Tattoo on the side of the finger. Tattoo on the fingers for girls (photo)

The topic that we will talk about in today's article will appeal to many, because these are tattoos. They have become incredibly popular over the past few years, and almost one in five have them, so we could not touch on this topic. Many people ask, is it possible to get a tattoo on the fingers? Of course, yes, but before moving on to a more detailed consideration of the subject of our little study, it is necessary to understand the terms and all the intricacies of this difficult matter, because there are certainly those among readers who have their own prejudices on this matter.

So, tattoos are called drawings that are applied to the body with the help of special equipment. It is important to understand that paint is used for this, which penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, which makes it possible for it not to wash off and delight its wearer every day.

Prison tattoos on fingers and hands

Previously, tattoos were perceived as a symbol of involvement in the criminal world. Prison and thieves tattoos were often called tattoos. On the backs and other parts of the body, the prisoners were tattooed with domes, on the knuckles they wrote the names or nicknames that they received during the term.

Today, however, tattoos are perceived in a new way. Today it is an art form where you can show your imagination using the body as a canvas. These drawings have many uses. For example, it can be just an impulse, a person’s desire to diversify their appearance, a dream from childhood, a way to close a scar or hide other defects, an opportunity to warm up the intimate interest of the opposite sex, etc.

Everyone perceives tattoos in their own way and this creates a need for diversity. Bones on the fingers, the space behind the ear, legs, etc. can become a place for a tattoo. Today we will talk about tattoos on the phalanges of the fingers.

Where to get a tattoo?

Today, tattoos are made on completely different parts of the body. These can be tattoos on the fingers, on the neck, behind the ear, on the back, on the forearm, legs, etc. Recently, tattoos on the fingers have gained particular popularity. And all because it looks extremely gentle, attractive and unobtrusive. In addition, absolutely everyone can decide to take such a step, unlike large drawings that occupy a fairly large area on the body.

A tattoo on the fingers for girls is a way to stand out among the crowd or an opportunity to put a phrase on the body that motivates, inspires or encourages some action. A tattoo on the fingers for men is an opportunity to express themselves, to express themselves. By the way, speaking about what exactly is applied to this part of the body, several main types of drawings should be distinguished.

Most popular among girls:

  • numbers (for example, the number 13 on the fingers is very popular among girls);
  • animals (cats, butterflies, birds, feathers, wolves, lions, a snake around a finger, etc.);
  • letters, ;
  • , bows;
  • inscriptions with translation;
  • flower tattoos (lotus, rose on the finger or lily);
  • words (love, hope, destiny);
  • stripes, dots and crosses;
  • elements (rocket, planet, moon, stars, sun);
  • musical attributes (note, treble clef);
  • keys, clock;
  • question marks, various symbols (yin-yang, infinity, heart, crown);
  • rings, rings on the finger and much more (in this case, a tattoo is made around the finger).

Planets on the side of the fingers

Pattern in the form of plants

Treble clef on index finger




Most popular among men:

  • swords and daggers;
  • anchors, arrows;
  • banknotes (dollars, euros, etc.);
  • runes;
  • amulets;
  • date, month and year of birth;
  • card suits;
  • skulls;
  • zodiac signs (scorpio, aquarius, etc.);
  • pistols, etc.


Sword and torch

Star Wars sword

Dog portrait

tattoo on 6 fingers

Kolovrat, amulet

Pistol on the finger

AK assault rifle

As you can see, there are a lot of options. You just have to give free rein to your imagination, think over the style and designation, and then they will become an excellent canvas. The tattoo between the fingers, namely the heart tattoo on the finger, has also been quite popular lately. It symbolizes the love experienced by the bearer of the picture. Love can be understood in completely different areas: love for relatives, for a loved one, for work, for life, and so on.

How to choose the right sketches and decide on this step?

Even the smallest drawing on the fingers can tell a lot about the nature of its wearer. It all depends on where the picture is located and how many people it is available to, in what color and size it is made, and what semantic load it carries. There are many nuances, but all of them oblige the potential tattoo wearer to carefully approach the choice of sketch and location.

It is impossible to hide a tattoo on this part of the body under clothes, because hands are something that is always in sight, no matter how much we want it. Before you decide on a tattoo, think over the algorithm of actions, and then determine for yourself all the pros and cons of this undertaking. We recommend following these steps:

  1. Create or search for a drawing. This stage is one of the most important, because it is the picture that you like that will accompany you for a long time. The design of the tattoo should reflect your essence, and the picture should look harmonious on the body or hands. If you know artists, ask them to draw a sketch for you, or surf the Internet, look at the photo and find exactly the drawing or phrase that you like.
  2. Choose the size, type of paint and color. The most popular on the hands are small tattoos. Firstly, they can be done more, and secondly, it is not so painful and takes less time. As for color, black tattoos are best worn. Colored and white tattoos tend to fade with improper care, but more on that later. White tattoos are also in demand, because they look more delicate and elegant. By the way, advice to those who have not yet decided on a tattoo: make a henna drawing to find out if you even like to wear some kind of ornament on your body. Drawings on the fingers can be completely different. Show your imagination!
  3. Deciding with the master. Pay special attention to the selection of a tattoo artist, because it is he who will be fully responsible for how the drawing will be done and how it will look afterwards. Make sure that he observes all hygiene rules, that all tools are thoroughly disinfected, that he works with quality paints and machines, and that he is sufficiently qualified. You can also recognize him on a finger or any other part of the body. Check out his work in advance and when you are 100% sure - go to battle!
  4. Finally. Do not forget to ask the master questions about how to care for the tattoo, about pain during and after the procedure, and if necessary, ask for anesthesia. After all, many are puzzled by the question of whether it hurts to get a tattoo on the finger. Once you have all the information you need, follow the instructions provided.


Remember that the hands are the most "demanded" part of the body, and especially the fingers and palms. We constantly touch something with them and, as a result of friction, the tattoo can fade and lose its original appearance over time. That is why the most popular colors are black and dark colors (blue, burgundy). They are less subject to erasure than images of bright colors.

Sometimes tattoos are blurry and not clear, it's not scary, just contact the tattoo artist and he will correct the tattoo

In order to make a cool tattoo that will delight you for as long as possible, remember about timely correction, because at the beginning the tattoo on your finger blurs. This can happen to anyone, but if you notice this, immediately contact the master, and he will fix everything in a matter of minutes. Remember that healed tattoos look much more beautiful than fresh ones. Be patient and then everything will be fine.

Trends and novelties

We all follow fashion, because it dictates to us how to look and what to wear this season. The fashion for tattoos has already firmly rooted in the minds of most modern people. Tattoos on the ring finger are becoming more and more popular. Often these are tattoos around the finger, which are similar to wedding rings or something like that.

Paired tattoos on the ring fingers, clover leaves, he brings good luck

Paired tattoos, oddly enough, are popular among couples who want to show everyone loyalty to each other. They are a great solution for lovers. Today there is a huge variety of beautiful minimalist tattoos that many people will like. As for gentlemen, most of them get a tattoo on the middle finger of their left hand. The tattoos on the toes of the girls symbolize summer, because it is at this time of the year that the legs are as open as possible. Often these are light tattoos, contour, with a minimum of filling.

A photo

An interesting review of finger tattoos, from cool to minimalist. The case when every tattoo is good.

The art of wearable drawing has left its mark on almost all parts of the human body. Recently, fashion trends have touched tattoos on the fingers of men. Courageous representatives of the stronger sex, who are not indifferent to their own appearance, are trying to draw the attention of others to their hands, and they succeed with brilliance. Unlike their predecessors of the last century, who served in the army and left tattoos on their fingers in the form of a name, date of birth or military branch as memories, modern men approach the tattoo meaningfully. The original sketches look stylish, their meaning is a thoughtful choice and a source of pride for men.

Advantages of wearable image on the fingers

Finger tattoos have several obvious benefits. The first and unconditional plus is the creativity of this procedure. Hands are constantly in sight, so the owner of a tattoo on his fingers can always be sure that his silent message will be noticed by others. A well-chosen pattern will make the hands more masculine, and the image will be complemented by a touch of uniqueness. This is especially true for rock or pop performers, athletes, bikers and other public representatives of this kind of professions and hobbies.

The procedure for applying a tattoo on the fingers is relatively painless. Tattoo lovers who have experienced the sensations when drawing on other parts of the body are happy to note this quality. The skin on the fingers is thin, without a fatty layer, it practically fits the bones. But the secret is that in the process of life, the fingers become coarse and become less susceptible to pain. First of all, this applies to men who do a lot of physical work with their hands, so the procedure for applying a tattoo will give them slight discomfort.


The tattoo applied on the fingers always remains in sight, so when deciding whether to apply a drawing, you should carefully evaluate the situation. If the current work allows you to decorate yourself with drawings, and there are no plans to build a career, you can safely go to the salon. If you plan to serve in a responsible position, work in a serious company or educational institution, you should refrain from tattooing on your fingers. Men's hands can only be hidden in gloves, which is extremely inappropriate indoors.

A male tattoo on a finger requires special care and constant correction. In the process of life, every man performs a lot of physical work, comes into contact with various aggressive substances and is constantly in contact with water. All these processes have a detrimental effect on the brightness of the color, so it must be refreshed regularly.

Most Popular Sketches

There are a lot of tattoos, the male versions of which are suitable for applying to the fingers. The main condition for a beautiful picture is a small drawing that can fit in a small area. It should also be taken into account that the skin on the fingers is wrinkled, the joints are bent. Therefore, it is recommended to find a professional who can perform a full-fledged drawing.

  • Zodiac signs

    Very popular among men is the sign of the zodiac, which is applied to the finger. Representatives of the stronger sex, who are fond of astrology, prefer to demonstrate their zodiac sign. Thus, it becomes clear who the owner of the tattoo is according to the horoscope. A zodiac sign borrowed from another constellation can be an excellent amulet or reward with qualities that this man lacks.
  • inscriptions

    Often men use tattoo inscriptions on their fingers. Such words, phrases or concise phrases fit perfectly on a small area of ​​the skin and look very stylish. The inscriptions can be made in any language, Chinese and Japanese characters are especially popular. The tattoo on the side of the finger, which allows you to read the inscription, see the drawing or the sign of the zodiac with a certain hand gesture, looks mysterious.
  • patterns

    Patterns and ornaments, as well as anatomical drawings, are suitable for decorating fingers. Often they repeat the structure of bones, the circulatory system, skulls and skeletons are especially popular. Ethnic motifs, honeycombs, cobwebs, etc. cover the skin with uniform patterns, creating the appearance of a glove. Such tattoos harmoniously look in the form of a general composition with hands and sleeves.
  • Symbolism

    Symbolic designs are often used in men's finger tattoos. This may be a sign of the zodiac that protects its owner; the sign of infinity and the hourglass, reminiscent of the transience of life; a horseshoe that brings happiness; a star or crown characterizing its owner as a person striving for fame and power; religious symbols in the form of a cross, crucifix, crescent, star of David, emphasizing the man's belonging to a particular religion.
  • Floristics

    This direction is found on the finger of the stronger sex in the form of a rose, lotus, lily, poppy. Such people position themselves with valiant knights, ready for exploits for the sake of love. Trees, their leaves and branches indicate that a person is not indifferent to the environment. All kinds of cacti and thorns will tell about a man who will not let anyone into life without his consent and will be able to stand up for himself.
  • Animals

    Among animals, guys prefer wild representatives of the fauna. An exception is the image of a beloved dog, cat or rat as a sign of devoted love or memory. In other cases, the male choice falls on lions and tigers, lynx and panther, wolf, bear, elephant, etc. The owner of the tattoo chooses the animal that is closest to him in spirit. Men with these tattoos are always courageous and strong. Very popular are arthropods such as scorpion, cancer, crab, spider with or without a web. Each image has its own specific meaning.
  • Insects. Birds. Fish. snakes. reptiles

    All of these categories are incredibly suitable for finger tattoos. Each man who has chosen this sketch associates himself with his tattoo, has the corresponding qualities or dreams of finding them. And the images, in turn, generously reward their owner, radically changing his life.
  • Tattoo in prison

    Prison tattoos are fundamentally different in meaning from tattoos stuffed in freedom. If for many men a tattoo on the hand or on the fingers is a way of self-expression or emphasizing the image, then prison tattoos for prisoners have a deeper meaning. Most of the people serving their sentence put rings on their fingers, the shape of which determines the status of the prisoner. Therefore, people who do not break the law should carefully read the history of the drawing they have chosen, especially when it comes to fingers. But if the prison story has nothing to do with a man, and the meaning of a tattoo behind bars is not of interest, you can safely choose a drawing and go to the salon for a happy change.

Photo gallery

A selection of sketches

Recently, various kinds of body decoration, and, in particular, tattoos, have been widely popular. If back in the middle of the twentieth century they were inherent exclusively in the male half of humanity, now they are also spreading among the fairer sex. So, finger tattoos for girls are very fashionable. They can look very modest or, conversely, defiant. Such graphic images sometimes have a deep meaning, and sometimes they just serve as a stylish decoration. In any case, it is necessary to make a decision about getting a tattoo with all responsibility. This will help you avoid disappointment in the future.

Types of finger tattoos

If you are interested in the topic of tattoos, and you are thinking about decorating your hands in this way, then first you need to find out which varieties are most popular.


black heart


Inscriptions and hieroglyphs

To express your unique idea with a tattoo, it is best to seek advice from the master. It will help to decorate what you would like to depict in an original and tasteful way. A special meaning can be hidden in the lines of patterns, the meaning of hieroglyphs, or simple and capacious phrases written in a beautiful font.

The fingers are one of the most prominent places on the body, so you need to depict here something that really decorates you. In order for the tattoo to look harmonious, you need to carefully approach its choice. Simply following modern trends often leads to the fact that naturalness and originality leave the image of a girl. Listen to yourself more often and choose your unique style. If in doubt, a conversation with a tattoo artist often helps. It is worth trusting only professionals. They help to make the right choice and avoid disappointments in the future.





A tattoo on the fingers for girls can become a real decoration - unique, interesting, often carrying a deep meaning. But sometimes tattoos make people regret what they did. This usually happens if the decision was made impulsively. Therefore, it is necessary to act thoughtfully and slowly. Also, carefully approach the choice of a master, because in this case a lot depends on him.

Experts call finger tattoos for girls a new trend in the art of body painting. This original solution has recently become common among the fair sex. Women, having tested female tattoos on all parts of the body, came to the conclusion that the pattern on delicate handles looks very original and stylish. Men also agree with them, whose admiring glances are automatically riveted to a female brush with a tattoo.


The main advantages of a finger tattoo for girls are originality and sexuality. Drawings in this area, according to a survey of tattoo artists of popular salons, are not ordered as often as tattoos on other parts of the body, so it is not easy to meet a woman with an elegant symbol on her finger. This means that with the help of such a tattoo you can complement your image with a unique detail.

For girls who want to emphasize their style and attract attention, this choice is very far-sighted. A tastefully selected drawing will be able to decorate a woman's brush and silently express ideas that cannot be demonstrated to others in any other way.

Tattoos located on the fingers favorably emphasize the beauty of the hands. This is all the more true if the girl loves and knows how to gesticulate beautifully. Smooth and precise movements will add life to any drawing.

For patient girls who are accustomed to discomfort in the process of tattooing, tattoos in the finger area will not become unbearably painful. Although the skin on this part of the body is thin, close to the bone and does not have a fatty pad, it is sufficiently hardened by external influences. Constant contact with liquids of different temperatures, the influence of various detergents during cleaning make the skin immune to pain. Therefore, during the procedure there will be only a feeling of some discomfort. However, this is a general rule, from which there may be exceptions, since each has an individual level of pain threshold.

The tattoo can be applied on the side surface of the finger (most often the index finger), on the top (there are more options here) - on any phalanx. In the first case, inscriptions are chosen as a sketch - from one or several small words.

Important Points

  1. The hand is that part of the body that is constantly actively exposed to external influences. That is why endless washing, home and country work without gloves, temperature changes will become the reasons for a relatively quick change in the tattoo. This is especially true for tattoos on the finger for girls who constantly take care of the skin of their hands, making cosmetic baths and lubricating the brushes with cream. The color of the tattoo becomes not so bright, and the pattern loses its original appeal. This circumstance requires constant correction, with each session of which the contour lines of the drawing will become deeper, and the skin under them will become rougher.
  2. All kinds of drawings and inscriptions on the fingers, photos of which can be seen on the site, cannot be hidden from prying eyes. That is why girls who have a prestigious job that does not allow tattoos should think carefully when choosing a place for a tattoo. It must be understood that the hands will be constantly in sight of the boss and colleagues. Hiding tattoos will only be possible under gloves, which will look ridiculous indoors (except when gloves are part of the outfit to maintain the appropriate image).

Popular sketches

Before deciding on a tattoo on the fingers, it is recommended to carefully consider the choice of pattern. Sketches should be small, but capacious in meaning. In a tiny image or a jewelry-made inscription, it is necessary to express the whole essence, so it is important to properly distribute the area. You can’t do without the advice of a professional tattoo artist, so you should be very serious about choosing a master.

  • inscriptions

One of the most popular sketches on the fingers of the fair sex are inscriptions. Most often they are located on the side of the fingers and represent one or more words or a concise expression. The inscriptions can be made in different languages, Chinese or Japanese characters look very stylish.

  • Signs, patterns and ornaments

Among the lovers of body painting there are women who prefer to apply tattoos on their fingers with the image of small signs or figures that have a clear geometric shape. For example, diamonds are very popular. A lot of girls and fans of patterns and ornaments. Such tattoos look very stylish in this part of the arm. Many ladies depict jewelry in the form of original rings. Such female finger tattoos do not carry a deep philosophical meaning and are used solely for beauty and creativity.

  • Flora

Tattoos on the fingers depicting elements of floristry are visible and invisible. Girls prefer sketches of flowers. At the same time, it is important what semantic load the selected plant carries. Leaves, twigs of trees or shrubs look no less feminine on thin girlish fingers. The trees themselves are used as sketches. Cherry blossom, birch, thin palm tree with spreading leaves, even spruce (or rather, its silhouette) look original.

  • Fauna

The fair sex is happy to fill themselves with a tattoo depicting cute and (or) predatory animals. Animals can be depicted in full growth with the proper level of skill of the tattoo artist. However, girls often ask to prick the outline of the animal's head, while, of course, it must be guessable. Bird tattoos look elegant on the fingers. It can be a migratory flock or one miniature bird. Each bird on the tattoo has an individual meaning, and the hostess chooses what is closer to her. Girls also decorate their fingers with exotic fish. Both a goldfish and a predatory shark will look great here. Insects such as ladybugs, butterflies, flies, mosquitoes, spiders and dragonflies will also be very appropriate in a small area of ​​​​the fingers.

Multi-colored pebbles, stars, chains, beads and other patterns will look great on the fingers of lovely ladies. If girls approach the choice of a tattoo from a creative and at the same time philosophical side, they will feel comfortable and confident with the chosen pattern.

Video from the tattoo artist

Photo tattoo on the fingers

Tattoos on the arms have long lost their original meaning and are no longer a hallmark of former prisoners. Now this direction of permanent drawings and inscriptions on the skin is one of the most fashionable and in demand.

Tattoo on fingers

Everyone wants to express their views on life and their own individuality through appearance. Tattooing is one of the many ways to do this. The phalanges of the fingers are the best suited for such purposes, because the hands are always in sight and it is almost impossible not to notice, not to appreciate the drawing. Moreover, with the help of such jewelry, you can even designate family status, many newlyweds now prefer to use tattoos instead of rings, as a symbol of eternal love. Below we consider the main types of tattoos on the fingers and the most interesting examples.

Tattoo on the fingers - inscriptions and their meaning

The most widespread tattoos are in the form of words and phrases in English or Latin. Usually such inscriptions express a person's life position, reflect his priorities. It can be quotes of famous personalities, various aphorisms. In addition, inscriptions from a small number of symbols are popular, for example, on the finger with the word love. In addition to the fact that it looks great and neat, such a skin decoration will never let you forget what is most important in the life of its owner. Tattoos also look interesting in other languages, more ancient ones - in Egyptian or Maya. The symbolism of these peoples is filled with deep meaning and is distinguished by the elegance of signs.

side finger tattoo

The side of the fingers allows the master to make a tattoo consisting of many letters. This area is best for long lettering or significant dates. Various tattoo designs are also practiced, for example, a feather, an infinity sign, an image of a pistol and others. Most often, the permanent is applied on the side of the index finger or little finger.

Tattoo between fingers

This is also one of the types of side finger tattoos, but it is less visible to others. Drawings and inscriptions can be both very small and quite large. In this case, you should not limit your imagination and even dwell on monochrome pictures. Color tattoos of butterflies, ladybugs, spiders and snakes are very popular. In addition, you can make an interesting meaningful inscription for a couple in love. It is interesting to look at phrases that are read only when the fingers of one and the other hand are combined, or which are a continuation of each other.

Tattoo on the thumb

Perhaps this area is chosen by the most extraordinary and extravagant personalities. The thumb is an area that attracts attention, so the tattoo will definitely be noticed. Patterned rings, symbols, letters and drawings of various sizes are used as sketches. Fans of miniature tattoos will like images of a treble clef, notes, significant letters from some foreign alphabet, images of celestial bodies.

Women's tattoos on the fingers

Naturally, there is a difference between and men. A more sophisticated weaker sex prefers an elegant, aesthetic permanent pattern. To make inscriptions, it is advisable for girls to select a patterned font and make the lines as thin and neat as possible. Since women's fingers are much thinner and often longer than men's, floral patterns based on Indian wedding paintings look very beautiful on them. For lovers of geometry and sharp corners, shapes such as a triangle, circle or star are perfect. The main determining factor in the choice is the meaning that the owner of the tattoo puts into it.
