small container (for example, a Kinder Surprise capsule) and place it between the layers in the cake. Do this carefully, and so that the container straightaway discovered while cutting the cake.

And here is a video tutorial on how to make such a kinder surprise with such a filling correctly:

9 more ideas on how to give money

  1. Objects made from money look original and interesting:
  • Rose from money for a woman;
  • A ship to a sailor on his professional holiday;
  • House made from housewarming money;
  • Money Cake for Birthday;
  • Medal made of money;
  • Etc.;

The list can be endless, everyone can make anything with their own hands.

  1. Balloons are one of the main and favorite decoration attributes for any holiday. Balloons can be decorated however you like. So why not give money in it.

  1. For those with a sweet tooth, you can give a box of chocolates, but instead of sweets there will be banknotes

  1. If you really want to give bed linen as a gift, then give it out of money. Let them take refuge with joy.

  1. If you don’t want to think for a long time, just give them a bag with which you can make a bunch of wishes come true.

  1. It would be funny and unusual to give your friend toilet paper made from banknotes.

  1. Album with money. This will be a valuable gift for a collector.

  1. For adventure lovers, you can buy a chest in a pirate style. Fill it with coins, rhinestones, jewelry and everything in different colors and sizes for decoration. You can put a lock on the chest.

So, as you can see, there are many ways to give money in an unusual way. Some of them are simple, others are more complicated in execution, but also more interesting in their effect. The most important thing is your imagination and the warm words spoken when presenting this gift.

Video: a few more money ideas

In this video, Liliya Fedorova will show you a few more original ways:

And here is another original and funny idea from Alina, how to make a smiling face, by pulling the tongue the birthday boy will unexpectedly receive a bill:
