Haircuts Cascade for long hair. Photo, step by step instructions on how to cut

K askad is a versatile and beautiful haircut. Its variations are suitable for almost all the fair sex. Until recently, it was believed that it should not be done by beauties with too curly and thick hair, as new approaches to creating hairstyles prove that even for them you can choose an option. But, one of the most important points, in any case, will be the correct laying of your cascade. After all, it is she who will additionally help emphasize the merits and hide some of the flaws of the face.

Why can't you dry the cascade upside down?

Daily styling involves actions in two main directions: volume at the roots of the hair and twisting the tips. Of course, many girls who absolutely do not have enough time for morning collection simply try to dry their hair upside down, hoping in this way to add volume to their hair. But this is what often leads the hairstyle into a state of complete chaos. If such a “grunge” suits you, that's good. But, nevertheless, it is better to have a neater look in the office. And in this we will be helped by round brushes "brushings" and skeletal brushes. You will also need a hair dryer. Brashings come in various diameters.

They are selected according to the length of your cascade and the final result that you want to get: a light effect or a more twisted version. Usually brushes of medium diameter are chosen, which do not create curls, but structure the tips directly.

How to properly and quickly lay a haircut cascade?

It is worth remembering:

Laying always begins with drying and processing longer strands. To do this, short strands are pinned up, and first they go through the long strands with a hairdryer to remove excess moisture, and only then we twist it with the help of brushing.

The last to process the strands at the crown. We draw attention to the fact that the strand must also cool down a little so that the volume and styling are preserved. If you unroll the brush when your hair is still hot, everything will most likely fall apart and the necessary volume will be lost.

Too hot air of the hair dryer, of course, speeds up the process, but severely injures the hair. In addition, overheating, curls do not always really dry out to the end. It often happens that after such drying they feel hot, and after a minute they are wet and lose their shape.

You can curl your hair both inward and outward. It all depends on your desire, mood and, of course, the shape of the face. For girls with a wide face in the cheekbones, outward twisting is not very suitable, because it emphasizes the appearance even more.

An elongated version can be more neutral, when the crown is twisted inward, and the ends of the longest strands are outward. This allows girls of any face shape to experiment.

Of course, we lay the everyday cascade with a minimum amount of styling products. An exception may be girls whose hair is very curly. They will just need to straighten and disassemble their “shock” a little, focusing on individual strands. And it will be simply impossible to do this without mousses or gels. By the way, twisting up is also not recommended for them.

Easy styling with a flat iron

But, if beauties with curly hair sometimes suffer from their “excessive winding”, the rest of the fair sex choose waves as a festive styling of the cascade. The iron allows you not only to create beautiful strands, but to make them more shiny, as well as immediately separate the strand from the strand, adding volume. You can wind the whole strand on the iron. However, the current trend of 2017 is the option when the waves start from the middle of the hair length. To do this, first dry the hair and add volume to it with a round brush, and only then create waves.

Cascade is a spectacular haircut that is very popular among girls. The peculiarity of the hairstyle is that it is performed on hair of different structure and length. But it is impossible to keep the effect that was obtained after the hairdresser for a long time. But you should not be upset, since every girl can style her hair cut using the cascade technique on her own at home.

Visually Cascade creates the impression of an airy, light and weightless styling.

Since there are no uniform cuts, the image becomes natural, simple, direct, and excess rigor disappears.

Styling options

Consider the main types of styling this hairstyle.

With a bang

The easiest and fastest way to style Cascade with bangs involves using a hair dryer and a round comb. In the process of creating a hairstyle, it is necessary to twist the milled ends and give

So, to create a styling, you need the following tools and tools:

  • massage comb;
  • hair dryer equipped with a crevice nozzle;
  • round brush;
  • styling mousse.


  1. Wash your hair, comb thoroughly with a massage comb and treat the roots and ends with mousse or gel.
  2. Using a round brush, lift the hair at the crown and back of the head, and use a hair dryer with a crevice nozzle to walk through these places. The flow of warm air should be on one strand for 1 minute. The air temperature should initially be high, and then change the hot air to cold.
  3. Go with a round brush to the very ends, while exposing the entire strand to the air flow.
  4. Such drying has a positive effect on the strands, creates a spectacular basal volume, emphasizes the evenness of the straight tips, which are slightly directed inward.
  5. The bangs, no matter what type they are - straight or oblique, are dried by analogy without focusing on the roots.

Such styling is very simple, takes a little time and gives the girl confidence in her beauty.

No bangs

If the cascade assumes the absence of bangs, then you can make a stylish styling with the help of ironing. Using this method, the hair is shiny, perfectly smooth. And although there is no basal volume, each layer of the haircut and individual strands are emphasized, and this looks especially interesting on hair dyed in several colors.

To create a styling, you need the following tools:

  • iron;
  • comb with frequent teeth;
  • fixative varnish.


  1. Dry clean wet strands with a hair dryer.
  2. Distribute a thermal agent along the entire length of the hair, which will protect them from the influence of high temperature. This is a very important point, especially when it comes to or curls, which have a fairly porous structure. The thermal agent will perfectly protect the hair from overdrying and.
  3. Having set a certain temperature on the iron, depending on the type of hair, carefully and slowly walk through each strand from roots to ends. You can wrap the ends a little inward to get a perfectly smooth and straight strand.
  4. Finally, go through a comb with frequent teeth and fix the result with varnish.

Possible difficulties

There are no particular difficulties in creating styling on hair cut using the cascade technique. Of course, it is much easier to do this when the strands are not too long. And if we are talking about, then it is advisable to straighten them before starting to create hairstyles, and this is a waste of extra time and effort. But without styling, the Cascade looks completely unattractive, so you have to put up with these minor difficulties and create spectacular and beautiful images.

Is there a difference in laying different lengths of the Cascade?

Of course, there is a difference whether the Cascade is made on long or short hair. Firstly, short hair is much easier to style, and secondly, there are not many options for short hair. Most often, styling is not created, the essence of which is to create a tousled effect. To do this, apply a little foam to wet curls, paying special attention to the root zone.

But for long and medium hair, there are much more styling options. Here are just a few of them:

  1. You can curl your hair from the roots with a curling iron. Bangs, if any, can be curled or combed to add volume. Perform curls in a spiral or light waves. It all depends on the personal preferences of the girl.
  2. You can curl your hair with curlers. To do this, treat wet curls with foam, twist the strands on curlers, dry your head with a hairdryer. Carefully remove the curlers, create volume at the crown by bouffanting. Curl the bangs with a hairdryer.

Laying the Cascade is not such a complicated process as many people imagine. In total, it will take 15-30 minutes of time. And numerous options for its execution will allow every girl to constantly look stylish and original.

With a beautiful hairstyle, every woman will always be attractive. It doesn’t matter at all how long and structured her hair is, the main thing is that it is well-groomed.

In the hands of a real master of hairdressing, even thin strands acquire volume, splendor and, if necessary, length.

Haircut "Cascade" - ideal for all types of hair for several decades, this year does not lose its popularity, and even acquires new interesting varieties.

Why are medium-length Cascade hairstyles so popular. What are their advantages and features

Kaskad attracts special attention with its versatility. The multi-layer cutting technique is quite complicated, but it has many options for execution, it allows you to vary with the length and models.

A variety of types of haircuts allows you to choose the optimal shape for any female type, because this is the basis of the image and image.

Suitable for:

A classic medium-length Cascade hairstyle can be transformed from casual to festive with a touch of styling.

Although in its natural form it gives the owner plenty of charm and charm. Thin and not very thick hair acquire splendor and volume.

Thanks to the right choice of form, if necessary, you can visually correct facial features.

The cascading haircut differs from the "Ladder" in soft lines and smooth transitions of sections from the crown to the tips.

There are no strict rules, so the simplest, classic type of hairstyle can be turned into a super fashionable original model with small touches.

A cascading haircut can stand out with:

  1. Asymmetrical or "torn" strands;
  2. Oblique bangs;
  3. Toning, coloring, etc.

A hairdresser is also a kind of artist, and his work is creativity, in which it is necessary to take into account not only the preferences of the customer, but also all the individual features of the available “material” to create a masterpiece.

There are a lot of all kinds of professional tricks that can beat any nuances in achieving the desired result.

Disadvantages of cascading haircuts for medium length hair. What is important to consider

Hairstyle on the "Cascade" of medium length, is more beneficial for soft, no matter, straight or slightly curly curls.

Thick and hard can react very ambiguously, because the shortest strands can be naughty and ruin the overall harmony.

Despite the simplicity of the haircut technique, strict adherence to clear symmetry is required. Therefore, it is better to entrust your hair to an experienced stylist, with a firm hand and a keen eye.

In general, if there are even small problems with the structure of curls, you need to be more careful not only about the method of cutting, but also about the tools used.

Thin, lifeless hair "Cascade" can "fluff" even more, in order to avoid this, it is better to refuse thinning or do this procedure as carefully as possible.

Curls with small curls require an individual approach. For them, you will have to reduce the frequency of steps. And for greater pacification, use the means of fixation and styling.

Curls of medium length for a cascading haircut are more obstinate than long ones, weighted by their own weight.

In order not to spoil my own impression, from the total number of Cascade options, you need to carefully choose the most optimal, taking into account the type of face, its advantages and possible disadvantages, color, structure, hair length, eye shape, necessarily age and all other significant factors.

Be careful! Unhealthy hair, first of all, requires careful care and treatment, no haircut can get rid of this trouble, although it is an integral part of the treatment complex.

When choosing a hairstyle for a medium length cascade, you need to take into account the shape of your face and the overall style of clothing.

A cascading haircut demonstrates the beauty of the hair best of all, so problematic, especially short and medium-length hair needs a very careful work technique.

Recommendations for choosing a cascading hairstyle according to the shape of the face

For an impeccable appearance, the main thing is to accurately choose the shape and model of the hairstyle so that it turns out, which is called “under the face”.

Round face

Ideal for the classic long "Cascade" without bangs.

The average length asks to adhere to several conventions: make the beginning of the strands from the chin, it will be more interesting if it is torn.

The presence of a bang is better than an oblique one, it will help to make an oval narrower. Although its shape depends on the preferences of the hostess.

Oval face

Looks good framed by "Cascade" based on a square, make torn strands at the crown.

Any version of the bangs will reduce the oval if necessary.

You need to cover your ears to make your face a little wider.

triangular face

Has no big restrictions in selection, the layering of the "Cascade" with the extension downwards will give the desired effect of fullness and smooth out facial features.

Square face

Should not open with a short haircut and even length to the level of the chin or focus on this level of splendor.

It is better if the strands cover the cheekbones, gently flow down the cheeks.

Rectangular face

Likes pomp and thin layers, but not smooth framing of the face.

Creative mess is very beneficial and presents beauty with a twist.

pear face

Played with "Cascade" with torn bangs and the same strands not longer than the line of the cheekbones.

The volume at the top will increase the width of the forehead and create the desired proportion.

diamond face

Decorate oblique bangs with a parting to one side or even its absence.

The length of the hair should cover the cheekbones. You should abandon the volume at the crown.

Hairstyle "Cascade" for medium hair length, is pleasant in that it does not require mandatory styling and special efforts at the same time. This is very relevant at the present time.

For everyday life, sometimes drying with a hair dryer with appropriate manipulations of the comb is enough. Light stylish negligence is now one of the fashion trends.

Hairstyle options "Cascade"

There are many options for cascading haircuts. They should be chosen depending on many factors, ranging from appearance to age category.

classic look

The classic "Cascade" of medium length can be slightly lower or higher than the shoulders, have two or more layers. The height of the levels varies from the place of the desired splendor.

The haircut starts from the crown, separating the section of hair for the bangs, if it is provided. The higher the top layer, the more the entire volume is obtained.

Each strand is separated by a vertical parting. Having decided on the upper strands, cut off their tips in a zigzag. Then pull the lower strands up and compare with the first length.

Check out the bottom length. Cut the curls framing the face with a ladder and profile. Make bangs. Cut off excess length and touch up rough cuts. Check the symmetry of the hairstyle.

The principle of any "Cascade" is a gradual, soft transition from short hair on top to long hair at the ends.

Note! Thin hair requires smooth transitions between tiers. Rigid strands, on the contrary, need deeper steps. These rules are especially relevant for cascading haircuts of medium and short lengths.

The classic is all-encompassing This type of hairstyle suits absolutely everyone, regardless of age. Laying does not take much time and effort.

Professionally, you can create the most diverse and original models, playing with shapes and colors. To reduce time costs, a fixing agent and a hair dryer are enough to create volume, twist the tips.
double view

Double "Cascade" is distinguished by milled tips on each layer, a small difference in the length of the tiers.

There are several ways to perform a haircut:

  1. The control strand is selected between the back of the head and the crown, its length will be a guide for all hair. The rest of the strands are combed to it and cut at a right angle. Having issued the back of the head, you can proceed to the temples and crown. This results in a natural, even comb back. This is the best way to add volume to thin hair.
  2. You can start by creating a hat on the top of your head and go down to your ears with a ladder. This is quite original and unusual, one might say a daring version of the "Cascade".

Of course, it should be remembered that the volume of the crown, open ears, combed back are not very necessary for elongated ovals of the face.

Important to remember! Proper laying implies volume from the roots and laying steps one to one. And when making the tips, you can show imagination. In hair styling, even the mess has to be artistic.

Laying the double "Cascade" emphasizes the splendor of the top and the distribution of the lower strands in a certain order or randomly. It is better to use cosmetic wax or gel for this, with which each of them is processed separately and twisted in the right direction.

View with bangs

"Cascade" with bangs suggests a variety of their types: straight, short, long, asymmetric, two lengths, triangular, etc.

By itself, the bangs are the highlight of any hairstyle, because it is in the foreground, which means that the correct design of the beauty of the face depends on its shape.

Types of bangs in accordance with the types:

Graduated View

Graduated "Cascade" is not suitable for weak and split ends.

The principle of its implementation is the layering of tips of different lengths on top of each other. All kinds of bangs are appropriate for him.

Ragged look

Torn "Cascade" - a godsend for lovers of creativity.

Multi-stage with curls of different lengths and periodicity, the randomness of the structure of the haircut conceals any flaws in the shape of the face. True, it has its own difficulties in laying.

asymmetrical look

Asymmetric "Cascade" is based on a graduated haircut at an angle. Its length and appearance must be selected based on the shape of the face, height and weight in order to achieve harmony and proportionality. It is characterized by dynamism and unusual images.

"Cascade" will never lose its popularity, because it is impossible to present femininity, individuality, highlight advantages and beat proportions more beautifully and in a variety of ways.

This haircut allows you to model a lot of original hairstyles. and easily dispenses with no styling at all, while maintaining style, charm and charm for girls of any age.

In this video you will see hairstyles for a medium length cascade, stylish options for haircuts of this type.

From this video you will learn what haircut can be done for medium length hair.

Cascade for long hair is one of the most beautiful women's haircuts that never loses its relevance. This hairstyle is worn by many celebrities. It has no age restrictions and suits absolutely everyone. The haircut cascade has a lot of advantages, which is why it has been in hits for many years.

In terms of its structure, a cascade is a multi-stage haircut, where strands from the shortest length go down with a ladder. Hairstyle appeared about 50 years ago.

Of course, for so long, she could not remain unchanged. And gradually, stylists added additional options to the main technology, diversifying the cascade.

Today, a haircut exists in the following forms:

  1. Classic cascade. Strands create a uniform and smooth ladder along the entire length of the hair.
  2. two-level cascade. In this version, the haircut has two pronounced tiers - a cap and the main length. The transition between them can be sharp and or smooth.
  3. graduated cascade. In this modification of the haircut, special attention is paid to the edging. She is more subtle.
  4. With the help of deep thinning, pronounced steps of strands are created, randomly located along the entire length. Such a cascade looks especially impressive on hard straight hair.

The haircut can be worn with or without bangs. Also, the cascade on long hair is in perfect harmony with many types of coloring and gives volume.

Who is the cascade haircut suitable for?

There is hardly a girl who would not go long curls. Long hair is the natural beauty and femininity of the fair sex. Haircut cascade goes with any type of hair and is combined with all types of appearance. Only the haircut option is selected individually. When it’s a pity to cut off the length, but you really want a beautiful hairstyle - a cascade is a great way to create a new look.

Combination of cascade and hair types

  • Thin hair. Classic and graduated cascade is suitable for such hair.
  • Wavy hair. For girls with this type of hair, a cascade is the most ideal haircut. You can choose any option, except for a torn cascade.
  • Straight hair. A ragged cascade and a two-level one look best on such hair.
  • Curly hair. Ladies with very curly hair can cut any cascade, except for a two-level one.

The thicker the hair, the deeper the thinning should be done. Girls with thin, unruly, dry hair can also safely choose this haircut. It will renew the tips, give the hair a healthier look, and facilitate care.

Types of face and haircut cascade for long hair

Girls with an oval face are suitable for any style of cascade. You can also choose different bangs. The thing is that the oval face is the most versatile and does not need to be adjusted with hairstyles.

A square face cascade always makes it softer. You can correct the contour of the face with the help of a bang: it should be oblique or torn. You can leave a long bang lying on its side.

The triangular type of face looks good with a graduated cascade and even short bangs.

An elongated narrow face will look harmonious with a voluminous classic cascade and torn straight bangs. Some girls may like thick short bangs.

Haircut technique

Despite the complex appearance, the haircut cascade is quite simple to perform.

  • First you should wash your hair. If they are clean, then moisten with water.
  • The bangs, if any, are stabbed into a separate clip. The rest of the hair is divided into two zones: occipital and parietal.
  • Right in the middle of the crown, you need to stretch a strand (2-3 cm wide) that will be the shortest, measure the length and cut at an angle of 90?. This strand will be the control for the entire haircut.
  • First, all the hair on the parietal zone is cut. Strand by strand, hair is pulled up to the control curl from the front, then from the sides. The angle of each cut is 90?.
  • When everything is ready in the parietal zone, the master proceeds to the back of the head.
  • Hair from the entire back of the head is pulled up to the same control strand.
  • After the main haircut is finished, the hair needs to be combed, trimmed in length and edging.
  • The last step is thinning. Its depth depends on the structure of the hair.

The elongated bangs in the cascade haircut give the image sophistication and at the same time playfulness. The elongated bangs frame the face very beautifully, giving it a more rounded shape. Thick bangs to the side will help soften the contour of a square-shaped face.

With a ragged cascade, the transitions in the haircut are more pronounced, while thinning is still done, if the density of the hair allows. Haircut cascade will help to significantly increase the volume of thin or weak hair.

On curly hair, the cascade haircut looks very good, the strands fit into beautiful curls, even if you just dry them naturally.

Is it possible to make a cascade hairstyle on long hair on your own?

Even a professional master can not always cut his own hair. Such experiments are always fraught with unpleasant consequences. Haircut cascade is perhaps the only one that you can try to do on your own at home.

To do this, collect the tail in the middle of the crown, tie it with a thin elastic band. Measure the desired length and simply cut off the excess. Without loosening the tail, tilt your head, and, holding the scissors vertically, make several cuts into the depth of the hair.

Untie your tail, comb your hair - your cascade is ready. Of course, the result of such a haircut is not comparable with the salon. The method is valid only if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to use the services of a master, but there is an irresistible desire to cut the cascade.

In order for the hairstyle to always look well-groomed and beautiful, do not forget to monitor the health of the tips. Nourish and moisturize them with special products that match your hair type.

For those who have long hair, the most stylish solution would be a cascade haircut on long hair, this is a universal haircut that suits everyone, especially if there is a small amount of hair. This haircut is light and easy to style.

Cascade was popular back in the seventies. This versatile hairstyle does not give up its position today. Ease of styling allows you to spend a minimum of time creating the desired image. This is ideal for thin hair: due to the ladder, additional volume and splendor are created. As a rule, haircuts for medium length hair are made by girls who are not afraid to remove extra curls, who like to experiment with their hair. This hairstyle can be done in a variety of ways. A cascade haircut is performed for medium hair, taking into account individual characteristics: the shape of the face, the shape of the eyes, the height of the forehead, the length of the nose.


Cascade variations

Cascade is available on curls any length, except for the shortest "hedgehogs". With any hair structure, with minimal care, the hairstyle will look great.

A variety of haircuts allows you to change the image without removing the length.


This is a standard ladder haircut, where the strands smoothly change length from the crown to the back of the head. Good for everyday look. Looks perfect on straight and wavy hair.

With a bang

You can do any bangs with this haircut. Thick, straight, oblique, extremely short - everything fits perfectly into the image. With the right form, you can successfully correct the face.

More carefully crafted the ends of the hair distinguish this haircut option from the classic one. This method allows you to better and longer keep the correct shape of the hairstyle, gives the hair a luxurious volume.

This is the basic version, but with unevenly cut strands. Looks best on straight sparse hair. Good for a light, playful look. Many masters cut this type of cascade with a razor, which does not have a very good effect on the health of the hair.

This two step method looks great. on straight hair, where the sharp transition can be easily seen. In combination with double painting in contrasting shades, the hairstyle looks much more spectacular.

This variant of the cascade assumes different hair length on both sides of the face. Creative styling is great primarily for young people, although older ladies sometimes boldly come to the salon for such a haircut.

Ways to style cascading hairstyles

There are many variations of laying the cascade. Simplicity and variety allows you to look every day in a new way.

Everyday option does not require much effort:

With the help of a hair dryer and brushing, you need to lift the roots at the crown. For a long-term effect of volume, it is advisable to comb the hair and spray it with varnish. The ends can be slightly curled with an iron.

A cascade hairstyle for medium hair will look luxurious if you curl curls and along the entire length.

Evening and holiday styling options:

For evening events, curls all over the head can be curled with an iron, making light waves. Raise the hat with a fleece.

A beautiful look gives styling curls towards the face. This method is suitable for any corporate holidays.

strand laying, curled out opens the face, making the image light and airy. Perfect for wedding or graduation events.

Slightly wavy hair can be styled with mousse or foam, creating creative chaos. Get a playful look.

It is possible at all straighten loco us flat iron. Great for hairstyles with straight bangs. Such styling can be done for all occasions.

Curls look great with any haircut. give the image a little romance.

How to choose a haircut and styling according to the shape of the face

Different types of cascading haircuts allow you to choose the best variant of the cascade for each face shape.

Properly chosen styling will help correct imperfections and focus on more attractive elements.

Round face

For this type of face, it is desirable to do a cascade with strands on the face. This will visually stretch the shape. A straight bang is not recommended, it is desirable to cut it obliquely and profile it well.

oval shape

Perfect for this face shape any hairstyle. The bangs look great: both straight and oblique.

Triangular face shape

A two-level cascade is perfect with long bangs. This option will even out the flaws in appearance.

Square face

With this face shape, desirable asymmetrical haircuts without bangs. Slightly curled curls framing the face will also correct the appearance.

rectangular shape

Laying with strands curled to the face and thick straight bangs- ideal for this type of appearance.

pear shape

A graduated cascade will look more harmonious. With this face shape volume on the head. It is better to make bangs light asymmetrical.

diamond face

Cascade with creative mess and oblique bangs perfect for this face. Light waves perfectly complement the image.

In any case, the master in the salon will select the perfect haircut and styling option for you. All you have to do is keep your hair in shape, style it properly at home and periodically come to your master for correction. But it should be remembered that not all types of hair are suitable for this haircut method.

It is not advisable to cut the cascade on very curly hair, especially of medium length, otherwise you will end up with an astrakhan hat. Also, do not perform this haircut on hard thick hair. You will get the effect of an uneven haircut made by a non-professional.

As a rule, a cascade for medium hair is cut most often. And this is the right choice for most girls. Because the hairstyle has many different variations and methods of execution, a cascading haircut will always and everywhere be relevant. A variety of styling will make any hairstyle chic, and the owner of luxurious hair will become an impeccable queen of the ball.
