The development of communication skills in children with ONR. Features of the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech


Fedoseeva, Elena Gennadievna

Academic degree:

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Place of defense of the dissertation:

VAK specialty code:


Correctional pedagogy (typhlopedagogy, deaf pedagogy and oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy)

Number of pages:


1.1. The process of communication in psychological, pedagogical, linguistic, psycholinguistic works.

1.2. General patterns communicative development of preschool children.

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II. 1. Organization and content of the study.

11.2. Speech means, forms of communication and analysis of their interdependence in children of senior ^ "preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.

11.3. The activity of communication of children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.

11.4. Features of the behavior of children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.



III-1. Tasks and organization of correctional and pedagogical influence.

111.2. ^The main directions of formation communicative skills in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech. III.4. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTAL TRAINING.

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) On the topic "Formation of communication skills in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech"

This study is devoted to the study of the characteristics of communication, its activity in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech and the development of the most effective ways of corrective work for its development.

The relevance of research. Timely mastery of correct speech is important for the formation of a full-fledged personality of the child, harmonious psychophysical development, and successful teaching at school. In this regard, in recent years, children of preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech have attracted increased interest in special psychology and pedagogy.

Speech as a means of communication arises and develops in the process of communication. Violations of the speech function cannot but have a negative impact on the development of the communication process in the child. Underdevelopment of speech means reduces the level of communication, contributes to the emergence of psychological characteristics (isolation, timidity, indecision, shyness); gives rise to specific features of general and speech behavior (limited contact, delayed inclusion in a communication situation, inability to maintain a conversation, listen to sounding speech, inattention to the speech of the interlocutor), leads to a decrease communicative activity (Yu.F. Garkusha, E.M. Mastyukova, S.A. Mironova, etc.). There is also an inverse relationship - with insufficient communication, the rate of development of speech and other mental processes slows down (L.G. Galiguzova, I.V. Dubrovina, A.G. Ruzskaya, E.O. Smirnova, etc.).

imperfection communicative skills, speech inactivity do not provide the process of free communication and, in turn, do not contribute to the development speech-thinking and cognitive activity of children, hinder the acquisition of knowledge.

Despite the considerable interest and numerous studies on the study of children with general speech underdevelopment in various aspects: clinical (E.M. Mastyukova), psycholinguistic (V.K. Vorobieva, B.M. Grinshpun, V.A. Kovshikov, E.F. Sobatovich, L.B. Khalilova), psychological and pedagogical (Yu.F. Garkusha, E.P. Glukhov, G.S. Gumennaya, JI.N. Efimenko-va, N.S. Zhukova, R.E. Levina , S.A. Mironova, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, S.N. Shakhovskaya and others), in terms of overcoming phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical disorders, lack of formation coherent speech, the immaturity of individual mental functions, the problem of overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech has not been studied enough.

Acquaintance with the works of these authors gives grounds to believe that the researchers and researchers, in particular, focus on the study and development of linguistic means of communication. It has been proven that in children with speech underdevelopment, persistent lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic disorders significantly limit the possibilities of spontaneous formation of speech skills and abilities that ensure the process of speaking and receiving speech. Characteristic is the imperfection of the structural-semantic organization of contextual speech. Children experience difficulties in programming an utterance, synthesizing individual elements into a structural whole, selecting linguistic material for a particular purpose (V.K. Vorobieva, O.E. Gribova, G.S. Gumennaya, L.F. Spirova, T.B. Filicheva, L. B. Khalilova, G. V. Chirkina, S. N. Shakhovskaya). There is also data showing that the lack of formation of the language base as the most important prerequisite for communication makes it difficult to proceed. Difficulties in communication are manifested in the lack of formation of the main forms of communication (V.K. Vorobyova, V.P. Glukhov, N.K. Usoltseva), confusion of the hierarchy of the purpose of communication (O.E. Gribova), a decrease in the need for it (B.M. Grinshpun , O.S. Pavlova, L.F. Spirova, G.V. Chirkina). The lack of verbal means of communication makes it impossible for interaction between children, becomes an obstacle in the formation of the game process (L.G. Solovyova, E.A. Kharitonova).

At the same time, in the problem of overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children in the aspect of communicative features, there are still many unresolved theoretical and practical issues to date. There are not enough studies showing the dependence of the nature of communication on the degree formation speech means, the issues of the relationship between the activity of behavior and the process of communication of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech are not considered, a system of special classes focused on the formation of their communication skills has not been created. This emphasizes the relevance and significance of the study and indicates the need to find ways to improve the effectiveness of speech therapy work with older preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Research problem. The study of the characteristics of communication in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech and the definition of "directions and methods of work on the formation of their communication skills."

Solving this problem was the goal of our study.

Object of study. Children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech of the III level.

Subject of study. The process of correctional and pedagogical work with children of senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech of the III level, aimed at developing their communicative skills.

Research hypothesis: Communicative the skills of children of older preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech are characterized by specific features, which is due to the ("limited speech means, unformed forms of communication and a decrease in its activity.

The effectiveness of the formation of communicative skills in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech can be ensured if, in the process of corrective action, complexes of special exercises are used, aimed at the formation of various forms of communication, the development of speech and non-verbal means of communication, its activity and emotional-volitional sphere.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, its object, subject and hypothesis, the following tasks were set:

1. To study and analyze the psychological, pedagogical, psycholinguistic and special literature on the research problem.

2. In the course of an experimental study, to identify the features of communication in different communicative situations and in various activities of children;

3. To determine the directions and methods of correctional and pedagogical work on the formation of communicative skills in preschool children with speech underdevelopment. Check their effectiveness in the course of experimental training.

The methodological basis of the study was the provisions on the connection between activity and communication, their leading role in the development and formation of personality (A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev and others), on the unity, relationship of biological and social factors in the development of the child, the idea of the emergence and development of speech in the process of communication

L.S. Vygotsky, M.I. Lisina, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria and others). G,

Various methods were used in the study: the study and theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature on the problem; dynamic pedagogical observation of the communication of children in special classes and in conditions of free communication; interviews with kindergarten teachers and a speech therapist, parents, children, aimed at identifying the characteristics of children's communication; ". a stating experiment conducted to study the formation of communicative skills of older preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech; a formative experiment of correctional work to determine the directions and methods for the formation of communicative skills; a control experiment organized to test the effectiveness of the developed methodology, a comparative quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained results.

The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the features of communication of older preschool children with speech underdevelopment have been studied. This, to a certain extent, replenished and deepened the idea of ​​the characteristics of children with OHP, their communication capabilities. Different levels of children's proficiency established communicative skills that depend on the formation of speech means, forms of communication, as well as activity in communication and behavior of children; selected, systematized and implemented methodological material for its use in the process of formation of communicative skills in children. Complexes of special exercises aimed at the development of speech and non-speech means of communication, the formation of forms of communication and its activity were experimentally tested.

The practical significance lies in the fact that the features of communication of older preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech revealed as a result of the study made it possible to determine the main directions and methods of correctional and pedagogical work with them. Guidelines for the formation of communication skills in these preschoolers make additions to the practice of speech therapy work with children, which helps to increase its effectiveness. The data obtained can be used in the education and upbringing of children with general underdevelopment of speech in special preschool institutions and in the family; in teaching the course of speech therapy, logopsychology at defectological faculties of pedagogical institutes and at retraining and advanced training courses for speech therapists, educators of speech groups, teachers; in the preparation of dream aids addressed to specialists working with children with speech disorders.

The reliability and validity of the research results are determined by its methodological base, the use of modern scientific achievements of the psychological and pedagogical sciences, the use of complex methods that are adequate to the tasks, object and subject of research; a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data obtained; attracting a sufficient number of subjects; implementation of research materials in speech therapy work with children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.

Approbation of the study. The main results of the work were reported at meetings of the Department of Speech Therapy of the Moscow State University, the Department of Speech Therapy and Medical Fundamentals of Defectology of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. M.E. Evsevyeva; at the scientific and practical conferences of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. M.E. Evsevyeva (1996, 1997, 1998).

Organization of the study. The study was conducted in groups for children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech and normal speech development of kindergarten No. 123 in Saransk and included several stages: Stage I (1995-1996) - analysis of the state of the problem in the theory and practice of domestic psychological, pedagogical and psycholinguistic ^ sciences in order to determine the object, subject, tasks and methods, the working hypothesis of the study. Stage II (1996-1997) - development of a program and methodology for the experimental part of the work; study of communication features of children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech of the III level. Stage Ill (1997-1999) - experimental training of older preschoolers with speech underdevelopment, aimed at developing their communication skills. Stage IV (1998-1999) - analysis and systematization of experimental data, formulation of the main conclusions, preparation of a dissertation.

A total of 114 children were under our supervision. Of this number, 38 preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech of the III level, attending senior groups of a kindergarten for children with speech disorders, were studied in the most detail. The experiment included a control group of children with general underdevelopment of speech of the III level (38 people), and the same number of peers with normal speech development.

Defense provisions.

1. In children of older preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech, insufficient development of communicative skills is due to the limitation of their speech means and unformed forms of communication, a decrease in its activity,

2. Special organization and use of complexes of corrective exercises for the formation of communication skills in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech, help to reduce the communication difficulties that these children have and increase the level of mastery of children's communication skills.


The main provisions of the dissertation are presented in four publications.

Work structure. The dissertation is presented on 192 pages and consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Correctional Pedagogy (typhlopedagogy, deaf pedagogy and oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy)", Fedoseeva, Elena Gennadievna


The study was aimed at studying the communication process, its features, as well as determining the directions and methods of corrective influence on the formation of communicative skills of older preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

As a study of the literature has shown, this problem is one of the most significant and insufficiently developed in the theory and practice of speech therapy. There is no training practice purposeful work on developing the skills necessary for the participation of children in the real process of communication.

The relevance of the study is also emphasized by the fact that children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech have insufficient development of communicative skills, a low degree of activity in communication, which makes it difficult for the child to contact others, has a negative impact on his mental and personal development. In this regard, there is a need to create a special system speech therapy influence on the formation of children's communication skills.

The ascertaining experiment made it possible to reveal the features of communication of children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech and the factors that determine them.

An experimental study showed that preschool children with speech underdevelopment have a low level of development of communicative skills, which manifests itself in the limited speech and non-verbal means of communication, the difficulties in their implementation, in the insufficient motivational and need-based sphere, purposefulness, decreased activity in communication, lack of formation forms of communication corresponding to normal ontogenesis.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem and results ascertaining experiment aimed at identifying the characteristics of children's communication led us to the conclusion that in violation of speech development, along with the formation pronunciation skills, vocabulary, grammatical structure, it is necessary to provide special exercises that allow to increase the efficiency of overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech. This made it possible to develop the content, methodological and organizational aspects of correctional education aimed at developing the communicative skills of children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Correctional work had an educational character and was aimed at the comprehensive development of speech, the personality of the child and the activation of communication, thereby providing for a complex impact on his speech, cognitive, emotional-personal, communicative sphere. Overcoming the lag in the development of communication was carried out by us by actively including children with general speech underdevelopment in communication activities, selecting speech material taking into account topics relevant to children, cognitive capabilities, age and psychological characteristics, various communication tasks, as well as creating a favorable emotional atmosphere in the classroom.

In order to form children's practical knowledge of the means of human communication throughout the entire experimental training, we developed in children the emotional perception of the environment through cognitive activity: first, it is the ability to understand and recognize the state of the interlocutor, and then to express and convey their emotions using expressive means.

One of the main areas of experimental learning was the creation and modeling of problem and game situations that arise

171 in the process of verbal communication and close to reality. This provided the need and motivation for communication, was an activating condition independent speech activity of children, enriched their social experience, contributed to the formation of a higher level of communication with others.

The result of corrective work with children with general underdevelopment of speech was qualitative changes in their behavior and communication with others. Children have become more confident, bolder, kinder. Enriched with new content business, cognitive, personal contacts, there was a desire for extra-situational contacts. The level of their speech activity has increased. Differences in the level of proficiency in the main forms of communication among children before and after the formative experiment turned out to be statistically significant. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of speech means of communication, structural design, linguistic correctness, and content have improved. The use of speech utterances in the process of communication became more active, the structure of sentences used by children became more complicated, their volume increased due to the increase in the number of members of the sentence and with the expression of thoughts more complex in content, complex sentences, direct and indirect speech appeared. Children have significantly increased the degree of communication activity. The children of the flock are more initiative, contact and sociable.

An experimental study revealed that, despite the low level of development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech, they have the opportunity to develop them, provided that specially selected sets of corrective exercises are introduced into the learning and upbringing process.

As the control experiment showed, the proposed and tested system of correctional influence increased the level of speech and communicative development of children.

Comparative results of the tasks performed by the children of the experimental and control groups revealed the success of mastering the children of the experimental group communicative skills and showed high efficiency of correctional and developmental education in comparison with the children of the control group.

Within the framework of the dissertation research, the problem of the formation of communicative skills in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech has acquired theoretical and practical significance for improving speech therapy work in groups and kindergartens for children with speech disorders. At the same time, the problem of finding new means of influencing the process of children's communication, due to the diversity of its constituent aspects, requires new research.

The results of experimental training on the formation of communicative skills in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech confirmed the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed system and made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

1. In children of older preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech communicative skills are at a low level of development, which is associated with: limited means of communication; decrease in communication activity; unformed forms of communication.

2. A special organization of work on the formation of communicative skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech is based on taking into account the ontogenetic stages in the development of communication in children.

3. The system of exercises aimed at developing communicative skills in older preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech includes the formation of speech and non-verbal means of communication in children, the use of means of communication in various communicative situations.

Work on the formation of communicative skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech increases the effectiveness of correctional pedagogical work in general.

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Organization: "Correctional elementary school - kindergarten No. 14" Alyonushka "

Location: Chelyabinsk region, Kyshtym

Features of the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age with OHPIIIlevel

Studies of the development of communication skills in older preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech are of interest to teachers and psychologists, since communication plays a decisive role not only in enriching the content of the child's consciousness, in acquiring new knowledge and skills by the child; it also determines the structure of consciousness, determines the indirect structure of higher, specifically human mental processes, and that speech, like other sign systems, initially plays the role of a means of communication, and only then, on this basis, becomes an instrument of thinking and arbitrary regulation by the child. At the same time, a contradiction arose between the variety of modern concepts of preschool education, recognizing the irreplaceable influence of the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age on the development and formation of the child's personality as a whole.

At the senior preschool age, the child's world is inextricably linked with other children. And the older the child becomes, the more important contacts with peers become for him. Communication with peers is significantly different from communication with adults. Close adults are friendly to the child, they surround him with attention and love, teach him skills, abilities and abilities, and other communicative relations develop with peers. Children are less friendly and attentive to each other, they do not always want to understand and help each other. They can not hesitate to push, take away the toy, although the other protests and cries. Communications of peers are more emotionally saturated, non-standard statements are inherent in them, initiative statements prevail over reciprocal ones, and communication is richer in functions, i.e. and control of actions, and control of his actions, and the imposition of images, and constant comparison with himself.

In communication with peers, the child learns to express himself, manage others, enter into a variety of relationships. Since children really want to communicate, they try to express their thoughts, desires, intentions more clearly and coherently. It is the need to be understood, heard, to receive an answer that makes the speech of preschoolers more coherent, complete and understandable.

The coherence of the spoken words and the completeness of the grammatical form of the utterance is an important condition for the communication of children. Older preschoolers who speak poorly and do not understand each other cannot establish an interesting game, communicate meaningfully. They get bored with each other, they are forced to play apart, because they have nothing to talk about.

Studies by many domestic and foreign psychologists have shown that the speech development of older preschoolers significantly affects the communicative skills of peers. Preschoolers who do not have contact with peers experienced significant difficulties in communicating with other children, despite an active desire to talk with them. Children accustomed to the company of peers were significantly more talkative and freely talked with other children. From the foregoing, in order to communicate with other children, you need to be able to talk with them, try to make them understand you. The need to be understood makes the child speak more clearly and correctly.

The leading activity of older preschoolers is play. The game is the activity in which the formation of the motivational-need sphere of the child takes place as intensively as possible. As the psychologist D. B. Elkonin noted, in the game there is a primary emotionally effective orientation in terms of human activity, there is an awareness of one’s place in the system of human relations and a desire to be an adult (to be older, better, smarter, stronger). It is important to emphasize that this desire is precisely the result of the game, and not its starting point.

An ordinary children's game (role-playing or with a rule) cannot be replaced by either a video recorder with cartoons, or computer games, or the most intricate designer. Because in the game the child needs to control his behavior and understand what he is doing and why.

Among the variety of children's games, the role-playing game is of the greatest importance. When preschoolers play, they always explain what they are doing, and without agreements and without mutual understanding, the game situation ceases to exist. Without such explanations, which give new meaning to objects and actions, neither the acceptance of a role nor the creation of a conditional space for play is possible.

And among the means of communication at this stage, speech begins to predominate. Children talk a lot with each other (about one and a half times more than with adults), but their speech continues to be situational. Children tell each other about where they have been and what they have seen, share their plans or preferences, evaluate qualities and actions others. At this age, “pure communication” again becomes possible, not mediated by objects and actions with them. Children can talk for a long time without doing any practical actions.

With sufficient research and development of methods for overcoming phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical disorders and the formation of coherent speech, the problem of studying and developing the dialogical speech of children with ONR in the process of playing activity has not been studied enough. There are no studies aimed at studying dialogue, dialogic speech as a component of the system of communicative-activity interaction.

With the existing organization of the educational process in speech groups, there is a certain limitation in the possibility of forming a game in children, since its place in the correctional and developmental process remains unclear to this day. In speech therapy practice, a variety of gaming techniques and didactic games are widely used, at the same time, the role-playing game is used fragmentarily. Educators of speech groups, with a lack of methodological developments for teaching children with speech disorders to play, are guided by data relating to children with normal speech development without taking into account the characteristics of the student population.

Older preschoolers with level III OHP do not play role-playing games well: it is difficult for them to plan a plot, take on a role, the game is primitive in nature (mostly manipulations with objects) and falls apart under the influence of any external influences.

Unsteady use of sounds, when they are pronounced differently in different words, undifferentiated pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds, displacement of sounds in words and sentences, as well as errors in the transmission of the syllabic structure of words, incorrect use of words in a speech context, poorly developed coherent speech and limited vocabulary make the speech of such children incomprehensible to surrounding peers, which affects the sympathy and desire to interact in the future with children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Therefore, it is important to carry out purposeful work in order to develop communication skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III. Both preschool teachers and parents should be interested and involved in this activity.

The insufficiency of communicative-activity interaction in the game is associated in children with ONR with the peculiarities of the emergence and development of crisis neoplasms, with a significant delay in self-awareness as a subject of activity; non-identification of a peer as an object of interaction, weak identification of oneself with a peer; low level of communicative competence, cooperation and programming.

The use of a special correctional and pedagogical complex ensures significant personal development of children with OHP. They have the perception of a peer as a business partner, attention and even sensitivity to a partner in the process of game cooperation, which is expressed in an increase in speech activity in the game, as well as the emergence of dialogues in some children related to interactive interaction and aimed at coordination and "step by step" planning. joint action. In other words, dialogue, interactive interaction and actions in an imaginary (mental) plan, as a result of interpenetration, have been transformed into a single system of communicative-activity interaction, in which the functional load of the dialogue is the organization and planning of joint activities.

Children with OHP of older preschool age in a specially organized correctional educational environment are able to move from a pronounced egocentric position to others that are more productive in terms of communicative competence ("above", "under", "beside", "on an equal footing") . In their speech, along with demands, requests, suggestions, objections and conciliatory statements appear in communicative episodes.

The conducted research on the problem of work showed significant results. During the experiment, the activities of children were analyzed, in which we were interested in the following areas: the distribution of roles, the main content of the game, role-playing behavior, the use of role-playing speech, and dialogue.

The results of experimental work showed that children who demonstrate benevolent attention to their partner turned out to be the most preferred - benevolence, responsiveness, sensitivity to peer influences, popular children themselves have an acute, pronounced need for communication and recognition, which they strive to satisfy. A variety of qualities were identified at the basis of selective attachments in children: initiative, success in activities (including play), the need for communication and recognition of peers, recognition of an adult, the ability to satisfy the communicative needs of peers. In children, all forms of communication of interpersonal interaction are violated, the development of play activity, which is of leading importance in overall mental development, is inhibited. In children with speech underdevelopment, the need for communication with peers and the desire to develop a joint game were reduced to varying degrees, and the level of self-esteem of speech development in such children affects the process of communication with peers and adults in different ways.

Children with general underdevelopment of speech must be taught to play. It can be both a speech therapist and an educator. First of all, it is necessary to create a base - to prepare a stock of knowledge and impressions from reality, which children receive to the greatest extent from targeted walks. These can be walks to a store, a clinic, a pharmacy, an atelier, a house under construction, etc. before such a walk, an adult should definitely outline the scope of the concepts with which he is going to introduce the children, the words that will have to be clarified. When conducting such walks - excursions, it is important to remember that you need to pay the attention of children with OHP to all the little things, since the children themselves are not able to perceive what they see quite fully. It is necessary not only to draw the attention of children to any objects, objects, actions performed, but also to name them, and in addition, ask the children to repeat. That is why it is inappropriate to entrust the conduct of planned excursions to parents. Only a competent, well-trained teacher will conduct an excursion with maximum benefit for the kids.

After a guided tour on a specific topic, you can proceed directly to the organization of the game. But for its beginning, the impressions received are often not enough. By no means directing the game, but participating in it, the teacher must captivate children, prevent possible conflicts. As experience shows, the leading roles performed by adults are reluctantly supported by children. They are much more readily involved in the game if the speech therapist or educator plays any secondary roles. And the dialogue that takes place between the teacher and any of the players involuntarily arouses increased interest in all children. And no one has to be forced to listen to what an adult says and try to repeat after him. Everyone is already mesmerized by his unusual role. The educator or speech therapist plays with them on an equal footing! And how uninhibited children are in such a game, how much they become more active, bolder, more inventive!

Involving in the game, the teacher must remember that in addition to enriching the children's play activities, it is desirable to increase their mental and speech activity, the ability to conduct a dialogue. So, questions from an adult during various role-playing games will be useful. For example, “Doctor, why are you bandaging my hand?”, “Tell me, please, which weight did you put on the scales?”. Questions activate the imagination of the child addressed by a speech therapist or educator, make the baby think, answer, and everyone else imitate those who are talking during the game.

The use of a special correctional and pedagogical complex made it possible to form all aspects of communicative and activity interaction: affective, cognitive. Mastering the mechanisms of substantive-practical cooperation by children with OHP becomes a decisive factor in the emergence and development of a dialogue, which becomes the leading means of programming the activity itself.

Thus, targeted, systematic and systematic work on the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III, in cooperation with teachers and psychologists, contributes to children's ability to communicate freely and interact with other children and people, which directly prepares them for successful schooling and harmonious development. child's personality.

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Annotation. The article presents the results of a study of some components of language and communicative competence in older preschoolers with OHP and children with normal speech development. The features of the development of linguistic and communicative competence in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech are considered.

Keywords: language competence; communicative competence; children with general underdevelopment of speech.

The actual problem of modern education is the development of language and communicative competence in preschoolers. It should be noted that the problem of communication of children with disabilities, in particular, with OHP, is of particular importance. At present, in our country, as well as throughout the world, there is a steady increase in the number of children with deficiencies in language development in society.

Numerous studies in the field of speech therapy testify to the difficulties in establishing contacts with adults and peers that are characteristic of this category of children. Analysis of literature data, in particular, T.N. Volkovskaya and T.V. Lebedeva, speaks about the difficulties in the formation of the communicative competence of such preschoolers.

The presence of communicative competence in children is impossible without the formed means of communication and speech. The imperfection of communication skills, speech inactivity do not provide the process of free communication, negatively affect the personal development and behavior of children.

Thus, there is a correlation that the level of development of the communicative means of children with OHP is largely determined by the level of speech development. Unclear speech makes relationships difficult, as children early begin to understand their insufficiency in verbal statements. Communication disorders complicate the process of communication and hinder the development of speech-cogitative cognitive activity, the acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, the development of communicative competence is conditioned by the development of language competence.

The development of diagnostic and corrective methods aimed at the formation of language competence is carried out by: F. A. Sokhin, E. I. Tiheeva, O. S. Ushakova, G. A. Fomicheva and others. The basis of the methodological recommendations of these authors are the fundamental provisions of Russian psychology, developed by L. A. Venger, L. S. Vygotsky, L. V. Zaporozhets, A. N. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina. The fundamentals of corrective education and development of speech in children with speech disorders are widely presented in the works of L. S. Volkova, N. S. Zhukova, R. E. Levina, T. B. Filicheva, N. A. Cheveleva, G. V. Chirkina and other representatives of speech therapy.

  • mastering the phonetic system of the native language;
  • development of the melodic-intonation side of speech;
  • development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech;
  • formation of coherent speech.

The situation is somewhat different with communicative competence: in our opinion, it has not been sufficiently studied in the scientific literature. Communicative competence, according to N.A. Pesnyayeva, is the ability to establish verbal interaction with a partner, to establish dialogic personal relationships with him, depending on the situation of communication. A.B. Dobrovich considers communicative competence as a readiness for contact. A person thinks, which means that he lives in a dialogue mode, while he must take into account the changing situation, as well as the expectations of his partner.

At present, communicative competence is considered by specialists: O. E. Gribova, N. Yu. Kuzmenkova, N. G. Pakhomova, L. G. Solovyova, L. B. Khalilova.

In order to study the dependence of the formation of communicative competence on language in older preschoolers with OHP and children with normal speech development, a survey of some components of language and communicative competence was carried out. It was attended by 30 children with OHP and 30 preschool children with normal speech development. The basis of the study was MBDOU d / c No. 5 "Yablonka" of the combined type.

The diagnostic study program included the study of the components of language competence: the state of the active and passive vocabulary, coherent speech; components of communicative competence: dialogical speech, communication skills.

Coherent speech was diagnosed using a technique aimed at identifying the features of the speech development of children (authors A.A. Pavlova, L.A. Shustova) in the following areas:

  • text understanding,
  • text programming (retelling),
  • vocabulary,
  • speech activity.

An analysis of the results of a speech therapy examination showed that older preschoolers with OHP, to a greater extent than children with normal speech development, experience difficulties in understanding the text at the level of sentences (words) (Table 1)

Table 1.

Possession of understanding of the text at different levels

Comprehension of the text at the level


0.5 points

1 point

1.5 points

whole text

sentences (words)

types of groups

During the evaluation of the results, it was found that text comprehension is available to older preschoolers with OHP and normal speech development, but the level of text comprehension is different. People with impaired speech development have difficulty understanding artistic expressions, literary words. That is, a violation of the understanding of the text is noted at the level of understanding of the whole text and at the level of understanding of the expression, while understanding at the topic level is available to everyone. Violation of the understanding of the text is one of the reasons for the impossibility of a holistic, logical retelling of the text.

According to the components of text programming, in children with OHP there is a lack of structural components of the text (introduction, conclusion). Despite the presence of main themes in all works, in the retellings of 75% of older preschoolers with OHP there are no secondary themes in the work (Figure 1). At the stage of evaluating text programming, it was found that subjects with speech pathology have significant difficulties in compiling an utterance program (Table 2).

Picture 1. Variability in the occurrence of different levels of secondary text programming in older preschoolers

Table 2.

The frequency of occurrence of programming components in the work of older preschoolers

Text Programming Components


Component presence

Missing Component

Children with ONR

Children with ONR

Children with normal speech development

main topics

minor topics

structural organization

connecting elements

It is common for all preschoolers to use their own vocabulary, but children with OHP are characterized by the replacement of specific vocabulary with their own, as a rule, household vocabulary. 50% of preschool children with speech pathology are characterized by errors in the formation of word forms (Table 2, Figure 2).

Table 3

The frequency of occurrence of lexical components of speech in the works of older preschoolers

Lexical Components


Component presence

Missing Component

EG (%)

KG (%)

EG (%)

KG (%)

Own vocabulary

Correct formation of word forms

Correct use of words

Figure 2. Level of proficiency in coherent speech

The speech activity of older preschoolers with OHP is at a lower level than that of their peers with normal speech development. They tend to use their own vocabulary in retelling, replacing words specific to this work. They very rarely use turns that indicate an understanding of the meaning of the work. They make a large number of pauses when retelling, they need leading questions, tips (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Frequency of speech activity levels

Difficulties in mastering children's vocabulary hinder the development of coherent speech. Having diagnosed the state of the active and passive vocabulary in older preschoolers of the experimental group, a low indicator of the state of the active dictionary was revealed compared to the children of the control group (Figure 5). There was an inaccurate understanding and use of many words. The passive vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP prevails over the active one (Figure 4).

Children with OHP do not know or use inaccurately: nouns denoting parts of the body, parts of objects, natural phenomena, time of day, means of transport, fruits, adjectives, verbs. Children with OHP find it difficult to establish connections between the sound, visual image of a word and its conceptual content. In speech, this is manifested by an abundance of errors associated with the expansion or narrowing of the meanings of words, the confusion of words by visual similarity. The results obtained indicate the need for targeted work on the development of a dictionary, especially active in children of older preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.

Figure 4. Volume level of the passive dictionary

Figure 5. Volume level of the active dictionary

Dialogic speech was studied according to the method of I.S. Nazametdinova. According to the results of the study of dialogic speech in preschoolers, it can be said that the development of dialogic speech in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech clearly lags behind the development of dialogic speech in their peers with normal speech development. The difference affects both the ability to answer questions and ask them, and the ability to conduct verbal interaction, due to the logic of the current situation.

Children with OHP had a reduced need to communicate with both adults and peers. Appeal to a playmate is difficult, appeals to an adult predominate (normally to a peer, playmate). In appeals to peers, orders are heard to a greater extent, requests to a lesser extent. The number of questions asked is small, their monosyllabicity is noticeable. Preschoolers with OHP do not know how to ask questions. Answering questions was the preferred form of communication. The total number of questions is insignificant. Basically, it's about figuring out how to do something. Contacts that are situational in nature are difficult. There is a low level of activity, little talkativeness, little initiative. During the experiment, the children experienced communication difficulties.

From the study, we can conclude that the dialogical speech of older preschoolers with OHP is difficult, children do not have the skills and abilities to coherently express their thoughts to the interlocutor, listen and process information in such a way as to effectively continue verbal interaction.

The ability to establish verbal interaction with a partner was revealed in the methodology “Studying communication skills” by G.A. Uruntaeva and Yu.A. Afonkina.

According to the results of the methodology, 60% of the children in the experimental group and 20% of the children in the control group showed an average level of formation of actions to coordinate efforts in the process of cooperation. Most children have difficulty making contact with peers, their communication skills are limited (Figure 6).

Figure 6. The level of formation of actions to coordinate efforts in the process of organizing and implementing cooperation

The results of the ascertaining experiment testify to the inferior formation of both linguistic and communicative competence in children with OHP, which actualizes the problem of developing a program for the development and correction of linguistic and communicative competence in this category of children.


  1. Lebedeva T.V. Psychological assessment of speech and language difficulties in preschool children // Special education. - 2016. - No. 1. – P.75-83.
  2. Mosina S.V. Influence of early development of older preschool children on the process of communication // Bulletin of the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Social work. Juvenology. Sociokinetics. - 2013. - No. 1. - P.45-47.
  3. Selivanova S.A. Desontogenesis of the development of children with ONR and its influence on the formation of communicative competence // Psychology and Pedagogy: Methods and Problems of Practical Application. - 2011. - No. 20. – P.86-91
  4. Kholodilova E.M., Zotova S.V. Development of communication skills in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech // Special education. - 2015. - No. 11 Volume 2. - P. 282-286.

Experience of the educator

"Formation of communication skills in children with ONR".

Recently, teachers and parents have increasingly noted with concern that many preschoolers experience serious difficulties in communicating with others, especially with peers. Many children do not know how to turn to another person on their own initiative, sometimes they are even embarrassed to respond appropriately if someone addresses them. They cannot maintain and develop the established contact, adequately express their sympathy, empathy, therefore they often conflict or become isolated in loneliness. At the same time, sociability, the ability to communicate with other people is a necessary component of a person's self-realization, his success in various activities, the disposition and love of the people around him. The formation of this ability is an important condition for the normal psychological development of the child, as well as one of the main tasks of preparing him for later life. For preschool children, communication includes knowing what to say and in what form to express one's thoughts, understanding how others will perceive what is said, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

Teaching communication skills is not an easy task. Based on studies conducted by sociologists to identify the level of development of communication skills in children, a high level (adequate perception) was found by 12% of preschoolers (5-6 years old). The average level (partially adequate perception) was recorded in 26% of children of the same age, and a low level of communication skills (inadequate perception) was found in 62% of preschool children. And these are just general numbers. If the object of the study is children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP), then the percentage of a low level of development of communication skills will be even higher.

There are several reasons for this.

The problem of the formation of communication skills in children with OHP has been studied by specialists much less than in children with normative development. Work with children with speech development problems is mainly aimed at the formation of speech gaps, although the problems experienced by these children are deeper. This includes high anxiety, weak social reflection, unsatisfied need for communication, low social status of the child, insufficient development of the emotional sphere. To help such children, a system of purposeful work is needed to develop communication skills, taking into account the characteristics of these children.

Features of preschool age as the most valuable and favorable in the development of the communicative function, as well as the insufficient development of scientifically based methods for the formation of social and communicative skills of children aged 5–7 years with OHP in a preschool institution determine the relevance of this experience.

Purpose of the study: to determine the content and directions of pedagogical work on the formation of social and communicative skills of children aged 5–7 years with OHP in the system of correctional and developmental education and upbringing.

Object of study: the process of formation of social and communicative skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP.

Subject of study: pedagogical conditions for the formation of social and communication skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP in a preschool institution.

Research hypothesis: difficulties in communicating with other people in children with OHP are associated with the lack of formation of age-related forms of communication, the underdevelopment of its structural components, slowing down and qualitative originality of emotional and personal development; overcoming these difficulties is possible if a system of corrective measures is developed, including the purposeful formation of social and communication skills in children, as well as training teachers and parents in ways to adequately interact with the child.

In accordance with the purpose, subject and hypothesis of the study in the work experience, I solved the following tasks:

1. Based on the analysis of studies on the problem under study, determine methodological approaches to its solution.

2. To identify the features of the formation of social and communication skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP.

3. Determine the main directions and content of correctional and developmental work aimed at overcoming the lack of communication skills in children of the category under study.

4. Develop and experimentally test a system of corrective measures, built taking into account the main range of problems in the development of social and communication skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP, as well as problems in organizing the interaction of parents with children.

Thus, the results of the study indicate that children with OHP are characterized by a lower level of proficiency in social and communication skills in comparison with their normatively developing peers (Very low level - 20%, low - 50%, average - 20%, high - ten%). Preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech did not use value judgments in their speech, did not seek to agree with adults on the attitude to what was being discussed, their speech statements in almost all cases are situational in nature. Statements about toys and animals prevailed. By function, these were most often requests for help, questions related to the child's activities; the content of the statements were simple, unrelated.

The formation of communication skills in children was carried out in a certain sequence, taking into account the peculiarities of their development:

Selection of games and trainings that do not require speech activity, built on the activation of tactile communication, the formation of trusting relationships;

Selection of games and trainings for joint activities that require minimal speech activity;

Selection of games and trainings of an active speech character, theatricalization.

In the classes on familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech, in the process of joint activities of the teacher with children, conversations, didactic games, role-playing games were used (see the Appendix "Card file of games" School of communication "), helping children gain knowledge and ideas about various means of communication .

The inclusion of materials from the developed card file "School of Communication" into classes on the development of speech and familiarization with the outside world contributed to the formation of children's ideas about various ways of communication. Children learned the norms and rules of etiquette, conversation, conversation.

Also, the joint activities in the second half of the day included communicative trainings, where children got acquainted with emotions, the ability to manage them. Thanks to communicative training, preschoolers got the opportunity to enrich their speech with figurative words and expressions. Participating in the game situations offered to them in the classroom, special exercises, taking on the role of an "artist", the children unobtrusively mastered the skills of correct and clear pronunciation, expressiveness and emotionality of speech statements.

The experience of communicative communication in children with peers and adults was enriched. Participating in joint activities with adults with an “open”, non-programmed result (composing fairy tales with moral content, playing with dolls), children got acquainted with different models of people's behavior in conflict situations, learned the rules of good manners and etiquette.

When performing game exercises, children improved their interaction skills with peers and adults, developed the ability to maintain a conversation on a specific topic.

During the experiment, it was noted that the number of children's speech statements increased, they became detailed and complete in content. There were fewer agrammatisms in speech, and the children began to express their thoughts more accurately and correctly. The vocabulary of children has increased, words with an estimated value have appeared in it. In gaming activities, there were speech dialogues, appeals to teachers for advice, with various questions.

It is important that the positive data obtained during the control experiment (the high level of mastery of communication skills was 40% of children, the average 50% and low 10%) on the development of social and communication skills in children correlate with the emergence of new qualitative characteristics of communication among teachers and parents.

Comparison of the results of the control and ascertaining experiments confirmed the effectiveness of the developed and tested correctional and developmental classes for the formation of social and communicative skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP using theatrical activities, with the active involvement of parents and teachers in the correctional and pedagogical work.

The results of the theoretical and experimental study of the formation of social and communicative skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP in the system of correctional and developmental education and upbringing allow us to formulate the following conclusions.

1. It has been established that children of senior preschool age with OHP lag behind their peers with a normal pace of mental development in terms of the level of formation of social and communicative skills.

2. Identified specific difficulties that hinder the development of communication in children aged 5–7 years with ONR:

Unformed age forms of communication, as well as general underdevelopment of the structural components of communication in children with ONR;

Insufficient attention on the part of parents to the special formation of social and communication skills in children;

The predominance of teachers of preschool educational institutions of an authoritarian style of communication with pupils.

3. The main directions for improving correctional and pedagogical work in preschool institutions for children with OHP in the formation of social and communication skills are:

Correction-developing classes with children on mastering knowledge and ideas about various means of communication; (prospective planning of classes)

Widespread use of theatrical games and special exercises for the purposeful formation of social and communication skills; (card index of games "School of Communication")

Active involvement of parents in the correctional process through their purposeful training in the ability to interact with their children; (recommendations and advice

Improving the qualifications of teachers in the field of building educational communication and productive interaction with children with OHP in a preschool institution (recommendations and counseling)

4. Experimental learning allowed children 5–7 years old with OHP to provide a higher level of development of social and communication skills compared to traditional practice. At the same time, children have significantly expanded their experience of interacting with adults and peers. The study showed that in terms of the level of development of social and communication skills, children with OHP in the experimental group approached normally developing peers, which was not observed in the control group of children with OHP.

5. The developed system of correctional and pedagogical work on the formation of social and communication skills can be useful in practical work with older preschoolers with OHP, as well as in mass preschool educational institutions.

Preschool age is an important stage in personality development. This is the period of familiarization with social values, the time of establishing relations with the leading spheres of life - the world of people, the world of nature and one's own inner world. Here the content of communication, its motives, communication skills and abilities change. One of the components of psychological readiness for schooling is being formed - communicative.

Children who attend educational institutions of a compensatory type need special assistance. Therefore, the problem arose: to determine effective methods, techniques that would allow the formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech in games with rules. To build the pedagogical process in such a way that it is interesting, accessible, and useful for children. And most importantly, to teach the child to cooperate, listen and hear, share information.

Choose the forms of organization so that through close and familiar actions to interest the child.

The need to use games with rules as a means of developing communication skills is determined by a number of reasons. Games with rules:

  • contribute to the development of mental processes in children, including the ability to communicate;
  • encourage children to speech activity, stimulate speech activity in relation to each other;
  • help to make the educational material exciting, create a joyful and working mood;
  • help the successful formation of communication skills and the preparation of the child for school.

The general underdevelopment of speech in children is a specific manifestation of a speech anomaly, in which the formation of the main components of the speech system: vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics is impaired or lagging behind the norm. Vocabulary lags behind the age norm. Without special attention to their speech, children are inactive, in rare cases they are the initiators of communication, do not communicate with peers, do not ask questions to adults, do not accompany game situations with a story. This causes an insufficient communicative orientation in speech.

Thus, children with general underdevelopment of speech are actually limited in the possibilities of verbal communication, since speech means are designed for satisfaction in communication. To establish interpersonal relationships in relation to each other, an adult.

Communication between children in preschool age plays an important role. Children communicate with each other mainly in joint activities. If the activity itself is primitive, then communication will be the same: it can be expressed in aggressively directed forms of behavior (fights, quarrels, conflicts) and is almost not accompanied by speech. The more complex and varied the activity, the more necessary communication becomes for the child. The development of the child is especially successful in collective activities, primarily in the game, which stimulates the development of communication between children, and, consequently, speech. Communication with each other is a special sphere of a child's life.

What are the features of communication between children with ONR in games.

  • The first distinguishing feature contacts with peers in their especially vivid emotional richness.
  • Second feature consists in the non-standard nature of children's statements, in the absence of strict norms and rules. When talking with each other, children use the most unexpected, unpredictable words, combinations of words and sounds, phrases.
  • Third feature- the predominance of initiative statements over answers. In contacts with other children, it is much more important for a child to express himself than to listen to another. Therefore, as such, conversations between peers are practically impossible: children interrupt each other, each speaks about his own, not listening to his partner during the game.
  • The fourth difference is in the fact that in communicating with peers, children do not master speech norms, do not learn new words and phrases without communicating with adults.

An adult will always understand a child, even if the child's speech is not very clear. One of the effective forms to teach children to communicate with each other and the development of speech is the game with the rules. An adult can organize play activities with children. During the game, the child learns not only the world around him, but also himself, his place in this world. While playing, the child accumulates knowledge, masters the language, communicates, develops thinking and imagination. Gianni Rodari argued that “it is in the game that the child is fluent in speech, says what he thinks, and not what he needs. There are no schemes and correct patterns in the game, nothing fetters the child. Not to teach and educate, but to play with him, fantasize, compose, invent - that's what a child needs. Play is a creative activity that has intrinsic motivation. The game is liked by the player himself, it is an end in itself, and therefore is chosen freely at the request of the child.

The game is a unique means of non-violent education of young children. It corresponds to the natural needs and desires of the child, and therefore, with its help, he learns voluntarily and willingly. In the game, children can do things that they still don’t know how to do in real life: they come up with exciting stories, share toys with each other, follow the rules, wait their turn, be persistent and patient. And most importantly, all this happens freely and voluntarily, without pressure and coercion from an adult. The game can be considered as a kind of form of communication between an adult and children, in which an adult is both an organizer and a participant in the game. In every, even the simplest game, there are rules that organize and regulate the actions of the child. These rules in a certain way limit the spontaneous, impulsive activity, situational behavior of children with ONR. The rules of the game just become the “fulcrum” from which you can realize and evaluate your actions.

Thus, we can conclude: it is necessary to develop communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech in games with rules: since

In the game, the speech of the child develops, he learns to plan and regulate his actions, as well as the actions of his partners in the game;

In the game, the child develops moral standards. The ethical side of relationships is a response to good and bad.

The game is a special form of communication, cooperation, which brings the interest and capabilities of the child to a higher level - to the level of a thinking, creative person.

Observing a child's behavior during play can tell an adult a lot about the child's personality and provide an opportunity to direct educational efforts in the right direction.

In conclusion, we can summarize and formulate main conclusions: children with minor deviations in speech development, in contrast to normally developing peers, experience pronounced difficulties in communicating with both adults and peers. If in children who do not have communicative deviations, spontaneous formation of arbitrariness of communication occurs within the framework of preschool age, which ensures full-fledged speech activity, then in children, even with minor deviations in speech development, it appears variably: in some cases, difficulties in arbitrariness of communication with adults prevail; in other cases - with peers, difficulties in arbitrary communication with adults; in other cases, with peers.

Work on the formation of communication skills in children with OHP in games with rules has been going on for more than one year. At the beginning of the work, the following tasks were set:

I. Teach children to treat each other kindly in the game.

  • address each other by name;
  • use etiquette stereotypes in speech (be kind, please, thank you, be a friend, could you ...);
  • resolve emerging conflicts peacefully;
  • help each other during the game, show friendly relations.

II. Develop the ability to independently organize the game.

  • choose a leader with the help (drawing lots, counting rhymes);
  • be able to negotiate the course of the game;
  • learn to negotiate changes in the game;
  • learn to sum up the game;
  • to teach to evaluate the contribution of each child in the process of the game.

Games on the formation of communication skills were held in the system and were divided into 4 blocks:

  • Block I - games to develop the ability to cooperate
  • II block - games for the ability to actively listen
  • III block - games for the ability to process information
  • IV block - games on the ability to construct a “text for another” (the ability to speak yourself)

In block I included games in which the ability to hear, understand and obey the rules was formed. Ability to control movement and follow instructions. Developed trust in each other, a sense of responsibility for the other. For example: “Owl - Owl”, “Hares and Fox”, “Cold - Hot”, “Right - Left”.

In block II included games for the ability to actively listen. In these games, the skill was formed:

Communicate verbally and non-verbally

Determine the emotional state of others

Express your feelings

Ask open and closed questions

Rephrase what was said (keeping the main point)

Highlight the main idea of ​​the statement, summarize

The use of such an “active listener” technique as the development of .......... interlocutor.

For example, such games as “Phone”, “Chest”, “Say it differently”, “My beginning is your end”.

III block. Games for the ability to process information. In these games, the skill was formed:

Understand each other, delve into the essence of the information received

Argue your point of view

Make inferences

For example, such games as “I throw you a ball”, “Good - bad”, “It happens - it doesn’t happen”.

IV block. Games for the ability to construct a “text for another” (the ability to speak oneself). In these games, the skill was formed:

Establish "feedback when interacting with other people." These are such games as “Introduction”, “Guess who I am”, “Describe a friend”.

Games for the formation of communication skills are held daily in the form of "game minutes" between classes, in joint activities, on walks.

Together with the parents, the competition “Interesting game” was held.

The inactive, shy guys became interested in games, they independently began to organize games, they were the leaders in them. The most interesting were such games: “Land of Letters”, “Journey”. The game “Land of Letters” has the following rules: before making a move, it was necessary to “Come up with a word” for a certain letter. In the Journey game, the rule was: before making a move on the field, one had to recite a poem, sing a song, or quickly name the players.

Much attention in the work was paid to the complication of games. Introduced to the games, which included two hosts. It was difficult to play such games, the rules were new and the hosts were not one, but two. However, gradually the children learned to negotiate with each other about the course of the game, tried to control themselves in the game, followed the rules.

Various conflict situations arose during the games. Very often the game stopped, and the children could not decide who was right and who was wrong. Therefore, this situation was discussed with the children and found different ways to resolve the conflict, problems. Thus, the children learned to help each other and evaluate themselves and their comrades.

In games, children formed self-esteem, self-control. Children learned to evaluate themselves:

  • whether he followed the rules of the game;
  • did you listen to the leader;
  • whether the children were interested in playing with me.
  • In the process of the work carried out, the children developed:
  • organizational skills, strengthened the possible qualities of a leader;
  • the ability to draw attention to oneself was formed;
  • act on instructions;
  • fulfill requests and suggestions.

A group led by a leader is the best, most natural model of a child's socialization, his acceptance of the norms of communication and interaction with people. The games developed an understanding of the commonality of some problems, and their joint solution in the process of games helped to better assimilate social norms, roles corresponding to their gender and social status.

This system of work has yielded positive results. Games with rules not only contributed to the overall development of children, but also developed communication skills, which significantly affected the preparation of children for schooling. At school, it becomes especially important, on the one hand, the ability to obey mandatory norms and rules, on the other hand, to be creative, as well as the ability to accept temporary failure without giving up attempts to achieve success in the future, and most importantly, the ability to communicate with each other, with adults .

The success of the educational process without interaction with parents would not be complete. To work with parents on this topic, the following were selected: forms of work:

  • survey of parents;
  • consultation with the elements of the game training “Formation of communication skills in games with rules”;
  • competition "Interesting game";
  • individual consultations and selection of material for the parent's corner on the topic “Formation of communication skills in games with rules”;
  • exhibitions for parents “It's interesting”.

Questioning of parents was conducted on the topic “How do I play with a child at home” in order to identify the ability of parents to play with children at home; find out what games are played at home; whether they want to get acquainted with games for family holidays, with new didactic and outdoor games.

After analyzing the results of the survey, we came to the conclusion that parents play little with their children, they lack knowledge and experience. The main group of parents would like to get acquainted with new didactic and outdoor games, as well as games for family holidays. In order to expand the horizons of parents, a selection of games was made for family holidays not only with children of preschool age, but also for school children: “Birthday”, “New Year”, “Easter”, “Folk outdoor games”.

Conducted for parents consultation with elements of game training on the topic “Formation of communication skills in games with rules” with the aim of: teaching parents and children to play outdoor and didactic games, teaching correctly, organizing the game, summing up the game ..

The “Interesting Game” competition was held with the aim of: attracting parents to the child’s play activities at home, teaching their child to independently organize the game and teach it to play. Regulations for the contest "Interesting game" were developed.

The competition was held in two stages. Eight families took part in the competition. The games turned out to be bright, interesting, unusual. Parents did a great job with the children, most of the children were able to independently organize and conduct the game.

Individual consultations with parents is one of the most effective forms of work. Parents at individual consultations were open and confidential, at these meetings parents received more specific answers, recommendations, suggestions to their questions.

For parents, articles were placed in the parent corner:

  • “Improve the communication skills of your children”;
  • “Rules of conduct in the process of communication between parents and children”;
  • “Improvement of own skills in communication between parents and children”.

Their goal: to teach parents to communicate with children not only in play activities, but also in different situations, the ability to control their behavior in relation to the child.

Descriptions of didactic verbal and outdoor games under the heading "Home game library" were placed in the parent's corner. This is how a card file of games for parents appeared In the group for parents exhibitions were organized“It's interesting”, where didactic games “On the development of speech”, “Mathematics”, “Rules of the road”, etc. were offered. Parents got acquainted with the exhibition, took the most liked games and played with the child at home.

Thus, with the close interaction of teachers with parents:

  • parents got acquainted with new didactic, outdoor games;
  • fun and interesting began to spend family holidays with children;
  • each family helped their child to learn how to organize the game, sum up the game.

The results of the survey, before the release of children to school, confirmed that the chosen system of work is effective. If at the beginning of work the children could not organize the game on their own, it was difficult for them to agree with each other, conflict situations often arose in the games. At the end of the training, children are more confident, they easily communicate with each other, they try to resolve conflict situations in a peaceful way, they easily communicate with adults. All this proves that playing with the rules contributes to the formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech.
