Does hCG decrease during frozen pregnancy? HCG during frozen pregnancy: how hormone levels change

Fading pregnancy, or stopping the development of the fetus, occurs most often in the first trimester. The embryo dies in the womb, but it is not rejected immediately, so the pathology is usually diagnosed earlier than a miscarriage occurs. The level of hCG during a frozen pregnancy (FG) falls, and sometimes abnormal changes in its values ​​are observed. Monitoring the content of gonadotropin in urine and blood allows for timely detection of pathology.

After the formation of the zygote in the fallopian tube, its fragmentation begins. Then the chorion - the embryonic membrane - is formed. This structure produces a special protein hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. One of the functions of hCG is to maintain the life of the corpus luteum. It produces large amounts of progesterone until the placenta can handle this task on its own.

The chorion develops quickly. The initial stages of pregnancy are characterized by a doubling of the hCG content in the blood every two days. If the fetus freezes, the embryonic membrane does not grow and loses its functions and stops producing gonadotropin.

Both genetic abnormalities and other factors that disrupt the normal course of pregnancy can provoke arrest of embryonic development. The pathology has characteristic external manifestations, but an accurate diagnosis can only be made after laboratory tests.

Causes of fading

Among the main factors causing fetal freezing, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • The influence of hormones is a lack of progesterone, increased secretion of androgens.
  • Mutations in the genome. With some chromosomal rearrangements, inheritance of a mutant parental gene, the embryo becomes nonviable.
  • Infections in the mother - STIs (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis), herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, influenza.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome. This is an autoimmune condition caused by antibodies to blood phospholipids. Blood clots form in the uterus, and the embryo loses access to nutrition and oxygen.
  • Abortion. After numerous curettages, the endometrium becomes defective, does not provide the embryonic egg with normal conditions for development, and pregnancy cannot be maintained
  • Harmful addictions - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. Metabolites of alcohol and drugs have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, causing its death or developmental abnormalities.

Pregnancy miscarriage often occurs after IVF (in vitro fertilization). This is usually due to the same reasons why artificial insemination was needed.

If a pathology is detected in the first months of pregnancy, a medicinal termination of a frozen pregnancy is sometimes performed. At later stages, the undeveloped fetus is removed from the uterus by scraping (cleaning). This operation does not pose a threat to the woman’s health. Reproductive function is soon restored, and a new pregnancy can be planned within six months. Sometimes complications arise after an interruption - placental polyp, adhesions in the uterus, endometrial hyperplasia. The sooner you pay attention to alarming symptoms and visit a gynecologist, the less likely there are dangerous consequences.

Signs of fetal freezing

You can suspect fading pregnancy based on the following symptoms:

  • nagging or cramping pain in the abdomen,
  • bloody vaginal discharge of varying abundance,
  • persistent increase in body temperature,
  • disappearance of toxicosis,
  • reduction in breast size.

The second line on the pharmacy test will be slightly colored or not appear at all. This is due to a decrease in hCG secretion. In the second trimester, when fetal movements are already noticeable, the main sign of freezing is the cessation of movement.

At what time periods are ST risks high?

The threat of miscarriage exists at any stage. The most dangerous is the first trimester. According to statistics, fetal freezing most often occurs before the 8th week. This is due to the fact that the woman, not yet knowing about her condition, continues to lead her usual lifestyle, take medications, smoke, lift weights, etc. In the early stages of development, when the formation of the nervous system and internal organs occurs, the embryo is especially vulnerable.

Indications for the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin

The hCG test is part of the first perinatal screening complex, which also includes ultrasound. This examination is not mandatory, but is recommended for all expectant mothers. You need to take a gonadotropin test if there are signs of pregnancy fading, and also when a heartbeat is not detected during an ultrasound examination. An hCG test is recommended if there is a history of abortion, miscarriage, frozen or ectopic pregnancy. The risk of fetal pathologies is increased in patients over 35 years of age. They need to pass the full range of laboratory tests.

HCG analysis

HCG is detected in blood and urine. Pharmacy tests are designed to examine urine. The content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is reduced, so for greater accuracy of results, venous blood is examined. HCG consists of two amino acid chains, its alpha chain is the same as other gonadotropins, but its beta chain is unique. It is the concentration of beta-hCG that is determined for the diagnosis of BD.

A one-time analysis is not enough to diagnose a frozen pregnancy. Blood is taken for testing 2 or 3 times with an interval of several days to track the dynamics of hCG levels.

What can affect the results of the analysis?

If fetal death is suspected, it is often necessary to urgently do a hormonal analysis, so it is not always possible to specially prepare for the delivery of biomaterial. It is advisable to take blood tests in the morning on an empty stomach. If this is not possible, at least 4 hours must pass between eating and collecting the material. Despite the fact that diet and drinking habits have little effect on the results of blood tests, the day before sampling it is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty foods. You should also reduce physical activity.

Erroneous suspicions of fetal fading after a hormonal study arise if the gestational age was incorrectly determined. Therefore, the study is carried out in combination with ultrasound. It is important to provide your doctor with reliable information about your menstrual cycle and ovulation dates. The first screening and repeat tests for hCG should be carried out in the same laboratory. Because different clinics use their own methods and reagents, which affects the final results.

HCG values ​​for fetal freezing

The level of hCG during a frozen pregnancy in the early stages does not double every day, as it should be normally. Most patients experience negative dynamics, the hormone content decreases. An increase in the concentration of hCG is also possible, but the increase in the level of the hormone is not as active as during healthy development of the embryo.

Normal concentrations of human chorionic hormone are presented in the table:

Entries 1 to 10 of 10 entries

There are no exact figures for the concentration of gonadotropin during fetal freezing. It all depends on the characteristics of metabolic processes in a woman’s body. For some, with pathology, the value of the parameter is 3 times less than normal, for others it is 9 or even 10 times. The decrease in the indicator during repeated studies can be intense or insignificant. Only a specialist can decipher the results of the analysis.

A reduced hCG content is also observed with other anomalies - ectopic pregnancy, anembryonia. Therefore, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Production of the hormone hCG during anembryonia

Pathological pregnancy is also anembryonia - a condition in which an empty fertilized egg develops without an embryo. The signs and course of anembryonic pregnancy are no different from normal ones. A woman experiences a delay in her period, toxicosis begins, and her breasts become enlarged.
The pharmacy test gives a positive result. This is due to the fact that the fertilized egg, even without an embryo, produces gonadotropin.

The hCG value in the blood increases slowly during anembryonia, but the pathology is diagnosed only by ultrasound. Gonadotropin levels are also measured after termination of pregnancy to check whether ingrown chorionic villi remain in the uterus. Anembryonia is often confused with hydatidiform mole, but the origin of the pathologies is different. With hydatidiform mole, excessive division of trophoblast cells (outer germinal layer) occurs. In essence, this is a tumor process. Recently, cases of such complications have become more frequent. The level of hCG during hydatidiform mole is always elevated, reaching 100,000 mU/ml. The ultrasound image shows several empty blisters.

It should be understood that a frozen fetus cannot be preserved by any means; it must be removed from the uterus. The concentration of hCG after a spontaneous miscarriage or artificial termination of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages can persist for several weeks, or can drop very sharply. If there are no complications after the recovery period, you can plan a new pregnancy.

Indicators of the hCG hormone are important in monitoring the condition of the fetus and help protect the woman’s body from complications.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is an important indicator of a successful pregnancy.

The hormone is produced by the chorion, regulates a woman’s hormonal levels, and creates favorable conditions for the development of the fetus.

The doctor should decipher the meanings, but it will also not be superfluous for you to familiarize yourself with the information first.

The concept of normal in different laboratories differs, so do not be nervous if the indicators are too high or vice versa.

In the first trimester, the hCG level increases every two days, at 7-10 weeks there is a peak increase in levels, and then it decreases.

1-5 weeks – doubling of indicators every two days to 1500;

– doubling of indicators every three to four days to 60,000;

13-18 weeks - every four days the indicators decrease to 35,000.

A non-developing (frozen) pregnancy means that the fetus has died. This pathology can be diagnosed using analysis. The hormone level drops, but the study should be carried out over time so that the doctor can evaluate the indicators. If there is a suspicion of a frozen pregnancy, the doctor will additionally prescribe an ultrasound.

Too tall

Causes of excessive growth of hormone levels:

  1. Multiple pregnancy: the more babies, the higher the rates. The increase will also be rapid depending on the week.
  2. Incorrect calculation of deadlines. The hormone grows very quickly in the early stages, so even an error of 5-7 days will be enough for an incorrect interpretation.
  3. Early toxicosis. With this condition, a woman’s indicators increase moderately.
  4. Down's disease in a child. The cause is not fully understood, but an increase in the hormone, together with other studies, helps to identify the disease.
  5. Diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman.
  6. Taking synthetic gestagen drugs.


Lack of hormone growth occurs for the following reasons:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • fetal freezing;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • carrying a child to term.

Change in hormone levels

If changes occur in a woman’s body, then the level of the hormone will change: fall or rise. Sometimes this happens abruptly.

How fast it falls

If there is a suspicion of a frozen pregnancy, the doctor prescribes tests several times. The level will decrease. But how quickly the level decreases will depend on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

Can it grow

Practice shows that there are cases when the value level decreases very slowly, so there is no negative dynamics, it is noted only after some time. In addition, cases of low growth of the hormone during frozen pregnancy have been observed.

To ensure objectivity of the results, tests should be taken in one laboratory.

What will the analysis show if the pregnancy is frozen?

As unfortunate as it is, there is no cure for this condition. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the hormone level will decrease, this will lead to contraction of the uterus, which, in turn, will cause spontaneous miscarriage. If the deadline

This substance begins to be produced after the attachment of an already fertilized egg. When the baby develops without disturbances, hCG increases every day and reaches its maximum volume by the third month of pregnancy, gradually decreasing thereafter.

When the vital activity of the fetus freezes, the volume of the above substance decreases sharply and differs from normal, and this is a pathology.

HCG in the early stages of fetal death

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is extremely difficult to calculate a frozen one. The reason for this is the ability to diagnose fading pregnancy exclusively a few weeks later after the death of the fetus.

Only after this time do symptoms of fading pregnancy begin to appear. It is not yet possible to listen to the fetal heartbeat and you can accurately find out about the pathology using this analysis. For this reason, it is possible to diagnose fading pregnancy before the appearance of the first symptoms only after a blood test for hCG.

When diagnosing interruption of fetal development in the initial months, the concentration of the hormone stops growth. If a woman has taken the test more than once, the results may be lower than previous ones. In a normal pregnancy and a healthy fetus, the hormone level rises gradually and in accordance with regulations. However, there is no exact data on what exact concentration of hCG at a certain stage of pregnancy indicates its fading. It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of indicators, since each woman’s body is individual.

Fading pregnancy is a pathology. There are a number of reasons that can lead to it:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lack or excess of sex hormones of a certain type;
  • infectious diseases;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • increased blood density;
  • use of certain medications;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • smoking;
  • prolonged exposure to heat;
  • hypothermia.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy at 5 weeks

Already in the fifth week, with the help of a hCG study, it is possible to track the fading of fetal development, if the woman has already been tested before. If not, then studying the hCG level will not be able to give accurate results, since the increase in the concentration of the hormone in the blood during pregnancy fading may increase slightly for some time.

But in this case, after a few weeks, the woman may notice symptoms of a frozen pregnancy:

  • abdominal pain;
  • discharge with blood;
  • absence of fetal movements (at later stages);
  • lack of heartbeat in the child;
  • disappearance of toxicosis and other symptoms of pregnancy.

If a woman noted the above signs of frozen pregnancy, then she should immediately consult a doctor, since if the pregnancy fades at this stage, an abortion is necessary for medical reasons.

HCG levels increase

A decrease in the level of this hormone during frozen pregnancy is most common. Usually it says about the development of pathology even before other symptoms appear. But, in some cases, it is not possible to find out about the problem by measuring the hormone level. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the individuality of each woman’s body.

Some experience an increase in hCG levels even after the pregnancy has died out. However, if we take into account the table of normal hormone concentrations depending on the duration of pregnancy, then the growth human chorionic gonadotropin upon cessation of fetal life, it is much less pronounced.

Frozen pregnancy after IVF

After the IVF procedure, quite often women experience termination or miscarriage of pregnancy, when the fetus does not take root in the body or problems occur in its health. In this case, it is quite difficult to independently diagnose fading pregnancy. But if they are observed unusual sensations, toxicosis suddenly stops or the growth of the abdomen and swelling of the mammary glands stops, you should immediately consult a doctor.

He will prescribe the woman to undergo some laboratory tests and procedures:

  • hCG analysis;
  • gynecological examination;
  • measurement of basal temperature.

Most often, pregnancy fading after the IVF procedure is observed in the initial stages (at 3-4 or 8-11 weeks). During this period of time, it is important for a woman to monitor her well-being and internal sensations.

HCG growth chart

Based on such a table and the results of the test, the doctor is able to draw conclusions regarding healthy pregnancy.

It is worth knowing that each woman’s body is individual and it is impossible to establish the fading of fetal development based solely on the analysis of human chorionic gonadotropin.

One of the most common tests that every pregnant woman will have to undergo, and perhaps even several times, is a test for hCG levels. It is the presence and growth of this hormone that indicates the onset of pregnancy and its development. Also, hCG analysis is used to determine frozen pregnancy in the early stages. It is the study of the dynamics of this indicator that allows the attending physician to make a diagnosis, after which measures are taken to remove the dead embryo from the uterus.

HCG as a pregnancy test

Human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced in a woman’s body almost immediately after conception. That is why it is used to determine the onset of pregnancy, as well as to control the entire process of pregnancy. Almost all home pregnancy tests are based on the principle of determining hCG, but a more reliable result, of course, is shown by a blood test.

As a rule, pregnant women have to take the hCG test at least 2 times, and if fetal failure is suspected, several times more. Also, for example, a low level of hCG may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, and an increased level in later stages is one of the symptoms of Down syndrome.

The hormone plays an important role in the formation of the placenta and the proper development of pregnancy. Under its action, progesterone is produced, which helps prepare the female body for bearing a fetus, and also takes an active part in the formation of the fetus.

HCG level during frozen pregnancy

It is extremely difficult to determine fetal freezing in the early stages. The fact is that the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy appear only a few weeks after the death of the embryo, and it is still impossible to listen to the heartbeat.

When detecting a frozen pregnancy, a hCG test is usually used, which shows the level of the hormone in a woman’s blood. This method is considered the most common and effective, since it allows an accurate diagnosis to be made already in the first month of pregnancy.

If fetal failure is suspected, an hCG test is performed several times. In this way, the dynamics of growth in hormone levels is studied. Signs of a frozen pregnancy, after which hCG is usually prescribed, are usually spotting and the patient’s complaints of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as well as discomfort in the lumbar region. A symptom that may signal the cessation of fetal development in the first trimester of pregnancy can also be suddenly stopped toxicosis.

During a frozen pregnancy, the growth of hCG stops and may even become less than the previous indicator. If the hormone level steadily increases in accordance with the norms, then the pregnancy is successful. So, for example, in the first week after conception, hCG will be at least five times higher than normal for a non-pregnant woman, and by week 11 it stops at 291,000 mIU/ml.

Many expectant mothers are interested in what the hCG level should be during a frozen pregnancy. As a rule, doctors cannot provide a clear answer based on the results of one test, since each organism is individual. In some cases, the hormone level drops rapidly, in others it continues to rise. Only studying the dynamics of hCG growth, as well as comparing the indicators with the norm, will help make a final diagnosis.

Quite often, the level of hCG during a frozen pregnancy continues to increase, but this increase is very insignificant - it differs sharply from the indicator that should be at a certain period.

HCG norms in the first trimester of pregnancy

Fading pregnancy, or stopping the development of the fetus, occurs most often in the first trimester. The embryo dies in the womb, but it is not rejected immediately, so the pathology is usually diagnosed earlier than a miscarriage occurs. The level of hCG during a frozen pregnancy (FG) falls, and sometimes abnormal changes in its values ​​are observed. Monitoring the content of gonadotropin in urine and blood allows for timely detection of pathology.

After the formation of the zygote in the fallopian tube, its fragmentation begins. Then the chorion - the embryonic membrane - is formed. This structure produces a special protein hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. One of the functions of hCG is to maintain the life of the corpus luteum. It produces large amounts of progesterone until the placenta can handle this task on its own.

The chorion develops quickly. The initial stages of pregnancy are characterized by a doubling of the hCG content in the blood every two days. If the fetus freezes, the embryonic membrane does not grow and loses its functions and stops producing gonadotropin.

Both genetic abnormalities and other factors that disrupt the normal course of pregnancy can provoke arrest of embryonic development. The pathology has characteristic external manifestations, but an accurate diagnosis can only be made after laboratory tests.

Causes of fading

Among the main factors causing fetal freezing, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • The influence of hormones is a lack of progesterone, increased secretion of androgens.
  • Mutations in the genome. With some chromosomal rearrangements, inheritance of a mutant parental gene, the embryo becomes nonviable.
  • Infections in the mother - STIs (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis), herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, influenza.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome. This is an autoimmune condition caused by antibodies to blood phospholipids. Blood clots form in the uterus, and the embryo loses access to nutrition and oxygen.
  • Abortion. After numerous curettages, the endometrium becomes defective, does not provide the embryonic egg with normal conditions for development, and pregnancy cannot be maintained
  • Harmful addictions - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. Metabolites of alcohol and drugs have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, causing its death or developmental abnormalities.

Pregnancy miscarriage often occurs after IVF (in vitro fertilization). This is usually due to the same reasons why artificial insemination was needed.

If a pathology is detected in the first months of pregnancy, a medicinal termination of a frozen pregnancy is sometimes performed. At later stages, the undeveloped fetus is removed from the uterus by scraping (cleaning). This operation does not pose a threat to the woman’s health. Reproductive function is soon restored, and a new pregnancy can be planned within six months. Sometimes complications arise after an interruption - placental polyp, adhesions in the uterus, endometrial hyperplasia. The sooner you pay attention to alarming symptoms and visit a gynecologist, the less likely there are dangerous consequences.

Signs of fetal freezing

You can suspect fading pregnancy based on the following symptoms:

  • nagging or cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • bloody vaginal discharge of varying abundance;
  • persistent increase in body temperature;
  • disappearance of toxicosis;
  • reduction in breast size.

The second line on the pharmacy test will be slightly colored or not appear at all. This is due to a decrease in hCG secretion. In the second trimester, when fetal movements are already noticeable, the main sign of freezing is the cessation of movement.

At what time periods are ST risks high?

The threat of miscarriage exists at any stage. The most dangerous is the first trimester. According to statistics, fetal freezing most often occurs before the 8th week. This is due to the fact that the woman, not yet knowing about her condition, continues to lead her usual lifestyle, take medications, smoke, lift weights, etc. In the early stages of development, when the formation of the nervous system and internal organs occurs, the embryo is especially vulnerable.

Indications for the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin

The hCG test is part of the first perinatal screening complex, which also includes ultrasound. This examination is not mandatory, but is recommended for all expectant mothers. You need to take a gonadotropin test if there are signs of pregnancy fading, and also when a heartbeat is not detected during an ultrasound examination. An hCG test is recommended if there is a history of abortion, miscarriage, frozen or ectopic pregnancy. The risk of fetal pathologies is increased in patients over 35 years of age. They need to pass the full range of laboratory tests.

HCG analysis

HCG is detected in blood and urine. Pharmacy tests are designed to examine urine. The content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is reduced, so for greater accuracy of results, venous blood is examined. HCG consists of two amino acid chains, its alpha chain is the same as other gonadotropins, but its beta chain is unique. It is the concentration of beta-hCG that is determined for the diagnosis of BD.

A one-time analysis is not enough to diagnose a frozen pregnancy. Blood is taken for testing 2 or 3 times with an interval of several days to track the dynamics of hCG levels.

What can affect the results of the analysis?

If fetal death is suspected, it is often necessary to urgently do a hormonal analysis, so it is not always possible to specially prepare for the delivery of biomaterial. It is advisable to take blood tests in the morning on an empty stomach. If this is not possible, at least 4 hours must pass between eating and collecting the material. Despite the fact that diet and drinking habits have little effect on the results of blood tests, the day before sampling it is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty foods. You should also reduce physical activity.

Erroneous suspicions of fetal fading after a hormonal study arise if the gestational age was incorrectly determined. Therefore, the study is carried out in combination with ultrasound. It is important to provide your doctor with reliable information about your menstrual cycle and ovulation dates. The first screening and repeat tests for hCG should be carried out in the same laboratory. Because different clinics use their own methods and reagents, which affects the final results.

HCG values ​​for fetal freezing

The level of hCG during a frozen pregnancy in the early stages does not double every day, as it should be normally. Most patients experience negative dynamics, the hormone content decreases. An increase in the concentration of hCG is also possible, but the increase in the level of the hormone is not as active as during healthy development of the embryo.

Normal concentrations of human chorionic hormone are presented in the table:

A weekHCG indicator, honey/ml
1-2 25-155
2-3 100–4870
3-4 1115–31500
4-5 2565–82300
5-6 23100–151000
6-7 27300–23400
7-11 20900–291000
11-16 6140–103000
16-21 4730–80100
21-39 2600–78100

There are no exact figures for the concentration of gonadotropin during fetal freezing. It all depends on the characteristics of metabolic processes in a woman’s body. For some, with pathology, the value of the parameter is 3 times less than normal, for others it is 9 or even 10 times. The decrease in the indicator during repeated studies can be intense or insignificant. Only a specialist can decipher the results of the analysis.

A reduced hCG content is also observed with other anomalies - ectopic pregnancy, anembryonia. Therefore, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Production of the hormone hCG during anembryonia

Pathological pregnancy is also anembryonia - a condition in which an empty fertilized egg develops without an embryo. The signs and course of anembryonic pregnancy are no different from normal ones. A woman experiences a delay in her period, toxicosis begins, and her breasts become enlarged. The pharmacy test gives a positive result. This is due to the fact that the fertilized egg, even without an embryo, produces gonadotropin.

The hCG value in the blood increases slowly during anembryonia, but the pathology is diagnosed only by ultrasound. Gonadotropin levels are also measured after termination of pregnancy to check whether ingrown chorionic villi remain in the uterus. Anembryonia is often confused with hydatidiform mole, but the origin of the pathologies is different. With hydatidiform mole, excessive division of trophoblast cells (outer germinal layer) occurs. In essence, this is a tumor process. Recently, cases of such complications have become more frequent. The level of hCG during hydatidiform mole is always elevated, reaching 100,000 mU/ml. The ultrasound image shows several empty blisters.

It should be understood that a frozen fetus cannot be preserved by any means; it must be removed from the uterus. The concentration of hCG after a spontaneous miscarriage or artificial termination of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages can persist for several weeks, or can drop very sharply. If there are no complications after the recovery period, you can plan a new pregnancy.
