Gender equality. Gender equality: a view from the outside

Girls, what's going on? Why do we allow men to push us around, manage, turn into housekeepers and slaves to their desires? Everything written below can be considered a manifesto for the equality of men and women or a cry from the heart, but I think we should not let the patriarchy take over our minds!

Everyday gender equality

I am not encouraging women to start doing men's work. I propose now and forever to share everything honestly. Equality in the family is not only the right to vote of both spouses.

You, your spouse, civil husband or boyfriend - both work. You both get tired. But when he comes home, the man sits comfortably on the couch or goes to drink beer with friends (plays the console). You continue the working day in the kitchen, work with children, clean the house. The woman does not know rest. Not fair. While you are cooking, your significant other could vacuum. While you are cleaning the floors, he could go out with the children or check their lessons. Responsibilities should be shared equally. Then you will have time that you can spend together, with the whole family, enjoy communication, and not wild fatigue. Send him to the store periodically so you never hear: "You're spending too much!". Let him imbued with the pricing policy of the country.

I note that not all men oppose such equality in the family. Most decent family men even speak "FOR". Only they themselves do not dare to offer us such a thing. If you talk heart to heart with your husband, he will most likely meet you halfway.

It is time to establish a new order in the family, which will mark the equality between a man and a woman. The mother of the family equally has the right to rest and get-togethers with her girlfriends.

Housewife does not mean slave

For the good of the family

Many women, due to circumstances, come to the conclusion that in thetime interval they will be better at home. They take care of all household and child care. Do not complain, do not ask for help and rest. However, in most families the following problem arises. The husband, as the breadwinner of the family and the only one who brings money into the house, gradually begins to consider himself a kind of deity, against whom do not say a word. And, the lower his salary, the higher his ambitions. What to do in such a situation? How to restore women's equality in the family? If your reluctance to work is your whim and laziness, go to work. Elevate yourself to the level of your husband.

When you simply cannot find a decent job for yourself or the salary is not worth the effort and time spent, if you think that you will be more useful at home and the status of a “housewife” is agreed with your husband, remind your spouse of this. You comfortably settled within four walls for the benefit of the family, and the husband does not even know about the lion's share of household chores and problems. Prove to him that your contribution to the family is no less important than the salary brought on time. Outline what will happen to the house and children if you stop fulfilling your duties. Do not beg his merits, clearly demonstrate that your domestic fuss gives you the right to declare gender equality.

Maternity leave - unpaid work

A similar situation occurs when a woman sits at home due to maternity leave. He sits for himself, watches TV shows, “Vkontakte” chats with his girlfriends, sometimes he will wash the floor, hastily cook food - that’s what husbands think. A woman on maternity leave does nothing at all. Resting to the fullest, justifying the prefix "vacation". So it was with me.

After the first birth, I quickly went to work to bring financial benefits to the family. Grandmothers took care of the child. After the birth of the second, the situation changed. Grandmothers have grown old, the work no longer inspires because of the scarcity of wages, the eldest child went to school - a responsible first class. I decided not to think about work until the age of three.

The problems started a year after the birth of the second child. I wanted to return to a full life, my husband decided that I had no right to this. I can't relax, have fun, meet my friends. More precisely, I can, but only with children in an armful. And in general I was tired of keeping him. Attempts to make money on the Internet ended in pangs of conscience - the children are abandoned. The night shift led to chronic sleep deprivation.

Then I decided to have a serious conversation with my husband. She suggested that he take a parental leave, and go to earn money herself. He, of course, immediately rejected such a development of events. After that, I began to fight for my rights in the family. She sat down with him to make a list of duties. Against my 35 points, he had only four: bring money, a car, sometimes walk with children and go to his mother-in-law at the dacha. My husband turned out to be a decent man in the end, he agreed that he did not work in the mine for 24 hours. span and decided to help me.

Today, we make all decisions in the house together, while he works with children and household problems, he comes home - I sit down to work. No one is offended or tense. We always rest together. We negotiate in turn with one grandmother, then with another. If there is no one to help us, we stay at home together or take the children with us. One head is good, but two heads in the family are better, more peaceful and fair, and equality between men and women has been restored.

Girls, women, do not need to give up on yourself and become a hardened housewife, cut off from civilization. Children, husband - important, but do not neglect your own interests.

Equality in the right to treason and its consequences

As for the betrayal of one of the spouses. Having scoured the Internet, I was left very indignant. It does not fit in my head why we, women, should feel guilty in the event of our betrayal, and when our husband cheats. In single articles, the idea is developed that the reason for our betrayal of a man should be sought in himself. Wives are advised to reconsider their attitude towards their husband, love him, forgive, care for and cherish, try to save the family. About any gender equality in the case of infidelity, even out of the question. Girls, we have achieved representation in the State Duma, can't we achieve an equal assessment of female and male weaknesses? Where is our pride, cunning, deceit, bitchiness in this case?

I am against the fact that a humiliated woman, after her husband's betrayal, even more personally belittles herself by trying to fix something. All this comes from seeming weakness and insecurity. Do not be afraid, if a man repents, he will crawl to you on his knees. Forgive him or not - you decide. Let him think how to beg for your understanding, you should not apologize to the infidel for his betrayal.

If he considers himself unconditionally right and blames you for everything, consider whether this person is worth your love. This betrayal will not be the last. You will suffer in conjectures, how to behave in case of infidelity of her husband, how to improve relations with him. What for? From your attempts, his shoulder will not become a reliable support. Act like a creature equal to him - find solace outside the family. You will probably find in another man everything that you lacked in your husband. Just keep up appearances, do it after the divorce. Public opinion about certain things is difficult to change.


The above examples cannot be written into official documents in the section “Gender Equality”, they cannot be proposed to be included in the constitution. These things should be firmly planted in people's minds. Equality between a man and a woman should be manifested not only in the equal right of both to a high position and salary, law voice or the right to education.

Equality between men and women must begin in the family. It should exclude selfishness and narcissism. Husband and wife should treat each other with equal care and understanding. In choosing wallpaper, pots or a car, the opinion of both should be taken into account, and not the strong one.

For this to happen, we need to stop seeing men as the masters of our lives. You need to stop being afraid to make important decisions and learn to defend your point of view and your interests. A woman does not need to develop physical strength in herself, she must have strength in character. For every male knock on the table with his fist, a woman should be able to answer confidently, calmly, briefly, succinctly and categorically.

Gender equality, also gender equality, equality of men and women, equality of men and women, gender equality, gender equality, sexual equality, sexual equality, egalitarian family, gender equality- a concept that implies the achievement of equality in rights between men and women in family and other legal relations. According to some researchers, gender equality is the next step in socio-sexual relations after the patriarchal system. Gender equality, as a principle, consists in studying and eliminating all social barriers that prevent a person from manifesting himself as a person, as well as creating equal social opportunities for the realization of the personality of men and women in all spheres of life, depending on the preferences of an autonomous person.

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    ✪ Is equality between men and women possible? Gender equality and differences in the psyche. Satya das



Gender equality in the USSR and Russia

In Russia, anarchists were the first to fight for gender equality. In the program of the Slavic section of the International and the Revolutionary Catechism, the well-known anarchist M.A. Bakunin demanded complete political and social equalization of a woman with a man, as well as the replacement of his contemporary family, legalized by religious and legal marriage, with a free marriage. Bakunin also demanded the destruction of family law and the right of inheritance. He advocated social guarantees for mother and child for the period from conception to adulthood. M.A. Bakunin considered the struggle for higher education to be the leitmotif of the women's movement. To this end, women's circles were organized in Russia in the 19th century, societies of translators, publishers, bookbinders and printers were created. Women sought the opening of higher courses for women.

Also, Russian anarchists fought for the liberation of women from housework. Prince Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin wrote about a woman:

She no longer wants to be the pack animal of her house; it is enough for her that she devotes so many years of her life to raising children. She no longer wants to be a cook, a dishwasher, a maid in the house! It was supposed to free women by mechanizing the household, opening household and public catering establishments, canteens for each group of houses. “To free a woman,” wrote P. A. Kropotkin, “does not mean to open the doors of a university, court or parliament for her; because a liberated woman always dumps the housework on some other woman. To set woman free is to free her from the stupefying labor of the kitchen and the laundry; it means - to arrange so as to give her the opportunity, feeding and raising her children, at the same time, to have enough free time to take part in public life.

Russia is one of the first countries in the world to legally and officially proclaim the equality of rights for men and women in 1917. The Great October socialist revolution gave women equal legal rights with men, since equality was proclaimed a universal proletarian idea.

The conditions for a genuine solution of this issue were created for the first time in history in Soviet Russia. In the very first months of the existence of Soviet power, all laws that fixed the inequality of women were repealed. Decree on the formation of a workers' and peasants' government, adopted by the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets)
