Working hours of pensioners. Is it possible to draw up an employment contract electronically? Premium odds for deferred exit

Upon reaching retirement age not all citizens want to leave workplace and spend time at home. On the contrary, pensioners find additional part-time work or remain in official employment.

IN Russian Federation it is possible to stay in retirement with receiving monthly payment and work officially, simultaneously getting paid with her.

  • The Government's proposal to reduce pensions for working pensioners in order to save the Pension Fund budget, presented back in 2015, did not find support, so at the moment, while continuing to work, the pensioner old age pension is not deprived.
  • However, some citizens applying for a survivor's pension can count on it while continuing to work, in accordance with clause 2, part 2, article 10 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”, because this type payments can only be received disabled close relative deceased, who was his dependent.

The state is trying in every possible way to stimulate the population to more late retirement, refusing payment, offering increase its size.

Is it profitable to work in retirement?

Receiving both a pension and wages much more profitable and, of course, significantly increases the financial security of a pensioner. In addition, by continuing to increase your length of service upon retirement, you can benefit from the fact that insurance premiums and the amount pension savings also increase, which means the payment itself increases. In this regard, an annual recalculation of pension payments is carried out.

However, on this moment It is certain that such decisions will not be made in the near future.

Survivor's pension if you work

You can postpone retirement for a minimum of one year, and the maximum bonus factor is accrued for 10 years. Tables of correspondence between the bonus coefficient and the deferment period are posted in the appendices and to the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”. It can be concluded that the longer the deferment period, the higher size future pension provision. For example, if you defer for a year, the pension amount will increase by 6.5%; with a delay of 5 years - already by 40%.

Elderly people consciously refuse well-deserved rest and are forced to go to work to provide for themselves necessary products, medicines, means of subsistence. The issue of increasing benefits for all working pensioners was raised several times in 2018, but State Duma deputies cannot come to a common denominator. Therefore, it is interesting to know whether from January next year indexation, what workers of retirement age can expect, how much their average income will increase.

Who are working pensioners?

This category includes citizens who have reached retirement age but continue their working activities. They receive both a salary in the company where they are employed and payments from the budget, which does not contradict current legislation states. From the salary of working citizens of retirement age are deducted tax deductions And insurance premiums, which lead to an increase in the amount of pension savings and an annual recalculation of pensions.

Working citizens receiving compensation from the state include:

  • disabled people;
  • persons who are entitled to labor compensation based on length of service;
  • citizens who have lost their breadwinner;
  • citizens who have reached retirement age;
  • persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities and contract workers.

All of the above persons have the right to count on the protection and support of the state. If we talk about the retirement age, in Russia it has remained unchanged for many years. Women retire at age 60, men at 65. Long-service benefits are received by military personnel, cosmonauts, civil servants, testers, pilots, medical workers who have worked for the state for more than 20–25 years.

Working Pensioners Law

This document regulates the procedure for calculating compensation for those people who continue to work after reaching retirement age. It has many pros and cons. Basic provisions of the law:

  • accrual of additions to state payments for length of service after registration of a pension is not expected (according to the government, this is an ineffective use budget funds);
  • a new concept of accrual of points has been formed, tariffs largely depend on this aspect, so the state is trying to stimulate the desire of citizens to work after retirement age has arrived (if a person has the right to receive a pension, but does not apply for it, then the legislation takes into account his pension experience and increases the amount pension payments by 85% or more);
  • the minimum length of service for calculating pension payments is currently 6 years, but in 2025 it will be increased to 15 years, otherwise benefits will not be accrued;
  • working pensioners entitled to government payments are forced to either vacate their place of employment for younger generation, or refuse a pension, in which case they will receive wages and additional allowances for future compensation from the country.

According to the state, the abolition of compensation to working citizens entitled to state benefits will help significantly reduce the budget deficit and increase the size of future state payments to maximum limit. That is, in 2018, citizens who continue to work after reaching retirement age will not receive any bonuses, since the recalculation system for them has been cancelled. Indexation of pensions for working pensioners is not planned in 2018.

Do working pensioners receive pensions?

The Russian government in conditions of crisis, unstable economy, high inflation, sudden change foreign currency exchange rate against the ruble, price increases, constantly revises pension system. Working citizens of retirement age, as before, receive both wages and compensation from the state, consisting of a fixed payment, the amount of which is 3,935 rubles, and insurance compensation, its amount depends on the number of points and length of service.

An increase in pensions in 2018 will be made to everyone who receives payments below the regional subsistence level and whose salary is below 18,000 rubles. In addition, such citizens can count on recalculation. It is produced upon request. In 2018, the state will deny bonuses to those persons whose total salary for the year will be more than 1 million rubles. Average today minimum pension- 8803 rubles.

How is the pension paid?

After receiving a reward from the state, the procedure for receiving it is as follows:

  • the amount due to the person in the planned month is calculated, taking into account the documents of the completed case, including the person’s statements;
  • Pension Fund documents are drawn up on the amounts accrued in a certain month for a specific citizen;
  • the accrued compensation is sent to the account of the organization that delivers it;
  • documents of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are sent to the institution delivering state compensation;
  • the accrued amount is delivered directly to the citizen.

A person can receive money in several ways:

  • by delivery at the cash desk of the organization that delivers pensions;
  • by home delivery;
  • by enrollment certain size Money to the account of a specific citizen in a bank or credit institution.

Delivery of payments is carried out by federal postal organizations, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, banks and others. financial organizations. They receive payment for their services in the form of a certain percentage of the pension delivered by the recipients. The activities of organizations that deliver payments to working pensioners are regulated by current legislation.

How recalculation is done

To be sure that the Pension Fund did not make a mistake when calculating and recalculating state compensation, working pensioners are required to know the calculation formula. Before the amendments to the law, it was simple, now it is complicated, since it requires taking into account the level of wages, the cost of living, insurance period, etc., so calculate the amount state benefit it became more difficult.

A permanent review of benefits is carried out if a person receives additional income, from which deductions are made to the Pension Fund, this applies to state compensation paid for disability and old age. There are two methods of recalculation:

  • non-declaration (carried out once a year by the Pension Fund, involves automatic adjustment of payments up or down);
  • declarative (carried out on the basis of an application submitted by the citizen to the Pension Fund department at the place of residence no earlier than one year after the accrual of compensation for disability or old age; the document involves the cancellation of automatic recalculation).

Pensions in 2018 are recalculated in the following conditions:

  • upon reaching 80 years of age;
  • when the disability group changes;
  • when the number of dependents changes;
  • if a child who received a survivor’s pension also loses a second breadwinner;
  • if the citizen has acquired additional work experience.

Building on the new pension project and a different procedure for calculating old-age pension payments, Duma deputies made a proposal to cancel the recalculation of compensation for pensioners who work. But the right to recalculation for citizens who continue to work has been preserved. After further appeals and disputes, the government decided to take into account insurance premiums for working pensioners, but with appropriate restrictions.

Indexation of pensions after dismissal

After a person who continues to work upon reaching retirement age retires, he is immediately given an actual recalculation state compensation. If the employer submitted data to the Pension Fund on time, payment is made within three or more months after the date of dismissal in the following order:

  • subject to leaving the place of employment in July, in August the Pension Fund receives a report indicating information that the person is still listed as working;
  • in September, the reporting reflects data according to which the person is no longer employed;
  • in October Pension Fund decides to index the amount of the fixed payment and insurance pension to this citizen;
  • In November, the Pension Fund begins recalculating payments.

Compensation for the three months during which indexation was carried out is not paid. If a person is employed in Once again, the benefit paid will not be reduced, but will remain at the level of the new recalculation. There is no provision for a refund of funds accrued during indexation after dismissal in the event of subsequent employment. That is, the calculated premium will not be deducted. Subsequent dismissal working pensioners from their place of work entails the renewal of the right to indexation.

Pension news for working pensioners today

Pensions in the Russian Federation change three times a year, increasing in February insurance payments, indexation is carried out in April social compensation, in August – recalculation of additional payments for persons who continue to work. That is, the next increase in pensions for working pensioners in 2018 should be from August 1, but there will be no recalculation in order to save the state budget and reduce its deficit.

Will there be indexing?

State payments are constantly recalculated taking into account the level of inflation both for non-working pensioners and for people who continue to work. Pensions for working pensioners will not be indexed from January 1, 2018. Citizens can count on its recalculation only after they resign and retire. This also applies to low-income working pensioners. The government is forced to reject all attempts to return indexation due to the difficult economic situation in the country. When improvements come, the issue will be reconsidered.

How much will working pensioners lose in 2018?

According to official data, this year it is planned to increase state compensation for non-working persons of retirement age by 3.7%. If today average pension is 13,657 rubles, then in 2018 it will increase by 400 rubles. Working pensioners will not receive any bonuses, but their losses will be insignificant. They will be able to accumulate points that will allow them to increase their compensation several times in the future. In 2018, it is planned to increase the monetary value of one point to 81.49 rubles. Points are calculated in proportion to salary.

Will pensions be canceled for working pensioners?

Deputies paid a lot of attention to this issue. After another debate, a decision was made according to which the abolition of pensions for working pensioners is not expected. Cash compensation Even those citizens whose annual salary exceeds 83 thousand rubles will receive it. The only limitation is the cancellation of indexing. But if you calculate the difference between payments to unemployed persons and citizens who refused to retire, then it is insignificant.

Will there be a 13th payment a year or an additional 5 thousand rubles for the New Year?

On January 1, 2018, a bill will come into force according to which working pensioners will receive a one-time benefit. Its size will be 5 thousand rubles. The payment will be made without a request. All citizens will be able to receive it from January 9 to January 27 on the day of receipt monthly allowance. Compensation will be paid according to a special schedule. If according to objective reasons a person will not be able to receive it during the specified period; it will be issued later.

How to increase your pension

There are ways to increase your pension:

  • obtain additional insurance experience;
  • on certain time refuse state compensation;
  • submit updated salary certificates.

Regardless of which of the described methods is chosen, in order to receive a recalculation of the pension payment, a person will need to contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence, write an application, and attach the relevant documents. If the application is submitted before the 15th day of the current reporting month, the payment will be recalculated from the 1st day of this month, if after the 15th day - from the 1st day of the next reporting month.


Those who receive a pension and at the same time officially work are called working pensioners. Working pensioners are a common occurrence in the Russian Federation. This is primarily due to the fact that the amount of pension payments is not always sufficient to satisfy all human needs.

Because of this, many retirees have to stay in their current place at least part-time or look for another available job. These people are entitled to, and the amount of their wages and pensions are regulated at the legislative level.

Working pensioners can count on benefits

These benefits can be established both by the state on a general scale and by self-government bodies at the local level. Among the advantages are the following:

  • exemption of working pensioners from paying taxes on land, various buildings and premises
  • providing this category of citizens with the right to free use of public transport
  • pensioners are given the opportunity to receive additional unpaid benefits, the amount of which can be up to fourteen days per year
  • these citizens are provided with the right to the institutions where they were registered during employment
  • pensioners have some advantages in the field of spa treatment
  • these citizens are provided with the right to priority care in medical institutions

There are certain rights by which the employment opportunities of pensioners are regulated, and certain conditions are also set for salaries. Upon reaching retirement age, a citizen is provided with the following rights:

  1. opportunity from the place of employment due to retirement
  2. the possibility of maintaining the previous place of work, if this does not contradict the Labor Code
  3. employment opportunity without restrictions - employment is established during the process of drawing up an employment contract
  4. possibility of part-time work
  5. working pensioners are provided with wages in the same way as ordinary employees
  6. Pension payments for working pensioners are made on general terms

Pensioners who, for whatever reason, continue to work labor activity, have certain rights and are provided with certain benefits.

Benefits at work

A pensioner at work is a full-fledged employee!

A person who has reached retirement age is similar to employees of other age categories, may lose his job only in cases that do not contradict the Labor Code. Dismissal can occur either at the request of the employee or at the initiative of the employer - it is important that everything is legal.

The Labor Code contains provisions that give pensioners the opportunity to resign due to reaching retirement age. At the same time, this person can get another job, chosen according to his own preferences, and this will not in any way affect the payment that is paid to him. You just need to remember that a certain list of professions implies certain age restrictions, due to which a citizen may be denied a specific job.

The working hours of pensioners who continue to work do not differ in any way from the working schedule of other employees. The law does not provide for providing pensioners with additional rest time or reducing their working day. In addition, this category of citizens is not provided with additional paid leave.

However, this pensioners can receive additional days vacation, provided that it will not be paid by the employer. IN Labor Code it is said that a pensioner who works at an official place of work has the right to receive an unpaid two-week leave, which is provided to him by the employer from the employee.

Some categories of working pensioners are entitled to more long terms vacation at your own expense. Working WWII participants can optionally receive unpaid leave for up to thirty-five days. Disabled persons are provided with the right to leave for up to sixty days. Depending on the desire, a citizen can use the entire vacation at once, or in parts.

Pensioners are hired under the same conditions as other citizens. In terms of work, pensioners are provided only with additional unpaid leave - otherwise, the working conditions for them are the same as for other citizens.

Various types of benefits for working pensioners

Working pensioners are indexed

Mentioning different kinds benefits provided to employed people, we must not forget that in addition to these benefits, they are entitled to indexation of pension payments. Pensioners who receive an old-age pension, but are also officially employed, can count on recalculation of pension payments.

This is due to the fact that while continuing to work, pension points citizens are growing, which has a positive effect on the amount of payments they receive.

In the case of official employment, the organization with which the pensioner has made certain payments, part of which is accrued to the Pension Fund. At this time, the employee’s number of pension points is increased. Pensions are recalculated annually in August.

At the time of recalculation, the accumulated points are added to the points previously credited to the pensioner’s account. This procedure is repeated annually as long as the citizen is engaged in official work. Working pensioners are provided with various medical benefits.

So, once every three years, such a citizen has the right to free medical examination. Also, citizens of this category of the population, reaching the age of sixty, can receive a free flu vaccination. For labor veterans in terms of medical benefits has a special place. They are given a fifty percent discount on medicines, which are prescribed by the attending physician during outpatient treatment.

They are also entitled to a number of different services in health care institutions. For example, labor veterans can take free dental treatment, within which they can have a new one made or an old one repaired for free. Military pensioners have a number of their own, additional benefits. Among them are:

  • free medical care
  • free additional education
  • the possibility of receiving an additional pension (a pensioner is entitled to a second pension after working the required work in a civilian profession)
  • extraordinary employment in various civilian specialties
  • once a year - paid travel to the place of treatment
  • some advantages for children and grandchildren when they enroll in some educational institutions
  • if upon retirement he is recognized as needy, he is provided with housing

Pensioners who are engaged in working activities after retirement are provided with a number of different benefits. Some categories of pensioners are provided with additional, special benefits.

Thematic video will also tell about the benefits for pensioners:

Disadvantages of working after retirement

Despite the fact that working pensioners are provided with a number of various benefits, we should not forget that by continuing to work, they lose a lot. For example, some working pensioners are not paid material payments, provided for non-working pensioners.

For retirees, going back to work—both pros and cons

First of all, among these payments it should be noted certain social allowances, which are assigned only to pensioners who are not engaged in working activities. Only non-working pensioners can count on compensation for travel to a place of recreation or sanatorium treatment.

Among other things, working pensioners are deprived of the opportunity to receive monthly, various additional payments for insufficient financial support and compensation for dependents who do not work or are disabled.

Continuing to work after reaching retirement age has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Employed citizens cannot count on the benefits intended for pensioners who do not work.

Working pensioners are citizens who are provided with some benefits and can also count on an increase in their own income over time. labor pension as a result of the accrual of additional pension points in the event of their official employment. It should be remembered that while continuing to work, these citizens receive some benefits and lose others.

As soon as a Russian citizen reaches retirement age, he must go to the Pension Fund, where he will be assigned the amount of pension payments. Many retirees continue to work. But not all working pensioners know about their rights. Sometimes the employer offers the employee to enter into a fixed-term contract employment contract. But for this, one condition must be met - agreement on both sides. Few people know that an offer by an employer to conclude a fixed-term employment contract may be illegal if the employee has reached retirement age. An offer to exchange an employment contract to a newly hired employee can be presented in court as an illegal action that can be appealed.

If the employer has good reasons, he has the right to fire a working pensioner. Unlike pregnant women and disabled people, this category of people does not have dismissal privileges. However, there are some peculiarities here. Termination of the employment contract by the employer must occur within the period specified in the resignation letter. In addition, a working pensioner is not required to work for another two weeks after dismissal. Working pensioners are not included in the category of citizens who have the right to work part-time. Of course, they can make a personal request to the employer, but receiving a refusal will be completely legal. A working pensioner has the right to one additional unpaid leave per year for a period of 14 days.

Is it possible to work and receive a pension at the same time?

Currently, pensioners have the right to work officially and receive a pension at the same time. However, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has already submitted for discussion a proposal to reduce pensions for workers. Then officials came up with a system according to which the funds of the country's Pension Fund were saved in a cunning way. A pensioner who continues to work would lose his pension, but he would be guaranteed a larger amount in the future in exchange for continuing his work experience. However, the department abandoned the idea.

If a pensioner continues to work, he does not lose his pension. The state decided to encourage pensioners to work with the promise of a significant increase in pensions, depending on the salary received and length of service. To reach the required level of 30 points, you will need to work officially for about 30-40 years. But if a pensioner refuses to continue his work experience and retires due to age, he will no longer receive a significantly increased pension. That is, we can say that this new pension formula suspects a hidden increase in the retirement age, or rather, an incentive for people not to retire.

Recalculation of pensions and benefits

Working pensioners have some benefits. Working pensioners receive a supplement to their pension. In addition, the size of the pension changes whenever the cost of living in the country changes. After its installation, the pension is recalculated and its new amount is determined. Pension recalculation is also carried out based on the salary of a working pensioner. Pensioners working in the field of education are also entitled to a so-called scientific pension. The amount of such a pension is usually about 80% of the salary that the researcher received before retirement.

Tip 2: How will working pensioners receive their pension?

If a person, after reaching retirement age and receiving a pension, continues to work, this does not deprive him of the right to the benefits due to him. pension and does not serve as a basis for reducing its size. At the same time, a working pensioner has the right to increase it based on the results of each calendar year based on contributions received during this time to the pension account from his employer.

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • - copy work book, certified by the employer, or other documents confirming work experience;
  • - photographs (not in all cases).


Apply after reaching retirement age (60 years for men and 55 for women; for beneficiaries age limits may be lower, but in general it is very likely that the retirement age will be increased to 65 and 60 years, respectively) to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, stay or actual residence. If you live abroad, please send copies necessary documents by mail to the central office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. According to the law, you have the right to apply for an old-age pension both immediately upon reaching retirement age and later - at any time when you consider it necessary.

Provide the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with your passport, a certificate of compulsory pension insurance and all available documentary evidence of your work experience: the original work book or its copy certified by the employer, certificates of average earnings until 2002 (if applicable to your case) and, if necessary, other papers according to requirements of the pension fund.

Contact management social protection of the population of your area with a passport and papers from the Pension Fund, if the legislation of the region where you are registered provides for the issuance of social cards for pensioners. Depending on the region, a photo may also be required, although in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in particular in Moscow, you will be photographed directly at the department. Social card usually gives the right to free travel on public transport and discounts in a number of stores, and also serves as confirmation of a number of other benefits entitled to you.

Choose a method that is convenient for you to receive your pension: at the post office (you have the right to choose whether to come for it yourself or instruct the postman to bring it to your home), to a bank account or card of Sberbank and a number of other credit organizations. If necessary, open a pension card or account and provide the details to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Visit the Pension Fund branch if, after the end of the next calendar year in which you continued to work after leaving pension, they didn’t increase it for you. You do not have to submit any applications for recalculation of your pension; the Pension Fund is obliged to recalculate it itself based on the information received from your employer. But if for some reason he didn’t do this, it will never hurt to remind him of yourself.

Circumstances may force you to work two jobs: the availability of free time at work, a small salary, big plans for the future for which you need to save up, the need for part-time work due to the purchase of an apartment or renovation.


Working two jobs is not easy: you need to meet deadlines and complete assignments different types activities. However, if you have the desire and opportunity to combine two jobs, it will be quite successful. To do this you need to have not only the right attitude, but also great responsibility, the ability to properly manage time and complete work quickly, without being distracted by extraneous matters.

You can work two jobs without leaving your workplace. Let’s say that if an employee is not overloaded with work in the office, there are free hours between tasks, it is profitable to occupy them extra work. You can register on virtual freelance exchanges and receive orders for writing texts or reviews, creating logos, videos, websites, groups in in social networks– it all depends on what types of work you can do and what you can and want to learn.

Additional employment can be obtained from the main employer. If the company has a need for some kind of activity, but they have not yet found an employee for this position or they do not want to open a vacancy at all, propose your candidacy. Then it will be possible to register this employment as a part-time job with partial pay. Both the boss and the employee will like this option - the position will not be paid as the main one and it will be possible to save money, and the employee will have the opportunity to receive a higher salary for the same working hours.

Finding a part-time job is not so difficult in another company. There are many positions in the job market that allow you to work part-time or work on weekends. To work part-time, in most cases you will have to negotiate with your boss at your main job or, according to at least, inform the manager.

Another option for part-time work is when you work on a schedule of 2 days every 2. Then the first two days the employee works in one company, the other two days in another. This is a very exhausting part-time option, since it does not provide for days off and you will have to work 12 hours every day, so you should resort to this option only when as a last resort.

Take up your hobby after work and turn it into a small business of your own. Getting paid for your hobbies is the most nice option part-time jobs. Perhaps you know how to knit, sew, make jewelry, paint, or grow flowers to sell. All this can generate income, which will come in handy in addition to your basic salary. This kind of work can be done after work, on weekends, and on vacation, and it will be much less tiring than your main job.

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