Mixed wrestling of a bodybuilder girl with a guy. Fight of two sexes man and woman

So far, such an unusual erotic entertainment has appeared only in the near abroad, but it is possible that soon it will be possible to have fun with us as well.

Women's wrestling and sex
For many of us, the contemplation of fighting or wrestling women is a stimulus, and often an erotic stimulus. I have not yet met a single female fighter who did not know this and who would not be embarrassed. But we do it because we want it, and the fact that it can excite someone should not be a cause of bewilderment or shame.

School of wrestling Mixwrestling for men and women
School of wrestling Mixwrestling for men and women based on materials from http://mixedwrestling.spb.ru Basic techniques: Scissors, Pressure on the body, Lying on the body, Chest Choking, Sitting on the neck.
Improved moves: Head scissors, Facesitting, Reverse facesitting, Figure four, Leg choke.

Girls can't be hit! Or zya? Hm...
Author: Kira Sakuya
Everyone knows that boys shouldn't bully girls. They cannot be beaten, pushed, and generally physically affected without their consent. And why? Doesn't this look like the same gender inequality that many up-to-date ladies talk about?

Mixed wrestling and sexual deviations
The topic that we want to bring to your attention causes quite serious controversy, both among fans of mixed wrestling and among fans of non-standard sex. The very term "sexual deviations" is, of course, more correct than "perversions", as such "occupations" are usually called. But, nevertheless, it retains a certain pejorative connotation. Although, according to our deep conviction, "a person is responsible only for that part of his behavior that concerns others, but in everything else he is absolutely free." It is not said by us, but it is well said. Any side of a person's behavior that does not affect the interests of others needs neither explanation nor justification.

Mixed wrestling and sex
Finally, in our study of the place and state of mixed wrestling in society, we have reached the cornerstone, the question to which, one way or another, all arguments about mixed wrestling of any kind and form are reduced.

Society and mixed wrestling
We want to dedicate this publication to the analysis of the current attitude of society towards mixed wrestling. If in the West, and in the East, let's say better - in the enlightened world, mixed wrestling has long ceased to be something exotic and has become, in general, one of the many ways to "honestly take money from the population ...", as they used to say Unforgettable Ostap Bender, then in Russia mixed wrestling as something independent was completely unknown until very recently. And it is hardly the reason for the mentality of our society.

The psychology of facesitting
The topic of facesitting, that is, in other words, sitting on the face, has already been covered in our magazine. Nevertheless, we considered it necessary to once again return to the discussion of this undoubtedly non-trivial hobby, considering it not only its physical impact, as a method of struggle, but also from the point of view of psychology. The number of fans of facesitting is so large, judging by the abundance of Internet materials, that this phenomenon clearly goes beyond the usual fetish.

Mixfighting. Mixed fights.
Pseudo-fights of women with men (mixed boxing, mixed wrestling).

The main purpose of this performance is to show the power, fighting ability and superiority of women and the weakness, absurdity and worthlessness of their rivals.

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I wonder if there has always been a struggle between the sexes of a man and a woman? What makes us oppose each other? What for? Why are we competing?

Competition strengthens and develops what we compete in. There is an incentive to grow in competition. Why do we need to grow and how to develop? Isn't it better to just be yourself? But we often don't know who we are? Why did you come into this world? What is our task? We only know that a woman must give birth, prolong, so to speak, her race. A man must sow, build and protect, and again, all this in order to prolong his race. And then we're all going to die here. Somehow it is very one-sided ... And what is all this for? What are we for? Life - what is it? What is it for and why?

Woman - who is she and why? So much has been said and written about her. And the Lord God created from the rib taken from the man a wife, and brought her to the man. And the man said, Behold, this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken from man. Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and cling to his wife; and they will be one flesh. (Gen. 2:22-24) What does one flesh mean?

In religious beliefs, it is believed that a woman is made from Adam's rib, intended specifically for him. He is her master and she must serve him. It was on the basis of disagreement with this view, in my opinion, that the feminist movement arose and grew.

What is the female nature and its essence?

It is said that the Soul is feminine and the spirit is masculine. A calm and self-confident woman is a source of peace and happiness for everyone. It is such a woman who is easiest to show love, kindness, mercy.

A man for a woman is the protector and guardian of her peace.

A man, by nature, is noble and strong, and this is characteristic of the nature of the Spirit.

A man is physically strong, a woman energetically. Therefore, the psychic power of the fair sex far exceeds the psychic power of men. Consequently, the desires, dreams of a woman have a very strong influence on the world.

Knowing about the power of female thought, Vedic treatises direct a woman to the knowledge of the secrets of happiness, well-being, to harmonize herself with nature.

Men should be aware of the mystical and mysterious days of women and their great influence. Once a month, the so-called descending and ascending flows pass through the woman, which, accumulating in the uterus, form the potential for conceiving a child. A woman these days is weak, vulnerable, needs attention and care. She herself wants to give tenderness, warmth. If conception does not occur, then the cosmic energy accumulated in the uterus in a huge amount must be distributed. If this does not happen, an excess of energy puts pressure on the psyche and physiology of a woman. She experiences irritation, anxiety, pains in the lower abdomen are possible, a feeling of annoyance may appear, up to the rejection of her femininity. And if at such moments a man does not show his attention to her, the desire to listen, understand, show care, help, then the woman begins to feel her uselessness. Knowing this feature, an attentive and loving man can not only help a woman harmoniously distribute energy, but also recharge with inspiration from these high vibrations. It is in these mystical and mysterious days that the secret of female energy lies, which has a huge impact to the surrounding world.

We want to dedicate this publication to the analysis of the current attitude of society towards mixed wrestling. If in the West, and in the East, let's say better - in the enlightened world, mixed wrestling has long ceased to be something exotic and has become, in general, one of the many ways to "honestly take money from the population ...", as they used to say Unforgettable Ostap Bender, then in Russia mixed wrestling as something independent was completely unknown until very recently. And it is hardly the reason for the mentality of our society. In the end, we are no better and no worse than other peoples and nations, and "...nothing human is alien to us." The attitudes towards the formation of the personality of a Soviet person undoubtedly played a role, this sport is very erotic, and, as you know, "there is no sex in the USSR", but it is hardly worth attaching too much importance to them, usually the ideological service of the former USSR was engaged in much more big things.
Especially now, when censorship no longer hangs like a sword of Damocles over every written and even spoken word, when the formula "any whim for your money" has long been voiced and is successfully working, it is worth looking for the root causes of the current situation.
In our opinion, there are two main reasons - this is almost complete absence information about mixed wrestling and the inexpediency (yet) of investing
large sums of money in this industry. Both of these reasons are a consequence of each other, forming a classic vicious circle. Everything that we and our associates are doing is an attempt to break out of this circle, the first, still uncertain, steps of enthusiasts, handicraft artels. Our interest in mixed wrestling is our strength and our weakness at the same time. Weakness - because any business activity requires a certain detachment from the subject, politics and business require cold calculation, not enthusiasm.
But what about the attitude of society as a whole? In 2004, we conducted a survey among young people by means of a written questionnaire. The survey covered girls and boys aged 15-25 in all regions of Russia. And here are some of his results:
A total of 98 people were interviewed, incl. 93 girls, this ratio is explained, first of all, by the fact that it is incomparably more difficult to "motivate" girls to fight, for guys this is a much more common occupation;
To the question: "How do you feel about mixed wrestling?" answered - "I would be engaged (s) with pleasure" - 37 people; "well, but he (a) would not be engaged in it (s)" -42 people. Only four respondents gave a negative answer; less than 5%, the rest are indifferent to this issue. 64 people (65%) had mixed wrestling experience.
Even this, no doubt, preliminary, semi-handicraft research shows that the struggle between a boy and a girl is at least known, and in many cases interesting to modern youth.
As expected, the majority of those surveyed perceive mixed wrestling as part of a love game. In fact, the way it is, and it is hardly worth convincing them otherwise. Sports mixed wrestling, customary in the emancipated West, objectively cannot take its rightful place in Russia right away, "swooped up". But, in our opinion, mixed wrestling has not lost at all because it is presented as an erotic wrestling. Well, as for wrestling as a show, this is undoubtedly a matter of the future. Let's hope it's not too far.
In the materials of our magazine for the past year, we have repeatedly raised the topic of the attitude of modern society (and Russian, in particular) to mixed wrestling. As the responses of our readers have shown, the situation in this matter is much more positive than originally presented by us, which is something to be glad about. We present to your attention a description of the state of mixed wrestling in Russia according to the site: "facty i commentarii":
“Actually, such spicy fun was invented back in 1956 by all the same Americans who go crazy from contemplating wrestling fights, especially women's or mixed. And turning this show into a sexual one was only a matter of time. True, the spectacle became more intimate, as it takes place not in noisy halls, in full view of a thousand or two fans, but in nightclubs.The forerunner of sexual wrestling can be considered female fights without rules in mud, jelly or jam.In the process of these mud battles, athletes not only beautifully and spectacularly beat each other friend, but they also mercilessly rip off their clothes, remaining by the end of the competition, what their mother gave birth in. By the way, several shows also travel around Ukraine where girls fight in the mud, but, alas, are not naked.Mixed wrestling, which appeared in Russia, like everything is Slavic, has its own characteristics.Such entertainment was talked about a year ago, but not as a club, but as a private one.Several companies organized by former wrestlers took under their wing ko and unemployed colleagues of the weaker sex. The calculation turned out to be correct, since there were many who wanted to taste such a strawberry. Athletes who demonstrated erotic wrestling were invited to private parties for entertainment. And for a fee, any of the spectators could measure their strength in a mixed duel. Well, after some time, sexual wrestling became the main entertainment of special, usually semi-closed, clubs, of which there are, according to rumors, at least a dozen in Moscow alone. And some (apparently, those that have good patrons) come out of the underground - information about them can be found on the Internet at specialized sites for erotic entertainment.
For example, a duel with a half-dressed athlete will cost 150 conventional units, with a completely naked one - 300. True, girls always have the opportunity to earn extra money. “Despite the fact that mixed wrestling is a pleasure unlike any other erotic entertainment, fighting with the opposite sex is very exciting for men,” one of the athletes says on the site. “Moreover, each client gets high from completely different things. There are those who never require an athlete to undress at least topless.For them, it is enough that girls wrestle in elastic swimsuits.After all, someone likes just touching a strong, muscular female body, and in our rules, any touching of different parts of the body is allowed.After fights we often have to communicate with clients, because they are interested in who we are, what we experience in the ring. it doesn't matter anymore. available, but we do not recommend. And the point here is not so much in aesthetics as in safety. We are all pros and we know where and how to secure ourselves in case of a fall. But among clients rarely come across those who have such skills. While the fight is almost for real. Of course, no one does painful holds, creases, strangulations to men, but throws and other, easier, techniques are carried out according to all the rules. And, I must say, customers do not like it when you succumb to them. Except sexual
excitement, many are also turned on by the desire to fill up a woman on the shoulder blades. However, when the men themselves are on the carpet, and the woman is on top, no one is upset. Moreover, often during receptions you have to take unusual poses. If the girl is completely undressed, then the client can see all the charms of her winner every time, being on her shoulder blades.
So, again confirms the Second Law of Winnie the Pooh: "Everything in the world for some reason, and not just like that" ?. Do not underestimate the penetrating abilities of business people and the adaptive capabilities of our compatriots.
However, if we look into the depths of history, how many examples can we find when the Russian people could be presented as a pillar of retrograde, obscurantism and hypocrisy? Another thing is power, but this is already a conversation in a completely different tone and on the pages of other publications.
Of course, for now, mixed wrestling in Russia is in many ways a child of capital. This is a show production, albeit with the maximum degree of certainty, of the same order as a striptease. The principle "pay and you will be put to bed" does not evoke any negative feelings in us, it is quite natural for a natural human society, but it is worth recognizing that mixed wrestling in the arenas of nightclubs and in cozy "special booths" is far and far from every Russian is available. She just doesn't fit him.
Our society still needs to grow before mixed wrestling turns from show action into a pleasant pastime available to anyone who wants it. If in Canada girls and boys easily fight among themselves in physical education classes, then our attempt to enter some kind of "general" Internet chat (not the most "backward" part of the population there, let's say) with a question regarding mixed wrestling, most often ends sending "somewhere to the perverts." For those who doubt this, we invite you to see for yourself. ?
In the following issues of the magazine, we will try to analyze the reasons for such an attitude towards mixed wrestling in our society.
