DIY alcohol facial lotion. Aloe toner

Real beauties know that face lotion is an indispensable, very refreshing and effective product for thoroughly cleansing the skin. Moreover, it can be easily prepared on your own from ordinary products and herbs, choosing them depending on your skin type. It has a gentle and gentle effect without causing harm.

What is the secret of homemade facial lotions, which are so incredibly popular among all women of all ages: Their functions are varied and almost limitless. These unique tools:

  • thoroughly cleanse the skin and pores;
  • carefully disinfect it;
  • remove dirt that accumulates during the day, as well as any excess fat;
  • tighten enlarged pores;
  • some help get rid of acne and pimples as they have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Such a wide range of effects of lotions on the skin allows you to choose the recipe you need and enjoy its effectiveness. But at the same time, it is very important to follow some recommendations so as not to get into trouble with these magical remedies.

Homemade lotion: instructions for use

Whatever you choose from the sea of ​​proposed recipes - a cleansing or moisturizing facial lotion, without little feminine tricks they may simply not fulfill their mission. Having mastered them, you will comprehend the real secrets of home cosmetology and will be able to make these products be as useful to you as possible.

  1. Choose the ingredients for your product according to your skin type. For example, lotion for oily skin is always prepared with alcohol (from wine, vodka, alcohol, for example). For dry skin, such components are strictly contraindicated.
  2. The main indication for using lotions is oily skin. Remedies are prepared for it from vodka, grapefruit, lemon juice, honey, strawberries, and aloe. It is better to use them twice a day, but if you have a strong greasy shine, you can use them three times.
  3. For combination skin, it is recommended to wipe exclusively oily areas with alcohol lotions (the famous T-zone: nose, forehead and chin).
  4. For dry, flaky skin, you need to look for recipes for moisturizing lotions based on fresh, full-fat milk, essential (can also be vegetable) oils, fresh fruits and vegetables. They must not contain alcohol. They usually nourish and cleanse the skin well.
  5. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, the mixture is poured into a dark glass bottle (preferably glass) and put away to infuse in a dark place at room temperature for 2-3 days. Immediately before applying to the skin, shake the mixture thoroughly again.
  6. A cotton pad is soaked in lotion, and the entire face, previously steamed (or simply washed), is treated along the massage lines.
  7. The frequency of use of these products is from 1 to 3 times a day (morning and evening - mandatory). The course is 2–3 months, after which the skin must be given a little rest and change one product to another for at least a month.
  8. Prepared homemade face lotions are stored in the refrigerator: the shelf life of non-alcoholic lotions is two days, alcohol-containing lotions are two weeks, herbal ones are a week.

The best facial lotion recipes

Numerous recipes for facial lotions can be found easily. The main thing is to choose the right one, prepare it correctly and apply it competently.


  • 1. Grapefruit

Fresh grapefruit juice, squeezed at home (150 ml), mix with fresh lemon juice and vodka (20 ml each).

  • 2. Strawberry anti-acne lotion

Fresh strawberry juice (150 ml) is poured with vodka (200 ml). This mixture can be infused for up to 30 days.


  • 3. With parsley

Pour boiling water (250 ml) over chopped green parsley (2 tablespoons), put on fire, boil for 20 minutes. Cool. Before applying, add apple cider vinegar (a teaspoon), which can easily be replaced with lemon juice.

  • 4. Cucumber

Pour cucumber slices (4-5 pieces) with alcohol or vodka (250 ml).


  • 5. Milk-cabbage

Pour hot milk (250 ml) over chopped fresh cabbage leaves (3-4 tablespoons), cover with a lid, leave to steep for 40 minutes. Strain.

  • 6. Moisturizing facial lotion

Mix milk (250 ml) with banana puree and powdered sugar (a tablespoon each), fresh lemon juice (no more than a teaspoon). Put on fire, bring to a boil, cool.


  • 7. Herbal

Mix dry leaves of sage and coltsfoot (a tablespoon each) and St. John's wort (a teaspoon). Pour vodka (100 ml).

  • 8. Egg

Mix the yolk, vodka (a tablespoon), sour cream and lemon juice (a teaspoon each).

Every woman should discover the unique world of home cosmetology. Teenagers need a homemade face lotion for acne, ladies of Balzac's age for wrinkles, and those over 30 for crow's feet. Despite such different requests and indications, there is one product for everyone - a surprisingly invigorating and tonic for the skin, a refreshing and pleasant facial lotion.

The content of the article:

To effectively cleanse facial skin of various types of impurities and give it freshness and a healthy glow, girls use a wide variety of cosmetics. But lotions and tonics are the most popular. Every girl can make such products on her own at home using only natural ingredients. One of the advantages of lotions and tonics is that they do not contain harmful preservatives and other chemicals.

The benefits of homemade facial cosmetics

Today, on the shelves of cosmetic stores you can find simply a huge variety of products for caring for the skin of the body and face. But beautiful packaging and laudatory inscriptions on jars from the manufacturer do not make this or that product truly high-quality. Therefore, making the right choice can be extremely difficult.

To be beautiful and young, you don’t have to buy expensive tonics or lotions, because you can easily make them yourself. The advantages of homemade cosmetics include the use of only high-quality and natural ingredients for its preparation, which are selected taking into account your own skin type and existing needs.

Lotions prepared independently can contain a wide variety of components - these can be alcohol tinctures, acidic, aqueous or alkaline. The use of alcohol-containing liquids with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs and natural juices is also permitted.

Homemade cosmetics for facial skin have a lot of positive qualities:

  • a gentle but effective cleansing of the skin from various types of contaminants (sebum, dust, dirt, etc.);
  • various imperfections of the skin are eliminated - for example, rashes, inflammation is relieved, complexion improves, and the onset of premature aging is prevented;
  • excess sebum is removed, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • it is an effective and natural disinfectant;
  • has a calming effect on irritated and inflamed skin;
  • enlarged pores narrow;
  • particles of dead cells are removed from the surface of the skin;
  • traces of fatigue and tension are removed.
Homemade lotions have a lot of positive qualities and help to effectively cleanse your facial skin. The main thing is to accurately determine your skin type, and then choose the right composition of the product so that it brings maximum benefit.

Features of preparing lotion for facial skin

The main task of homemade facial lotions is to provide effective cleansing. But at the same time, this cosmetic product has other directions:
  • skin is moisturized;
  • the epidermis is saturated with useful substances;
  • a course of facial skin healing is carried out.
With an integrated approach, you can get an excellent result - the skin becomes healthy, acquires radiance, and all minor cosmetic defects are eliminated.

One of the most popular and easy to prepare is the well-known cucumber lotion, which has been used by women for quite a long period of time.

This product is truly unique - it cleanses the skin and has a whitening and rejuvenating effect. Cucumber contains a lot of useful vitamins B, PP, C and A, including trace elements, enzymes and protein. Thanks to such a rich composition, not only does the skin effectively cleanse, but it also becomes perfectly smooth and existing imperfections are eliminated.

This cucumber lotion recipe is universal and can be used at any age; it is ideal for caring for dry, normal, combination and oily skin.

To prepare this lotion you need to use the following recipe:

  1. Take 5 fresh cucumbers, but they must be young and grown without the use of various chemicals and harmful fertilizers.
  2. Vegetables are washed thoroughly, then grated, but there is no need to remove the peel, as it contains useful substances.
  3. Take a glass container with a volume of 500 g and put all the cucumber mass into it.
  4. A glass of vodka (200 g) is poured into the container, but only without additives, dyes or flavors.
  5. The container is closed with a lid and left in a cool and dark place for 10 days.
  6. Every two days the mixture must be shaken.
  7. After the specified period of time, the composition is filtered and the finished cucumber lotion is poured into a glass container; it can be stored in the refrigerator.
Lotion prepared with vodka is recommended for use for the care of combination and oily skin. This product can be added in small quantities to masks for dry skin types.

Recipes for making face lotions

Today, there are quite a large number of different recipes for preparing homemade lotions designed to care for different skin types. Thanks to this, every girl will be able to choose the ideal product for herself that will help solve existing problems and get perfectly clean and well-groomed skin.

Lotion for oily skin

Recipe No. 1

  1. Take natural grapefruit juice, but not a store-bought product, since it contains a large number of harmful preservatives.
  2. You will need the juice of half a grapefruit, which must be passed through a fine sieve to remove pieces of pulp.
  3. The juice of one lemon is added.
  4. For 150 g of grapefruit and 20 g of lemon juice, take 20 g of vodka.
  5. All components are mixed, and the finished lotion can be used.

Recipe No. 2

  1. Take 150 g of fresh strawberry juice and mix with 200 g of vodka (without additives or colorings).
  2. The composition is poured into a glass container, tightly closed with a lid and left to infuse in a dark place for 4 weeks.
  3. Every 5 days the mixture is shaken.
  4. After the specified time, the lotion for oily skin is completely ready and can be used.
Recipe No. 3
  1. Take 1-2 small cucumbers and grate them, you can cut them into small cubes.
  2. The resulting cucumber mass is placed in a glass container with a volume of 500 g.
  3. The container should be filled to the brim with cucumber, after which apple cider vinegar is added to the brim.
  4. The top of the container is tightly closed with a lid and left in a dark place for one week.
  5. The lotion is filtered and can be used.

Spray lotion for all skin types

  1. Take fresh cucumber juice (2 tbsp.) and lightly carbonated mineral water (1 tbsp.).
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the lotion is completely ready for use.
This product has one drawback - it needs to be prepared every day. It is recommended to use this lotion in the morning and evening; if necessary, you can use it throughout the day to cleanse your facial skin. It is suitable for combination and oily skin, as well as for moisturizing and nourishing dry and sensitive skin.

Lotion for normal skin

  1. Take 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. any fruit juice, 2 tsp. base essential oil (corn, olive, etc.).
  2. The composition is prepared in a glass container in which it will be stored - all components are mixed and after a few hours the lotion can be used.
  3. Apply the product to the skin with a cotton swab and leave until completely dry.
  4. Then another layer of lotion is applied - a thin film appears on the surface of the skin.
  5. A light massage is performed for several minutes.
  6. The remaining lotion is washed off with plenty of cool water.

Moisturizing facial lotion

Recipe No. 1

  1. The lotion, which contains olive oil, provides excellent nutrition and hydration to the skin, saturating it with useful substances.
  2. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. lemon balm decoction and 2 tsp. olive oils.
  3. The broth must be filtered and then mixed with the other ingredients.
  4. You can use the lotion immediately; there is no need to infuse it.
Recipe No. 2
  1. Lotion with honey is ideal for caring for dry skin.
  2. To prepare it, take 2 tsp. liquid honey and a decoction of rose petals (2 tablespoons of dry petals are brewed in 1 tbsp. boiling water).
  3. All components are mixed and the composition is left in a dark place for 2 hours to infuse well.
  4. You need to wipe your skin several times a day with prepared lotion.

Cleansing Facial Lotion

Recipe No. 1

  1. Propolis is taken and dissolved in a water bath so that it acquires a liquid consistency.
  2. Parsley juice and honey are added - all components are taken in equal quantities.
  3. Then take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture and dissolve in 1 tbsp. water.
  4. The lotion is completely ready for use - its regular use helps to lighten the skin, remove pigmentation and eliminate minor defects in appearance.
Recipe No. 2
  1. You will need to take 1 tbsp. l. dry horsetail and pour a glass of dry white wine.
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the composition is left for 3 days to infuse well.
  3. You can store the finished product for some time in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.
Recipe No. 3
  1. Take 125 g of cream, 1 egg yolk, a few drops of neroli, rose and lemon oil, 50 g of vodka and the juice of 0.5 lemon.
  2. Sour cream can be used instead of cream.
  3. All components are thoroughly mixed in a glass container and the lotion is completely ready for use.

Anti-acne lotion

Regular use of the recipes below helps get rid of various types of rashes and inflammations.

Recipe No. 1

  1. You will need to take 2 tbsp. l. calendula tincture, 2 tbsp. l. strong brew of green tea or St. John's wort decoction, 2 tbsp. l. grape juice.
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed and the lotion can be used immediately.
  3. To remove acne, this cosmetic product should be used twice a day.
Recipe No. 2
  1. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. aloe extract, 1 tsp. yeast, 150 g of strong hot decoction of oak bark.
  2. All components are mixed well and the lotion is ready for use.
This product helps cleanse the skin of various types of rashes, acne and inflammation, is ideal for problematic skin, especially if there are dilated capillaries and is recommended for use in the cold season.

Preparing homemade lotions does not require large material costs or any special knowledge. The main thing is to use only natural and high-quality products to create them. In this case, such cosmetics will bring maximum benefits to the skin and help get rid of various problems.

Recipe for an effective face lotion based on tea rose in this video:

For good facial skin condition, using masks or creams alone is not enough; in addition to these care products, you need to regularly use facial skin lotion. Which options are better – professional cosmetics or homemade recipes? Reviews, opinions and options are all in our article.

Why is lotion important?

For some reason, it is believed that tonic lotion and facial tonic are not cosmetics of primary importance. And in vain, because for the beauty of the skin, cleansing must be carried out in several levels: superficial (washing gel), main (lotion) and deep (cleansing masks).

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of cleanser. While many homemade preparations have combined functions, professional ones are most often highly specialized: for dry, problematic or aging skin.

Why facial lotions at home are indispensable helpers:

  • if you need to quickly put your skin in order in the morning: get rid of swelling, bruises or irritation;
  • after steaming the skin, this is simply an ideal option for cleaning it;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands returns to normal for a while, which is especially important for oily and combination skin;
  • nothing better has yet been invented for daily cleansing of sensitive skin;
  • any mattifying homemade face lotion will be a worthy replacement for a light foundation.

Homemade lotion recipes

You can make an excellent refreshing lotion for your facial skin at home at no extra cost. In most cases, traditional medicine involves the use of improvised means exclusively, and the recipes below confirm this.
Video: Lemon and Honey Cleansing Lotion

Homemade moisturizing facial lotion

The golden recipe is a lotion with mineral water and cucumber juice. You need to buy a medicinal mineral water, preferably slightly carbonated, pour it into a glass, add a few tablespoons of cucumber juice to the liquid. The only drawback of homemade cucumber face lotion is that it needs to be reapplied every day, but it is a good way to moisturize hypersensitive dermis.

Photo – Facial moisturizing

Olive is a plant that is used in almost every beauty recipe of Greek nymphs, and lotions prepared at home based on olive oil give the skin multifunctional care. For hydration and nutrition, use the following recipe. Mix two tablespoons of oil with lemon balm decoction (three tablespoons of dry herb per glass). Wipe the skin with the drug twice a day.

Wrinkles appear when the skin stops receiving the right amount of moisture and begins to use collagen reserves. To delay this moment, it is useful to wipe your face with rose water and honey every morning. This technique perfectly helps aging skin maintain its elasticity. Rose infusion is easy to prepare with your own hands. Pour two tablespoons of rose petals with hot water (not boiling water) and leave to steep for several hours in a dark place. Then add a couple of spoons of liquid honey to the liquid, stir, you can use it twice a day.

Vitamin E lotion is used not only for the face, but also for the hair. You can simply drop an oil solution into a glass of mineral water or make an anti-acne remedy with lemon or herbal decoctions (St. John's wort, chamomile or sage are suitable). Per glass - 5 drops.

How to make a cleansing facial lotion

Propolis is not only an excellent remedy for colds, but also a common ingredient in cosmetics. For example, a rejuvenating and cleansing lotion based on propolis is just a godsend for problematic mature facial skin. It needs to be heated to a liquid state, add parsley juice to the sticky mixture for whitening and a little honey for cleansing. Dissolve a spoonful of the resulting pulp in a glass of water.

If your skin is oily and problematic, with acne and pimples, then be sure to use alcohol components. These can be various tinctures:

  • calendula;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • chestnut
Photo – Cucumber for the face

Or alcoholic drinks, say, products with cognac are perfect for dark-skinned young ladies with pimples, and with vodka for those with acne and acne. For very fair-skinned girls, we recommend pore-tightening lotions and facial tonics made from white wine.

They can be used in this recipe. Two spoons of tincture, brewed green tea or St. John's wort, grape juice. Mix everything, shake before each use. The tincture can be replaced with almost any available alcoholic drink. Lotion for oily skin is recommended to be used twice a day.

  • aloe vera extract;
  • decoction of oak bark;
  • yeast.

We dilute the yeast in the broth, it should be moderately hot, pour in a few tablespoons of extract and mix. Dermatologists highly recommend using this alcohol-free facial lotion recipe regularly in winter. It not only cleanses the skin, but also relieves redness, and is also approved for use on the dermis with dilated capillaries.

But still, the best homemade tonic that traditional healers recommend for the treatment of enlarged and contaminated pores- This is a product with hydrogen peroxide and zinc. This recipe has lightening properties, so be careful. To prepare such a lotion, you need to dilute two tablespoons of peroxide in half a glass of water (200 ml), and add half a spoonful of dry cosmetic zinc (ask at the pharmacy). Do not use the mixture on problematic aging skin.

A similar recipe also involves the use of boric acid, but it is not as effective as the zinc method.

Fruit juices (pear, apple, citrus), for example, grapefruit, do a good job as cleansing components. This lotion is suitable for deep cleansing the face and prolonging its youth; in addition, it has a whitening effect. Mix citrus juice with nettle decoction (can be replaced with linden tea), and dilute a tablespoon of sea salt in the liquid. It is very important to use a mineral from the sea; it is rich in iodine and sulfur. This lotion is perfect for dry male skin.

As a prototype, you can make a salicylic lotion, an alcohol-based product with lemon and egg white, just add the missing components to the liquid.

Pharmacy lotions

Photo – Aloe for face

The use of chemical additives in cosmetics is common. In most cases, neutral components are used, we offer a recipe where chloramphenicol and metronidazole will help us. Ideal skin requires the following steps: crush two tablets of the product into powder, add apple cider vinegar (half a spoon), and chestnut decoction. This is a good way to combat skin flaking and maintain neck elasticity.

You can use a simpler option. Dissolve three aspirin tablets in a glass of mineral water. A factor such as vitamin C will help the skin cope with an aggressive external environment. But you need to know that the shelf life is no more than 3 days.

Review of professional products

All lines of professional cosmetics can also be divided into clear groups. This:

  1. moisturizing lotions, such as biotherm, Vichy, Garnier, artistry benzophenone from Amway, Oriflame, Avon, Bioderma Hydrabio (contains bay leaf extract), Christina Wish-Facial Wash (milk for washing the skin), Himalaya herbals, doctors Pierre Ricaud Derma Ecolia (used for ultrasound therapy), Guerlain Super Aqua Lotion, GREEN WORLD (no worse than Vidal's milk, although much cheaper);
  2. tonic– Natura Siberica, Magic duet with milk and coffee, Grandma Agafya’s Nature recipes (grandmother’s cosmetics are very cheap but effective, they also have a children’s lotion in stock), green mother, LANCOME Blanc Expert (good day lotion), Pure Pore-Fection Face Lotion , Yon-Ka;
  3. for aging skin–Avon Solutions, Essence Initiale Dior Prestige, hadabisei (lifting lotion), Collagenetics BOV Spray (spray with nanocollagen), Guerlain Abeille Royale Lotion, Libertage (with collagen and hyaluronic acid), Intensive Wrinkle Lotion (with oxygen), KRACIE Wakanka, med 36 (with collagen), Sana SANA Hadanomy Collagen Lotion (manufactured in Korea);
  4. cleansing– Avene Cleanance lotion purifiante (anti-acne), Naris Up cosmetics acmedica, NIVEA Stay Clear (Nivea is a very good warming tonic, we recommend), stopproblem, (sallicyl physiogel), Clinique Clarifying Lotion, clean & clear, TianDe Fresh Aloe, gatsby ( men's cleansing cosmetics, country of origin Japan), Galderma setafil (manufactured in Hungary), Tian De Green Tea;
  5. restorative– mosqueta, AVON ClearSkin Professional, Clarins Purifing Lotion tonique with Iris Sans, hugo boss, Collistar lozione tonica anti-eta, LANCOME Primordiale Skin Recharge, Yves Rocher Pure Calmille (is a kind of filter for toxins and dirt), Chanel Lotion Douceur, ARTISTRY™ TIME DEFIANCE™ (night restorative), ducray, Ingrid Millet (corrective lotion for facial skin, ensuring good flavosynthesis);
  6. with tonal effect– Lumene MATT TOUCH (with thalasso powder), LOREAL Nutribronze (self-tanning), Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess (sunscreen gel), A-NOX Face Lotion, St. Moriz Instant Face Tan, White Label – Wellness Club (good tinting serums), Oriflame Sun Zone Lotion Face spf 25 (protective tinting lotion against tanning).
Photo – Cosmetic lotion

It is worth noting that elite foreign cosmetics (Clinique, Givenchy, Lancome, L'Oreal, Tiande, Evisent, Golden Leaf) are not easy to buy in our homeland. Therefore, it is better to visit the official online store of the companies, where you can order the lotion directly from the manufacturer, the price is lower, and there is confidence in the authenticity. To properly clean the skin, it is very important to choose the right product, so consult a specialist - a personal dermatologist or a consultant on the site.

As you can see, the range is very wide, in addition, many products are hypoallergenic, which is especially important during pregnancy and for a young body. Domestic cosmetics are no worse than their foreign analogues presented in the rating, in particular, Clean Line face lotion (the composition does not contain denatured alcohol, which can cause poisoning of the body). Also be sure to try Lukomorye - a tonic produced by the Krasnaya Zorya company, and Black Pearl lotion for women.

Regardless of age, a woman should take care of her skin and herself. To do this, she will need lotions, creams, tonics, and many other products. Their cost is rather high, so it is cheaper to make facial lotion from existing products at home.

Using a homemade toner to care for your dermis will be extremely beneficial.

The main task of the funds:

To choose the right toner, you need to contact a professional cosmetologist.

How often can you use lotions?

When choosing a toner, you need to pay attention to your skin type. The main principles of choice are:

  • If a woman has very oily dermis, it is necessary to choose a product with at least 35% alcohol.
  • With increased fat content, the optimal alcohol content in tonic is 30-35%.
  • The alcohol content should be no more than 30% if the skin is mixed and normal.
  • Dry skin content of alcohol-containing components is 18-28%.

For oily skin, it is better to opt for recipes with the addition of alcohol, but for dry and normal skin, use water-based products. The lotion fights problematic formations on the skin, and the tonic tones and soothes, preparing the skin to better accept the cream.

The products help to avoid skin problems, but it is important to follow the rules for applying them:

Regardless of the purpose of the product, it is used 2 times a day. In order to restore internal balance, it is necessary to apply a tonic tonic in the morning, and in the evening it is used to remove products applied during the day.

Nourishing products for dry dermis

Facial lotion at home can be prepared using various products, herbs, and fruits. In case of dry skin, all products used should be moisturizing.

This also applies to products made independently:

Any product prepared at home has a huge advantage over products made on an industrial scale. Our own toner contains natural products without added chemicals.

Products for combination skin type

Homemade face lotion is better than store-bought. It takes a long time to prepare, but when used, a woman will feel the difference.

Combination skin has several disadvantages. One area of ​​the face may have different skin types: dry and oily.

In order not to harm the sensitive dermis, you can use home-tested recipes.

Using these compositions, you can quickly get your face in order.

Products for oily skin

Skin with problems is always unpleasant, you can see shine on it, it is constantly shiny, and pimples appear periodically.

At home, you can use a recipe for making face lotions.

By properly caring for oily dermis, you can achieve balance. The skin will become beautiful, clean, without rashes.

Lotions for aging dermis

Using the compositions listed above, you can maintain youthful skin for many years.

Toning lotion

Tonics are used in case of age-related changes in the dermis. According to statistics, the dermis begins to age at the age of 25, and the level of collagen and elastin decreases. From now on, it is important to use tonics to maintain the dermis in good condition.

To prepare, you will need 50 ml of sage (decoction) and plantain, 15 drops of bergamot (oil). Put everything on the fire, boil, let cool and gradually add oil to the composition. Strain. Apply the lotion at least 4 times a day using a cotton swab. After use, be sure to use a moisturizer.

Using this tonic, your skin will look young and healthy.

In order for the lotion to have a beneficial effect on the skin, you need to remember the basic rules for applying it.

  • A prerequisite is cleansing the skin. It is better to do this by using special tools.
  • The composition is applied to a cotton pad and distributed along the massage lines.
  • When applying, do not pull or put pressure on the skin.
  • The lotion is distributed from the center of the face to the side.
  • After application, you need to use tonic and creams (nourishing or moisturizing).

Cucumber tonic

The vegetable has healing properties, so its use in the preparation of dermal care products is justified.

Facial lotion at home from cucumber is easy to prepare - 1 tsp is needed for 1 fruit. boric acid.

The vegetable needs to be finely chopped and boric acid added to it. Let it sit and wipe your face once a day in the evening. This lotion is especially useful for oily skin. It will dry it out and remove all defects caused by the inflammatory process.

Sunscreen lotion

To prevent the sun's rays from damaging your facial skin, you need to use a sunscreen lotion that will protect against direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

  • Olive oil – 30 ml (3 tbsp).
  • Coffee grounds – 20 g.

The coffee is placed in a container made of dark glass. Oil is added. Infuse the resulting mixture in a dark place for a week. The resulting mixture must be shaken periodically. After 7 days, you need to strain everything and pour the composition into a container with a spray bottle. Apply the product when going outside or going to the beach. The prepared product can also be used for children.

Cleansing lotion

The skin requires proper cleansing. Proper care will help keep her young and beautiful for many years. Cleansing should be gentle and not cause peeling. Nettle is widely used in the preparation of products on an industrial scale.

For the product you will need:

  • nettle infusion – 40 ml;
  • 8 drops of glycerin;
  • 12 ml dry white wine.

The herbal solution is brewed. It will require 15 g of nettle leaves and 10 ml of water. Put everything on the fire, boil and let cool. Once the mixture is cold, add the rest of the ingredients and shake well. Store for 12 days. Apply using cotton pads 2 times a day.

Whitening lotion

Pigment spots may appear on the skin of the face. They will not add beauty to a woman. To avoid their appearance, as well as to lighten existing stains, you must use a whitening lotion.

The tablet must be crushed in a bowl, pour in water and boiled milk. Lastly, oil is added. There are no restrictions on the use of the product. The application is carried out until the dark spots disappear.

Anti-wide pore remedy

Pores enlarge most often on oily skin and, of course, such imperfections on the skin are not acceptable. To combat them, use a pore tightening lotion.

To prepare it you will need:

  • green tea – 30 ml;
  • 8 ml grapefruit juice;
  • 7 drops of tangerine oil.

Brew the tea and let it cool. Then add juice and oil to it. Before using the product, you need to steam the skin and apply lotion using a cotton pad. After applying it, the pores will narrow and the skin will become smoother and more well-groomed.

Products for problematic dermis

If your skin is problematic, consult a cosmetologist. But you can also care for it at home using various lotions that you prepare yourself.

To prepare you will need:

Pour freshly picked calendula marigolds with water and put on gas. Once the mixture boils, remove it from the heat and let it sit for an hour. Then add oil and acid. This solution is stored for 10 days in a cool place.

Use lotion for problem skin at least 5 times a day, at the time of rash and as a preventive treatment in the morning and evening.

For wrinkles

Even if you take proper care of your skin, wrinkles will begin to appear on it over time. To prevent them and keep your skin young for a longer time, you can prepare an anti-wrinkle lotion.


Laminar powder is poured into 50 ml of water and infused for 3 hours. The solution is filtered through cheesecloth. Add cucumber juice and oil to the container. Store the product for 3 days in the refrigerator. Use in the evening 30 minutes before. before applying anti-aging cream. The anti-aging effect is enhanced if you apply an anti-wrinkle mask before using the lotion.

Chamomile lotion

Chamomile is a healing plant and is used in many recipes. Most often it is added if an antiseptic effect on the surface of the skin is required.

You can prepare the composition using the following ingredients:

Pour boiling water over chamomile and let steep for at least 40 minutes. Strain the mixture and gradually add oil to it. Use before applying the cream. This composition is best suited if used as a cleansing milk. The skin will become cleaner, more beautiful and younger.

Citrus product

To prepare the composition, you will need one medium-sized orange. It needs to be grated, without peeling. You need to add 200 ml of vodka to the resulting mixture. Add a tablespoon of honey here.

Honey will make the mixture more nutritious. Strain. You need to infuse the mixture for a week. After the lotion has infused, add 2 tbsp. boiled water. You can use the lotion 2 times a day, morning and evening. Afterwards apply face cream.

Parsley tonic

Parsley is widely used in the manufacture of products on an industrial scale. At home, you can prepare a composition based on it. This composition is used after 30 years. The lotion has a beneficial effect on getting rid of age spots, and also gets rid of facial wrinkles.

To prepare the composition you will need:

To obtain juice, you need to press the parsley with a press. Add nutmeg, butter and sour cream to the juice. Everything gets mixed up. Before application, the skin must be cleansed and applied using a cotton pad.

Aloe toner

If you add aloe when preparing the lotion, you can achieve a rejuvenating effect quite quickly. To prepare you need 2 aloe leaves and grape oil (16 drops).

Rinse the aloe sprigs with water, wrap them in parchment paper and place them in the refrigerator for 10 days. Then squeeze the juice out of the leaves and mix with oil. The product is ready for use. You need to apply the product 2 times a day.

Tips from cosmetologists: how to properly care for your facial skin

In order for the skin on your face to be well-groomed, you need to take proper care of it. Therefore, creams, lotions and tonics should be available.

When using the tools, you need to remember the following main points:

Homemade lotions for face and body care must be fresh. Thanks to their use, the skin will become beautiful and well-groomed.

Video about face lotions at home

Skin care: homemade lotion:

Lotion for all skin types:

Lotion is a product for cleansing facial skin. They are sold in any cosmetic stores, but there are also recipes for making them at home. Lotions can be alcohol-based or without the presence of this ingredient. In any case, they deeply and completely cleanse the skin, giving it rest and preparing it for caring procedures.

Read in this article

The effectiveness of lotions for facial skin

Homemade lotions have more than just the ability to cleanse the skin. Both users of this cosmetic product and cosmetologists note the following points:

In addition, some recipes allow you to prepare lotion with antiseptic properties. This means that even inflamed areas of the skin will receive proper therapy.

The variety of recipes and properties of a cleansing cosmetic product makes it possible to choose the one that is suitable for a specific skin type.

Rules of application

To obtain the desired effect, you should regularly use lotions and do this in compliance with the following rules. You need to prepare the product only for a specific skin type. For oily skin, alcohol-based lotions are most suitable; for dry skin, the presence of this component is strictly contraindicated.

  • Cosmetologists recommend using it every day if your skin is oily. Products should be made based on grapefruit, aloe, lemon and alcohol. In case of pronounced greasy shine, the cleansing procedure can be carried out twice a day.
  • Dry and sensitive skin needs special products made without alcohol, but based on milk, vegetables and fruits, and vegetable oils. This lotion composition will simultaneously provide both a cleansing and nourishing effect.
  • Alcohol cleansers can be used for combination skin, but in this case they only treat oily areas of the face. Most often this is the chin, the T-shaped area around the nose and upper lip, and the forehead.
  • Any type of lotion is prepared in advance, since the mixture must infuse for 2 - 3 days. Store the finished product in a dark glass container in a cool place (a refrigerator door is ideal). Before each use, the lotion is thoroughly shaken, since the use of natural ingredients provokes the formation of a thick, dense sediment.
  • The principle of application is simple: a cotton pad is moistened in the mixture, then it is used to make clear movements from the middle of the face to the periphery - from the eyebrow space to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones, and so on.
  • The frequency of cleansing procedures is 2 - 3 times a day. Duration is a maximum of 90 days, after which you need to give the skin a rest for 30 days. Cosmetologists recommend periodically changing the selected lotion.

And most importantly, you need to observe the shelf life of homemade cleaning products:

  • alcohol based – 14 days;
  • without adding alcohol – 3 days;
  • from herbal extracts – 7 days.

To learn how to choose a facial toner, watch this video:

How to make lotion

To ensure that the cosmetic product does not harm the skin, it must be prepared in strict accordance with the recipe.


Such lotions are especially relevant for dry and sensitive skin, although they can be used for any other type:

  • From cabbage leaves. 3 - 4 cabbage leaves (a medium head of cabbage) are crushed in a blender, but not to the point of porridge. They are poured with 200 ml of hot (not boiling water!) milk and left for 40 - 60 minutes. Then the mixture must be strained and stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days.
  • From vegetable oils and vitamins. Mix two types of different vegetable oils, for example, from grape seeds and, add 5 - 10 drops of vitamin E oil solution to the mixture. This lotion perfectly moisturizes dry skin, but it should be applied at least 60 minutes before going outside.
  • From plums. You will need ripe fruits, which need to be pitted and mashed into a puree. The mixture is poured with hot water (100 ml per 60 g of fruit), boiled for 20 minutes, allowed to brew for 40 minutes and filtered.
  • From grapes. You need to take the sweet fruits, mash them thoroughly and leave for a couple of hours. To 100 ml of strained juice add 5 g of table salt and 10 g of honey, mix everything and infuse for half an hour. This moisturizing lotion needs to be prepared for three times a day.
  • Peach-egg. You need to take one peach (as ripe as possible), mash the pulp into a puree and squeeze the juice out of it. Add 1 egg yolk and a little heavy cream (15 - 20 ml) to it. This cleanser is prepared immediately before use.
  • Melon. Melon juice (freshly obtained) is diluted with ordinary mineral water (not salted, in equal quantities) and wiped over the face. This option is suitable for excessively oily skin. If this factor is absent, then milk or heavy cream is added to the juice instead of mineral water.
  • From birch sap. 100 ml of the product should be brought to a boil, then remove the heat and add 15 g of liquid honey to it, mix everything and cool.

The simplest facial lotion with a moisturizing effect is vegetable oil - corn, flaxseed, almond and any other types. It not only cleanses the skin efficiently, but also nourishes it at the same time.


This pharmaceutical product is sold in pharmacies and may have different concentrations. To prepare lotions, use a 1% or 3% solution.
It is easy to prepare a hyaluronic product - you need to add the main component to the basic products:

  • for milk lotions, as well as cream-based ones - 0.1 ml of a 3% solution of hyaluronic acid;
  • for vegetable oils – 0.05 ml of a 1% solution;
  • for fruit and vegetable lotions - no more than 0.3 ml of 3% hyaluronic acid.

In pharmacies you can purchase the main component in powder form. In this case, it is dissolved in water or saline according to the instructions; it is better to heat the liquid used.

For cleansing

If the goal is solely to cleanse the skin of the face, then you can prepare the following lotions:

  • Cucumber. Cut the fresh vegetable into thin slices or strips along with the peel and pour in 200 ml of vodka or alcohol. After 2 days, the lotion will be ready; there is no need to strain it - as it “ripens,” the concentration of cleansing properties will increase.
  • From grapefruit. You need to extract juice from a fruit of the citrus family, add 15 ml of vodka/alcohol and the same amount of lemon juice. It infuses for 3 days, but you can start using it within a day.
  • From strawberries. Ripe berries need to be mashed into puree and poured with alcohol (for 100 g of strawberries, 100 ml of alcoholic liquid). You can use the lotion after 24 hours, but it can infuse for a month, so it is advisable to prepare it in large quantities.
  • Parsley with vinegar. Chop the green mass of the vegetable with a knife. Boil 250 ml of water and pour in the greens (2 tablespoons), simmer over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. After complete cooling, add 20 ml of apple cider vinegar to the lotion.
  • On herbs. You need to take equal quantities of dried sage, coltsfoot flowers and St. John's wort, mix and add pure medical alcohol at the rate of 3 tablespoons of the prepared herbal mixture per 300 ml of liquid. You can use vodka instead of alcohol for preparation, but you will need 150 ml of it.

How to make alcohol lotion without alcohol

For oily and combination skin, alcohol lotions will be effective. They are prepared from any base, for example, from fresh cucumber, strawberries and cherries, black currants, aloe juice, and medicinal herbs. The selected product is simply filled with pure medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:3, respectively.

You can use vodka as the alcoholic component, but in this case its amount is halved. That is, if the recipe specifies 300 ml of alcohol, then 150 ml of vodka is enough.

As for alcohol-free formulations, they can be prepared with water or dairy products (cream or whole milk). Such lotions are stored for a very short time; cosmetologists generally recommend preparing them immediately before use, especially since they do not involve infusion.

Which ones are best for dry, oily skin?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to understand which lotions will be most effective for a particular skin type.


It needs to not only be cleaned, but also moisturized. Therefore, a lotion made from a combination of various vegetable oils, as well as any fruit products with the addition of milk or water, will be useful. Here are just a few recipes:

  • Mix 5 drops each of flaxseed, corn and pumpkin oils, add 2 drops of any essential oil (rosemary, mint, citrus). This cleanser can be stored in a cool place for a long time - up to 30 days.
  • Puree a fresh apple, strawberry, raspberry, peach, apricot - one of the above. Add hot milk or warm liquid cream to it, mix and allow to cool. After this, the mass is filtered, and the resulting lotion is used on the same day; it will not withstand long-term storage.
  • Mix aloe juice and olive oil in equal proportions. This product can be stored for 5 days in a cool place and helps not only cleanse and moisturize dry skin, but also relieve inflammation.


Involves artificial drying and narrowing of pores. Therefore, all lotions prepared with alcohol-containing products are suitable. Such “cleaners” are stored for a long time, and it is not at all necessary to withstand low temperatures for this.

But cosmetologists warn that too frequent use of alcohol-containing lotions can harm skin health. It would be appropriate to carry out caring procedures no more than once a day and no longer than 30 days in a row. Then they take a break for 20 - 30 days - and you can repeat the course.

To learn how to prepare a toner for oily and problem skin, watch this video:

Pharmacy lotions and professional products

Both cosmetic brands and the pharmaceutical industry produce quite a few types of this product. From the professional line we can highlight:

  • Nivea– lotion with a refreshing, cleansing, moisturizing and softening effect. It has a light consistency, intended for frequent use, suitable for dry and combination skin.
  • Decleor– a cleanser that is ideal for mature skin. During cleansing, nutrition and hydration occurs; can be used for any type.
  • Water Shock– cleanses combination and oily skin, prepares it for caring procedures (for example, applying a mask, cream).

Pharmacy products can also come in handy. Calendula tincture (alcohol) will be effective, diluted in equal amounts with clean water and used as a cleanser for oily and combination skin. There is a cucumber lotion and a tea tree oil “cleaner” - they all perform the described functions.

Regular use of homemade or professional/pharmacy lotions helps maintain healthy facial skin. If you follow all the rules and recommendations of cosmetologists, the effect of cleansing procedures will be noticeable literally within 5–7 days.
