Why is March 8 celebrated briefly. International Women's Day - the history and traditions of the holiday

It was the day of the first revolutionary step of women - workers of textile and shoe factories in New York took to the rally demanding shorter working hours, higher wages, better working conditions, etc. In 1857, a woman's working day could be up to 16 hours, and wages were minimal, while similar men's work was valued much higher. On this day, the first women's trade union was formed, which had to fight for the rights of women in the labor collective.

A few years later, in Copenhagen, at the International Women's Conference, Clara Zetkin proposed an annual Women's Day, which would be an appeal to women all over the world. Slogans about the struggle for equality, respect for dignity, peace and other revolutionary appeals were heard at the meeting where it was customary to celebrate such a day on March 19th. For three years after the congress, the holiday was held on different days, but in 1914 it was decided to hold the International Women's Day - since then the date has remained unchanged.

Gradually, the holiday lost its political character, it was made a non-working day, and in the Soviet years, meetings were held on this day, where the leadership honored honored workers and reported on the implementation of state policy towards women.

Now on March 8, it is customary to give women flowers, gifts, organize corporate events, encourage them with monetary rewards. Together with when men are congratulated, the holiday has become a day when even kids in kindergarten prepare matinees for their own, and children congratulate their mothers, sisters and girlfriends. It is considered obligatory to give at least a symbolic gift, and already from childhood they know that on this day one should be the most beautiful, and one can expect gifts and attention from boys.

By analogy with the Day of March 8, it is customary to visit grandmothers, congratulate them, arrange feasts with plentiful snacks, sweets and alcohol. Women's holiday is associated with the onset of spring, freshness and the revival of nature from hibernation, so it is already cheerful, cheerful and optimistic.

March 8 is a world women's holiday, when men become unusually gallant and give gifts to their lovers, mothers, sisters and daughters. Meanwhile, initially International Women's Day was not at all a romantic, but rather a political holiday.


According to one version, the women of Ancient Rome were the first to celebrate Women's Day. On March 1, they celebrated the holiday of the Matrona, dedicated to the wife of the great Jupiter - the patroness of women, Juno. On this day, the Roman women put on their best clothes and went to the temple of Juno Lucius (Light One). They brought flowers as a gift to the goddess and asked her to grant them family happiness. The holiday extended even to slaves, on this day the owners allowed them to rest, and male slaves did all the housework.

The history of the modern holiday of March 8 began in the 19th century and was associated with the struggle of women for their rights. On March 8, 1857, a demonstration of women workers in the clothing and shoe industries was organized in New York. They demanded that they be provided with a 10-hour working day, comfortable working conditions and equal wages with men. The fact is that at that time women were forced to work for 16 hours, receiving only miserable pennies for their work. Soon there were women's trade unions, the fair sex was granted the right to vote for the first time.

Nevertheless, only at the International Women's Conference of Socialists, held in 1910 in Copenhagen, the famous German political and public figure Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate World Women's Day on March 8th. The emergence of a new holiday marked the entry of women around the world into the struggle for equality and independence.

For the first time, World Women's Day was celebrated in 1911, though not on March 8, but on March 19, when demonstrations were held on the streets of Austria, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland dedicated to the struggle of workers for their voting rights. In Russia, International Women's Day began to be celebrated in 1913. Only in 1976 the holiday was officially recognized by the UN.

Historians believe that the holiday of March 8 is associated not only with the name of Clara Zetkin. There is a version that it goes back to the legend of Esther, the wife of the Persian king Artaxerxes. In the 5th century BC. she managed to save her people from extermination. The fact is that Esther was Jewish, but she hid her from her royal husband. One day she learned that the minister Haman proposed to the king to exterminate all the Jews living in Babylon. Then Esther decided to use her feminine charms. She took from Artaxerxes a promise to exterminate all the enemies of her people. Only later did the tsar realize that it was about the enemies of the Jews, but it was too late to retreat. Grateful Jews dedicated the cheerful holiday of Purim to their savior, which they began to celebrate. It is quite possible that it is one of the predecessors of the spring festival of women.

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Even a preschooler will tell without hesitation that March 8 is annually celebrated as International Women's Day, but not every adult is familiar with the unusual history of this beloved holiday. How did the tradition of congratulating the beautiful half of humanity originate, and what exactly was the reason for the appearance of this wonderful spring holiday on the calendar?

Origin story

The historical roots of a fun and flower-filled holiday have a feminist and political flavor. For the first time, the day of March 8 appears in the events of the distant 1901. On that day, American housewives filled the streets of Chicago with pots and pans turned upside down. In such an original way, they wanted to attract the attention of society and the authorities. The procession participants demanded the equalization of political rights, respect for themselves, the opportunity to work in production and serve in the army next to men. Seven years later, the feminists repeated their demands, but on a national scale. After that, National Women's Day was proclaimed in the United States.

The parent of International Women's Day is Clara Zetkin, a German communist, a female reformer who made a huge contribution to upholding women's rights. It was she who, as the leader of the women's group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, in a difficult year for the communists in 1910 at the International Women's Conference, made a proposal to establish the Day of Solidarity of Working Women of the World.

Clara Zetkin believed that the annual holiday, celebrated on the same day, would unite women from different countries in the struggle for equal rights. The main purpose of the new holiday was the struggle for freedom and equality of female workers. This initiative received a response in the form of a wave of rallies that swept through Europe. The first women's holidays in different countries were celebrated on different dates in March. And only in 1914 did the workers of the world celebrate their holiday on March 8.

On March 8, 1957, women workers in New York garment factories came out to fight for their rights. They actively demanded better working conditions, a reduction in the inhuman 16-hour work day, and an increase in wages that were meager compared to men. As a result of this event, a women's trade union appeared, which continued its activities in the future.

The United Nations adopted International Women's Day in 1975, this year was also declared the International Year of Women, and the next ten years, from 1976 to 1985, were proclaimed the International Decade of Women. In 1977, a resolution was issued according to which the Day of the struggle for the rights of women was dated for March 8th. Now the spring women's holiday is celebrated in more than 30 countries around the world. In some states, it is still a working day.

In Russia, Women's Day was first celebrated in pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg on March 2, 1913. On that day, the government-approved "Scientific Morning on Women's Issues" was held, with issues of motherhood, inflation, and women's voting rights on the agenda. The event was attended by one and a half thousand people.

In the revolutionary year of 1917, the current government did not allow the women of St. Petersburg to celebrate the international women's holiday. Attempts to join the women of other countries ended in clashes that turned into a demonstration and into the February revolution. In 1921, at a meeting of the 2nd Communist Women's Conference, it was decided to coincide with the celebration of March 8 in memory of this demonstration, which unwittingly became a harbinger of the February revolution.

In the new Soviet state, Women's Day immediately received the status of a holiday, but continued to be a working day. The workers of Soviet enterprises gradually received equal rights with men to the opportunity to work, and to legal rest, and to receive education, and to govern the state. Freed from oppression, Soviet women morally supported their friends from the capitalist countries at rallies and meetings.

On a holiday, Soviet ladies were not given flowers or gifts, but they used to be released from work, awarded diplomas, thanks and prizes. There is evidence that in some stores, female employees were pleased with pleasant discounts. True, the discounts were not on perfumes and cosmetics, but on galoshes - shoes that were relevant in those days.

International Women's Day was declared an official holiday in the Soviet Union in May 1965. Since 1966, March 8 has been a public holiday. Gradually, Women's Day lost its original political overtones and violent connotations of feminism. Back in Soviet times, a good tradition appeared to give ladies flowers, sweets, cards and gifts.

In Russia, Women's Day was officially included in the list of public holidays of the Russian Federation in 2002. Under the new conditions, it gradually became a day of admiration for women, mothers, and wives. On March 8, men are especially gallant and courageous. They are happy to take on women's duties and free the fairer sex from household work and everyday affairs.

On the eve of the main day of all women on the planet, I want to talk about the history of this holiday and its origin. In fact, there are quite a few versions, but most of them have nothing to do with International Women's Day.

Version 1. Official (false)

According to this version, the establishment of March 8 as a women's holiday is associated with the "march of empty pans", which took place in New York on March 8, 1857. The march was allegedly attended by women workers in the textile industry and they were on strike against low wages and terrible working conditions.

According to the version, after this march, the world community listened to the problems of women and created a special holiday for them.

In fact, there was no strike. Moreover, March 8, 1857 is Sunday. Agree, striking against working conditions on a day off is not a good idea.

Undoubtedly, women around the world really fought against injustice and wanted to achieve good wages and comfortable working conditions, but these strikes have nothing to do with March 8th.

Version 2. Representatives of the oldest profession (false)

According to this version, on March 8, 1857, there was a march, only it was not textile workers who were on strike, but women of easy virtue.

And they allegedly went on strike in order to pay the sailors their salaries, since they used their services, but could not pay them.

This march really took place, only it could not become the reason for the establishment of the holiday for obvious reasons.

Version 3. Clara Zetkin (partially true)

In 1910, at a women's forum in Copenhagen, the German communist Clara Zetkin called for the establishment of International Women's Day on March 8th. Only now she wanted to make it not a holiday, but a day when women from all over the world can go to rallies and loudly declare their problems.

Why is this version only partially true? Because Women's Day really began to be celebrated on March 8, but for completely different reasons.

Version 4. Political (true)

And so we got to the latest and real version.

March 8 is a political campaign designed to add popularity to the politicians of that time. In different countries, the establishment of March 8 as a holiday fell on different years. As a rule, for those periods when the patience of women was coming to an end and they demanded better working conditions, greater rights and higher wages.

To appease the fair sex, the authorities went to such tricks as the establishment of a holiday.

By the way, contrary to the opinion of many, International Women's Day is not celebrated in all countries. In all of Western Europe, except for Portugal, such a holiday simply does not exist. It is also not observed in the countries of South and North America and most African countries.

THIS IS INTERESTING: China and Madagascar are the only countries where March 8 is a day off for women only.

Well, in conclusion, on behalf of myself and all men, I want to congratulate my beautiful readers on this holiday. Know, whatever the reason for the emergence of International Women's Day, we love and appreciate you always. Happy holiday, ladies!

Ecology of knowledge: The official version says that the tradition of celebrating March 8 is associated with the “march of empty pans”, which was supposedly held on this day in 1857 by textile workers in New York. They protested against unacceptable working conditions and low wages.

Who took to the streets of New York - textile workers or prostitutes?

Version one, official: "Working Women's Solidarity Day"

The official version says that the tradition of celebrating March 8 is associated with the “march of empty pots”, allegedly held on this day in 1857 by New York textile workers. They protested against unacceptable working conditions and low wages.

It is interesting that in the then press there was not a single note about such a strike. And historians have found out that March 8, 1857 was Sunday. It is very strange to go on strike on the weekend.

In 1910, at a women's forum in Copenhagen, the German communist Clara Zetkin called on the world to establish an "international women's day on March 8". She meant that on this day women would organize rallies and processions, and thus "draw public attention to their problems."

Initially, the holiday was called "international day of solidarity of women in the struggle for their rights." The date of March 8 was summed up under the very strike of textile workers, which in fact never happened. More precisely, it was, but it was not the textile workers who were on strike at that time. But more on that later.

This "holiday" was actively promoted by Zetkin's accomplice, the fiery revolutionary Alexandra Kolontai. The one that conquered the Soviet Union with the “great phrase”: “You need to surrender to the first man you meet as easily as drinking a glass of water.” March 8 became an official holiday in Russia in 1921.

Version two, Jewish: praise of the Jewish queen

Historians still "argue" whether Clara Zetkin was Jewish. Some sources claim that she was born in the family of a Jewish shoemaker, while others - a German teacher. However, Zetkin's desire to connect March 8, with the Jewish holiday of Purim, ambiguously hints at the fact that it was.

So, the second version says that Zetkin wanted to connect the history of Women's Day with the history of the Jewish people. According to legend, the beloved of the Persian king Xerxes, Esther, saved the Jewish people from extermination, using her charms.

Xerxes wanted to exterminate all the Jews, but Esther convinced him not only not to kill the Jews, but, on the contrary, to destroy all enemies of the Jews, including the Persians themselves. It happened on the 13th day of Arda according to the Jewish calendar (this month falls at the end of February - the beginning of March). Praising Esther, the Jews began to celebrate Purim (the day of the massacre of the Persians). The date of the "celebration" was sliding, but in 1910 it fell on March 8th.

Version three, about prostitutes

The third version of the origin of the holiday is perhaps the most scandalous for everyone who is looking forward to the "International Women's Day" with trepidation.

In 1857, in New York, women did protest, but they were not textile workers, but prostitutes. Women of the oldest profession demanded to pay salaries to sailors who used their services, but did not have money to pay prostitutes.

On March 8, 1894, prostitutes again demonstrated in Paris. This time they demanded recognition of their rights on an equal footing with those who sew clothes or bake bread, and the establishment of special trade unions.

This was repeated in 1895 in Chicago, and in 1896 in New York - shortly before the memorable convention of suffragettes in 1910, where it was decided to declare this day "women's" and "international", as suggested by Zetkin.

Clara Zetkin herself carried out similar actions. All in the same 1910, together with her accomplice Rosa Luxembourg, she brought prostitutes to the streets of German cities demanding "to stop police excesses." But in the Soviet version, prostitutes were replaced with "working women." published


The beginning of spring is associated not only with a cheerful drop, the hubbub of birds returning home from southern countries, lengthening of daylight hours, excellent mood and a feeling of love that overwhelms the head. It is also celebrated with one of the most beautiful, romantic, tender and pleasant holidays for all women, girls and even little girls. Happy holiday, when every representative of the beautiful half of humanity, whether it is an unintelligent baby who has barely learned to walk, or a matron whitened with gray hair, can feel like a queen. Today in Russia March 8 is the day when it is customary to congratulate all women without exception. Men give them flowers and sweets, make pleasant surprises and fulfill their most cherished desires. Fathers, brothers, sons, friends, work colleagues, neighbors or just random passers-by say compliments, show attention, take care of all the worries and troubles.

However, historically International Women's Day had a completely different meaning. Its history goes back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Clara Zetkin speaking at a conference held in Copenhagen, proposed to allocate one specific day, which around the world will be dedicated to the struggle of beautiful ladies for their rights. It happened in 1910. A year later, mass demonstrations were organized in several countries. They gathered over a million people and marched on March 19, 1911. This is exactly what happened on March 8th.

The paradox lies in the fact that a holiday during which modern women, more than ever, can feel beautiful, weak and even a little capricious, feel the fullness of male love and taste the pleasant fruits of their care, once had exactly the opposite social meaning and meant fight against gender inequality.

Emergence March 8

There are several reasons why March 8 was chosen for the celebration of Women's Day. So in 1912, various rallies and demonstrations, which were dedicated to the struggle of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity for their now inalienable rights, were held in different countries on May 12. And in 1913, women opposed the fact that the world belonged exclusively to men, on different days of March. A year later, a single day was officially chosen when lovely ladies could say their word against inequality and declare their rights. They became March 8. Most likely, the choice was due to the simple fact that that year it was Sunday, which means that the people who gathered at the demonstration had a day off. It was then that the day, which in the future was to become a celebration of femininity, beauty, tenderness and male love for his companions, mothers and daughters, came to Russia. Naturally, at that time they celebrated the day of women's struggle for their rights.

When did it start World War I, people began to fight not only against gender inequality, but also against the bloodshed that inevitably accompanies any military action. Later, some sources tied the story of the origin of International Women's Day to the demonstrations that took place in New York in 1910. Then on March 8, workers from some of the city's factories took to the streets of the city. They wanted pay increases, better working conditions, and reduced hours.

After the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks did not begin to cancel the holiday, which appeared in Russia under the tsars. Then the exclusively social significance of this day was emphasized. Class confrontation and active participation in the construction of socialism of all members of society, including women - that's what came to the fore. From that moment on, all the states of the socialist camp began to celebrate March 8, and many of them have preserved this tradition to this day. And since 1965, Women's Day in the Union has become a day off. But in Western Europe, from where the day of struggle for women's rights originally came to us, no one remembers it for a long time.

March 8 in the twenty-first century

Today, March 8 has an official status not only in the territory Russian Federation. In the late seventies, the UN adopted a special resolution. Thanks to her, the holiday is formally considered international. But it is celebrated only in a few countries. Half of them are located in the post-Soviet space. Only Estonia, Latvia and Turkmenistan chose to forget about this tradition and abandon it. Well, in a number of European, Asian and African countries, it still has social significance and is considered a day of struggle for gender equality and world peace.

One way or another, in the territory of the former Soviet Union, no one has long associated March 8 with the fight against gender inequality. On the contrary, this holiday has a completely different meaning. It is on this day that women have every right to feel weak and expect that any of their requests and the strangest whim will be immediately satisfied by the representatives of the stronger sex.

In other states, it has the same meaning. Mothers Day. It is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. In Russia, Mother's Day is considered the last Sunday of November, but there is no tradition to celebrate it, and therefore not everyone even knows about the existence of such a holiday in our country.

March 8 according to the new calendar is February 23

March 8 is a very special day in the history of Russia. When the Bolsheviks came to power and changed the calendar, many dates got mixed up. As a result, March 8, according to the new style, is nothing more than February 23, according to the old one.

The irony is that the February uprisings that took place in 1917 gave impetus to October revolution. Then events grew very rapidly, tension grew exponentially. Very soon began mass strikes, riots, there was a renunciation NicholasXI and the era of socialism began. And all these events of global significance started on March 8, although now many have forgotten about this. In turn, y, which is associated with other events.

Holidays dedicated to women in world history

Women's Day first appeared among the ancient Romans. The free women of the city, who were married, put on their best clothes and went to Temples of Vesta. Husbands and relatives gave their ladies pleasant gifts and satisfied all their desires. Everyone received small gifts, including slaves. Naturally, there is no connection between modern and ancient Roman women's days. But the very essence of the holiday in its current understanding is very similar to what was celebrated long before our era in a completely different country.

Also, Women's Day primordially existed among the Jews. It bears the name Purim. It is customary to celebrate it in March, but the day may be different. Its roots go back to 480 BC. It was then that the queen Esther saved her people thanks to her resourcefulness and cunning. The price of this salvation was the many lives of the Persians. But this no longer has anything to do with the veneration of female warriors by the Jews.

There are those who are trying to tie March 8 to Purim. It just seems very doubtful. Clara Zetkin, although she was married to a Jew, she herself did not have Jewish roots. And the struggle of feminists against the oppression of women's rights is hardly linked to a religious holiday, which the Jews hold sacred.

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