The most popular tattoo inscriptions. Photo tattoo inscriptions and their meaning

Tattooing is considered a visual art, and many fans and admirers of it have been expressing their “I” with the help of symbols and drawings for many centuries: someone abstractly, someone directly. But some prefer to do it with words, writing phrases on themselves forever. And that's what we're talking about today!

Tattoo on the side of the body inscription

Inscriptions on the body: where did it come from?

The history of wearable inscriptions is not so long: while the first tattooed people could boast of their drawings on the body, symbolizing their origin, victories, or simply bringing good luck, many of them could not even read.

Inscription tattoos, the meaning of which has truly become available only in the modern world, as a rule, are selected from favorite songs or poems, phrases of some scientific or cultural figures, popular expressions or sacred texts. Many tattoo lovers choose phrases in Latin, Hindi, Swahili, Arabic, Hebrew or Chinese (it should be noted that the latter are more like a drawing or ornament than an inscription).

Various variations of the inscriptions on the arms and legs

Tattoos taken out of context

Many fans of poetry and literature often fill themselves with not only their favorite stanzas, but sometimes entire paragraphs from their favorite books and novels. It is rare to meet a person who would get a tattoo in their native language, however, and recently it is not uncommon: you can often find quotes from poems, for example, Joseph Brodsky, or Anna Akhmatova.

But you can also meet the owners of tattoos inspired by foreign classics, such as William Shakespeare - and no wonder, because all of his works can be disassembled into quotes!

Important! The inscription tattoos, the sketches of which you have already chosen, should be double-checked: if the inscription is in a foreign language, and even more so from another script, you should play it safe in order to avoid an unfortunate mistake.

Thin inscription on the girl's wrist

Lyrics: tattoo with the lyrics of your favorite songs

They are made not only by fans of some groups, but also by ordinary music lovers, those people for whom the song has some special meaning, as well as those who have found something close in spirit in the lines. Here the choice is unlimited: the language of the song, the genre of music - nothing is important except the meaning and meaning of special words. By the way, many put on themselves not only the lyrics, but also the names of the groups themselves.

Tattoo inscriptions, sketches of which are most often asked in tattoo parlors, usually in a foreign language. The most common of them:

  • Latin. Suitable for couple tattoos, as well as for those who want to put a catchphrase on their body, which will become a wonderful motto in life.
  • English, French, Spanish. Golden three for music lovers who love tattoos.
  • Hebrew. Hebrew tattoos are usually chosen by people with Jewish roots.
  • Arabic, Chinese, Japanese. Suitable for those who love the exotic.
  • Sanskrit, Hindi. Tattoos in these languages ​​are chosen by those people who are fond of oriental culture. As a rule, these are lines from sacred texts.

Another version of the inscription on the hand

Did you know? Most often, inscription tattoos are made by those who have not yet decided to put a large drawing on the body: the inscription is easier to hide.

I began to get involved in Eastern culture a long time ago: first yoga, then switched to vegetarianism, eventually braided dreadlocks, became a vegan, traveled around India and completely changed my lifestyle. I have a Sanskrit tattoo which means a lot to me. This is my life style, and the tattoo is a part of me that reminds me every day of the chosen path.

Lilya, Barnaul

So you can combine a beautiful inscription with a dandelion

Close to the heart: tattoos that you will never regret

A lot of people decide to get tattoos of their loved ones: making a portrait harder and more risky that it will turn out different, because it is not always easy for a master to convey a person’s character through an image, especially on such a difficult canvas as a body. But you can get name tattoos! This trend has recently become more and more popular among young parents who have decided to perpetuate the names of their children on their bodies. And some make inscription tattoos as a tribute to their culture.

I grew up in a Jewish family, and although I didn't go to a Jewish school or even be in Israel, I feel a tremendous connection with my people and the older generation when I hear songs in Hebrew. I am not religious, but I love music very much, so I got myself a tattoo of the phrase of a famous Israeli singer named Ofra Haza, which translates as "Jerusalem, city of gold."

David, Moscow

Interesting handwriting font

Concise tattoos

Minimalism has come into fashion again, and even original tattoos are in fashion: now tattoos of inscriptions, the meaning of which is dear to you, can be applied to yourself. If you are a Gemini and your element is air, this makes a lot of sense for you - write about it!

But remember a few important things before choosing a tattoo in an unfamiliar language:

  1. Make sure that the phrase you choose for the sketch and the meaning you put into it are the same. It is extremely disappointing to get a tattoo for yourself, meaning one thing, but getting something completely different.
  2. Check the phrase for errors: you will probably be very worried before drawing the picture and you may lose sight of the most important thing.
  3. If you are a creative person and want a truly unique tattoo, then stick on the body that phrase that will have special meaning only for you: it can be some special phrase with a loved one or even a line from a poem of your own composition.

Tip: if you don't want to flaunt your lettering, do it in a secluded place. But if this is not possible, and you stubbornly do not want anyone to know its meaning, then translate the tattoo into a language that is less accessible to others.

Video: a review of inscriptions for a tattoo in Latin

Now young people are at the peak of popularity - inscriptions for tattoos with translation. Often, with the help of a standard drawing, it is difficult to express the full emotions that a person is experiencing, so a tattoo was invented in the form of words and phrases.

A tattoo is applied in the form of words or phrases in different ways. You can depict the phrase in a curved version, for example, similar to a heart or a pattern. For example, you can make an original tattoo inscription in Latin with a translation or leave the meaning of the phrase incomprehensible to others, that is, do not translate it.

Women, unlike men, do not think about how the impaled phrase on the body is translated. In this case, there are inscriptions for a tattoo with a translation specifically for girls, their meaning is simple and understandable for many. It can be single words or whole phrases.

If you want to poke out hieroglyphs, then it is better to know their correct meaning in advance. With all the apparent beauty and compactness, hieroglyphs can carry a negative meaning, and the slightest inaccuracy will lead to a misunderstanding of what is written.

Often, girls choose inscriptions in Latin or another ancient language, the translation of which is known to everyone. In this case, the best solution would be to choose a life rule as a tattoo.

Tattoo inscriptions for girls and men

Any phrase, wide, narrow, curved or catchy, always looks beautiful if done well. In order to decide on the choice of a tattoo phrase, you need to answer a couple of questions before doing it.

  1. What is the most important thing in life for you? What are the values?
  2. What are you striving for? Career, family, love?
  3. Do you have a clear desire to capture an important life situation?
  4. What language is more suitable for expressing thoughts through a tattoo?
  5. What part of the body is better to choose?

We determine the place for the tattoo

An important step is to determine the place for application. A small phrase can be placed on the wrist or ankle, but for long phrases, the back is suitable.

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm

The most popular body part for tattooing is the arm: shoulder, wrist or palm. But, when choosing a place, you need to be careful. The inscription for a tattoo with a translation, which will catch the eye if it is made in a conspicuous place, will make life difficult for you in some cases, for example, many employers consider a tattoo to be something shameful. Therefore, you should not make a large and voluminous inscription on your hands, which will attract a lot of attention.

It is difficult to make a tattoo on the wrists, and subsequently it is poorly worn, experts say about this.

Lettering on the back

No less popular place is the back. The advantage is that the tattoo is easier to hide from others, and the skin on the back is denser, which means that the pain is not so strong.

If you want to get a tattoo on your stomach, then it is important to know that when you gain weight, the appearance of the inscription is distorted. This also applies to the femoral part of the body, even with weight loss, the inscription will blur, which means that correction cannot be avoided.

leg tattoo

A more successful place for punctures is the foot, on which the tattoo will not look vulgar or intrusive. If necessary, the inscription can be hidden with the help of shoes. But, in this case, there is a negative point - the hard material will gradually distort the inscription.

Tattoo inscription in Latin with translation

A specially conducted survey proved that most of the tattoo in the form of an inscription is done in Latin. This basic medical language is liked by young people, because without help it is difficult to understand what the tattoo says and only the elite know the whole point. Quite an interesting move, isn't it? Latin is used quite rarely, for this reason the ancient language is attractive to the younger generation.

  • non ducor duco - I am not a follower, I lead myself.
  • semper ad meliora - moving only forward is the best solution.
  • dum vita est, spes est - as long as I breathe, I hope.
  • Recordare quia ego Dominus - remember that you must live.
  • Sed anima plus est quam manere - life is more than just being on this earth.
  • Ille vincit qui se vincit - He who can defeat himself wins.
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae - each person is the creator of his own destiny.
  • Qui estis - be who you are.
  • Nunc aut numquam - now or never.
  • Dicere non audeamus - Have the courage to say no.
  • Rectum, quia honestum est - do what you think is right, because it is right.
  • Te obtinuit amittere duobus proeliis vincere - before you win the main battle, you must sacrifice the previous ones.
  • Aut vincere, aut mori - either win or die.
  • Certum voto pete finem - set yourself only achievable goals (i.e. do not fly in the clouds).
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis - actions are stronger than words.
  • Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - not one step back, always forward.

Tattoo with English translation

The second most popular language is English. Especially popular are the variants of English inscriptions for tattoos with translation, intended for girls. In this case, they choose excerpts from prose or poetry that carry a certain meaning.

In the case of English inscriptions, you should be careful, because every second person is familiar with this language, and not many people can translate it correctly. As a result, the reputation may suffer from an incorrect translation, and others will simply laugh behind their backs. And you should not sin on the master who makes the tattoo, because he is not a translator, but an executor of the order.

  • Remember who you are. Remember who you are.
  • We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering. We hate those we love because they are capable of causing us the most suffering.
  • Be careful with your thoughts—they are the beginning of deeds. Be attentive to your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.
  • One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. One word frees us from all the hardships and pains of life: this word is love.
  • Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul. Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul.
  • Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe yet.
  • Everyone has one's own path. Everyone has their own path.

Semantic inscription for a tattoo with translation

If you decide to make a tattoo of phrases on the body, then you need to consider all the nuances. Is this desire caused by a momentary impulse? You should not choose something unusual and refined, it is better to rely on your own priorities and moral values.

  • Love

For many young people, love relationships come first. Love is a wonderful feeling that inspires people. Some are just looking for their second half, while others have already found happiness. If you decide to make a love tattoo in the form of a phrase, then it is better to choose one that will serve as a reminder of your feelings.

  • Moments of life

At a certain period of life, a person understands that it is impossible to do without a creed or a rule. A life credo means purposefulness, devotion to one's principles and motivation. In this case, the life credo in the form of a pinned inscription will constantly remind you of the goal and motivate you to achieve it.

  • A family

If the family is in the first place, regardless of family ties, you can make a tattoo with a certain meaning: "together forever".

  • "Philosophy" in everything

If you do not have enough determination or perseverance in the way of carrying out an insane, but necessary act, pin up an inscription that encourages action. You can make a tattoo inscription in Latin with a translation, containing a philosophical thought and a certain message.

Suitable tattoo inscriptions for guys are also difficult to find as for girls. If you have decided on the inscription, the matter remains for its design. To help you, a selection of beautiful tattoos for guys.

To decide on the choice of a tattoo for a girl, you need to review a lot of photos. Here is a good selection of the most popular and beautiful tattoos.

Celebrities also have a weakness for beautiful inscription tattoos. And this is not surprising, because they not only decorate the body, but also bring their own flavor.

And it is important to remember that a beautiful tattoo is one that carries a meaning that is understandable only to you and your loved ones. And it does not matter in what language this phrase will be gouged out or how others understand it.

Helpful Hints:Most popular:

A tattoo is one of the most striking ways of self-expression, and choosing a phrase for a tattoo or drawing is a complex and responsible process. Professional masters of wearable art will help to decide which image will be applied to the body and determine its location.

Phrases for a tattoo with translation

In situations where a spiritual impulse cannot be expressed with a specific image, sayings and aphorisms applied to the body come to the rescue. Phrases for a tattoo with a meaning that is understandable only to the bearer of the image is an original way to express yourself or supplement an existing idea.

Many domestic and foreign celebrities prefer beautiful phrases for tattoos. On the body, more and more often you can find:

  • names of the closest and beloved people;
  • important phrases and dates;
  • quotes from philosophers;
  • aphorisms and proverbs from the folk epic;
  • autographs;
  • motivational statements.

Phrases for tattoos are applied in various languages ​​(even dead ones). In this case, reliable knowledge of the translation is necessary in order to accurately transfer the meaning of the desired statement. To do this, you can contact a professional translator or native speaker.

Sayings for a tattoo

A qualified tattoo artist will help to avoid embarrassing situations when applying intimate tattoos and will offer the client a catalog of inscriptions that are already presented with translation.

The process of creating a phrase tattoo sketch allows you to try on several options for different fonts. The choice of calligraphy can be influenced not only by the desire of the client, but also by the language of expression. For example, tattoo phrases hieroglyphs are difficult to imagine in the design of monograms. They require strict application.

The best phrases for a tattoo, made in different styles and located in different places, will look completely different, even if the statements are completely identical. One of the main tasks of the master and the client when creating a sketch is to maintain readability. It is important not to overdo it in decorating the phrase and keep it for a long time. Artists know for sure that the abundance of thin lines located very close over time can be distorted. In this case, you need to either correct the image, or

Currently, tattoos made in the form of a phrase in English are very popular. This trend is not accidental, because the English language has a rich history, unique features and characteristics, and it is also common and understandable anywhere in the world.

Modern English was formed over 1000 years ago by the fusion of two languages ​​(ancient Anglo-Saxon and Norman French). Over the past millennium, this language has conquered the whole world. Now it is used as a native or second language by about 700 million people on earth, it is also official in 67 countries. It is impossible to imagine any corner of the planet where an English-speaking person could remain misunderstood.

Without a doubt, people who choose phrases in English for tattoos are bright and open personalities, boldly declaring their beliefs and principles to the whole world.

The meaning and meaning of tattoos made in English

Today, English is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, with approximately 800,000 words, four times as many as Russian.

An incredible number of synonyms makes this language very informative, allowing you to fit your favorite philosophical thought or life credo into a very precise and capacious phrase. However, you need to be careful when choosing an inscription for a tattoo; when translating an expression, it is best to turn to reliable and trusted sources.

A feature of English speech is a large number of ambiguous words, an incorrectly chosen translation of which can radically change the original meaning of a favorite phrase.

It is interesting! The most ambiguous word in the English language is the word "set", it can be used as a noun, adjective and verb and has more than 50 meanings, depending on the context and form of use.

Themes for inscriptions in English

The living and plastic English language is constantly in development, having been born many centuries ago, it has absorbed the styles and forms of each lived era.

Having set the goal of choosing a phrase in English with a translation, you can easily find your favorite beautiful saying belonging to Shakespeare's pen or Winston Churchill's sarcastic thought, John Lennon's call for peace or a gloomy aphorism from Tim Burton's films. The choice of topics and styles of statements is endless, everyone can find something that reflects exactly his inner world.

Did you know? William Shakespeare introduced many words that are used in everyday speech to this day. The words "addiction" (dependence), "eventful" (filled with events), "cold-blooded" (cold-blooded) belong to the writer's fantasy. In addition, the word "eyeball" (eyeball) has become an anatomical term and is actively used in modern medicine.

Tattoo styles in English

A large selection of phrases and expressions belonging to people from different countries, eras, classes, related to various fields of science, politics, culture, art and pop, opens up inexhaustible possibilities for the stylistic design of a tattoo.

Fancy monograms or simple graceful lines, good old gothic or simple typographic type, sophisticated floral ornaments or modern graffiti. Which style to use, the selected phrase in English will best tell.

You can come up with your own philosophical thought, and a professional tattoo artist will help you choose a font and decorative design, you can use ready-made templates from the catalog, you can supplement the saying with some image.

The location of the tattoo-inscription on the body

The location of the tattoo primarily depends on the desire of the customer himself. Some people like to have tattoo images on the most visible and open places: on the forearm, wrist, neck, chest. Others prefer to apply the image in such a way that, if desired, it can always be hidden under clothing: on the shoulder blades, on the back, feet, in the lumbar region.

It happens that the application of any inscription in English is more of a sacred meaning, in this case, people choose images that are small in size and place them on the body in such a way that the tattoos are invisible even in open summer clothes. Before starting to apply a tattoo, its stylistic decision, volume and location are discussed with the master. A professional in his field will always select and suggest the best accommodation option.

A tattoo on the body is a very important and responsible decision. A beautiful and high-quality image will delight its owner for many years, while an unsuccessfully made tattoo is very difficult to remove from the body. To achieve the best result and excellent image quality, following some rules will help.

Subject to all the above rules, your favorite phrase in English will please the eye for a long time with a deep meaning and good quality of performance.

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