Write a romantic letter. Short notes-confessions to a loved one

How to express feelings to your beloved guy, man?

Write a letter to your loved one about your feelings for him in your own words!

Hello, love! I wanted to surprise you... I really hope he succeeds! Read this letter, please, dear!

I remember our first meeting... The very first. She was the best! There has never been another like it and never will be!

Stop…. Early morning…. Almost no cars, no public transport…. I am pleased with the end of November and the distinct light of lanterns, which "saves my eyes from dreams". I listen to the player so as not to fall asleep.

I pictured in my mind your magical first glance and kiss. And my white jacket made me even "magic". One person, who was terribly cold and envious of me (that I was dressed like that), barely audibly called me Snegurochka. I smiled.

After three seconds you came up .... With flowers and a gift bag. I had no idea what kind of gift you had for me, but it was already pretty damn nice.

We took a taxi and left for the nearest hotel. She met us with her splendor, but there were no free rooms in it. We drove on. I'm terribly tired, but I enjoyed every moment spent next to you.

Why am I writing about this now? Because literally one of these days will be a few years .... Briefly speaking! We will celebrate the birthday of our acquaintance! Time flew by so fast that I didn't even have time to look back. No wonder they say that the happy do not watch the clock ....

I am so happy with you! My feelings are an endless ocean in which I dream of drowning. These are not my words. I didn't invent them, of course. But I liked them so much that I slightly modified them and “pasted” them into the lines of my message to you.

I love you, dear angel! Now I'll take it and write it in a message if you want! Leave it in memory. Save it on your SIM card so you don't lose it.

A letter to you is the very first letter. I never wrote anything to anyone. In addition to "emails" and "text messages". Do you have any idea why I'm writing this beauty for you? Because I didn't love anyone as much as I love you!

I don't resent you anymore. Not for betrayal, not for insults .... Thank you for being there right now. I love…. You see…. This word itself "poured out" on the lines.

Forgive me and you, dear! For a long time I was afraid to call you by your first name. You didn't like it (of course). But I was afraid of the "strength" signs! I had to wait for the moment when everything “settled down” and I would be sure that you would not leave me.

Sometimes it seems to me that you fell out of love with me “a little”. But this is because of your constant employment, right? Try (when we get married) to combine work and personal life so that I do not remain without your attention.

My feelings for you can be compared to sunrises and sunsets….. Watch them. And you will see what I mean. You can also look at the sun. Its rays will also tell you a lot!

I want to say that I represent our wedding with you .... You already proposed to me, but I was not ready for such a serious step. And now I can say with complete confidence that I am more than ready to go with you to the registry office! Have you changed your mind? Are you happy? If yes, then prepare the documents! You can also call the registry office so that we don’t go there in vain. And what about the date? I want you to choose it. And I will choose a wedding dress and your wedding suit. I think that such a "separation" would be quite fair!

Darling, I'm ready for anything for you. I will do everything as you say. For me, the most important thing in life is you and everything that is somehow connected with you!

My happiness, I thank your parents for raising you so well! After all, you are a real gentleman! I hope that your "gentlemanly abilities" will continue after we sign! Do not worry! I am aware that people change when stamps are put in passports!

Let's have a picnic... Just you and me…. Outdoors! Let's find and choose the most beautiful place in nature. Be sure not to forget our plush blanket and our digital camera. Well, let's take a bottle of wine! Do you know (remember) what day it is today? Birthday of our first mutual declaration of love! Everything was so beautiful and so long….

Winter silvered the earth .... And my eyelashes. I did not regret at that moment that I did not have time to paint them with my favorite mascara. There would be nothing left of her! She would hide under the snow, like flowers - snowdrops.

You approached me quietly and gave me beautiful flowers. I remember this bouquet! It contained eleven scarlet and large roses. No one has ever given me such a bouquet! You will remember now how they gave me a huge rose covered with sparkles .... Believe me: your flowers are the coolest flowers in the world! If you're still in doubt, I'll show you! And I did not save that rose (given not by you). She remained in my memory, but in reality she is not.

In real life, there is nothing else…. Anything that would interfere with our relationship with you. I will throw out from my present and from my past everything that wants to separate us from you!

When we fight.... I act like it happens in a nightmare. That is, I go inside. Maybe it's not quite right, but I can't help it. Such is my nature. What can you do? .. Thank you very much for what you always say: "I love you any, my dear!". It's a feat, to be honest! I often can't stand my own character. Even trying to change it. Useless! Thank you for being so good to me.

I feel very good next to you. Do you believe in this? Please believe. Not only for the sake of making me very pleased. You yourself understand that we (women) love not only to receive compliments, but also to give them. You deserve the brightest and warmest words! Furthermore! You are the only person who deserves them (in my understanding).

I'm lost now.... I want to write a lot of things, but the words get confused and confused. Like garlands on a Christmas tree! It’s not just that I just remembered about the New Year now .... He "silvered" our feelings. And winter has become a real talisman that cannot be forgotten now. After all, winter comes every year! That is why our feelings will flare up every winter! And this fact makes me even happier…. I hope you too...

Now you know how to write a letter to your loved one about your feelings for him!

Then... start writing a love letter!

Continuation. . .

Talk beautifully about your feelings for him.

Many women find it difficult to voice their tender thoughts. They have been told all their lives that leadership in relationships is a privilege of the stronger sex. It is men who should sing serenades, make compliments, compose sonnets. But what if HE does not take the initiative - either he is shy, or he cannot understand what exactly he wants from life? When there is not enough courage for frank conversations, and there is no strength to be silent, the epistolary genre comes to the rescue. Modern “juliets”, sitting in front of a computer, solve the age-old question: how to write a letter to your beloved man so that he understands and is inspired? Unfortunately, this is not so simple - the "correct" words do not want to add up to smart phrases. Any difficulties? Calm down, you are not alone!

What to write in a letter to a loved one

One should not be ashamed of sudden tongue-tied tongue, it is quite forgivable when the soul is overwhelmed with feelings and emotions. Many public people - brilliant speakers, politicians, writers - stupidly lost the gift of speech in communicating with their loved ones. Even armed with pen and paper, they could hardly connect a couple of words.

Such is the declaration of love - confusing, crumpled, indistinct. This letter, addressed to the famous novelist George Sand, was written by Alfred de Musset. By the way - an adult man, a nobleman, a famous French poet and playwright! His letters touched the addressee not at all because of their "beautifulness", but because of the piercing authenticity of feelings that sounded in every line.

Centuries have passed, but sincerity in relationships is still valued above all else. Thinking about what to write to your loved one, you should not resort to templates using other people's confessions. A couple of chaotic sentences coming from the heart are better than thoughtlessly copying catchphrases or talking in the language of statuses from Contact.

Epistolary love - through time and space

A visitor to one of the women's sites wrote on the forum: "I am grateful to God for having managed to live in the era of paper letters - the most honest, most sincere, filled with real warmth and sunshine." And hundreds of commentators agreed with her.

Remember those yellowed leaves? They kept an infinite number of memories - joyful and sad. They tried to burn them in moments of anger and flooded with tears in moments of anguish. Tied up with colored ribbons, shifted with rose petals and lavender sprigs. They took it with them on any journeys, carefully hid it from prying eyes, re-read it with a feeling of poignant tenderness.

Paper letters have their own scent, a subtle scent of nostalgia. By youth, by the naive thrill of the first relationship and the spicy autumn flavor of the last love. This is memory. This is history. Is this why letters from celebrities written hundreds of years ago are read with such interest by people these days?

Tenderness through the prism of the monitor - confessions in the age of the Internet

“I am writing to you…” - this is how the romantic provincial Tatyana began her message to Onegin. Indeed, "what more"? In the 19th century, this was an act with a capital letter! At the time of Pushkin, naive girls fell in love with cynical rakes and breters with enviable regularity, but carefully concealed their feelings. Such behavior was dictated by strict etiquette, absorbed literally with mother's milk. Apostates were severely condemned by society, indulging in ostracism.

It’s easier for modern girls than an example - they can get to know each other actively, while maintaining anonymity. Alas! Looking at the world from behind a mask, it is difficult to expect sincerity from him. Virtual romance rarely leads to a serious relationship. You can write some special words to a man and read passionate confessions in return, but how much truth will there be in these hot phrases?

Today, you no longer have to run a hundred times a day to the mailbox to check if the cherished envelope has appeared. No need to guard the postman, and then hide the scribbled leaves from curious relatives. Everything is simpler, more accessible, more frank - the era of pragmatism makes its own adjustments to romantic relationships. Thousands of kilometers away from each other, it is easy to communicate in real time - via Skype, phone, social networks. And yet the correspondence between lovers has not lost its former relevance.

We can consider this a kind of psychological rudiment, a legacy of past centuries. When they thought about each line for half an hour, made up phrases, reread, crossed out - they created! Because I wanted to write something really pleasant to my beloved man, to touch his heart, to warm him with his tenderness.

In our time, this feeling of closeness is valued no less. Let not on paper, but by e-mail, but only for him alone. Not for show - in Odnoklassniki and other chat rooms, not in the free access zone. Love still requires silence. intimacy. And personal letters are a great opportunity to say what you lack the determination to meet “live”.

Letters to a man - features and nuances

Average men are not great masters of the epistolary genre. Oddly enough, they are more often rescued by templates. Girls are always happy to accept compliments, favorably refer to quoting the classics. A couple of romantic quatrains and endless praises are a direct way to the heart of almost any lady.

Writing a beautiful and touching letter to your beloved man is more difficult. Representatives of the stronger sex (with the exception of outright daffodils) are quite indifferent to their appearance, so the enthusiasm for beautiful eyes and luxurious hair is clearly not suitable here. Would you like to say something nice to your young man? for those qualities that he himself can be proud of: physical or moral strength, determination, loyalty, courage.

The main thing is not to "overoil". Men subtly feel the line, after which sincere delight turns into rude flattery. Since they themselves periodically use compliments to "frazzle" their girlfriends, exaggerated praise in their address can be considered an attempt to manipulate - and the stronger sex does not tolerate this.

What else should be considered when deciding to write to a loved one

  • Avoid Exaltation

Men do not like words with diminutive suffixes, superlatives and unjustified (in their opinion) delights. All this tires them, because it prevents them from understanding the essence of what has been said.

  • No quotes!

Balmont, Pasternak, Heine are the third extra in your correspondence. There is a great chance that a young person is not at all interested in the opinion of great thinkers about the meaning of life. It is better to write something simple and naive to your beloved in your own words, from the heart, than to refer to other people's statements.

  • Fewer endearing nicknames

A rare man will be happy to hear words like "baby", "chick" or "kitty" in his address. For a girl, this is an expression of love, and for her boyfriend, it is a veiled humiliation. If you want to use a nickname for the illusion of special intimacy in correspondence, let it be something heroic. For example, "my terminator" or "leopard".

  • Try not to be intrusive

It can be very pleasant to receive unexpected news from a loved one, but a regular bombardment of electronic messages with a set of tenderness on duty can only cause irritation. Imagine: he is sitting at a meeting, and you have a brilliant idea to write an SMS to your loved one. Then one more. And further. Colleagues chuckle, bosses askance. Here and before a major quarrel within reach ...

Finally - a small nuance. Do not forget that strangers can access his work email, and parents or friends can get into the phone. Never write too intimate things, the disclosure of which will embarrass the young man.

In the end, for gentle nonsense, you still have a win-win option - pen and paper. Test your strength in the epistolary genre - take the risk of writing beautiful words to your beloved man, be sincere and, believe me, the result will surpass everything that you could imagine in your wildest imagination.

Hello honey! Maybe you will never read my letter ... I don’t know how I can be without you, I really miss you, I want to see, see you, see your eyes, your smile, at least see you from afar! I never thought that I would feel such pain, I can’t forget you, day and night I think about you ... You know, once one person told me, "Anyway, you will love someday, and you will know what love, you will feel pain in your heart... And no one will hear you, and no one will ever know how you will suffer, and no one will feel your pain! And you will suffer! Suffer specifically!!! "And this moment has come ! No one sees me, no one feels my pain! Only my pillow knows how I cry day and night! I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything! I beg you forgive me! Although you will not be with me, the main thing is to be happy! Smile, let your heart beat! And I will feel your heart! If you feel sad, or something worries you, then remember that there is a heart in the world that loves you more than anyone in the world!!! Anyway, I will wait, wait for you, I will love, even forever! I'm sitting writing you a letter, tears are still flowing, the keys are filled with tears! I can't forget you!!! Without you, my life has no meaning! Why? Because I love you!!! Understand??!! I LOVE!!!

To my dear Princess, all the most beautiful flowers in the world are a gift from me.

My gentle Kitten, may your eyes always glow with joy, and tears shine in the cilia only about the happiest moments in your life.

All the princes of the world will curl around you, begging you to give them your radiant smile. And the girls will secretly envy you, and try to be at least a little like an unattainable ideal. All these attempts, both the first and the second, will never come true. Will you ask why? Naturally, because you can’t be a little like you, the most beautiful, and the girls will soak all the pillows in their girlish bedrooms with tears. The princes, who obediently lowered their wild heads, will only have to sigh in grief. Nearby, gently supporting your elbow, not looking back at all these losers, I will stand. All your smiles and sly glances will be intended only for me alone. Holding gentle hands in my palms, I will kiss the edges of your lips. You, laughing merrily, will move away from me and say that my beard pricks and tickles you. And after a couple of seconds, unable to resist the desire, you will give me all of yourself for kisses, face and neck, arms and shoulders. Rising up on your toes, you will try to reach my lips, and having done this, kiss you hotly with feeling ...
Lying on my stomach, you will tell about all your adventures during the day.
I, every minute losing the whole meaning, will admire the golden curls generously scattered on my chest. Inhaling the smell of your hair, caressing the fingers of your hands, I will quietly think that this is happiness. Happiness to be together with the best woman in the world, to listen to her beautiful voice. Here is a woman in whom there is so much light,
A friend in bad weather, a companion in the fight,
And immediately the heart prompted: this,
Yes, only this one is a ray in my destiny!

Oh gods, greedily envy me - a mortal.

I have never been to the Bosphorus
You don't ask me about him.
I saw the sea in your eyes
Blazing blue fire.
I did not go to Baghdad with a caravan,
I did not take silk and henna there.
Bend over with your beautiful figure,
On your knees, let me rest.

Hello my dear! I write poetry,
And so I suddenly decided to write a letter.
Simple, familiar handwriting.
I don't know if it will reach you.

Every day I remember you, my dear,
And I come to the place of our meetings.
Where I miss you so much
I swear I won't leave you again.

I'm just counting down every minute
Leafing through a worn calendar on the wall.
And each leaf brings the meeting closer,
But time drags on as the clock strikes.

Sometimes, walking along the cobbled embankment,
Where we walked with you in the evenings.
Often I look at the sky, clouds,
Trying to see, see something there.

How do you remember? they turn into something
Either in birds, animals or just dust.
And, we tried to figure it out somehow,
And they turned it into a fairy tale or a true story.

And you still dream of me at night
I can't forget you for a second.
And I still swear by that oath.
"My love, I won't forget you."

You gave me hope and love.
She bewitched me with her beauty.
Only, your heart illuminates,
It pierces all the mist and darkness.

I'll just pray a little for you
Even though I don't really believe in God.
But, I'm ready for anything for you.
Even go across your own word.

What a pity to end the letter,
It is just a confirmation of love.
I still come to your house
With the hope that you will come.

Well, here I am going to,
It's time for me to go home.
I'm waiting, come back soon
My beloved, my beloved!

Understand me, dear, hearing no, in response, my heart will break into a thousand comets into a thousand fragments and turn into ice, understand me, dear, no, it will kill me. Meeting the joy of parting is pain without you, I'm not who without you, I'm an outcast, I live in this world only for you in love, I confess, I hope that it's not in vain. I do not know a greater joy in this world than walking with you in the moonlight, I want to reveal all your secrets, understand me, dear, this is important to me. I want to love you and be loved by you so that not when we don’t forget each other’s joys and sorrows, we share the flames, we sail through life only together, we answer with the pure truth, but we don’t look into the eyes with a lie, as at the first meeting, she didn’t viciously and changeably loved - purely, forever , carelessly did what they wanted, overcoming everything, not noticing petty quarrels and insults, my heart beats for you ...

I'm ready to burn down
From your gaze
Know that there is that you are alive
And you don't need anything
Where to get strength and wings
For me to fly
And to the ends of the earth
fly to you
Take your heart in your hand
Pull out of the chest
And at your feet
Bring on a saucer
look at you
From beyond the clouds
Be carpet endure
The pain of your heels
Be your soul
water you
be with you everywhere

Hello Sunshine! I decided to write you a letter ... You can’t even imagine what’s happening to me, you can’t imagine how it hurts, it hurts in my heart, it hurts in my soul ... It hurts, it hurts terribly to watch you walk with another :(, the soul screams in pain ... What should I do? How should I be... I'm dying, gradually dying in front of your eyes, and you don't even think about me... Tell me, Sunny, what did I do to deserve all this??:(. After all, I love I love you! I love you with all my heart and soul! I love not for a moment, not for a day, but I love for a lifetime! How can you not understand this? There are only thoughts in my head, thoughts only about you. Every day my love for you becomes stronger and stronger... You know, when I came across one letter... In which there was a question "Would you like to erase your whole life and start all over again?" I answered myself no! I can't stand it for so long! "Because you are in my life! You are in my thoughts! I want to see you, I want to be near you, love you, spend eternity with you! The most precious thing in the world for me is you! The most The best thing in the world for me is you! For me, the whole world is you! You and only you! The most tender, affectionate, the best in the whole wide world is you! The last spark of my life... The only love in my life... Sunshine I love you! And I love it again! A million times love! Do you hear? I love you!!! I hope you understand this someday...

My hare... I love you so much... you know... Love is like a sea wave. From the beginning you do not feel anything, it is like a calm. But there comes a moment when a storm starts in your heart, and so it was when I met you. And I will never forget your look like a beautiful seascape. And never forget the taste of your lips like the taste of salty sea water. And I will never forget your beautiful lush hair like splashes of water gently falling on my face, and I will never forget your kiss like that feeling when this wave knocks you down .... I love you bunny, and I will love you forever .. And I'm ready to plunge into this ocean of love headlong with you....

To love you, just be with you for a moment
There is so much joy and awe in that moment.
To be with you! Let the moment seem to me a whole life, to love you
And enjoy the minute that I was next to you ...
Let it just be there ... and even that is fine for me
Because I love, love, for the first time in my life
Before that, I did not love, but only fell in love ...
You gave me hope that I am not alone in this world.
Let you look at another - I'm not angry
After all, a moment, but was next to you
And a moment is life longer...

When you sleep so sweetly at night, and you dream about something, maybe someone, maybe even me, lie down and think how happy I am with you, how great that you are only mine! And in the morning, waking up, I see how touching your chest is swaying by an invisible stream of my love ... I so want to snuggle up to her, but the appointment time in the morning is short and now, I sadly leave, casting my glance full of tenderness and feelings, confidence that I I will come back and hug you and affectionately say how much I love you! I don’t forget to kiss you while you sleep, I just can’t forget to kiss, both in the morning and in the evening, going to bed, I know that you love me and I’m ready to fly from this, fly with happiness every day to see you again your eyes, so lovingly looking at me, I feel you with my whole body, any mood of yours, any of your glances not at me, I also see, Tell me why is it so? I will answer myself, if you will, for you. My love, love me as I love you!

How not surprising, but this letter is for you.

I am writing to you about what I could not tell you in glory, but I will try to write about it. All month I didn’t come to you and you won’t forgive me, maybe you didn’t even think about it. Of course, I know that some of my actions are impossible to understand, and about what I say. I know that some of your girlfriends have a bad opinion of me and no matter how I try to find alternative ways out with them, but everyone condemns me and tries to show (me) to you in a bad light. Maybe they are right, maybe I really am such a jerk, a fool, an idiom, a vicious and useless guy who does not understand who he is losing. I didn’t have anyone except you, you were and will be the first for me who would not try to tell you the opposite.
I'm not trying to justify why I came to you once a week. Honestly, I'm just tired, and none of your friends interfered with this, and if I wanted, I would come to you every day, no matter who bothered me, well, you probably hear this every day from friends, and they are unfortunately right. To be honest, we had practically no communication, and even I don’t know all your interests, we went to the place, and I couldn’t start a conversation with something.
BUT, I want to thank you for all the memories that you gave me for all 5 months. My life was just not interesting until those days until I met you, you were like the most precious thing in my life, and that sweet taste that I will never forget.
I just lost my head, and I didn’t care about anything, even fire, tornadoes, tsunamis and even the most terrible dreams. I did not realize that all the days with you were the best and when I was next to you, every day I thought that I was sleeping (honestly, honestly) and if you think that I am embellishing all this, you are very mistaken.
And I want to say that no matter what choice you make, I will still be grateful to you for the memories that you gave me.

I want to say a lot. Leave more unsaid. Something that can only be felt, something that the best writer cannot convey in words. Feel like a touch of lips, like a touch of silky skin, a feeling that pierces the soul and leaves a deep trace of sweet memories, anticipation of wonderful sensations and an anxious heartbeat. Like a whirlwind of images, into which you slowly sink, wanting to save every second, to extend it into eternity, not to expect the end of the element of feelings. Save like gold, as the most valuable gift, keep in memory the eternity that keeps you. And never betray the sacred for two in their little world of oblivion and joy.

Hello darling, hello dear!
I am writing a letter, remembering you!
I haven't written to anyone for a long time.
And I don't even remember when I got it.
I don't see the point in writing about the weather!
Do not write about love - I will offend my feelings!
It's hard to find the right words,
To describe love for you in a letter!
To convey all desires, your thoughts,
O Muse, please help me!
Christina, I love you, earthly angel!
I want you to be next to me!
I want to hug and kiss you
Every night you gently caress!
I miss your warmth so much
All my dreams are about you!
I know you only want to be with me!
You will be my, my wife!
How difficult it is for lovers without understanding
Nobody cares about their feelings.
But we will not give our love!
Let's unite our parents!
Our love will overcome all barriers
And our friends will be happy for us!
And we will live happily You and I!
Making all our dreams come true!
My heart worries me at night
Rushing to you, without you can not!
Every minute of my life
I dedicate to my Christina!
All my thoughts are only about you
I want to hug you gently to me!
Everything, the Muse leaves, and there are no more words,
I'm waiting for your answer dear:
- Will you be with me? You'll be Mine?
Do you love me? Answer me soon!
Well, I have finished this letter.
Love you so much! That's all for today!

You are so beautiful like the stars in the night sky
You are as beautiful as the flowering fields.
Your voice is the loudest in the world
All this is you, my good!

Your eyes are like an endless ocean
In which I dream of drowning.
A smile that is not prettier.
All this is you, my love!

And your kiss is sweeter than honey,
I drink like water from a stream.
And lips as red as a rose.
All this is You, my dear!

And the hair is like Indian silk,
Which I want to hide.
And your gaze is gentle and sparkling -
All this is You, my good!

Your breath is like a wind refreshing
When in the desert I am exhausted from the heat.
Your scent intoxicates me so much -
All this is You, my humble!

And the skin is soft like velvet
which I touch
All this is you, dear!
All this is You - and all You are for me!!!

Love letter to beloved woman, girl

Hello dear, how are you?
In my soul there is still a tear of the departed dreams.
I compose poems about you, as about my dream.
I admire you, I live again with you

You are the priceless light of the sun, you are a bright star!
You are a snow-white angel, you are a heavenly dream!
You are the sound of the coastal wave, the midnight moon,
Flower ... my most tender, there is no more beautiful than you!

I ask the sky to keep your house,
I ask the sun for happiness to be in it,
I wish you all the best, like no other,
So that everything that was between us remains forever with you ..

May your path be illuminated by a lucky star,
And let the melody of love always play in the soul,
Let a tear touch your beautiful eyes,
but only from happiness,
And may you not know the age of bad weather!

What is left for me?
Good memories of bygone days
Your image in my heart, beautiful eyes, their outlines,
Your words, your mouth, your voice on the phone, your smile at dawn
I will not forget them ... as long as we live on the same planet.

My blessing, it's you - my dear ..
A gift of fate, unearthly love.
Like drunken air, I breathe you
I can't breathe at all.

Emerald of the Soul, Devil and God..
I could absorb you like that.
Rising sun, dawn dawn,
Beams of love chained me.

Your slave, prisoner, outcast ..
I wander, rattling the shackles of love, after you.
I'm doomed to life
Happiness with you is like a fabulous dream.

Hearts Mistress, my Mistress ..
The pool of bottomless eyes - drowns me.
I dissolve in them, I drown in them,
Lips only whisper: "I love you!"

Look how beautiful life is
Look at the sky
How the sun shines bright, clear
Everything is revealed within.

Look up at the stars
What is so flickering there in the distance,
There is a nightingale sitting on the roof,
Sings love songs to us.

We'll run with you across the rainbow,
I'll catch a butterfly for you
And you will let her out of your hands,
And just smile at me.

The sun also winked
The moon has gone crazy
Of course, how not to get off here
With me such beauty!

You came closer to me
Kissed me all of a sudden
Suddenly, no warning
Now I'm staggering.

You smile, you laugh
And I stand all empty,
You're kidding, of course
There is no other like it in the world.

But I don't need another
You are the best, go crazy
I want to be next to you,
Find your love with you!

My love will come to you
with the rays of the morning sun,
and slowly touch
your freckled eyelashes.

You smile when you leave
from the captivity of a peach dream
and stretching, you will feel
my love and God's silence.

And you will feel yourself
that a world filled with love
warm and protect you
and he, and I, all of us - with you.

Breathe in purity with your whole chest,
love and God's peace,
and the power of eternal goodness,
you will accept in the whisper of the surf.

Wake up my love
I'm far away, but I'm with you
I miss you so ... and I'm waiting for you,
sad, with bowed head ...

Love letter to beloved woman, girl

Why did you smile at me lovingly?
My soul then turned over
Now I don't recognize myself.

You know, somehow very unusual,
Walk the streets like this on your head
But for me personally, it's nice
So it is better even to think of You!

Your smile, you know, everything is Your smile,
Drove me crazy, then completely,
Well, not to say that it's so very strong,
That I do not sleep and, in general, do not eat.

Your smile, all your smile,
Kindled the fire in my soul,
And from this, inside everything unfolded,
The soul flutters like a moth.

Your smile, so tender
It's nice to feel that she's here
And for this I think that it is possible,
Don't sleep at all, don't know how to eat.))

Your smile, all your smile,
I've done so much here, I don't understand
You took me and made me fall in love with you,
I can't do anything.))

Your smile, you know everything Your smile,
I have no conscience at all, I see you
Well, how can I smile like that,
I'm completely lost in the world.

Your smile, you know, is so cool,
Yes, to be honest, I've been gone for a long time,
When I saw these in the corners,
You guessed it, I got them.

Yes ... these dimples ... the eighth wonder of the world,
Well, that's it, now I definitely won't fall asleep,
You smile, yes I know of course
Probably, I'll eat anyway, I'll go.))

Your smile, you know, everything is Your smile,
You couldn't get past her.
When you smile so sweetly
You can easily lead anyone astray.

Well, to tell the whole truth, honestly,
I consider myself very lucky
Then I noticed your smile,
And it's great how good it is.

I was looking for her in this wide world,
And just by chance I found her
And maybe not even by accident.
I recently came to this conclusion.

Accidentally in the world just does not happen,
Love will always find you by accident
But I digress, you know dear,
Your smile really suits me.))

In terms of growth, it’s even wonderful for me,
Weight - super, just perfect,
Actually, she looks so pretty.
It sounds strange, not trite.

She fits even on the gait,
It is noticeable, very, that in the dimples at all,
And I feel very strange
I don't sleep, I don't drink, I don't eat.

She looks so cool and pretty
I can die without her
And I feel terrible
When I don't see her in the mirror.

But again, when I see her again,
And with her, I'm completely different,
And if you are completely honest with you,
Now I am Yours forever, only Yours.

And whose else, then think for yourself,
Who else can beat me like that
With these marvelous dimples,
Through so take my heart to pierce.

Now I can't go anywhere
And so I don't need to smile at all,
Want to eat? Yes, of course you can
Sleep? I don’t want to… I want to be with you now!

Letter to my girlfriend

It's hard for me to love you. Indescribable feelings, you brought into my soul. A bouquet of fantastic emotions brought your unexpected arrival into my life into my heart. Now you are not around, but I know you feel my warming love for you. To teach a person to dream again is not given to everyone. You did it. And I am again in a fairy tale, alluring into the distance and frightening with its beauty ... You are not a desire, but an opportunity to find yourself. Only with the advent of you, I was able to be reborn and understand who I am. Only you helped me become independent of my desires. My heart has learned to be patient. Endure the fire, flaring feelings and overwhelming emotions. Having passed through darkness, through the jungle of evil and the desert of suffering, I found light in my soul. Your harmony. I won't give you to anyone now and I won't let them take you away. But I'll let you go if she wants to leave... I can give my life to you, but I'm afraid that you will throw it into the sky, bottomless and too spacious for one human life. I'm afraid that she will not return to me anymore, and I will only exist, not live ... You have become an angel in my life! ..

I don’t even know what time it is now and I don’t want to know at all .... but I just want to say what is in my head, although I have been expressing this for several hours to myself ... ... some kind of strange feeling inside ....
“Hello my dear…..everyone is sleeping now…. I just don't sleep at all... I can't just... I think about you and my heart cannot make my body fall asleep…. I look up at the ceiling and think of you... and on the face there is a smile like that of a little boy who was presented with his first favorite toy……..suddenly I get up and go somewhere, I don’t know where I’m going…. my heart leads me... and now it led me probably to the most beautiful place that exists .... on the roof…. strangely so ... ... now the dawn so I want you to be next to me and I again feel the tenderness of your hands and the bottomlessness of your wonderful eyes ... .. I would like to hear gently “I love” in my ear, but this will not happen and I just have to imagine .... although that doesn't work for me either... when I think about you, I can always overcome any difficulty or illness .... whatever it is, I can overcome it…..for you and for myself……. and only probably in order to see you again .... my heart beats every time only for you and no one else…..it can’t beat for another…..before my eyes the picture is indescribable……but what I want…it won’t come true…. it's a pity ... .. but I'm used to ... ... thinking about you like this every day .... closing my eyes, I imagine you ... .. your image of an ever-smiling beauty that makes my sad or joyful heart tremble .... whatever I was… in what state I was, wherever I was…. know one thing... I will never forget you…. just know this and warm yourself with the warmth that I give you every time I think about you ...... I hope that this is so ... ... well, my time has come to an end, it's time for me to finish ... ... see you ... .. I send you a gentle tender kiss ... .. whom only the gods are worthy

A letter to your girlfriend is a simple and useful thing. After all, in this way you can show how much it is needed and dear to you. And - be sure - a thin girlish soul will not resist sincere words of love!
Despite the fact that many men adhere to the tactics that “old soldiers do not know the words of love,” sooner or later they still have to take up the epistolary genre in order to please their beloved woman or girl with these very words.
How to tell about feelings to the woman you love? And does it make sense to do so? Of course have! After all, women, as you know, love with "ears."
What will turn your thoughts into a romantic letter? Let's formulate the basic rules that you need to remember.

So, if you are writing a letter to your girlfriend, then remember:

1. First of all, you need to talk about your feelings for her.
2. You should not remember your past novels - this is unlikely to please her.
3. Using ready-made templates with which the Internet is flooded today is a dangerous business, because your beloved may accidentally stumble upon the original letter ... and then all your efforts will be in vain.
4. It is important to tell a girl about love not only when she is far away or there are some serious disagreements between you, but constantly.
5. In the letter, use her name as often as possible, as well as those tender words that you usually say to her.

So, we already know the theory of writing a romantic letter to your girlfriend. Let's move on to practice. The form of your letter can be completely different. If you know how to write poetry, then this skill will come in handy more than ever. Having received a masterpiece written by her beloved with her own hand, what girl does not soar with happiness?

My beloved Angela!
All life that was before you -
The road that led to you.
We'll be together now, I promise.
I will give you flowers at the beginning of May...
And I already gave you my heart.

If you don’t know how to write odes in verse, don’t be afraid! Prose is no worse, especially if it is decorated with comparisons, epithets and beautiful exaggerations that will show how dear your beloved is to you. So, her eyes may well be deeper than the sea, and your love for her is stronger than a diamond! And she will soon write you a "letter to her beloved man"!
All in your hands. And even if something does not turn out as beautifully as we would like, remember that the main thing is the feelings that you have for her!

Love letters to a girl

Letter to my girlfriend

It's hard for me to love you. Indescribable feelings, you brought into my soul. A bouquet of fantastic emotions brought your unexpected arrival into my life into my heart. Now you are not around, but I know you feel my warming love for you. To teach a person to dream again is not given to everyone. You did it. And I am again in a fairy tale, alluring into the distance and frightening with its beauty ... You are not a desire, but an opportunity to find yourself. Only with the advent of you, I was able to be reborn and understand who I am. Only you helped me become independent of my desires. My heart has learned to be patient. Endure the fire, flaring feelings and overwhelming emotions. Having passed through darkness, through the jungle of evil and the desert of suffering, I found light in my soul. Your harmony. I won't give you to anyone now and I won't let them take you away. But I'll let you go if she wants to leave... I can give my life to you, but I'm afraid that you will throw it into the sky, bottomless and too spacious for one human life. I'm afraid that she will not return to me anymore, and I will only exist, not live ... You have become an angel in my life! ..

Letter to my girlfriend

I want to thank you for being in my life. For leaving so many pleasant, beautiful memories and emotions. For giving me so much affection, warmth, care. For wonderful nights. For the minutes when I was there. For your smile For the kind words. For all the good things that happened between us.

I am sincerely sorry that I was not able to appreciate it in time ...

Only now (or rather, after the May conversation), realizing that I was losing you, I realized how dear you are to me. Only now I realized that you are exactly the person with whom I am ready to go my life path to the end. That you are exactly the one with whom I want to raise our children (recently I have been haunted by an illusion - I see you with a stomach, and next to me I kneel and lean against the baby with my cheek, gently stroking my tummy with my hands. I see this picture all the time and from this starts to ache.) That you are the one to whom I want to give my affection and warmth, whom I want to take care of. It is you and our crumbs that I want to make happy,

Letter to my girlfriend

My girl, I feel for you an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person does not live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for which I began to live and breathe.

I love you and will love you forever!

Letter to my girlfriend

We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

If you don't think so, then I won't be able to live anymore, because the heart can't only beat halfway...

Letter to my girlfriend

I love you madly, from your first glance into my eyes ...

You are the one who gave me the best feelings. I didn’t have such feelings, but I was waiting, looking for ... and now the moment has come ... you appeared!

I love you more than life!..

Sometimes it seems that my love is so great that your love is not even noticeable ... But I know that you love me! You give me joy and fill my life with meaning!

So I want to shout to the whole wide world that I LOVE YOU!!!

Letter to my girlfriend

You are the most precious person to me! I love you with all my heart and can't live without you! I am ready to share with you both grief and joy! I am ready to go even to the ends of the world, if only you were next to me!

Letter to my girlfriend

My favorite and dearest in the world!

You are the most beautiful, and I am very happy that I have you! You know that I love you, I have already told you this many times, but I want everyone to know about it. They found out that I love you madly, and I don’t doubt my feelings a bit, I value you very much! You are the most precious person for me in this world!

You suddenly appeared in my life, and this feeling so suddenly arose and grew into boundless love for you!

I really understand that without you I can no longer live, except for you I don’t need anyone and no one can replace you!

My heart forever belongs only to you. Only with you I am truly happy and only with you I want to be always! **

Letter to my girlfriend

I want to say a lot. Leave more unsaid. Something that can only be felt, something that the best writer cannot convey in words. Feel like a touch of lips, like a touch of silky skin, a feeling that pierces the soul and leaves a deep trace of sweet memories, anticipation of wonderful sensations and an anxious heartbeat. Like a whirlwind of images, into which you slowly sink, wanting to save every second, to extend it into eternity, not to expect the end of the element of feelings. Save like gold, as the most valuable gift, keep in memory the eternity that keeps you. And never betray the sacred for two in their little world of oblivion and joy.

Letter to my girlfriend

I miss you very much... I wait for YOU every day... With dry lips I whisper your name... and tears well up in my eyes from the realization of the impossibility of a miracle, from senselessness and hopelessness. Yes, I never heard from you those words that I was waiting for ....

You can't fix anything. Start over??? I... I only feel loneliness and your indifference, which may not exist, but you do not show anything else.

Why can't I be with you - WHYUUUUUUUUUUUUU?

And maybe just waking up once in a nightmare, with something inside, torn from unbearable pain, without even immediately realizing where I am, and that I am alone, and now REALLY ALONE - maybe only then I will understand HOW I REALLY I LOVE YOU... And these are not just words... Tell me what I have to do, and I will do everything... if you say to die, then I will die, do not hesitate!

How can you live with such love?

Letter to my girlfriend

Still, it's great to love you! .. Sometimes you don't understand where you are going, and, in fact, why. You remember your eyes, and the earth flies out from under your feet, intoxicated with delight and pride that I can love you!

(Selection of material for the site: Lyudmila T.)

Moreover, this can be done both in the traditional way using a pen and paper, and with the help of modern gadgets and mobile devices. But it's not so easy to find the right words and use them to draw the attention of your lover to your person. We will talk about how to write such letters correctly, about the style of writing and much more in this article.

When should you write letters to your loved one?

Let's consider a specific case. Your loved one was forced to leave you and his home on duty. You are too attached to him and hard going through your separation, even if it is temporary. And in order to smooth out the endless hours of loneliness, you decide to write a letter to your spouse or friend.

Second case. You are madly in love with one person who does not pay attention to you. Previously, you did not dare to write to him and tell him about your feelings, but now, his birthday has come. You have chosen a suitable envelope and postcard, written a couple of beautiful phrases and sent a letter to your beloved man.

Third case. You have been talking to a married man for a long time. He swears his feelings, but has no plans to leave his family. You decided in writing to state to him all your conclusions and, finally, to put an end to such a hopeless relationship.

Simply put, with the help of a letter, you can convey to your loved one the information that you cannot communicate with the help of words.

Do you need an excuse to write a love letter?

In order to write love letters, it is not necessary to look for a reason. You can scribble a couple of nice words on paper or even in personal messages on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or any other social network at any time. If you wish, you can create such messages for the birthday of your chosen one, for Valentine's Day. Spouses often write love letters to each other, for example, on New Year's Eve or on the anniversary of their life together.

In what form should you write letters to your loved one?

A letter for a loved one is not a job application that can be written according to a standard template. It should be written in an arbitrary form and maximally reveal the essence of the message.

Most often they write a letter to their beloved in prose. Much less common are messages written in verse. Basically, such letters can be created by gifted individuals who can express their feelings with the help of rhyme. Sometimes letters for loved ones can have erotic overtones.

Who can write a message for a loved one?

Anyone can write a few nice lines to a person you like. Both a man and a woman, and a teenager, and a person in old age will perfectly cope with this. In nature, there are no restrictions and certain requirements for future letter writers.

What are the main elements of a letter?

A love note, like any other letter, consists of the following parts:

  • entry;
  • main part;
  • endings with possible conclusions.

The introductory part, as a rule, begins with a greeting and a brief background. In the main part, the essence of the appeal is revealed and the main idea is expressed. In the end, the appeal is summed up and, ideally, conclusions are drawn. At the end, a romantic letter to a loved one is signed in a standard or non-standard way, for example, instead of a signature, you can decorate the paper with a kiss.

What should be the content of the letter?

In any letter, the most important thing is its content. In this case, we are talking about the meaning that each author of the note is obliged to invest in it. For example, it may be a declaration of love from a girl or woman to a male representative; a letter written for the moral support of the subscriber, a letter of request, a plea for help, a note of accusation, etc.

It can also be a kind letter to a loved one or, conversely, a message overflowing with anger and notes of despair. In a word, the words in the note should fully reflect the mood of the author and convey the meaning that was originally intended for them.

How to write letters for loved ones?

The design of letters addressed to different people will differ depending on the effect you want to achieve. For example, for a love letter, a letter painted in pink or reddish, covered with hearts and kisses is suitable. In an envelope with such a message, you can put a photo of the addressee, a beautiful postcard, a valentine in the shape of a heart, and also sprinkle with a drop of your favorite perfume.

A tender letter to your loved one can be arranged in the form of a collage using your joint photos, clippings from magazines and newspapers, sparkles. In addition, the sheet itself can be designed in the form of two cooing doves, a flower bouquet, hearts.

A sheet of anger may contain dark colors, images of thunder and lightning, skulls, and a request letter may contain hands folded in prayer.

What is the difficulty in writing a letter?

The difficulty of creating such messages lies in the correct selection of words. At the same time, this should be done in such a way that your addressee immediately understands what the matter is. And, of course, finding the right words is not always easy. That is why many authors try to find similar letters that were previously written.

Are there any sample letters to a loved one?

As such, there are no samples of such letters. However, there will always be people who managed to create real handwritten masterpieces dedicated to such a subtle and serene feeling as love. "I'm writing to you - why more?" - do you know? This is the famous "Tatyana's Letter to Onegin", created by the wonderful poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It is a prime example of beautiful and open love letters. And although this work was written a long time ago, today it has not lost its popularity.

Of course, you can find a ready-made text, make some improvements to it, change the name and correct other details, and then write your letter to your beloved guy about feelings. However, do not forget that such a message will not express your real feelings. On the contrary, it will resemble a kind of remix of other people's experiences and your conclusions.

In addition, if the text of the letter you have modified is widely publicized, you may well be accused of copyright infringement and plagiarism. Therefore, such messages are best done on your own.

A couple of examples for writing love letters

Suppose you decide to write a beautiful letter to your loved one who is away. Start expressing your thoughts with the fact that you really miss. Write about spending a lot of time thinking about him. You come home from work, turn on the kettle, stand by the window and succumb to your memories.

Remind yourself of those moments when you were good together. Tell us what associations you have when thinking about those times. For example, listening to one of the tunes on the radio, you remember how you danced to it, how you hid from the rain, how you saved a homeless wet puppy, etc.

If, for example, you decide to break up, you can write a spectacular written appeal indicating the reason. In this case, it is also worth remembering the positive moments in your life. If you plan to issue a note in the form of a request about something, it is also recommended that you first make a small introduction, indicate the reason and the appeal itself.

For example, if you decide to write a touching message to your friend who is in the military, talk about how you really feel about him.

How to write a letter correctly?

If you decide to write a letter to your loved one in prose, first draw up an action plan. Describe in detail all the points that you plan to highlight in your letter. Create a layout for a future letter with a specific place for text and possible images. Consider the style of writing the note, the text of the appeal, and the length of the letter. Decide for yourself how long your letter will be, for example, whether you will create a 10-page poem or be able to highlight the most important thing and describe everything in three sentences.

In order to relax and tune in to the right wave, it makes sense to turn on romantic music, light scented sticks with a drop of lavender oil. And then, pick up a pen, mouse or keyboard and let your hand put on paper or electronic media all your experiences and feelings.

What should and what should not be written to a loved one?

Let's say you decide to write a letter to your beloved man. What should and what should not be said at all in your epistle to the beloved? So, first of all, it is worth talking about your feelings, about the first date (if there was one), about pleasant romantic meetings, remembering a joint vacation, saying positive and romantic things.

You cannot insult the subscriber in a letter and speak obscene phrases to him, humiliate him. Also, do not mention the mistakes of your partner, which can lead to an underestimation of his self-esteem and the appearance of complexes. No need to say phrases such as “you must”, “I owe”, “I demand”. It is better to choose a light and even comic form of communication, which will make it possible to get the location of a loved one.

What to write in a romantic letter?

Do you want to write a letter to your beloved man? Are you planning to do it in a romantic style? Then we offer you one of these options:

"Hello Stranger! We have known you for three years and five months now, and you still remain a real mystery to me, which I can’t solve in any way. Everything is perfect in you: a pleasant voice with a slight hoarseness, strong and strong hands that so tenderly squeezed my palm during our last meeting. Your eyes are two blue lights, alluring and all-consuming. If you look into your eyes for a long time, you can drown in them and plunge into the abyss.

When we met for the first time, I didn’t even suspect that in my 20-something years I could fall in love like that ... "

As can be seen from the letter, the girl confesses her love to her chosen one, using beautiful phrases.

"Hello! For a long time I did not dare to write to you, but I can no longer be silent. Your eyes, your figure, your walk - drive me crazy. From the very first time we met, you became the mistress of my heart. Your voice excites the imagination and fascinates. My attention belongs only to you. I think only of you and only with you I am ready to live the rest of my life!”

In this example, a young man talks about his feelings and makes a marriage proposal to his chosen one.

"Favorite! It's been a couple of weeks since I haven't heard from you! Do you remember our last meeting? Like schoolchildren, we walked hand in hand through the park, ate ice cream and kissed non-stop in the booth on the Ferris wheel. And then they danced in the rain for a long time and basked in each other's hot embraces. Now you are silent. Answer me. Have you forgotten me? Do you remember our last evening together? I really miss".

In this example, the girl confesses her love, but also reproaches her chosen one for his lack of attention. Note that she does this very correctly and beautifully.

"Cute! I love! I miss! I can not live without you! I'm already on my way to visit." A very concise message, which is not deprived of a kind of charisma.

"Expensive! In our cozy love nest today I feel so lonely! Drop everything and come to me. The most beautiful romantic evening awaits you.

As you can see from the examples, writing a beautiful letter to your loved one is not very difficult. The main thing is to put the right meaning into it.
