The first closed women's club. Closed women's club First closed women's club reviews

Massage is used to prevent and treat various diseases. General body massage restores metabolism, improves skin condition, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and digestion, strengthens muscle tissue and joints, is good for blood vessels and the heart, and improves blood composition. Massage relieves fatigue, soothes and relaxes, helps with insomnia and hypertension, relieves headaches, osteochondrosis and rheumatism, improves immunity, is used for obesity.

The nervous system, perceiving irritation from skin receptors, reflexively affects all organs and systems. Therefore, depending on the type of massage techniques, their intensity and duration, massage can have a calming or exciting effect.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the muscular system, joints, ligaments, improves their nutrition and elasticity, and removes decay products. Quickly restores muscle performance and joint mobility. Improves the functions of contraction and stretching of muscles. Massage removes excess fluid from the body and lactic acid from the muscles, the accumulation of which causes muscle pain after exercise.

Massage has a positive effect on the blood and lymphatic vessels. It accelerates the outflow of blood from the organs, thereby reducing congestion in organs and tissues, and swelling resolves. Under the influence of massage, the lumen of the vessels expands, reserve capillaries are activated, thereby improving the blood supply to the massaged areas and adjacent organs. In addition, the composition of the blood improves: hemoglobin, leukocytes and erythrocytes increase.

Ugly orange peel occurs not only in overweight women or young girls, this problem is also familiar to those who have a normal weight.

Anticellulite massage This is a complex of effective manual procedures that create an effect on fat deposits in the subcutaneous layers. The effects of the massage therapist are individually selected and aimed at working with a specific problem area, depending on the stage of cellulite development.

With anti-cellulite massage, metabolic processes in the tissues are activated, as a result of which the temperature on the treated parts of the body may increase during the procedure. Also, rubbing and kneading these problem areas leads to warming up the muscles, increasing blood circulation, due to which fatty tissue gets rid of toxins and is filled with oxygen.

With mechanical action, subcutaneous fat deposits are reduced in volume, and the redness of the skin remaining after the procedure disappears quickly.

One of the most effective ways to improve the condition of the skin in the event of cellulite to improve the condition of the skin and reduce the volume of the waist and hips is the procedure anti-cellulite wrap.

A special mixture is applied to problem areas of the body, preheated by massage, after which the part of the body on which the mixture was applied is wrapped in a film. Then for some time you remain warm. This procedure is extremely popular, because one of the few allows you to enjoy the process of fighting cellulite.

Anti-cellulite body wrap will help you:
lose extra pounds;
get rid of cellulite;
rejuvenate the skin, remove toxic substances and carry out light peeling;
improve blood circulation and lymph flow, increase immunity;
stop inflammation or relieve swelling of the body.

Algae, which are part of the wrap, have an additional positive effect. They effectively restore salt balance, stimulate enzymatic processes and remove toxins, and contribute to rapid weight loss.

Friends, and especially FRIENDS!
I am happy to inform you about my new project, the date of birth of which I will consider today - September 13th.
So today was born Women's private club.

I decided to create some kind of real community, a club that ANY girl can join, the organizers of which, led by me, will be engaged in offering you quality leisure time!
Where does such an idea come from?

Well, firstly, living in Moscow, it's a sin not to use all the possibilities of this city. We will choose from hundreds of proposals the most interesting events in our opinion. Club events will be held three times a month. That is guaranteed three times a month you will be busy with interesting business with us. Details about the events under the cut.
And since for the complete success of any event you need a company, then along with the events you get a company led by us and other members of the club. After all, often in our rhythm, we do not have time to meet with those we want to meet. Or we lack communication. And we will organize parties where you will never be lonely or bored. I personally love communication. I never have too much. That's why I want to offer you new acquaintances and expanding the circle of friends.
In addition, we will arrange a lot of different interesting things, such as trips out of the city for long weekends, travel, discos, club library, etc.
Everything is detailed under the cut. But the main point of this project is that I want the girls to spend their Leisure SMART! Interesting. Saturated! Bright! Handsomely! Actively! We are a team of modern girls, we take over this organization)

This is not the same team. But these are my main inspirations for the creation of this project)

You can become a member of the club ANY girl. With any income, any appearance, any marital status and age. She is not required to lead LiveJournal, Instagram or any other social networks. She may not use the internet at all in her life. True, to receive our weekly newsletter, she still has to look through her email inbox)
Our Club will bring new people, new interests and hobbies into your life. The club that will always let you to be in the center of the most interesting events in Moscow and the world!
We will not be the closed women's club that the name "women's club" is associated with, in which women spend their time talking about men and gossip.
Our time is very valuable. Life is too short to waste it on useless pursuits and not live to the fullest.
We, women, must spend time wisely, have interesting leisure, develop and communicate with a large number of people.
We are not going to teach you anything. We will offer you an interesting pastime in a great company. We will work carefully, choosing interesting leisure activities and a great company for you.

Of course, you all have friends. And we are not suggesting that you leave them. We invite you to find new interesting people to chat with. The more we communicate, the more we develop. Better come to our club with your friends!
The internet and social media are all good. But real life should also be active and eventful.
Becoming a member of our club is easy - you just need to purchase a membership.

To purchase a membership, you need to send your request to our email box. We will contact you and send our representative to you with a club card, which you should always have with you at our events afterwards.
After you officially become a member of our club, we send you a detailed questionnaire so that we add you to our database. We will approach each participant of our project individually. Based on your interests and preferences, we will organize events and companies.

What do you get by becoming a member of our club?
- 3 events per month which will be carefully prepared and organized by us.
The activities will be the following:
- trips to the theater;
- movie premieres;
- visiting exhibitions or museums
- excursions
- meetings or seminars with interesting famous people
- wine tastings
- game nights
- SPA trips
- visits to the Russian bath
- joint manicures
- themed breakfasts/lunches/dinners
- gastronomic evenings
- themed photo shoots
- book evenings
- business evenings
-children's days.

So, every week you will receive a newsletter from us with a program of events and a detailed description and cost of upcoming events.
Of course, the selection of venues for the event and the organization of the event itself will be carried out with great care.
You can choose an event to your liking and taste, you can attend all three events per month. Seating for each event will be limited. The mailing will be done simultaneously for everyone. If you agree to participate after the group has been formed, then this means that you will be offered another event. The point is that you will definitely be able to attend THREE events per month.
With regards to the cost, I will immediately indicate: We do not need to spend a lot of money. Buy expensive - anyone can. And to make it beautiful, interesting and budgetary is our idea. That is, we will try to organize events and trips in the best possible way for everyone.
In addition, we will monthly conduct a survey of club members to ask about their interests and wishes. Someone will want to visit this or that performance, someone will want to taste the cuisine in a new restaurant, and someone will want to visit some country. We will try to take into account all the wishes of our girls in subsequent proposals.

For a better acquaintance with each member of the club, once a week we will do a mini-interview of one or another girl. This interview will also be mailed to all members of the club. And over time, everyone will become familiar with each other.
And of course the members of the club will have other opportunities. As well as discounts in many restaurants, cafes, shops, flower shops, salons and spas. In the presented Internet resources, discounts will be automatically based on the club card number. In some places, the discount can be used once with a request sent to us in advance.
To date, we offer discounts to the following establishments, the database will be constantly replenished:
- 30% Bosco di ciliegi, - 30% Letoile, 10% Dial Travel Travel Agency
- 20% caramel shop, - 10% flower shop
-15% Israeli jewelry boutique, 20% Moscow book house, - 7% Danian car wash,
20% in online lingerie boutique
We also have a chic sports coach and stylist who will also make great offers for our club members.

Membership Terms(prices are valid until 1.10.2012):
Subscription for 12 months - 12,000 rubles.
Subscription for 6 months - 7,000 rubles.
Subscription for 3 months - 5,000 rubles.

The price of the club subscription does NOT include the cost of events!

Membership cannot be purchased for less than three months. Subsequent subscriptions will be annual only.

Special rates for regions and other countries:
Since attending weekly events for girls who do not live in Moscow is quite problematic, they will have a 30% discount on membership. Thus, they will also be able to adjust their arrival to Moscow for this or that event, plan a trip together with us and be aware of all the events!

As an example, I would like to show our two upcoming events . All other announcements will be sent only to club members.
On September 20, we are going to the last open-air musical evening of this season at the theater “At the Nikitsky Gates” “Songs of Our Yard”. Information can be found on my LiveJournal.

The daily hustle and bustle of such a large metropolis as Moscow really requires that there be a lot of entertainment here. Only their great variety can help residents and guests of the capital escape from everyday problems, put work and domestic issues out of their heads for a while and just relax.

Today, there are a lot of places for spending leisure time in Moscow. There is a hippodrome, cinemas, restaurants, museums, galleries and other places popular with the general public.

There are also very unusual establishments here, such as a club for women or for men. Not everyone will go to such places due to their specificity. However, this entertainment is very popular among some part of the population.

Moscow never sleeps

Planning your Moscow leisure time in the daytime and in the evening is quite simple. A lot of establishments are open during these hours, so among them everyone will definitely find a place for themselves that they will be pleased to go to. Another thing is at night, when some citizens are already sleeping peacefully in their beds, and most of the entertainment is no longer working.

However, not all guests and residents of Moscow have dreams at night. Some, on the contrary, prefer to have fun at night, because under the starry sky you can often afford something crazy and unusual.

In order to get a lot of interesting impressions and the most vivid emotions, some girls choose some special club for women, and guys choose a men's club. Filled with music, interesting lighting and a considerable number of beautiful and naked bodies, these establishments attract the most sophisticated visitors every day. In them you can have a great time in a good and non-trivial company, allow yourself to fulfill quite bold fantasies and recharge yourself with the most enchanting emotions for a long time.

One of these establishments - the strip club "Egoistka" (Moscow) - is well known in certain circles. Quite a lot of women and girls gather here every night, who want to have a good rest and forget about their household chores for a while.

Night club "Egoistka"

Perhaps many people think that only men like to watch striptease. However, women are also greedy for the beautiful bodies of the opposite sex, so the club "Egoistka" (Moscow) will never be left without visitors. After all, it is here that any lady can enjoy incendiary shows performed by sultry handsome men, take part in dancing with them and even allow herself some liberties in relations with men.

Nightclub "Egoistka" in Moscow occupies four floors in a beautiful 19th-century mansion. In this space, the girls' wildest fantasies come true, and the stage and the auditorium turn into a real pool where you can arrange the most incredible and erotic bathing.

For lovely ladies, all the conditions have been created here, thanks to which they will find themselves in the amazing world of caresses and endless male attention. On the ground floor, you can watch the performances of local beauties with your own eyes and enjoy cocktails and dishes from the menu, sitting at comfortable tables. On the second floor of the club there are amazing suites with Jacuzzi and hotel service.

The third floor consists of special boxes, each of which is designed for no more than 20 guests. From here you can follow everything that happens on the stage and next to it, while remaining almost invisible to other guests. The fourth floor offers visitors a special room for a private contact dance, however, only girls who have gold club cards or those who are invited by the manager can be in it. There is also a sauna and karaoke, where Moscow ladies perfectly spend unforgettable intimate parties.

Where is Egoist located?

Club "Egoistka" (Moscow) is quite easy to find. It is located on Gilyarovsky Street, house 4, building 2.

You can get here from the Sukharevskaya metro station, the road will be only 200 meters. Another metro station located nearby is Prospekt Mira. True, it takes much longer to walk from this station, namely 700 meters. At the same time, it is better to leave from the radial station, and not from the ring one.

Who can visit the club

As mentioned above, the club "Egoistka" (Moscow) is a female strip club. Any lady can visit it if she is over 18 years old. If the administrators have doubts about the number of years of the client, they can ask her to present any document that confirms her identity and age. For the pleasure of visiting the institution, women will have to pay 700 rubles. At the same time, if it is planned to celebrate a birthday or a bachelorette party, the hero of the occasion is admitted to the club for free.

A man can also be inside the "Egoist", but for this he needs to be accompanied by a woman and pay a very considerable amount - as much as 10 thousand rubles.

What pleases the "Egoist" visitors

Any night in "Egoistka" is an incredible program and show featuring handsome and stunning muscular men. Every new hour, local dancers show a new show, with each subsequent one becoming more frank and erotic. During the performance, girls can enjoy both solo and group numbers of handsome men. And thanks to the musical, lighting and visual effects accompanying any show, the programs in the club cause a frantic delight among all visitors.

Quite often, girls celebrate their birthdays here or celebrate bachelorette parties on the eve of weddings. If you are going to visit "Egoistka" in honor of some event, do not forget to tell the administration about it when booking a table. In this case, the hero of the occasion and her girlfriends will have a pleasant surprise that will add an unforgettable zest to this already unusual and memorable night.

Special entertainment in the club

In addition to exciting shows on the stage, which at any moment can turn into a swimming pool, the club "Egoistka" (Moscow) offers its visitors a unique Crazy Menu. With its help, any guest will be able to make their wildest fantasies come true.

Sensual private dance, erotic massage, dance on stage, swimming in the pool or with any of the club's men - all this will be available to the guest the moment she expresses her desire and pays money for it.

Do you need an accompaniment of a stunning gentleman to an event or even a vacation? Such services are also available here, the main thing is that the customer has enough money for this. Indeed, for example, any handsome man will become a companion to an event for 15 thousand rubles, and in order to take a man with you on vacation, you will have to pay him 25 thousand rubles. per day.
