Washing the duvet cover in the washing machine. How to wash bedding in a washing machine: choosing a program and temperature

One of the most necessary things in any home is bedding. Just like clothes and other things, it needs regular washing. But you need to do this correctly so that the bedding will last you as long as possible and nothing terrible will happen during the washing process. Now we will try to answer the question: how to wash bedding in a washing machine correctly? This is important, because it can be different, it can differ in the type of fabric, color and, of course, quality characteristics.

You will not be able to immediately understand how to wash bed linen in an automatic washing machine, unless you first take a little of your time to familiarize yourself with the following rules and recommendations. If you memorize them, you can avoid the most common mistakes that many people make:

  1. After buying a new set, do not rush to throw away the labels, because it is there that the most important information is indicated regarding which mode and at what temperature to wash it. Our special will help you understand them.
  2. If there is embroidery on the fabric and you want it to remain as bright and, of course, whole after washing, then it is better to throw the products into the drum in the most delicate things.
  3. Printed color sets should be turned inside out immediately to reduce friction and prevent color from fading from fabrics.
  4. If after the first wash your new underwear has a little village, then you do not need to immediately panic. This often happens with natural materials, and the result is completely reversible.
  5. It is equally important to choose the right not only the temperature regime, but also the washing powder so that it matches the type of fabric. It will not be difficult for you to choose a quality one if you look through our special review.
  6. It is better to use bleaches and conditioners as little as possible, because they adversely affect the quality of fabrics.
  7. Silk models must be rinsed in cold water with an antistatic agent before washing so that they retain their shine.

It is better to adhere to these rules and constantly reread them so that the next wash does not end with a strong disappointment for you.

How to prepare bed linen for washing?

Naturally, before you wash the duvet cover in the washing machine or any other element of the kit, you need to prepare it accordingly.


The most important thing is sorting. First you need to separate the colored laundry from the white, otherwise it can simply move in the drum and shed. Then you need to separate things by type of fabric, because different materials need to be washed in different modes.

Determination of weight

It is also important to understand if you are not overloading your machine too much. To do this, make the following calculations and analyze whether your equipment is designed to wash such an amount of dry laundry:

  • The duvet cover weighs from 500 to 700 g.
  • Pillowcase from 150 to 250 g.
  • Sheet from 400 to 500 g.
  • Bedspread from 600 to 800 g.

Important! When calculating, not only the total weight of all components of the kit is of great importance, but also its dimensions. If you overfill the drum or fill it less than half, then the quality of the wash will noticeably decrease. Therefore, in cases where there is not enough laundry or, conversely, too much, it is better to wait or divide it into two washings.

Only after you sort and prepare everything, you can start washing.

Rules for washing bedding

And now let's try to answer the question that worries many, how many degrees to wash bedding, in what mode and what means to use. Naturally, everything will depend on the material from which it is made. Here are the basic guidelines for washing the most common fabrics:

  • White calico bedding is recommended to be machine washed at 60 degrees. Powder should be used designed for washing white things. If the calico is colored, but it is necessary to lower the temperature to 45 degrees and choose a powder for colored fabrics.

Important! At what temperature is it better to wash the bed linen on which the child sleeps? This case deserves special attention. The temperature should not exceed 45 degrees, be sure to use. And it is better to wash it with your hands so that the spin is as gentle as possible, or use the delicate mode.

  • Silk linen can only be washed with the addition of a conditioner.
  • If you decide to wash multi-colored linen, then turn on the machine on a delicate mode and the minimum number of revolutions.
  • How to wash satin bedding in a washing machine? Everything is even simpler here: choose any mode, and the temperature can vary from 40 to 90 degrees.
  • It is recommended to wash sets made of bamboo, batiste and chintz fabric on a delicate cycle.

And a couple more tips:

  • In order to preserve the color and original attractiveness, it is recommended to wash products of very bright colors in water at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees.
  • Washing brand new products also has some features. You only need to set the mode for delicate materials, and if the machine has a manual mode, then it is better to use it. It is also necessary to reduce the speed of revolutions during the spin cycle to a minimum in order to reduce the mechanical impact.

Now everything has fallen into place, and you can easily cope with this difficult task.

Rules for competent drying

So, we have already learned what temperature and mode to choose for washing products from certain fabrics. But it is also important to understand how to properly dry them in order to preserve the results for a longer period.

Nowadays, every modern housewife is the owner of at least several sets of bed linen. The question arises: how to care for linen when the fabrics and colors of the sets are different. But we are ready to tell you how to wash bed linen to preserve the saturation of colors and the strength of all materials. Do you want your bedding to last longer? Then follow these simple care tips:

  • Rule number 1. Read the recommendations from the manufacturer: usually the type of fabric is indicated on the packaging, as well as the temperature regimes for washing and ironing, which must be followed.
  • Rule number 2. Before using a new set of bed linen, it must be washed, after turning the pillowcases and duvet cover inside out.
  • Rule number 3. Bed linen should be changed once a week, in which case you can use a more gentle mode to wash it.
  • Rule number 4. Before washing, distribute bed linen by color and temperature. And don't forget to separate bedding made from natural fabrics from synthetics.
  • Rule number 5. Do not use bleach - it negatively affects the color and fabric!
  • Rule number 6. Children's bed linen cannot be washed with ordinary powder. To avoid using hand wash, you can add crumbled soap or a special baby fabric care product to the washing machine.
  • Rule number 7. When machine washing, it is recommended to follow the weight limits and fill the drum by 50% - this will ensure gentle washing, easy rinsing and spinning.
  • Rule number 8. It is better to dry bed linen immediately after washing. And when drying colored bedding in the sun, you should turn it inside out.
  • Rule number 9. Iron bed linen slightly damp. Embroidered items must be sewn on the wrong side.

cotton fabric

WASH. New cotton bed linen is recommended to be hand washed for the first time in cool water. In the future, white cotton fabrics are washed at a temperature of 90-95 ° C, and if necessary, bleached. And colored cotton is washed at a temperature of 40 ° C (this temperature is enough to destroy microbes present on linen) without bleaching agents and separately from white linen. Cotton underwear should not be washed together with products made of synthetic material - cotton loses its softness, because synthetic fibers cling to the fibers of natural fabrics and raise their pile.

DRYING. It is better to use a dryer only for products on the label of which there is a permission symbol. In other cases, bed linen is dried in a straightened form in the open air away from sunlight, because. light adversely affects cotton.

IRONING. Usually cotton is ironed damp or underdone on the front side. If the fabric has embroidery, then it is ironed from the inside. The exception is crepe - it is not ironed.

linen fabric

WASH. Flax tolerates boiling. Dyed linen fabric is washed at 60°C, finished - at 40°C in the machine under gentle mode. White and bleached linens are washed with an all-purpose detergent. For unbleached and colored fabrics, use a detergent for fine fabrics without bleach.

USEFUL ADVICE. To make linen items easier to wash, they must first be lathered and held for an hour in warm water. Then add a little powder and 1 tbsp to the water. a spoonful of vinegar, wash, rinse in clean cold water and dry quickly.

DRYING. It is not worth drying linen bedding in a dryer - it can “sit down”.

IRONING. When ironing, it allows very high heating of the iron, but at the same time, the fabric must always be moistened, and it is best to iron bed linen in a dry form.

Silk fabric

Do not risk with silk, use the services of dry cleaning.

WASH. Only hand wash is possible for fabrics without contour contrast stuffing with special means at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C for a short period of time. Before washing, check if the fabric is shedding. Do not rub silk bedding with your hands or a brush and wring it out. Silk should be rinsed well: first in warm, then in cold water.

USEFUL ADVICE. At the end of the wash, you can add a small amount of vinegar to the water to refresh the color (1 teaspoon per 3 liters of water).

DRYING. Silk is not dried in a dryer, in the sun and near heating appliances.

IRONING. Iron things slightly damp with a moderately hot iron on the wrong side of the fabric without steam. Silk should not be sprinkled, otherwise water stains will appear.

synthetic fabric

DRYING AND IRONING. Do not iron and dry on hot batteries (drying temperature should be no more than 50 ° C).

Attention! If of decent quality and wash the fabric according to the rules on the package, then bedding will delight you for decades!

Every decent housewife is interested in the question: “How to wash clothes in a typewriter, do you need to fold them, etc.” and in this
In this article, we will tell you all the features of washing clothes in a washing machine, as well as give expert advice and recommendations.

It's no secret that clean, fresh-smelling bed linen - at the mere sight of it creates comfort and even relieves fatigue, which is why keeping linen of high quality, clean and fresh is very important for all members of your family.

Washing clothes consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing laundry for loading into the machine.
  2. Washing directly.
  3. Drying laundry.

In this article, we will touch on the first stage, namely, we will talk about how to load bed linen into the machine and what needs to be done before that.

Sort by colors.

So, the day of washing has come, or rather the hour. First of all, what will need to be done is to sort the bed linen by the color of the fabric. Remember that washing a color with white can give a very unexpected result when your snow-white sheets and duvet covers take on an incomprehensible shade from the colored fabric or diversify with colored spots.

Sort by type of fabric.

After sorting by color, the second thing to do is to sort by fabric type. It is very important to follow the washing rule and mode for each type of fabric, because. the properties of matter are different.

The third thing that is important to understand is the optimal load of the washing machine, because. load beyond its capacity will result in
poor quality wash. To do this, take into account the weight of each bed set:

Pillowcase - 150 - 250 grams, depending on the fabric.

Sheet - 400-500 grams, in contrast to the fabric and size.

Duvet cover - 500 - 700 grams.

For high-quality washing, it would be better to load the machine at 2/3 of its capacity, so if your machine is designed for 5 kg of laundry, the approximate filling will be 2 sets of bed linen and no more.

Now we move on to laying the bed linen in the drum of the washing machine. So that the machine does not throw during washing, it is better to load the laundry not in a chaotic manner, but after folding everything in advance. Also, laying in the drum of the machine should be from largest to smallest: a duvet cover is laid on the bottom, then a sheet, and then pillowcases. So you will be guided, and see the approximate loading of the machine, and the laundry will not clump.

Remember that order must be always and everywhere! And how you treat bed linen depends on its service life and appearance. Take advantage of our advice and keep your bed set fresh and clean for as long as possible and make your loved ones happy!

Whatever you say, it's so nice to lie down in the evening in a clean, fresh-smelling bed. Many housewives are concerned about the question of how often do you need to change bedding so that it pleases with freshness, but at the same time does not allow you to get bogged down in constant washing?

By the way, the question of washing clothes is more psychological than hygienic. Long gone are the days when people bathed only once a month, and dangerous diseases killed thousands of people. It was from those times that the norms for changing the bed came to us - “as often as possible”.

Today, the generally accepted norm is to change the bed once a week, but is it right? It all depends on individual characteristics. If you shower twice a day, sleep in your pajamas, and don't have pets, what's the point of washing your bed once a week? Only a long-term habit can force this to be done, when my mother arranged a big wash once a week and asked me to change bed linen.

You need to change bed linen, based on your feelings, and you can even not all at once, but in parts. Naturally, the most quickly dirty things are pillowcases. After all, we don’t sleep in caps and caps, do we? Therefore, pillowcases are recommended to be changed once a week. The sheet can be changed once every two weeks, the duvet cover - even less often.

Bed sheets. Types of fabrics

Before proceeding to practical advice, let's figure out what fabrics bedding is made of.

Cotton is most commonly used for bed linen. Cotton fabrics can be of different types: coarse calico, satin, percale. Coarse calico is the most common material for the manufacture of bed linen. Coarse calico retains the brightness of the pattern for a long time and almost does not shed. This is a very durable, wearable and almost wrinkle-free fabric.

Satin is a fairly dense fabric, for the manufacture of which twisted double-weave threads are used. Satin is very pleasant to the touch, somewhat reminiscent of silk. Satin is a great option for those who really want to have a silk bed, but funds do not allow. In addition, satin is much easier to clean.

Percale is not a very common fabric. The fabric is famous for its strength, but at the same time it has extraordinary softness and tenderness.

Linen is perhaps the oldest material that has been used for sewing bed linen since ancient times. However, linen is a material that is quite rough for the body, and it is very wrinkled. Therefore, for the manufacture of bed linen, a combination of linen and cotton is most often used. This fabric is pleasant to the touch and does not wrinkle so much.

Silk bed linen is the best thing that was invented for rest and sleep. Silk is considered the most elite and sophisticated material for bed linen. Silk bedding impresses with its softness, tenderness and durability. Silk is of different quality. Japanese natural silk with handmade elements is highly valued and very expensive. Chinese and Turkish counterparts are cheaper, but slip a lot and are not as durable.

Rules for washing bed linen

Many housewives ask the question, how to wash bedding properly ? Depending on the type of fabric, color and degree of soiling, bed linen is washed in different ways. Most cotton fabrics are machine washable. Everything is extremely simple here: you need to load the laundry into the wash and press the button, the machine will do the rest by itself. White calico linen can be washed at a temperature of more than 60 degrees, using powder with bleaches. Colored bed linen is washed at a temperature of 40-50 degrees with powder for colored linen. If the linen is of high quality, then when washing it will not shed and will retain the brightness of the color for a long time. Heavily soiled bedding should be soaked before washing (many washing machines have this mode).

Before washing, pillowcases and duvet covers should be turned inside out and the corners should be cleaned of accumulated dust.

Silk linen is washed in a delicate mode without spinning. When washing, it is recommended to addfabric softenercontaining an antistatic agent.

New bed linen made of natural fabrics may wrinkle during washing. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a delicate washing regime (at a temperature of no more than 30-40 degrees) and drying (no more than 400-600 rpm).

The label on the bed linen will tell you how it is recommended to wash it. It is very important to follow these instructions as an incorrectly selected mode can lead to unpleasant consequences: early wear, damage, tightening, etc.

Some bedding may "require" a specific wash and dry temperature. Paying attention to these recommendations is just as important as the number of revolutions. All ratios of fabrics, temperatures, washing modes and the number of revolutions are written on a washing machine. This is a kind of reminder that guarantees a good result.

It is also worth paying attention to what detergent preferred for a particular product or fabric. If the label warns against the use of bleach, it is better not to use it. Bleach, if not recommended for use, may damage the product. Since chlorine, which is part of most bleaches, is a very strong chemical, the fabric not only bleaches, but also wears out faster. However, some bleach manufacturers produce a so-called "gentle" formula, thanks to which the color of the product does not deteriorate.

However, not all bedding can be washed in a washing machine. Some bedding may be too large or too long to wash, so it's best to dry clean these linens. Dry cleaning is also recommended for silk products. Machine washing may render the silk garment unusable. In some cases, machine wash may be replaced by hand wash.

Baby bed linennot sewn from nylon or silk, but if you still bought such underwear for your baby, make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

Nylon bed linen can be washed in the washing machine, even in normal mode. But with frequent washing, nylon can deteriorate, so it is better to use a delicate cycle or hand wash. Nylon is undesirable to dry in the sun, but it is allowed to dry in a machine at a low speed.

When washing bed linen made of nylon, it is not recommended to use bleach. You need to be extremely careful when squeezing clothes, nylon is a very thin fabric that is easy to damage.

Acetate products are best dry-cleaned. But if you don't feel like taking your baby clothes to the dry cleaners, you can wash them in the machine (delicate mode) or by hand. For washing, use a special detergent designed for such fabrics.

It is not necessary to wash linen made from natural fabrics together with linen made from polyester. During washing, polyester fibers cling to natural fibers, which can lead to loss of softness and tenderness of the laundry.

Polyester is recommended to be washed following the instructions on the label or based on the instructions on the washing machine panel. In addition, do not forget that all the above washing options are only applicable to bedding items such as pillowcases, duvet covers, sheets. If you need to wash a silk blanket, then no difficulties should arise - you just need to take the blanket to a dry cleaner, because. It is very difficult to wash this product by hand.

As for pillows and blankets, in order to avoid having to dry-clean them too often, it is better to buy or sew special covers. This will help keep pillows and duvets in good condition for a long time.

Bedding made from natural fabrics may shrink slightly after washing (2-6%), which is taken into account in product sizes.

Ironing bedding properly after washing

It is recommended to iron bed linen slightly damp. Products with embroidery are ironed from the wrong side. Silk bedding is ironed slightly damp at a temperature of no more than 110 degrees. If conditioner and antistatic agent were not added during the washing process, the ironed product can be treated with an aerosol antistatic agent.

As you can see, today there are a large number of rules and tips on how to wash bedding correctly. But the most important rule is to strictly follow the instructions on the product label. Then you will not have any problems with washing.

SanPiNs for children's and medical institutions recommend changing bed linen as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. The same periodicity can be followed at home - in a week the linen loses its freshness, but does not yet have time to get greasy, and as a result it is easily washed off.

In winter, when a person sweats less, and pajamas and warm nightgowns are used for sleep, bed linen can be changed every two weeks. By the way, in many European countries it is customary to change linen every 10-14 days, but there the beds are firstly ventilated, and secondly, the air temperature in the bedroom is often lower than usual for Russians.

Pillowcases that come into contact not only with the skin, but also with the hair (especially if the hair is oily) usually get dirty faster - especially since in this case, the remnants of night creams, decorative cosmetics, etc. can accumulate on the fabric. At the same time, the tissue is in contact with the skin of the face all night. Therefore, it is better to change pillowcases more often - once every 2-3 days.

The bed of feverish patients is best washed after one day of use. If this is not possible, it is necessary to at least put a clean pillowcase on the pillow every day.

Preparing laundry for washing

  • by type of fabric(the washing mode for different sets may be different);

  • according to the degree of dyeing of the fabric(it is better to wash white and light colors separately from color ones, even if these are items from the same set);

  • according to the degree of pollution(only sheets that are slightly sweat-soaked do not need to be washed on an intensive cycle, this will lead to premature wear of the fabric).

Duvet covers, pillowcases or mattress covers are usually turned inside out before washing - this will get rid of the dirt that accumulates in the corners.

If there are stains (for example, blood) on sheets made of colored delicate fabrics, they must be treated with a stain remover before washing. Soiled cotton or linen sheets do not require such treatment - it will be enough to adjust the washing regimen.

How to calculate the weight of bed linen for washing

The washing machine has load limits - they are calculated by the weight of dry laundry. At the same time, if we are talking about washing sheets and duvet covers, it must be borne in mind that these are rather voluminous products. And in order for them to stretch well, it is better not to load the machine completely: the weight of dry laundry should be about one and a half times less than the maximum load.

Approximate bed linen weight:

  • one and a half duvet cover - 500-700 grams,

  • pillowcase - 200 grams,

  • sheet - 350-500 grams.

How and at what temperature to wash bed linen

Before automatic washing machines became widespread, laundry was usually washed in very hot water, and often boiled to bleach and further sanitize. Now there is no need for such a "harsh" washing - modern technology in combination with modern detergents allows you to wash clothes at lower temperatures, which ensures better fabric preservation.

The optimal temperature for washing light-colored linen bed linen and linen made from thick cotton fabrics can be considered 60 degrees - this temperature is sufficient for disinfection, and the washing efficiency is quite high. If desired, you can wash such fabrics at higher temperatures - the linen is disinfected better this way, but the linen will wear out faster. For washing such products, you can use a powder for white laundry or an all-purpose powder. To wash heavily soiled laundry (including stained sheets), you can use powdered bleaches or detergent boosters, as well as liquid bleaches for washing machines.

Colored bed linen and linen made of delicate fabrics are washed at 30-50 degrees. For colored linen, products for colored fabrics are used (marked with Color on the package). You can use liquid shampoos for washing - they are designed for use at low temperatures, and wash things quite well. Heavily soiled laundry is pre-soaked or pre-washed. Linen that is washed at low temperatures should be ironed before use - even if you are not a fan of ironing bed linen.

For washing children's bedding, use detergents for washing children's things. Typically, children's underwear is made from natural fabrics, which allows it to be washed at fairly high temperatures.

Exact recommendations for washing bed linen are contained on product labels or kit packaging - they indicate the recommended washing temperature, drying mode, the possibility or impossibility of using bleach, and so on. If we are talking about an expensive set of delicate fabrics or colored underwear with voluminous patterns, it is better to read the recommendations and follow them.

How to wash bedding in a washing machine: modes for different types of fabric

Most modern washing machines allow you to set additional functions, adjust the degree of spin, etc., which allows you to choose the optimal mode for washing bed linen, depending on the characteristics of the fabric.

  • Linen - 60-95 ° C, soaking or pre-washing is possible, strong spin;

  • Light calico, percale, ranfors– 60-95оС, soaking or pre-washing is possible, any mode;

  • satin,– 40-60оС, soaking or pre-washing is possible, any mode;

  • colored chintz– 40°C, no bleach, medium intensity spin;

  • Batiste, bamboo- 30-40 ° C, delicate mode without spinning or with a weak one;

  • Polyester or cotton with polyester added– 40°C, delicate mode or synthetic mode, soaking, double rinsing is possible;

  • Silk - 30 ° C, delicate wash cycle ("silk" mode), special mild detergents and conditioner, weak spin or no spin. Attention! Be sure to read the label: for some silk products, only dry cleaning is indicated.

Do I need to wash new bedding?

Freshly purchased bedding must be washed before use. Firstly, during the production of bed linen, dust and dirt invariably accumulate on the fabric; secondly, new bedding is sometimes impregnated with a compound that helps the fabric keep its shape.

It is best to wash new bedding separately from other things and at the maximum temperature allowed by the manufacturer. This will not only disinfect the linen, but (in case the fabric is not very well dyed) will allow excess paint to come off.

At the first wash, bed linen may shrink slightly - this is normal and, as a rule, it is provided by the manufacturer when cutting.

Whatever the linen, underwear or bed linen, it is in long-term and close contact with human skin. Even if someone follows all the rules of hygiene and has been accustomed to a daily shower since childhood, this does not save linen from contamination.


The frequency of bed linen replacement depends on several factors. In the warm season, this should be done more often, as sweating is increased. Usually in the summer period, the replacement of pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers is carried out once a week, and in winter this period can be increased to 2 weeks. In any case, the bed cannot be used for more than two weeks.

The first reason why the cleanliness of the bed should be observed is the reproduction of bed mites in unwashed linen. They feed on dead human skin cells and, given enough food, greatly increase their population. Microscopic insects can cause respiratory diseases and even asthma.

Various fungi and bacteria also cause great harm to the human body, which can only be eliminated by regular washing of bed linen, using sufficiently hot water and strong detergents. The additional use of bleach enhances the effect of the fight against microorganisms, and careful ironing with a hot iron ensures complete safety for the health of family members.

Contamination of bed linen can have a different nature. Up to 1 liter of various dirt can accumulate in one bed per night if hygiene standards are not observed, and the bed is overloaded with pillows and blankets. Sterility is also not facilitated by breakfasts in bed, putting pets with you at night and other liberties that are unacceptable in a place intended for night rest.

You should not resort to extremes and change underwear almost daily. When washed, it is exposed to chemicals contained in the laundry detergent. Detergents cannot always be thoroughly rinsed out and this can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions, especially for underwear.

Underwear, or underwear, is recommended to be changed once a day. The exception is too hot weather: you often have to take a shower more than once a day, and, accordingly, put on clean clothes. Subject to all the rules of intimate hygiene or when women use daily, you can change underwear a little less often, it depends on habits and upbringing. The position of some men is known not to burden themselves with a frequent change of underwear. They would like to be reminded that the health of a life partner largely depends on a man's observance of intimate hygiene.

On average, 50 to 60 hours a week people spend sleeping. Bedding has enough skin contact time to absorb sweat, dirt, oil and make-up residue. Small pets also do not add cleanliness to bedding, they manage to leave their mark not only in our heart, but also on the bedspread.

Stale linens can cause skin problems and, in some cases, spread a fungal infection. That's why it's so important to keep your bedding clean.

Many housewives devote time to washing only when it is available. However, if you stick to the golden rule - wash bedding once a week, many problems can be avoided. The justified frugality and desire to protect sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers from wear and tear is understandable. Fabric wear is inevitable with frequent washes, but the presence of a gentle mode in modern washing machines reduces this process to a minimum.

Following a simple rule will help not only minimize contact with allergens, infections and dust mites, but also contribute to a sound, long sleep.

The main "dirt-collectors" in the bed set are pillowcases and sheets. Wash them first. The duvet cover and bedspread can be thrown into the wash less often, about once every 2 weeks, and depending on how dirty they are.

Pillows and duvets need to be washed once a season, using a gentle cycle and an extra rinse cycle to get rid of soap residue.

It is important that if you are sick with a cold or flu, a large-scale laundry should be started immediately after recovery.
